Student Memories 1950
Student Memories 1950
Dedication We, the Juniors of 1951, dedicate this edition of Student Memories to the former graduates of Panama High School who have served and those who are now serving in the Armed Services of the United States. Frank Adams Roy Lawrence Angelo DeRight Jim Massey Robert Frey Floyd McGee William Frey Leonard McGee Leo Holland Tony Perfetti Billy Kosek Jim Segrest Frank Kristofic Dean Summers Steve Viceni Junior Class Graduates Shirley McClain Dorothy Vannoy Jimmie Henke Joyce Roach Eugene King Ronald Wall Donald Overbaugh Margaret Revisky Albert DeRight Norman Whitaker Tom Frey Jack Moore Dean Compton Earl Slagel Kenneth Barlow Joan Costello Robert Wall CLASS COLORS Blue and Gold CLASS MOTTO How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! CLASS FLOWERS "White Carnation" CLASS OFFICERS President Shirley McClain Vice President Dorothy Vannoy Sec. and Treasurer Joyce Roach Recreation Officers Ronald Wall Junior Class History The Junior class entered school eleven years ago. They were Mildred Adams, Joyce Sharp, Helen Richardson, Billy Beardshaw, Delia Thompson, Albert DeRight, Wesley Freezland, Joe Long, Bobby Ondrak, Donald Overbaugh, Alfred Turner, Warren Wilson, and Earl Slagle. In the second grade Norman Whitaker joined our class. In the third grade Delia Thompson, Joyce Ann Sharp, Joe Long and Alfred Turner moved away. Miss Loraine Evans piloted us through that year. In the fourth grade Mildred Adams, Billy Beardshaw, Bobby Ondrak, and Wesley Freezland moved away. Mrs. Hatfill and Mrs. Granda guided us through the fourth grade. In the fifth grade Rosalie Harner, Jackie Moore, and Jimmie Henke joined us. Warren Wilson and Helen Richardson moved away. We were a lively class but Miss Jett was equal to the task. During our sixth grade term we became a little older and a little wiser, but just as active as ever. Lois Shermer joined our class. Several boys joined the basketball team. In the seventh year of our scholastic life Shirley McClaine and Tommy Frey joined our class. Clarence Hamby was with us part of the year. We collected scrap paper and gave plays to earn money. We sent cartoon scrap books to veterans in hospitals. The basketball team won first place in the Greenville tourney and second place in Sorento. Miss Patton was our teacher. In the eighth grade Milton West joined our class. We went on several parties and took a trip to St. Louis at the end of the year. We gave more plays. Miss Patton was our teacher. Those entering Panama High for their freshman year were: Earl Slagel, Donald Overbaugh, Jackie Moore, Margaret Rivisky, Joyce Roach, Dorothy Vannoy, Ronald Wall, Shirley McClaine, Eugene King, Jimmie Henke, Tommy Frey, Albert DeRight, Dean Compton, Kenneth Barlow, and Norman Whitaker. The initiation was tough but we held out. During our sophomore year Robert Wall and Albury Hammon entered our class. Mr. Burge was our class sponsor and our algebra teacher. We had world history under Mr. DeLay, and typing and English under Mrs. McMullen. During our junior year we welcomed two new members to our class. These were Wesley Clanton, who soon left us, and Joan Costello. Now, hesitatingly, we close the last chapter of our school days, and say Goodbye to Panama High School. Margaret Revisky Junior Class Prophecy It has been twenty years since I graduated with the class of 1951. Here I am back in Panama and it looks like I'm just in time to see a parade. Looking a little closer, I see it's just Ronnie Wall with about a dozen foxhounds following him. He informs me that he married his schoolday sweetheart, Dorothy Vannoy. She is home cooking dinner for his dogs. Let's go visit her. She has company. I'll bet it's Dean Compton because I see a shiny Ford there. That laugh just convinced me that it is Dean. He married Lois Osborn. I decided that I would take a walk down to the high school. They have a beautiful new building. Norman Whitaker is the Principal. He took over Mr. DeLay's job of teaching American History to the Juniors. The former Shirley McClaine is the English teacher. She married Eugene King. I always did think Eugene had his eye on her. They have a big kitchen. Margaret Revisky is the supervisor over it. She married Oliver Denny from Sorento. Jackie Moore is the basketball coach. There is no need to tell you that he married Patsy Jones. All the Panama "Speedboys" games are on television due to Kenny Barlow. He owns a hugh television network. We have another boy in our class who is making good, Jimmie Henke. He married Rose Marie Nonn, and they are living in Walshville. He is the mayor, but he makes a great deal more money than the mayors used to make. Bob Wall is making the Navy his career. He has two years yet to serve. He married Joan Costello and they have three little sailors. Tom Frey also is making the Army his career. Since Tom was our class comedian I'll bet there is never a dull moment in his company. All this information I learned from Norman. I'll bet he didn't feel like going to teach his History class if he was as tired from talking as I was. As I was walking to town I saw a transport truck with "Overbaugh and Son" on it. I am glad that his dream to become a big trucker came true. He married his old girlfriend Sabra Davy from Donnellson. Donnie said that Albert DeRight was operating a big winter resort in Arizona. He always did like that part of the country. Donnie also said that Earl Slagel had been to visit him about a week ago. I was happy to find out Earl was doing good farming north of Springfield. Nora Mae Hemken is Earl's wife. I was glad to see everybody's dreams had come true. Mine has also come true. I married Leanard Nail of Litchfield. We live in Reno, Nevada. If any of you want a divorce come and see me. You'll find my office on N. St. Clare St. Joyce Roach Class Will I, Kenneth Barlow, will my stubbornness to Avis Roach and my overshoes to Jim Gad. I, Dean Compton, bequeath Frances White to Jerry Motycka and my geometry grade to Starkey Evans. I, Albert DeRight, bequeath my ability to get my lessons to Samuel Slagel and my wavy black hair to Charles Dixon. I, Tom Frey, bequeath my antics to Tommy Smith and my ability to play, hookey to Frank Revisky. I, Jimmy Henke, will Joyce Roach to Bob McGill and my art of copying to Gary Tomevi. I, Joan Costello, will Bob Wall to Donna Kosek and my ability to get along with people to Charles Ushman. I, Eugene King, bequeath my ability to get excited in class to Gary Bussman and my sparkling smile to Charles Dixon. I, Shirley McClaine, will my red hair to Patsy Moytcka and my sociology grades to John Mullen. I, Jack Moore, will my basketball dribbling to Harold Renfro and my ability to eat candy in school without getting caught to Ray Kessinger. I, Donald Overbaugh, will my crew hair cut to Billy White and my love making ability to Darrell McGill. I, Margaret Revisky, will my fast talking to Dolores Coleman and my ability to talk about my boy friends to Mary Lou Kish. I, Joyce Roach, bequeath my cheerleading job to Maxine Cunningham and Donald Compton to Lois Osburn. I, Earl Slagel, will Nora Hemken to Dean Kessinger and my knowledge of history to Bob McGill. I, Dorothy Vannoy, will Ronnie Wall to Rose Marie Nonn and my typing ability to Ray Kessinger. I, Robert Wall, will Donna Kosek to Earl McGee and my basketball uniform to Charles Ushman. I, Ronald Wall, bequeath my curly hair to 'Samuel Slagel and my manly physique to Jim Gad. I, Norman Whitaker, will all my lost pencils to Sally Reynolds and my chair at the dinner table to Tom Smith. In witness of these legacies, We the Class of '51 do hereby set our hands, on this our last class will and testament on this twenty-fifth day of May in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-one. Dorothy Vannoy Norman Whitaker The Coronation The gymnasium was packed with spectators, who patiently awaited the arrival of her Majesty and the King. Who would reign? Would it be Margaret ? Mary Lou ? Could it be Lois ? Perhaps it would be Frances. The house lights were dimmed, a hush fell over the throng. At last her majesty made a triumphant entrance. A gentle murmur rose to a crescendo of ovation as her Majesty, Lois Osburn, in all her resplendent, regal finery was gallantly led to the throne by his royal honor, James Gad. The ceremony was brief but beautiful and many a tear was wiped from the eye of an over-emotional spectator. The carnival, which is climaxed by this ceremony, was a huge success. CHEERLEADERS Kneeling — Joyce Roach, Sally Reynolds Standing — Dorothy Vannoy and Starkey Evans JUNIOR CLASS Front row, left to right — Jim Henke, Margaret Revisky, Kenneth Barlow, Joyce Roach, Robert Wall, Dorothy Vannoy, Tom Frey. Back row, left to right — Mr. Walters, Eugene King, Norman Whitaker, Donald Overbaugh, Ronald Wall, Albert DeRight, Jack Moore, Earl Slagel, Dean Compton. SOPHOMORE CLASS Front row, left to right — Maxine Cunningham, Starkey Evans, Avis Roach, Schreldia McGee, Patsy Motycka, Lois Osburn, Donna Kosek. Back Row, left to right — Mr. DeLay, Robert McGill, Frank Revisky, Charles Ushman, James Gad. Sophomore Class History First Grade — There were nine little heads appeared in Miss Morgan's room. It was September 1941. They were: Beverly Barns, Donna Kosek, Sharlene Long, Zelpha Stechman, Wesley Freezland, Laurel Frey, Frank Revisky and Alfred Turner. We also had a Christmas party. Second Grade — Five of them left us that year. They were as follows: Beverly Barnes, Sharlene Long, Laurel Frey, Wesley Freezland, and Alfred Turner. Miss Morgan was our "dentist", that is every time one of us had a loose tooth she pulled it. Third Grade — In that grade, Eleanor Cunningham, Starkey Evans, Schreldia McGee, Bob McGill and Caroline Smith joined us. Fourth Grade — We had no new pupils that year. Mrs. Granda from Sorento was our teacher. Fifth Grade — Jim Gad joined our class that year. Miss Jett from Greenville was our teacher. Sixth Grade — Paul Laurent joined us for awhile in that class, then left us. Seventh Grade — Blanche Currie and Charles Ushman joined us. Miss Patton was our teacher. We went on a skating party that year. Eighth Grade — After struggling through our eight years of grade school we finally graduated. Donna Kosek was queen that year and Frank Revisky was king. Freshman Year — There were three pupils from out of town who rode the bus. Those who joined us were: Lois Osburn, Avis Roach, and Etta Hoxsey. We were initiated that year. That was when we got a going over. Sophomore Year — Three left us that year: Schreldia McGee, Caroline Smith, Etta Hoxsey. Patsy Motycka and Maxine Cunningham joined us. Patsy Motycka Starkey Evans Donna Kosek FRESHMEN CLASS First row, left to right — Jerry Motycka, Tom Smith, Bill White, Dolores Coleman, Mary Lou Kish, George Desbrough, Darrell McGill, Samuel Slagel. Second row, left to right — Mrs. McMullen, Gary Tomevi, Earl McGee, Nora Mae Hemken, Rose Marie Nonn, Elva Jean Strohkirch, Sally Reynold, John Mullin. Third row, left to right — Charles Dixon, Gerhard Bussman, Percy Ray Kessinger, Harold Renfro, Dean Kessinger, Thomas Garwood. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE First row, left to right — Barbara Jones, Helen Belmer, Ronald Coleman, Lowell Chuba, Micheal Calufetti, Larry Manning, Charlene Henderson, Pearl Smith. Second row, left to right — Miss Patton, Georgia Currie, Shelby Williman, Robert Mann, Melba Maguire, Camby Compton, Curtis Whitaker, Al DeLay, Frances McGee. Third row, left to right — Howard Perry, Patty Williman, Patrick Costello, Jerome Nonn, Naomi Wilson, Donald Eccles, Norman Steven, Thelma Ushman. Freshmen Class History One bright September morning in 1942, the Freshmen Class entered Panama School. They were Gary Tomevi, Samuel Slagel, Dolores Coleman, Darrell McGill, Larry Ash, Thomas Garwood, Tommy Smith, Evelyn Weathers, Druselles Reed, Laurel Frey, Mary Lou Bremer, Raymond Bono, Earl McGee, Bobby Suggs, and Harold Jett. Miss Morgan guided us through the First Grade. Mrs. Evans welcomed us into the Second Grade. Dickie Roth and David Blackwell joined us. Mrs. Kerby piloted us through the Third Grade. Mary Lou Bremer left us. Charles Dixon and Berlin Eubank joined our class. In the Fourth Grade Berlin Eubank moved away and Edward White joined our class. Mrs. Kerby was our teacher. Miss Jett saw us through the Fifth Grade. Billy White joined us. That year all the children in the first six grades went to New Salem, Illinois. In the Sixth Grade, Owen Compton and Arthur Wilson joined our class. Miss Jett took us on a skating party and a weiner roast. Miss Patton led us into the Eighth Grade. Sally Reynolds joined us. We all enjoyed the trip to St. Louis at the end of the year. In our last year of Grade School Larry Sigerfoos joined our class. Edward White moved to Sorento. We had a wonderful time giving plays and selling magazines. The day of Graduation finally came. The Graduates were: Sally Reynolds, Dolores Coleman, Jean Carter, Larry Ash, Gary Tomevi, Charles Dixon, Thomas Garwood, Billy White, Tommy Smith, Samuel Slagel, Earl McGee, Darrell McGill, George Desborough, Arthur Wilson, and Edward White. We who entered Panama High School as "Green Freshmen" were: Dolores Coleman, Mary Lou Kish, Elva Jean Strohkirch, Rose Marie Nonn, Nora Mae Hemken, Sally Reynolds, Frances White, Earl McGee, Darrell McGill, George Desborough, Gary Tomevi, Gehard Bussman, Thomas Garwood, Charles Dixon, Billy White, Loyd Ellington, Harold Renfrow, Charles Thacker, Tommey Smith, Dean Kessinger, Jerry Motycka, Ray Kessinger, John Mullen and Samuel Slagel. Some of the Freshmen came from the country. We were initiated and now we are full pledged Freshmen. Dolores Coleman FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE First row, left to right — Mary Kay Havron, Marlene Marak, Jim Revisky, Valdean Ash, Wayne Slagel, Jack Revisky, Margie Hammack, Norma Belmer. Second row, left to right — Miss Jett, Charles Wall, Fred Faudi, Darlene Hamby, Marcella Bonetto, Beulah Desbrough Bobby Renner, Dale White, David DeLay. Third row, left to right — Micheal Macnelli, Peter King, Jimmie Dixon, Allen McGill, Robert Maguire, Jimmie Brewer, Tommy Gad, Don White, Ray Dean Hammond. THIRD AND FOURTH GRADE First row, left to right — Ronald Craycraft, James Kendell, Judy Revisky, Billy Williman, Ralph McGill, Roy Perfetti, Karen McCoy, Charles Havron, Sharon Brewer, Raymond McGee, Barbara Knight, Nancy DeLay. Second row, left to right — Sharon Rebertson, Frank Nonn, Joe Nonn, Melvin Hoxsey, Laverne Wilson, Cathy Dixon, Berthal Seaman, Jo Ann Frey, Dennis Calufetti, Patty Andrew, Nathan Reynold, Jack Seaman. Third row, left to right — Betty Forten, Margaret Wall, Gerald Wilson, Tony Calufetti, Robert Hoxsey, Marcia Palleva, Betty Jean Overbaugh, Naomi Slagel, Henrietta Havron, Leslie Garwood, Dale Eccles. KINDERGARTEN FIRST AND SECOND GRADE — MRS. EVANS Back row, standing left to right — Mrs. Evans, James Slagel, Edgar Royer, Walter Robinson, Clay Compton, James Bonneto, Paul Hancock, Edward Brown, Diana Basso, David Compton Doris Royer, Thomas Conway, Georgia Maccanelli,, Lorrie Franklin, Nola Hoxsey, Gay Wall, Sandra Henderson, Naomi Hancock, Charles McCoy, Caren Havern, Carol Williman, Carolin Brown, David Dixon, Caren Kindal, Frank Monty, Dawn Madden, Barbara Seaman, Conda Tomevi, Howard King, Linda Hammick, Howard Macario, Sue Desborough, Barbara McMullen, Mike Hebison, Dennis Manning, Johnny Conway, Joe Ushman. THE CAFETERIA Hmm! Looks like they're all hungry. "OUR COOKS" Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Jones. BASKETBALL TEAM Standing left to right — Assistant Coach, Mr. DeLay, James Gad, William White, Frank Revisky, Norman Whitaker, Charles Ushman, Albert DeRight, Dean Compton, George Desborough, Coach, Mr. Walters. Seated left to right — Thomas Smith, Thomas Frey, Earl Slagel, Jack Moore, Ronald Wall, Donald Overbaugh, Charles Dixen, James Henke. HIGH SCHOOL Team We They Medora 49 51 Bethalto 33 63 St. Jacob 41 21 Mulberry Grove 48 28 Sorento 22 38 Ramsey 48 49 Fillmore 59 49 Coffeen 28 58 Lincoln 48 68 Witt 36 55 Medora 47 48 Hillsboro 47 37 Coffeen 32 42 Shipman 39 37 Mulberry 46 44 Witt 24 64 Lincoln 33 63 Fillmore 38 72 Sorento 39 36 Shipman 49 50 Bethalto 29 60 Sorento Tournament Mulberry Grove 41 35 Sorento 34 35 Pocahantas Tournament St. Paul 27 42 District Tournament Coffeen 65 35 Witt 42 58 Place Here There Here There There Here Here There Here Here There Here Here Here Here There There There Here There Here . at Sorento at Sorento Winner Medora Bethalto Panama Panama Sorento Ramsey Panama Coffeen Lincoln Witt Medora Panama Coffeen Panama Panama Witt Lincoln Fillmore Panama Shipman Bethalto Panama Sorento at Pocahantas St. Paul at Sorento at Sorento Panama Witt BASEBALL TEAM Seated left to right — James Henke, Robert McGill, Norman Whitaker, Ronald Wall, Albert DeRight, Donald Overbaugh, Jack Moore. Standing, left to right — Assistant Coach, Mr. DeLay, Jerry Mocycka, Tommy Frey, Frank Revisky, Eugene King, Charles Dixen, Coach Mr. Walters. THE ANNUAL STAFF Sitting left to right — Shirley McClaine, Jack Moore, Dorothy Vannoy. Standing left to right — Norman Whitaker, Mr. Walters. THE GORGZATTE STAFF Sitting left to right — Lois Osborn, Maxine Cunningham, Patsy Motycka, Starkey Evans, Frank Revisky, Donna Kosek. Standing left to right — Robert McGill, Charles Ushman, Avis Roach, Mrs. McMullen, James Gad. Eighth Grade Class Colors Class Motto Navy Blue and White We Build For The Future CLASS OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Don Eccles Lowell Chuba Frances McGee Graduates Belmer, Helen Eccles, Don Henderson, Charlene Chuba, Lowell Jones, Barbara Maguire, Melba Martin, James Ushman, Thelma McGee, Frances Ruppe, Barbara Lee Nonn, Jerome Miss Patton (teacher) Eighth Grade Class History Chapter One One September morning in 1943, the good citizens of Panama rushed to the streets to find out the cause of the unbearable racket. It wasn't a riot; it was a group of eager boys and girls racing to the Panama Public School. Among them were: Charlene Henderson, a little girl with big blue eyes. Frances McGee, a timid little girl who wanted to go home at once. Marvin Brewer, who had just left Chicago to live in Panama. Donald Suggs, who showed signs of becoming a prizefighter. Joan Prendergast, a gay little chatter box. Don Eccles, a little boy who liked to tease the girls. Darlene White, a timid little girl with braids. Under the guidance of Mrs. Evans, we passed into the Second Grade. Chapter Two Marvin Brewer returned to Chicago. Charles Morgan joined the class. Chapter Three Joan Prendergast left the class and returned to Chicago. Mrs. Kirby piloted us safely through the Third Grade. Chapter Four Barbara Jones and James Paninka joined the class. Chapter Five We meet Miss Jett in the Fifth Grade. James Paninka returned to Chicago. Thelma Ushman joined the class. We had a wonderful skating party. Chapter Six Lowell Chuba joined the class. Ancient History was finally mastered and we raced into the Seventh Grade. Chapter Seven Darlene White moved to Sorento. Some of the boys joined the Basket Ball Team. We gave some plays to make money. We had a large crowd. We made some Conservation Scrap Books. We spent a wonderful day in St. Louis. We went to the Zoo, the Highlands and to a ball game. Chapter Eight Helen Belmer, Melba Maguire, Jerome Nonn, and Barbara Lee Ruppe joined the class. The girls earned their own money for cheerleading outfits. We gave some plays to earn money to go to St. Louis. The Grade Tournament will always be a happy memory. This brilliant class which has shed glory and honor and lustre upon the old school is about to pass from its portals, and out into the wide world. Without the intluence of their presence what will become of the dear old institution ? I tremble to think of its future. Pardon me, I can go no farther. Frances McGee Don Eccles Eighth Grade Prophecy I've just received the paper from Panama, the old town, where I graduated from the Eighth Grade twenty-five years ago. They've just had a big celebration out there "Reunion Day" and most of the class went back for the "doings". I longed to go back, but duty kept me in New York. I've just opened my new school, The Helen Belmer Airline Hostess School. I suppose this paper will tell all about the Reunion. Yes, here it is. Lowell Chuba, President of the United States, gave the principal address at the Panama Reunion yesterday. President Chuba recalled many happy events of his Panama school days. General James Martin, Army Chief of Staff, was here to greet his classmates. Jerome Nonn, the famous architect now residing in Walshville, came to visit with his old friends. Even millionaires like to return to the old home town. Mrs. Nonn, superintendent of nurses, at Panama Memorial Hospital, attended the Reunion, too. Mrs. Nonn is the former Melba Maguire. Miss Charlene Henderson, superintendent of Panama Schools, helped to make the day a happy one for all. Panama has six schools, so Miss Henderson leads a very busy life. Mrs. William White, the great opera star, delighted the audience by singing several selections. Mrs. William White is the former Frances McGee. The famous acrobatic dancer, Barbara Jones Elmore, gave a splendid performance. Don Eccles and wife, the former Shelby Willman, made a plane trip from Central America to attend the Reunion. Don, a mining engineer recetly discovered the largest uranium deposit in the world. Miss Barbara Lee Ruppe, authoress of the famous book, "A Delightful Trip To The Moon," was happy to meet her old friends. Thelma Ushman Reeves left her New York School For Models long enough to journey to Panama, and meet the old gang. I shall eagerly await her return to hear about my old classmates. Helen Belmer Eighth Grade Class Will We the Class of 1951 of the Panama Grade School do hereby make and declare this to be our last will and testament, in form and manner as follows: To the entire school we leave the example we have set as worthy scholars and blameless students. To David Calufetti we bequeath a clock. He always needs more time. To Camby Compton we leave a pair of roller skates. May they help him to hurry from place to place. To Robert Ray we bequeath a big thick notebook. He always forgets the assignments. To Georgia Currie we leave Barbara Jones' acrobatic ability. To Norman Stephan we bequeath Jimmie Martin's speed. To Curtis Whitaker we leave Charlene Henderson's ability to keep the desk neat. To Pearl Smith we bequeath Lowell Chuba's ability to talk his way out of trouble. To Ronald Coleman we will a rabbits foot. Eighth Grade Spelling is very hard. To Larry Manning we bequeath Don Eccles' crystal ball. It always gave Don the right answers. To Pat Costello we bequeath Frances McGee's magic fountain pen. It always makes perfect letters on a writing test. To Shelby Willman we leave Thelma Ushman's special pencil for writing notes. To Patricia Willman we bequeath Melba Maguire's Spelling Work Book. All the answers are guaranteed to be correct.! To Howard Perry we leave Jerome Nonn's well used Arithmetic Answer Book. Treat it kindly Howard, because it has been a real friend to me. To Pat Costello we bequeath Barbara Lee Ruppe's patience. Patience is required to pass Eighth Grade Arithmetic. To Al DeLay we leave a large shopping bag donated by Helen Belmer. Then he will be able to keep all his books together next year. Barbara Jones Lowell Chuba SEVENTH AND EIGHTH BASKETBALL TEAM Standing left to right — Coach Mr. DeLay, Al DeLay, Norman Stevens, Howard Perry, Curtis Whitaker, Larry Manning. Seated left to right — Ronald Coleman, Lowell Chuba, Don Eccles, Patrick Costello, Mike Calufetti. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH CHEERLEADERS Left to right — Thelma Ushman, Shelby Williman, Barbara Jones, Charlene Henderson. GRADE GAMES Dates Nov. 7 Nov. 16 Nov. 21 Nov. 29 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 11 Jan. 4 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Who Taylor Springs St. Jacob Irving Coffeen Sorento Donnellson Fillmore Keysport Taylor Springs Keysport Schram City Donnellson Pleasant Hill Fillmore Butler Where Here Here Here There Here Here Here Here There There ...Here There Here There There They Us 23 19 27 40 17 21 23 22 52 25 17, 20 22 23 34 14 25 21 26 31 30 29 26 34 37 32 23 32 29 26 SEVENTH AND EIGHTH BASEBALL TEAM Standing left to right — Larry Manning, Norman Stevens, Howard Perry, Curtis Whitaker, Al DeLay, Coach Mr. DeLay. Seated left to right — Ronald Coleman, Patrick Costello, Don Eccles, James Martin, Jerome Nonn, Lowell Chuba, Mike Calufetti. FOURTH AND FIFTH BASKETBALL TEAM Standing left to right — Jack Revisky, Jim Revisky, Coach, Mr. DeLay, Michael Maccanelli, Valdean Ash, Thomas Gad, Alan McGill, David DeLay, Robert Renner, Wayne Slagel.