August 13-14 - Sacred Heart Parish
August 13-14 - Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Parish Sunday, August 14 Outdoor Polka Mass 10:45am (Maroszek Brothers) 11:45am-3:30pm p BINGO (Noon-2:00pm) Face Painting Double Pig Roast Crafts Ice Cream BINGO the Balloon Clown FREE balloon animals Kids Carnival Games (Noon-3:00pm) Picnic Taxis Food & Beverage Tents Large RAFFLE! Usborne Book Fair DUNK Father Luke! 1st Prize = $2,000 10 Prizes Awarded! Drawing @ 3:15pm Contact Information Sacred Heart Parish Center 715-526-2023 321 S. Sawyer Street, Shawano, WI 54166 [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8-4pm Fri 8-noon Sacred Heart Catholic School 715-526-5328 Three year old preschool through grade 8 124 E. Center Street, Shawano, WI 54166 Website: Prayer Chain 715-584-1756 Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Parish We, the members of Sacred Heart Parish, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are continuing our ministry of Jesus Christ. We are committed to forming ourselves into a caring and active Christian Community, to promote the values of our religion and to fulfill the universal mission of our ministry. Pastor’s Pen For the Week of August 15-21 By Fr. Luke Ferris MONDAY, August 15 “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12:49) Our Lord speaks of fire and that can make us anxious. Fire suggests to some of us the fires of hell and the damnation of those who choose evil. But our Lord and Scripture also point to fire as the burning love that God has for us, his people. Our God is the pillar of fire that goes ahead of us and leads the Israelites and us through the desert to the promised land. Our God enkindles love within us so that our hearts burn for Him and every person around us. We receive this love in a unique way as we celebrate our parish picnic. The fire of our Lord’s love placed that burning in our parish founders almost 150 years ago. We receive that love and reach out to each other with joy and celebration, and feel the warmth of His blaze. Parish Rosary . . . 7:00pm . . . Church TUESDAY, August 16 Homiletics . . . Noon . . . Center Library Strong Bones . . . 3:45pm . . . School Cafeteria Finance Council . . .6:30pm . . . Center Library Building & Grounds . . . 6:30pm . . . Center Upper Conference Room WEDNESDAY, August 17 Stewardship Committee . . . 5:30pm . . . Center Library Pastoral Council . . . 6:00pm . . . Center Upper Conference Room THURSDAY, August 18 Strong Bones . . . 3:45pm . . . School Cafeteria Choir Practice . . . 6:30pm . . . Church SATURDAY, August 20 33 Days to Morning Glory . . . 8:00am . . . Center Library Sacrament of Reconciliation St. Martin Catholic Church in Cecil Saturday 3:30-4:15 pm Saturday 9:00-9:30am Gratefully yours, Fr. Luke Let us remember in prayer Samuel Peterson who has been called by God to eternal life. We also remember his family and friends, and pray that God will give them consolation and peace. Through the Sacrament of Baptism we welcome to our Catholic Faith Community Morgan Mae, daughter of Johnny Vretenar & Bonnie Fox and Alluria Olivia, daughter of Tiffany Mayland. May God’s love and presence be with them as they begin their Journey of Faith. The Shawano Area Food Pantry (SAFPARC) is in need of volunteers for three hours per week. If you are interested or have any questions, please call Flo Withers at the food pantry at 715-524-5863. Pantry hours are Monday—Friday 8:30 to 11:00am. MASS INTENTIONS for Aug 15-21, 2016 MONDAY, August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Not a Holy Day of obligation this year) 8:00am † Sr. Evelyn Antoine TUESDAY, August 16 8:00am 10:30am Communion Service Evergreen Care Center† Anton Brunner READINGS OF THE WEEK Sunday: WEDNESDAY, August 17 8:15am † Sonja Stewart Monday: THURSDAY, August 18 8:00am † John Swanke Tuesday: FRIDAY, August 19 8:00am † Merlin & Annabelle Fox Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: SATURDAY, August 20 4:30pm † Tom Paterick SUNDAY, August 21 7:30am 10:45am For the Members of Sacred Heart Parish † John Gallagher 2 Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53 Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12, 16/ 1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35-36/ Mt 19:23-30 Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 20:1-16 Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 22:1-14 Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-9/Mt 22:34-40 Ez 43:1-7a/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 23:1-12 Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/ Lk 13:22-30 Our Seminarians Need Your Help Our annual Seminarian Collection is underway. By now, you have received a letter from Bishop Ricken inviting you to take part in the vocation mission. Please return the pledge card through the mail, or donate online at Whatever you are able to give is greatly appreciated. On August 20-21, Deacon John Thorsen, will speak at our Masses so we can hear about his calling and how we can help. August 6-7, 2016 Adult Sacrificial Giving Electronic Giving Loose Offertory Children’s Offertory Weekly Stewardship $ 7,704.00 2,484.50 826.03 35.00 $ 11,049.35 July contributions were $ 670 over the budgeted goal. Student Grant/Youth Education Building Maintenance Fund Electronic Giving Total $ 10.00 Trip to The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Champion, WI Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday August 15 Leave From: Sacred Heart Parking Lot, 8:00am. (car pool) Mass at the Shrine: 11:00am followed by the Rosary Procession Celebrant: Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, Milwaukee Homilist: Bishop David L. Ricken Contact for more information: Gail Bartz, 715-853-1428 or [email protected] $ 42.00 70.00 $ 112.00 Thank you for your contributions. Catechist and Helpers There will be a catechist and helper orientation on Wednesday, August 24 at 5:30pm in the cafeteria. We will be learning how to operate the new classroom technology among other important tasks. Mark your calendar and plan to bring a salad or dessert. There will be Luigi’s pizza involved! Food Collection Help Wante Wanted eedd Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers to help run their annual brat fry sale at Charlie Charlie’ss County Market August 22, 23, and 24. We are especially looking for help on Tuesday, August 23 and Wednesday, esday, August ust 24 224. If interested, interested d,, d please contact Susan Kurek att [email protected] skurek@ @sacredheartshawano.or edhe edheart heartts rrgg orr o 715 71 1155-526 5 526 52 26 2 6-41 4104. 4 104.. Help our youth attend Extreme Faith aith Camp and Steubenvill Steubenville nvillle Conference next year! r! The St. Vincent de Paul Society will have the Food Collection boxes out next weekend, August 20 and 21. Especially needed are elbow macaroni, fruit juices, canned fruit & canned tomato products. Thank you for helping us help others! SPONSOR OF THE WEEK We would like to thank our sponsor of the week El Tequila Mexican Restaurant They are located in Shawano or call them at 715-524-5282. 3 ****************************************** Susan Kurek, our DRE, will be on vacation August 11 through August 22. ****************************************** Sacred Heart Religious Education PARENTS OF FIRST GRADE STUDENTS Please come in to the Parish Center to register your students. Tuition is $100 per child. Center hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm and Friday 8:00am-Noon. If you need an evening or weekend appointment, please contact Susan Kurek, at [email protected] or 715-526-4104. Please prayerfully consider becoming a catechist or helper for the coming school year. Catechists receive full tuition exemption as our way of thanking you for sharing your time with the children. Helpers receive half off tuition. We are in need of catechists and helpers for grades 1, 4, and 5. These classes meet from 3:15 until 5:00pm. No experience necessary. Training is provided. Teaching the faith is an excellent way to learn more about it yourself! Enroll NOW at Sacred Heart Catholic School Three-year-old Preschool-8th grade · There is STILL time to register your child/ren for the 2016-2017 school year! · Grab an Admissions Folder at the school table during the Church Picnic this Sunday to learn more about our programs and opportunities! · TWO New Family Scholarships worth $500 each are still available. · Tuition assistance, grants, discounts, scholarships, and Scrip rebate dollars can help offset the cost of tuition. · As a member of Sacred Heart Parish, your family is eligible to receive a Parish Subsidy, which reduces tuition to ONLY $1,575 for 4K-8 and $750 for preschoolers (per student)! · Families can pay tuition in one lump sum or in 10 equal payments from September-June. Contact Autumne Gee, Director of Admissions & Development TODAY at [email protected] or call 715-526-5328 to learn more! 4 Back to School Night & Fall Pictures for the 2016-2017 school year will take place on Thursday, August 18 from 3:30-6:30pm. Families will meet the teacher(s), drop off school supplies, and complete registration paperwork. Be sure to dress accordingly as students will also have their school pictures taken. More details are found in your registration packets that were mailed out this week. Any questions, please call the school office at 715-526-5328. TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 13-14, 2016 Date & Ministry Daily Wk of 8/15/16 Aug. 17-19 Lector Sat 4:30pm Aug. 20 Sun 7:30am Aug. 21 Sun 10:45am Aug. 21 Gail Bartz Janine Brunner Aleta Young Commentator Mary Hoppe Jim Leuenberger Carrie Young Server Braden Waukau Domenick Badalamenti Leslie Lemerond Dane Adams Michael Dickmann Peter Fuller Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion William Hoppe Mary Gast Susan Blumreich Muffy Culhane Rita Simon Maria Antonucci Diane Brandl Betty Weber Irene Leuenberger Mary Ellen Waldvogel J. Edison Woods Sharon Giese Richard Raflik Patricia Dey Sue Stadelman Jolane Rankin Tom Rankin Elizabeth Alexander Sue Meyer Patty Retzlaff Ushers Roger Blumreich Mark Dillenburg Gerald Dillenburg Randy Lorge Robert Weber Thomas Radtke Carl Haas Chris Willcome Mary Willcome Michael Bystol James Stempa Richard Stadelman Craig Young Jeanne Boyd Jeff Brunner with Linda Goerl Julia Fenn Jeff Brunner with Linda Goerl Greeters Music SCRIP Mark your calendars! Sacred Heart Parish 23rd Annual Golf Outing Please note that we will NOT be placing any orders for SCRIP on Monday, August 15. We will be placing orders again on August 22 and will be selling SCRIP in the Gathering Space again on the weekend of August 20 and 21 after all Masses. Sunday, August 28 Golden Sands Golf Course We are looking for volunteers to assist with LifeTouch portrait sessions November 25-26 and December 2-3. Please contact Dottie Borowski if you are able to assist. LifeTouch sign-up continues for December 2-3. We will continue to take your reservations on-line, email or phone call. On-line: (look for LIFETOUCH SIGN-UP link) Email: [email protected] Phone: 715-280-0060 If you have forgotten when your portrait is or when you offered to volunteer—all schedules are posted in the Gathering Space on the LifeTouch bulletin board. All photography sessions are in the church basement—enter door #1 at the car port. 5
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