agenda - Emeryville
agenda - Emeryville
PLEASE POST Emeryville Parks & Recreation Committee Members Council Liaison Kurt Brinkman Member Brian Carver Member Betsy Cooley Member Ray Corona Member Karena Doan Member Gail Donaldson Member John Tann Member Lauren Westreich AGENDA Emeryville Park and Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday, May 15, 2013 – 5:30 PM Emeryville Recreation Center 4300 San Pablo Avenue All Advisory Committee meetings are noticed as Special City Council Meetings so that any or all of the City Council may attend and participate in the Advisory Committee’s deliberations. However, actions taken by Advisory Committees are not official actions of the City Council but must be ratified at a regular City Council. All writings that are public records and relate to an agenda item below which are distributed to a majority of the Park and Recreation Committee (including writings distributed to a majority of the Park and Recreation Committee less than 72 hours prior to the meeting noticed below) will be available at the Information Counter, 1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, California during normal business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays). I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Roll Call Public Comment Approval of Minutes April 17, 2013 Action Items a. none Information Items a. General Government and Parks and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee (Evans) b. Grants (Laven) c. Report Card Review (Discuss) d. Park Visit Schedule e. Community Task Force Report (Cooley) f. Dog License Off-Leash Areas (Discussion) g. ECCL Update and MOU 3 (Montero) Staff Comments Committee Member Comments Adjournment FURTHER INFORMATION may be obtained by contacting Cindy Montero, Committee Secretary, at (510) 596-3770. DATED: 05/10/2013 Post on : 05/10/2013 Post until: 05/17/2013 __________________________ Karen Hemphill, City Clerk All documents are available in alternative formats, on request. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a person requiring an accommodation, auxiliary aid or service to participate in this program should contact the sponsoring department at (510) 596-3779 as far in advance as possible, but no later than 72 hours before the scheduled event. The best effort to fulfill the request will be made. City of Emeryville,1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608, 510-596-4380 | 510-596-3724 fax | 711 TTY Relay PLEASE POST Emeryville Parks & Recreation Committee Members Council Liaison Kurt Brinkman Member Brian Carver Member Betsy Cooley Member Ray Corona Member Karena Doan Member Gail Donaldson Member John Tann Member Lauren Westreich Action Minutes Special Meeting Emeryville Park and Recreation Advisory Committee Wednesday, April 17, 2013 – 5:30 PM Emeryville Recreation Center 4300 San Pablo Avenue I. Roll Call at 5:30 PM a. Members present: Carver, Cooley, Donaldson, Tann, Westreich b. Members absent: Brinkman, Corona, Doan c. Public members present: Brown, Helfenberger, Keena, Marsela II. Public Comment a. Justin Brown, community services volunteer, introduced himself to the committee. III. Approval of Minutes March 20, 2013 a. The committee requested the 3/20/13 Action Minute to be corrected. Tann nominated Carver to be the chair of the committee during the special meeting, not Brinkman, Cooley, and Montero. b. The committee approved the 3/20/13Action Meeting as amended i. Motion: Donaldson ii. Second: Cooley IV. Action Items a. None V. Information Items a. Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Projects Completed i. Helfenberger presented the committee with a review of some of the completed projects from the Emeryville Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. ii. The committee agreed with the Strategic Plan to designate Aquarius Restaurant as a site to check out bocce set for the bocce court. iii. The committee requested Roy Miller to visit a future meeting for an update on MOU3 and ECCL. b. Park Visit Schedule i. The committee agreed to have a special meeting on June 5th at 5:30 PM to have a park tour around Emeryville. The tour is to last 2 hours. ii. The committee also agreed to visit sites of future parks (i.e.: Horton Landing Site), and to skip Joseph Emery and Temescal Creek Parks as plans for both parks have been finalized. PLEASE POST c. Park Impact Fees i. The committee discussed and agreed that the current Park Impact Fees are outdated. The committee would like to see the new draft of Park Impact Fees report. The committee would also like to compare Emeryville’s Park Impact Fees with other cities. d. Park Report Card i. Carver presented the committee with a sample of Park Report Card template and also the Oakland Parks 2012 Report Card from Oakland Parks Coalition. ii. The committee would like to see some modifications as Emeryville Park Report Card is being created. A draft of the Emeryville Park Report Card will be presented at the next meeting on Thursday, May 15, 2013. e. Grants i. Helfenberger presented the committee with 2 current grants that are in process: 53rd Street Greenway Project and eastshore State Park – Powel Street. ii. The committee would like to include grant review as a standing agenda item for future meetings. f. Working Plan for Parks and Recreation i. Carver, Donaldson, and Westreich requested an update from the Community Services Department pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Committee. ii. Helfenberger and Marsela gave the committee a brief overview of the summer program offered by the City of Emeryville. VI. Staff Comments a. Helfenberger invited the committee members to attend the Emeryville Earth Day on Saturday, April 20, 2013. He also invited members to attend the Emeryville Senior Center Annual Flea Market, Thursday – Saturday, April 25 – 27, 2013. VII. Committee Member Comments a. Westreich shared with the committee a brief overview of her findings regarding off-leash regulation for dogs in Piedmont. VIII. Adjournment at 7:40 PM Emeryville Park Report Card Park Name: Surveyor(s) Name: Date: Grading Instruction Shade in the circle below to rate the park condition accordingly. Poor Below Average Condition Litter Are the grounds free of litter? Are trash receptacles available and in good condition? Is the area free of graffiti? Average Above Excellent Average Comments/Fix It List (Please be specific) □ Not Applicable Picnic Area Are picnic areas litter free? Are picnic benches and tables in good condition and graffiti-free? If there are drinking fountains, are they working? If applicable, are restrooms in good condition? □ Not Applicable Hardscape & Signage Are sidewalks free of cracks? Are fences and benches in good condition? Is signage available and in good condition? □ Not Applicable Greenery Is the ground/lawn free of excessive leaves and clippings? Is the lawn mowed? Are the flowers and trees in good condition? □ Not Applicable Demographic Visitor(s) age group Visitor(s) activities □ 0 – 18 □ 19 – 25 □ 26 – 30 □ 31 – 50 □ 51 – 70 □ 71 – up □ Sports/Active □ Picnic □ Family Event □ Community Event □ Personal Leisure Emeryville Report Card Park Name: Surveyor(s): Date: Comments/Fix-It List (be specific) Litter 1. Are the grounds free of litter/ sharp objects/ weeds? 2. Are trash receptacles available and in good condition? 3. Are trash receptacles emptied? □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Picnic Areas 1. Are picnic areas litter free? 2. Are trash receptacles available and well placed? 3. If there are drinking fountains, are they working? 4. Are picnic benches and tables in good condition and graffiti-free? 5. Is play equipment in good condition? □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No Hardscape & Signage 1. Are walkways safe, in good repair and free of debris? 2. Are sidewalks free of cracks? 3. Are walls free of graffiti? 4. Are fences and benches in good condition and free of graffiti? Greenery 1. Is the ground/lawn free of excessive leaves and clippings? 2. Is the lawn mowed and edged? 3. Are trees and flowers in good condition? 4. Are flowerbeds and shrubs weeded and pruned? Drainage & Irrigation 1. Is there an irrigation or sprinkler system? 2. Do grounds and plantings appear to be adequately watered? 3. Are the low areas free of collected water? □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Restrooms (if applicable) 1. Are floors and walls clean? 2. Are toilets and sinks clean and in working condition? 3. Are supplies (soap, paper towels, toilet paper) available? 4. Are trash receptacles available and in good condition? □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ Yes □ No □ No □ No □ No Emeryville Report Card Park Name: Surveyor(s): Dog Uses (if applicable) 1. Are dogs allowed in the park? 2. Is the park designed to accommodate activities involving dogs? 3. Is a dog waste bag dispenser available and stocked? Date: □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Demographic Visitor(s) age group Visitor(s) activities □ 0 – 18 □ 19 – 25 □ 31 – 50 □ 51 – 70 □ Sports/Active □ Family Event □ Personal Leisure □ 26 – 30 □ 71 – up □ Picnic □ Community Event □ Pets Leisure 6 8 4 7 5 3 2 2 1. Horton Landing 2. Stanford Ave. Park 3. Comm. Organic Garden 4. Doyle & 61st St. Parks 5. Christie Ave. Park 6. Marina Park 7. Shorebird Park 8. Point Emery 1 START/FINISH MEMORANDUM DATE: May 7, 2013 TO: Michael Biddle, Interim City Manager FROM: Cindy Montero, Interim Community Services Director SUBJECT: April 2013 Community Services Monthly Progress Report COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION City/School Committee Meeting The City/Schools Committee meeting was held on April 8th. Information items covered at the meeting included an update from the Emery Ed Foundation, the COC Chair’s Report, an ECCL update on Play Area Designs, Calendar Coordination between Community Services, ECDC and EUSD, Characteristics Wanted in the New City Manager, and a presentation on MOU 3 for operations of the ECCL. In the only action item, the Committee voted in favor of creating a taskforce responsible to produce a summary report on City/School Committee on what to do with the six remaining school or recreation center parcels of property that the City and School owns after the ECCL is opened. For more detailed information, please see the action minutes or watch the entire meeting webcast from this meeting at under the City/School Committee’s webpage. Interim Community Services Director Montero News and Notes April 4th, meet with full-time Community Services Department staff for a quarterly meeting. Attended the ECCL Program Review with Roy Miller, Anakarita Allen, and Juliette Dunn on April 4th at the Ralph Hawley. Attended the City/School Department meeting on April 8th. Participated in the MOU 3 meeting with City and EUSD staff on April 9th. Attended training in Concord presented by Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore that discussed the “Best Practices in Personal Management” on April 10th. Worked with the Children’s Aid Society and EUSD staff on programming ideas for ECCL on April 11th. Continued working on the Utilization Chart for ECCL with EUSD staff on April 18th. Attended a presentation at City Hall on the Code Red application on April 18th. Met with staff to discuss the sharing of job duties until the new Program Coordinator is hired on April 19th. Manned the Community Services Department booth at Emeryville Earth Day on April 20th. Met with the HR Department to create a timeline for the recruitment of Program Coordinator on April 22nd. Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 Attended the Architectural meeting for the ECCL on April 23rd. Met with Margaret O’Brien and owner of Integrity Construction to address the Quality Counts issues related to maintenance of the Child Development Center on April 24th. Attended the Child Development Center Advisory meeting on April 24th. Assisted with the Flea Market at the Emeryville Senior Center on April 25th, 26th, and 27th. Attended the Community Task Force, a group that will provide recommendations to the City and School on the fate of Anna Yates and the current Recreation Center site on April 29th. Met with Margaret O’Brien to review the RFP for Janitorial Services at the Senior Center, Recreation Center and Child Development Center on April 30th. Attended a presentation by CCI on Smart Boards and Kiosks that can be used for the Garden Room renovation and also for the new ECCL on April 30th. Administrative Analyst Laven’s News and Notes Provided ActiveNet system support to staff at Recreation and Senior Centers as well as NoHo system support to ECDC throughout the month. Held weekly meetings with Roselle Loudon on Events and Rental Programs. Met with Community Services Department Staff to re-design the Department’s webpages on April 1st and 8th. Various CSD staff updated, removed, or added new pages to update, freshen, and make the navigating of the website easier for customers. Attended City Council meeting to present staff report on Shortest Duathlon Ever approval for its race route and in-kind support on April 2nd. Participated in mid-biennial budget cycle review and modifications meeting for the Community Services Department with Finance Department staff on April 4th. Attended the Alameda-CTC’s paratransit program pass-through funding plan review on behalf of the City of Emeryville’s with Supervisor Helfenberger on April 5th. Met with the America’s Cup subcommittee on April 9th and 17th to finalize the business community’s design and implementation of Sail/Bike/Walk/Surf Emeryville! Banner program and discuss the conceptual plans for a “Day on the Bay” community and economic development event to occur in August or September 2013. Attended the Technical Advisory Committee meeting for the City’s Paratransit funded programs by Alameda-CTC on April 9th. Assisted Coordinator Loudon on her first time supervising the “Shortest Duathlon Ever” event put on by On Your Mark Events, Bay Area Orthopedic Sports and Spine (BOSS Clinic), and the City of Emeryville on April 13th. Attended two California Parks and Recreation Society (CPRS) District 3 events. April 15 th was the District 3 Board Retreat for all board members (Analyst Laven is the Incoming President) and April 17th was an Administrators Roundtable to trade information and best practices of various agencies in marketing programs/services. Attended a meeting with the Planning Department on the future of a new Farmers Market at Public Market or another public site with future operators on April 16th. Assisted Coordinator Loudon on her first time supervising “Emeryville’s Earth Day Shoreline Clean-Up and Celebration” on April 20th. Attended the Alameda-CTC’s joint PAPCO and TAC meeting on April 22nd where staff found out its Cycle 5 Gap Grant was recommended for full funding to keep the 8-To-Go shuttle operating through June 30, 2015. Final approval and the award will not be known until late 2 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 May when the Alameda-CTC Board of Directors approves the recommended funding requests. Participated in East Bay Regional Park District interview panel on April 25th. Met with Shortest Duathlon Ever partners to discuss event and set timelines/goals for improving the event on April 23rd. Met with the event organizers Unseen Heroes and the Marketing Method Group on April 30th to discuss the possibilities of partnering with the Public Market in throwing community events and assisting the America’s Cup committee in planning, organizing, and implementing the “Day on the Bay” event. Coordinator Loudon’s Community Events and Rentals News and Notes The Department received three community event applications that were submitted to the Community Events Committee for review and both applications were approved. Emeryville hosted its annual Shortest Triathlon Ever race on April 13th, but since we did not have pool access this month due to ECCL construction, the event was made into a duathlon. 80 participants raced through Emeryville. Emeryville held its annual Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 20th with around 500 people in attendance. The ECDC was rented on 4/20 and 4/27 for birthday celebrations. The Bessler Building’s HOA rented the Bridgecourt room for their April HOA meeting . Continued to meet with volunteer Justin Brown, working on expanding the volunteer program, and planning for volunteers to attend the upcoming community events throughout the month. Met and toured rental facilities with potential renters on the following dates: 4/3, 4/9, 4/10, and 4/18. Attended the Recreation Commission Meeting on 4/17. Met with art teachers from Anna Yates to pick up recycled art work for the Earth Day Art Exhibition on 4/19. Met with Analyst Kevin Laven and staff from the Boss Foundation on 4/23 to discuss and wrap up the Shortest Duathlon and create plans/goals for 2014. Met with a graphic designer on 4/24 to discuss plans for Summer Concert Series flyer design. Held monthly meeting with the Facility Attendants on Tuesday, April 2nd and again on April 26th for a regular and special training. Met with Analyst Kevin Laven, Tara and Darren from TMMG to discuss possible partnerships. Contacted and worked with Jason Beck, City of Berkeley, to coordinate the Berkeley Half Marathon’s use of Emeryville’s Frontage Road. Planned for Summer Concert Series, 4th of July, and Movie in the Park Series on multiple days throughout the month. APRIL 2013 RENTALS, EVENTS, AND CLASS STATISTICS SENIOR CENTER Private Rentals # DESCRIPTION 3 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions BRIDGECOURT ROOM / REC CENTER / ECDC Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions April 2013 1 27 Flea Market # 4 DESCRIPTION Bessler HOA, Film Showing, Living Trust Seminary 2 2 16 Chamber Meetings Staff Training Capoeria, Yoga Capoeira, Hoop Dance, Yoga, Kung Fu MARINA PARK Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions # 1 Youth Program Earth Day DOYLE HOLLIS PARK Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions # 6 DESCRIPTION Birthday Parties, Picnics 1 Earth Day # 2 DESCRIPTION 1st Birthday Party, 75th Birthday Party 1 Shortest Duathlon Ever ALL OTHER PARKS AND COMMUNITY EVENT PERMITS Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions TOTAL USE OF CSD MANAGED PUBLIC FACILITIES Private Rentals Non-Profit Rentals City of Emeryville "In-Kind" Use City of Emeryville "Internal Dept" Use CSD Class Sessions TOTAL APRIL RENTALS DESCRIPTION # 12 0 2 6 43 63 4 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 EMERYVILLE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER April 2013 Enrollment at ECDC Classroom Infant Classroom Current Enrollment FTE April 2013 6 Full Time FTE March 2013 Maximum Proposed Enrollment (FTE) Resident (FTE) Work in Emeryville (FTE) 94608 Oakland (FTE) 12 FTE 4 5 0 16 FTE 7 4 1 16 FTE 6 5 1 7 9 3 22 FTE 2 subsidized 3 subsidized 9 10 22 FTE 2 subsidized 3 subsidized 22 FTE 6 Full Time 1 MWF 2 T,TH 2 MWF Toddler One Classroom 9 Full Time 7 Full Time 1 MWF 2 T,TH 2 T,TH Toddler Two Classroom 8 Full Time 8 Full Time 4 T,TH 4 T,TH Pre-K One Classroom 16 Full Time 15 Full Time 1 MWF 2 T,TH 1 MWF 1 T,TH Pre-K Two Classroom 18 Full Time 18 Full Time 1 T,TH 1 T,TH Pre-K Three Classroom 16 Full Time 15 Full Time 11 6 1 2 T,TH 1 MWF 1 T,TH 5 subsidized 4 subsidized 1 subsidized 74 Full Time 69 Full Time 16 Part Time 13 Part Time Totals 90 Total Children 110 FTE 0 44 FTE 22 FTE 6 FTE 9 subsidized 10 subsidized 1 subsidized 85 Total Children Tours and Inquiries We had eight tours this month. Several of the parents interested have not had their babies yet! ECDC Advisory Committee The advisory committee was held on Wednesday, April 24th. Items discussed were enrollment, an overview of The Quality Counts report that was conducted by First Five and the progress that has been made, and staffing issues. Unfortunately we have lost another infant teacher and will have to open the position up, which will take time for us to get a pool of qualified applicants, which led to a discussion on the city’s procedures in its interview process and the length of time it takes to find qualified teachers. It was also recommended that the staff be part of the second interview in order to get the best candidate for the position. There was a brief conversation on the fees for the Master Fee Schedule on sibling discount and application fee. 5 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 Friends of ECDC The Friends of ECDC were busy as usual getting a eWaste collection together for Earth Day. Although there were a few surprises that were not communicated on the flyer, (not the fault of “Friends”), at the end it went well. They are also looking for new members to join them since their board elections will take place in June. Toward the end of this month, their total “Love Campaign” donations totaled $9,640! They also paid for a professional storyteller to train the teaching staff to use puppets as part of their story telling. They also sent the teachers chocolate covered strawberry and apple slices to appreciate all of their hard work! They are in the process of getting volunteers to make a puppet theatre for the staff to use, which may be on wheels and have storage space for puppets. “Week of the Young Child” April 15th-19th is a special week at ECDC, where every day the whole school participated in a different theme together: Monday – Crazy Hat Day (they made hats of different materials and had a parade in the yard to show off their hats) Tuesday – Picture Day (the kids looked so cute!) Wednesday – “Drop Everything & Read!” Day (the day was devoted to language development and literacy) Thursday – Health & Safety Day. (Gamelia Monet, a Certified Nutritional Holistic Health Counselor, Level III Raw Food Chef, came in and made smoothies and mini pizzas with each classroom! Officers Fred Dauer and Brian Head came to talk to Pre-K One, Two and Three about “Stranger Danger,” and there was time dedicated to exercising out in the yard) Friday – Carnival Day (each classroom had activities outside to play and use their skills like, throwing balls through hoops or “fishing” for plastic fish in the water table) Trainings On April 6th, the staff had training on puppets and storytelling by Mary Ellen Hill, a professional story teller. They were able to use the puppets that were donated by Folkmanis Puppets. It was fun and staff enjoyed it. On the same day, Community Care Licensing came to talk to them about “Children’s Personal Rights.” On April 10th, the manager of ECDC went to a training on “Prevention & Control of Absenteeism” in Concord. Infant Room The infants are learning to wave good bye, sign for the objects/actions “more, shoe, and drink.” They did quite a bit of water play this month, including playing with and chasing bubbles. They also had several walks around the neighborhood. The children contributed in “the week of the young child” the whole week. Toddler One These children made “carrot hands” for earth day, along with making play dough creations to use their fine motor skills. The children also made mini pizzas and smoothies to learn about health and 6 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 nutrition. They also were able to walk around the neighborhood several times this month. They are practicing holding hands and using a tissue. Their favorite games right now are hula hooping, obstacle courses, and “duck, duck, goose.” They were very excited to be part of “the week of the young child.” Toddler Two The children in this classroom planted flowers and used pastel colors for painting this month. They continue to follow directions, use their words when they need something, and listen to stories. They sing and dance every day and they love to be outside. They also participated in the “week of the young child.” Pre-K One The children were very excited learning about whales and sharks. They also made graphs on whales. They are learning how to count to 10 in Japanese. When they wash their hands, they sing a song in Spanish. The children are also aware of playground safety. They used spray bottles for art, learned to dance salsa and the cha-cha, and participated in “week of the young child.” Pre-K Two Pre-K Two practiced making 15 drops of water fall on an umbrella. They also practiced writing the letters R, S and T. They were able to make several puppet shows using their new puppets. They planted grass seeds and water them almost every day. The children had lots of fun during week of the young child. Pre-K Three The children practiced their writing skills with the letters R, S, & T, lower case letters a through f, their names, and the numbers 1 through 9. They used recyclable materials to make a collage for earth day and drew pictures of how to keep the earth clean. They enjoyed week of the young child by participating in different activities every day. YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS DIVISION Programs Update On April 2nd we held our “Summer Group Interview” session. This year we had 28 candidates participate in exercises to discern if they would be a good fit for our “Summer Camp” staff. On April 17th the Community Services Department participated in the Emery Secondary School “Job Faire”. We disseminated employee applications and summer program information to all interested students. We also networked with other organizations to explore the possibilities of creating programs for the younger students. On April 19th our Friday “Teen Night” was replaced by a “Field Day” at the Emeryville Marina. This evening’s activities were geared around an awareness of the “Earth” and hopes of developing a deeper appreciation of “Earth Day”. 7 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 During the month of April begins the fourth quarter enrichment schedule: Art w/ Molly, ABC Programs, Cooking around the World, ASP (Music Mixing), Head Over Heels, T-Ball w/ Joe and Gardening. Coordinators Burnor and Assistant Wright completed programming for the months of May and June. All After School Program groups participated in the Earth Day Recycled Art Exhibit; the groups created the following: group 1-Recycled Life Size Globe, group 2-Recycled Life Size Butterfly, group 3-Large Recycled Aquarium, teens-Just say No! Robot Teen Program Update On April 18th nine teens and one staff member went out on a sail with “Blue Water Foundation”. On April 26th twenty teens and two staff had fun at “Sky High” in Concord for the monthly Friday Night Trip. Assistant Wright held bi-monthly meetings with the “Teen Advisory Committee” to discuss upcoming activities and events for May and June. On April 12th, we had 19 participants at Teen Night On April 19th, we had 18 participants at Teen Night On April 26th, we had 7 Participants at Teen Night due to 20 participating on the field trip Staff Meetings & Trainings Supervisor Hampton held part-time staff meetings each Thursday of the month. Supervisor Hampton held administrative staff meetings on each Wednesday of the month. Supervisor Hampton, Coordinator Alison and Recreation Assistant Wright conducted 2nd interviews for candidates for the “summer” recreation staff. Supervisor Hampton attended regularly scheduled A.S.B. meetings at Emery Secondary School on each Wednesday of the month. On Wednesday, April 15th, Assistant Wright brought Coordinator Loudon to assist her with the coordination of staff roles/assignments/hands-on training for Earth Day. Assistant Wright prepared the monthly parent fee audit to submit to Supervisor Hampton for follow-up calls for delinquent payments. Supervisor Hampton made collection calls for delinquent after school care accounts. Assistant Wright submitted summer special events and programming ideas to Coordinator Allison. Assistant Wright worked with Joy Kent of Head over Heels to assist with the coordination of hosting an information table in their Spring Show Festival. K-5 Grade After School Enrollment Update K-1 Residents: Non-Residents: Total: 10 20 30 2-3 8 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report Residents: Non-Residents: Total: 8 11 19 4-5 Residents: Non-Residents: Total: 5 11 16 April 2013 Residents: 23 Non-Residents: 42 Total Participants: 65 Teen After School Enrollment Update Residents: Non-Residents: Total: 12 32 44 ADULT/SENIOR PROGRAMS UPDATE “Friends of the Emeryville Senior Center” Senior Center Advisory Council The “Friends” met on April 3rd. The Senior Center member who had her bicycle replaced by the Friends gave them a thank you letter. The new popcorn machine purchased by the Friends works wonderfully and will be used at Earth Day. The Spring Fest Barbecue was reviewed and plans were finalized for the Earth Day Barbecue as well as the Flea Market. Commission on Aging (COA) The COA did not meet in April. Trips April 2nd, 20 members went to the De Young Museum to see the exhibit “The Girl with the Pearl Earring” April 4th, 22 members enjoyed a great meal prepared at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco April 10th, 22 members headed over to the Ferry Building to spend a day in Sausalito April 11th, 15 members enjoyed a buffet meal and horse racing at Golden Gate Fields April 13th, 53 members spent a day in Japan Town attend the Cherry Blossom Festival April 17th, 40 members headed out to the Black Oak Casino for a day of gaming 9 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 April 18th, 22 members hopped on Go Van Go headed up to Walnut Creek for some tasty eating at the Walnut Creek Yacht Club April 23rd, 22 members spent a day in Gilroy shopping at the outlets April 24th, 20 members headed over to ACT in San Francisco to see a play called “Stuck Elevator” April 27th, 22 members enjoyed a day of dancing at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater April 28th, 18 members took a trip down to Stockton for the Asparagus Festival April 30th, 22 members enjoyed a day in Napa at Jacuzzi & Kendall & Jackson wineries followed by a delicious lunch at Charlie’s Restaurant Other Events and Activities The April edition of the Senior Center Newsletter “The LINK” featured the new version of the trips page with double the space and more details on each trip. The new page has been received by the membership very positively. AARP finished preparing tax returns for seniors each Monday for free. The last day was April 15th. An AARP Safe Driver course was held on April 16th & 18th. About 10 people were in attendance. On April 19th, the Senior Center members had their annual group photo taken by Nick Sebastian. Copies of the photo are being sold for $5 for an 8”x12” photo. On April 20th, several volunteers and the “Friends of the Emeryville Senior Center” ran a barbecue at the annual Earth Day Celebration During the week of April 22nd, the Emeryville Senior Center ran its annual Flea Market. April 22nd and 23rd were spent setting up the mountains of donations that were received for the sale. April 24th was spent straightening up and pricing items. The sale was conducted on April 25th-27th. The “Friends” raised about $5,000 this year, which was the goal. Additional Info The Summer 2013 City News and Activity Guide was printed and distributed in April Program Coordinator Allison Burnor began working half of the day at the Recreation Center on April 24th to help with youth programs until a new Youth Services Coordinator can be hired. 10 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 Supervisor Brad Helfenberger, Coordinator Burnor, and several other members of the Community Services Department met on April 1st and 8th to discuss restructuring the department’s webpages. Supervisor Helfenberger gave a demonstration of the Senior Center’s registration system to employees from the Whistle Stop Senior Center in San Rafael on April 2nd. Supervisor Helfenberger and Director Cindy Montero met with the Finance Department to discuss the budget on April 4th. Everything is on track. Supervisor Helfenberger met with Director Montero, Program Coordinator Roselle Loudon, and two employees from the Public Works Department on April 8th to discuss the upcoming Earth Day event. On April 9th, Supervisor Helfenberger met with Eve Purvis-Allen, who is the founder of East Bay NABVETS (National Association of Black Veterans) to discuss the use of the facility by her organization. On April 10th, Supervisor Helfenberger, Director Montero, two other City employees attended a Supervisor’s training in Walnut Creek. On April 11th, Supervisor Helfenberger attended the final Leadership Academy Meeting and graduated from the program. On April 12th, Supervisor Helfenberger attended and helped run the annual SANCRA A’s Game fundraiser. Supervisor Helfenberger met with a potential Acting instructor on April 16th. Nutrition Specialist Winifred Arbeiter attended a Tri-City Café Meeting at the West Berkeley Senior Center on April 16th. Supervisor Helfenberger met with a potential T’ai Chi instructor on April 17th. Supervisor Helfenberger met with George Warren from AC Fire to discuss evacuation plans for the Senior Center on April 18th. On April 23rd, several members of the Youth and Adult Services Divisions met to discuss how the department would adjust for the loss of the Youth Services Coordinator, Mattie Allison, who is leaving the City of Emeryville on April 26th. On April 30th, Director Montero, Supervisor Helfenberger, and ECDC Manager Diana GarciaOrtiz met with Margaret O’Brien from Public Works to discuss the janitorial specifications for the new RFP. Case Management 11 of 12 Community Services Department Progress Report April 2013 Staff has been continuing to assist a caller who is seeking housing. She is now receiving case management services from BACS. MOW Totals: 15 residents received meals M-F; 7 residents received meals on weekends. A total of 158 Congregate Meals and 332 Meals on Wheels were served. 8 To Go: 249 One-Way rides were provided to seniors and people with disabilities in the 94608 area during the month of April. Other Information 30 new members joined the Senior Center in April 9 Emeryville residents 4 94608 Oakland residents 17 Non-Residents Total number of members residing in Emeryville Residing in Oakland 94608 Additional Members 340 151 1,061 Activity Hours for March 350 hours 12 of 12
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agenda - City of Emeryville
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