campus scene - Delta Chi Fraternity


campus scene - Delta Chi Fraternity
Spring/Summer 2009
canadian bodybuilding federation
57th International Convention • New Orleans • August 11-15, 2010
Photo by: Garry Bartlett
the “AA”
Delta Chi…
Not Available in Stores
Inside The Quarterly
Volume 106 Number 1
Spring/Summer 2009
13 14 14 15 From the “AA”
USCGC Alligator
Cover Story
Campus Scene
Delta Chis at War
Farewell & Parting
Keeping in Touch
Delta Chi Quarterly
(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in
Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity
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P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street
Iowa City, IA 52244
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Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc.
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Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69
Assistant Editor: Zac Cole, NIU ’03
E-mail: [email protected]
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2 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
I’ve been fascinated with advertising and marketing
since I was a kid being around my Dad’s advertising
agency. To this day I pay as much attention to the
commercials than the actual program that is on. I
don’t hang up on telemarketers; I go along for the
ride. I always try to find something that might work
in my own business and for Delta Chi as well. I
studied marketing at Michigan State. I know the
techniques and tricks but still find infomercials
compelling enough to be the proud owner of the
Sham Wow, Perfect Pushup, and some kind of
Abs program I am not sure I ever opened. I should
have taken a cue from the word “sham.” While
channel surfing, I recently came across the show,
“Pitchmen.” It follows the adventures of Billy Mays
and Anthony Sullivan, two of the most famous and
successful pitchmen in history, as they search for
the next invention they believe they can take all
the way to the big time. Many of you will think back
to the original pitchman Ron Popeil and lines like,
“It dices and slices and makes julienne fries!” I am
amazed at the number of products out there that
promise so many things. We should know better,
but day after day we plunk down our hard earned
dollars, only to be disappointed most of the time.
It might sound odd to think of fraternity as a product
or a brand but it is. I happen to think Delta Chi
is one of the greatest products out on the
market! Just think about its features and benefits.
It has an incredible shelf life and comes with a
lifetime warranty. It is so good that it still has to
be marketed the good old-fashioned way. Sure we
now utilize the internet, but I don’t think you will
see any late night infomercials selling Greek life
anytime soon!
At some point we made the decision to join or
buy into Delta Chi, and for many it ended as an
undergraduate experience. Perhaps it was simply
shelved like so many other products, but it is not
like any other product. Delta Chi does not have
a shelf life nor go out of style. I have not found
anything in our oath that mentions a warranty
expiring, so it has a lifetime guarantee! BUT WAIT
THERE’S MORE! It is a product that takes on
different shapes and forms for each member. How
much has your Delta Chi experience been worth to
you so far? I hear great stories from many alumni
who often give credit to Delta Chi for how it shaped
them as people or made them into the leaders or
success stories they are today.
Our chapters are rapidly changing, as are our
members. For many of us we remain true and loyal
to our own chapter. As time goes by, we sometimes
resign ourselves into thinking that it is no longer a
chapter filled with brothers who we know or have
anything in common with. We pass them off as not
being the chapter we joined. Sometimes with good
reason, other times, along with the passage of time,
the ship rights itself rather quickly. Maybe now is
the time to revisit these decisions and see how
they are doing? Is it unrealistic to think your chapter
could be NEW AND IMPROVED? Think about
Corn Flakes…a basic cereal that has been around
a long time and needed to reinvent itself or continue
to lose market share. A few years ago it began a
brilliant but simple marketing campaign using the
slogan, “Taste them again for the very first time.”
Powerful imagery with just a few words paints a
vivid picture. Perhaps we have to sell ourselves all
over again and remind one another that Delta Chi is
the perfect product. It is very forgiving, standing by
waiting to be utilized at a moment’s notice.
We need more BRAND MANAGERS. We can
apply these concepts to our associate member
programs, brotherhood development and for our
alumni to reflect on and take action. This will
allow our organization to grow, prosper and be
what it truly deserves to be. Every member has
the ability to have an impact whether at the local,
regional or national level. It could be as simple
as locating or reconnecting with brothers you
have not seen in a while. That could develop into
locating an alumni chapter in your area or finding
out how to start one. On our website, you might
find a local chapter that you had no idea was so
close. You might think you have nothing to offer
or that the generation gap is too wide, but focus
on the skills and experiences you have now that
you did not before. Could that help a colony or
chapter by mentoring on leadership, sales help
in recruitment, finance help for the treasurer or
real estate help with house operations? If you are
pressed for time, the fraternity and foundation
need your financial support.
How often do you give credit to Delta Chi without
even thinking about it? In marketing-speak, this is
the TESTIMONIAL. One of the top reasons we join
Delta Chi is from meeting a brother and hearing
his own testimonial. Please take some time when
you get a chance and email your own personal
testimonial to me or to [email protected].
So call now; brothers and staff are standing
by! This is your CALL TO ACTION! Delta Chi is
Facebooking, Tweeting, YouTubing and soon to
be podcasting. We still exist as brick and mortar
in Iowa City and still accept phone calls. Please
accept my thanks and gratitude for helping make
Delta Chi truly one of the best products and
experiences out there. In these tough economic
times a great product is able to endure, and so
far we have, but it will take a bigger effort and I
hope you will help. You will be glad you did and I
guarantee it!
Plan now to join us at an upcoming Regional
Leadership Conference, and save the date for
Convention in New Orleans, August 11-15, 2010.
In the Bond,
Tom Horowitz “AA”
Michigan State ’87
Life Loyal
campus scene
Connecting the strengths of the
Fraternity with the importance of
the United States Coast Guard.
Members of Delta Chi were on hand to proudly usher into service
the newest United States Coast Guard vessel at a March 9, 2009
commissioning ceremony in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Delta Chi brother and Florida Congressman John L. Mica (Florida
’67) delivered the keynote address at the commissioning ceremony
of the USCGC ALLIGATOR. The ALLIGATOR is an 87-foot cutter
that will aid the Coast Guard in its wide array of missions in the Gulf
of Mexico; including search and rescue, maritime law enforcement,
homeland security, maintaining aids to navigation, and illegal drug
and alien migrant interdiction.
Congressman Mica represents the 7th Congressional District of
Florida, which stretches from just north of Orlando to the outskirts of
Jacksonville. He is the highest ranking Republican on the Committee
on Transportation and Infrastructure in the U.S. House of
Representatives. This committee, the largest in the
Congress, is responsible for conducting oversight of the
Coast Guard and writing legislation to fund and improve
policy related to the service. Mica also sits on the
Board of Visitors of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
Congressman Mica is also a former chairman
of the Aviation Subcommittee, the Civil Service
Subcommittee, and the Criminal Justice and Drug
Policy Subcommittee.
Congressman Mica’s wife Patricia was selected by the
Coast Guard for the honor of serving as the ALLIGATOR’s
sponsor. A ship’s sponsor, traditionally a female, is invited
by the Coast Guard to bestow good luck on the ship and all those
aboard. She also becomes an honorary member of the ship’s crew
and forges a continuing relationship with the vessel.
As the highest ranking Republican in the U.S. House with direct
oversight of the Coast Guard, and a University of Florida Gator
himself, Mica was the perfect choice to commemorate the cutter
ALLIGATOR’s entry into active service.
To help launch the ALLIGATOR, represent the values of Delta
Chi, and draw a firm connection between the strengths of the
Fraternity and the important work of the United States Coast
Guard, Congressman Mica was joined by other Delta Chi brothers,
University of Florida Staff and Coast Guard Personnel (See Photo).
With the addition of the ALLIGATOR, the Coast Guard fleet based
in St. Petersburg has grown to five vessels. Sector St. Petersburg,
encompasses 540 nautical miles of coastline and includes the
major ports of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Manatee on the Gulf of
Mexico coast.
From left to right: Coast Guard District 7 Commander Rear Admiral Steve Branham,
David Mica, Florida ’77; Former Congressman Dan Miller, Florida ’64; Congressman John Mica,
Florida, ’67; Ryan Butler, Florida ’12; Major Mario Petruzzelli, Florida ’52; Jesse Lassiter, Florida
’10; UF Associate Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations Joe Hice; UF Director
of Marketing Dan Williams; Russ Driscoll, Florida ’67; Young-Ki Chang, Florida ’06
After 9/11, the Coast Guard took on greater
responsibility in providing homeland security, and
this has contributed to a shortage of maritime patrol
vessels. The addition of the ALLIGATOR to the St.
Petersburg fleet will help the Coast Guard address
this shortage and meet the tremendous mission
demands in the Gulf.
“The ALLIGATOR is a welcome addition to one of
the Coast Guard’s busiest and most active commands,”
said Congressman Mica. “My wife Pat and I are proud to be
associated with this magnificent vessel, and excited to be joined here
today by my Delta Chi brothers.
“The men and women of the Coast Guard are among the finest
that serve this nation. Every day, they risk their lives to protect
Americans, secure our waters and borders, and uphold maritime
laws,” Mica added. “Any Delta Chi knows the importance of
upholding the law, and among the many new duties and missions
of the ALLIGATOR and her crew, their overriding mission will be to
serve the cause of justice on the high seas.”
The ALLIGATOR is the fifth United States vessel commissioned
with this name. The earlier ALLIGATORS include three 19th century
Navy sailing vessels. The ALLIGATOR was also the name of the
first submarine commissioned into the U.S. Navy. The sub was
well ahead of its time, and the Navy did not commission another
submarine for 40 years.
The current ALLIGATOR was built by Bollinger Shipyards in
Louisiana, and is crewed by one officer and ten enlisted men.
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 3
delta chi’s first international federation
of bodybuilders pro
The trophy case for Ben Pakulski, Western Ontario’04, got a lot heavier last fall after the hulking brother
won Canada’s top body building prize at the Canadian Bodybuilding Federation (CBBF) Championships.
Ben is no stranger to the North American bodybuilding circuit. Last year and in 2007, he placed second
in the North American Championships. In 2007, he also earned second place in the Canadian Nationals.
But winning the CBBF title in Laval, Quebec is Ben’s sweetest victory to date. The win secured Ben as
the country’s top bodybuilder as well as awarded him an International Federation of Bodybuilders’ (IFBB)
Pro card. He is the first Delta Chi to ever achieve this feat. More impressive is the fact that it only took
“Big Ben” less than four years of competing at bodybuilding shows to make it this far.
Since turning pro, success has followed “Big Ben.” Renowned bodybuilding magazine, Musclemag
International featured him on the cover of their February issue and a launch event was held earlier
this year in Toronto to celebrate the accomplishment. Shortly after the event, former Delta Chi
Leadership Consultant and current Toronto Alumni Chapter “D,” Elliott Chun, sat down with Ben to
chat about his recent success, the value of Delta Chi in his life and what lies ahead.
How did your bodybuilding career begin?
I started training when I was about 17 years old. I took up body building
to elevate my performance in sports, specifically baseball, football and
hockey. Early on, I noticed my body responding very quickly and took
an immediate interest. It was at this age too that I picked up my first
bodybuilding magazine to learn some training techniques; I told myself
that I didn’t quite want to look like the guys on the cover. It’s funny how
things change and I ended up on one.
Also, my parents were supportive of my decision to pursue bodybuilding
and helped launch my career. In fact, it was my dad who signed me up
for my first gym membership at Mack’s Gym in west Toronto, one of the
“hardcore” gyms in the city. I loved the energy in that place – everyone
who lifted there trained hard and I wanted to do it harder and better than
everyone else.
How old were you when you competed in your first
bodybuilding competition? What was it like?
I was 24. Originally, I intended on competing when I was 19 as I looked
and felt ready. However, I had an overlap in timing with university so I
decided to put it on hold until I completed my degree. Upon graduation,
I was competing within six months. Looking back, I’m glad I chose to
pursue school.
My first show was for a regional competition in Brantford, Ontario in ’05.
Back then, I weighed in 237 lbs and won the overall heavyweight title.
The feedback I received was phenomenal. Everyone there said I had a
great physique, structure and a mountain of potential. I did my next show
six weeks later and actually had an adverse event occur. One of good
friends passed away and naturally it through off my prep. I still managed
to place second and that qualified me for the provincial championships
the following year.
Your career’s just beginning. What are some of your
notable highlights so far?
Definitely winning the 2008 Canadian Bodybuilding Championships as it
fulfilled one of my career goals and earned me an IFBB card. I’d also say
winning titles in Brantford and London, Ontario.
Walk us through what a typical day looks like for you.
I’m in my off season and it’s basically eat, train, sleep. At this time of
year, my calories are around 6,000 per day. Sleep is also important for
me for the muscle’s recovery progress. My body’s not going to grow and
respond the way I want it to if I don’t allow it to recover so I try to sleep
eight hours each night, as well as a nap here and there.
I lift heavy and hard five days per week. I typically wake up around 5:30
or 6:00 in the morning to eat my first meal. During the day, I’ll train at
least twice for six hours or more, depending on how they go. In between
and during the workouts, I make sure I eat. I’m consuming at least six,
and sometimes up to nine meals per day.
Food prep is a huge part of my day. I’m very meticulous with it and
control everything I consume (with the exception of going out here and
there during the off-season). I ensure I have a protein intake of about one
gram per pound of my body weight in the offseason, and higher precontest. Right now, that’s 300 grams.
Most people think if you workout you need to eat high protein all the time.
You actually don’t need high protein in your diet unless your body is in a
deprived state.
People often ask me how many carbohydrates I consume, or if I follow
a low carb “ketogenic” style diet, so I’ll share that I eat around 700-800
carbs daily.
Speaking of food, what’s your weekly grocery bill like?
I usually average out at $300 per week. It’s usually a bit more in the offseason, around $400-500, as during this time I’m allowed to treat myself
once in a while to eat out, so I go BIG!
How are things on the sponsorship front?
Currently, I’m in negotiations with a couple of the larger supplement
companies in the industry, but always willing to entertain offers!
Sponsorships play an obvious role when it comes to paying the bills.
I’m selective when it comes to the sponsors I decide to form partnerships
with. It has to be a mutually beneficial relationship where everyone
involved has the same goals in mind!
In the past, I was sponsored by Muscletech for about eight years, starting
when I was 18 years old. At that time, I was their youngest sponsored
bodybuilder. I’m actually presently in discussions with them as well.
4 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
cover story
Favorite book: The Brain That
Changes Itself by Dr. Norman Doidge.
It’s an inspiring book about how you can
wire and re-wire your brain at any point
in your life.
Favorite foods: Steak and sushi
Nicknames: Big Ben, Benny, Pakman
Date of birth: March 18, 1981
Favorite athlete: I have too many
to name just one. Basically, I favor guys
who are intense, focused and successful
at what they do.
Favorite sports outside body
building: Football and hockey
Height: 5'10"
Favorite vacation spot: Bahamas.
The Gold’s Gym downtown Nassau is
like coming home! Turks and Caicos is a
close second.
Off-season weighT: 300 lbs.
Competition weight: 260 lbs.
Initiated: March 31, 2001
School and degree: Western Ontario,
Favorite movie: The Dark Knight
Photo by: Garry Bartlett
Who are your biggest role models in the sport?
There are three guys I consider my role models. The first guy that
comes to mind is Lee Priest. Mack’s Gym had his poster on the wall and
seeing his physique inspired me to train my body so it would look like
him. It’s cool to think that one day I might be competing against him in
the future, depending on his circumstances. Current Mr. Olympia, Jay
Cutler is someone I respect and is a great ambassador for the sport. But
my biggest role model in the sport right now is Dorian Yates. I love his
physique, his work ethic and attitude.
Take us back to your days in university and when you first
joined Delta Chi as a Founding Father with the Western
Ontario Colony. What impact has Delta Chi had on you?
I had a tremendous experience in university. I played on the varsity
baseball team as well as stayed active with the fraternity and academics.
I decided to become a Delta Chi Founding Father at Western Ontario,
and that changed my life. Delta Chi allowed me to meet so many
outstanding guys whom I otherwise wouldn’t have ever met. Many of
these guys I consider life-long friends.
I really appreciate the networking the fraternity’s allowed me to be a
part of. I’ll never forget meeting brothers down at the Louisiana Tech
Chapter during a football scholarship recruitment trip to Ruston, LA. They
welcomed me with open arms and made me value the fraternity even
more than I originally thought.
That’s terrific. Looking head, what are your ultimate
goals in body building?
My short term goal is to be in the top six in the Olympia in the next five
years. Ultimately I want to be at the top in this sport, number one in about
five to eight years. Hopefully, one day my name will be next to the words
“Mr. Olympia.”
Just how competitive is it to become Mr. Olympia?
You’re committing your entire life to compete for Mr. Olympia. When
you think about it, you’re going up against thousands of the world’s best
bodybuilders to win one title. Realistically, there are about 10 people
in the world that are alive who would be considered candidates for the
Olympia title at any point in their lives. I’m confident that I’m one of them.
Seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger
is considered the pioneer of making bodybuilding
mainstream and bringing it to the silver screen. Do you
see yourself walking down the path of Arnold?
If the opportunities arise to do what Arnold did, of course. I want to
continue to bridge the gap between body building and mainstream
entertainment. The way I see it, any way that I can incorporate body
building in the mainstream public is better for the sport. I really want to
use my relative fame to help people improve their outlook and direction
in life. Anytime I can help someone take a turn for the better, I am more
than willing to help. I also want to help with sick children’s hospitals
around the word. I have a huge soft spot for those people that just never
get a chance to live the way so many of us take for granted.
What really interests me is helping people improve their wellness.
Outside of my bodybuilding schedule, I set aside time for personal
training, nutrition consultations and helping others prepare for
bodybuilding contests. I have a number of clients who I work with in
Canada as well as the U.S.
The internet’s been a great tool for me to share my knowledge south
of the border as I consult with a number of Americans by email.
Basically, they send me their goals along with photos of themselves. I
assess their information then email my recommendations, meal plans,
training schedules, etc. I have a pretty deep background in science,
biomechanics and nutrition from university, in addition to training
certifications, so it’s fun for me to do this on the side.
Fast forward 10 years. Where do you see yourself?
I envision myself as a three-time Mr. Olympia, probably getting ready
to retire from the sport and make a transition into the business world.
Whether it be ventures in bodybuilding, fitness and health, something like
that. I’d also consider an acting career. My ongoing life goal is to impact
people. I want to earn a reputation as a motivator and bring out the best
in people.
What advice do you have for your fellow Delta Chis?
Always set goals. It’s the one thing that’s changed my life and got me to
where I am today. Write your goals down and let nothing stand in your
way until you achieve them. You can do anything.
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 5
campus scene
In an effort to contribute to the community at
large, the Chapter is having its first large-scale
philanthropy event involving members from the
Cal Greek community and student body. The
event consisted of teams (of 10) from various
sororities who competed against each other in a
soccer tournament.
The winning team, who will take home half of the
event’s proceeds, will donate their winnings to the
philanthropic organization of their choice. The other
half will be donated to The V foundation.
The event was sponsored by local Berkeley
companies and restaurants, which provided
beverages and food for the tournament’s participants.
It also promoted the Abracadabra Chapter to
other members of the Greek community and to
students across campus.
Delta Chi Berkeley holds its first
Annual World Cup Soccer Tournament
The Chapter is extremely proud of the progress it
has made in recent years, but in no area has the
Chapter been more appreciative than in the field of
alumni relations. At the Homecoming celebration
for the Fall 2008 football season, Brother Gary
Branch and his son, also an Alabama Delta Chi
alumnus, made a special presentation of the
Chapter meeting records from every meeting
beginning in 1927. Additionally, Brother Branch
and Brother Ernie Kennamer graciously agreed
to donate a safe to the Chapter house for safekeeping of the records.
As for recruitment, alumni have offered an
unprecedented number of names to the Chapter
for both Spring and Fall 2009 classes. As of
January, more than 20 gentlemen had been
recommended to the Chapter, most notably by
Brother Jack Whetstone and Brother Jeff Threlkeld
who have sent numerous contacts our way. Also,
the Chapter was proud to recruit five gentlemen
in the spring, one of whom is the son of Brother
Joseph Ritchey.
The Chapter is also pleased to be extending
its alumni relations in different ways. We made
contact with Dr. Jim Parker of Virginia, and are
proud to have initiated him in an early April alumni
initiation. The Chapter is also proud to welcome
both Brother Karl Grindel, alumnus from the
Central Missouri Chapter, as well as Brother Alan
McClendon, alumnus from the Alabama Chapter,
to Tuscaloosa and continue to enthusiastically
welcome our Brothers into the Alabama family.
The Chapter wishes to recognize its outstanding
Alumni Board of Trustees and House Corporation
Board, both of which have been vital to our success.
6 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
There is simply no better or stronger a resource
for advice than those two organizations, and as
such the Chapter understands how blessed we
are to have such an admirable group of gentlemen
assisting in our operations and growth.
The University of Alabama Chapter extends a
warm invitation to all Brothers, both residents
and visitors, to the Tuscaloosa area, and wishes
all of our Brothers the best in the coming years.
If you are ever in town, please do not hesitate to
stop by, as we will always be more than happy
to show our Southern hospitality.
We are very pleased to announce the initiation
of our biggest Associate Member class in recent
memory. Eighteen members of the Gamma Gamma
class were initiated December 6, adding a crucial
driving force for the years to come as our Chapter
ages. Both old and many new relationships were
continually strengthened during this past fall
semester as we worked together for the greater
good. No event expressed that more thoroughly
than when Region V Regent Mark Schramka
offered to write a check to the Jimmy V Foundation
in our name. The only stipulation was that we all
must shave the our heads. Although some weren’t
so consenting, eventually every brother from
the Chapter buzzed their heads. The humbling
sacrifice from our brothers brought with it unity,
and reminded us everyday that our simple act
of humility had raised $1,500 for the Jimmy V
Foundation for Cancer Research.
On February 28, the Chapter participated in the
2009 Tucson Polar Plunge at Breakers Water
Park. We sent 20 members to this philanthropic
event, which annually raises money for Special
Olympics Arizona. The participants spent the day
with some of the athletes and joined in on the
“polar plunge.” This is an event where attendees
plunge into ice-cold water to raise money and
This spring semester, Delta Chi Arizona took part
in Spring Fling with Delta Gamma. Spring Fling
is the nation’s largest student run carnival. More
than 30,000 people attend the event to enjoy the
food, rides and games. This year Spring Fling
was a huge success; we celebrated with Delta
Gamma throughout the week by hosting themed
parties and attending the carnival events.
We hosted our annual Father’s weekend this
year at the Chapter house. About 60 Dads from
all over the globe flew in to meet with their sons
for the weekend’s events. Friday night we hosted
dinner at the Chapter house and enjoyed the
company of our patriarchs that evening. Saturday,
we spent the day with our Fathers taking part in
basketball, golfing and other daytime activities.
That night we went out to dinner to celebrate the
last night of our Fathers visit.
In Fall 2008 the majority of our Chapter took a
trip to Los Angeles as a brotherhood event to be
on the Price is Right. One of our members was
called up to be a contestant and won a grill for
the house. We couldn’t quite win the big screen
television; however, the Price is Right donated
nearly $500 to our Chapter, which we have since
donated to the Jimmy V Foundation.
The fall was a fun and fulfilling semester for our
Chapter. Fall recruitment turned out very well
despite the tumbling economy and we are proud
to have initiated eight great men. Our brothers
and parents organized a house improvement
weekend to go along with the renovation of the
house. During a huge football rivalry game weekend
we put together a car crush philanthropy event to
raise money for the Jimmy V Foundation. For the
upcoming year we are working hard toward a strong
and successful recruitment plan to help rebuild
our membership, as well as excelling in everything
we do as Brothers and as a Chapter. BEHREND
Community service is just one of the ways we
can give back to our community and improve
the area in which we live in. This past year we
conducted cleanups on our sponsored portion of
the highway to ensure a healthy atmosphere. The
MLK Thanksgiving dinner is one of the largest
ways we can help out. Many families cannot
afford a hearty meal on Thanksgiving. With our
help, the MLK center provided meals for those
who are not as fortunate as we are. In 2008, we
recorded 64 hours of community service and
are working to top that this year with a variety of
different contributions.
The Chapter was nominated for the prestigious
North-American Fraternity Conference Award of
Distinction. This nomination has greatly impacted
our members and has motivated the Chapter
to continue to work hard, day-in and day-out.
We strive to find innovative ways of living Delta
Chi values and incorporating them into our
events. Participating in philanthropies, raising
our Chapter’s grade point average, excelling in
IFC intramural sports, recruiting high numbers
and creating strong relations with our University
and community. We feel honored and proud to
be nominated for this award.
Central Michigan Chapter gathering
We are off and running for the spring semester.
The Fraternity started the semester by ushering
in a young, new and enthusiastic executive board,
replacing the previous executive board consisting
of mostly seniors. The Brothers are thrilled to
welcome ten new Associate Members into the
Brotherhood. After a successful recruitment week
that started Feb. 2, the Fraternity took the young
campus scene
men who truly wanted more from their college
experience: social enhancement, academic
achievement, networking and a sense of belonging
in our Fraternity’s close bond. CENTRAL MISSOURI
Since Fall 2007 our Chapter has grown from 22
active members to 36, and is looking at having our
first full house in four years by Fall 2009. This is a
very exciting time to be a brother from UCM with
how our recruitment is going and the motivation
and excitement for Delta Chi from our active
members. Our ABT is doing an outstanding job
in helping us along by hosting Exec retreats and
programming events for the Chapter. We are a
relatively young group of brothers with high hopes
for our Chapter in the years to come.
We are in the rebuilding process with our Chapter.
We planned an Alumni Weekend for April 24-26.
The Chapter is strong and has more support than
ever from our amazing alumni. We are looking
forward to countless successes in recruitment,
fundraising, philanthropy and all other aspects of
bringing the Chapter back to the way we know
it can be.
We have been reconnecting to our alumni and
have set up events such as a golf tournament at
the beginning of May.
We have been in a rebuilding stage for the past
year working hard to boost numbers and spread the
Delta Chi name. We have been hitting recruitment
hard in an attempt to gain new members and grow
within our community.
Our latest formal was spent in Winter Park, a local
ski town, in a large spacious cabin. We had a great
time as every member attended the event, which
truly made it a rewarding experience. During the
latest semester, we have been having weekly
recruitment events to gain interest in building the
bonds of brotherhood. We are expecting a fairly
large class for this semester and are hopeful for
the future. We have made key improvements
that have ultimately strengthened our Chapter
internally and have been working hard to fix those
internal problems. It has already begun to show
as we are getting members excited for Delta Chi,
reinvigorating the system to make sure that all
members are proud to be a part of the Delta Chi
is Cortland’s winter festival that is used to help
raise money for local kids. We contributed by
raising money for the local firefighters through the
use of a dunk tank with below zero temperatures.
We have made great strides in the Cortland
community clocking in a whopping one hundred
hours. Also during the spring semester, we had
very prosperous Rush weeks. Events included
a spaghetti dinner, chicken wing night and an
intense ping-pong tournament. Earlier in the year
we travelled to Ithaca for a day of paintballing.
It was one of the most exciting and entertaining
brotherhood events our Chapter has ever had.
It is amazing to see that when Delta Chi is
mentioned in the Cortland community, the first
thing that comes to mind is our brotherhood and
community service. Great advances have also
been made in regards to the Cortland Chapter
Web site. Active members, alumni and all those
who are interested should visit the site at: www. We are very proud of the
hard work and dedication our brothers have put
forth in our relatively short time as a Chapter. It is
wonderful to see that success truly can be achieved
through commitment, teamwork and brotherhood.
We continue to strongly bond together and we also
continue to learn from not only our successes,
but also our mistakes. We look forward to growth
and new experiences in the many years that our
Chapter has to come.
The Chapter is preparing our spring philanthropy,
the Delta Chi V-olleyball tournament supporting
The V Foundation. The Chapter has solicited local
businesses to donate prizes, including sunglasses,
sandals and swimwear for the winning team. We
are expecting 64 teams of five students from the
Greek community to come out to the YMCA for a
day of sun, live music and volleyball.
“This is an excellent opportunity for us to raise
money for a good cause and work on our tans
at the same time,” Philanthropy Chair Tony
Morracco said.
This is the first year we are having this event
and look forward to making the V-olleyball
tournament an annual highlight on the Greek
social calendar.
Brothers and Alumni get together
There has been a vast amount of changes in the
past few semesters, as we have migrated from
our initial Chapter house and are now basing
operations within a few different annex houses.
Our Chapter has instilled goals and internal values
that we are building on. We have been working
closely with Greek life and other Fraternities and
Sororities to establish a place for ourselves on
this campus as a prominent Fraternity.
Chapter brothers gather for a photo
Our Chapter has made strides to become more
involved within the campus community. Recently,
eight brothers took part in the University’s annual
HuskyTHON Dance Marathon for the Connecticut
Children’s Medical Center. These eight brothers
stood and danced for 18 consecutive hours, while
20 others volunteered at the event. Our Chapter
was recognized with an award for top fundraising
Fraternity for the event. These selfless Brothers
endured a challenge that bolstered their character
and made apparent their fortune.
Annually, the University has a ceremony to
acknowledge those who stand out within the Greek
community. During the banquet, our Chapter
received four of the six awards we applied for.
Troy Lipp, former “A”, “E”, and rush chairman, was
honored with “Outstanding Greek Senior.” Mark
Fitzgerald, our Alumni Board of Trustees president,
was given the accolade of “Most Outstanding
Alumnus.” In addition, Ryan Barone, the Chapter’s
BB, was awarded with “Best Chapter Advisor.”
Finally, the Chapter received the accolade of
“Most Outstanding Philanthropic Efforts.”
The Chapter has recently seen great success and
achievements in regards to community service,
rush, brotherhood and our Web site. During the
spring semester we attended the annual Cortland
“Chill-A-Bration” event. The “Chill-A-Bration” event
The JM McDonald Sports Complex’s
annual “Chill-a-bration” carnival event
Although Davis Delta Chi had witnessed a couple
of sluggish quarters in terms of brotherhood,
newly appointed brotherhood chair Ozzy Arce
managed to rejuvenate bonds within the Fraternity
with a revitalized brotherhood program. Most
recently Brother Arce organized our Chapter’s
most successful brotherhood event of the year –
hosting a Super Bowl event at the Delta Chi house
catered by his family’s market. The event began
with a pre-kickoff football tournament between
Actives and Associate Members and ended with
a Super Bowl viewing in the main living room of
our newly furnished house. The event not only
managed to bolster brotherhood bonds among
actives but also re-enlisted alumni support with
many of the recently graduated alumni dropping
by to meet the actives. It was by far the most
successful event in terms of both attendance and
brother approval. We look forward to maintaining
strong bonds within the Fraternity and alumni with
many future events!
This semester has brought the Colony several
changes. The first change was implementing
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 7
campus scene
a newly appointed E-Board consisting of Mike
Kelly “A”, John Carroll “B”, Dan Eichner “C”, Chris
Wygant “D”, Joe Tubioli “E”, and Joe Sorice “F”.
The Colony had also acquired its second largest
associate member class consisting of eight men.
In addition, the Colony appointed Josh Hmelak
as the new “AMC”. The Colony had also received
back its first copy of the chartering packet, only
to see much work is still ahead.
The main goal of the Colony this semester was
to have a large Associate Member class to revise
and finalize our second attempt at the chartering
packet. After receiving our first copy of the
chartering packet back for revisions, it was clear
to the members we would have to work much
harder this semester to become a striving Delta
Chi Chapter. Once we received the chartering
packet back, the Colony organized a chartering
committee to aid in making revisions to it. After
the revisions were made to the chartering packet,
the chartering committee emailed copies of the
chartering packet to the Colony’s “BB” and ABT
President for a final review before submitting it to
Delta Chi. The Colony’s second attempt at becoming
a Chapter was submitted February 25.
Currently, we are focusing on ways to raise money
for The V Foundation. On March 21, we voted to have
our first coin shake at Quick Check in Rockaway,
New Jersey. Also in the works is a barbecue and
quad game that will be hosted on the quad that
will benefit The V Foundation and promote Delta
Chi positively throughout campus.
by Oklahoma “BB” Patrick Weber, and a keynote
speech by William Merlin (’80). The event was a
great success and we look forward to hosting it
for years to come.
From saving lives by donating blood at local blood
banks to setting high standards of class size
during the usually sluggish Spring semester, the
Chapter set out on a mission to not only increase
Chapter size but to also increase community
involvement. To do this, the brothers, led by
brother and Rush Chairman Javier Mariscol,
introduced themselves and Delta Chi in the Titan
Walk to other undergraduates, which allowed for
enough of an interest to motivate them to visit
the house. We bid 27 undergraduates while the
average campus Fraternity was only able to bid
10 prospects. We knew we were in a league of
our own. After having an eye opening conference
with Josh Orendi, CEO of Phired Up Productions,
the brothers present saw that their exceptional
growth is sparking attention in the national level.
From the conference, the brothers understood we
were not only building the foundation for a great
Delta Chi Chapter, but were also building the
standard of what a Fraternity has the potential of
doing and becoming on the West Coast.
Florida Chapter pose with
National Championship Skin.
8 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
Our main focus for the Fall ’08 semester was
community service as our brothers logged a total
of more than 250 hours of community service.
We spent an entire day cleaning up Zoar Valley
National Park in New York. We also participated in
many marches on campus such as “Take Back the
Night” to support the end of sexual abuse. To cap
off the semester, all of the brothers participated in
“Miracle on Main Street” to benefit children in need
during the winter holidays. Many of us dressed
up as reindeer and elves as well as one Santa.
The brothers were also able to donate more than
$350 in toys for the children.
On February 20-21, the Chapter had its annual
Founders’ Day weekend to celebrate the 1926
founding at the University of Florida. The alumni
weekend began with a meet-and-greet for alumni
and the Brothers. Saturday morning, the Chapter
had a wide-ranging discussion led by “A” Michael
Garitty and alumnus Todd Caraway (’94). The
discussion focused on recruitment, living in the
house, academics, traditions and a few funny
stories from the past. One of the highlights of the
weekend was the return of Lieutenant Colonel
Robert Allen (’50), U.S. Air Force (Ret.), for his
first visit since graduation. Lieutenant Colonel
Allen shared countless stories about his time at
the University of Florida when it was a male-only
campus as well as his service in the Air Force.
The weekend culminated with the Founders’
Day Banquet with history displays, slideshows,
a history reading by Russ Driscoll (’57, Order of
the White Carnation), the announcement by “D”
Daniel Thompson that the Chapter will host the
2010 Region VII Leadership Conference, the
presentation of a National Championship skin
We look forward to the rest of the semester and
will continue to strive for excellence as the Chapter
of Delta Chi at GMU.
Brothers gather for a picture after the
Gamma class initiation.
Hard work and commitment has continued to
drive our Chapter. Since colonizing in Spring
2007, we have excelled and continued to grow.
Our 27 Founding Fathers began the tradition
of Delta Chi at GMU, and since then, we have
initiated 30 more men into the brotherhood.
Spring 2009 marked our greatest accomplishment
thus far. We are proud to have reached one of
our major goals, as we chartered in April 2009.
Our chartering banquet was at the Waterford in
Northern Virginia where we were excited to be
sharing this success with everyone who attended.
AMC Pablo, “A” Cody, “C” Rob, and “D” Will
ride the Delta Chi float on campus during
the Pioneers’ Homecoming Day Parade. Not too long ago, the Hayward Chapter limped
by with just two active members. Our Chapter
now has 11 active and four associate members
with a huge recruitment push scheduled for the
Spring Quarter. We have taken new strides to
show our commitment to brotherhood, social
responsibility, and pride in our Chapter and school.
Just recently we participated in our University’s
homecoming parade. The event proved to both
a brotherhood-bonding event and an opportunity
to put our name out for the students to recognize
(and possibly become future brothers). Together
we decorated a brother’s truck with Delta Chi
banners, red and yellow paint, and the Delta
Chi Flag. Later that night we all went to support
our basketball team and our fellow brother who
was running for homecoming king (and we WON
BOTH!). Although we may be a small Chapter
we have big ambitions, big heart, and a strong
For Spring 2009, one of the topics the Chapter is
most proud of is our improvement in the number of
brotherhood events. Our talented and motivated
brotherhood chairman, Ting Zheng, has put together
an event schedule for the Spring that has greatly
increased the brotherhood among the members
of the Fraternity. Some of these events, such as
movie night and karaoke night every other week,
double as rush events and have brought numerous
quality Associate Members to our organization.
Some of the other events that have been planned
for brothers only include spelunking, canoeing,
meal nights and fishing trips. Our hat goes off to
our brotherhood committee for making these events
one of many reasons that we can enjoy the college
and Fraternity experience with Delta Chi.
In conjunction with the renovation of our Chapter
house, the Chapter is honoring a man who
made a significant contribution to Delta Chi and
the University of Iowa. A renovated lounge will
be named the Michael New Memorial Library
in honor of New who served as “A” in 1963.
Michael’s involvement with Delta Chi continued
after he received a B.A. in Journalism in 1964 as
he served as a member of the Alumni Board of
Trustees for many years. Michael is remembered
by his Fraternity brothers as an honest, authentic,
campus scene
thoughtful leader who cared deeply about Delta
Chi. He served as President of the University of
Iowa Foundation from 1998 to 2005, and under
his direction the Foundation raised more than
one billion dollars in the record setting “Good,
Better, Best Iowa Campaign.” New died of cancer
in April 2006.
The library will be completed by August 2009.
French doors have been installed to separate
the library from other common areas on the first
floor of the Chapter house. The room – which
will be painted, refurnished and technologically
upgraded – will provide a quiet, attractive area
for members to study and meet.
Current plans are to dedicate the library on
October 10 following the Iowa–Michigan football
game. The Michael New Library will enhance the
college experience of Iowa Delta Chis and serve
as an enduring tribute to a man that personified
many of the qualities and values embraced by
his Fraternity.
University of Iowa Alumnus Michael New
the chartering of the Kettering-A Chapter of Delta
Chi. Alumni from around the state (and even
country) came to celebrate this momentous, oncein-a-lifetime occasion with us. Unfortunately, our
banquet did not occur as planned, but members,
alumni and their families enjoyed a fun-filled
day outdoors with plenty of hot dogs, baseball,
volleyball and general fun. A lot of our newer
members got to meet alumni that they had only
heard of, and some alumni reconnected with
brothers they had not seen since graduation. It
was especially enjoyable for the undergraduate
members to hear the exploits and lore from the
alumni members.
These ten years have seen a lot of ups and
downs. We’ve had a Chapter size below six and
a Chapter size of above twenty. We’ve gone from
near bankruptcy to easily making rent and throwing
multiple parties a term. We’ve gone from being
just another set of letters on campus to becoming
recognizable as “the Delta Chis.” We’ve begun
the installation of a projector with a 12-foot screen
in our house – something that would have been
unthinkable just a year ago.
We’ve worked hard to get where we are today – a
23-man, dry Chapter on a small campus with ten
other fraternities. We have members involved
in all aspects of the school, from IFC to student
government to student clubs to having RAs in
the dorms. We had more than 100 people at our
completely dry, traditional LAN party, even with
a wet party across the street. Faculty and staff
have come to recognize our letters as a Greek
organization they can depend on for community
service, campus leadership and to be a positive
force of role models on campus.
We couldn’t be more proud of our members – from
donating hundreds of hours a term to mentor
FIRST robotics, traveling abroad to Africa to
assist in bringing clean water to rural villages or
working countless hours behind the scenes for a
charity concert and awards ceremony during the
summer term. We’ve volunteered to valet park
cars to raise money for Jimmy V in the middle of
the winter, and we take great pride in donating
to our philanthropy.
Fraternity Bowl victors
Last semester on October 31, we played our annual
Fraternity bowl against Acacia. The Fraternity
bowl has been a tradition on the campus for more
than 20 years. Delta Chi came away victorious,
winning 21-14. We are currently preparing to win
our eighth-straight Greek Week competition this
spring. We also have a strong, new Associate
Member class that is preparing numerous new
philanthropy projects for the house.
We’ve grown to be well-recognized on campus,
and we take great pride in identifying ourselves
as men of Delta Chi. We’re looking forward to
continuing our tradition of excellence, scholarship
and justice for a long time coming.
the brainchild of last year’s Executive Board and
carried to fruition by the Philanthropy Committee
chaired by Justin Stenger ’10. With our new pledge
to raise $5,000 by the 2010 Convention, it was
important to create another philanthropic event
to reach this goal.
The Miss Jimmy V Pageant was supported by
more than ten local and national businesses that
donated products and services to help make the
event a success. More than $400 of the products
and services were raffled off in conjunction with
the event. Twelve different women representing
different student organizations competed for the
title of Miss Jimmy V. The contestants were judged
on their performance in five categories: question
and answer, winter wear, testimonial from a friend,
talent and formal wear. The talent and testimonial
categories were the most creative and entertaining
on the part of the participants.
We raised more than $800 for The V Foundation
and started a new Lake Forest tradition that will
be enjoyed for years to come.
Chapter brothers gather for a photo
Our house is a full apartment complex with eight
apartments, 16 bedrooms and a lower-level
basement. The basement contains an esteemed
Chapter common room. The Chapter room is large
enough to have major events with a capacity of
about 100 people and is the place of our weekly
business meeting. The Chapter room has gone
through many improvements and temporary additions
through the years. For a sorority exchange with
Sigma Kappa, we dressed like cowboys.
The most recent addition has made a lasting
impression on the Chapter and has remained
permanent since September 2008, the most recent
notoriously spectacular annual toga party Grape
Stomp. It was a huge success due to the stage
that harnessed thousands of grapes. It was the
center of attention. Built by Brother Dustin Durant
and his assistant brothers, the stage has remained
in the Chapter room for quite some time. It has
been refurbished with extra wood and has been
painted black.
Audience watches the 1993 ESPY
Speech that started the V Foundation.
Ten Years on Campus
Summer 2008 marked the tenth anniversary of
We hosted the inaugural Miss Jimmy V Beauty
Pageant and Talent Show on December 4, 2008
in the Mohr Student Center. The new event was
This spring, we are having our third annual
Homerun Derby. Each year we have built on our
success from the previous year. In the past two
years we have raised thousands of dollars for the
American Liver Foundation. We are very excited
about holding it this year for many reasons…
one being that the proceeds will be going to the
Jimmy V. Foundation this year.
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 9
campus scene
Marshall brothers celebrate Chartering
After four-and-a-half years of hard work by
many men, our Colony is finally a becoming a
Chapter. On January 22, we received word that
our chartering application had been approved.
Unified by the news, brothers and close friends
gathered at the Chapter house to celebrate. Soon
however, we set our focus on the next task – our
chartering banquet. Committees were quickly
formed and brothers spent hours securing a
location, making invitations and finalizing other
aspects of the event. Once again on April 25, close
friends, family and alumni came together with the
brothers to celebrate the accomplishment. Dave
Benton from WSAZ was a masterful emcee and
Region VI Regent Marquez Brown delivered an
inspiring keynote speech.
Now as a Chapter, we have earned the respect of
our peers in the Greek community and continue to
improve upon ourselves. Our goal is to continue
building an honored reputation for the Delta Chi
Fraternity and become the benchmark for all other
Greek organizations on campus.
Brothers prepare to jump into freezing cold
water for the Polar Plunge at Whitmore Lake.
The Chapter recently volunteered at the Saline
Area Recreation Center for the annual Middle
School Lock-In. Brothers entertained middleschool students with a fun night of basketball
and video games. The Chapter’s major event
occurred on February 7, when Delta Chi traveled
to Whitmore Lake to participate in the Law
Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge to benefit
the Michigan Special Olympics. The Polar Plunge
event involves the very fun and wild tradition of
hurling one’s body into freezing cold water in
a frozen lake, all in the name of philanthropy.
The Delta Chi Chapter helped publicize the
event at the University of Michigan and the
surrounding Ann Arbor area and successfully
organized the local philanthropy into the first
annual Polar Plunge Inter-Greek Challenge.
Delta Chi brought 40 brothers (11 of whom
10 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
jumped) to the Plunge which attracted more
than 200 people and helped raise more than
$4,500. Of that total, $1,500 was contributed
by Delta Chi and our Greek Week partners,
Alpha Gamma Delta. Delta Chi continued to
win the travelling trophy which goes to the
Michigan Fraternity or sorority with the highest
percentage of participation. The total Polar
Plunge philanthropy, which occurs at several
different frozen lakes every year, raised more
than $140,000 and there are plans to bring
next year’s local Plunge to the University of
Michigan’s North Campus. Coming up later in
the semester is Relay For Life, another exciting
philanthropy for which the Chapter expects to
perform well.
in total were at the dinner, making for a lively and
welcoming audience for all that came.
Every year, the University of Missouri-Columbia
puts on a campus-wide philanthropy event called
Rockin’ Against Multiple Sclerosis, or RAMS.
The event is one of the largest campus-wide
philanthropies in the nation. The philanthropy is
used to bring awareness about Multiple Sclerosis
to the campus. Our Chapter competed in the event
this year. Some of the events include Speakers,
Cup Night (or canning), Service Day, Jail-N-Bail
in the Student Union, Comedy Night and the main
event, “Rock-It,” (a lip-syncing contest). Competing
against several other fraternities, many with more
than 100 members, our 21-member Chapter
competed very well, including winning Best Banner
and finishing third in Rock-It. The Chapter finished
fourth out of 11 Fraternities, giving recognition to
our small but up-and-coming Chapter.
Brothers after receiving Lacchia Merit Award
Every spring, we host a rewarding event known
as Scholarship Dinner, which is an event that sets
Delta Chi at a higher standard from other Chapters
at Michigan State. We are the only Chapter on
campus to reward active brothers with numerous
scholarships while hosting a steak dinner. This
year’s dinner took place on February 25.
The first scholarship we reward is a very special
scholarship for our brothers and alumni. This
award is known as the Daniel Mark Castaneda
Scholarship, awarded in honor and memory of
Dan Castaneda, who passed away in 2005.
Qualities of the recipient represent loyalty,
dedication and outstanding brotherhood – they
same way “Danza” represented himself as a Delta
Chi. This year’s recipients were Dan Waslawski
and Adam Stichter.
Another scholarship given out to active members
is the Lacchia Merit Award, named after Joseph
Lacchia. This scholarship takes grade point average,
Chapter and campus involvement, as well as living
in the house into consideration. Because of the
dedication of many brothers currently living in
the house, this scholarship was rewarded to five
brothers. These brothers were Jordan Simon,
Kevin Nystuen, Matt Knill, T.J. Downey and Dan
Waslawski. These gentlemen bleed red and buff,
not only in the house, but also throughout the
The final scholarship awarded at the dinner is
the Stuart Jeffares Business Scholarship. This
scholarship is for business majors only and is
applied for through Michigan State University.
This year’s recipient of the scholarship was
Ryan Merritt.
Scholarship dinner was a huge success yet
again this year, with alumni and brothers coming
together to reflect and remember. About 90 people
Montevallo Chapter gathering
We have added 5,600 square feet to our house in
the last two years. This is thanks to the hard work
and dedication of our alumni. We would like to
particularly thank Bill Jones, John Doggett, Brian
Hayes, Scott Settles, Brian Doyle and the many
more who helped with the house addition. We
would also like to send a very special thanks to
our retiring adviser OJ Carson. OJ has been with
us since the founding of our Chapter in 1972 and
will remain on in a minor capacity. He announced
his retirement to us earlier this semester. Honestly
there is nothing that we could say or do to thank
him for his many years of service, but we will be
honoring him at our annual alumni Pig Roast.
Brothers competing in “Step Sing” competition
Each year, our brothers compete in a campuswide competition called Step Sing to raise money
for United Way. Step Sing allows recognized
student organizations the opportunity to
dance and sing on stage in front of a sold out
audience. Each ticket sold is a contribution
toward helping United Way. It is a major
campus scene
local event that provides unique, yet thrilling,
Due to the talent of all the recognized student
organizations on campus, our brothers worked hard
at developing a quality routine. Each night for one
month, our brothers dedicated two hours to design
a successful show. Our Colony combined modern
song melodies with our own personalized lyrics to
explain Greek Life and United Way. All groups were
limited to a specific theme and Delta Chi decided
to perform “Let Your Greek Light Shine.”
At the end of the performance, Delta Chi helped
contribute more than $10,000 to the United Way.
We were fortunate to win second place in the
Men’s Division. Our brothers have competed
in Step Sing on three separate occasions and
have received awards twice. We enjoy coming
together and participating in this event on a
yearly basis.
We are currently planning a field day event for the
local Flagstaff Elementary Schools. We will be
using the fields on north campus to have kickball
and tee ball games. Food and drink vendors,
carnival games, a police squad car, SWAT team
displays, activities with local and campus police
departments and the Flagstaff Fire Department…
complete with a fire engine display. This event will
hopefully get the Flagstaff community involved
with campus events as well as Greek life as a
whole. We can’t wait to get this event started
and hopefully make it our big philanthropy of the
spring semester.
and students from the University came out and
got a chance to show off their musical talent to
the crowd at our house. The Ohio State singers
and songwriters club came to the event along with
members of other Greek organizations on campus
to support the cause. From door admissions, the
Colony raised more than $200 for Jimmy V. The
event was a great success and there has been
interest in having it again in the spring.
Recently, our Chapter had the 2009 Delta Chi
Regional Leadership Conference. The gathering
brought nearly 80 Delta Chis from the region. The
Conference consisted of various activities, most
notably the Phired Up! presentation which had
everyone totally phired up! The presentation was
designed to motivate members to recruit more
men more effectively. Since the presentation, we
have been trying to incorporate the techniques we
learned into our own way of recruitment.
During the conference, our alumnus Jeremy
Bishop became the Region I Regent. We are
very proud of him and would like to congratulate
him on his achievement.
The Northwest Missouri Chapter is very lucky to
have such a dedicated and involved “BB.” Hamilton
Henderson has been with the Chapter for 20
years. Ham’s story with Delta Chi started when
he came to college and looked to join a fraternity
with his friends. The fraternity his friends joined
wouldn’t give Ham a bid because he is African
American. Delta Chi offered Ham a chance to join
a Brotherhood of a Lifetime, not worrying about his
appearance, but concentrating on the person he
is. Delta Chi followed through with its promise of
a brotherhood of lifetime. Ham has watched over
and advised the Northwest Missouri Chapter the
past 20 years. He has been there for the good
and prominent times, but most importantly, he
has never abandoned us through the challenging
and difficult times. Without a doubt our Chapter
would not be the same without Ham. It could be
argued that the Chapter may not even exist today
if it wasn’t for this man. At the 2009 Region IV
Regional Leadership Conference at South Dakota
State, Ham was honored for his years of service
to Delta Chi. Hamilton Henderson was the first
ever recipient of the Regent Emeritus Award,
for not only his work at Northwest Missouri, but
the difference he has made for the chapters and
colonies in Region IV. Our Chapter would like
everyone to know the immense gratitude we
have for Ham and hope to share in the love he
has given to Delta Chi.
On January 22, the Colony hosted its first ever
open mic night for the Jimmy V foundation. Brothers
Brothers gathered at their 2008
Christmas Dinner Date Party
We left 2008 in style by having our annual Christmas
Dinner Date Party. Traditionally, this event is at
the house, but attendance was so high that we
needed to rent space. Everyone put a lot of effort
into making the food, decorating and setting up.
It resulted in a fantastic time. We entered Spring
2009 with a ton of momentum for recruitment,
and it most certainly paid off. The current class
is 16 men, which is more than three times as
many as the average recruitment for other Greek
organizations for this term. We also sponsored a
dancer for the yearly Pitt Dance Marathon; helping
to raise more than $50,000 for the University of
Pittsburgh Cancer Center.
“Dodge This” event with Alpha Chi Omega
This past semester has been an eventful one for
us. Delta Chi has grown to be one of the largest
fraternities in numbers. However, most importantly
we have done our best to raise funds for Jimmy V.
In October we collaborated with Alpha Chi Omega
to host our annual “Dodge This” event. “Dodge
This” was an all-day dodge ball tournament for all
Greeks to compete in to raise money for Jimmy V.
The event was a huge success. We raised a lot of
money and helped make Greek life at Rutgers a
stronger community. In late November, we hosted
a karaoke night dubbed “Sing for the Cure” with
Zeta Tau Alpha at our Chapter house. It was
another huge success throughout the campus.
We had a large contingent of Greeks who helped
raise money for Jimmy V. This past semester, we
were able to raise more than $2,000 for Jimmy
V through our two events and other hard work.
It is safe to say this next semester will be even
better since plans are in the works for an all-day
basketball tournament and eventually a Delta
Chi field day.
Throughout the past eight years, our Chapter has
held either the President or the Vice President
positions in our Students’ Association Senate.
Also, newly elected Student Body President Matt
Tollefson and Vice President Michael Kendall
are both members of our Chapter. To go along
with that, our SA Senate consists of 12 Delta Chi
members out of the 24 seats available. One of
our members was in charge of planning the South
Dakota State-athon, which is a one-day event that
raised more than $30,000 for the Children’s Miracle
Network. This year, our Chapter sponsored the
winner of the Mr. South Dakota State University
contest. We have won the Spirit Cup competition
for Homecoming week two years in a row. Our
Chapter contains members holding executive
positions for many different student organizations
found at SDSU. We encourage members to take
on leadership roles, and we ask that each member
attend at least one meeting from an organization
outside of Delta Chi.
The next area we strive for excellence in is
International Travel. One of our Chapter traditions
is to send a group of brothers to Benin, Africa each
summer, where they sing the bond song on the
rooftop of the same hotel each year. Furthermore,
a group of our brothers traveled farther north
than any road will take you, into the Arctic Circle,
where they left a geocache for Delta Chi. On the
other side of the world, one of our brothers had an
internship with the National Science Foundation,
where he traveled to Antarctica and performed
various research projects. One of our members
traveled to Asia, where he studied the culture and
the educational styles taught there. Also, one of our
members has accepted an internship working with
a United States embassy in Europe. Members of
the South Dakota State University Chapter have
been to every continent on our planet.
Finally, we place emphasis on personal development,
primarily through internship. One of the best
things we do for personal development is the
Sir Edward Coke Leadership Society. Through
this organization, we invite leaders from the area
to speak to us regarding various topics. Some
of our speakers include the CEO and Founder
of Daktronics, the mayor of Brookings, SD, the
Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota, and the
mayor of Sioux Falls, SD. Beyond the Sir Edward
Coke Leadership Society, we use Financial
Peace University to educate our members about
personal finances and responsibility. We also
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 11
campus scene
worked with the Alpha Xi Delta Chapter on our
campus to provide presentations for our members.
This year, we have members with internships
in Illinois, Washington, Minnesota, Nevada and
several other states.
University and continue to enhance it each
year and raise more money to support cancer
Tri-State Chapter Family Weekend
Monday Night “Movie Night”
This school year, we created a weekly Monday
evening social event. Each week, our Chapter
hosts “Movie Night” in our front yard.
The Chapter sets up our 90-inch screen and HD
projector outside in the warm Southern California
weather. We arrange our couches around our two
large fire pits and serve both cider and hot chocolate
while the movie is showing. In addition, we have
Hershey’s chocolate, marshmallows and graham
crackers to make s’mores over the fires.
We choose from a variety of movies, typically
comedies or something else lighthearted and fun.
We’ve found these Monday Movie Nights to be a
great way to socialize with members of sororities
and our friends, as well as a relaxing way to end
the first day of the week.
Chapter Members and ABT
together after ABT Meeting
On February 28, we had our second annual
“D-Chi Cup” broomball tournament. Philanthropy
Chairman Brandon Anderson and his committee
members Tim Wilke and Blake Rong took the
event to new heights and created the most
successful philanthropy since our founding.
Brothers reached out to local businesses and
obtained sponsors, directed participants at
the event, coached and cheered teams in the
sorority division. Overall, 24 Fraternity teams
and eight Sorority teams signed up and were
excited to play as we raised money for the
Jimmy V Foundation. With this unique event,
we continue to build our presence on campus
while supporting a worthy cause. Our goal is to
make the D-Chi Cup an institution at Syracuse
12 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
being a new approach to the philanthropy. We
were able to get sponsors of local businesses
and Greek organizations come out and support
the cause. We raised about $680 for the first
time, and want to continue to make this event
an annual tradition.
Not too long after being pinned as Associate
Members of Delta Chi, the 15 Associate Members
decided to plan their own philanthropy event. With
a little creativity, they decided to host a “Fight
Cancer by Eating Italian” dinner. The Associate
Members sold tickets to the event in the prior
weeks at the University Center, and then had
plenty of brothers attend the event. Their main
course was baked mostaccioli and had a great
brownie desert donated from the sorority Alpha
Sigma Tau. With several friends and fellow Greek
students the event was able to raise more than
$300 for the Jimmy V Foundation.
The special achievement our Chapter would like to
highlight is helping to raising more than $600,000
for the Opportunity Village. Opportunity Village
is a not-for-profit organization that serves people
with intellectual disabilities by providing them
with vocational training, employment and social
recreation services that make their lives more
productive and interesting. Through Opportunity
Village’s programs and services, hundreds of
people with disabilities are learning vocational
skills and being placed in jobs throughout the
community. We helped the Opportunity Village
open their new campus. The event was called
“You are the missing piece.” Our Brothers rode
scooters around the campus giving tours. This
event helped raise more than $45,000. We also
helped Opportunity Village put on the fourth annual
Las Vegas Great Santa Run 5K. This event saw
more than 6,000 people come together to raise
money for this great organization. The Great
Santa Run raised over $300,000 for Opportunity
Village. The final event our Brothers participated
in was the Magical Forest. The Magical Forest is
a wonderful experience for kids of all ages. From
the moment you enter you are enchanted by the
sights and sounds of the holiday season. From
strolling through decorated trees and displays
to photos with Santa and nightly entertainment,
there is something for everyone. This is by far the
biggest event the Opportunity Village puts on every
year. This event also raised about $300,000 for the
education of people with intellectual disabilities.
We hope to continue our work with the wonderful
organization in the coming months as they offer
such events as the Celebrity Poker Tournament,
O-Vino wine tasting and Come Together.
This past fall we had a new philanthropy for the
Jimmy V foundation and it was a big success for
This fall, the Chapter hosted our annual formal
dinner to benefit the Paris White Foundation for
water safety. It was a three-course meal prepared
by our cook and other men of the Chapter.
Sororities and University staff were invited to
attend the dinner. Following the dinner, there
was a presentation that was given by the White
family to raise awareness of the importance of
water safety. In total we raised $3,000 this fall
for the foundation and donations have been
steadily growing each year we have sponsored
this philanthropy.
E-Board members brother Hoai Trinh and brother
Andrew Cooper were both selected for Orientation
Leader position for the Summer 2009. Brother
Cooper was also elected for the Vice President of
PR for IFC in the 2009-2010 school year. Brother
Trinh will also be the new Vice President of the
Student Government Association. We recently
initiated six new brothers and three alumni
members in Fall 2008. Our Father and Son Day
was a huge success with 25 fathers coming
to visit. We hope our Mother and Son Day will
experience similar success.
We had a 3-on-3 basketball tournament this
semester for the Jimmy V Foundation. It is $10
a person with a maximum of four players to a
team. Our goal is to raise $1,000 for the Jimmy
V Foundation. This is the first year that we have
attempted this type of an event. We are hoping
that this will grow every year.
Brothers gathering outside of
105 Indian Springs
This Fall 2009 semester will mark our Chapter’s
first appearance on Fraternity Row in Unit G.
Three brothers will continue to live at 105 Indian
Springs but it will no longer be considered our
unofficial house. The building will be shared with
KA and we will have full use of the dance floor
and basement. We will also be allowed to hang
our letters and paint a mural on our floor. This
marks the first time since our chartering that we
have had official, on-campus housing.
campus scene
Brothers working hard to stock the shelves
at Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
The Colony of the Delta Chi Fraternity has recently
begun another endeavor to help in our community.
We have teamed up with a local food bank called
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. This organization,
located in the heart of downtown Wilmington,
NC, collects and distributes nonperishable food
items to the hungry and needy of Wilmington and
the surrounding areas. The Brothers have begun
dedicating their time and efforts on Saturday
mornings to help unpack boxes, move items and
stock the shelves of the food bank. The average
attendance to these Saturday morning events
at Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard has been about
15-20 Brothers. We are continuing our efforts
to ensure that each and every individual in the
area without food can come to Mother Hubbard’s
Cupboard and receive a hot meal. Our goal for
the semester is to maintain our close ties with
the Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard by not only
dedicating hours to help them stock shelves,
but also take our own steps in collecting canned
goods for their cause.
Delta chis at war. We Salute You!
CPT Brian Farester, Edinboro ’93
(left) with SGT Paul Gamble while
regrouping after going through
IED (Improvised Explosive Device).
1LT Alexander Hain, Ohio State
’05 (middle) currently serves as a
Platoon leader. He is assigned to
train Iraqi Army in southern Iraq.
ENS Cory Hardy pictured as he
operates an inline eductor, and at
a recent gunshot with one of his
Gunner’s Mates.
If anyone knows of a brother
at war, please send his name
and email address to:
Brother Raymond Borelli
[email protected]
Note: This is only a partial list
of the Men at War. More will be
added in the next issue.
Brian McDonald, Mississippi State ’03
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 13
campus scene
Region IX Regional
Leadership Conference
Steve Bossart, Retiring “AA”; Congressman John Mica, Florida
’67; Tom Horowitz, “AA”; and Miles Washburn, “CC”
Omar Morales, Hayward ’98
Omar Morales (Hayward ’98) was recently chosen as the winner
in the inaugural Comic Book Hero contest. The comic book was
titled: “CruZader: Secret Agent of the Vatican”.
alumni, be sure to submit your accomplishments!
Mail your information to: The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters c/o: Keeping in Touch, PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 or e-mail: [email protected]
farewell & parting
These men have lived amongst us for
a time, and we have been honored
to call them Brothers. Now they are
gone and we bid them a fond farewell
at this parting.
James T Mooney ’51, December 1, 2008
Albert C Ungerer ’65, March 7, 2007
James D Bassage ’35, February 2, 2007
James E Smith ’50, July 18, 2008
Arthur F Gardner ’66, November 28, 2008
Stephen D Williams ’67, February 15, 2009
Albert C. Labriola, Alumnus, March 11. 2009
Paul H Miller ’67, December 6, 2008
James P Wesley ’50, December 15, 2008
Coe T Swift ’33, May 22, 2008
William H Schmidt ’49, December 7, 2008
Rodney L Reppe ’52, November 26, 2008
Samuel T Raynor ’53, February 15, 2008
Allan E Granger ’55, November 27, 2008
Richard H Flodin ’57, April 20, 2008
J John Battaglia ’94, December 6, 2008
Charles T. Meeks ’76, March 5, 2009
Charles J Sharp ’05, January 31, 2009
Dennis J Dombrowski ’83, January 2, 2009
Fredrick B Hammert ’60, December 13, 2008
Kenneth E McFarland ’54, November 23, 2008
Floyd J Lyne ’48, December 25, 2008
Paul W Williamson ’50, January 10, 2009
Craig H Pendleton ’09, November 26, 2008
Lyle A Frazier ’32, December 23, 2008
Corwin C Biehl ’42, November 22, 2008
James P Henke ’70, December 28, 2008
Olgah T Liles ’32, November 23, 2008
John D O’Steen ’72, January 30, 2009
14 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009
J Don Hartfelder ’52, January 23, 2007
Grayson D Cook ’60, October 14, 2008
John A Miller ’92, February 17, 2009
Frank Deitz ’50, November 27, 2008
Edward D. Bush ’05, January 18, 2009
Don G Abel ’39, December 13, 2008
Larry L Van Dyke ’60, November 19, 2008
Roy W Eslick ’43, December 25, 2008
Gary H Cain ’63, October 7, 2008
Timothy R O’Donnell ’95, December 17, 2008
Chad D Ludwig ’94, January 16, 2009
keeping in touch
Berry, on December 23, 2008.
July 23, 2008.
Martin Rahmani ’07 has started
his own business, Capital Petty
Born to Brother and Mrs. Donald
Mear ’98, a son, Oliver Sebastian
Mear, on January 14, 2009.
Chandler Bergeron ’04, married
to Kristin Ratliff on September
27, 2008.
Alexander Rinkus ’08, First job,
a research associate at The
CropLife Foundation.
Kansas State
Brandon Zeringue ’04, married to
June Chauvin on November
7, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Shawn
Nesser ’97, a son Nicolas Nesser,
on October 3, 2008.
Appalachian State
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason
Gresehover ’02, a son, Brady
Ross Gresehover, on December
5, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Matt
Charvat ’99, a daughter, Lilly
Elizabeth Charvat, on September
15, 2008.
Kent State
John Van Huffel Kent State `93
promoted to Lt Colonel, United
States Air Force as of November
1, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Brad Snuggs ’02, a daughter,
Shelby Grace Snuggs, on
December 22, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Brett
Norris ’07, a daughter, Aurora
Norris, on January 27, 2009.
Ball State
Born to Brother and Mrs. John
Melton ’00, a daughter, Noxie Ann
Melton, on December 7, 2008.
Arriving home to Brother and
Mrs. Patrick Alderdice ’92, a
daughter, Emily Ruth Alderdice on
February 19, 2009.
Cal Poly
Born to Brother and Mrs Eric
Booen ’04, a son, Brody “MadDog” Booen, on January 12,
Arriving home to Brother
and Mrs. Kyle Jones ’01, a
daughter, Bryn Pauline Jones
on December 9, 2008.
Russ Newton ’99, married to
Lindsay Larson on September
27, 2008.
Corey Murphy ’06, married
to Cathy Rheam on December
31, 2008.
Ferris State
Born to Brother and Mrs. Josh
Fisher ’01, a daughter, Morgan
Elizabeth on January 15, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kevin
Costner ’77, a son, Hayes Logan
Costner on February 12, 2009.
George Mason
Patrick Quarles ’08, married
to Stephanie Ng on December
27, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Christian Harter ’00, a daughter,
Annika Elise Harter, on February
10, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Newell Bentley ’01, a daughter,
Hannah Jane Bentley, on February
26, 2009.
Lake Forest
Colin Bere ’06, married to Kyle
Endress on November 8, 2008.
Nico Soto ’10, married to Katy
Jansson on December 19, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs Lee
Boydstun ’95, a daughter,
Rebecca Lynn Boydstun, on
December 13, 2008.
Louisiana Tech
Dr. Doug Amyx, OK ’86, Faculty
Advisor, was named Associate
Dean at Louisiana Tech College of
Justin Woodman ’94, married
to Amy Poindexter on December
20, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Andrew
Brown ’98, a daughter, Avery
Brown, on October 28, 2008.
Dax Menge ’00, married to
Natalee Allen on October 4, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Phillip
Berry ’01, a daughter, Sydney
Patrick Kennedy ’06, married to
Sarah Brinson on November
29, 2008.
Tyler Smith ’07, married to Malea
Thomas on November 1,2008
Mississippi State
Andrew Ratts ’08, and Courtney
were married on May 17, 2008.
Brian Harris ’06 and Marita were
married on August 16, 2008.
Donnie Outzs ’08, and
Amanda were married on
November 8, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris
Bass ’02, a son Conner Michael
Bass, on September 18, 2008.
Ohio State
Born to Brother and Mrs. Nick
Stepanovich ’03, a daughter, Mila
Stepanovich, on November 23,
Born to Brother and Mrs. Nick
Leonard ’01, a daughter, Addison,
on December 19, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Mike
Coley ’95, a daughter, Claudia,
born August 11, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Geoffrey
Webster ’70, a daughter, Abigale,
August 2008.
Oklahoma State
Born to Brother and Mrs. Fred
Lindeman ’99, a daughter,
Allison Rae Lindeman, on
February 19, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs Jeff
Shirrell ’01, a son, Jeven Reid
Shirrell, on January 6, 2009.
Southeast Missouri
Congratulation to Brother Glenn
Eidman ’79, for becoming Chief
of Police in Creve Coeur City on
October 13, 2008.
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Robert Wilson ’96, a daughter,
Kate Elisabeth Wilson, on
Andrew Hendrix ’02, married to
Maria Green on August 2, 2008.
Southern California
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Justin Kazak ’92, a daughter,
Courtney Noelle Kazak, on
January 29, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Craig
Timmons ’94, a son, Sean
Allen Timmons, born on February
3, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Clint
Myrick ’96, a son, Evan Alexander
Myrick, on May 15, 2008.
Texas A&M
Born to Brother and Mrs Sean
Hall ’99, a Son, Tristan Luther
Hall, on January 16, 2009.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jim
Eversole ’02,a son, Jaxon Blair
Eversol, on January 25, 2009.
Washington State
Born to Brother and Mrs David
Holm ’03,a son, Jonathan David
Holm, on January 21, 2009.
Western Michigan
Born to Brother and Mrs.
Jim Sanford ’92, a son,
Andrew Robert Sanford, on
February 9, 2009.
Let us know
what’s new
by “Keeping
in Touch”
Mail your information to:
The Delta Chi Fraternity
International Headquarters c/o:
Keeping in Touch, PO Box 1817
Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
or e-mail: [email protected]
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2009 15
__ Work
State _________________ Zip_ __________________
MOVING? Send your mailing label with new address to:
The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters
PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
Phone (319) 337-4811 Fax (319) 337-5529
ABRACADABRA: Univ of Calif - Berkeley - 2721 Channing Way,
Berkeley, CA 94704
ALABAMA: Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa - PO Box 11127,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
ALBERTA: Univ of Alberta - Box 165 SUB, Univ of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
AMERICAN: American Univ - 4400 Mass Ave NW, Box 16,
Washington, DC 20016
APPALACHIAN STATE: Appalachian St Univ - Box 9084, Boone, NC 28607
ARIZONA: U of Ariz - 1701 E 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85719
ARIZONA STATE: Arizona St Univ - Sun Devil Inv Ctr, PO Box 871301,
Tempe, AZ 85287
AUBURN: Auburn U - 530 Biggio Dr, Auburn, AL 36830
AUGUSTA: Augusta State Univ - 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904
BEHREND: Behrend Col - 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510
BINGHAMTON: Binghamton Univ of SUNY - 5 Main St,
Binghamton, NY 13902
BOWLING GREEN: Bowling Green St Univ - 1217 E Wooster,
Bowling Green, OH 43403
BRYANT: Bryant Col - Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917
CAL POLY: Cal Polytechnic State Univ - 1327 E Foothill Blvd,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
CALIFORNIA UNIV - PA: California Univ of PA - PO Box 516,
California, PA 15419-0516
CENTRAL MICHIGAN: Central Michigan Univ - 1007 S Main St,
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
CENTRAL MISSOURI: Univ of Central Missouri - Unit D,
Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093
CHICO: California State Univ - Chico - 731 W 5th St, Chico, CA 95928
CLEMSON: Clemson Univ - 10174 Univ Station, Clemson, SC 29632
COASTAL CAROLINA: Coastal Carolina Univ - PO Box 261954,
100 Spadoni Prk Cir, Conway, SC 29528-6054
COLORADO: Univ of Colorado - 1135 11th St, Boulder,CO 80302
COLORADO STATE: Colorado St Univ - 321 W Myrtle St,
Ft Collins, CO 80521
CONNECTICUT: Univ of Conn - PO Box 806, Storrs, CT 06268
CORNELL: Cornell Univ - 102 The Knoll, Ithaca, NY 14850
CORTLAND: State Univ College - Cortland, c/o Mike Zitelli, 15 1/2 Owego St,
Cortland, NY 13045
DAVIS: Univ of California - Davis - PO Box 72432, Davis,CA 95617
DENISON: Denison Univ - PO Box 0594, Granville, OH 43023
DEPAUW: DePauw Univ - 912 S Locust St, Greencastle, IN 46135
DUQUESNE: Duquesne University - 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15282
EAST CAROLINA: East Carolina Univ - 109 Mendenhall Student
Center,Greenville, NC 27858
EMBRY-RIDDLE: Embry-Riddle Aeron Univ-PO Box 950,
Daytona Beach, FL 32115
FERRIS STATE: Ferris State Univ - 805 Campus Dr, Rankin Ctr Rm 233,
Box 155, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2226
FLORIDA: Univ of Florida - 6 Fraternity Row, Gainesville, FL 32603
FREDONIA: SUNY - Fredonia - SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063
FROSTBURG: Frostburg St Univ - Box 213 Lane Ctr, FSU
Frostburg, MD 21532
FULLERTON: California State Univ - Fullerton - 2100 Associated Rd,
Fullerton, CA 92631
GANNON: Gannon University - 507 Myrtle St, Erie, PA 16502
GEORGIA SOUTHERN: Georgia Southern University - 1510A Mike
Anne Dr, Statesboro, GA 30458
GEORGE MASON: George Mason Univ - 4400 Univ Dr, MS 2D6,
Fairfax, VA 22030
GEORGIA TECH: Georgia Institute of Tech - 170 Fifth Street NW,
Atlanta, GA 30313-2512
GORHAM STATE: Univ of Southern Maine - 23 Preble St,
Gorham, ME 04038
HAYWARD: California St Univ - Hayward - 1491 Roosevelt Ave,
Hayward, CA 94544
HOBART: Hobart College - 574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456
HOFSTRA: Hosfstra University - 260 Stu Ctr, 200 Hofstra University,
Hempstead, NY 11549-2000
HUNTSVILLE: Univ of AL - Huntsville - 510 Fraternity & Sorority Row,
Huntsville, AL 35805
IDAHO: Univ of Idaho - PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID 83843
ILLINOIS: Univ of IL - 1111 S First St, Champaign, IL 61820
ILLINOIS STATE: llinois State Univ - 602 South Fell, Normal, IL 61761
INDIANA: Indiana Univ - Indiana Memorial Union, Rm 371,
Bloomington, IN 47405
IOWA: Univ of Iowa - 308 Ridgeland, Iowa City, IA 52246
JACKSONVILLE STATE: Jacksonville State Univ - PO Box 3062 JSU
Jacksonville, AL 36265
JAMES MADISON: James Madison Univ - MSC 3518,
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
JOHNSTOWN: Univ of Pittsburgh - Johnstown - Box 0288, UPJ,
Johnstown, PA 15907
KANSAS: Univ of Kansas - 1245 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044
KENT STATE: Kent St Univ - 312 E Main, Kent, OH 44240
KETTERING A: Kettering Univ - 1700 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504
KETTERING B: Kettering Univ - 1421 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504
LSU: Louisiana State Univ - Office of Greek Affairs, 137 Johnston Hall,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
LAKE FOREST: Lake Forest College - 555 N Sheridan Rd, Box D1,
Lake Forest, IL 60045
LONG BEACH: CSU - Long Beach - 1067 Grand Ave #1
Long Beach, CA 90804
LOUISIANA TECH: LA Tech Univ - 201 Everett St, Ruston, LA 71270
MANKATO: Minnesota State Univ - Mankato - 173 CSU, Mankato, MN 56001
MARQUETTE: Marquette Univ - 845 N 16th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233
MARSHALL: Marshall Univ - 1440 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25755
MARYLAND: Univ of Maryland - 6 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20742
MIAMI: Miami U - 131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH 45056
MICHIGAN: Univ of Michigan - 1705 Hill St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
MICHIGAN STATE: Michigan St Univ - 101 Woodmere Ave,
East Lansing, MI 48823
MINNESOTA: Univ of Minnesota - 1601 University Ave SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55414
MISSISSIPPI STATE: Mississippi State Univ - Drawer GK,
Mississippi State, MS 39762
MISSOURI: Univ of Missouri - PO Box 341, Columbia, MO 65201
MISSOURI STATE: Missouri St Univ, 1116 E Elm St, Springfield, MO 65806
MONTCLAIR: Montclair State Univ - Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA Off,
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
MONTEVALLO: Univ of Montevallo - Drawer AC, Montevallo, Al 35115
NEW HAVEN: Univ of New Haven - PO Box 8937, New Haven, CT 06532
NORTHERN ARIZONA: Northern Arizona Univ - 318 S Humphreys,
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
NORTHERN COLORADO: Univ of Nothern Colorado - 1803 10th Ave,
Greeley, CO 80631
NORTHWEST MISSOURI: NW Missouri State Univ - 219 W Second St,
Maryville, MO 64468
NORTHWESTERN: Northwestern Univ - 619 Colfax Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
OREGON STATE: Oregon State Univ - 203 NW 13th St, Corvallis, OR 97330
OSHKOSH: Univ of WI at Oshkosh - 911 Wisconsin St, Oshkosh, WI 54901
PENN STATE: Penn State Univ - 424 E Fairmount Ave,
State College, PA 16801-5714
PITTSBURGH: Univ of Pittsburgh - 255 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
PURDUE: Purdue Univ - 501 Russell St, West Lafayette, IN 47906
RADFORD: Radford University - 600 Second Ave, Radford, VA 24141
RHODE ISLAND: Univ of Rhode Island-34 Lwr Clg Rd, Kingston, RI 02881
ROWAN: Rowan Univ - 13 E Eben St, Glassboro, NJ 08049
RUTGERS: Rutgers Univ - 49 Mine St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE: South Dakota St Univ - 213 W Hwy 14 Bypass,
Brookings, SD 57006
SOUTH FLORIDA: South Florida Univ - 4067 Greek Vlg, Tampa, FL 33620
SOUTHEAST MISSOURI: Southeast Missouri State Univ - 1000 Towers Cir,
MS0040, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Univ of Southern California - 920 W 28th St,
Los Angeles, CA 90007
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Southern Illinois Univ - 606 W College,
Carbondale, IL 62901
STEPHEN F AUSTIN: Stephen F Austin Univ - Stu Act Box 13021 SFA,
Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021
SYRACUSE: Syracuse Univ - 303 University Pl, 228E Schine Ctr,
Syracuse, NY 13244
TARLETON: Tarleton State Univ - Box T-1557, Tarleton Station, TX 76402
TEXAS: U of Texas - 910 Poplar, Austin,TX 78705
TEXAS A&M: Texas A&M Univ - 11490 Walnut Rd, College Sta, TX 77845
TEXAS STATE: Texas State Univ - PO Box 1309, San Marcos, TX 78667
TEXAS TECH: Texas Tech Univ - 8 Greek Circle, Lubbock, TX 79416
TRI-STATE: Tri-State U - 112 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703
TROY STATE: Troy Univ - 408 Pell Ave, Troy, AL 36081
TRUMAN STATE: Truman State Univ - 904 S First St,
Kirksville, MO 63501
UNLV: Univ of Nevada - Las Vegas - UNLV Box 452008, 4505 Maryland
Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008
VALDOSTA: Valdosta State Col - PO Box 1112, Valdosta, GA 31603
VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH: VA Commonwealth Univ - c/o Omer Bokhari,
3201 Copper Mill Trace #A, Richmond, VA 23294
WASHBURN: Washburn Univ of Topeka - Off Stdnt Act,
1700 SW College Ave, Topeka, KS 66621
WASHINGTON: Univ of WA - 1819 NE 47th St, Seattle, WA 98105
WASHINGTON STATE: Washington State Univ - 800 NE Monroe St,
Pullman, WA 99163
POSTMASTER - If undeliverable
send notice on Form 3579 to
The Delta Chi Fraternity
International Headquarters
P.O. Box 1817
Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
New Address (Please Print) __ Home WEST GEORGIA: St Univ of West Georgia - 228 Mandeville Ave,
Carrollton, GA 30117
WEST VIRGINIA TECH: West Virginia Inst of Tech - 621 First Ave,
Montgomery, WV 25136
WESTERN MICHIGAN: Western Michigan Univ - 1402 Fraternity Village Dr,
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
WILLIAM & MARY: College of William & Mary - c/o Jonathan DeLong,
CSU 2461, PO Box 8793, Williamsburg, VA 23186
WINDSOR: Univ of Windsor - 408 Indian Rd, Windsor, ON, Canada N9C2M4
ALBANY: SUNY Albany -1400 Wash Ave, Campus Ctr 130,
Albany, NY 12222
CINCINNATI: Univ of Cincinnati - Stratford Hgts, 2634 Stratford Ave,
Cincinnati, OH 45220
CORPUS CHRISTI: TX A&M Univ - Corpus Christi - Univ Ctr & Student Act,
6300 Ocean Dr, Unit 5783, Corpus Christi, TX 78412-5783
EAST STROUDSBURG: East Stroudsburg Univ - Greek Life,
200 Prospect St, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
EASTERN ILLINOIS: Eastern Illinois Univ - Greek Life Office,
600 Lincoln Ave, Charlestone, IL 61920
EASTERN WASHINGTON: Eastern Washington Univ - Student Life Office,
320 Peance Union Bldg, Cheney, WA 99004-2463
HAMILTON: Hamilton College - c/o Anthony Bottini “A”
198 College Hill Rd Box 174, Clinton, NY 13323
KENNESAW: Kennesaw State Univ - 1000 Chastain Rd #0501, Stu Ctr
Bldg #5, Rm 274, Bx 170, Kennesaw, GA 30144
LEHIGH: Lehigh Univ- 227-229 Warren Sq, Bethleham, PA 18015
LIVINGSTON: Univ of West Alabama - UWA Box 4100, Livingston, AL 35470
MASSACHUSETTS: Univ of Massachusetts - Box FS, 314, SU Bldg, 41
Campus Ctr Way, Amherst, MA 01003-9245
NORTH ALABAMA: Univ of N Alabama - 1 Harrison Plaza, UNA Box 5383,
Florence, AL 35632
OHIO STATE: The Ohio State Univ - 191 E 15th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201
OKLAHOMA: Univ of Oklahoma - PO Box 2722, Norman, OK 73070
SLIPPERY ROCK: Slippery Rock Univ-105 Univ Union,
Slippery Rock, PA 16057
USIP: Univ of Sciences in Philadelphia, Whitecar Hall Stu Actv Off,
600 S 43rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19104
WEST CHESTER: West Chester Univ - 218 Sykes Stu Union,
110 W Rosedale Ave, West Chester, PA 19383
WHITEWATER: Univ of WI-Whitewater, 800 W Main St,
Whitewater, WI 53109
WILIMINGTON: Univ of N Carolina - Wilmington - Student Act Off,
601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403
ARIZONA VALLEY: Pres Todd Nyberg-Mastrorilli, RAD ’97,[email protected]
BLUEGRASS: Pres Stephen Meyer, Jr, Louisville ’92,
[email protected]
BOSTON AREA: Pres Stephen Bianchi, NE ’79, [email protected]
CAPE FEAR AREA: Pres Miles Washburn, Mass ’87, [email protected]
CAPITAL AREA: Pres Michael Magri, John ’84, [email protected]
CENTRAL NEW YORK: Pres Michael Tumolo, SYR ’07, [email protected]
CHARLOTTE AREA: Pres Jonathan Malone, Calif U-PA ’98, [email protected]
COLUMBUS: Pres Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, [email protected]
DALLAS/FORT WORTH: Pres John Battaglia, TX ’94,
[email protected]
EASTERN IOWA: Pres Karl Grindel, Cent MO ’01, [email protected]
GREAT LAKES: Pres Robert Little, Bow Gr ’03, [email protected]
GREATER WISCONSIN AREA: Pres Alan Udell, WISC ’91, [email protected]
ILLINOIS: Pres Ray Mathews, IL ’76, [email protected]
KANSAS CITY AREA: Pres John Hess, Creighton ’75, [email protected]
LOS ANGELES: Pres Brendan Shields-Shimizu, SoCal ’07, [email protected]
NEW HAVEN AREA: Pres Robert Morey, New Haven ’00, [email protected]
NEW ORLEANS AREA: Pres Brandon Sullivan, LSU ’07,
[email protected]
NORTHEAST OHIO AREA: Pres Steve Bossart, Kent St ’90, [email protected]
SACRAMENTO AREA: Pres John Shelby, Sac ’86, [email protected]
SEATTLE: Pres Robert LaBouy, WA ’66, [email protected]
SOUTH FLORIDA: Pres Michael Agnello, Mich St ’81, [email protected]
TAMPA BAY AREA: Pres Michael Shelton, FL ’98,[email protected]
TENNESSEE VALLEY: Pres T Michael Burleson, Hunts ’05, [email protected]
THREE RIVERS: Pres Tom Horowitz, Mich St ’87, [email protected]
TORONTO: Pres Elliott Chun, W Ontario ’03, [email protected]
TWIN CITIES AREA: Pres Matthew Johnson, Minn ’01, [email protected]