7/3/2014 The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 27 WEEKLY E-NEWSLETTER July 4, 2014 CONTENTS Volunteer at Yesler Terrace UUC Picnic August 24 Announcements In the Larger Community UPCOMING SUNDAYS Sunday, July 6 One service at 9:30 a.m. Erica Richmond will be in the pulpit: "Risking Hope." Soloists: Nancy Kirkner, handbells & Janet Anderson, piano. Sunday, July 13 One service at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Deborah Raible will be in the pulpit. Music: the Resonance Handbell Quartet. Sunday, July 20 One service at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Matthew Cockrum will be in the pulpit. Soloist: Brendan Hemmerle, tenor. Vol. 4, No. 27 VOLUNTEER AT YESLER TERRACE YOUTH MEDIA PROJECT This summer program at Yesler Terrace Community Center teaches 18 youth to learn and use media and documentary skills to tell the story of the Yesler Terrace redevelopment, and its impact on residents. Here are some ways to volunteer! The program runs Monday through Thursdays through August 14th. Do you have photography or video skills? Or, would you just like to work with a group of youth as they conduct interviews and craft their documentary story? Sign up online! You will be asked to complete a criminal background check. Volunteer sign-up YIF/RECTECH/PCNW If you'd like to deliver healthy snacks to supplement the hohum city-provided lunch, contact Verna Everitt at [email protected]. Snacks should be delivered by 11:30 am. Before you go: Yesler Terrace is a largely immigrant community, so volunteering at the Youth Media Program is probably a cross-cultural experience for most of us. Engaging authentically across difference is part of what makes social justice work spiritual work, so and we recommend that volunteers first take advantage of this self-guided study unit from the College of Social Justice before you go. It's designed for trips abroad, but is very relevant here. http://uucsj.org/study-guide/crossing-boundaries/ SUMMERTIME, AND THE LIVIN' IS EASY Sunday, July 27 One service at 9:30 a.m. Worship and music by the campers, counselors and staff from UUC's Chalice Camp, exploring the camp's theme of "we take care of each other." Come "live easy" with us at UUC's All Church Summer Picnic on Sunday, August 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lower Woodland Park in Seattle will be the site for this fun, all-ages summer gathering. The picnic will feature music, games, conversation and an ice cream sundae bar. Bring your own picnic lunch and blanket. Tickets for the Ice Cream Sundae Bar are $5 per person and will be on sale later this summer. JULY 6 Don't miss out on this great community-building event! For more https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117790821762&format=html&print=true 1/5 7/3/2014 PULPIT GUEST ERICA RICHMOND Sunday's pulpit guest is Erica Richmond, a fairly new member of UUC. She moved to Seattle last August and has enjoyed getting to know the city and this wonderful congregation. Erica is a chaplain resident at Harborview Medical Center and in the Unitarian Universalist ordination process. LINKS University Unitarian Church Website Rev. Jon Luopa Rev. Matthew Cockrum Board of Trustees Contact Us / Church Staff Events Calendar UUC CARE MINISTRY TEAM: HOW CAN WE HELP? If you or someone at UUC are ill or in need of support, please leave a message for the Care Team on our confidential line, (206) 454-7722, or fill out the UUCare Ministries card in the pew and drop it in the collection box to the left of the copier. ALL IN THE FAMILY The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 27 information, contact Fred at (206) 454-7721 or [email protected]. See you there! ANNOUNCEMENTS UUC MEDITATION GROUP The UUC Meditation Group meets throughout the year every Wednes​ day from 7-8 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Meditators of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend. July July July July 9 16 23 30 Mindfulness Bone Breathing Body Scan Walking Meditation at the Woodland Park Rose Garden Click here for a full description of the group. If you have any questions, contact the group at this address. CLIMATE ACTION TEAM Please join us for the next Climate Action Team meeting on Sunday, July 13, at 11 a.m. in Knatvold. We will be discussing future activities including upcoming presentations and action events, ride-sharing, an ARE class,... SOCIAL JUSTICE TOWN HALL MEETINGS As part of the implementation of our vision and strategic plan, the Social Justice Steering Committee has been working over the past year to identify ways to help our congregation have a clearer, stronger voice in the world. Come hear about proposed focus areas for social justice work, and a clarified process for taking formal positions on justice issues. We'll be hosting two meetings over the summer: Sunday, July 13, and Sunday, August 10, at 11 a.m. after the worship service, in Emerson. The full recommendations document is on UUC's website. Contact Social Justice Coordinator Jennifer Brightfor more information. ARTISTS' RECEPTION JULY 20, 2014 The UUC Art Committee will show works by Nancy Rothwell and Meg Gray July 20, 2014 through September 6, 2014. The Chapel will feature the paintings of Nancy Rothwell. Engaging the viewer intellectually is an aim for this artist and her https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117790821762&format=html&print=true 2/5 7/3/2014 The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 27 Stream of Light cluster is delighted to report that Carolyn Hale has been named Woman of the Year for Mental Health by the National Association of Professional Women. Carolyn received this award for founding and staffing Circle of Friends to help adults suffering from mental illness. Do you have a significant personal or family milestone to share with your fellow members at UUC? To submit an item for "All In the Family," please send a brief description of the event to be honored to [email protected]. WEDNESDAY FORUM Breaking news topics suggested by members will be discussed at the Forum from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 9 in Knatvold. Bring your hotbutton issue with a bag lunch or snacks. All are invited. RECENT GATEWAYS AVAILABLE ONLINE We are now keeping the last four issues of each Gateway newsletter and bulletin available on the church website. (Or, from the home page, uuchurch.org, follow the menus Our Church > Gateway Newsletter > Recent Gateways.) social commentary on the healthcare system in the United States will certainly provide creative food for thought. Gilmartin Gallery will feature works by Meg Gray. Creating a peaceful interlude by combining papers, metals and fibers is a focus for this artist. Bits and pieces that are found or created form a whole upon which one can rest their eyes. UUC ENDORSES LIVING WAGE FOR ALL CAMPAIGN UUC has signed onto the "Living Wage for All" campaign of the Church Council of Greater Seattle. This means that we are committed to engage with other people of faith on this important issue, through discussion, education, and action. Fresh Thoughts Meg Gray Although there's been a lot of conversation about the minimum wage recently, this is not about minimum wage. It's more than that. A living wage allows a person or family to be self-sufficient, without the need for public or charitable assistance; to live with independence and dignity; and to participate in the fullness of life. If you would be interested in helping to organize conversations at UUC around this important topic, please be in touch with our social justice coordinator, Jennifer Bright. Learn more about the campaign, and the history of the living wage movement, at www.livingwagejourney.org. THE REAL PRICE OF NUCLEAR MADNESS The Wednesday Forum is pleased to announce a special evening event on "The Real Price of Nuclear Madness" at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 29 in Knatvold. The featured speaker will be Holly Barker, popular University of Washington anthropology lecturer, who has studied the devastating environmental impact of U.S. atomic and hydrogen bomb tests in the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific during the race for nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union in the early days of the Cold War (1958-63). She will also address the recent lawsuit brought by the Marshall Islands against the nine major nuclear weapons countries, including the U.S., and the sharply rising costs of cleanup of radioactive waste at the Hanford nuclear reservation left over from A-bomb plutonium production. Videos will be included. Light refreshments will be served. Free will donations will be gratefully accepted. Volunteers may contact Dick at [email protected]. IN THE LARGER COMMUNITY WANTED MEANINGFUL MOVIES AND BOB FERGUSON: JULY 11 New addition to event: The Washington State Attorney General, Food for the Sunday https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117790821762&format=html&print=true 3/5 7/3/2014 Center Table during coffee hour. This is a quick and easy way to contribute to the Sunday Welcoming experience. We are looking for contributions of baked goods as well as healthier selections (e.g. fruits and vegetables). Homemade and store bought contributions are both welcome. To contribute, sign up at: tinyurl.com/CenterTable or email any questions to UUC.Center.Table@ gmail.com The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 27 Bob Ferguson, will be speaking (7-7:15 p.m.) about the lawsuit by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) against the state of Washington's Public Disclosure Law. Some people are worried that the GMA is seeking to overturn our law (used by Ferguson to force them to disclose their members who donated to defeat I-522, the GMO labeling initiative). The GMA is also suing the state of Vermont over their GMO labeling law. Wedgwood Meaningful Movies presents Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Marketing & the Creation of a Health Crisis, another offering in our monthly showing of documentary films on social and economic justice issues, at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 11, 2014, at Jubilee Hall, Our Lady of the Lake Church, 8900 35th Avenue NE, Seattle. (Note the change in venue.) Light snacks beforehand at 6:30 p.m. Enter Jubilee Hall from NE 89th Street. Parking on NE 89th and also on 35th Avenue NE. Overflow parking on the north side on NE 90th. The event is FREE and open to the public. Click here to view a trailer. PETE SEEGER SONGFEST Remembering Pete through his Songs, A Coffeehouse with Jim Scott Saturday, August 2 at 7 p.m. Evergreen UU Fellowship, Marysville We'll honor Pete Seeger, singing many of his well-loved songs such as If I Had a Hammer, Turn, Turn, Turn, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, and many others. All interested singers welcome, no experience necessary. Led by composer/guitarist Jim Scott, who knew Pete well and collaborated on many projects with the folk legend, we'll raise our voices for the causes Pete championed and remember the great contributions to our American heritage Pete made in his 94 years of life. We have lost an icon, but not his legacy of poetry and song to guide and inspire us. Some written music Jim has arranged will be provided, and all will be able to join in by ear and on the spot teaching, Suggested donation: $12/person or $20 for families Preceeding the songfest, you are invited to a Guitar Workshop with Jim Scott from 3-5:30 p.m. $35 which also includes the songfest. Sign up now and hold your spot! Contact Sue D'Williss 425-232-1414 or [email protected]. There will be a potluck between the workshop and songfest ( 6-6:30 p.m.) to welcome Rev. Carmen TenEyck-McDowell, Evergreen's new settled minister. You may remember Carmen: she was an intern at UUC a few years ago. INVITATION TO SAGE-ING® INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117790821762&format=html&print=true 4/5 7/3/2014 The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 27 All who are interested in the topic of aging in a holistic manner - mind, body, and spirit - are invited to attend the biennial conference of Sage-ing® International in Seattle this August. The conference, Gifting the World As We Age, will be held on the campus of Seattle University. The conference dates are August 21st to 24th, 2014. It is cosponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University and the Northwest Center for Creative Aging. The work of Sage-ing International is based on the visionary thinking of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and published in his ground-breaking book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing. In that book, Reb Zalman critiques attitudes toward aging typically held in the Western world and invites a new vision of aging embracing a model of introspection that cultivates deep wisdom and the potential for assuming the role of a sage in a world deeply in need of elder wisdom. Go to www.sage-ing.org to learn more about the conference, to register now and reserve on-campus accommodations if needed. Registrations for a single day are also possible. A listing of the entire conference schedule is on the Sage-ing website under the tab, 2014 Conference. The Gateway Weekly E-Newsletter is delivered on Fridays. Announcements received no later than 9 a.m. on Wednesday will be included in this e-newsletter as well as printed in the Gateway Weekly Bulletin, available on Sundays. Send submissions to [email protected]. Forward email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. University Unitarian C hurch | 6556 35th AVE NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117790821762&format=html&print=true 5/5