Mitch Jones` catalog


Mitch Jones` catalog
Mitch Jones
Docutone Series Rhythm & Blues
oil and mixed media on canvas
80" x 64"
525 2nd Street - San Francisco, CA 94107 - 415.495.2090 -
Mitch Jones
Docutone Series Rhythm & Blues - detail
Mitch Jones
Docutone Series (Black/Grey)
oil and mixed media on canvas
80" x 64"
525 2nd Street - San Francisco, CA 94107 - 415.495.2090 -
Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine - Dec 2008
An image from a feature article on renowned architect Antoine Predock
t has been two decades since
renowned architect A ntoine Predock designed this dramatic
M odern home on a Paradise V alley, A rizona, mountainside;
but to hear him talk about it, it could have been yesterday.
“I ts spatial complexity is really interesting,” he recalls cheerfully
from his Albuquerque office. “ Y ou have to experience it.”
Phoenix Home & Garden did just that recently, photographing
the residence dressed for the holidays.
Predock was happy to learn that its current owners, N ikal and
Robert C onti, entertain often outside on the home’s spectacular
48-foot-long bridge. “I t’s a bridge going nowhere, but you can
take it anywhere,” he once told a lecture audience. T hat sentiment might be a metaphor for his celebrated vision. Predock’s
commercial and residential projects—green before there was
such a label—have won him national and international acclaim.
I n 20 06, he was awarded the prestigious A merican I nstitute of
A rchitects G old M edal.
T he magnitude of that particular honor has special meaning
for N ikal C onti. She studied Predock’s principles as she worked
toward her own architectural degree at Southern Polytechnic
State U niversity in M arietta, G eorgia. A native of the San Francisco Bay A rea, she never dreamed that one day she would live in
a Predock-designed residence, much less this one. “ W hen I was in
school, I studied this home,” she says. “I t’s known as T he Zuber
H ouse.” Predock designed it for Sid and Judy Zuber, a couple
with an “enthusiastic and adventurous” spirit, he comments.
Relocating to the Phoenix area in 20 0 0, C onti toured T he
Zuber H ouse when it came up for sale four years later. “I t took
me 15 minutes to decide to buy it,” she admits with a smile. A
principal of Peterson A rchitecture & Associates, she has found
the residence’s “simple and comfortable spaces” enormously livable. “ T he house plan is a simple T shape, allowing us to entertain
in the one part of the house that overlooks Paradise V alley, C amelback M ountain and the surrounding skyline—the top of the
T—and to have privacy and also enjoy the view from our bedroom
and study, in the leg of the T .”
T he home’s interior designer, D ana Lyon, describes Predock
as an architect who was ahead of his time. “ H e used very few
materials and let the architecture speak for itself,” she says, noting that the prevailing stainless steel, A bsolute Black granite,
light maple wood and limestone are much in vogue today. W orking with C onti on furniture and art selection, Lyon also is mindful of Predock’s belief that a structure must be integrated with
its natural environment. T oward that end, “ W e chose paintings
and sculptures that complement the natural feeling of the desert
landscape,” she says. T he
same respect for a house
that C onti says is “a legab[WZ_d]jej^[[djhoe\j^_i
cy” went into the festive
yet sophisticated holiday
decor of both indoor and
outdoor spaces.
Set for an evening of
C hristmas season dining,
the storied bridge glows
softly with candlelight.
I t appears as Predock
recently envisioned—as if
it is being “hurled toward
the lights of Scottsdale.”
Mitch Jones
Artist Statement
In truth, you are the champion of your own soul.
My paintings from the past couple years have lead me on an incredible journey;
one of further self discovery! My recent work has lead me to the point of what
the Japanese call Satori, which means “personal enlightenment!”
Painting as a discipline, and the process, has often been referred to as an
artist’s visual journal. The paintings themselves are “residue” of what an artist is
thinking or feeling or going through at the time. I have always felt that for me,
painting is also a way of actively scratching the surface to get at what is
deeper... digging... excavating.
My whole motivation for making paintings is really about getting at what I call
the “truth”... my personal truth... what I perceive as truth. There are obviously
many levels to speak of when it comes to the matter of “truth” but
as a painter, ironically, one must stay “true” to themselves. Meaning, I must
paint the way I paint and stay true to my expression.
If one’s work has decorative qualities, as mine does, it may not be readily
apparent to a viewer, the deeper content actually behind a particular painting
and THAT, right there, lies the artistic challenge... the driving force to make
paintings! I want to make beautiful paintings, but I also want them to have
something to say, something that can only be seen below the surface.
So now, I’ve set myself up with a double edge sword. How do we get ourselves
to look below the surface, if what attracts us in the first place is satisfying
enough? It’s a challenge that is, I believe, worth taking on. This challenge is
what excites me and drives me as a painter!
The past two to three years, I was drawn to, and started collecting old books
and documents, ledgers, visual encyclopedias. I wanted to find a way to use
some of the material in my work. After collecting for a while, I came to the
realization that all the images and written material before me was really a
metaphor for what I wanted to put across. It took quite a while before I found a
way to use the materials in my paintings. One aspect of the fascination for me
was the fact that some of these very old documents were hugely important to
the person who authored or owned them and through time, they become more
or less, old pieces of paper in an antique store. My paintings are documents
now too. They are hugely important to me, but where will they end up?
It is an interesting time to be alive... everything in our lives have become so
temporary it seems. Our attention span as a society has become shorter. We
seem to idolize so many who’s achievements would have been considered
average at best not too long ago.
Why aren’t we looking beyond what is in front of us? Why are so many people
not demanding more from themselves? A friend of mine divulged to me that the
closest person in their life said to them recently, “You dream too big!” What size
are our dreams supposed to be?
Still, a painting is visual proof of one’s journey. It is my hope that my paintings
are seen or “read” like a document and that they can inspire the viewer to look
beyond the surface and maybe a little deeper within.
At the same time standing before something that radiates a beauty that was
born out of the world in which it was created.
...without excavation there is no find.
Mitch Jones
Selected Exhibitions
2009! One Person Show, Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco (February)
2008! Art Miami Basel, Red Dot Fair, Represented by Andrea Schwartz Gallery
Red Dot Fair New York, Represented by Andrea Schwartz Gallery
2007! Art Basel Miami, Red Dot Fair, Represented By Andrea Schwartz Gallery
Three Person Show, Costello Childs Contemporary Art, Phoenix
Two Person show, Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco
2006! Two Person Show, Steel Gallery, San Francisco
Costello Childs Gallery, Phoenix
2005" “Summer Reading”, Steel Gallery, San Francisco
Commission, six paintings, Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas
Parogone Gallery, Los Angeles
2004" “Black and White”, 13th Annual National Exhibition, Tampa
“Less”, Trudy Labell Fine Art, Naples
“Summer Reading”, Steel Gallery, San Francisco
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
2003! Chiaroscuro Gallery, Scottsdale, Santa Fe
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
2002" “20th Annual National Small Works Exhibition”, New York Arts Council
Chiaroscuro Gallery, Scottsdale
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
2001! Chiaroscuro Gallery, Scottsdale, Santa Fe
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
2000! Chiaroscuro Gallery, Santa Fe
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
1999-1991, Group Shows:
Randall Beck Gallery, Boston
#Bentley Gallery, Scottsdale
Udinotti Gallery, Scottsdale
Paragone Gallery, Los Angeles
“Drawn To The Extreme”, National Exhibition, Galleria Mesa, Mesa
Museum Exhibitions
Palm Springs Desert Museum, 34th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Juror,
Gordon Fuglie, Director of Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University,
Los Angeles
Holter Museim of Art, National Juried Exhibition, “ANA 31”, Juror, Gerald Peters
Palm Springs Desert Museum, 33rd Annual National Juried Exhibition,
“Journeys in Light and Color”, Juror, Michael Zakian, Director of the Frederick
R. Weisman Museum of Art at Pepperdine University
Corporate and Public Collections
Bloomingdales, New York City
Bloomingdales, South Coast Plaza, Irvine
Bloomingdales, San Francisco
Sheraton Hotel, Phoenix
Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas
Bellagio Resorts, Las Vegas
Fedelity Investments, Scottsdale
Merrill & Assocciates, Honolulu
Sun Cal Corporation, Irvine
Chas. Dunn Real Estate, Inc., Los Angeles
Sotheby’s Real Estate, Scottsdale
Richard Love & Associates, Century City
Roxbury Capital Management, Santa Monica
Equitable Home Mortgage, Phoenix, Scottsdale
Russ Lyon Realty, Scottsdale
Simmons Insurance, Scottsdale
Camelback Title Agency, Phoenix, Scottsdale
Equitable Real Estate Companies, Phoenix, Scottsdale
Museum Collections
The Crocker Museum of Art, Sacremento, Ca,
(Gift of Barbara and William ! Hayden)
Selected Private Collections
Ms. Danielle Steel, San Francisco, Paris
Mr. George Benson, Maui
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Broatch, Paradise Valley, Coronado
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conti
Ms. Helen Rogers, New York
Mr. and Mrs. John Vatistas, Phoenix, Honolulu, Sand Point
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nicholas, Paradise Valley, Lake Geneva, La Jolla
Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alpert, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Paradise Valley, La Jolla
Ms. Dorothee Cohen, Scottsdale
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cooper, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Verde Dickey, Paradise Valley
Mr. Ken Dickey, Phoenix
Mr. Patrick Lee, Bel Air
Mr. Jim Sweeny, Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weis, Scottsdale
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kaufman, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sperling, San Francisco, Montecito
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Butterfield, Paradise Valley
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Freidland, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kroot, Paradise Valley
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Latter, Pacific Palisades
Ann Wharton, San Francisco
Ms. Renay Toronto, Paradise Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Turoff, Scottsdale
Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder, Paradise Valley
Phoenix Home & Garden, December, 2008, “Architectual Legacy”
Antoine Predock House, (painting featured).
Miller, Wendy. Arizona Valley Chronicle, feature article, “Mitch Jones,
A Glimpse Into The Past, Aged Documents Bring History To New Artwork”,
November 2007
Erenworth, Janet. “Showcase”, Visions Art Quartely, Summer 1993
Cover, Santa Fean Magazine, May 2001
Paintings featured in many Interior Design Magazines (Private and Corporate