Soaking of substrate in alkaline water as a pretreatment for
Soaking of substrate in alkaline water as a pretreatment for
Journal of Horticultural Science& Biotechnology(2004)79 (2) 234-240 Soaking of substrate in alkaline water as a pretreatment for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus By E. P. CONTRERAS, M. SOKOLOV, G. MEJIA and J. E. SANCHEZ'.£1 Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Apdo. Postal 36,Tapachula,Chiapas 30700,Mexico(e-mail: [email protected]) (Accepted16 August 2003) SUMMARY Substratefor cultivating Pleurotusostreatuswasprepared by soaking it in water containing0.5% lime with no further thermal treatment.Five substrateswere used:grass(Digitaria decumbens),com cob, com strawand two mixtures of com straw or grasswith coffee pulp. Immersiontime varied between0-48 h. Mushroomyield measuredas biological efficiency varied between37.3and 126%.No fungal contaminationwas found, however certain group of bacteria like pseudomonads,bacilli and coliforms were detected.This techniqueseemsto have potential; howevergood control of the moisture of the substratemust be maintainedto limit proliferation of substratebacteria. A voidance of substrate contamination is an important part of the cultivation of edible mushrooms. Competitor bacteria and undesirable fungi in the substrate drain nutrients as well as limiting mushroom growth and fruiting, thus reducing yield and quality. Various treatmentsare used for the preparationof the substrate used to cultivate the oyster mushroom Pieurotusspp.- steam pasteurization,submersionin hot water, composting,chemicalsterilization, and lactic fermentation. (Ferri, 1985; Kurtzman, 1979; Leiley and Janssen,1993;Muez and Pardo,2002;SotoVelazco et ai., 1989; Vijai and Sohi, 1987; Zadrazil and Schneidereit, 1972).Each of thesemethodshas advantagesand disadvantagesdependingon the prevailing technologicalsituation. (Laborde, 1989; Pani and Mohanty, 1998; Rajararhnamand Bano, 1987;Royseand Schisler,1987). In the state of Chiapas,Mexico, growersof Pieurotus commonlypreparethe substrateby simplysoakinglignocellulosicresiduesin alkaline water for varioustimes.This is a low output, empirical technique used by very small scalegrowers.A farm at Jomanichim,in the municipality of Tenejapa,which hasa capacityof two tonnesof mushrooms per month and grows P. ostreatuson com straw, represents the largest and best known of these small operations.This farm hasoperatedfairly continuouslyfor two years, apparently without contamination problems and with biological efficiencies (BE) averaging40-50% (Sanchez,2001).The above-mentionedsoakingtechnique has replaced submersionin hot water over the last few years in Chiapasbecauseof the contaminationproblems observed(Guzmanet ai.,1993;Lopez et ai.,1996). Philippoussis et ai. (2001) reported that soaking the substratein water with 2% calciumcarbonateto a pH of 6-7followed by sterilization was an efficient method for preparation for cultivating Pieurotus spp.This method had the additional advantageof a shorter colonization time than with composting. The use of a more alkaline base than calciumcarbonate to avoid the need to sterilize or heat pasteurizewas *Author for correspondence. suggestedby Hernandez et al. (2003). These authors adjustedthe initial pH values of the substratewith lime to 8.4-8.5and found that evenwithout compostingit was possibleto achievevalues of Biological Efficiency (BE) around 80% in two harvests. Fewreports are available on the costof pasteurizinga kilogram of substratefor Pleurotuscultivation. However, some estimatescan be drawn from the work of Verma (2002) on total production cost. Although there are no exactfigures for the difference in the costof pasteurization by heat v pasteurizationby soaking,it is clear that the costof soakingis much lower becauseit requires no energyoutlay.This fact has significancein rural communities where simple,fleXible technologyis required, and where there is a need to identify substrateswhich may contribute to energy savingsand increased production efficiency. The object of this study was to evaluatethe technical viability of alkaline water soaking as a substratepreparation technique for P. ostreatuscultivation. The BEs obtained using this method with five alternative substrates(or mixtures) wasalso determined. MATERIALS AND METHODS Strain and spawn Pleurotus ostreatusstrain ECS-O152from the ECOSUR mycologicalcollection was used for this study.The substratewasinoculated at a rate of 5% with spawnprepared on sorghumseeds(Quimio,2002). Substrate preparation:About 10kg of raw materialswere broken into 3-4 cm piecesusing a mill hammer (Sanke and Hunkel, Model A-1052) and then soaked in a 75 I plastic containercontaining 20 I tap water (temperature of 25 :I: 2°C) with 0.5% added lime (commercial lime from Calhidra Balun, CananInc, Mexico with 81.5-82% calciumhydroxide content,0.75-0.9%calcium oxide,and 45.2-44.7calciumcontent).Soakingtime varied from 0 to 48 h dependingon the experiment.(Soaking for 5 min was considered"0" time.) After the soaking period, the E. P. CONTRERAS, M. SOKOLOV, G. MEJ1Aand J. E. SANCHEZ TABLEI Percentsubstrate(dry weight)usedfor each ofsix P. ostreatuscrops Coffee Grass Substrate 1 % Com straw % Com cob % pulp % 100 100 2 3 4 5 6* 100 30 70 50 50 30 70 * -Control (Grass70%-CoffeePulp 30%, composted) substratewas placed in plastic trays to_permit drainage and the moisture contentwas adjustedto approximately 70%. Six substrateswere used,asshownin Table I.A control was prepared as per Hernandez et al. (2003).After soakingand draining,950g of substrate,mixed with 50 g spawn,were placed in 2 kg capacitypolyethylenebags. Spawn run and fruiting. Spawnrun wascompletedin darknessfor 15d at 26°C. Fruiting wasinduced at 23°C,70% moisture,with continuous ventilation to maintain low COz (less than 800 ppm) in the air. Fruiting bodies were collected and weighed for three flushes. 235 to 100 bacterial colonies per dish were counted. Bacterial groups studied were: total coliforms, Pseudomonas spp and Bacillus spp. The specific media ingredients used for each culture were: Total calif arms: Brilliant green bile broth (Bioxon, Beckton Dickenson de Mexico, Inc.) The final pH of the medium was adjusted to 6.9-7.1, and 2% agar added. Pseudomonas group: A combination of Media #1, #54 and#81 (DSM, 1993). Per litre, 5 g peptone of casein (Difco), 5 g dextrose (Sigma), 0.1 g. yeast extract (Difco), 0.3g NI4CI (J.T. Baker), 0.3 g KIzPO4 (Reproquifin), 0.3 g CaClz x 2 HzO (Omnichem), 0.2 g (J.T. Baker), 0.1 g NaCI (Merck), and 0.1 g MgO x 6HzO (Omnichem). The medium was supplemented with a trace elements solution based on the SL-10 trace element solution (DSM, 1993) as follows: 10 ml HO; 1.5 g Fe Clz x 4H20; 70 mg ZnClz; 80 mg MnCIZ x 2 HZO; 6 mg H3BO3; 190 mg CoClz x 6 HzO ; 2 mg CuClz x 2 HZO; 24 mg NiCIZ x 6Hz); 36 mg Na2MoO4x 2 HZO; 3mg NaZSeO3 x 5HZO; 4 mg NaZW04 x HZO. All salts were dissolved in 100 mL of filter sterilized distilled water. One mL of the stock trace element solution was added to each litre of medium. Bacillus group: Medium #1 (DSM, 1993)supplemented with -thesame salt compositionas for the Pseudomonas group.Sampleswere pasteurizedfor 10 minutes by heating in a water bath (Madigan 1999)for quantification. Coliforms were incubated at 37°C and Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp were incubated at 300 C for 24 h. Bacterial populations were determined by the spread plate method (Baton et ai.,1995). Parametersevaluated SubstratemoiSture:After soakingand just before spawning,5 g of substratewere evaluatedgravimetricallythree times for moisture content (80°C for 48 h). pH: Ten Biological efficiency (BE) gramsof substratewasplaced in 125ml of distilled water After harvesting,BE was calculated using the followand pH was determined with a Model 719A S-OO3584 ing formula: potentiometer (Orion Res. Inc., Boston, MA, USA) BE = Biomass (fresh weight) x 100 Williams (1984). Substrateweight (dry basis) Temperatureinside the formed logs;Temperatureinside the logs was measuredevery 24 h during the spawn-run period usinga mercurythermometer. Bacterialpopulation: After soaking,sampleswere taken to determine the population of various bacteria. Five grams substrate were blended with 100 ml of 0.85% NaCI solution in a commercial 12 speed blender (Osterizer,USA). One ml of supernatantwas removed and six dilutions were performed serially. From each dilution tube,0.1 ml wasspreadonto the agarsurfaceof a petri dish containingappropriate medium for eachbacterial group under study.Triplicate petri disheswere prepared for eachdilution sample;only dishescontaining50 SEM visualizationof bacterialcontaminants For Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) a radial sectionof 3 mm wide was cut covering all different areas from the centre to the edge of the pileus. Sectionswere rinsed for 5 min with 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, (PBS) and placed in 3% glutaraldehyde in PBS, overnight (Dykstra, 1993).The sectionswere removed 24 h later and rinsed twice in PBS (5 min each) then dehydrated with serial ethanolsolutions(30,50,70,95,100,100 %) for 45 minutes.Sampleswere critical-point dried with CO2 and mounted over an aluminum stub with silver paint. Finally samples were gold-palladium covered using a ion-sputter Denton Vacuum Desk-II and were observedunder high vacuumconditions at 5 kV. TABLE II Moisture changes in five substrates after soaking in a 0.5% Ca(OH)2 solution for 0-48 Grass time (h) (Sl) Com straw (52) 0 56.0:t 1.7 71.5:t1.4 71.6:t 0.5 73.5:t 2.4 72.9:t 0.0 54.9:1: 1.2 74.0 :1:0.5 76.0:1:0.0 76.0:1: 1.7 76.0 :I: 1.5 Soaking 12 24 36 48 Mean:!: SE of the mean. Com cob (S3) 48.0 j: 0.6 71.6 j: 0.6 72.5 j: 1.0 72.0 j: 1.2 73.7 j: 0.3 Grass-Coffee pulp (S4) 51.0i: 1.0 69.9i: 1.7 70.5 i: 0.5 70.0i: 0.5 70.5i: 0.5 Com cob-Coffee pulp (55) 48.0~ 0.5 73.0~0.0 72.5~ 0.7 71.6~ 0.5 70.7~ 1.1 236 Substratetreatmentof pleurotus culture TABLEIII Evolution of pH in five substratesafter immersionduring 0-48hours in 0.5% Ca(OHh solution.Mean %SE ofthe mean Soaking time (h) 0 12 2436 48 Grass Com straw (52) Com cOb (S3) Grass-Coffeepulp (54) Com cob-Coffeepulp (85) 12.1 :I: 0.20 11.4 % 0.05 11.2 :I: 0.04 11.6 :!: 0.06 11.5 :I: 0.11 11.0 %0.01 10.2 :I: 0.06 11.0 :!: 0.05 10.5 :!: 0.06 11.1z 0.06 10.1:t 0.04 10.5:t 0.04 9.4z 0.00 8.4:t 0.01 (51) 11.2 :1:0.05 11.4 %0.07 11.0 :I: 0.01 9.9 :I: 0..07 10.1 %0.15 10.8:1:0.01 10.0:1: 9.6 :I: 0.09 9.7%0.25 Experimentaldesignand statisticalanalysis The experimentconsistedof five t~atments with five replicates per treatment arranged in randomizedblocks, with blocks set in July,August,and September.An analysis of variance was performed on BE, and meanswere separated using Tukey's test with a = 0.05 (Steel and Tome, 1988). For temperature,moisture and microbial population, a repeatedmeasuresanalysiswasperformed (Scheinerand Gurevitch,1993).In all casesthe ANOV A procedure (SAS Institute, 1999)wasused. RESULTS Temperature, moisture,and pH The temperature of the liquid used for soaking remained at 28-29°C during the entire operation. Temperatureat the centre of the logs during the incubation also varied very little (25-28°C) for all treatments, with no statisticaldifferences. Table II showschangesin substratehumidity for each treatment, after soaking in lime and air draining. Moisture generally varied from 48% (com cobs; com cobs+coffeepulp at 0 hours soaking)to 76% (com straw at 24-48hours soaking.) Statisticalanalysisshowedsignificant differences (P=O.OOOl) for time and the interaction of time with substrates.With minimum immersions time (0), moisture varied between 48 and 56% depending on the substrate,and for substratessoakedfor 12 h or more hours, mo~sture after rinsing and draining was higher, at 70-76%.The pH of the substrateafter soaking and draining and just before spawningis indicated in Table III. Observedvaluesvaried between8.4 and 12.1. A statistical analysis indicated significant differences (P=O.OOl)for time and the interaction of time with substrates.Substratesfor "0" soaking (immersion for 5 min followed by rinsing) had the highest pH values (11.112.1). These values decreased for all substrates with soaking time and their value varied with the substrate, from 10 (com cob) to 8.4 (com cob + coffee pulp). The pH observed for the control (grass + compostedpulp) was8.7. Colonizationand contaminationlevels The growth of P. ostreatus during incubation was homogeneousfor all treatments.It also appearedsimilar to the control and to other reports regardingpasteurized substrateson which this mushroomhas beencultivated. (Villa Cruz et al., 1999;Morales et al., 1995).The substrate was fully colonized in 14-15d and no fungal contamination wasobserved(Figure 1). At harvesting,although most carpophoresappeared normal, soft,and dry to the touch,someof the harvested 0.05 9.5 :!: 0.05 8.9:!: 0.05 logs containedcarpophoreswith a shiny and wet appearance,as if they had recently beenwatered. (Care had in fact been taken not to water at the final stagesof development.) Their appearancewas different from that of normal irrigated mushrooms;the liquid on the pileum was slightly viscousand sticky to the touch, similar to a bacterial film.. This film was probably the result of Pseudomonasbacteria.(Gea, 2002)SeeFigures2 to 5. Analysis of bacterial population was therefore performed on the substrateat the time of spawning,as seen in Figures 6 a-e.The bacterial population of eachsubstrate at spawningwas noted. In the grasssubstrate,the corn straw,and the mixture of grassand pulp, the bacterial population remained at low levels from 0-36 h of soaking for all three bacteria under study (Pseudomonas,bacilli, ~nd coliforms). In these three substrates a high level of bacteria, principally Pseudomonads,(3x106-107cell ml-l) was observed after soaking in the alkaline solution for 48 h. In the treatments containing corn cobs,there was more contamination, mainly from Pseudomonads,although bacilli and coliforms were also observed. Biological efficiency Table IV presentsthe BE obtained for eachsubstrate spawnedwith P. ostreatusafter 48 h of soaking.The efficienciesobtained vary from 82.9% (com straw) to 126% (grass).Statisticalanalysisresulted in the identification of three significantlydifferent groups:Group A, the grass substrate,with the highest BE (126%); Group B, which included com straw;grass+ coffee pulp; compostedsubstrate), (BEs from 82.9 to 90%), and Group C (com cobs),with the lowestBE (60.9%).. Table V presentsthe BEs obtained when P.ostreatus was spawned in grass previously treated by soaking in alkaline water for different times. BEs obtained varied from 32% (immersionfor 5 min and then rinsed) to 95% TABLE IV Biological efficiencyfor ECS-O152Pleurotusostreatuscultivatedon five substrates and immersedin 0.5% lime for 48h Treatment 1 2 4 5 6 3 Substrate Biological efficiency(%)* Grass Com straw Grasscoffee pulp Com cob coffeepulp 126.0a 82.9b 84.0b 87.2 b 9O.0b 60.9c Composted Com cob * The sameletter in the samecolumn meansno statistic~ldifferenceat the levela=O.5.C.V.=16.8% E. P. CONTRERAS, M. SOKOLOV, G. MEJIA and J. E. SANcHEZ 237 TABLE V Biological efficiencyof Pleurotus ostreatus ECS-O152cultivated on Digitaria decumbensgrass, previouslysoaked in water with lime for timesindicated Immersion time (h) Biological efficiency(%) 0 37.3 b 12 93.7 a 24 95.1 a 36 93.2 a 48 92.5a * The sameletter in the samecolumnmeansno statisticaldifferenceat the a=O.5IeveLC.V.=16.1% FIG.3 Surfaceof the pileus of a contaminatedcarpophoreseenin the SEM. FIG.! The appearance of healthy carpophores grown on unpasteurizedD .decumbensgrass,preparedby soakingin water with 0.5% Ca(OH)2. FIG.4 Healthy carpophores of P. ostreatus. FIG.2 P. ostreatus carpophores with evidence of bacterial contamination. FIG.S Surfaceof the pileus of a healthy carpophoresseenin the SEM. Substratetreatmentof pleurotus culture (24 h soaking).Analysis resulted in the identification of two statistically different groups at the 0.5% level: Group A (control, and all soakingtreatments from 12 to 48 h) had higher BEs, and Group B (immersion fqr 15 min) had a lower BE. DISCUSSION The technical feasibility of preparingsubstratefor the cultivation of P. ostreatusby soaking in a 0.5% alkaline solution without heat treatment was investigated.BEs varying from 37 to 126%were obtained for various substrates and mixtures of substratestested in three har- vests.The results,with BEs ranging from 37% to 126% BE, include data obtained with a control prepared by composting,and were comparablewith results reported with other substratesprepared by various pasteurization methods. (Bermudez et al., 1994; Block et al., 1958; Gonzalezand Arzeta, 1994). From this fact it may be concluded that adjusting pH to alkaline levels is a good means of inhibiting the growth of competitor fungi and bacteria without seriously affecting the growth of P. ostreatus.This confirms reports by Stolzer and Grabbe (1999)and Hernandezet al. (2002),who suggestedthe use of alkaline pHs to cultivate this mushroom. In our experiment, the common deuteromycete contaminants Trichoderma, Monilia, Penicillium, and Aspergillus, were not observed. The pileus of some of the carpophores displayed some abnormal moist and slimy shininess,presumably from Pseudomonasbacteria, which cause yellow blotch on Pleurotus spp. (Stamets and Chiltons, 1983; Fermor, 1987; Gea, 2002), but the pronounced deformation of a} Grass d) Grass70%- Coffee pulp 30 % b) Corn straw /' 18OE~ 1.4OE~ f~.~ ::) 8~+04 ~~+04 V~+04 7~+04 u.: 5~+04 1.2OE~ :) 1 1.1IOE~ 8.00e.os j e.ooeoOS '.ooeoos 200eoOS -- U '~+04 ". ~1XE~1 oooe.oo "" ~:: V~- --~ ..., 0 2' :JI , 12 ~ .,Ie .. TIME (HOURS) e TIME (HOURS) , e) Com cob 500/...Coffee pulp 50% l.-- c) Comcob FIG. 6 Populationof three bacterial groups(pseudomonads, bacilli and coliforms)in five substratesasa function of soakingtime in 0.5% linIe and water at room temperature: a) Grass (Digitaria decumbens)b) Corn straw, c) Corn cob, d) Grass+coffee pulp, e) Corn cob + coffee pulp. [ffiHJ Pseudomonas spp. D Bacillusspp. ~~ Coliforms E. P. CONTRERAS, M. SOKOLOV, G. MEJiA and J. E. SANCHEZ the carpophores reported by Bessette et al. (1985)was not observed. Since Pseudomonasbacteria proliferate in moist areas, and are disseminated primarily from water and secondarily through spawnand other materials used for mushroom cultivation (Stamets,1983),high moisture along with a high initial bacterial population on the substrate explain the appearanceof the symptoms described on the affected mushrooms. The substrate which produced the best BE and least contamination was the Digitaria decumbensgrass.This substrate has already been reported as suitable for the cultivation of P. ostreatus;however in that report it was pasteurized and composted (Hemandez et al., 2003). Other substratestested were lessefficient; however,it is probable that with better moisture control, higher BEs could be obtained. Methods employing water soaking are known to presentdifficulties in controlling the initial moisture of the substrate,since humidity varies between lots and even within a single lot. This causesdifferences in fruiting and a higher risk of contamination (Lopez et aI, 1996). . The effect of soaking in alkaline solution on the bacterial population at the end of the soaking was moni- 239 toredior eachsubstrate.The grass,straw,and straw+ coffee pulp in 0.5% lime did not displaybacterial growth in the first 36 h of soaking, although after 48 h, bacterial growth did occur.The com cobs and coffee pulp + com cobs,however, displayed bacterial contamination from 12 h of soaking onwards.The size of the com cob particleswas probably a factor in this,sinceit is a den.sematerial and evenwhen broken into 3 cm pieceswas not well penetrated by the lime, resulting in greater bacterial growth. 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