Brand as Asset
Brand as Asset
Developing Global Halal Brand Membangunkan Jenama Halal Global Presenter Sulaiman Bin Arshad Consultant Business and Brand Consulting SIRIM Berhad Market Value Research by The World Halal Forum secretariat found 67 percent, or USD 1.4 trillion, this market comprises of Food and Beverages, Pharmaceuticals make up 22 percent or USD 506 billion, with cosmetics and personal care totalling USD 230 billion. Nilai Pasaran Penyelidikan oleh sekretariat Forum Halal Dunia mendapati 67 peratus, atau USD 1,4 trilion, pasaran ini terdiri daripada Makanan dan Minuman, Farmaseutikal membentuk 22 peratus atau USD 506 bilion,dengan kosmetik dan penjagaan diri yang berjumlah USD 230bilion. Market Access Gateway into 2 billion ‘de facto’ consumers from Asia, Middle East and European markets. (Asian Muslim Population – India 24%, Middle East 40%, China 3% and South East Asia 33%) Akses Pasaran Pintu masuk ke dalam 2 bilion 'de facto' pengguna dari Asia,Timur Tengah dan pasaran Eropah. (Penduduk Islam Asia - India 24%, Timur Tengah 40%, 3% China dan Asia Tenggara 33%) Halal Market (Definition/Definisi) Halal is an Arabic term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law and custom. It is the opposite of haram. The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic Law. It is estimated that 70% of Muslims worldwide follow halal food standards. Halal adalah satu istilah Bahasa Arab yang menetapkan apa-apa objek atau suatu tindakan yang dibenarkan untuk menggunakan atau melibatkan diri dalam, mengikut undang-undang Islam dan adat. Ia adalah bertentangan dengan haram. Istilah ini digunakan secara meluas untuk menetapkan makanan yang dilihat sebagai selaras dengan Undang-Undang Islam. Adalah dianggarkan bahawa 70% umat Islam di seluruh dunia mengikut piawaian makanan halal. Malaysia Halal Industry In Malaysia Today, about 60 percent (or 15 million) of the total population are Muslim, and if we estimate based on a conservative assumption that the per capita food expenditure is at RM1 a day, the total annual demand within the country fo Halal food is almost RM 5.5 billion a year. Di Malaysia hari ini, kira-kira 60 peratus (atau 15 juta) daripada jumlah penduduk Islam, dan jika kita menganggarkan berdasarkan andaian konservatif bahawa perbelanjaan makanan per kapita pada harga RM1 sehari, jumlah permintaan tahunan dalam negara bagi makanan halal hampir RM 5.5 bilion setahun. Halal As A Global Brand Where and to how to start… Halal As A Global Brand Fulfilled Customers perceptions… Translate to customers needs, requirements… build confidence. (Product are bought not sold) Halal As A Brand Enhancing Food Security Sustainable systems to produce sufficient, safe and healthy Halal As A Brand Setting Standards Malaysia is an authority in Halal production and certification standards. (MS 1500:2009) Halal As A Brand Halal as a brand is assurance of safety, quality and humane treatment of animals. It embodies values that are not just for Muslims but for everyone. Halal sebagai jenama adalah jaminan keselamatan, kualiti dan layanan yang berperikemanusiaan terhadap haiwan. Ia merangkumi nilai-nilai yang tidak hanya untuk umat Islam tetapi untuk semua orang. (YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak – Prime Minister of Malaysia) Halal As A Brand – Case study Halal As A Brand – Case study Brand questions Who are you? Who needs to know? Why should they care? How will they find out? Halal As A Global Brand How do you linked Halal as a Brand into your business - Why is your product or brand needed in Halal Industry? - If your brand didn’t exist, would anyone notice? - What is the purpose of your business aside from making money? - Do you make it easy for your customer to buy? - Do you make it easy for your sales force to sell? - Do you make it easy for your employees to embrace your brand? - Do your employees understand your vision towards Halal Industry? - Who are your top three competitors? - Do you have brand guidelines in line with Halal Industry? - How does your brand demonstrate respect for cultural differences? - What insights do you have into your customers lifestyle? - How does your brand connect emotionally with your customers especially Muslim consumers? - How do your employees and vendors access your brand guidelines? - How does your employees participate in brand building towards Halal Industry? - Is your mission statement on Halal Industry in a file or on the wall? - What kind of experiences do you offer your customers? - Have you ever conducted an internal brand audit? - If you covered your logo on your ads or packaging, would anyone know it’s you? - How do you listen to what your customers have to say about your brand, product, or services? - How do you build trust with your customers? - Who’s in charge of branding? - When was the last time you delighted a customer? Brand Intelligence The landscape changes daily: Brand principles provide the central, underlying strategy for successfully reaching your customers, creating motivation and desire. As you shape your big idea, identity your appeal, articulate your positioning, and create your brand identity, your brand acquires resonance and meaning. A successful brand is an asset whose value transcends tangibles like real estate and technology. It is created by you, but it resides in the hearts and minds of loyal consumers who choose you. Perisikan Penjenamaan Landskap perubahan harian: Prinsip-prinsip Jenama menyediakan pusat, strategi asas untuk berjaya mencapai pelanggan-pelanggan anda, mewujudkan motivasi dan keinginan. Seperti yang anda membentuk idea besar anda, identiti rayuan, menyatakan dengan jelas kedudukan anda, dan mewujudkan identiti jenama anda, jenama anda memperolehi resonans dan makna. Jenama yang berjaya adalah satu aset yang mempunyai nilai melampaui secara nyata seperti hartanah dan teknologi. Ia dicipta oleh anda, tetapi ia tinggal dalam hati dan minda pengguna setia yang memilih anda. Branding Intelligence Brand Basics Trademarks Good and Different Recognition Names Brand As Identity Brand Architecture Vision Brand Alignment Needs and Desire Brand Extensions Brand as Asset Touch Points Brand Basics Purpose Spirit and Soul BIG Idea Perception Stakeholders Authenticity Positioning Brand as Identity Answer theses questions quickly: Who are you? Who needs you? Why should they care? How will they find out? Have you begun the branding process? How could I have been anyone other than me? – Dave Matthews Vision Is your vision statement accessible and relevant today? Can it sustain your organization through rapidly changing times? Google’s aim is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. – Google vision Needs and Desire Remember that the emotional connection of your brand transcends its features and benefits. The best brand satisfy more than one need, fulfilling higher desires at the same time. While look is defined by color, scale, proportion and motion, feel is experiential and emotional. – Abbott Miller Partner Pentagram Touch Points Conduct an internal and competitive audit. Compare your touch points and the competition’s. Determine whether your brand is cohesive across channels. The job is not to find the right customers for your products but to find the right product for your customers. – Philip Kotler Marketing Management Purpose What is your purpose beyond making money? Is there a single thing that you do better than anyone else? Do your customers, employees, and stakeholders know? Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing. – Jimmy Wales Co-founder Wikipedia Spirit and Soul How does your brand reach and appeal to Consumers? What feelings and associations do you want customers and prospects to have when they experience your brand? A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. – Sir Richard Branson Founder and CEO Virgin Perception Research why customers select your brand. Investigate the layers of competitive advantage that are subtle, emotional, and perceptual. Use design and experience to connect emotionally with your customers. Keep the higher level promise of your brand and your name, logo and core colors, as visible and consistent as possible. – Connie Birdsall Creative Director Lippincott Authenticity Does your organisation have a shared understanding of what your brand stands for and the value that it provides? Authenticity is knowing who you are. Authenticity, for me, is doing what you promised, not “being who you are.” – Seth Godin Positioning Research! The more you know about your target customer’s needs and desires, your competition, and the needs you fill, the more effective your message and the more loyal your audience. A brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus. – Al Ries and Jack Trout Stakeholders Recognise the importance of having all stakeholders on your side. Let them know you are listening and acting on their concerns. You live or die by your database.. – Chris Brogan and Julien Smith Trust Agents Big Idea Is your big idea sufficiently articulated to guide marketing, expansion, and divestiture? Does it dramatically differentiate you from your competitors? Are you making it easy for your customer to choose your brand? Building a better world is not so much a goal as an everyday fact of life. – Brian Walker CEO Herman Miller Brand as Asset Which part of your business is most valuable? Have you trademarked your brand assets? What actions are you taking to protect and grow your brand assets? In 2010, the brand value of coca-cola was valued at 63 percent of market cap. - Blake Deutsch Brand Extensions Carefully evaluate brand opportunities to avoid diluting or damaging the core brand. Look for opportunities to Brand equity. Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast. - Tom Peters Brand Alignment How do you promote immediate recognition of your brand? Are brand attributes visible across marketing channels and media? Unify, Simplify, Amplify - Ken Carbone Co-founder Carbone Smolan Recognition Does your logo use distinctive shapes to make it memorable? Calculate how many times a year your logo is seen across marketing channels. The logo is the gateway to the brand. - Milton Glaser Designer Trademarks Create a clear set of usage guidelines for your logo, For both internal and external partners. In a redesign, determine whether the change is evolutionary or revolutionary. Design differentiates and embodies the intangibles – emotion, content and essence. - Moira Culien Global Design - The Hershey Company Names Use brainstorming techniques to generate hundreds of options. Record all ideas. Examine names in context. Write stakeholder quotes and say them out loud. Naming is 20 percent creative and 80 percent political. -Danny Altman Founder / A Hundred Monkeys Good and Different What would it take for your organization to have a radically differentiated brand? If your brand didn’t exist, Would anyone notice? Be irreplaceable. Business success today comes from converting imagination, empathy, and collaboration into patents, brands, and tribes. -Marty Neumeier Director of Transformation Liquid Agency Branding Intelligence Halal As A Brand Trademarks Good and Different Recognition Names Brand As Identity Brand Architecture Vision Brand Alignment Needs and Desire Brand Extensions Brand as Asset Touch Points Purpose Spirit and Soul BIG Idea Perception Stakeholders Authenticity Positioning Good Look = Good Thing Good Thing = Good Price Good Price = Good Business Good Business = Good Brand Good Brand + Halal Recognition = Better Brand & Better Business Think about it… Thank you 012 272 2734