1974 Dec. Chi Zetagram - Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha


1974 Dec. Chi Zetagram - Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha
Champaign, Illinois — December 1974
Homecomings, the old college tradition of welcoming the
The alumni arrived on the sunny and warm November
alumni to visit their alma mater and fraternity house, was
morning to relive their memories and to help celebrate in the
day's festivities. William Stallman (X579), president of the
Alumni Association, started the official events with a business
meeting reporting on the state of the house. After a buffet
brought nostalgically back to birthplace November ninth and
tenth. On the 50th anniversary of Memorial Stadium, the
campus re-established the vestiges of the 1920's —the bon
fires, pep rallies and the homecoming queen contests —which
helped make that era roar. Chi Zeta joined in to reproduce
those moods by decorating the house with old composites and
party pictures and recreating the spirit of Red Grange in a
magnificent house deck fitting this years theme, "1924: The
Way it Was." With an animated, sixteen-foot statue of Red
Grange helping out, the deck, designed by john Crook III and
built by Dean Becker and Dale Miller, depicted by animated
displays, models, and films scenes of campus life in '24 and
Red's most famous game against Michigan. This set the stage
lunch the classic confrontation of the 1924 homecoming
opponents, the Michigan Wolverines versus the Fightin' lllini,
took place. Though hit by injuries, a tragic death to a team
member, and lacking the services of the "Galloping Ghost,"
the Illinois squad came just inches short of upsetting the na
tion's number three ranked team.
for the 1974 Homecoming activities.
Undergrads, Alumns and wives mingle before game
The disappointed, but not disheartened, fans returned to
the house to start an awards banquet in the living room. The
delicious dinner, catered by our regular cooks, Dottie and
Marylou, honored Ralph Smykal (X575) as the oldest re
turning alum, Glenn Grosse (X577) with an outstanding serv
ice award, and Trent Rhyne (X936) for coming the longest
way to attend (from San Diego, California)! Trent was not the
only one to travel a great distance to attend, however. Some of
the 150 plus in attendance came from Ohio, Florida, Minne
sota, Kansas, as well as Illinois, to show their support for our
16-foot Red Grange welcomes Alumni
chapter. The finale was an open bar parly with a live combo
THE WAY WE ARE (continued) ....
swaying the dancing audience with a variety of modern and
popular songs.
ley, Illinois State, and Western Illinois met to lay the ground
work for this Spring's ride. All indications are that this year's
Bike-a-thon will be the best yet.
As the theme of Homecoming connotes, "The Way We
Were" was full of fun, partying, and memories, but also with a
strong bond of brotherhood that seems to pass to every
brother of any age. The present actives and associate members
would like to thank all those who were able to attend the
party, and invite all members to return to Chi Zeta during the
course of the year to see "The Way We Are."
Although most activities of Homecoming weekend were
socially oriented, the-Alumni of Chi Zeta did take time to
conduct a short business meeting. Treasurer Robert Corley
reported that the House Corporation loan has been reduced to
$20,211 and that a cash balance of over $8,000 exists. Much
of this balance will soon be used for planned electrical and
painting improvements to the Chapter House.
The annual election of the Board of Directors of the
Alumni Association was also held with all existing directors
Brothers Megginson (left), Stallman (rear), Grosse
(middle), and Ealy (right) enjoy the party.
being reelected for another year. These include Robert N.
Corley (Champaign), Roger L. Gauen (Plainfield), William
Gibson (St. Charles), Glenn Grosse (Waterloo), George Hillstrom (Chicago), Robert Rasmussen (Chicago), William Stallman (Champaign), William Strang (Westmont), Jeffrey Wandell
(Champaign), Marvin Vawter (Chapter Faculty Advisor), Doug
Lauffenburger (Chapter President), Larry Prast(ChapterTreasurer), and John Crook(Chapter Alumni Chairman).
Other business discussed or reported included an im
proved package insurance program, a very favorable report on
the Active Chapter financial status and rushing program, a
complimentary report on Chi Zeta from the National Office,
and a reminder that 1974-75 alumni dues are now due and
payable. The one . item of. concern discussed at the meeting
related to the future of the "Annex" located just behind the
Chapter House. Both the University and the City of Cham
paign have written critical letters regarding the general condi
tion of the facility. It appears that a major discussion must
With no cooperation from the weather, the Associate
Members and Little Sisters of Chi Zeta kicked off this year's
Bike-a-thon '75 project with enthusiasm and success. Working
for three days in season's first heavy snowfall, they sold over
$1200 worth of candy bars. Proceeds from the sale will be
used to help fund the third annual Bike-a-thon.
For the past two years, Chi Zeta has sponsored a mara
thon bicycle ride from Champaign to Belleville, 111. to raise
money for Easter Seals. The 250-mile trip is the longest such
effort on record with Easter Seals, and plans are underway
that should make it one of the most successful as well.
This year we plan to involve all of the Lambda Chi chap
soon be made as to whether the Annex is to be renovated,
razed, or replaced. Most felt that renovation was impractical
and razing without replacement would be tragic to the Active
Chapter. The possibility of negotiating a trade in chapter
houses to obtain a larger house was also discussed. From all
indications, it appears that some action along this line must be
taken in the next year or two.
The meeting closed with a special presentation being made
to Glenn Grosse by the Active Chapter for Brother Grosse's
outstanding participation in the Chapter's and the Alumni
Association's activities over the past year —especially those of
a social nature. Mr. Marvin Vawter, Chapter Faculty Advisor,
also gave some complimentary remarks regarding the healthy
ters in Illinois in the Bike-a-thon. At an organizational meeting
condition and attitude of both the Active Chapter and the
held in Peoria this past November, representatives from Brad-
Alumni Association.
^ Brother FLOYD BENNETT, Theta Kappa Nu from 1928, is
now retired and living in Sequim, Wash. Floyd retired in 1969
from the Equipment Engineering Department of Western Elec
tric Co. in Rolling Meadows, 111. Since moving to Sequim in
'69, he has served as President and Vice-Pres. of the Port An
geles Camera Club, as well as starting a "Lamplighters" club
Brother SCOTT GRAHAM, X947, and his wife, Eileen,
are now living in Clearwater, Fla. Scott has received his M.A.
/and is working at a new Mental Health Institute In Clearwater.
Their new address is 1802 Sunset Pt. Rd., Apt. C, Clearwater,
FL 33517.
for people over 55 in his church. The salmon in the ocean and
trout in the rivers, he reports, keep him pretty busy as well!
^Brother DAVID BREWER, X853, has been very busy since his
graduation from Southern Illinois University in '68. He has
received his Masters degree in Higher Education, served 3 years
in the Army, married Rebecca Simmons in '71, and is pres
ently working on his Ph.D at SlU. While in Carbondale, he has
met several brothers: DALE KAISER, X624, a professor of
education at SlU, and C.U. LINKS, X890, his pledge son. He
also reports that DANNY WILMOUTH, X831, has completed
a degree in music at SlU, and that DICK STOTZ, X812, served
as an officer in the Marines. Finally, if anyone knows the
whereabouts of JOHN SCHULDT, X813, please let Dave or us
-^We have learned that brother RICHARD VAN TREESE,
X837, is presently working for the Avery Label Company. He
and his wife, Jenny, a Kappa Kappa from the U of I, have two
daughters, age 4 and 6. Their present address is 9202 N.E.
132nd PL, Kirkland,WA 98033.
Emil ). Klingenfus, COM.SEC commander
A promotion to Colonel in June and a transfer to Arizona in
August kept brother EMIL KLINGENFUS, X595, from mak
ing Homecoming this year. His new position is the Com
manding Officer of the US Army Communications Security
Logistics Agency, in charge of the procurement, management,
Congratulations to brother PAUL JONES, X584, on winning
first-place honors for 1974 in Class A Production of the Sports
Car Club of America. Trailering his winning 'Vette, brother
Jones stopped by the house earlier this year on his way home
from a win at Indy. Best of luck to him in '75!
^ and maintenance of all Army COM. SEC. equipment. His new
address is 123 Grierson Ave., Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613.
Brother Klingenfus also tells us that brother JULES GONSETH, J r., X241, is retired, living in Arizona, and running the
local Ramada Inn.
^JIM KELLER, X711, is presently living in Ft. Lauderdale at
5701 SW 13th St. Brother Keller is working for Marietta In
dustries, which is involved in tertiary water treatment, particu
larly with the recycling of water for car wash facilities.
J After two years of U.S. Navy service in Vietnam, WILLIAM J.
McNEILL, X845, is presently living in East Moline, 111. Married
to Cynthia Meyer in 1967, Bill is now employed as a Personnel
Development and Training Consultant for International Har
We are sad to report the death of A. GORDON HUMPHREY,
X031. Brother Humphrey died on June 19, 1973.
I Retired professor, ROBERT ITTNER, X189, died on Decem
ber 27, 1973. Brother Ittner graduated from the U of I in
1931 as a Phi Beta Kappa, and received his Ph.D in '37. The
author of many works of literary criticism of German litera
ture, he served as head of the Modern Language Department at
the University of Akron from 1950 to 1965. He is survived by
his wife, Esther.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Bennett
RUSSELL BENNETT, X349, and his wife, Agnes, report
living in happy non-retirement in California. After many years
as a building designer and general contractor, brother Bennett
is presently engaged as a financial planner and silver broker.
Mrs. Bennett is a distributer and sale representative for the
Shaklee Company. Their present address is 205 S. Palo Cedro
Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765.
"^IvlONTY WYNE, X825, and his wife have been very busy fol
lowing a recent move. Their new address is 723 South Bodin
St., Hinsdale, IL 60521. Although unable to attend Home
coming this year, he says they'll be here "come hell or high
water" next year. We hope so!
NEWS (continued) . , .
Past High Rho, CRAIG HOSTETLER, X894, is presently
working for the U.S. Public Health Service in Tahlequa, Okla
The Chi Zeta undergraduates wish to recognize the fol
lowing brothers for their attendance at the 1974 Homeconning,
and thank thenn for their participation and financial contribu
Russ Anderson
Richard Melinder
Tony Britsky
Jim Broline
Bob Corley
George Deihs
James Dill
John Mohan
Charles Morris
Jim Morrison
Rick Nunemaker
jim O'Brien
Ron DiPaolo
Don Olsen
Mike Donovan
Bob Owens
Dan Drescher
Don Plote
Tom Ealy
Richard Prebil
Robert Gibson
Trent Rhyne
Gary Grevice
Pete Schwitz
John Haas
Larry Jeckel
Don Jerch
Paul Jones
Larry Sexton
Ralph Smykal
Bill Stallman
Robert Stitch
Steve Klingel
Bill Strang
Paul Kuster
Art Turpel
Don Lemen
Lou Valcik
Rob Lemen
Marv Vaw^ter
Daniel Long
Jeff Louthain
Bob Mayar
George Megginson
Jeff Wandell
Reed Yeater
Richard Yeater
homa. Since leaving the U of lin '69, Craig has completed his
study of Pharmacology at the University of Kansas, having
held the offices of president of the Student American Pharma
ceutical Association and Special Assistant to the Dean of the
School of Pharmacy while there. When working for the Indian
Health Service in Washington, D.C., Craig became interested in
the culture and welfare of the native American people, and
finds his work very rewarding.
"Enjoying the great Northwest," JIM STUBNER, X328, is cur
rently working as Vice-Presldent in charge of personnel for
Pacific Northwest Bell. He lives at 4366 92nd SE, Mercer Is
land, WA, 98040, with his wife and four of his children, His
oldest son is a junior at Colby College in Maine.
The Men of Chi Zeta of
Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Association
P.O. Box 334, Country Fair Station
Champaign, IL 61820
Wish You the Peace and
Joy of the Holiday Season
Through the Ne^v Year
Published regularly by the Alumni Associa
tion of Chi Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Fra
ternity at the University of Illinois for the
benefit of its alumni and friends.
Nonprofit Org.
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PERMIT No. 358