QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide


QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Office of Clinical Standards and Quality
Center for Medicaid and State Operations
Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group
7500 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850
Quality Measures Management Information System
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version: 1.0.7
Last Modified: 6-30-2009
Contract Number: HHSM-500-200700033C
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7 / 6-30-2009
I have reviewed the CMS Quality Measures Management Information System QMIS 2.0 Public
User Guide. This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the
HHSM-500-200700033C Contract and the CMS System Development Methodology.
(Please check the appropriate statement)
______This document is accepted.
______This document is accepted pending the changes noted.
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Jacquelyn Kosh-Suber
CMS QMIS Project Officer
Eva Mitter
HeiTech Services, Inc.
Vice President
Information Technology Division/
CMS QMIS Project Manager
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7 / 6-30-2009
Revision History
The following table presents a record of changes made to this document. <This table will be
removed once the document has been completed and approved for final distribution.>
Brief Description of
Initial document
Carmen Richards
Revised the QMIS User Guide.
Carmen Richards
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
Recent revision to the User
Keondra Morton
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7 / 6-30-2009
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
GETTING STARTED .............................................................................................. 6
USING THE SYSTEM - QMIS 2.0 PUBLIC USER GUIDE ............................... 6
KEY FEATURES AND MAJOR FUNCTIONALITY ..................................................... 6
QMIS NAVIGATION MENU .................................................................................. 7
QMIS OVERVIEW PAGE ...................................................................................... 9
STANDARD METHOD OPTIONS ............................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Downloading Files ........................................................................................ 10
3.1.2 Accessing Related Links Inside CMS ............................................................ 13
3.1.3 Accessing Related Links Outside CMS ......................................................... 13
3.1.4 Helpful Information ...................................................................................... 13
3.1.5 Submitting Feedback ..................................................................................... 14
SPOTLIGHT PAGE ............................................................................................... 16
BROWSE MEASURES PAGE .............................................................................. 17
DRILLING DOWN BY MEASURE SUB-CATEGORY ............................................... 18
BROWSE RESULTS PAGE .................................................................................... 19
5.2.1 Displaying Number of Results per Page ....................................................... 20
VIEWING DETAILED MEASURE INFORMATION ................................................... 21
SEARCH FOR MEASURES PAGE ..................................................................... 23
NARROWING YOUR SEARCH VIA MULTIPLE CRITERIA ....................................... 25
SEARCH RESULTS PAGE ..................................................................................... 26
6.2.1 Displaying Number of Results per Page ....................................................... 27
VIEWING DETAILED MEASURE INFORMATION ................................................... 28
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS................................................................ 29
PROVIDER LINKS PAGE .................................................................................... 30
BENEFICIARY LINKS PAGE ............................................................................. 31
10. THE 30-DAY PUBLIC COMMENT PAGE ........................................................ 32
10.1 PROJECT INFORMATION PAGE ............................................................................ 33
10.1.1 Background ............................................................................................... 36
General Comments.................................................................................... 36
Specific Comments .................................................................................... 40
11. CALL FOR MEASURES PAGE ........................................................................... 44
11.1 CALL FOR MEASURES OVERVIEW PAGE ............................................................. 45
Accessing the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form .................... 46
12. CALL FOR TECHNICAL EXPERT PANEL (TEP) PAGE ............................. 51
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
12.1 TEP PROJECT OVERVIEW PAGE ......................................................................... 52
Accessing the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form .................. 54
14. EXITING QMIS...................................................................................................... 60
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
1. Getting Started
The Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group (QMHAG) of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed a Measures Management System
that manages the life cycle of quality measures using standardized processes through the
development, implementation, and maintenance phases of quality measures. This system
also provides a consistent mechanism by which requests, inquiries, and comments
pertaining to quality measures can be processed.
The Quality Measures Management Information System (QMIS) is the Web-based
interactive database that supports the Measures Management System. It is the repository
of information on measures utilized by the CMS in its various health care quality
initiatives. You can use this tool to locate the technical specifications, justification or
history of a particular measure. The QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide directs you through
the public pages of the QMIS system. (Note: See section 3.1.1 Downloading Files for
instructions on how to download the user manual).
To use the QMIS system, you must have an Internet connection and Internet Explorer
version 6.0 or later. The QMIS site also functions properly on other standards-compliant
browsers, such as Firefox and Safari. All screen prints have a caption and an associated
tag providing appropriate alternative text for Section 508 compliance. The “live” QMIS
site URL is: https://www.cms.hhs.gov/apps/QMIS/. A user name or password is not
required to access the public pages of QMIS.
2. Using the System - QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Key Features and Major Functionality
QMIS (Version 2.0) allows you to view measure details. You can browse or search for a
particular measure and view the measure technical specifications, justification, history,
and other detail information about the measure that is available for public viewing. At
the bottom of each page a link is provided to the feature that allows the public to provide
feedback to CMS.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The QMIS Homepage
QMIS supplies several features in its “QMIS Home” menu located in the left navigation
section of the home page. Please see section 2.2 QMIS Navigation Menu about the
functionality of each menu link. The following links display in the “QMIS Home”
Overview (Home Page)
Browse Measures
Search For Measures
Frequently Asked Questions
Provider Links
Beneficiary Links
30-Day Public Comment
Call for Measures
Call for TEP
Measures Management System Blueprint
QMIS also includes a standard method for users to access information in the Downloads,
Related Links Inside CMS, Related Links Outside CMS, and Page Last Modified
sections, and the Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins, and Submit Feedback links of
each QMIS home page.
QMIS Navigation Menu
The “QMIS” menu includes the following options:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
Browse Measures
Search For Measures
Frequently Asked
Provider Links
Beneficiary Links
30-Day Public
Call for Measures
Call for TEP
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
The QMIS Overview page (also known as the Homepage)
allows you to view summarized information about QMIS.
This Homepage also provides a short summary about the
Measures Management System.
The Spotlight page displays highlighted news or important
content and events related to the CMS quality measures
residing in QMIS.
The Browse Measures page allows you to search for details
about a particular measure by using the Clinical Condition,
Measure Developer, CMS Program Use, Quality Domain,
Measure Care Setting, and Type of Measure categories.
The Search For Measures page is designed to help you create
search queries in the system for locating measures. The
Search For Measures page displays input boxes and drop
down lists to help you enter or select the search criteria to
query the QMIS database.
The Frequently Asked Questions page provides you access to
the Answers page of the CMS Frequently Asked Questions
website where you can search for answers to questions about
the CMS measures that have been posted.
The Provider Links page allows you to access links of interest
to providers and quality improvement professionals such as
MedQIC, QualityNet Exchange, NQF, NQMC, and other
Web sites.
The Beneficiary Links page allows you to access various
CMS Hospital, Nursing Home, Dialysis Facility, and Home
Health Compare websites as well as other Web sites of
interest to the general public.
The 30-Day Public Comment page allows you to provide
input on CMS measures that are under development.
The Call for Measures page allows interested parties to
submit candidate measures that may be suitable for a specific
project. The candidate measures suggested will be reviewed
by CMS. Candidate measures suggested through a call for
measures will undergo the same rigorous evaluation as all
CMS measures.
The Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page allows
CMS to recruit candidates who will serve on TEPs for a
particular measure set. A TEP is a group of stakeholders and
experts who are expected to provide balanced expert input to
the measure contractor on the development, selection, and
maintenance of measures for which the contractor is
responsible. The website allows all potential TEP members to
disclose any current and past activities that may pose a
potential conflict of interest for performing the tasks required
of the TEP.
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
Management System
The Measures Management System Blueprint page allows
you to access the Measures Management System Blueprint,
which describes the processes supporting the development
and maintenance of CMS quality measures.
The QMIS 2.0 Public Navigation Menu
3. QMIS Overview Page
The QMIS Overview page (also known as the Homepage) allows you to view
summarized information about QMIS. This Homepage also provides a short summary
about the Measures Management System.
To access the Overview page:
1. Click on the Overview link from the left navigation menu. The Overview page
The Overview Page
Standard Method Options
All QMIS pages display the Downloads, Related Links Inside CMS, Related Links
Outside CMS, and Page Last Modified sections, and the Help with File Formats and
Plug-Ins, and Submit Feedback links where you can download files, submit feedback,
and find additional links with related information.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Downloads, Related Links Inside CMS, Related Links Outside CMS, and Page Last Modified
sections, and the Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins and Submit Feedback links
(Note: If there are no downloads or related links available, the system displays the text
“There are no Downloads”, “There are no Related Links Inside CMS”, or “There are no
Related Links Outside CMS”.)
Downloading Files
The links that appear in the Downloads section are links to non-web page content on the
website (e.g., PDFs, Zip files, etc.). The steps for opening a file in the Downloads
section varies depending on the type of operating system you are using.
To download a Zip File using WinZip:
1. Click on the desired link that displays under the Downloads section of the page. A
dialog box appears giving the option to open or save the file.
2. Click on the Open button to view the file.
a. If the files are in ZIP format then a new window opens. The following dialog
box appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The WinZip Window
b. Double click on the file with the name that corresponds to the link you
c. Close the dialog box.
3. Click on the Save button to save the file to your computer.
a. Save the document to your desired location (Save in, File name, Save as type).
b. Click on the Save button to execute the function.
c. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
4. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
To download a Zip File without using WinZip:
1. Click on the desired link that displays under the Downloads section of the page.
The following dialog box appears:
The “File Download” Dialog box
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
a. Click on the Open button to view the file. Double click on the file icon
continue with opening the file. The following appears:
The “File Download” Dialog box
Click on the Open button to view the contents of the file.
ii. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
b. Click on the Save button to save the file to your computer. The following
The “Save As” Dialog box
i. Save the document to your desired location (Save in, File name, Save as
ii. Click on the Save button to execute the function.
iii. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
c. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
Accessing Related Links Inside CMS
The links that display under the Related Links Inside CMS section of the page allow you
to access additional information related to QMIS that resides inside the CMS website.
To view the Related Links Inside CMS for this page:
1. Click on the desired link that is displayed underneath the Related Links Inside
CMS section of the page.
2. The system displays the page that corresponds with the selected link.
3. Click on the back button from your browser, to go back to the previous page(s).
Accessing Related Links Outside CMS
The links that display under the Related Links Outside CMS section of the page allow
you to access information that is maintained outside of CMS. The links take you to the
websites or web pages that correspond with the selected link.
To view the Related Links Outside CMS for the page:
1. Click on the desired link that is displayed underneath the Related Links Outside
CMS section.
2. Based on your browser setup a security alert message may appear. If so, click on
the OK button to continue to your desired location outside of CMS.
3. The system displays the page that resides outside of CMS.
4. Click on the back button from your browser, to go back to the previous page(s).
Helpful Information
Every QMIS authenticated page contains a stamp or link to provide you with additional
information and guidance. The stamp provided is the date the page was last modified and
the link is the help with file formats and plug-ins. Page Last Modified
The Page Last Modified date reflects when CMS made the last revision to a specific
page. The QMIS content is normally revised every six (6) months. The following shows
how the date information displays at the bottom of the page:
The Page Last Modified Date
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009 Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins
The Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins Links
To view the Help page:
1. Click on the Help with File Format and Plug-Ins link to get information on
accepted file formats and plug-ins and web policies and important links. The
Help page displays:
The Help Page
Submitting Feedback
The Submit Feedback page offers you the option to provide comments about the QMIS
website, the Measures Management System and quality measures.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Submit Feedback Link
Feedback is dispersed as follows:
• The QMIS application developers receive feedback regarding the “QMIS Web
Site and function”.
• The Measures Manager receives feedback regarding the “Measures Management
• The CMS receives feedback regarding the “CMS Quality Measures- General
Issues” or the “CMS Quality Measures- Specific Issues”.
To access the Submit Feedback functionality:
1. Click on the Submit Feedback link located on the bottom of every QMIS page.
2. Depending on your browser settings a Security Alert message may appear to warn
you that you are about to view pages over a secure connection.
The Security Alert Dialog Box
a. Click on the OK button to enter the site.
3. QMIS connects you to the CMS RightNow tool, where you can submit feedback
information. The following displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The CMS Submit Feedback Page
4. Click on the “Help” tab located on the top right side of the page for questions you
have about the site and search tips.
4. Spotlight Page
The Spotlight page displays highlighted news or important content and events related to
the CMS quality measures residing in QMIS.
To access the Spotlight page:
1. Click on the Spotlight link from the left navigation menu. The Spotlight page
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Spotlight Page
5. Browse Measures Page
The Browse Measures page allows you to search for details about a particular measure
by the following categories:
• Clinical Condition
• CMS Program Use
• Measure Care Setting
• Measure Developer
• Quality Domain
• Type of Measure
To access the Browse Measures page:
1. Click on the Browse Measures link from the left navigation menu. The Browse
Measures page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Browse Measures Page
Drilling Down by Measure Sub-Category
The Browse Measures page allows you to view all major and sub-categories available in
To view detailed information for a measure:
1. Click on the measure category link (e.g., Measure Care Setting) or the “View
More…” link located under the measure category. (Note: By default, three subcategories display for each major category.)
Drilling Down using the measure category or the “View More” link
a. This allows you to view all sub-categories under that category. Once selected,
the following displays on your Browse Measures page:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Browse Measures sub-categories
2. Select the measure sub-category. The number of results indicated next to the
category you choose (e.g. Dialysis facility (25)) determines what displays on your
Browse Results page (Note: The number shown in parenthesis to the right of the
measure sub-category name represents the total number of measures (e.g., (25))
that are available in the system for viewing. If there are no measures available for
viewing, the system displays a zero (0) to the right of the measure sub-category
Browse Results Page
When you drill down by a particular measure sub-category, QMIS displays all measures
for that sub-category on the Browse Results page. From this page, you can view the
Measure ID, Name, Status and Description information. The results are sorted in
alphabetical order by measure Name.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Browse Results Page
Note: If there are no measures available for you to view, the system will display the
following message:
A Message stating that “the category you browsed for did not have any measures.”
Displaying Number of Results per Page
The system displays the total results at the top of the table to indicate how many
measures were found in the system (e.g. 25, 48, etc.). The system also displays the total
number of pages the results are displayed on (e.g., Page #1 out of 2 page(s), Page #1 out
of 3 page(s), etc.).
The top of the Browse Results page displaying the number of measures that were found
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
If your browse results contain multiple pages the system provides you the ability to
navigate among those results via the links at the bottom of the page.
The navigation links at the bottom of the Browse Results Page
Viewing Detailed Measure Information
QMIS displays the measure details for any measure made available by CMS.
To view detailed information for a measure:
1. Click on the measure Name link (e.g., DFC Facility Anemia Management
The measure Name link on the Browse Results Page
2. The Measure Details page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Measure Details Page
The Measure Details page displays detailed information pertaining to the particular
measure that is selected. The details are grouped in the following sections:
• General Information
• Version Changes
• General Indexing Characteristics
• Technical Specifications
• Denominator
• Numerator
• Risk Adjustment
• Resources
• Copyright
• Measure Justification
• History
• Status History
• Reviews and Updates
• Notes
• Attachments
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
6. Search For Measures Page
The Search For Measures page is designed to help you create search queries to locate a
specific measure. The Search For Measures page displays text boxes and drop down
lists to narrow your search criteria in the QMIS database.
To search for measures:
1. Click on the Search For Measures link in the left navigation menu. The
following page displays:
The Search For Measures Page
2. Enter words or phrases in the appropriate text box and use the various drop down
lists to specify your search criteria. Using a combination of text boxes and drop
down lists values assists in narrowing your search results. An example is
provided later in this section (see: section 6.1 Narrowing your Search via
Multiple Criteria).
a. The following are the available fields for you to query in the QMIS database:
• Measure ID
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
Measure Name
Measure Description
Measure Status
Clinical Condition
Alternate Measure Name
Measure Developer
Measure Contractor
Measure Set
(Note: You can search by one field or a combination of fields. It is not required
to fill in all of the fields, only those that are relevant to your search.)
3. The Search For Measures page also displays a Reset and Search button and a
Results per Page drop down list.
a. Click on the Reset button to clear all the fields in the Search Criteria box.
b. Click on the Search button to execute the search based on your criteria.
(Note: New information entered into the Search Criteria box is only
processed after selecting the Search button.)
c. Select the number of results that you would like to view per page in the
Results per Page drop down list (e.g., 10 results per page, 20 results per page,
50 results per page, or 100 results per page). Once you execute the search, the
system displays the number of results per page as requested.
The Search For Measures Results per Page Drop Down List
Additional Information:
The text boxes are not case sensitive and abbreviations can be used. You can use an
asterisk (*) also known as the wildcard to enter a partial value (i.e., a Measure ID that
starts with *0112 or a partial word for the Measure Description field such as *diab).
The wildcard can be placed at the beginning or end of a value.
From the Measure Status drop down list, you can select a pre-determined status (e.g.,
“Approved”). Please see the figure below:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Search For Measures Page Drop Down Lists
Narrowing your Search via Multiple Criteria
As mentioned earlier, you can search for measures using a combination of text boxes and
drop down lists.
A Search Using Multiple Criteria
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
To perform a search using multiple criteria:
1. Enter a term into one of the text boxes (e.g., Enter “Diabetes” into the Measure
Name text box).
2. Select a value from one of the drop down lists (e.g., Select “Approved” from the
Measure Staus drop down list).
3. Click on the Search button. The following search results display:
The Search Results
Search Results Page
The system displays the search results on the Search For Measures page if the search
criteria are found. The results are found under the Search Results section of the page.
From this section, you view the Measure ID, Name, Status, and Description. The
results are sorted in alphabetical order by measure Name.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Search Results Page
Note: If there are no measures available for you to view, the system displays the
following message:
A Message stating that “the criteria you searched for did not have any measures.”
Displaying Number of Results per Page
The system displays the total results at the top of the table to indicate how many
measures were found in the system (e.g. 25, 48 ...). The system also displays the total
number of pages the results are displayed on (e.g., Page #1 out of 2 page(s), Page #1 out
of 3 page(s) ...).
The top of the Search Results page displaying the number of measures that were found
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
If your search results contain multiple pages the system provides you the ability to
navigate among those results via the links at the bottom of the page.
The navigation links at the bottom of the Search Results page
Viewing Detailed Measure Information
QMIS displays the measure details for any measure made available by CMS.
To view detailed information for a measure:
1. Click on the measure Name link (e.g., Diabetes 1: Annual Eye Examination-CMS Core (8th SOW) (2007)).
The measure Name link on the Search Results page
2. The Measure Details page displays:
The Measure Details Page
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Measure Details page displays detailed information pertaining to the particular
measure that is selected. The details are grouped in the following sections:
• General Information
• Version Changes
• General Indexing Characteristics
• Technical Specifications
• Denominator
• Numerator
• Risk Adjustment
• Resources
• Copyright
• Measure Justification
• History
• Status History
• Reviews and Updates
• Notes
• Attachments
7. Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions page provides you access to the Answers page of the
CMS Frequently Asked Questions website where you can search for answers to questions
about the CMS measures that have been posted.
To access the Frequently Asked Questions functionality:
1. Click on the Frequently Asked Questions link from the left navigation menu.
2. Depending on your browser settings a Security Alert message may appear to warn
you that you are about to view pages over a secure connection.
The Security Alert Dialog Box
a. Click on the OK button to enter the site.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
3. QMIS connects you to the CMS Frequently Asked Questions Homepage
powered by RightNow. The following displays:
The CMS Frequently Asked Questions Homepage featuring the RightNow Application Tool
4. Click on the “Help” tab located on the top right side of the page for questions you
have about the site and search tips.
5. Click on the
link located under the Search button to find out more
about the RightNow application software. The following displays:
The RightNow Information Page
8. Provider Links Page
The Provider Links page allows you to access links of interest to providers and quality
improvement professionals such as MedQIC, QualityNet Exchange, NQF, NQMC, and
other Web sites.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
To access the Provider Links page:
1. Click on the Provider Links link from the left navigation menu. The Provider
Links page displays:
The Provider Links Page
9. Beneficiary Links Page
The Beneficiary Links page allows you to access various CMS Hospital, Nursing Home,
Dialysis Facility, and Home Health Compare websites as well as other Web sites of
interest to the general public.
To access the Beneficiary Links page:
1. Click on the Beneficiary Links link from the left navigation menu. The
Beneficiary Links page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Beneficiary Links Page
10. The 30-Day Public Comment Page
The 30-Day Public Comment page serves as the designated site for solicited public
comments on measures. The 30-Day Public Comment page allows you to provide input
on CMS measures that are under development and to provide suggestions not previously
considered by the measure contractors. A measure is open to public comment for a
limited period of time during the developmental stage and/or while a measure is
undergoing a reevaluation.
To access the 30-Day Public Comment page:
1. Click on the 30-Day Public Comment link from the left navigation menu. The
30-Day Public Comment page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The 30-Day Public Comment Page
The table on this page displays the following columns:
• Measure Set/Topic
• Comment Period Starts
• Comment Period Ends
The 30-Day Public Comment page displays all the measure sets that are available for
comment. If there are no measures available for comments, then a message displays
stating, “There are no available measures”. (Note: When the public comment period for
a measure set ends, QMIS no longer displays the measure set on the 30-Day Public
Comment page.)
10.1 Project Information Page
The Project Information page displays explanatory information about the selected
measure set/topic project. The Project Information page allows you to post and view
To access the Project Information page:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
1. Click on the desired Measure Set/Topic link from the table on the 30-Day Public
Comment page.
The Measure Set/Topic Link
2. The Project Information page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Project Information Page
The Project Information page is divided into the following three sections:
• Background
• General Comments
• Specific Comments
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
10.1.1 Background
The Background section of the Project Information page displays informative
information about the selected measure set/topic project. This section displays the
contractor name, the end date for the comment period, and the purpose, objectives and
process for the project.
To view the Background section:
1. Scroll down the Project Information page until you reach the Background
section. (Note: measure developers will provide the background information for
each measure released for public comment.) The measure set background
information displays as follows :
The Background Section
10.1.2 General Comments
The General Comments section of the Project Information page allows you to post a
general comment about a measure set or view all posted comments about a measure set.
The table in the General Comments section displays the Measure Set Name, Post A
General Comment, and View ALL posted comments columns.
To submit or view a comments in the General Comments section:
1. Scroll down the Project Information page until you reach the General Comments
section. The following displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The General Comments Section
2. You can either post a general comment about a measure set or view all the
comments posted about a measure set.
To Post A General Comment:
The “Click here” link
a. Click on the “Click here” link located under the Post A General Comment
column. (Note: The comment you post after clicking on the “Click here” link
does not apply to a specific measure, but rather an entire measure set.) The
Public Comment page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
The Public Comment Page
i. As explained at the top of the Public Comment page you may submit a
comment as an organization, individual, or anonymously. (Note: The
information gathered on this page is used for reviewing comments related
to proposed measures and for providing information to those who submit
comments.) To submit a comment as an organization or individual,
complete the following:
1. Select one of the following radio buttons under the “Are you
commenting on behalf of an organization?” question:
• “Yes”
• “No”
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009
2. Complete the text boxes next to Name, Organization, Title, E-mail
Address, Credential, and/or Specialty. (Note: these fields are
3. Enter your comment in the Comment field. (Note: Please ensure that
the comment field contains the desired comment that you would like to
post for this measure set.)
4. Select one of the following radio buttons under the “Please enter the
type of organization:” field:
• “Health professional organizations”
• “Provider/Provider organizations”
• “Public Community health agency”
• “Accrediting organizations”
• “Research/Quality improvement organizations”
• “Health plan/Payer organizations”
• “Consumer groups”
• “Medicare QIOs”
• “Industry/Suppliers”
• “Other” (Note: Complete the text box adjacent to “Other”.)
5. Click on the Submit button to proceed with submitting your comment.
6. Click on the Reset button to clear all of the fields.
To submit a comment anonymously, enter a comment in the “Comment”
field. (Note: Please ensure that the comment field contains the desired
comment that you would like to post for this measure set.)
1. Click on the Submit button to proceed with submitting your comment.
2. Click on the Reset button to clear all of the fields.
To View ALL posted comments:
The “Click here” link
b. Click on the “Click here” link located under the View ALL posted comments
column. (Note: Your comment must undergo an approval process before
becoming viewable on the site via the “Click here” link located under the
View ALL posted comments column.) The View ALL Public Comments
page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The View ALL Public Comments Page
The View ALL Public Comments page displays all the comments for a particular
measure set/topic. The table on this page displays the following columns:
Posted by
10.1.3 Specific Comments
The Specific Comments section of the Project Information page allows you to post a
comment about an individual measure or view comments posted about an individual
measure. The table in the Specific Comments section displays the Individual Measure
Name, Post A Comment, and View posted Comments columns.
To post or view a comment for an individual measure in the Specific Comments
1. Scroll down the Project Information page until you reach the Specific Comments
section. The following displays:
The Specific Comments Section
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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2. You can either post a comment about a particular measure or view the comments
posted about a particular measure.
To Post A Comment:
The “Click Here” link
a. Click on the “Click Here” link located under the Post A Comment column.
(Note: Your comment must undergo an approval process before becoming
viewable on the site via the “Click Here” link located under the View posted
comments column.) The Measure Specific Public Comment page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The Measure Specific Public Comment Page
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Rate your selected measure against the predetermined criteria under the
statement “Please rate the following:”
1. Click on the radio button beside “High”, “Low”, or “Unable to Rate”
under the “Importance to Measure and Report (Importance section
of the Measure Evaluation Criteria” text.
2. Click on the radio button beside “High”, “Medium”, “Low”, or
“Unable to Rate” under the “Scientific Acceptability of Measure
Properties (Scientific Acceptability section of the Measure
Evaluation Criteria” text.
3. Click on the radio button beside “High”, “Medium”, “Low”, or
“Unable to Rate” under the “Usability (Usability section of the
Measure Evaluation Criteria” text.
4. Click on the radio button beside “High”, “Medium”, “Low”, or
“Unable to Rate” under the “Feasibility (Feasibility section of the
Measure Evaluation Criteria” text.
5. Click on the radio button beside “Yes” or “No”. Under the question,
“Are you commenting on behalf of an organization?”
6. Complete the text boxes next to Name, Organization, Title, E-mail
Address, Credential, and/or Specialty.
7. Enter your comment in the Comment field. (Note: Please ensure that
the comment field contains the desired comment that you would like to
post for this measure.)
8. Select one of the following radio buttons under the “Please enter the
type of organization:” field:
• “Health professional organizations”
• “Provider/Provider organizations”
• “Public Community health agency”
• “Accrediting organizations”
• “Research/Quality improvement organizations”
• “Health plan/Payer organizations”
• “Consumer groups”
• “Medicare QIOs”
• “Industry/Suppliers”
• “Other” (Note: Complete the text box adjacent to “Other”.)
9. Click on the Submit button to proceed with posting your comment.
10. Click on the Reset button to clear all the fields.
To View posted Comments:
The “Click Here” link
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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b. Click on the “Click Here” link located under the View posted Comments
column. (Note: You can only view comments about the measure that is
adjacent to the “Click Here” link you select.) The View Measure Specific
Public Comments page displays:
The View Measure Specific Public Comments Page
This page displays the all of the comments posted for the selected measure. The table on
this page displays the following columns:
• Date
• Posted by
• Organization
• Importance Acceptability Usability Feasibility
• Comment
(Note: To provide feedback on other measures, CMS's Measures Management System,
the QMIS Web site, or to submit general comments unrelated to the measure set/topics
listed on the 30-Day Public Comment page use the Submit Feedback link located at the
bottom of this page. The Submit Feedback link appears on all QMIS pages.)
11. Call for Measures Page
The Call for Measures page displays the measure topics that are requesting candidate
measures. The candidate measures suggested will be reviewed by CMS and its measure
developer contractor(s). Candidate measures suggested through a call for measures will
undergo the same rigorous evaluation as all CMS measures.
To access the Call for Measures page:
1. Click on the Call for Measures link from the left navigation menu. The Call for
Measures page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The Call for Measures Page
The table on this page displays the following columns:
• Measure Set/Topic
• Call for Measures Begins
• Call for Measures Ends
The Call for Measures page displays all the measure topics that request candidate
measures. If there are no measure topics that require candidate measures then a message
displays stating, “No call for candidate measures is occurring at this time”. (Note: When
the call for measures period for a measure topic ends, QMIS no longer displays the
measure topic on the Call for Measures page.)
11.1 Call for Measures Overview page
The Call for Measures Overview page displays the measure contractor name and
information regarding the scope, purpose, and objectives of the project.
To access the Call for Measures Overview page:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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1. Click on your desired Measure Set/Topic link from the table on the Call for
Measures page.
The Measure Set/Topic link
2. The Call for Measures Overview page displays:
The Call for Measures Overview Page
11.1.1 Accessing the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form
The “QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form” is the document that all interested
parties must complete and submit in order for a candidate measure to receive
To download the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form:
1. Click on the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form link located under the
Downloads section of the page.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form Link
2. The following dialog box appears:
The “File Download” dialog box
a. Click on the Open button to view the file. The following window appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form
Complete the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form (Note: refer
to the Measure Development link located under the Downloads section of
the Measures Management System Blueprint page for more information
pertaining to the QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form.)
ii. Send the completed form to the email address referenced on the Call for
Measures Overview page.
b. Click on the Save button to save the file to your computer. The following
dialog box appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The “Save As” dialog box
i. Save the document to your desired location (Save in, File name, Save as
ii. Click on the Save button to execute the function. The following dialog
box appears:
The “Download complete” dialog box
1. Click on the Open button to view the file. The following displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form
2. Click on the Open Folder button to open the folder where the file is
located. The following displays:
The “My Documents” Window
a. Double click on the desired file. The following appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The QMIS Candidate Measure Submission Form
3. Click on the Close button to exit the dialog box.
iii. Click on the Cancel button to cancel this function.
c. Click on the Cancel button to cancel this function.
12. Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Page
The Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page displays the measure development
topics that require a TEP. A TEP is a group of stakeholders and experts who are
expected to provide balanced expert input to the measure contractor on the development,
selection, and maintenance of the measure for which the contractor is responsible.
To access the Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page:
1. Click on the Call for TEP link from the left navigation menu. The Call for
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Page
The table on the Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page displays the following
• Measure Development Topic
• Call for TEP Begins
• Call for TEP Ends
The Call for Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page displays all the measure development
topics that require a TEP review. If there is no call for TEP occurring, then a message
displays stating, “No call for TEP is occurring at this time”. (Note: When the call for
TEP ends, QMIS no longer displays the measure development topic on the Call for
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page.)
12.1 TEP Project Overview Page
The TEP Project Overview allows potential candidates to access the form needed to
nominate themselves or others as potential TEP members for measure development
panels. (Note: All third-party nominations must indicate that the potential nominee has
been contacted and is willing to serve.)
To access the TEP Project Overview page:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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1. Click on your desired Measure Development Topic link from the Call for
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) page.
The Measure Development Topic Link
2. The TEP Project Overview page displays:
The TEP Project Overview Page
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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12.1.1 Accessing the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form
The “TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form” is the form that all potential TEP
members must submit in order to receive consideration for the panel. The “TEP
Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form” allows all potential TEP members to disclose
any current and past activities that may pose a potential conflict of interest for performing
the tasks required of the TEP.
To download the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form:
1. Click on the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form link located under the
Downloads section of the page.
The TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form Link
2. The following dialog box appears:
The “File Download” Dialog box
a. Click on the Open button to view the file. The following window appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form
Complete the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form (Note: refer
to the Measure Development link located under the Downloads section of
the Measures Management System Blueprint page for more information
pertaining to the TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form.)
ii. Send the completed form to the email address referenced on the TEP
Project Overview page.
b. Click on the Save button to save the file to your computer. The following
dialog box appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The “Save As” Dialog box
Save the document to your desired location (Save in, File name, Save as
Click on the Save button to execute the function. The following dialog
box appears:
The “Download complete” dialog box
1. Click on the Open button to view the file. The following displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form
2. Click on the Open Folder button to open the folder where the file is
located. The following displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The “My Documents” Window
a. Double click on the desired file. The following appears:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The TEP Nomination/Disclosure/Agreement Form
3. Click on the Close button to exit the dialog box.
iii. Click on the Cancel button to cancel this function.
c. Click on the Cancel button to cancel this function.
13. Measures Management System Blueprint Page
The Measures Management System Blueprint page allows you to access the Measures
Management System Blueprint, which describes the processes supporting the
development and maintenance of CMS quality measures.
To access the Measures Management System Blueprint page:
1. Click on the Measures Management System Blueprint link from the left
navigation menu. The Measures Management System Blueprint page displays:
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
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The Measures Management System Blueprint Page
The Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) is the CMS Measures Manager and is
responsible for maintaining the Measures Management System and updating the
Measures Management System Blueprint. The Blueprint has five modules, or divisions,
representing the various phases of a measure's lifecycle. These modules or phases include
the Measures Priorities Development Planning, Managing Ongoing Feedback, Measure
Development, Measure Implementation, and Measure Reevaluation. Sections 1 through
19 of the current version, Blueprint Version 6.1, are available via the links located under
the Downloads section of this page.
14. Exiting QMIS
To exit QMIS, close the browser.
QMIS 2.0 Public User Guide
Version 1.0.7/ 6-30-2009