Combined With The Cheshire Times SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 \"01. LXXX, No. 26 ,--------,,-,-----~----------~ ~;~ ,T own DODGERS PICKED Lewis' Brilliant Victory Crier Man-of-the- BY LOCAL FANS TO BEAT YANKS Joint Meeting Caned To Consider Police Pay H. Mo FISKE SR DIES AT HOME IN PLANTSVILLE Diver T orrin,gt.on Starts Footba.ll Fever In Town W altAdams Sees .Kene~ As The Key . 6¥' Secretary 5 Years; Had Retired Recently I VARDILOS IS SURE ABOUT THE BUMS tion it deserves. .... 'l'OWN PROPHET Forecast: If and when the pro· posed joint meeting between the town and borough p{)lice committees comes off, it will be one of the livest sessions the town has ever seen. The police are stand'· ing firm in their refusal to ac. Harold Monoe Fiske, Sr., 56, died at h's home Oll Summit Street, Plantsville, ear'ly yesterday morniJw after an illness of several ,l);nths. Until illness forced him to :e3ign several months ago, Mr. F:sh:e had tecn executive secre· ! tal:y of the Sou:hington Y. 1\1. C. A. , for five veal's. Mr. F~ske was a nativc of Ches, tel', Mass., alld be was a graduate ,)f the Y. lV1. C, A. Col!ege, Spl'i!lgMass. He wa" C"ga;>;ed in Y. Nt C. A. work for L~c :,~ ,~;) veal'" ce" '," 1? veal'S as seer,,tal'Y '~fu t'l;~ ~Ierid~;, "', M. C. A. before aS3uE1:IlX his au,;;:;; here. He also served as Y. M, C. A. se~petary in Pittsburgh, Pa" and in Joe SabateUa Says It's The Yanks In Six ___ • A m;:tjority of Southington baseball fans, out of sentiment perhaps, favor the scrappy Brooklyn Dodgers over, the New York Yankees in the World Series, which begins next Wednesday. Their predictions are based on the assumption, of course, that the Dodgers will edge out the St. :Jouis Cardinals in the ,hQttest National League race " ears. ----Air Raid Warden The maHer of salaries ff) be paid members of the South· ington Police Dep&rtment will come t¥p for discussion soon at il join:t meeting of the Police Committee of the Town and 13<:lrough of Southington. The five re1\'ular, members of he department have declined to accept a $3 weekly increase in salary voted by borough of· ficials and approved by the eJec,:ors at a ~oecial meeting. The police feel that the in· crease, i:n view of their requests and inereased living costs, is not sufficient. Since ths organization of the Police Department more than 15 years ago, no pay in· Icrease has been received by the regular members. 'T.l11 ,' H=I Single Copy 5 Cents D ,NSEPLANS MOVE FORWARDDURING WEEK C. Of C. Asks Town To Buy Equipment I THALBERG NAMED CHIEF AIR WARDEN State Council Sets Up 15 Control Centers III,D' I\., Local defense preparations in Southington moved ahead fast this week. The principal developments w e r e : ! ,~ 1. A resolution by the ,Chamber of Commerce, pasi sed unanimously requesting town officials to purchase portable radio sets and any other equipment xecommended by the loca] defense committee. 2. Thel:l!ppointment of Joseph H. Thalbel'g, att~)lne'y, of Plantsville, as C,hief mr raid warden for Southington. 3. A plan announced yesterday by the State Defense Council for directing ail' raid warnings through flfteen district control centers, with. Southington placed in the lYleriden area and Cheshire in. the Waterbury area. . ce,pt a raise of $3 a week offered IO:~"'~"1:, ~ .Joseph H. Thalbel'g (above), by the borough, and there is no ~JL 11, tJ of Plantsville, has been named sign as yet that borough officials chief air warden for Southing· are' prepared to go any furthe:r. y" SE~ ,ton by Police Chief Edward ~ _ Geary, chairman of the deForecast Two: Southington m;ill,: feuse committee. lVIr. Thalberg , retailers,ar;H not likely to prices imiliedia.t~ly' ..s the YNaterbury, Conn. is assistant prosecutor in the During the time he served as " town eourt and is active in of milk· control· regulatk' r Adams, service station secretary of the Southington Y. M. A: . 'J. J. Chamber of Commerce affairs. become effecti:ve in 'thee, s,!ia.te:, t, of Berlin. Ave.r1Ue, feels C. A., MIi. F:ske 'was also execuWednesday. t:,at the D?dgers ':111 Wlll the s~· I Photo by Dalton of The News St' nes, prOVIded cnppled CharlIe Sparkplugs in the upset vic tory scored by Lewis High School tive secretary and one of the 01'Crowding At L e w i s : Keller does not break into the over Torrington were the alert backs shown above. The players, ganizers of the South'ngton-PlainSends 'Em Home Early j Yankee lineup. He's of the opinion REMINDER left to right, are John Kavana ugh, left haIf; Bob Moore, qual'· ville Foremen's Club, and he ,ms terback; Capt. Ed Geary, Jr., fulLack, and Franl, Carlhert, instrumental in forming the South· T,hough Nature lets summer that Keller's potent bat, coupled ington Community Forum. Again this yeal', because of over· right half. linger on, the season is about to with Joe DiMaggio's, can turn. the Mr. Fiske is survived hy his crowded conditions at Lewis High tide >of victory for the Yankees. end, as far as the clo,cks are con- Walt says, "The Yankee pit'Chers rington, a team that had defeated widow, one daughter, 1\1rs. Arnold School, Principal Martin G. Phelan cerned. Before you turn in to- will have trouble holding those the Lewis teams of '39 and '40 by Lissance, of New York City; one announces, many pupils are forced morrow night, d()l1't forget to set Dodger batters in check." v single touchdown margins, the 10- son, Harold Ill. Fiske, .Jr., of this to sludv in their own homes during Congregationalists back the clocks, or you'll be late Peter Vardilos, restaurateur, of, cal team showed a wealth of pow- town; two sisters, 1\1rs. Gertrude the fin~J period of the school day To Attend 2 Parleys The Chamber of CQn:msl'ce resfor your Sunday appointments. Main Street, says, "The Dodgers er. The Lewis captain, J<Jddie Godfrey, of Arlington Heights, rather than in the classrooms. olution was proposed by Judge And he Geary, grahbed the 'opening kick- Mass., and Mrs. Andrew Nelson, This is done to eliminate the neWilliam J. Hurley at the organizaDaylight Saving time ()fficially will win the series." I 0:11' from Torri,ngton's Onderdonk of East Longmeado\\', Mass. I C8i'S'ty of having study pupils in Members of the First Congrega- lion's first fall meeting aHer much ends at 2 a. m. Sunday and East· wouldn't enlarge on his prediction. The funeral wi'l] he held at 1 :30 a classroom where recitations are tionalChurch, Southington, will discussion on the floor, The prospect of an unbeat- and ran .it back to the. Lewis Police Chief Edward Geary wishern Standard Time will be re' D d ld' . H' h' yard stnpe. On a senes of l111e The discussion followed talks on sumed. Services in all Southing- es the fi g htmg 0 gel'S wou, wm en season for LeWIS 19 s bUcks and off-tackle slants, Capt. p. m. tomorrow at the Plantsville being held. Pupils have received attend two out-of-town conferences Congregational Church. Burial will dismissal applications to be signed during the coming week, the Rev. the defense p,'cDlems of this area ton churches will be on Standard the series but is not certain they football team, as the result of Geary and Frank (Cowboy) Carlhe in Springfield, Mass. by the;r parents only in the event Mr. Richard H. H.itter, pastor, stat- by CJlflT18S Eo Newton, secretary Time this Sunday, with the ex- can after the ~errific stre~ch battlej its stunninO' upset by a 13-6 , they approve of their children eel yesterday. of the :'l (~rielen Chamber uf Cumthey've had WIth St. LoUIS. "" fIT . bert carried ,the hall to the Torception of the Immaculate ConJoseph. Sabatella, barber, of ~~ore of ,the power u . 01- ringtol1 five, where the latter took Surprise Shovler Given studying at home for the final 50· On :Monday from 10 a. m. to 5 merce; Police Chief :t;clwad F. ception Church, where the new Main Street, disagrees with the nngton ~Igh eleve? SatUl~ay it over the goal line on a sbarp off· P . minute period each day. D, m. Protestants of all denomina- Geary, chairman of the loca, detime will not be in effeet until majority. He says, "Give 'Higbe at T?rrmgton" IS ro~smg tackle play. The try for point after F or Miss erll'UCCIO Principal Phelan states that the tions will assemble at the Central fense committee, and Iliilton g. • ~{onday, September 29. and Wyatt one game each in the Southmgton fans enthUSIasm touchdown was missed . plan, to date, has been working oui Baptist Church Hartford; to dis- Chaffee, of Milldale, Lhe commit\ ' Miss Jennie PelTuccio, daughter rather well and that the same me- cuss thE) present critical world sit- tee's specialist on radio. series but the Yanks will cop it in to a high pitch as the local Torrington elected to kick off At the meeting of the Chamher, six games.'" eleven prepares to face its again and the ball was taken by of Joseph Perruccio, of Cherry thod may be used for students who uation and the possibilities of . GROWTH A consensus of Southington fol- second opponent tomorrow at Akli on the Lewis 20. After two Street, IvIiddletowl1, was honored have a ~tudy period for the final church action. On Tuesday a num- which was held in the American Another sign that Southington lowers of the national pastime the Recreation Park gridiron plays Bob Moore, Lewis at a surprise miscellaneous shower part of the mohling school session. bel' of women from the local 'Legion Hall, plan~ WeT" mad" tor be h h "11 ' .' , caller, punted out of danger 11;; growing appears in' the' monthly last Thursda,,:" .night .at the home Almost without exception, pupils church will go to Glastonbury' to the annual meeting to be held un seems to . t at t e senes WI go here. Tonington's 40. The New City of Mrs. Dom:mc Ald1,. of Beecher who applied for dismissal to study attend the Fall Rally of Congre· October 28. A slate of oflicers and . bulletin of the telephone company. ~t .least SIX games, perhaps the All week long' Coach Joe Fon- eleven failed to gain in three plays (Continued on Page 4) '1'he number of iliations in service hmIt. Several groups o~ fans al- tan a has been drilling his charges and punted to' ,Lewis. A holding Street, South~ngton. ~Ifty at,te~d- at home received permission from gational Women of Connecticut.· ed. Mrs. Ald1 and MISS Chnshne I school officials. I Mrs. Ritter is in 'charge of reseron August 1, wherl the last count ready have purchased tIckets for in preparation for the stron!!' Junh' t 't penal tv set tng SQ]JL ll}g OIU es I Th(!§e gtatementg Wei'e igwed (;~f yarions for local W6m€f1 and tli61!e was made, was i673, an increase the ser1es and wHf attend one 01' ior -RepubUc "'rid team from Litch· hack ;n their own 20 again but Aldi WBTB tnB nDDt~,3,B~,S, Miss Perruccio will be married Mr. Phelan in answer to many in- who plan to attend are asked to onh.' Carl bert picked up a first down on of 132 or more than 8 per cent m.ore games. I.t's likely· thatd the field, an a·O'gfegationdefeated b Saturday, October 4, at St. Sebas· quiries about the many school chil- notify her as soon as possible. bIggest Southmgton atten ance once in 1940. Joe was wearing a a lIne smash. From here on the since the year began. tian's Church, Middletown, to AI- dren on the streets around 2:30 Tuesday night the leaders of the will he at the series' only Sunday worried look yesterday because of bal! see.sawed hack and forth un. hert Aldi, son of Mr. and Mrs. p. m. each day when schools are in "Happ,' Hour," which provides game. the fact he had had so little ad· til the end of the first quarter. Dominic Aldi, of Beecher Street. session until after 3 p. m. constr~ctive activities for children HIGH PRAISE vanc~ news of the strength of to· To open the second quarter T.::too young to attend church servo Our mail brings one of the morrow's opposition. Based on the de;;co and Grosso, of Tonington, Missionary Society ices, wil] meet at the parsonage to most gracious compliments The Lewismen's perfotmance against began a SHies of smart runs \\'1,je~1 It Will Come Up At discuss plans for the year. News has ever received. It comes Torrington, a Class. A school, they brought their team within "trik1ng To Meet Wednesday Town Meeting On 14th The llev. Mr. Ritter also anfrom Charles W. Sutherland, a should easily rack up their second distance of the Lewis goal line. nounces that the chu)'ch's hoard of The first fall meeting of the victory of the season. From the Lewis 22, Tedesc0 got distinguished New York journal· The approved budget for the dire~tors will meet Thursday at 8 Woman's Missionary SoCiety of the Lewis Scores Fi['st ist, who spends much time at current fiscal year of the Town of p. m. for their monthly meeting. Plantsville Congregational Church, (Continued on Page 7) In Saturday's game against Tor· Clint{)n, Conn. Mr. Sutherland is Southington calls for total approscheduled for September 24, was now associated with The Amer· Depositors To Receive . priations of $322'(iWi,73, according I Worker in Factory postponed and will be held next 75 Attend Shower ican Weekly and at ,One time was to David K. Lienhardt, of Milldale, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Wednesday, October 1, at 2:45 Final Dividend of 8% Loses Two Fingers an editor of the New York World. F or Amelia Casale secretary of the Board of Finance, p. m. at the home of Miss Frances ToGo As Missionaries whose members have approved the He writes: "One traveling through The remaining assets of the Albert T. Emm1d, 23, of Main Walkley, of Elm Street, Plantsyour part Qf good old Connecti- Plantsville National Bank, which , , --:,-. Miss Amelia Casale, daughter of various appropriati()ll~" ,, ville. Street, Southington, suffered the lVh~. and lV1)'~. \\'Ilham D. Webb, I sIr. and Mrs. Pasquaie Casale, of. , Ti1is final bud?;,,\, wlll be prQChange in the meeting's date cut may find it to his advantage closed in 1939, were sold last week lo~s of two fingers and part of a Y., have beC:::l named \ ~h) ,,': \'T. t St'lee 't ~SOU thOIngt on, ,vas ' '1 senteel for the electors' approval at to read your sprightly and, enter- at public auction to the Federal third on his left hand when injured was necess'tated b\' the sudden ill- of LIma, N. . . , , I"¥ a er 1111SSlO"ar',es under tne 'h' ~ J t. _ .,' . 'I . the adjourned annual to\\'n meetDeposit Insurance Corporation, of while at work Monday in the fac- ness of Miss Ellel{ Westerberg, of career ,'.. ",' B ' "'" . ,011O.e{, a a burpllse mlSCCl ,ane- I ~ , ~ , • ~ taining paper." .-unellcan ' 0,,:'(', 01. .I' Ore!2'11 ,lYHSI ']'"ues day nlg ' ht a" t h er . ing on" Tuesday uctooer J'i, ac . b Plantsville, who was to have been Washington, D. C., for $8,500. Plan Special Services tory of the Peck, Stow .& Wilcox . . . '.' 'T' OUR S10V,~2:r " ~on: 1~r. 0erV~() lJ~i Mt. SI'lJ1d,a home. About (.) attendetl. 'p. m. in the town halL Il?c];lded 1l~ the speaker. 'l'he sale was announced by F or October Fifth Company. FROM DEVENS ' as . ~lcal' VI. ere "hr. \"'f'ebbhwll Hostesses for the shower ,vere: ,the' budget are' 'apP:'opnatlonls 0 James McDade, liquidator in Emond was treated by Dr. I)e prll1Clpa of a sc 001 or oys i\ff '" P" Also in the mail was a card charge for the FDIC, bank receivI Casale. all ,1 1\," : '$160000 for _operatIOn oea~_1 . George 1\1, Gura before being re~ BUSHNELLS CELEBHATI~ ,'.' luI ". a~qua e " ,,' "IS .,[' , _,_ _ of "", I gillS. from Fort Devens,· Mass., bearing e1\. These assets represent the furani 'Fr"llk Casale ' s::hools and $16:0,61'1.13 to de.lla,Y Members of the Southmgton moved to the New Britain General Mr. and Mrs, William C. Bush. Jl,liss 'Casal~' \\,ill be married expenses of tOWIl governmental Bob Peterson's sign attire and niture, fixtures, accounts receiv- Council of Churches will unite Hospital. He is employed in the nell, or Plantsville, noted thoir , Mrs. 'Wehb, is, the former Miss S t' b 29' t St Th operat.ions showing a t{)uch of homesickness., able, real estate, mortgages and with the thousands of churches plumhing department at the fae· :3lst anniversary Sunday. They Charlotte FrlsblC, a natIve of M J.. lj Southington, who was educated in • 0,11.( 'C ], ell) eJm er . 'J<1 • I' B 0Four' items were eliminated bv We don't blame you, Bob, but the other hook values of the defunct throughout the world Sunday, Oc- torY. have one daughter and two sons. h mas' wrC,l 1ere t',0 ,osep 1 er· , . . t e local schools and at Northfield nardo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Car. the Finance Board as it completed tober 5, in a simultaneous observ- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Post Theatre shown on the post· bank. Seminary, East Northfield, iVlass. lllen Bernardo, of Berlin. work on. the abO\'c hudget. No In about two months, according ance of Holy Communion. The 'card looks like a pretty swell She is a graduate of the Hartford changes were made in the am0~Jl1ts, to Mr. McDade, the affairs of the event will emphasize the increasplace. Hospital's training school for requested for schools' operatlOm;, closed bank will be concluded and ing need' of, fellowship any Chris" nurses and also of the Midwoorl Mrs. Agatha Kopcza Total reductions made by the a final dividend of 8 per cent, or tian unity in a war-tol'll world. FROM A SICK-BED Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., where Dies At Home Here Board amounted to ~,2D,23J.OG. more, will be paid to depositors; This service is under the sponshe spedalized in X-ray work ancI Items eliminated included: $18,Still another communication is who have already received divi- sorship of the Federal Council of , laboratory technique. In 1928 she " h a .>\gnes Kop~za, 53, 216.96 for costs of the new town a welcome note from Mrs. Robert dends totaling 70 per cel1t. This' Churches of Christ in America in 11\'"rs, """gat .) did public health nursing in Hart- wife of Andrew Kopcza, of North hall office building; $8,500 for purE. Upson, our Marion and Mill- dividend will probably be paid be· cooperation with national denomifore!. "I' S· t d' d h h chase of new fumitm'e and equipdale correspondent, who· was ill fore the first of the year. nat:onal offices and with affiliated Brooks J.. Tarhox, of Cheshire. '1 \TV bb h b . Ch' ., aIn cree, Ie at er ome yes. '1 1e ' ~ s u-:e een 111 rlS- terdav afternoon after an illness ment for the building; $15 for e .. for two weeks in the New Britain When the bank closed in June, state and local 'councils. is one of thirteen Connecticut han foreIgn serVIce several years of se~'era] months. penses of the Finance Board, and General Hospital. Now recuperat· 1993, the sh{)rtage was /I!laced at The Rev. Mr. Philip King, pa, stor youths who will begin training h ""301100 All d.fu t t l 'I' (" t 1 next 'Wednesday as Army Avia· ~nd hoth. hav: taught a~ the Am~rShe W3S a member of the 1111- $2,500 for State Aid Hip;hways. 'ng at her home in lVlarion, Mrs .. \ avout.' 'j"" .'v'" '" e"osl.s. up .0 ' I of t le Plan lSVl ,e . ~ongl'ega.lOna. , l tion Cad2ts. He has met the rigid lcan U111verslty at. Beel'ut,' S\Tla, a I t C oncep t'lOll Ch urc h and At present Southington prop, ') 1 cu a e U son writes that she is making an d me1u,dmg $5 ,000 were .m15ure d . C. hurch and an. 0 ffi cIa I 0 f t h e S au th I ley have two chJclren, Doroth\, f th P l' h R C th I' U11- erty owners are a\\'aiting a deci~'l ' 1...~ k" d .odds· by the FDIC and were paId off a mgtOJl Councli of Churches, an- requirements for this hranch of "1 rI th f h' 0 e 0 lS oman a 0 l C ' . 8 ,an d D a,,~, .J, ) 0 . ? w.om ion of Southino.toll. a g OllOUS come-IJ"'c anI'lla • h t'1me a ft er th e f e dera1 agen· Eounces that commumon . . the service and will leave on MOIlsie}]1 from Charles McLaughl1l1, . sort sel"Vlces were born 111 ShanghaI, Chma. " _ b ) Connecticut Tax Commissioner, as "Just give m~ tp;ne and s?on cy took cha~'ge of the bank's af- will be held at all churches of the day for East St. Louis" Ill., where I . Ch' f I I n, b' Mrs. Kopcza leaves her husballc., f Th e war l!1 111::\ orce( t 1e vv e o s ' · to whether or' not the Town 0 be backpoundmg the typewrl.ter fairs. council at their regular hours of he will be enrolled at the Parks: t t t tl U't d s' t Aldre\\' Kopcz::t; two sons, John o re umo 1e 111 e ,a I;S. and Ambl'Oce Kopcza; three daugh- Southington may set a~ide $50,000 keys to do mY' bit toward, makmg No further assessment will be worship on Octoher 5. His own Air College. I t" ' For the past three years ----tel's, ]\11'0" Veronica Bteault and of $108,000 cash balance all hand our p·aper'"~he'b est ye. rnad e agamst t h e sh areh 0 Id ers.of I church school will ohserve R all y , ' ' Mr. .. .. the closed bank, Mr. McDaae saId. Sunday on that day also to insure Tar box, has bee;t a ~tudent ~n the Local Realty Firm tIle Mis~e" Helen and Genevieve at the dose of the recent fiscal .r 1 year and pJace it in a high school LIBRARY NOTE In 1940 an asse;;;:;~£lC':'lt of 9% per the largest possible attendance at Il1echanlcal e:rgll1~;llng dco~ls: at ,,\,opcza, a 1 of Souti1:ngtoll,' three · S I S I C t onlp e, es S IX a es building fund. The local Finance , the town cent was levied. the service. yracuse UllIverSl ":" an . e IS a brothers, Frank, John and Paul Mrs. Ellen, Beach, , member of the PSI Ups1lon fraPernal. all of Southington, and one Board, first sought an opinion .fro~l librarian, tells us that she has Paul G. Serafino 1 ternity there. The following real estate trans- sister,' Mrs. Agnes Parylak, of FranCIS A. Palloto, Connectlcut s received a second copy of William Exchange 'NiH Meet His parents, Mr. and 'Attorney General, but were j'eactions have been completed with- Plantsville. Shirer's "Berlin Diary," which Becomes A Sergeant At Plantsville Church George R. Tarbox, of Scott Ave.: The funeral will he held tornoI'. ferred by him to the Tax Commisin the past week by the Eustis & should cut down the number ~f nue, moved to Cheshire six years Cushing Company, Main Street, row at 9 :15 a. m. at the deceased's sioner. members on the reserve list for Paul G. Serafino, son of MI'. and ago. Mr. Tarbox prepared at If the money cannot he placed local real estate dealers: home and at 10 a. m. at the Imthis po,pular book. Before the sec· Mrs. Dominic Serafino, of 70 131'is- I Fall meeti'.lg'S of tl.e Southing- Cheshire /,cacIemy and was gradin a school building fund, it is A home on Oakland Road, o\\'ned maculate Conception Chcrch. Bur· ond copy came in, there were tol Street, who is at Providence, ton Exchange Club w!Ji begin at 6 uated with ~he Class of 1938, He I by Clifford Talma(lge, to Thomas ial will be in the Immaculate Con- probable that Southington taxpayR. 1., with the Sixth U. S. Army p. n;. ro1ondav the· Plantsville was an outstanding three-letter ers will benefit b,' a 4 or 5 mill E. Egan, Jr. ception Cemetery. fourteen waiting for the book. Corps, has been advanced from Congregational Church, Secretary athlete at the academy, starring reduction in the current tax rate, An HOLC dwelling on Bristol On the fiction list, "For Whom specialist, second class, to the Earl Cruikshank announces. Plans in footfall, haskethall and baseBROOI{S J. TARBO:': which is 21 mill" Street to Victoria Geloso. the Bells Toll" and "Random rank of sergeant. for the fall and winter meetings ball. TO A'I"l'E='JD CHURCH SESSION Should COUHi'i 'ssioner An HOLC house on Liberty Harvest" <are still at the t()p. Sergt. Serafino is stenogra'pher will be discussed ;t this meeting. At East St. Louis, ,Mr. Tarbox married men between 2:0 and 26, Ml'S. George G. Rackman, of lin 1'1"le favorhb, v on the "U'~,,,,,,n,, Street to Clarence Tompson, of Mr. Tarbox is 22, the same age .. • for Lieut. Col. John R. Holt. He During the summer months the will become a member of a class Main Street, will attend the sev· the matter will then be vYaterbury. WATER SHORTAGE leaves Providence on Monday for club met weekly at the Southillg- of sixty·two New England youths as his friend, Second Lieut. J 0enth biennial convention of the fore tb, electors of the town A house on Merrell A venue, Don't disregard those yell{)w army maneuvers in North Caro· ton Country Club. Garfield Bayrer, who will receiVE) three months of seph T. Klemovich, of Plantsville, Women's Missionary Society of the special meeting. owned by the Charles Keyes eslina. of Plantsville, chairman of the training there. This will be fol- who is in IceJ.and with the Air Lutheran Synod to be held at the tate, to Beatrice Nardi. slips you received from the water club's honse committee, said this lowed by six months at Army Air Corps. Imn1anuel Ldtheran CL:rch, Meri- ON v ACATWN THIP Dwelling on Chestnut Street, His brother, George J. Tarbox, company. They ask your coop era· BACK FROM HOSPITAL week that arrangements had been Corps Training' centers. Upon Edward Derynoski, of VeTl110 den, September 30 and 0ctober '1 tion in conserving water, because Miss Kathryn Grigerek, of Sum· completed to hold October meet· completion of their training, the Jr., is a chemical engineer with owned bv Harry Jackson, to An- and 2. She has ,Yri tten a special Avenue, is on a vacation tr of the shortageo.f rainfall this mel' Street, Plantsville, who un- ings of the Exchange Club' at the men will be appointed Second the Atlas Powder Company and is dl'e\'v Sr~ka, of Water Street. Property owned by Rudolph cOllvention hymn and she will con- thl'ough the New England stat year, and that co·operation should del'we,nt a tOllsilectomy Tuesday, F,irst Congregational' Church par- Lieuten:ants in the Army Ail' Corps now attached to its plant in JoPand Canada. duct the opening devotions. Furth to Alphonse Dighello. be given gladly, is recuperating at her home. lors, Southington. Reserve. All the trainees are un- lin, Mo. O"U AmI 2:30 v AREN'T LOAFING LOCAl CHURCH IJIIi,AS DELEGATE,S ... The H.1.nme Season Opens Tomorrow ?2. I " BUDGET IS SET AT $322,687,73 'J ... BANK'S ASSETS SOLD TO FDIC I NATIVE OF TOWN SENT TO AFRICA -CHURCHES UNITE FOR COMMUNION I J H' ., i I I A~1 Athlete At Cheshire W'ill Train As Air C,adet .. III I at THE SOUTHINGTON NEWS, AND ClIESHIRE TIMES, SEPTEMBER' 26, 1941 I Most Worshipful Grand Mastel' Walter M. Pickett and a lecture by Professor Andre Schenker of Connect'cut Stelte College (l-n "The I World of Todav." Professor SchcnI ker is a noted 'historian and public Telephone 886-JI i speaker. All Masons residing in i town are urged to attend and " ,': and Mrs. John W. Malmffey'l spend an instructive and highly of South Main Street, announce enjoyable evening. A.ny Mason deengagement of their daughter, Siri11g sopper tickets shouldc0111Madeline, to Andrew Daniel Bo- municate with Robert H. Pratt, daek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniell corner Main Street al;d Vel'n10ni Bodak, of Bristol. A venue. " Avenue, Hamden, last Wednesday' morning. Mr. Frenette is the brother of Mrs. Clarence Crosbv of Marion Avenue and was "well HELEN N. UPSON known to mnnv l'e"ide.ntH of Corresponclent Plantsville. He w;s engaged in the electric lawn mower business and Telephone 68- W2 also conducted a gas station on Dixwell Avenue. He leaves his lVir. and lVirs. 1%1'1 p. Hotchkiss, i wife, mother and three sisters. of Marion A venue, entertained - - .with a dinner party Sunday Mr. Mrs. Frederick Herb is ill at her and Mrs. Otis J:Iotcn1oss, lVus. A. home on Mulberry.Street. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Up. son, of Southington. The occasion --I Mr. and Mrs. ElJ Boulanger, of 1 was in honor of Mrs. Otis Hotch1\1 l'S. Harold Wvman of ;\C\', lVIt. V 8rl10n Ro~d, h"ve returned kiss' birthday and Mr. and Mrs . '.' .., J . W . U pson ' s wed ung \. . Yc C,"\', has been. the guest of from a motor tl'IP to Canada. anmverher ,,'stu, Mrs. Raymond p, Dicksary. In the afternoon Mr. and +' l\ff" St t Mrs. Forest Pratt, of Grove Mr~. Eugene Lawrence, of Chesh-. . erman, (h '~aln Tee". Street is visiting. her mother in· M d lV.T cI h M C II f - - - .• Ire, r. an ~rs. (ug co, 0 Mercer, Pa, £1 t d 1':,e Frenette' ___ . 10mason, an ..M1'. an d M1'S. Dixwell Charles Lewis, of Waterbury, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson, guests. of Highwood Avenue, have re• turned from a week's vacation Mrs. Eugene Lawrence and Mrs. spent in Washington, D, C. Magdalene Mohr, of Cheshire, and Mrs. Earl p. Hotchkiss, of Marion Herbert Coxson, of MeridenAvenue, had dinneT at the Oasis,' Waterbury Road, has moved his near Guilford, last week. family to their new home on Mulberry Street. Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Hotchkiss, of Marion A venue, are enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howell, of their v~<cation at Lake WinnepeHartford, are the guests of their saukee, N. H., this week. daughter, Mrs. Ernest Miller, of Marion Avenue. Issia1' Daigle, of Waterbury, was MARION 'I' I ---. Granl Mas' -~ Walter M Pickett ( • . vc" " to . .bei·the .gu€st,of honor 0i ,:Friendship Lodge of Masons at .. . •. . :.th0il'·ailliual meeting next Wed'neslay. Dinner will be served at 1'he be I William Keegan, of' Vermcll'C TerraCE;, has returned from Bost,)ll where h(; atte.nded a c;'llvel1tion of the John Hancock Insurance Company. ~/nLLDALE HEL}<;N N. UPSON COT'I'cspondc1lt Teleph,;me 68·W2 U1e Tuesday Club met this week' in the home of Mrs. Sunderland. U I - y MARKETS- SOA.P SALE STEAKS Well Trimmed Ib "CERTIFIED" s "That Tender Mild Cure" FRESH KILLED DAISY HAMS I 2 to 3 lb. Average 4 lb. Avg. for ·Roasting· 2~ Jb to 2% lb. Avg. TENDER'SELECTED LEGS Ib 31c BESTL INCH PS Ib c RIBorSHOULDER CHOPS Ib 3Sc FOREQU RTERS Ib 1 Boned If Desired BEST QUALITY SLICED RINDLESS BACON "FIRST PRIZE" FRESH PURE PORK SHOULDERS SAUSAGE 4 to 't lb. Avm'age 1c ';2ii~ 11~3 2~ Ib ======-FRUITS and VEGETABLES 4: ::~~~ TOK Y GRAPES CAULIFLO ER Large Head Large Snow White Fancy APPLES APPLES McIntosh Native Cooking 6 Ibs ISc LETTUCE 3 lbs tOe Potatoes Calif. Iceberg Best U. S. No.1 tOe ~; lS~~25c GROCERI ES ========== 99% 'U !'UU Fo.1' Fate And Hanh INSURANCE -- f:lROPERTY MANAGEMENT SOUTHINGTON Sidoin-Short-Cube-Tend-R-Nife I.o,nMrs. Wiiiiam Clark €ptel'tained Tuesday a number .of friends FUL'l'~N 5 MAIN STREET CHOICE HEAVY· S'TEER BEEI" Miss Helen Graves, of Rockwell Mills, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orcutt. r I UAlJTY MEATS~========= Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. Claren~e Andrews visited the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield. ERCH III FOOD NEEDS - BUY FULTON All THE WAY! Westley Laribee, who has been confined to his home. because of illness, is back to work this week. MEN'S SI'IOP The ,Effect In jury and , e I Dean, of South~ng·ton. .with a miscellaneous shower for . .Miss Vivian Martin, daughter of Margaret Custer, ci Hartford, is .1'111'. and Mrs. Henry Martin, of the week-end guest of Miss lVl')Tiel Cheshire. Swain, of Mulberry Street. Games were played and enjoyed by all. Miss Martin received many M d M G C h d lovely gifts which weredisplavecl Thomas Theriault, of South ~. an 1'8. eorge ouc an around a "Black Mandy" with "silMain Street h1'>3 solei the grocery famIly, 0;; Hartford, sp"nt the b II I . b 1 1, t'. , . M ' vel' e s langlnl!' a ove. bu siness that he ,das conducted the ~eeK-ella ao,nelr caOll1 on f anon) Present were~ Mrs. William past two years in t:1e center of th~ venue. Munson and Mrs. Peter DeBishop, town and is moving his family to of Marion, Mrs. Anna Clark, Mrs. Hartford, where he is now emMr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Mulligan Joseph Porter, Mrs. Merlin SimpSOUTHINGTON ployed. and daughter, Barbara Ann, of son, Mrs. Florence Sanborn, of Waterbury, MI'. ancl Mrs. C. J. Hartford Mrs. Howard Tavlor of Mulligan and children, Peggy, Southington, Mrs. John G~av ~nd 'rhomas and B.obby, of Springfield, daughters, Gertrude and El~anor, Mas~., and Mlss.es Bea a~nd. Rose Mrs. Philip DeBishop, Mrs. Frank Mulllgan and MISS Mae Enl1ls, of DeBishop, ·Mrs. Henry Martin, Waterbury, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reinhardt, of CheshMrs. Thomas and Ted Mulligan on ire, Mrs. Morris DeBishop, of I Sunday. Plantsville, MI's. Joseph Tomlin, of Waterbury, Miss Bertha Houle and Shows The Pleasure Car Insurance Rates Now In Mrs. Clifford Fenn, of Water- Miss Sally Clark. Southington. This Insurance Prote.cis You Against Bodily Inbury, spent Sunday with Mrs. CeMiss Martin became the bride of cil Pratt. Sergt. Richard ClaTk, son of Mr. Property Damage Liability. 1. and Mrs. Richard P. Clark, of Meri Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Galor and> ident, Jast Satul'day afternoon. CLASS B Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galor, of CLASS A CLASS A-I Cheshire, were dinner guests of Planh~viJle, Mrs. Philip DeBishop, Safe Safe Mrs. Frank DeBishop, of Cheshire, Safe Mr. and Mrs. William Munson on Gross Driver Gross Driver Mrs. Walter Bell, of. Waterbury, Gross Driver Tuesday night. . Mrs. Peter DeBishop and Mrs. 45.00 6.75 36,00 5.40 33.75 5.06 Raymond Munson. Mrs. William Munscm enter" 48.70 7.31 ~8.96 5.84 36.53 ,--5.48 tained Saturday evening it number Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, of 50.55 7.58 40.M 6.07 37.91 5.69 of friends at a stork shower, wit\ Milldale, and MJ'2. Howan! Taylor, 50.92 7.64 40.74 6.11 Mrs. Howard Taylor, ofPlants-' 38.19 5.73 of Plantsville, were supper guests ville, guest of honor. The gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Munson 52.77 7.92 42.22 6.33 39.58 5.94 were all pinned to an attractive on Satu]'(lay evening. 54.99 8.25 43.99 6.60 41..24 6.13 s·t61'k. Tliose attend{fig Were: Mis. (Cars Used for (Unlimited MiJe:lgc (Cars operated 7,500 William Clark and daughter, Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Daigle are Business Purposes) for Pleasure Cars) miles Or bss annually of Milldale, Mrs. Morris DeBishop, visiting the Suffield farm in Masby not more than 2 Mrs. Olive Nagel, MrR. Merton saehuse-tts. drivers in a single Taylor, Miss Dorothy Taylor, o:fi household, both over 25 years of age.) TUNE IN TO THE JOE LOUIS -.LOU NOVA FIGHT '. MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 29th - VEGETABLES Mr. an(j Mrs. J. D. Laribee had as their guest Sunday, Mrs. 1<:. P. Morgan, of North Haven, and Mr . an(I Mrs. FIo\.rd Alien and son, Mrs. Milton Orcutt and two chilthe guest of Mr. ancI Mrs. Adelarcl dren left Tuesday fo1' theiT home Daigle Sunday. in Floyd, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moulthrop and claughte":, Muriel Lynn, of WaJ;ertown, Mr. and Mrs. J.ames Gardner and daughtm', Cyntlua, of Marion Avenue, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Moulthrop last Sunday. \j) ~ MEATS • FISH- GROCERI ES • FRU ITS • Mr. and Mr,". Herman Muus visited their daughter, Jane, at the University of Connecticut Oll Sunday. TELEPHONE 47 GOIiD MEDAL SEIDNER/S This Week's Specials HADDOCK FILLETS lb. Mayonnaise ·M:' II rot>: STRAWBERRIES Pkg . toe WHEATIES :.1 20e BABY FOODS tDe DUFFDS MIXES QIIC 3 Tal! Tins uSEAlECT MILK 2 25c BIRD SEED 3 2 CHOPPED FOODS SANDWICH SPREAD Jar iSc Pkg of 25 23c TEA· BALLS Pkg 2ge SPAGH~TTI DiNNER 3 25e BIRD GRAVEL Pkg CLAPP'S STRAINED Tins GINGER BREAD OR DEVIL'S FOOD Pkg EVAPORATED M. J. Taylor 6I BErM PI'Ult.svilIe, Conn. BRICK-OVEN llAltED Pkgs FOR THE CHILDREN-CLAPP'S BEANS Horsepower IE 1%,,1011 TRUCIS ~':I: FRENCH'S Tins ;SEIDNER'S PURE 8 01.. AROMA BRAND Horsepower Sun.,Mon ... ~ Sept. 28, 29 Marlene iDlet"ich~eorge Raft and Edward G. Robinson co·st...... red in ZAKER'S PURE CHEF "BOY-AR-DEE" VANILLA "l\i4.lN PO'WJI:R" -EXTRACT- also . Edmul)d . Lowe in 2 oz. Btl• .. "Double Date" Stamina I More Pullt \§ Power is Hie big necel today power for speed .•• power fol' pull •.. power to haul aU types of lumls quickly, efficiently, dependably, and at lowest cost. Dodge meets this demand for power.with great, new, superpowered I1fz-ton Job-Rated trucks ... the greatest pulling power Dodge bas ever offered in trucks of this size. And that's not all! They have transmissions, clutches and rear axles of matched ability; brakes, springs and frames of matched strength and stamina. That's what Dodge means by Job-Rated-trucks that are built to fit the job and stay on the job. See us ... today! PRICES AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO . "Milk niUNKET . and Quick Fudge Mix with Wayne 1Mor!"is Chocolate or Penuche Inc. PLAINVILLE Amplifier" 12 OZ. JAR 1 C Pancake -FLOUR-- 2 Sml Pkgs 1 Dole's Hawaiian Gorton's 'Ready-to-Fry' Pineapple Juice 2: Large 47 oz Tin Oct. 3, 4 James Stewart-Florence Rice in FOR BABIES-CLAPP'S "NAVY BLUE AND GOLD" plus NEW WEST BRAND "'Wide Open Town" Begitining SOOn the theatre will give Gosmetic sets free to la..!y patrons. Watch for announcements. HE CRISCO Tin GGe -"4 ~ 3 ~b·e9~ 'l'm d "" Trial Package FREE WIth Large Package DRY CEREAL BREAKFAST CEREAL -CHOICE- with Bill Boyd also serial, "THE' SPI:DER RETURNS" OTO,RS~ U "Three. Sons. 0' Guns" l"ri., Sat. - Pillsbury's The Chocolate Flavored Roh'el~t M~~t~~merYin . "HERE COMES JO:lU:tl\.l~P' Pkgs Bosco Tues., .Wed;,. 'NiUl"S. Sept. .~O, 'Oct: 1,.2 , MR.. FRENCH'S Lge Pkg GETTING LOW ON CUT . . RITE WAX PAPER? WiLBERT'S FLOOR POLISH NO·RUB WAX Pint Tin Tins L. N. DeItH WEDS Doctor Duksa's B,eautiful Bride PHILIPPA PARIZO Sept~ 2 '7 SEASON PRICES WILL BE' IN' E;FFE CT! THE PRICE OF FURS WiLL BE AFFECTED BY NEW REGULATIONS, LABOR COSTS ANDMA· TERIALCQSrS. WE URGE YOU TO TAKE AD· VANTAGE OF tHESE REMARK- ABLE VALUES ON QU ALITY FURS ON OR BEORE THIS 'DAtE! A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO OWNERS OF, RACCO,ON ,COATS We are fully equipped to restyle your presern! Raccoon Coat into a New 1942 Fashion. ,In the face of rising fl~r p~ices it should certainly", pay , to have this work done. Especially attractive are the new striped raccoon styl~s that have been fea~ tured thl!"Oughout the nation's style " centers. Let us teU you how little it costs to have this work done in our factory. ReceptiohF ollows Ceremo.ny At Church Miss Philippa Elizabeth Parizo, R. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Parizo, of Belleview Avenue, Southington, and Louis N. Ucich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Udch, of Cowles Street, Hartford, \vere married at 9 a. m. Monday at St. Thomas' Church here. The Rev Father WiliiamH. Kennedy, pastol', performed the wedding ceremony and celebrated the tial mass. The maid of honor was NIiss Jlhry L. Parizo, a sister of tbe ' bride, and the only bridesmaid was Miss jean Ucich, of Hartford, a s'ister of the bridegroom. Francis Smith of Woodruff 'Street, Southir,gton, a close friend of the bridegioom, was best man, and the ushCndel"wood & Cnd«H'wood er was Andrew DeBella, of HartMiss Anl1 Emily Lellnop ford. (above), daughter of Mr. and The bride, given in marriage by Mrs. William Lel1l1()n, of her fathcr, was attired in a white Washington, D. C., is Hae lovetaffeta gown with sweetheart neckly hide of Dr. Walter J. line and a long train. She also Duksa, of West .8tl·e;et, wore' a fingcrtip veil and carried Southington. The wedding took a cascacl,e of orchids and swan soplace last Saturday at the nia. 'l'he maid of honoi' wore a Church of til(> Hilly Comforter gown of hyacinth taffeta with a in W aS~ling'ton. BO-Peep bonnet and carried a casWhen Dr. and Mrs. Duksa cade of bright yellow roses. The return from their wedding bridesmaid's gown was of gold taftrip, they will make the~r feta. She also wore aBo-Peep b011net and carried a cascade of bronze ' home 'in Hartford, where Dr. Duksa maintains his pra'~tiee. roses. The bride's mothei', M,rs. Parizo, was'Airessedin military blue and Dinner· Party Planned the bi·idegl'oom'S mother, Mrs. Ueich,wore navy blUe. Bdth,wore T~ Announce Betrothal corsages .of gardenias. After the ceremohy a wedding' The,'cng:o.gement of Miss Macina breakfast and reception was hdd Parenti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at the Mountain View Lodge, Mer· Rocco Parenti, ,of 83 South Elm iden-Watt',rhury Turnpike, for the Street, 'Bristol, 'to ,John L. Milo, wedding party and memb8rs of the son of, Anthony ]vIilo, of Liberty immediate families. Late in the Street, Southingtoll, will be anday Mr. and Mrs. Udch left on it nounced Sunday ilt a dinner party wedding trip. Upon their return to be held at the Parenti home. they will reside on Alden Street, Miss Parenti, a g"'aduate of thc Hartford. Bristol High School, is employed ,Mrs. Ucich is a graduate of in Bristol :by the r'ew Departure Lewis High, School and of St. Manufacturing Company. Mr. Milo Francis' Hospital's training school is employed by the General Elecfor nurses, Hartford. Mr. Ucich tric Compa,ny, Meriden. attel1decl the Hartford schools and is employed by the J. G. Lamotte MRS. BUNYAN VISITS Company of Boston and WoI'cestel', The condition of M1'3. George Mass. Papallo,. of Factory Squa[l~, w!l') is a patient at the Nell" Britain General Hospital. is reporteJ much Drufa Resumes i,mproved. ]jIiss Mary A. DeA;1g'elo, daughter of Ml'. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelo, of 113 ,Vater Street, and Henry Czach, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Czach, of 62 Booth Street, New Bbtai,n, \Vere married at n a. m. Saturday at St. Thomas' Church by the Hev. Wil'liani H. Kennedy, j9astol'. IVliss lVlargaret DG . .~ngelo, a sister of the bride, was the mr,;d of honor, and the bridesmaids were the Mi~;ses Helen Czach, of New Britrdll, a s:stCl' of the bridegroDP1) and Christine DeAngelo, of Southmgton, a sister of the b,·j,le. Anthoilv Bruno, of New Britain, a close f~iend of the hrideg!'oom, was the best man. The bride was attired ill a :li::e sat:<D g0\\TI vdth a long train snd a full-length bridal veil caugk UiJ with orange blossoms. 8h" carried a bridal bOUljuet of white roses. The maid of honor wore a blue t~f feta gown with matchin~' "c:cessor' ies and carried an arm bouquet of A merican Beauty rose So Both bridesmaids wore gowns "f pink satin with matching' acces>,,,ri.3S and carried arm bouquets of Anwl'iean Beauty roses. After the cel'emonv a l'ecenthn for more than 100 gu-ests was' held at the h:Jl11e of the bride's parents. Late in the day Mr. a11d Mrs. Czach left on a wedding trip. Upon their return they 'will reside in New Britain. I' Miss Shirley A. 'tJoime£, daughter of Ml'. lnld Mrs. JaIi:es A. HolY11es. of South EJl(l Hoad, Marshall FiondeJb, c[ Plantsville, began her freshman year's studies this week at the Street, len Monciay .roc a trip to Macon, Ga. New Haven College for Women. Miss Rita McGrath, ,laughter of John P. McGrath, 'of North Main Street, Southington, who will be married next month to Bernard McDonough, or J 8uyVlUe, was 'honored at a pal1try shower recently at Hal'tfonl by the girls of her office. Miss Mary Storozuck, of Hartfonl, was the hostess. Miss l\lIcGruth l'ec(;ive'] l11:my useful articles. ' Eliza~eth hMPIRE P,tJR CO! ", ' .' 419 1V(,AIN STREET ~EW BRITAIN ;II 140z FINAST - Fancy Grade btls PP,Sc'o Palumbo, of Mill Street, has reh,!'ned from ,". business trip to Ne1N York Cty, 1602 cans 2 25c 25c fOR BAKING or FRYING DOG FOOD You'll Want The Finest Flowers at Your Wedding. Let Nyren Brothers Make Your Floral Arrangements. Brida.l bouquets, Cut Flowers and floral decorations to suit the occasion. BROS~ -.FLORISTS - of/'phosphate double-aclfng 2 17111 2 med pkgs " ToaLET c large pkgs bars25 SOAP I PILLSBURY'S SOAP Best ' 3 I~~~~ 28c 2 ~a~~ lie t=LOUR 2' 5 lb bag 6C EINZ SOt'THING'l'ON 366 BRISTOL ST. FREE. Send for NEW booklet. con· taining dozens of bright ideas to im~ prove your bakin:g. Address: Rumford Baking Powder, Box V, Humford. R. I. CAMAY I "YREN Except Consomme or Chowder BABY fOODS 25c lib cans Carefully Strained 20c cllns ,soap eGffl/Ul'ud.iO+'f; 1£.1: St<:AII.. SALE$ ~t~Z 73c ~t~Z 63c JARS Buy 3 bars at regular price Get another for Ie MASON ~t~" 63c ~~z 53c JARS lUX 1~J~~T 4 ~:~ 19c lifebuoy 4 ~:~ 19c 8b~F Carte Parewax 20c 2 pt~~ 23c SOAP Rinso 2 ;~~~~E I Plain, Sugared or Cinnamon Sugared comb doz MAPLE PECAN LAYER CAKE CHEESE BREAD MADE WITH KRAFT CHEESE Do .. SUCED ROllS FRESH. TASTY 37c 1 each loaf lJkg 12c 12c 2~ Q Pot Roast Noted fOr Flavor c Ib ST FRESH· TO BROIL or FRY 2~-3~ LB AVERAGE CHICKENS LB27c LB29c fRESH NEW ENGLAND DRESSED . 5·6 LB AVERAGE fOWL CORNED BEEF MIDDLE RIBS NOTED LB 1 FOR FLAVOR BONELESS SMOKED BUTTS lB39c 23 LB AVG PORTERHOUSE STEAK Be~if~ie~~s LB35c KIDNEY LAMB CHOPS ~:~i~ LB 45c gearshift lever has 30%. oil economy has not been r"'lU<:eu e nt wheel brakes have been increased in size. , VISl'f Mlis. DALTON Ml'. and Mrs. George N. Hoover and SOh, Charles, and Ml. .;,nd Mrs. H. C. W 81eh, of Mechanicville, N. Y., returned Monday ,aiter spending the week~end as' the guests of Mrs. Katl;:ryn Dalton, 'of North Main Street,! linprovement is ;'reported ; in the condition, .of ,Ch~rles Moon, of North Mil:il1, Street, 'I/ho isa pa~ tient at the Bradlei' ''''101,il:fl Hospitah" "High lllO~or 2: MARRIAGE IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ingelido, of 57 Germania Street, have announcedthe marriage of their .daughter, Florence' Gloria, to Sampson LaRocque Bull, son of' Mi:'. and Mrs. Sanluel Bull, of 19 Hough Street, Plainvilic. The couple 'were married Janu- I ary 18, 1941, at New Boston, Mass. Mrs. Bull is a graduate of the New Britain General Hospital's training school for nurses. Mr. Bull is employed by the Torrington BulIdl:n!l: Oompany. $175 3le ' 1l'!,\IAP MIlllIIK EVANGELINE 3 14~OZ*'lll4 10 Y .. illm' Unsweetened cans ..c; C eGGS Wm. IEU.IOT .. MEDIUM SIZE doz 37c 10 STRICTLY FRESH· Grade A fEGGS IBROOKSIDE. lARGE SIZE doz 49c 10 STRICTlY FRESH Grade A "'08N FINAST· FANCY MAINE 20 oz *,ft ~ K GOLDEN BANTAM or WHOLE KERNEl cans ..c;7C i Jb ' Pure Vegetable 31b 53 MARVO Shortening can C can 19c ftAS MILLBROOK CLUB 286z 2 f t SO . U ASSORTED FLAVORS - Contents Only btls 7C D fEANS FINAST· Pea, Yellow 2 280 1;'1110 Eye, Red Kidney cans 23c of any occaSlOn IS enhanced with the loveliness of beautiful flowers. Be certain you, have. an abundance of them for your own wedding ... Pantry Shower Given For Miss McGrath ~ Benjamin Mongillo, of 87 Street, who l'eeently under· minor operatioll, ;s recupat her home. '1[1, Miss Marie Hamrah, daughter of Mrs. Abdulla Hamrah, of Stillman's Hill, MH1daJe, and Elias AJexal1der Hannah, son of Mrs., Alex J. Hamrah, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ,;vere' m:;trrled Sat~rday at St. Joseph's Church, MerIden, by the Rt. Rev. ,Msgr. Jeremiah J. Duggan. The only attendant to the bride was her sister, Miss Claire Haml'ah, and George Haml'ah, of New York City, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was best man. Shortly after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Hamrah left on an unannounced wedding ti'ip. They will reside in New York City. The bride has been employed in Meriden. Mr. Hamrah is engaged in the wholesale linen business in New York. WE CAN SAVE YOU UP TO , ~ TEL. 1106 1\1 1'8. Liberty went a erating- AT NEW HAVEN RECOVERING FROM INJURY Mrs. Ada J 011n50n, of 'Z I G Main Street, is l'etovering fr0111 an ann injury sustained in a fall at the Bradley lI1erhorial H03piLa;, where she is employed as a diet;tian. Slight imprOVEment is reported in the condition Df Albert H. W ell~, of Main Street, who has beel1 ill at his home for the pact sen~ral weeks. I be~;~l~\~;~,~:ete Her M~sic Clases Mrs. Susanne Fo,x Drufa, of 20 Vermont Aven~e;, announced that she has resumed her classes in voice and piano, for both beginning and advanced pupils, for the coming year. A recital of her SOuth111£·t91l ~mj W..tlll']nny pupjh; will be presented in October. This year Mrs. Drufa is introducing the Diller-Quaile system of teaching piano from a song appl'oach. Mrs. Dl'ufa, who wa:; at one time a ,membel' of the faculty of the College of the Sacred Heart in, New York City, has had many years' experience also as a choral director. At present she is a voice pupil of Lambert Murphy, who was formerly affiliated with the Metropolitan Opera Company. THREE Sunday services at the Plantsville Congregational Church include Morning Worship at 11 a. m. .1\11'. and Mrs, Godfrev (;arison, of with sermon by the Rev. Mr. Phil_MIddletown, announce the engageip Kin'" pastor and Sunday Sclwcl ment of their (laughter, Miss Henat ~):30o'a.m. Choir reheal'sa'l is held) rietta Alida Carlson, to George each Thursday at 7 Ii. m. and (h(~ Cari Height, SOn of Mr. and Mrs. Young: People's Fellowship meets Boyd .J. I'leight, of Hillside Aveeach Thursday' at 8,p. m. ;"",,0lii: nue, PlantSVIlle. A1i:~s Carlson i::; a ::rracll1ate of Middletown High School and of INSTRUCTION PERIODS the Laurel Business College, Meriden. She is employed in the office TO START WEDNESDAY of the lnterna(ional Sih-er ComGet the thrift habit this easy and enjOYA pany, Meriden. able way. Have jun picldng Uf) bm'gain The weekly instruction periods Mr. I-Ieight is a graduate of after bargain and see all the savings YOI~ for the Catholic students (If Lewis Lewis High School, the Chevrolet make" It's First National Super lVfarketr. every time for sure savings <> <> High Sehool will begin WC(il:e3day, Sale::; School and Sall~;on1 Teehni ... October 1, at 7 p. m. at St. ThomSchool, Hartford. He is em-! r~:::=====================-r-""I as' Church, the He'll. Father Wil- cal ployed as a salesman at Height's B , - ,liam H. Kennedy, paBCOl', an· Garage. nounces All Catholic childl'ell attending'L6\wis High Scho·)l are reweddillf; ha; not \BELMONT Famous for quality quested to enroll f01" the~:f' \,:(!(·kly quart ---~--Save Extra Pe~nies by purchasing jar instructions. MRS. MONGILLO l'l,T HOilIE this High Quality Product Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Hami-ah Is Wed hi Meriden ' THB SOUTHINGTON NEWS, AND CHESHIRB TIMES, SEPTEMBEH 26, , 1941 MIDDLETOWN GIRL Sched~le Announced MARY DeANGELO BRIDE For Plantsville Church TO IS MARRIED HERE OF GEORGE HEIGHT ". ONLY 825 MORE {'OR AN EIGHT IN ANY MODEL! I MAC Corned Beef LB Product of Sperry & Barnes Sea Foodl Special J """..,C PiCKLE and *'1111: PIMIENTO LOAF LB Product of Sperry & Barnes KEREL FRESH LB Sc .< Proud To Be Doing Our Part Pontiac is doing its part 'for National Defense by building a new type of rapid·fire cannon for the United States Navv. Two plants, covering, 4"26,123 square feet of floor space, have been devoted to the JELL!!;;!) manufacture of these cannon. Thousands of craftsmen have been trained for the highly technical machines. This means building fewer cars- but Pontiac places defense work ahead of everything else. ' ~ SURPRISINGLY ADVANCED in style and luxury, the new Pontiac Sixes or Eights for 1942 today come sweeping into the spotlight-refreshingly new in "'ppearance, but still the same, nne, faithful Pontiacs in time-tried quality. Two series of hew Pontiacs includeten widely varied modelsamong them a streamlined Sedan Coupe in the lower-priced series. New features are many. And in every instance, they represent actual improvement resulting from progress in design. We invite,y<m to comt'! in now to give these nev,' '?ontiad your most thorough and cr:dcal in. spection. You will find Pontiac today, more than ever, the Fine Cal: with the Low Price! FREDDIE'S GARAGE CL4-RK ST. & MERIDEN-WATERBURY RQAD SOUTHINGTON, CONN tJ)~ tJ)'UdU aJ, v~ CALIFORNIA. TOKAY GRAPES Vitamins C, G CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPES Vitamins C, G EXTRA LARGE SIZE CALIF ORANGES 150,176· Vitamins B-1, C RUTABAGAS YEllOW TURNIPS Vitamins B,l, C, G NATIVE COOKING APPLES Vitamins B,l, C, G NATIVE MciNTOSH APPLES Vitamins B,1, C, G fANCY RIPE· Vitamins A, C, G BANANAS 4"-• .-..· _ _ _ _ ~. 3 2 5 6 6 4 Ibs 19c Ibs 13c doz 39, Ibs 10, lb. Ibs Ibs 21c 25c 2Sc •..;;..;.................::.;==.....:-..:~:.:;;;:;;:,.;..:;........::..:..;..;..:...;,=:..:...:....::.:......:.::.::..;.:;,;...,....--:.C,;..;H..:.:.E..:.SH=IR;..:"E,;..;',....T..:.,IM,....E,;..;S,::,.:.,_S,;..;E,....P.....T_E.... M_B_E_R_2.-;6,.....1_9_4_1_ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,___~_ __.~~'.._,~'" GLIMPSES' AT EARLIEROAYS S Published Fridays at 1 Ed'en Avenue, Southington, Connecticut. Telephone: Southington 15 Cheshire 2132 4 ~ ho (7\ I . - - - - - - - -.._~(lV1Ce~ ]?OOD MARKET ;0 DESPITE labor shortages the coming weekend in the largest of September, 1925, country over which threaten to the food chains has been fractionJames J. Conlin has sold a farm cut the fall harvest of fruits and ally lowered. Slight drops are reon' East Street to Ralph B. Libby. vegetables, local markets have as ported in, these stores on beef, . AUGUST LOEB, Editor and Publisher. yet been unaffected. Ca.uliflowel·, lamb, and fresh pork. Ribs, porterBy THE OLE SNOOPER WARREN C. BRAINERD, snowy white, is abundant for pre· ~ house, sirloin and round steaks, A son has been born to Mr. and 'Associate Publisher. paring in many ways. Lima beans boneless chuck pot roasts and plate Mrs. Kenneth Parkins of this town. ',SUBSCRIPTION RATES are plenttful, cucumbers are boun- beef continue to be' starred' items in 1YIebh0 now tlH~t the Lewis Payable in AdYance tifuL Peppers are cheap and liberal the beef lines; chucks, loin and A son has been born to Mr. and gridders hev shawn, them5 Cents Per Single Copy in supply, Green corn wanes, with legs of lamb, and smoked meats. Year $1.50 Six Montl1s $1.00 Mrs. James Bartomnia, of Bristol selves good enulf ta knock off Th,'ee Mon ths Uic g,uality uncertain. Artichokes are Rib and shoulder chops of lamb, Street. a Class A opponent like Tornew in market, and watercress is and loins of porI" especially, are rington, we'll :-;it som'e acshun beginning to arrive. Buys are beets, lower in price. Ducklings, broilers Miss Bertha Reinhard is spendon' ;th" athletic field thet hez cabbage, celery, iceberg and Boston and fryers are still the best poultry ing a week in New J erJley as the bin til' objeck 0' .much study lettuce, onions, potatoes, squash, buys. by a committee 0' th' local spinach, rutabagas, Tomatoes grow SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 , guest of relatives. Boston reports that fiounders, sea.reel' daily, and g;'een peas in- , scrod and pollock are the best Chamber 0' Commerce. • . • '. ' . I During the-;;';;~~eek permits Tl{'.') practice field' th' kids use crease in price. valnes in fish. Scallops are less have been granted for the con, LOGAL DEFENSE Late cantaloupes still arrive, but plentiful, and higher. New York at th' rear a' th' Lincoln School the end of the season is insight. fishermen announce large supplies After'iag'ging,behlnd other struction of six new houses. ain't so hot an' th' same gO"eS Persian, Casaba, Santa. Claus and of butterfish, with lower prices. .' . ", I , ' , ' 1 d f ~ fer th' Rec. Park gridiron .... t owns; .···m· oca· ' e ense Wl'lll'am H. Co\"les has sold a Spanish melons are' !ltill here. Early Bonita mackerel and bluefish are ' ". 'th' t ' Le's keep' th' ole ball rollin', varieties of apples are good, with scarce and higher. The fresh haliSOU mg on small stl'l'p of lanel in Plantsville f Ik h' f' h' PreparatIoris,., , , () s, an' t mst t mg ya large supplies on hand. Isle of but season is almost closed. made up for lost time this ~o Samuel Kramer. know, we'll be get,tin somePines grapefruit m'e still in, and Based on the best buys in the week. At two meeting on whar wid this IiI ole town 0' plenty of avocados from Cuba. With market, the following menu is sugsuccessive night::; the probThomas Rich, Jr., of North Main ours! . . • We're headin' th' the government planning purchases gested for your next Sunday din· 1em was discussed and con- Street, underwent an operation right way at las', we hO,;Je! •.• of huge quantities of canned goods, :ner: , crete measures were proposed this week at the Meriden Hospital. Onion Soup , Ya wouldn't b'liev@ it prob'ly but, canned foods will be costly this winter aud fall. Why not take adFresh Sausage Patties Baked · for dealing, with it.. . . Mr and Mrs. Theodore Reinhard a discussio.n 0' .clogs, th' kind wid vantage of the low prices now to in Acorn Squash Though. the . m~etmg on 1 and ~on, William, have returned four legs an' a tail, kept a group stock shelves with your own jellies, Baked Potatoes Monday mght of the local de-j from a vacation in New Jersey. ' 0' localites bandyin' woids 'til 'bout pickles and conserves? . Sliced Tomatoes fense committee was disap-' ___ 3 ayem Wednesday morn from Meat Prices Lower . Hot Rolls pointing in attendance, it acThomas Rodman has purchased early Chuesday nite . . . . Ole SauLemon Custard Again, the budget-conscious will eomplished at least two the Fuller Bakery Company, Ber- . terne Sippel' got offen his diet Tea Or Coffee find that the prices of meat for the things. First, there was the lin, Avenue, and has already taken fin'lly an' th' results were as we appointment of ,Joseph H. over operation of the business. expe~ted. . . . Tony, Tokay, th' Sippel' an' Bess were all in th' dis- '-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-n-R-A-T-E-S-' COUNTRY FAIR SET Thalberg as chief air raid' N h russion .... We'll hevta await final warden. Second, Milton E. Miss Mary Carlson, of. ort ONE CENT A WORD FOR OCTOBER EIGHTH . Main Street, is a patient at the results 'til a later date .... One Jil Chaffee presented an admir- Hartford Hospital where she re- gal hed her once in a lifetime exMinimum Charge 35c For 'The ladies of the Plantsv]!e able report showing the rela- cently underwent an operation. perience this wk' as she was comAds Less Than 25 W o'rds Congregational Church will spon-, tions" . b.~tween .' a .. pol~ee ___ pletely outfitted wid new togs EXAMPLE 30l' their second annual Country ~:lta s 'in and' co:rrinl'ufiiThe Adoption Degree was con- afore shovin' off fer her first yr. CASH IN ADVANCE Fair at the church parlors Wed25 WOlOds or less 1 tiJ.ne .. 3Se nesday, Odober 8. Mrs. Benjamin "~tlonj3:ne . fot defense:':·' ferred upon a class .of candidates' at college. . . . Good luck, Shirl, 25 Words or less 2 times .. 65", · . At tfi~fir,st falli:tP:e~tilig)f hst, night by Wonx Tribe; 1. O. an' relnember thet it's th' good 25 Words 0", less 3 times .. 85e H. McGaI', of Marion, is chairman the Chambei- of Oommet6'\~tm 1 1}., :1\1;.. . things in life thet come th' hardof arrangements for the event. 25 Words or less 4 times $1.15 . . ,," " .' , est.so stay in thaI' 8n' pitch! " . CHARGEr) LEGAL NOTICES TUeSday. nis:Ptt~ "Cft.h.eatMrrdCider mills in town have begUl1)\'litch Porydzy's Gems open 25 Words or less 1 time . .45e ance wa. s eneoti,rag),ng. Almost o,peratl'ons and the owners are 25 W o~ds or less 2 times .. 85e th t· . d t d . their grid season Sunday an' e e~ Ire S~SslQn was evo e planninp' for a large output. The we wanna see a latta youse 25 Words or les5 3 times $1.20 WARNING to a dlScuss~on of defense, and demand has been tremendous since local, fans on 'deck. . • . The 25 Words or less 4 times $1.55 Annual Town Meeting Special t'ates fot' larger ads. many helpful suggestions the Volstead Act became effective. team is good an' rates plenty J.'he annual town Meeting of the DISPLAY CLASSIFIED were made.· The membership Z·.11 o, sUilPor t'. . . . 'B'II I I. y, f 01'inhd!Jitants .of the Town of SouthDue Per Inch showed keen interest in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witt,.of mer Yale luminary, is doiu' mgton, qualified to vote in town • LEGAL NOTICES various aspects of the prob- Buckland Street, Plantsville, celeth' . eoachin' an' tnrnin' in a SOc Per Col. Inch meetings will be held at the Town lem as they came up for con- brated their wooden wedding anniswell job...• GOiit M., who will POLITICAL ADVERTISING Hall, in Southington,' on Monday sideration on the floor. There versary September 26. trek niiddle-aisleward 'long I ,_ SOc Per Col. Inch evening, October 6th, 1941, at .was not only talk but action, 'Llout Nov. 17, was guest 0' ' 8 o'clock P. M., to take action on since the discussion ended Miss Margaret Schieffer, of Wahonor at a s'prise shower las' -----F-O-R-S-A-L-E----- \ the following matters, viz; tel'bury, has been a recent guest of . ht G h' . 1. On the matter of authoriz• with a recommendation that Mrs. William Burke, of Milldale. mg • • " ee w IZ, am't th 1.. , • ----------------------the town government make ese SHowers an stag parties F'QR SALE -- Glenwood Range, ing the Selectmen and Town fer '41 ever gonna come ta an Good condition. P,rice reasonable. Treasunr, to borrow in the name W hat eve r appropriations Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fontana and end? •• Early birthday griltPhone 172-VV. " , of the town, for payment of curluight be necessary to pur- two children have :returned to Mertings ta "Goldie" Dick who rent expenses and outstanding chase radio' sets and other ide! after spending the summer racks up anudder milestone HELP WANTED - FEMALE obligations of the Town and to " lCquipment suggested by the mont1,o with Mr. and Mrs. Carlo September 29. 'issue a note or notes, or other GIRL for general local defense committee. Fontana, of Milldale. general obligations therefor, beFer correck info as ta th' best Good home. Live in. Southinoton is beginning to " . .: tween September 1st, 1941 and Meriden 3897. .• b. d f Mrs. Mal:,;aret Doohttle, of M1Jl- spots ta be lJ1 should an all' rald September 1st, 1942, to an wake up to. It~ local e ense dale, reached her 93rd birthday on ever occur hyaI', we suggests ya amount not exce<!:ding in the agHELP WANTED~MALE l~eeds, and It IS to be hoped Tuesday. She is the oldest person consult "Warden" Thalberg right t fg,l'egate two hundred thousand tnat fro.m now on the prO-lin the yill!;ge. She suil:ereg a' hip away.... Congrats, Joe, we knpws WANTED-Men who want st W),aOO) doll~s, and to renew g~amwIU ··,~e pushed ahead injury lna'rElc'&.nt fall and is COJ'i.;'l:Y!'!"l~ do a good jol: .... Hiyah, J oc outside work in; Hartford' and . other . obligations of wlth all pOSSIble speed. filled to her room, @ut is .otherwise Gal!ette, th' one In th' Army an' Layoffs ~ Good working h J.h~ town outstanding, on terms to -i.;. .' in excellent health. th' one at NYMA: We're keepin' selling bakery products - ' go~dhli' 'determined by the Selectmen THA'1;S,EWIS VICTORY , ---, . an, eye on th' Deac~n fer yez an' salary guaranteed. Box lOra, and Treasurer. On Sunday the golden weddmg we IJ let ya know ef n he don't beSouthington. . 2. On the matter of approving Joe Fon~ana has c?me mmivenmTY of Mr. ana Ml'§. Dall= b.IFe hisself. , , • Dmp us a. line, g12~19-2{j-a-g. the approprfatlons for the ffscar through agam, and Southmg- ;el Flugrad' was observed at the guys, when ya kin find time. . . . year September 1, 1941 to SepLOST ton fans are prouder than First Evangelical Lutheran Church Our condolences ta th' Dutton famtember 1,1942, recommended by ever of" their high school of Southington. ily whose father's death shocked LOST Southington Bank and the Board of Finance. team. Its victory last week th' entire community. . . . Hi thar, The meeting will be adjourned 'T,rust Company Savings pass over Torrington, a Class A Mrs. H. B. Armstrong, soloist at Bud, wf:'re shure. glad thet dog- book No. 9417. Payment stop- until Tuesday €vening, Octobeor a wealth of the First Congregational Church g~n~d opel'ashu~ lS 0'1,"1' an' done , . team with ped, Eleanor Hallahan in trust 14, 1941 at eight o'clock P. M., reserves, was one' of the here, has become sol.oist at the Wld . . . . Whr,w. , .' at which adjourned meeting, acfor James Hallahan, Jr. . th South Congregational Church in Frenly tip fa thet cert'n lads-12-26-0-10 tion will be taken on paragraph 2, mos t p 1easan t surprISeS e New Britain. She has been director of this warning. die who recently opened an t own h as ever ex' perl'enced . and leader of the local choil' for LOST -- Southington Bank and 'To transact any other business estab on th' ;vrain Stem 0' th' O r POSSl'bIy th . ere s h ou ld b e several years. Tl'ust Company savings pass proper to come before said meetno occasion for surprise, since town: Keep th' kiddies ou·t an' book No. 9619. Payment ~topped. ing. , ..." :,-r'oe 'G'ontana can be counted Members of :Union Grange will a lot hapvJ~ran' much Richard ,Mo.ran NewelL ~ ,J,' bya'l! tt be0 ff .,,' Dated at Southington, Conn., eer • • • ~. luerely a woid d t 8--12-26-0-10 on to do the unexpec e • enjoy their second competitive prota th' wise...• ' Seems thet th' this 22nd day of September A. D. Lewis' students and the g'ram Friday night. Julius M. Cal'equipment ai.n't .. arriviJn as 1941. LEGAL NOTICES town as a whole should take ley is iu charge of arrangements. fast as schedul&d;' hence th' JAMES SIMONE JAMES G. RAYMOND hats off to both coach and delay in occupashun 0' th' new DISTRICT OF SOUTHINGTON, '" . t' It has been announced that the . MICHAEL BOREK · captain of tlie VlC orlOus taown hal! bldg. "" A big S3. Probate COUl"" ::3eptember 25, · team. An act of sportsman- drv goods business of C. H. Bisnod fer Ken Gi!sonjvlH}se woik 1941. Board of Selectmen "' . ., . sell has been sold to John McRobie, 'd h Ch b' Captain of Perth Amboy, N. J. The late WI t ' t' am er.o: ESTATE OF A. Harry Oxley S'hlp . on the part·Q.:I' . . h . ,"Commerce ez eel' him1 th' late of [louthington in said DisEd Geary. was warmly' praised Mr. Bissell founae, d the business . . ny ; earn~a :i-iC;"c. fi ' by the' , reoferee', and',""'he"l'nciprexyslnp 0 .",.,IS' ne ocal trict, · .~ mpre .than 50 veal'S ago. The sale , Th' "1" I h '.· d'en es :·'to prove that .. , ' . through Mrs, Bis~ ,org. • . . reg ar e ees un UpO!l the application of A1i~e .. ' .·t'ne· was transacted ... , lea a;;football team can selL " 0' officers takes place nex' G. Oxley, Executrix praying that '. " '. h' month.•.. Yep, We still likes as such she may authorized to sell ,plaY'",)iard and inspIre" IS JohA th' chances 0' th' .Yanks who one-thi'rd interest in the real , teammat.es/ .and still live up Kelly, of Plantsville, was wiIJ tee off fer th' Woild Seestate owned by the deceased at to the'hig'nest standards of elected grand knights .of Isabella Ties contests nex' Wednesday the date of his death located on the spo:rt. Council, Knights of Columbus, at agin th' BklynBuft'oons 'less the south side of Center' Street in We have some choice lots . happens The town s h ouId s h ow 1't S the aJmuil meeting this week. sum th"III un f oreseen the Town of Southington as per in .our listings, including 3 · appreciation to Coach Fontathet th' Caperin' Cards from application on file more fully ap.on S.outh Main St., 1 on ,•.··na and the Lewis team by Thomas Turek, 50, was badly inSt• L00 corne t h ru.·. . . Hey, pears, it is jured while unloading lumber earN . Eden Ave., 1 .on Berlin St., : ..t'urnI·ng out a record. crowd arm, 'dldja ruin any suits ORDERED, That said applicaly this week for the Southington thO k? t' b h Ion. Main St., Plantsville, for the game here,.'.tomorrow Lumber & Feed Company. IS W • • • • Ion e eard and determined at· against the Junior' Republic Ahoy, Dr. Austin, down Plants- the Probate Office, in Southing- several on Meriden Ave. and many other desirable team from Litchfield. Cheshire ville way: Many thanx fer yer co- ton in said District, on the 30th operashun las' Sabbath . . . . We're day of September, A. D. 1941, at .ones in ail sections of the Mrs. Morton. of Fair Haven, Vt., 2 'I ' gonna take ya up on thet invita0 cock III the afternoon, and town. Buy now before · TWO FINED FOIt SPEEDING is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. shun one 0' these eves soon! . . . that public notice to be given of prices advance! W. Haywood. h Ya shoulda known, Mrs. 0., thet t e pend~ncy of said applicat!on · Three cases were tried ir. SouthOur present listings in· ington Town l Court Monday before Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan ya'd git thet heavy 'cold after th' and the tIme and. pl~ce of hearmg way ~'", wuz talkin' 'bout it early th~reon, by pu~hshl11g a copy of dude two fine hous~s in Judge Joseph A. DePaulo, Jr. spent Tuesday as the guests of this wk! . . . Fer a look-see at thiS order once m some newspaper , Earl Barrows, 16, of Red Stone friends in Bridgeport. Milldale; .one f.or two famsome 0' th' townspipple ya never having a circula~ion in said Dis'." Hill, Plainville, was fined $10 and ilies with four r.ooms on '.' knew, we suggests ya haul out 0' t:Jllict, and by po~tm?, a copy .there- each floor, and .one single : costs on a speeging charge and $5 Of 'the 52 names on the lists to th' downy early some morn an' of on the publ~c slgn~post.m t~e costs for QoPerating a motor b.e made voters, only nine appeare(l family 6 room home. B.oth 'vehi-de 'without' ,::;tp, operator's Ji- before the selectmen last week to take up a stan' in front 0' th' ole T~wn of Southmgton 111 saId DI~ can be bought reasonably. town hall. ... Che e" thar's a lotta tntt, at lea.st 5 days before saId cense. be 'made. pipple aroun' 'tween .6 a,nd 7 ayem day of hearmg. Horace Snoden; of Scarsdale, On Burwell Avenue we WILLIAM J. HURLEY, · N. Y., was fined $10 and costs on have an excellent buy in a Charles Jackson is having some daily. . . . How do we kn&w? . . . J d a speeding charge, but Judge De- concrete work done at his store. We sees 'em, ya slugs! • '. An' we u ge Qne family, two story home ___ air't kiddin'! . .. ' l Paulo later rernitted $5 of the fine. c.ontaining six rooms, and Albert Fior~~1!l, of Burwell A veIt is estimated that 100 Cheshire Scoopie: Thet':!:lefunct local DISTRICT OF SOUTHINGTON, including three bedrooms. me, charged "'&'Vith violating the people attended the Eastern States coin concern winds up i.ts stnff \ ss" Probate Court, September 11, AU conveniences, Good lo· motor vehicle laws, received a Exposition last week at Spring1941. hyar net later than Oct. 1.... cation. Priced right for nolle. field, Mass. ,So ends a long an' sad sto.ry, ESTATE OF George W. Curtis quick sale. l"Ut one thet maliy will prob'ly late of Southington, in said DisVOLUNTEERS WANTED never fergit .•.. A nod ta Ed trict, deceased. The Misses Elizabeth Van W agTO MAKE BAN'DAGES Snow an' Jiggy Egideo fer th' The Court of Probate ror the ner and Helga Nelson, who are in fine job they've hed done at District of Southington hath limNew York City training to become be made nurses, were week-end visitors at , . th' local maple-mussin' estah. ited and allowed six months from SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! their home here. , .. Give us a few coo! nites the date hereof, for the creditors an' we'll be Up' fer a workout. of said Estate to exhibit .their claims for settlement. Those who ••. Traffic lite in P'ville CenEDWARD SHEPARDS VISIT neglect to present their accounts, ter continues tao bear out onr Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shepard properly attested; within said cantenshun thet··it wuz sorely 'and if:tfant daughter have been the time, will be debarred a recovery. need€>i:l. ... Thass all fer now, guests this week of Mr. Shepard's All persons indebted to said EsChilltm, we'll see yer all nex' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. ShepTEL. 47 5 MAIN ST. tate are requested to make im· Fr:day .•.. Unti! then, tell yer ard, of Main Street. Mr. Shepard media~e. payment to ,kiddies an' yel' fren,s' kiddies is stationed with the U!lited States SOUTHINGTON .. RUBY M.. CURTIS, .tabe ca-refu! lvljell 'i'idin' their 'Plantsville, Conll. ·bikes, willya?".~ G'Bye Now. & ~ ~) I DEFENSE PLANS MOVE FORWARD (Continued from Page 1) Police Chief Edward F. dire~tol's proposed bv tne 110rninat- 1 Geary Ul'~~'e;s all parents to warn their children to use exlng committee will be vC'~ed (upon treme caution when riding biat that time. cycles along the .town's high. The committee nominated Ke:l-; ways. Several motorists have neth L. G:Ison for presj, lent to reported to .po!i!ce recently succeed Charles E. Cl'owl<:>y. that they . have narrowly 'Other names propf'"eo were: avoided comding with young"Villiam J. Hurley, first v~ce oressters riding bicycles here beiCent; Joseph H. ThalbeTg, seccmtl cause of the latter's carelessvice president; Herman A. MUllS, ness. secretary; Frank J. GaJiette, treasPI)lice have also received urer. Directors for two years, Oscomplaints that iceal youngcar G. Knapp, representing man .. ~.~ers have been riding bicyufacturers; Thomas E. Egan, Jr., cles at night without front or representing the public at Im'ge, back lights. If apprehended, and Lindsay P. Hutton, merchants. these youths wili have tile;,r Directors for one year, William vehicles taken from them and M. Strong, profe$sional; Edward kept by the police until such G. Hackbarth, manufacturers, and time as the parents assure .tIte Adolph J. Trapp, the public at officers that there will be 110 large. Rema:l1ing members on the further repetitions of t.he of· Board, of Directors whose termS' fense. have hot yet expired are Severin J. Eberhardt, James J. Martin and MISS JEAN ST ANKEWICZ Charle~ E. Crt:.wley. The report of the nominating ENTERTAINS UNCO CLUB committee 'was submitted by Sevel'in .J. I~berhardt, chairman. Members of the Unco Club were entertained Wednesday night by ROSE MAURO BETROTHED Miss Jean Stankewicz at her home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauro, of on Summer Street, Plantsville. Libertv Street, announce the ell- Those attending were the Misses gagen{ent of their daughter Rose, LOTetta Keegan, Jean Pierce, Wanto Joseph Casale, Jr., son ~f Mr. da Dziekan, Ruth Zigman, Mildred and Mrs. J aseph, Casale, Sr., of Seleman, Dorothy Licehurst, and Bee~her Street. The wedding will Loui.se. Spiek, all of Bristol, M~ry take place at St. Thomas' Church DublCkl, Helen Stanoff and M1SS at a date to be announced later. Stankewicz, all of Southington. "' I I -I Want To Buy A c Building Lot? • I --- I Eustis & Cushing Co.. I 1Da~;~~:~ o'i~~~r~~nc~c~,~ PRt~:(:, lution, will hold its first fall meeting Thursday, October 9, at 2:30 p. m., a~cording to Mrs. Earle B. Lewis, of North iVlain Street, ch&;)tel' regent. The gue~t speaker at the meeting will be the Rev. Mr. Richar(] H. Hitter, pastor of the First C~n gregational Church, whose topic will be "Marco Polo, Prince of Travelers." Hostess for the meeting will be Mr$ ..John O. van Slyke. I Bowers Begins Survey On Old Turnpike Road I I I ------ Samuel W. Bowers, superinten'leM :A the Southington Water Department, began ~o \.mrvey 'ruesday (Jll vIc! TUl'llpike Hoad to establish a hig'hway grade, storm sc\\'ers and sidewalk levels. He was en" "'ao'ed by Borough "Varden F·L :;"~~'d C. Butler and the Board ';;f Burgesses of the Borough. Funds for the work were ~\ppro priated by the electors at a reeel,t special bo'rough meeting'. PAPA-NICHOLAS Miss Rose Nicholas, daughter of ]\;frs. Joseph Nicholas, of Red Stone Hill, Plainville, and Vincent Papa, son of Mr. and lVl J'S. Paul Papa, of 6'1 South Center Street, South1ng-ton, were married September 1 at Plainville by the Rev. Father Fran· "!is li'i11n. Your Memory If You Want Services 01' Merchandise, This Directory Glance Will Show You at a Whel:eTo,Obtain Your Needs. CHILDREN'S GOODS I I ID.On A.October R. Will Meet Ninth Geary Urges Caution In The Use Of Bikes SHOES RADIO FALL STYLES ARRIVED BEACON KIDDIE CENTRE Cribs-Carriages--Hi-Chairs Play Yards - Toys Tel. 3-9'()81 73 Grand St, Waterbury ROBERT C. BEISINGER HANNING - ARMSTRONG RADIO SALES ancl SERVICE Phone 76-J2 Southington n Member Radio JliIanufactur8l's' 206 Mai.n St. New Britain « Service ~~~~,,--~--~ .. ~~~.,---~~~~~~ . MUSIC FOOT·CRAFT SHOES FOR WOMEN CORSETlERE d"'iii~iii,_~t;;;twiiii~r:::;;;"t!AN GET YOUR FAV~:h'l1ECORJ POPULAR - SWING - CLASSIC 35c each - 3 fnr $1.00 PORTABLl!: PHONOGRAPHS -- Start from $9.95 At Z ELL M A ~ , S SHEET MUSIC - RADIOS - MU:'oICAL INSTRUMENTS STATE ST. TEL. 28.04 MERIDEN REGISTERED, SPENCER CORSETIERE VIRS. EDITH C. DeBISHOP Milldale Phone 644-J2 Evenings ~~~~~~~ . .~ ......~ ..~ .. ~~~~~~ MUSIC' MUSIC I ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SUSANNE FOX DRUF A TEACHER OF VOICE I AND PIANO , Fall Reciial act. I'!fEt For Appointment Call 361 20 Vermont Ave. Southington DORIS EASTMAN REGESTER TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO Beg-iuners and Advanced Pupils FREE AUDITION CALL MERIDEN 4343 FOR APPOINTMENT MUSIC SAY IT WITH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS c. G. CONN N. Grillo Flowers Latest Style Designs For WEDDINGS, CORSAGES, and ALL OCCASIONS BAND INSTRU,MENTS LEEDY DRUMS EDIPHONE GUIT AR,S (Stanidard & Electric) Quality-Servic~Satisfaction Since 1915 , Milldale . Connecticut Telephone 380 I These Instruments Are Available For Free Trial. Just Write And A Representative Will Call c. G. CONN'L 2C9 JEWELRY WALLACE'S ~I SILVERWARE CLUB Single Piece or An:) Set Made By Holmes and Edwards 1847 Rogers Bros. Wm. Rogers and Son For As Little As $1.00 a Week I S. P. WALLACE AND SEE K'SRS Diamonds and Old Gold Bought at Highest Possible Prices 354 MAIN ST. TEL. 1196 NEW BRITAIN Jeweler Main St. BOOKS - Southingtolll JEWELRY STATIONERY READY SEPTEMBER 29th. High Grade Watch and Jewelry Rep'airing LONGINE WATCHES LALLY'S, I.nc. 63 W. Main St. liil Meriden I'AMERICAN GLASS" The By G. & H. McKEARIN complete book published with over 3000 drawings and illustrations. PRICE $3.75 most ~~§~.WITKOWER'S~§§§ BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS 77 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD PAINTING MEN'S WEAR MARTU:~'S PAINT SHOP Painting - Paperhai1ging' EXPERT WORK DONE ~ CENTURY EXPERIENCE Academy Hill S:>uthington McCABE and PAULSON , MEN'S WEAR QUALITY ALWAYS ELEVEN WEST MAIN ST. NEW BRITAIN AUTO ACCESSORIES OPTICIAN'S CORNER SERVICE ST A nON I Accessot'ies - Greasing Atlas Tires-Used Tires-AI! Sizes-Auto Lite Spark Plugs BATTERY CHARGING JOE DE LUCO. M:gi-: . 119 Cen~er St, Southington PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Harvey & Lewis Co., Inc. GUILD OPTICIANS Established 1890 79,WEST MAIN ST. TEL. 2202 NEW BRITAIN I ' THE SOUTHINGTON NEWS, AND FIVE CHESHIRE TIMES, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 DISTINCTIVE Hi\.T'S Styled by Knox and Draper Presenting' Our New 1941 Variety of $ "HELEN KNOX" A large variety of colors and styles. BETTER HAT DEPT. 2nd FLOOR Luxurious Fur 'Trim • SILVER FOX! • MINK-MUSKRAT! • PERSIAN LAMB! • DYED FOX! " BEAVER! .50 to $7 IT'S RAPHAEL'S FOR THESE SMART 'CAMEl ~ HAIR ~onde1'ful opportunity ~~rTed coat you want! to bu'y that luxury Luxu'ry furs topping fme woolen coats. See the new modified shoulders ' deeper dolman sleeves' " ,smoother .. . . . . , .. ...... armhOles, sOltry blOused bomces, 1942's newest, smartest details. In black, brown, blue, red, grey, colors. Misses', women's half-sizes. ' A Large Variety FURRED SPORTi Tailored Like Your Best Beau's $1 .50 College Girls, Career Girls-Here is just the cuat you want-Beautifully tailored of warm camel hair-Lots witb zipper linings-In box coat, swaggers, reefers. .50 VELVETEEN ./"'/ .----~~ _____ . co~t "lsi).. .. ONE AND 2-PIECE STYLES • JR.-MISSES'-;--WOMEN'S SIZES }) e"Qt.---- $ .95 to Due to the Tremendous Response and by Special Request We Are Continuing This Great .... \ \ ~ DRESS DEPT. 2nd FLOOR Latest Fur Discovery NATURAL SILVER FOX PAW , :0 SWEATERS~ PLATINUM CARACUL • BLACK ASSEMBLED PERSIAN LAMB .98 $ Honors 'Go 1'0 These SES. .98 • LET-OUT RACCOON • MINK BLEND MUSKRAT It may be a long time before y6ucan again buy such' beautifully "styled, high quality fur coats at this. price. A guarantee with every garment. FUR DEPT. 2ncl FLOOH. • • • LEONARD BUILDING PH AS FOR SPORT SUITS .~~$1',O.95 to, $1 .95 ! We Invite Your Inspe0tion DEFERRED PAYMENTS EASILY ARRANGED SIZES 32 TO 10 The casual type shirt leads for Fall, with long and short sleeves, 2-\vay necklines 01' 2 pockets as well as dressier types. Cottons, crepes, satins and featherweight flannels. Whites, plaids and new Fall shades. We've Just Unpacked a .Large Variety of Smart New ., BLACK PERSIAN PAW .. CORDUROY-FLANNELS. These Are Beauties Other Outstanding Quality Furs Specially Priced for This Group- e MA,NNISH JAC ETS Are made with longer ton;o, easier fit and smooth tailoring'. Corduroy, suede-cloth, f'lannc:;l, rugged tweed and shetlands. ~olid colOl's, tvveeds, plaids and cbecks. Better Have Enough Our two most important styles are the "Bulkies" and "Boxie" type sweaters in sleeveless, short and long sleeves in slipover, regulation and novelty cardigans. Fine Zephyrs, Fur-Paca, Shetlands, Angora and Cashmere-Blends. All New Fall Shades. $1 A Mt]ST ON YOUR LIST $ .95 to $ FUR SALE At August. Sale Prices .. .. .. II $16.95 Outshine them all tbis Fall - wear velveteen! Sleek, sophisticated, ultra chic, we've fashion's smartest velveteen with high 91' 19w neCklines, jewelled accents, rhythmic skirts. See them today, '.., .. COAT DEPT, 2nu FLOOR Sleek, Sophisticated Ultra Chic Perfect for through Winter.! See their big fluffy fur cullars, their grand tailoring, fine fabrics! Fitted coats with new deeper armholes, soft bodices, reefers, boxies. All warmly interlined. - $2 • WITH AND WITHOUT ZIPPER LININGS • JUNIORS' - MISSES' - WOMEN'S SIZES " RACCOONl ., WOLF! • FOX TRIMS! • FLEECES! • TWEEDS! • PLAIDS! .50 to $ .95 to Plaids, chics-In a wide ;ange of colol's-A large variety of styles to ~~ect from. .1 . p R NEXT TO EMBASSY THEATRE SKIRTS $ .98 Choose from all 'wool flannels. crepes, shetlands, rayon and an wool plaids, co]'dul'o:vs and crepes. Swing t.vpc-s ])leated and deep invClted kink pleats hoth, front and hack. All new Fall shades. • • • NEW BRITAIN I T.A. To Wage Drive F or Membership Of 500 pihv ATE MORSE ";"'V";"'iS'; ; I~'i," 's'; ; ";"'~'" "-l'~-~~~~~::G:!.i:"~-::''~Z;;::~========::==;::===::;l':-:'" ...-:.-o..:..;m--"--a-n..:..;..:..;,4-JV.,.-.:.;--C---l'--u-b----:-N~E~W;'~H;,~n;;rE;;;N;:;T ·'Il Inn _ riSe LUNCHEONS Dl'NNERS . . $1.00 Served Daily From 11 A. M. Dl'Iucing Every Night Fol' An Events Caf~ring Cheshir~ Tel. 344 . MISS H!lda K,l'ltz, of Avenue; ~lants':'ll!e, ?as from, NOHolk, va., Where the. guest of her brother, KrItz. ~> T. A. Is ~{epresented I~ Middle,bury Meeting I I ;::-~~ •••!iJi• •im-u~==~~uWWi.iffi.~in.n_-.n;rlii ~ I ! The man with the ~ smile is a driver from The Sanitary Laundry, He'll save; you m.any hours of I drudgery if you let II him pic~ up your II i I---::------'""'"!"....;......................'""'I "Do'n't I I stew, every week. The job :will be perfect, the price --------------- k, A.l;W'OO:D~S DELICATESSEN, CHESHIRE PLAZA BLOCK Open Daily 9 A. M. to ,9 P. M. Sundays 3 to 9 P. 'M. GARDEN CLUB MEETING Mrs. C. Alfred Ward of BrooksFRANK vale Road will be hostess for the MAIN STREET meeting of the Cheshire Garden ClUb to be held on Thursciay, October 9. The speakcl' wia be .Jarr.es T. Laidlow of MidclletO\.;n, Wll0 has l~ chosen for his subject, "Puttj'lg the Garden to Bed," CHESHIRE GIANTS The local footiJall team, know!! as the Cheshire Giants, is being' coached by Cable Starlings. A benefit movie, sponsored bv the group. will be featured at the Ch~shire Theatre on September 80, with two shows, one at 6 :30 and the second at 9 p. m. DINNER MEETING The Cheshire BOOlrd of Education and the Wolcott board will be the guests of the Prospect board at a dinner meeting to be held at the Waverly Inn next 'l'hursday. See •.• L. RICE, Realtor TEL. 463 -. :! II Ii II Now is the time to ~;~~ 'your Yau can bOl'rbw o~ a NO OTHER EXPENSE. Mo,.e Than Half A Century of Service To SouthingtQn ami Vicinity Has Estah. lished The Gould Name To Mean A Complete Funeral Service Within The Reach of All Class- Tel. 11 Southington hom~: first mortgage at 50/0 per year. ~onthly ~ y/JU GOULD money QWn I Payable FUNERAL HOME CHESHIRE or :;emi~annuany prefer. SOlJTHINGTOl'~ SA'VIN'GS BAN for National I Defense Hom~ of Mrs. Jere J. Breen. sa South Street, Waterb~:'i' Conneetic~~. LIBERAL TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVE ! III We Recommend The I I TELEPHONE I I 140 5C Serv.ice . ~ i Shirts Il'~ned [n This Service ~ Step into p, HUTTON & SON, INC. and you'll "discover" it doesn't take a lot of ,money to dress Exclusive, Timely Clothes. We have been in business here since 1875 and know the clothes particular Men and Boys prefer ..• and the pi'ices they like to pay. OU1' stock is always large and com,plete ... Why'sacrifi~e quality for low price when you can get both here? I JlllIllillllilllillllillll\lllllllll"il,li!lIliltJmllllll!illlill:iillllllllllUllilll!llili. i ~ I AS!{ ABOU'!' THESE SERVICES • Damp Wash ~ Thrifty Service • Budget Service ~ OUR 11 DRY CEEANING ; IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR . Sanitary Laundry SOUTHINGTON, CONN. I~ I is I I -"II More telephones, more switchboards. more cable, more poles ~ !!lore of everything required to meet the demands of busy factories and newly built homes for telephone service are being rushed through. It's a Mg. job, and telephone people are working on an "all-out" basis to lick it. The Southern New England Telephone Company I !llll!lIll1liillllllll!lII:I!IIIIIi!lllIlIIillIlII!IIIIIIIIII!i!llllillllllililill!lllillllll!!l1l1il1!1I1lIIII!lIIIIIIII!IHlliIIllliillllilillUililllllllillllllll:: The cross section (above) gives some idea of the great variety of metals required.to rranufacture a hand-set telephone. Some of these metals are now urgently needed for other kinds of defense work. So Bell System scientists are rushing substitutes. And Western ElectriC, maker of our telephones, is already using some of these new materials. One of a series of advertisements explain. dig the pari played in national defense by !iii outhington 1,iO-PHONES-Mel'iden Enterprise 9430 1 ~ [I *!ffillifiiiIlIlUlliiIlIlUlUlllllllli!fllIlIlIIll!I!lIillllllilllfillilfllllllllllfilllilllllilfll1I111i1i=1II11111111111l1lIfUIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII!II!IUIIIIII* I IJ~§~~~M~em§b§e;;:r==M§'u",t;;~~a;;:1~s~a~v= i~n~g~s~'n§'a'~n~k~s':;:;'~.c~·~ n~t~r'a~'I~'=i~"'I'l~l!..1d~ ~,! ~_: :,~§= -= §- _~ ;\! -------------- I consistent with the quality of the work. '- l"RUI'T and VEGETABLES C n At a- a/11:ounces that tax bIlls have been nJalled. These become due on. Sept~mber 30 and must be paId by N0ygmber 1. -----DAVISES RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Davis, of' Maple Avenue, have returned £l-om a motor trip to Ithaca, N. Y., where their sen, Ralph, h~lS begun ~1is ,'~phom:)re year at Comel! Uni?C'xsity. i I I I a u n dry lady!" L. .- Miss Rosemarv Voos of Cook Hill was hostess "last Saturdayafternoon at a picnic for the Senior Girl Scouts. An outdoor roast was served at 1 :30 after which games were played. Those present were Helen Gueble, Phyllis Thompson, Jane Comstock, Betty Hurley, Jean Hoey, Jean Paton, Marilyn Felske, Helen Crumrine, Eleanor Storrs, Louva Henn, and Miss Helen Bray, leader. Jean Paton, of Maple Avenue, wllX be hostess for the first reO'ular meeting this evening at 7 o'~ock. I Mrs. ArUmI' I. Edmond (above) will preside at the meeting of the Cheshire Worn· an's Club next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. William H. Bassett, of Main Street. It will be the first meeting of the new season. The prineijJal s'Jeakel' will be Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, Secretary of State for Connec:ticut, who w'.!! discuss "Women iu Defense." Mrs. Woodhouse, who is also professor of economics at Conll€dicut College for Women, is widely known as an educator, lecturer and writer. l\1rs. Edward A. Herr will give a group of soprano solos, and there will be a reception for the sixteen new members' who have been receiv€d into' the club during the past year. Mrs. Bassett will be assisted by Miss Alice Bassett, Mrs. Louis Howland, Mrs. Beruard M. Allen, Mrs. John L. Geis!., Mrs. Douglas Warburton, Mrs. J. Quinton Adams, and Mrs. Frederi~k Hitchcock. I I RASSET'i' AT ROCKFORD ">TORRS VISITS SPRING FIELD Louise Bai'sett, granddaughter Benjamin P. Storrs of Bennett of Mrs. William H. B2ssett, of A\'enuc has been spending the Main Street, has entered Rockford ,\'eek at the Eastern States ExpoUniyersit~·, Rcckford, Ill. :itiol! in Springfield, Mass. Mr. I·;torrs is director oj' the Bureau of FAIR ON NOVEMBER 1H .\'Iarkcts for the State of ConnectiNc,\'ember 13 is the date of the lut. ,'upper and fair to be sponsored by the Ladies' Aid Societies of the ' MethodisL Church, and to be held =~~==='-=-,~.=-="~=~--~~"" ,FOR COLD CUTS, in Grange HalJ. -----BAKERY PRODTJC'fS HEADQUARTERS FOR SUBURBAN PROPERTIES I I ~iIt:s \Vhen Looking fo).' a Farm. a Nice Home, a Gentleman's Estate Edward Chatfield, commander of R. A. Storrs Post, AmerIcan Legion, has appointed the following I committees to save during '"he I coming year: Americanization, Mark Bishop and James R. MacGowan; community service, Dr. Norman S. Howell, Miss Helen Bruger, and Charles J. Farist; edu~ation, Russell Nichols; mfety, Carlton Bor- ! RECEIVE REGISTRANTS den, Frederick Yocher, and James FOR FIRST AID COURSE H. Darcey; child welfare, Miss Helen Bruger; disaster relief, W. "' .Mrs. Douglas M. Dunbar, Mrs. Merwin Grove and Charles Far- "Cprbin Hauerwas, and Mrs. F. ist; graves registration, Charles Waldo Savage are receiving regGrime; membership, Henry C. Lin- istrations from those who wish to ton' national defense Frank Eno'lish; C. M. T. C., Wentworth take a course in first aid, home Beattie; post activities, Paul k r:]ll'sing and care of the sick to be Scott., publicity, Clear C. Golden,' ~ponsored by the local Red Cross chap tel' in the near future. rehabilitation and institutional,·" welfare, Dr. Norman S. Howell; ~ 'T -,--,T'N----uniforms William l\Ii Meyer- Bov .BAD NEWS I;ROM BRISTOL Scouts, Douglas M. Dunbar; ~een;-' I:Tax Collector Dru~ie S. Bristol Mrs. Regester IS ava11able as a ployment Frank Geiger te~cher of voice .and piano in Che' . shIr.e,. and any ll1tel'ested in free lludltWllg may make afjfj<5fITtmeITts CBAl\fEB·EARLEY WEDDING by calling' the Congregational The wedding of Miss Agnes EarChurch or parsonage, on Wednes- ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thodays. mas Earley, of Waterbury, and I Fred Richmond Cramer, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cramer, of Miss VO(}S Is Hostess Cheshire, will take place tomorrow To Senior Girl Scouts at St. Francis Xav:er's Church in Waterbury. I , SYMPHONY The NG\': Haven Sympharl,' 01'chestl'a announces a series of eight Monday cvening concerts to be given at \'I'oolsey Hall dUl"l1g the seawn of i941-1:1'12. David Stanley Smith, Hugo Kortschak, and l":ichard Donovan will be cOllduetors. rhc first cocel't, scheduled for Ocsober 20, will ha\'e for soloist Bruce Sin10ncls, dean of the Yale School of Nlmic and an intenlUt' 11 I "H t' t lOna y mo\\'n l~ew aven ar LS • ------- PROMUTION DAY AT CHURCH Promotion Day will be observecI 1\1embel8 of the .Junior Ladies' by the Congregational Church Slll1Aiel of the Cong-regational Church day School on Sunday with special who will serve the luncheon at the ex~rcjses helel at 9:45. auction to be held in the town hall tomorrow are the fa!lowin;,;" Mrs, Benjamin P. Storrs. lV1r,;. 11;:':l11!,!ld .JOHN >\r.DES IMPROiES Wal'l1er, Mrs. Sam~el F. Hall"Mrs. John Aneles, who has been COllJohn Gode, Mls. F. Waldo Sa\,a£'e, fined to h's home on Jarvis Stl'eet " Mrs. Dexter W. DUl.-and, Miss Jesby illness, is reported to be im· sie Durand, Nb,;. VI. Frallk Peters, pmv;ng. Mrs. Newton Tyler, and Mrs. Dwight Morley. CHATFIELD APPOINTS LEGION COMMI'l'TEES Mns. . Mrs. DorlS Eastman Regester, teacher of voke an~l piano a~d ~irec~or of the semor and J~ll1IOr ChOll'S at the CongregatlOnal Ch h h b urc, as ~en named ;lirector of the CheshIre W9~en.s, Club Chorus. Rehearsals WIll be hekl Wednesdays from. 7 to ~. g I Lois Jaenicke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jaenicke, of West Main Street, won first place in the essay contest conducted by the local Juve.nile Grang'e. The topic was, "What Ameri~a Means to Me." Edward Yocher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Yocher, was the winner of second place. The winner of the first place will have her essay entered in the state juvenile contest. The seven local 611tries were judged by Lillian Andrews, Fitch Guilford, an(\ Gort;lon Bain. At a meeting of the Executive Board of the . Cheshire ParentTeacher Associatio,n held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Crumrine, the follow. mg ch' aIrmen 0 f comml't tees were appointed for the year: Program, Miss Helen Bray; membership, Miss Elyira Patierno; hospitality, Mrs. Michael Sheehan; publicitv, Forest Eastman. Other chairm~n wil! be named in the near future. Miss Lillian Andrews and Miss Virginia Rimback were appointed co-chairmen of a committee to arrange for a dinner to be held at the Waverly Inn on Monday, October 6, preceding the first meeting of the association that evening at 8. Members of the Board of Education and the Humiston School teaching staff, and officers of the association will attend. REGESTER NAMED DIRECTOR OF CHORUS I Be;eins Season Lois Jaenicke Wins Grange Essay Contest . I A daughter has been born at their home to Mr. and Mrs. Michael lVIus:o.ynski, of Milldale Park. i ,i Mrs. Marian Hicock, Miss Helen I B d M H Id C . [ ray, an rs. aro rumrme I represented the local parent-I Teacher Assodation at the meet!ng of t~e Middlebury Association m the MIddlebury TOWIl Hall, Wednesday evening, September 24. The speaker was Paul Stoddard, princiJ?al of the Falls Village. Regio~al HIgh School, the first regIOnal high school to be built in New England. Mr. Stoddard outlined the steps by which £ix 'C0';',";;S 111 the northwest part of the state united to form a regional high school board and built a plant costihg $387,000. The school has been in existence for two years and is considered a model of its type. Committee Chairman Named For P.T.A. H1llside r~turned sh.e waS RIChal'd CO'l'r6spondent I About thirty members of the Won ' G 'ld f St P t ' , 1en S Ul 0 • e e1' s Qhul'3h were guests recently at the h ome of Dr. and Mrs. John D. Skilto~ of Fai.rfi~ld, formerly of CheshIre. A PICl1lC IUJlcheon was served in the Orchard Green, and a birthday cake presented to Mrs. L. F. Buechele. . , Guests attendll1g were Mrs: Eve~ett Pardee, Mrs:,. F~rdll1a?d "'YoH,. Mrs. Lester. Har:ls, MISS C~rolll1e L~wton, Mlss Al:ce C~r~y, l\IIIss Anl1le Cannon, MISS EdIth Cannon, Mrs. H erman Toepke, Mrs. Henry Terrell, Mrs. L. F. Buechele, Miss Lucilla Marshall, Mrs. Charles H. Chapman, Mrs. Frederick, Howland, Mrs. Russell NIchols, Miss Mary L. Bishop, Mrs. Harry Jewett, Mrs. W. Frank Pe, tel's, Mrs. Nathaniel Cable, Miss Jane Bennett, Mrs. H. L. Grime, Mrs. Mark Bishop, Miss Mary WilIiams, of New Haven, Mrs. A. G. H(nvcll, and Dr. and 1\11'3. :Nolman S. Howell. ',.. Telepnone 2132 "~'~m~.._ _ _..,'~_~"'_""'=~~_ _ _ Guild Is Entertained By The Skiltons SON '1'0 THE LANGLOISES A son has been born at the Bristol Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Langlois, of Main Street. 'W-:- DELLAR L. CRUMRINE! I . M. ....- - - - - - - - Wa.v~rly SH'TRE \J. ;.;.,.,;,;;,.,;,;;,.,;,;;,.,;,;;,""'"".,;,;;,....;..".,;;.-."'_.,;,;;,.., __ I ----------~---- C I Private Alfred S. M01"se retl,ll'ned Wednesday to Westover Field'l Mass., after a five-day visit lIVith The annual membership drive his mother, Mrs. Daisy M. S. sponsored by the Southington Morse, of 86 Main Street. On MonCouncil of P~rent-Teacher Associ- day night Mrs. Morse gave a famations will begin here Monday, Oc- ily dinner pal't~· for Private Morse, tober 6, and will continue through Se~oncl Lieut. 1. Lester Smith, who October 13. A goal of 500 active is her nephew, and Mrs. Smith. members is sought for a total local Lieut. Slnith, \vhose honle is in membership. . . New Britain, spent part of a 20local membershIp campaIgn I f I 1 . S thO t H i~ The being conductec] in connection cay. ur OUg1 m ou mg on. e with the Connecticut P. '1' A. drive. ' has .Just been transferr~d from the • h ouse-to-h ouse canvass" WI 11 b e marme at Quantico, Va., to .1. P . I base IdS 0 conducted by members of the YararrlS s an, . . ious local units of the P. T. A. Council. PEXTO OUTING TOl\10RROW The annual outing of the mem, 1<: ' , bel'S of the foundry; department of the Peck, Stow & Wiicox Company i MRS. FOLCI.K l~ D.~LEGATE ;:\ ~1rs. Ma~tlll Folclk, of Rourke will be held tomorrow at the Calu.,venue, tlns week attended the t C tt H-t h k L k · I CQ,l1VentlOn . 0 age, 1 eeoc a e. na t 101la 0 f th e P 0 l'IS h me Itoma:J Catholic Union at Balti, more, Md., as a delegate f,rom the RETURNS TO YALE local union. Clarence Barbier,' son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barbier, of Highwood Avenue, resumed his studies Mon]\IUSB CONNORS IS BETTER day at Yale University, New HaContinued improvement is re· yen. ported in the condition of Miss Margaret Connors, of North Main GRACES BACK FROM CHICAGO Street, a patient at the New BritMr. and Mrs. Joseph Grace, of ain General I-Iospital, \vhc recent- Eden Place, have returned frorn a ly underwent a major operation. vacation trip to Chicago, Ill. ':-: SOUTlIINGTON NEWS, AND CHESHIRE TIMES, SEPTEMBER 26, 19M _ , .~~~_~~_~, _ _,._~~,~~,',_,_~_~_. __.,........;.~ , __ """ ,,:rIlE SIX Cooking is fast, cool, clean, low in cost. The heating radiator sends a flood of cheery warmth to all parts of the room. It's automatic. No muss. No fuel to carry or store. SEE 'US OR YOUR GAS APPLIANCE DEALER CONNECIICUT LIGHT & POWER ;~~~~~W~~k~A~~~~C~~--~'---~'~I='--=-=-='-~"~~~~~E~s~oml~BH~OI~WNGiLro~;~RNS~E~Rw~E~A1AD~N~~'~cHl=E;~H'~fR~m~T~IM~~~,S~E~P~~.~~'~E~R~2a~'1~94~t==~~~~~______________--~~~ '\jems or ~t Top Speed Inl~ 4}, , .1]'. ~l ,The Home Season . ~ feIn' FO'R. BIG SEASON Opens Tomorrow 'Y' NOTES For 'First Test On\ Sunday 'n H kIn . , (Continutld hom Page 1) The boys' committee of the "Y" " away for a neat run to the Le\\ i" plans for'an active season ()[ clubs, i ' 10 Leagues Win Keen one'-yard line before being stopped classes and leagues foJ' all ag'cs, i only three. The team has played: T ' It' \Jy a host of Lewis tacklers. Gl'OS}50 including Gra-Y and Neighborhood' The star-studded Southington the faste.st semi-pJ'o opposition i.n he Alleys Busy went over for the S'wre and Tor- Clubs for gramm31' school boy~, 'I Gems, resplendent in their new the state WhIle comr)]hng thIS rington also missed the try for Junior Hi groups for seventh and blue and gold uniforms, will open spectacuhu record. Ten bowling leagues will be in extra point. Play for the half ')l1i\- eighth grade boys, and Hi- Y and i their fourth football season SunOfficials for Sunday's game ",ill regula-r operation at the Southing- ed with Lewis in possession of the other high school groups for the I day at 2:30 p. 11l. at the Southing- probably be Lester Kennedy, of ton .Recreation Alleys during the ball oli the Torrington 40. boys and young men of high ochoo1 : ton Recreation Park with the fast Bristol Street, as referee, and Eu- I age. ' conung seaSO,J1, Manager .Edward Pass Breaks Deadlock semi-pro Iroquois eleven of Meri- gene Guterch, of Belleview Ave- I by J,.tL1\. UALTON A. Snow announced las~ lllg~t. , Grosso elected to kick for Torden as the opposition. nue, as umpire. Capt. Jack Su1:'.va11·s Blue team \ Manager S?OW and Ius aSSlsant, \ r.ington to open the second h If . 'Manager IV1itch~ll P~ryrjzy sai(~ The personnel of the Gems in- administered a 33-30 beating to AnthonY l<Jgldeo, have been at .and got away a poo bOo t 'J h Next Wednesday at 7 p. m. the Jimmv "Bull" Vif a'rtl'11, Capt. Bob Fox's' Whites last Sun- \ wOl'k foi' the 1past weeks was downe't' .. " cen1)C 1 last night that the advanc:3 ticket • d \" 1.uy uToodr n , L e\\l::; i first CJ ' meeting .of the "Y" Bovs': . g l sale indicates an attendance 1;,. ex- Johnny 1<'olcik, Wmie Mongillo, day the Country ules for .. tel', on about the midfield stripe. ..Ul) leaders WIll be held;, I:;eetin : elmllnate allh posSltnhty Here again the Lewl'sn1e'n' ,cess of 500 football fans. he re- Walt Munson.. Lan." ., Meccariello, Club m the annual match betweCll leagues f fl' to . ' h . s ,.·uper- WIth the 'tt members of the Y' boys',' ports also that Coach "Bill" Zjjly, TOImotti, George Marshall, Walt two teams composed of club' mel'rt- 0 con lct.m tlmes t e matc es. iority was clearly shown a'S tl:e COml111 ee. I former Yale Univ.ersity football I'l- Conaty, Jr., Bob Nieblin2.', Hobby and craft groups are: spearheaded b yeary G " "Pl'es" bel'S. . . . More than 50 playErs L A meetmg '1 bof thed 10w.n 'hBow1ll1g boys " , ani ! minary;, has ,been· ·working his Calvanese, "Bull" Ludecke, Fred turned out early Sunday to ;Jarticeague Wl I ~ hel to:llg t at the Carlbel't, moved into position for planned to provide opportunitv fol' 'Charges at top speed for the open- Hobson, Knapp, Henry and DeAn- ipate and, from all repol"S, a grea~ ~I~eys at w~lch PreSIdent Ralph their final score. An l1-yal'c! toss special interests of boy memb~rs. ing encounter and that the team gelo, all former Lewis High play, day was enjoyer!. . , . Son1o3 d the or,npson wlll read the annual re- from Geary to Aldi L ' . '1 d I l' 8 port ancl outline plans for the com- nlan resul'te'l l'n t']' .etwls" wmgis il1 excellent condition for tl1e ers; Codette, Tucker and 1<'or~ella, b oys'f aJ e to payout UClr 1 . . . ' c 1e oucuc!own. fray. fori11er Plainville High gridders; holes but most of th2m managed mg r;l;s dls- Feinting the Torrington defense At the meeting Septembcr 22 of In, the past three years, the Art DellaVecchia, former Univer- to "play" throughout the . . . ' cTuhsse a:r:( a{loP be or tIe out of position, Capt. Geary the physkal and young men's comere Wl 1I a so e an e ectlOll 0 a flat pass to Qual'te b' k B I mittee, schedules, equipment, lead, Genls, composed of former Lewis sity of Missouri footballer, and Well, it seems good to 'lee int(eTest and Plainville High grid stars and Mort Snowman, former Bucknell sustained so long after Labor Day, for the. dA!l mana- Moore for the extra 0,) a;d benfjeral were', something that rarely ilappem, t1eams m In enterAfter the score Lewis stayed on :lscusse. , e mte lPe1'1o sh for several former college gl'idmen, College gridman. have won 27 games Wiliie. ___ losing' - -_____iiii____-iii and I hope it will keep up until mg raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IS eague are ll1V1ted to at- the defensive for the remainder of joung men s gym c asses, ouse i mow fiies ..... Steward Bill Tar- tenc!. the b"'ame • . Torri' ng t . Jeagues and were arranged. ' on' s passll1.O' 1<' t I I teams b . T he varrous leagues to operate game was stopped .cold b th 1<"~ rant announces that another "jam ra ern a c u s and hobby clubs,' session" is scheduled fo:, next at the Recreation Alleys are as tanamen, who had be:n ~ril~~d such .as photography, radio,' rifle: Tuesday night. ... Enough said! .. follows: since early September against 8uch shootmg, glee .clulJ" elc., . were: Miamian George N. Hoover, who Grange League, each Monan attack. pl~.nned. SuggestJOns for an mdus- : pla"ed our course with rile Saturday at 8:30 p. m. Referee Hart ,1l1 . th ' trml dOh basketball,. league . were P1'OJ . e presence 0f day for the fourth tim," i!1 four Red. Men's League, each the Torrington and Lew'IS c(,ac " h es, I pose. tbe1'' gToupS! IllclUllecl a1 I' class f f . T ues day a t 8 :30 p. m. years, says out layout is in far b"tpraised the sportsmanship of Lew- ' or ~sllless anc pro ess:ona , tel' shape than most of the ones Merchants' League, each is' Capt. Geary. Hart said that the men, badml!lton .club, al:d an after- , L r he's been playing on this sunl1ner Tuesday 7 to 8 :30 p. m. Lewis leader permitted TOl'rin ton no~n cla.s5. o l11ght 8h1ft \Yorkers, ' up in New York State.... Lack of WCdountdry Club League, each to use two of his team';; and body-building- i Our Plan Of Mortgage Loans Allows rain has ruined fairways and e, nes ay at 8 :30 p. m.'h when it had ('xhauste' 10Up. ,~(t l't·8 o\vn Each Borrower To Make Payments Of greens of many up-state New YOJ'k 'lown League, each T urstimeout periods. He told the courses. . . . Marty Phelan was in day at 8:30 p. m. coaches it was a gesture of >:;}J(:l'tsMrs. Doris Finkel will be with Interest A.nd Principal Monthly Like pinch-hitting for ~e in the SahlI'Pexto League, each Friday manship seldom witnesse'l. the "Y" to direct the women', and Rent. Interest Is Computed At. 50/0 Per day match with 'Art Oberempt at 8:3~ p. m. Coach 1<'ontana said yestB1'<1ay girls' work again this veal'. Thb Year On Th~ M~nthly Unpaid Balance. against Dreier an (1 Schmidt. . . . PastIme State League, each that he would start the same first includes the younger girls of oT'lde : Of course, the nightshift had to be Saturday' at 8 :30 p. m. string team tomorrow against the schools.' the high girl; :nd i broken up Sunday for the Blue and Central Stll>te League, men Junior Republic. The visltor3 have Tl'l-Y Club gym periods, older i A Stipulat-ed Monthly Payment Agreed White affray, so I stayed home and and W0D;le'll, each Sunday at one and lost one thus fa:c this sea- glrlS, Beta Mu Sigma Club, and' Upon When The Mortgage Is Placed slept. . . . Guess my buddies made 8 :30 p, m . , son, having beaten their Alumni, gym programs for the women. out all right as far as I've been Falcun State League, each 19 to 6, and having lost to Gilbert The "Y" building is to be opened i Pays The Interest And Entire Principal able to leam.'. . . Sunday at 3 p. m. High of Winsted 8 t.) 7. Tomor- daily to i'erve its l;lembers and the: In The Number Of Years Agreed Upon. The Party 'Lovie Eagies State League, each row'; game stal:ts pr,)mptly at community at large from Monda)' : Last Thursday night's party for SUll'day at 3 p. m. 2:30 p. m. through Saturdays from a. i Lovie Greiner was certainlv a . The summary of last week':,! to .noon and from 2 p. m. to clo,;ing If You Are Building A Neiw Home Or I I ~ludes ~t So~thingtoll arr~ngmg ~c;e ~everal ~ ~he I fo~ (~:W s~aso~. ~ewt officer~ l~agUe. ~·erstho. W~ll ~e ~aguef' po~n:'c ere~te. to~sed i ~~Ship ,0r.""~ L8. :., I.e prOg~a~1 I I M,ORTGAGE LOANS time~~lt;; g\~:lght-hftlJJg sch~ol t~e f~r Want To Refinance Your Present Mortgage, Consult'Our Officers. They Will Be Glad To Assist You In Every Way Possible. ' & Trust COimpany SOUTHINGTON, CONN. (Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) swell affair, and it lasted well'into the early hOllrs of the morning. .. , Some of the pictures I snapped . came out pretty well and I'm saving them for a later occa'iion ... ' l\1U'ljc supplied bv the .Sand Hi!!hillies was very; very good· and the roun,gstel's cle~el've a lot of creclj~ for the work they must put in to pIa,' the way thev do . . . . Didn't realize that we h~d so many members who are adept at doing the polka ... Mr. Kenney and Bessie Gorry were among the le:>.n!ng Gxponents of this dance at the paTty. S0111B of the boys remained in' the locker room most of the' eveI must say that thev whole lot df fun! . . '. : How d.id y'lu like > ; • ~) c.~ Acl'OSs trom Theater 18 MAIN STREZT SOUTHiNGTON, CONN. Large Free Lot Rear Of Store FANCY RIPI:' VITAMINS 1\, B1, C NATiVE VITA,MINS B;, C Ft..NCY SNO-WHllE VIT AMINS Bl, C, G n~. i the picture they printecJ YGil in' game follows: time. that nearby city's evening napG'? T . t I Tl Seems to me that t~le tournaornng on Lewi"l 1e Lewis Hi- Y Club \\ ill ment committee miO'ht Gig down Trobel· ......... le, ........ Rich Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. an(1 the into its l'eSOUTCes a;d fio-ure out Schwartz ....... It ... Stankewi.cz Y. M. C. A. membersllip cOl11l11itte(~ another match or two to be played A. Yanok ...... 1;;· ... Westerberg' 'will l11<;et W'Jflnesda~; fet 8:15 p. Ill, , among' the members before the O;"derdonk ...... c........ Woor! -----seas0l1 closes .... It won't be n:uch Sllvernale ...... rg ...... Morelli MARh :31ST ANNIVEHSARY longer, I suppose, until the boys AI~dersol'1 ...... rt. ..... Kremski Mr. fl.nd Mrs. Ed.ward L. Brill. get the football fever and hang P?nd .......... re .......... Aldi of Main 3treet, oi:Jsc]'vcd their 31st, up their golf clubs until next year TI~l~ .......... qb .. , ... " Moore weddinr::; an1.iversal'Y Tuesday. Mr, i so Jet's keep the interest up as GIO .. SO ........ Ihb ..... Carlbert Brill is an officer or the P.'l~i.ltton i long as we 'can. . . . Quite a mlnl- ~ed~sco ....... rhh ... Kavanaugh & Son Company, Center Street. : bel' of the feltows went up to 'rIllYlaSI. e ......... fb. . . . . . .. Geary ble Brook yesterday to play in the J~w:~ ....... , ... 6 0 7 0-13 -~~~-~--~~-~-annual Get-Togetl1er sponsored hy TorIll1gton ....... 0 6 0 0- 6 SHOP AT ',ouchdowns, Cadbert, Grosso, ·t'he Central C01111' ectl'cut Golf n. "sso-' {-·r . THE GLOBE cituation, through the untiring €f-, Aldi; referee, Har'.; umpire, Doforts of Secretary Harry Bartholo- heny; linesman, D'C::onnor' substi'AND SAVE orrmg mew. tut'10115, T ' t on, B asqulll, '. Horvath, Carey, Kunkiewicz, Mele, With the ella of Daylight Sa.ying· Time tomorrow night, al! of 'the Driscoll, Medica, Sabia, Whalen; Moselewski golf that's to be played will havB Lewis, .McNerney, Hart Schaffner & ·Merrilf1an. . ' to be done before 6 p. m . . . . That Marx Suits does Hot, however, mean that a lot o~ fun can't be enjoyed up at the LANDSCAPING CONTRACT -·-!iNIT:TEX----clubhouBe in the early evening! ... TO' BE AW ARDJ'm TODAY TOPCOATS .By the way, the club 'will l'emain open at least until November 3, The contract fOl: grading, seed-I: A GROUP OF according to present plans. . . ing and landscaping the grounds : $30.00 & $3i>.00 Guess that ab0t:t covers the golfing about the new Southington town ; MEN'S situation for now so I'll call a halt hall office will be aW'arded today by 00 until this time next w~ek ... Un- the selectmen and town building til then, may I remind you that cOn1l11ittee. The work will require one never needs fear 'repl'isals sevel'al weeks. \ ~EN'S TOPCOATS ! when telling the truth! ... Get it? 50 5U Grapes Apples Potat(DEls ~ I.BS 5 LGS 19& . 2; "'DS H'C' surl'S $20. ••~~~~~~~~~~I BUY YOUR NEW 1942:,DO'DiGE or PLYM\OUTH ITYF IR" Is Still $3 Following Stock for Imme,diate Delivery; (6) 3/3 size mattresses (11) 4/6'size mattresses (4) 3/3 size bo:xsprings (2) 4/6.sIze boxsprings Select While We Have Them! This is the famous top--quality mattress you've heard about for years, made by Burton-Dixie one of the oldest names in fine beddin o·• You'll' find yan.ity ,Fair:;, used in the best horrl"es, hotels and l,nstltubons 111 the U.S.A.-it seems to be a "must have" where comfort is important. Sold 'With "a 10~y.eal' guarantee against defects in m:anufactui:'e. Cohlpare-you'll buy Vanity. Faf:r! .'Broadloom Rugs at Savings If you have a ~\g rOom here's your big chance to fit it with a fine rug, at an exceptional saving! These are plain color rugs in heavy qualities. Atl one-of-a-kind. SALE Size: REG. '$95.00 9x13.2 ...........,$125 9x12 ... __ , __ .. ,..... $102 $79.50 9x12 _, __ ,_, .... _.... $141 $99.50 7x15 ... _____ .... '_ .. $114 $82.50 !Jx15 ,_, ___ .. _._ .... , $141 $99.50 9x15 .. ___ ........ ___ $141 $99.50 5.5x15 , ___ ....... _.. $95 $77.50 9x14.8 .... _,_ .. '__ $235 $159.00 $99.50 5x14.6 ._,, __ ,_. ___ $146 12x18 ,_ . _.... $148.75 $119.50 HASSOCKS $1.45 to $12.95 More than a hU11dred smart designs in hassocks in o.ul' 11.3W drapery department, 3rd floor. Every Slze, shape and color combination you can think of . . . clevcr applique designs. T~BRUCE BE;FO\RE OCT:OBER 1st and SAVE 3V2% EXCISE TA~X $22· to Silve,.brook lb. Crea'n'l2ry $,38. HEADQUARTERS FOR AERO - PAl( LUGGAGE BOYS' PREP SUITS $12.95 With 2 long trousers 200/0 Off ON ALL BOYS' KNICI(ER SUITS MEN'S HOSIERY c to 25 50c MALLORY HATS 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1.'94C,PLYMOUTH SEDAN 193,9 PLYMOUTH CONY. COUPE 1939 'CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 1939 CHRYSLER. SEDAN 1937 nODGE SEDAN 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 PLyl\IiOUTH SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1935 DODGE SEDAN 1935 FORD SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN· LARGEST SELECTION OF GOOD USED CARS IN CENTRAL CONNECTICUT DWORIN, MOT,ORS , Dodge - Plymouth Sales ami Service 90 WHITING ST. '1'l<~L. 5H PLAINVII,LE MEN'S REVERSIBLE TOPCOATS 95 $12. --_.... --,;,..:.- TOM TERRY SHOES $,3.50 T AYLOR - MADE SHOES $5.85 ----~- --- CoMPLETE ..- - . CLOSE OUT OF LADIES' SHOES 9'9c to $3.89 Values to $8.50 ----.---~ ",-- MEN'S GENUIN:E FUR FELT HATS $2. 50 VISIT OUR ODD PANTS DEPARTMENT Priees $1.95 to $7.50 The Glo.be~ Inc. Cor. Main and West Main Streets N'EW BRI'l'AIN SUBJE.CT T0 !v1f\Rf\ET Pr;nz CHESHIRE TIMES, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 J. Edward. Roberts Dies After Brief IHness 31st wedding ann~versal'y on Monday. They were married September 29, 1910, at St. John's Epis:opal Church, Wallingford. Mr. Owen is employed by the Peck, Stow & Water Street, Southington, was honored at a shower Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Carmen Bernardo, of W orth:ngton Ridge, Berlin. j',.Iore than '15 attended. Struck By Car While Visiting !n Seattle J. Edward Roberts, of Beecher Installation of the new lateral Street, died Wednesday at his sanitary sewer through Carter home following a brief illness, He Lane from Main Street east to Old was a ,native Of Lynn, Mass., and Turnpike Road was completed this a resident here for 25 years. week bv the B. Y. M. Construction Until his retirement several Compa;;y of Wethersfield. House years ago Mr. Roberts was e!11- connections are now being made ployed by the Southington Hard- for ,'everal of tl1c property owners ff" C H ware lhanufacturmg o. e was in this area, a member of St. Thomas' Church. Work begins soon opening a Mr. Roberts leaves his widow, ditch and laying pipes north on Mrs. Delia E. (Skinner) Roberts. Old Turnpike Hoad to connect with The funeral will be held today new laterals at the top of the hill. at 8:30 a. m. at the Hallahan Funeral Home, 208 Meriden A venue, MRS. LARIUNS !S BACK and ~t ~ ~. m." at, St. :~'ho~as' Mrs. Ael;:>. Larkins, of Highwood ChurCh. BUl'lal wll1 oe 111 bt. ~l1°-l Avenue, c,erk in tho office of First mas' C"v,Jetery. SelE:ctman James Sj,r;one, has resumed her duties after enjoying a 3 To? ~ta:rs Apr:e<,.r 'week's vacation !n Greenwich, N. J. State Officials Win Attend Installation I J 1, BOROUGH TAXES DUE ON OCTOBER FIRST New Sewer Completed Through Cartel' Lane Th ffi f' e recently elected 0 cers 0 George F. DU1~ton, 61, of North I Kiltonic Post, No. 72, American St 1':e, t S ou thOmg t o-?, was In. 1\1,<. ~all1 Legion, and Ladies' Auxiliary' will stant!y .kIlled last week In Seattle, be installed at 8 p. m. Monday at Wash .. when he was struck by a joint ceremonies to be held at the hit-and-run driver as he crossed a American Legion Home, Main highway. The body will be cre- Street. State and district officials mated and sent to Southington for will have charge of the install abul'ial in Oak Hill Cemetery, :ac- ,tionceremoni~,s. More than 200 cording to members of the famIly. I are expe~ted to attend. ' T;he bur;al service wil! be held as ' New officers of Kiltonic Post will soon as the ashes arrive from Se- be installed by Edward J. Kelley, attle., of 'Taftvill~, senior vice comman. At the time he \vas killed, Mr. del', and hIS staff, and Joseph .P. 1 In HIt At ColOllual Dutton; :was visiting his SI)J1, McCarthy, of Hartford, first dlih ___ George Dutton, Jr.,' who is sta- trict commander of the American . d'll1 S eatt '1 e WI'th th e U't The surprise picture hit, "MantlOne m e d Legion. Mrs. Marion Sullivan, of u there. H tf d 1 • ff '11' t 11 power," starring those three cinStates Nav J ar or, aDd ,ler sva WI ms 'a, Mr. Dutton re- th e L ales d' 'A UXI'1'lary affi cer~ ema greats, Marlene Dietrich, For many veal'S o c."l·ded on Old Turnpike Road and When t h '0' George Raft e '111sta11' atlOn ceremo-. '11 t andth Edward k G.1 Rob, was ga t eman f or' the N ew York' ,n1e5 are coneIude d , supper WI'11 b e 11150n, \Yl {kl op C I e. Iwee Th--en, t, proE1 New Haven & Hartford Railroad served and a program of enter- I gram ae L 1e 0 Olll~ ea Ie. }at the Center Street crossing here. tainment will be presented. Post mUl?d 1:owe, long-t!me screen LaUntil a few months ago he was b d d vonte, IS featured 111 the eompanmem ers are requeste to atten . ' , . , "D bI D t " employed as a watchman for the . f 11 'f Ion plCLlue, ou e a e. 111 u um orm. R b ' H t (If tl Manufacturing A d I t' f th I I t O ere Ie in Beaton & Corb e ega IOn rom ' e oca pos , mon gomery, . T·1 II one 1.. '11 d '1' '11 tt 1 th d" greatesc stars m L 0 YWOO(, WI. C0111pany, of Southington. , an aUXl lary WI a en( e 18- b . h' It" t ' , , h; Besides his son, George, Mr. t ' t t' . N B o't' S I e seen III ,8 a e"t s arnng, ve_ ,rIc mee mg 111 ew II am un- cle "H Comes Mr Jordan" Dutton leaves two other sons, day at the clubrooms of Eddy , ere d W d . d 'I ;ex~" r ~l:es a~T~ . e ~es ay al1f_ Charles H. and Clayton Dutton, _ Glover Post and Auxiliary. I Kilt omc. . P members at a re- fhu,sdclY. Wa.ne~ Blothers pre, both of Southington. ost" sent Wayne Morns as the star of '~ent. meetll1~, voted to offer. the the co-feature "Three Sons 0' MARK 34TH ANNIVERSARY servIces of l~S defense commlttee Guns." ' Mr, and. Mrs.Catell~ Gioia, of to. the Soutlungton Defe,nse ComOne of the trulv great pictures SOl~th Mall1, S~reet, \~Ill observe mltte~. . of a few seasons b'ack, "Navy Blue' theIr 34th weddmg anmversary toPolIce ChIef Edward ~ Geary 'l G 1d" "II b eh " I ext Frl''. f ' I d' t I '1 b ' 11 d 1 fane 0 . , '\,] e., 0'1, n J morro~v WIth a amI y mner par y WI I e ll1sta e . as, commanf e: 0 day and Saturday at the Colonial. at the.r home. , ,: the p.ost, succeedmg Walter .Robos, It has been re-released throughout , ,', of MIlldale, who served dUl'mg the the country because of the timeli,IT'S A BOY AT THE POCOCKS I past year. d ness of its theme James Stewart '.' h Other post officers to be installe ' I~" h' t· " Announcement lS made of t e f II ,. and FlOrence"lCe s ate s aIlll1g birth of a son at the Bristol Hos0 0'1'.. honors with an all-star cast which Chester Griffin, first vice comd '" pita! to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Poincludes Hobert Young a~ ... om cock of East Street. mander; Otto H. Reisch, second Brown. The ever-popular BllJ Boyd, , 'vice commander; Martin G. Kava- as Hopalong Cassidy, will be SAPn Borough of Southington taxes become due and payable at the office of Tax Collector Thomas E. Egan, Jr:. Wednesday, October 1. All taxes unpaid 30 <lays aFter the due date will be assessed a TJenalty charge. Bills have already been mailed out by Collector Egan a!ld he reports that a number of borough residents have already paid taxes in advance. -III SNUG HARBOR'S SUNDAY SPECIAL Whole Live-Broiled. Lobster Dinner / , I I JOHN SKINNER IMPROVES Improvement is reportea m the condition of John Skinner, of West C ' S treet, W h 0 un derwent an enter t' . 1 opera'lOn recell tl y at t h e Bnsto H osplta" . I OTHER SUNDAY SPECIALS Roast Long Islan,d Duckling Southern Fried Chicken Fried Fresh Shrimp ~__ All Rolls and Pastries Served at Snug Harbor are Homenl'"de. COLLEGE HIGHWAY •••• with all the important features ~hat give imp1'Oved cooking and heatIng performance. Factory Built-in Oil ~urners with Match Lighting. ExcluSIve Gle~wood Oil "Economizer" that saves both Fuel and Time - Gas Oven Heat Control Hi-Low Gas Top Burners. Double-Searing Broiler Pan - Full cast-iron cooking top. 4 Oil Covers - 4 Gas Burners. ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::i~i~~~~~a~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~C.in~~~~"~O~ .........---..........- .....--.......,.,. .,.....----.. Reisch, chaplain; Randall B. Fish, Town." Another chapter of the sepersonnel officer; and Maynard rial, "The Spider Returns," rounds Moseley, sergeant at arms. COlt;- out the program. m~nd.er G.ea1'Y will select his apBeginning next month Manager pOlnbve aIdes ,soon. Raymond England announces, cosMrs. Katherme Welch, of North met' sets v'ill be Q'iven away to M' S' t S th' t 'j] b I Ie , ,.., : am ,tree, ou. mg ',on, W! ,e lady patrons. Furthel' anflounce- j l!;stalled .a~ preSIdent of the La- ments will be made soon. dIes' AUXIliary for the second COI1secutive year. The other new auxiliary officers' MISS PI~TRILLO IMPROVES follow: " Continued improvement ;8 1'eMrs, Ruth Lachelt, first vice ported in the condition of MIss president; Mrs. Victoria Celello, Camilla Petrillo, of Chestnut second vice president; Mrs. Anna Street, vvho recently underwent a Chalmers, financial secretary; Mrs. major operation at St. Raphael's Bertha Reisch, treasurer; Mrs. Ju- Hospital, New Haven. III J L I HARRY ISRAEL m_ GOOD CLOTHES SHOP includes Boston Clam Chowdeir French Fried, Potatoes-Salad Rolls-Rutter-Coffee Up to 18 Months to Pay 0 ~ ur Iture 0 ,I 0., Where Quality Has Been Hi gher Than Price Since 1889 SO U'1'HIN GTOl' TEL. 757 ON THE GREEN _ _ _~__:--_----~~~-""""""-""-""""-""-""-""-...-""'-"""'--""-""-""""""""-~~~~""""...-":""'...":':'-."':~.:::~""..""..""..""-""-""""""""~""""""""""""""""::::""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""::: lia Carpentier, sergeant at arms; Mrs. Mae Hartford, assistant sergeant at arms; Mrs. JliIae O'Donnell, historian; Mrs. Mary Degnan, chaplain; Miss Lulu Nolan, Ml's. Irene Geary and Mrs. Rose Beat~ son, executive committee member. ON DISPLAY SEPTEMBER 26 1, \ 1 GRASS FIRE PUT OUT Engine Co. 1 of the Southington Fire Department was called ouf at 2 p. m. Friday for a grass fire at the comer of Rourke A venue and ' Mill Street. The blaze was quickly extinguished. No damage resulted. I T,ROUSER DEPARTME T MAN, OH, MAN! WHAT A SELECTION OF PANTS AND NOT A uDUD" IN THE LOT. ; , E DESIGNED TO UAD IN STYLING ever offered to the motoring public • • • with fleet, modern, aerodynamic lines and Fisher Body beauty to which create "the new style that will stay new" ••• with a powerful, thoroughly proved Valve-In-Head THOUSANDS OF TROUSERS fur HIGH SCHOOL FOR COLLEGE - PREP SCHOOL FOR WORK - FOR DRESS and to m'atch that coat and vest. Cheviots, Tweeds, Worsteds in a great variety of colors a,;'d pat. terns, and they're miles ahead' of th,eir price. Regulars, Shorts, Longs and Stouts sizes to fit all builds. You'll Wea~' Them AU Fan and Winter'- Buy Them Now THE MAN WHO KNOWS WEARS I GOOD CLOTHES --; 20 PRATT STREET, ME.RIDEN "Victory" Engine, built of quality materials ClInd de signed to lead in combined performance and econom)" MARY LEWIS FAIRFIELD GOLFER The famous Fairfield Golfer is now made in a brand new fall fabric! "Corde-O-Suede" has the texture and beauty of corduroy-with a smooth suede finish. Perfect tailoring with leather buttons and belt. Choice of Horseshow red, Skipper blue, Golden~g10 al1,d Sandy beige. Size8 12 ~. ._to__ 2_0~___________________ \ DESIGNED TO LEAD IN PERfORMANCE Chevrolet alone combines a powerful Valve·in-Hood "Victory" Engine, Safe-TSpeciel Hydraulic Brakes, Unitized Knee-Action Ride, end' Vacuum· Power Shift at no extra cost. !:IESIGNED TO Ll!AD IN ••• with all the fine comfort, convenience and safety fe.:atl.lres which have made Chevrolet the nation's leading motor car for tel} of fhp last eleven years. $3@95 Now Made in Corde-O-Suede! d Chevrolet alone of all lowpriced ears has "leader line" Styling, swank fender caps and Body by Fisher. IT ECONOMY Chevrolet is the most eeo· nomical of all largest-selling low-priced cars from the standpoint of gas, oit, tires end upkeep. BUY TH ELEADER AND GET ELEADING B BOYD" J. HEIGHT 15 HIGH STREET SOUTHINGTON, CONN.