Current Newsletter
Current Newsletter
nell Chap T h e Co r eta | Winter 2016 ter of Alpha Z Save the Dates National Initiation and Associate Initiation of Dean Kathryn Boor April 8, 2016 Look for details on the Cornell AZ website. Cornell Homecoming September 23-24, 2016 AZ Annual Meeting and Homecoming Luncheon September 24, 2016 Notes from the Left to right: Jessica Zou, Emaleigh Perry, Chrishell Marble, Felix FernandezPenny, and Collin Dillingham Corp Board The AZ Corporation Board has enjoyed a quiet fall semester. The actives are keeping the house looking great and are involved in many activities as you will see in this issue. The board continues to consider small facility upgrades to keep the house looking sharp. Major systems are now in good shape. We are working with the actives to continue reaching out and increasing awareness and networking between active members and our alumni network. Those connections are part of who we are! The plan is to continue developing the new website as a key in those connections. Fraternally, Jeff Perry New Members The Cornell chapter of AZ is proud to announce our newest pledge class! Coming from across the country, our new members are energetic and enthusiastic additions to our House. We happily welcome Chrishell Marble, Jessica Zou, Emaleigh Perry, Felix Fernandez-Penny, and Collin Dillingham to our family. Our new members’ majors include Animal Science, Agricultural Science, Plant Science, and Viticulture. We are all looking forward to their future achievements at Cornell and beyond. We thank our Pledge Master, Nick Culver ‘16, and our Pledge Educator, Natasha Bartolotta ‘16, for their dedication. Emily Ardalan ‘17 Outgoing Scribe and Incoming Pledge Educator Alumni Board President Check Out Our New Website! You can: Contact us with news and updates • Pay your dues – quickly, conveniently and securely! • And, read about our most recent and upcoming events • Chancellor’s Note As I enter into my second term as Chancellor I reflect on the past year and also look to the year ahead. Of the things that I have accomplished so far, I am most proud of the successful reestablishment of past traditions that had been lost. I think that the things that were reintroduced helped to grow and strengthen our Chapter. One thing that we did this year, and particularly this semester, was to fill our appointed positions and have the members in those positions really take an active role in the Chapter. This was particularly successful in the Morale Enhancer position. This position is held by Emma Hallowell ’16 and she has put on a number of events every month this semester which have helped to boost spirits in the House and give members a good excuse for a study break. Another practice that we brought back was having formal dinners and meetings. Requiring business casual and business formal attire at Chapter events helps members to know what is appropriate to wear at interviews, conferences, and other professional functions. The tradition that we brought back that I think helped to grow our Chapter the most was the goal setting meeting. After this initial meeting, we also presented our goals to our advisors and gained some perspective on our goals. This enabled us to establish what all of our members wanted for the semester and what steps we could take to achieve these goals. Additionally, it also got our advisors more involved, which is something that I really wanted to accomplish during my term as Chancellor. Moving forward into my second term there are still more things that I hope to do to further AZ. I had a great executive board supporting me in my last term and I am excited to work with the incoming officers. Many of our incoming officers are young members and I am delighted that they are getting involved so early on in their time as members. I hope that I will be inspired by the new officers and that they will bring new perspectives to the table. I want to further our Chapter’s reach in the Cornell community and to do more to educate the student body about agriculture. Additionally, I would like to create more opportunities for our members to get exposure to different facets of the field of agriculture. This is something that we as a House had discussed in our goal setting meeting and that I feel is one of our main priorities. I am looking forward to the year ahead and all the priorities that it will present! Lauren Fessler ‘17 Chancellor The Swedish Exchange group assembled for the 60th anniversary of the start of the program in 1955. Since the exchange students stayed at AGR in the Fall Semester and AZ in the Spring, there was a lot of interest of AZ’s to participate in the program. The reunion overlapped with Homecoming weekend, so many attended both. Pictured (L to R): George F. Lamont AZ ‘57 (first CU student to spend a year in Sweden, and chief “suggester and adviser” to this first reunion, organized by Chistine Potter in the CALS Student Services Office), Fritz Koennecke AZ ‘62, Ed Smith AZ ‘64, Carl Eisenhard AZ ‘65, Sophie Wistrom (visiting from SLU 15-16), Ben Dillner ‘17 (CALS student to be in Sweden next year), Pete Smith AZ ‘66, Bill Dalrymple ‘76 (“not AZ but many relatives in AZ!”), Paul Redmond AGR ‘78, Arlene Lee ‘91, Also attending, but not in picture, Bruce Anderson AZ ‘68, and Karin Rosberg AZ ‘04. AG Day Ag Day this semester was held on September 21st and was a hit! The weather was balmy and we had a great turnout. Students and faculty alike passed through the Ag Quad and stopped by to check out the event. This semester we brought calves, lambs, chickens, and of course Rosie the fistulated cow to the quad. Along with the animals and farm equipment, there were booths representing many of the agricultural clubs on campus including the bee club, CFFA, the fungi club, and Hortus Forum, just to name a few. As per the usual, people were invited to play “Cow Chip Bingo” (one of the University’s official 161 things to do!). The proceeds went to the NYS 4-H Foundation, of which our own alumnus Emma Long ’12 chairs. A special thanks to Dean Boor who donated her winnings! We also had interactive booths including cattle roping and a bale toss. With the success of past semesters, we decided to continue the recent tradition of holding a grill-off following the events of Ag Day. This semester our panel of judges featured past and present Corporation Board Presidents Richard Church ‘64 and Jeff Perry ‘89 and last semester’s winner. ip h C Cow ! o g n i B Overall the day was a great success and was even featured on the CALS Facebook page! The post highlighted the central focus of Ag Day, to educate the Cornell community about agriculture. Thank you to our sponsors that made this event possible and we hope to have another superb Ag Day in the spring! Lauren Fessler ‘17 Chancellor See you in the Spring! Cranberry Harvesting On Halloween afternoon, AZ actives Amber Bornt ’16, Connie Potter ’16, Dani Harris ’16, Lauren Fessler ’17, alumni Chris Castellano ‘10, and Lynn Veenstra headed east to East Taunton, MA. We were greeted with a warm welcome by alumni William McCaffrey’s ‘10 parents and their dog Pixie on the farm he runs with his parents and his fiancée Veronica Palladino ‘12. We were also able to meet up with some other notable AZ alums, John Orlowski ‘10 and Caroline Salisbury ‘13. On Sunday morning we woke up to a delicious breakfast, courtesy of Will’s mom, and then headed out to the back of their property to the cranberry fields. Their farm is an interesting place. They are right on the edge of suburbia. Their neighbors live in pre-fab houses on small plots of land, but once you get behind the McCaffrey’s house a hedgerow blocks the view of suburbia and you would never know it was right next door. The farm was once a dairy, and next to the main farmhouse they have a converted milk house and a converted tie stall barn that they now use for storage. It is clear that the farm and its buildings have been well-used and wellloved for many years. Our first glimpse of the cranberry field was incredible. Pictures don’t do its beauty justice. It was about a two-acre bog, flooded under about three feet of water with cranberries floating across the entire surface. The cranberries were different shades of a bright, deep red. The cranberries grow on little bushes. When it is time to harvest, they flood the field a little bit and then drive up and down the rows of cranberry plants with a tractor that has a special attachment for knocking the berries off of their bushes. Then they flood the field the rest of the way. One of the main jobs we helped with was using metal rakes to dislodge any cranberries that were still attached to their bushes. To harvest the cranberries we systematically pushed them towards one end of the field using interconnecting straps that were similar to fire hoses with chains inside. At one corner of the field there was a big machine that sucked up the cranberries through a big hose, separated them from the water and other junk that was sucked in with the cranberries, and then launched them into the back of a dump truck. We harvested over eighty thousand pounds of cranberries from one bog. There was quite a crew of people helping. The McCaffreys announce their harvest dates to the public, so in addition to the AZ group, there were quite a few community members that came out to help. Some had never seen a cranberry harvest before and some seemed to be regulars. We also met a group of Harvard students that came to see the harvest as a part of a sustainable agriculture program. At the end of the day we were all tired, and had a long drive back to Ithaca ahead of us. We were all able to bring some cranberries home for our own families. It was an awesome experience and something new for several of us. We thank the McCaffrey family and hope to return next fall! Dani Harris ‘16 Outgoing House Manager Faculty Wine and Cheese As has been the tradition each semester, Alpha Zeta recently held our faculty wine and cheese event. Each year this event brings a number of professors to our house to socialize, network and celebrate another semester that has come and gone oh so quickly. Although the turnout was not as plentiful as it has been in semesters past, all members of AZ worked together to make it a memorable occasion. This semester, we had between twenty and thirty attendees, with many of our “regulars” and some new faces. As I looked around the room I could see warm smiles, and could hear the buzz of conversations both practical and academic. As always, it was nice to see a setting in which students and professors could interact on a more personal level- something that is not always possible on campus. We are planning to host another faculty wine and cheese event next semester, and hope that it will be even more successful. Thank you to those who attended; we hope to see you again next semester. Kassidy Hitt ‘16 Outgoing Chronicler Coming Home to Alpha Zeta at Cornell Homecoming 2015 Thanks to all the alumni who returned to Alpha Zeta for Cornell’s Homecoming Weekend on September 18, 2015! The actives were fine hosts and are proudly carrying on the traditions of the past such as continuing with formal inductions of new members by candlelight in the secrecy of the hallowed halls of Alpha Zeta on Thurston Ave. During the annual meeting, we enjoyed two impressive presentations by students. Anya Gandi ‘17 presented “Cowboying in Montana,” which led to a job offer on the largest ranch in New Zealand for her. Natasha Bartolotta ’16 spoke of her experiences abroad in Tanzania studying wildlife management, as well as her research with Shoals Marine Lab – the latter becoming Natasha’s honors thesis topic. Both AZ Sisters are grateful for their internship experiences supported by the CALS Charitable Trust, which is growing strong and continuing to provide experiences that students may otherwise not be able to financially afford. We honored Ron Furry ’53 for his 28 years serving Alpha Zeta on the Corp Board along with Dick Church, Mr. Alpha Zeta, who continues to be involved with Ron as an Emeritus Corp Board member. Jeff Perry presented a clock to Jim Weisbeck ’59 to recognize Jim’s time on the Corp Board and with the CALS Charitable Trust. We adjourned the meeting applauding the fine efforts of the actives doing good work in the community while working and growing in the name of scholarship and fellowship. Speaking of fellowship, we all enjoyed connecting with fellow alumni especially the stories of our more experienced alumni. Ron Ramsdan ‘57 spoke of driving with a visiting AZ Corp Board member to meet with Liberty Hyde Bailey on campus while Ron was a senior at Cornell. It’s hard for me to imagine these legends like Bailey shaping our history also interacted with Alpha Zeta. I truly enjoyed combing through the old composites with Will Porter and his son to search for pictures of Will while he was an active in AZ. Connecting with AZ traditions and AZ family - new and not-so-new - is truly like coming home. What a joy! Plan a trip back to Cornell next fall and join us! Kimberly Farrell Fleming ‘87 Alumni Board Member Cornell Homecoming Sept. 23-24, 2016 Interview with Tim Jenkins Tim is a member of our Spring ’14 Pledge Class and is our only member graduating this December. He will receive a Bachelor’s of Science for his degree in International Agricultural and Rural Development (IARD). Tim has been an integral part of AZ, not only by serving as our sergeant-at-arms but also by always fostering a sense of community in the House whether that is by making food for our hungry, less culinarily inclined members or making sure there was a thriving social life at the House. It is a bittersweet moment as we are sad to see Tim go but are so proud of him for graduating! Lauren Fessler: What is one of your favorite memories from Cornell? Jenkins: “ Tim Taking International Development class. It was really interesting. I enjoyed participating and felt like I could speak a lot in that class. And also going to office hours with professors and developing one-onone relationships with them. I was surprised by how approachable professors at Cornell are and that it I felt very equal while speaking with them and that I was able to share ideas and debate and discuss on casual and equal footing with professors knowing that some of those professors are the best in their field. ” L: What are your plans for after graduation? I am going to Costa Rica and “ T:Nicaragua to work in the coffee production industry there as part of a team of agronomists doing crop inspections, looking for diseases, soil testing, pest management, and mostly fungus management. I am really excited about that, it is very much the kind of work I hoped to get. Hopefully it will turn from an internship into a job. We will probably do some crop diversification working with large farmers and small farmers as well. ” L: What is one of your favorite things about AZ? it helps you meet people “ T:thatThat are in the same field as you and have the same interests. That was certainly one of the coolest things about coming here because back home no one understood why I was interested in plants and soil and all those sorts of things. Just having a Alpha Zeta Alumni News Save the date – Florida AZ Brothers and Sisters! The Florida AZ lunch is on February 3, 2016. More details to come. Lamont AZ Brothers and Family Farm Recognized - Dick Church shares this great photo of Roger ‘64 and George Lamont ‘57 in front of the new sign designating their farm as a Bicentennial Farm established in 1815 by Josias Lamont. The photo was taken at a celebration picnic on August 15, 2015 attended by approximately 200 family and friends. Congratulations to our AZ brothers and the entire Lamont family! AZ Alumni Still Traveling the World In his letter to “Family and Friends” on November 12, 2015, Mark Henderson ’04 wrote, “Greetings again from TimorLeste. Since the last email, Molly and I have settled into our new 4-year post quite well - bringing Micah to play groups on the beach, baking fresh bread, and mowing my lawn on the weekends. Timor gave us a warm welcome in our community, church and workplace (US/AID), and we’ve had a very good year. The biggest news for us is our new bundle of joy...Luke. He was born October 11th at 7lbs 7oz. Best contact for Mark is: [email protected]. community of people that are into the same thing as you are but who also introduce you to new ways and disciplines that you wouldn’t have thought of, especially meeting people from rural agricultural backgrounds because I wasn’t exposed to much of that before. ” L: What advice would you give to AZ members, other undergrads at Cornell, etc? advantage of being able “ T:to Take talk to your professors one on one. They’ll help you when you’re struggling they really will. Pick your friends that you really care about and don’t waste your time with the others. There are people who will enhance you and help you progress in life and there are others who won’t and you’re here only for a brief time. AZ helped me to do that, to find friends that actually respect and care for me and have interests similar to mine. Take a class that you don’t know a whole lot about and be surprised. I am now certified to impregnate a cow! I’m never going to, I don’t like cows but now I have an appreciation for that. Take care of yourself, pace yourself, and do your work in the daytime. ” AZ Alumni in the NY Farm Bureau News - Paul Foutz ‘95 was recently elected as the new District 5 Director on the NY Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Alex Wright ‘03 was elected as the Young Farmer and Rancher Chair. Congratulations to Paul and Alex in their newest leadership roles! L: Which of the “161 things to do at Cornell” have you not done but wish you had? climbed to the top of “ T:theI haven’t clock tower yet but I’ll probably do that Friday with my family. I also haven’t been to the museum at all or the Cornell cinema which is unfortunate but I’m definitely going to the clock tower and museum this weekend. ” L: Who in your life has inspired you? for one. My mom “ T:gotMyherparents, second degree in nursing, well actually probably both degrees, while working because those were the days when you just worked through school. She said that she never ate a meal that didn’t involve a steering wheel because she had to drive to school, drive to work, and drive back home and her only time to eat was in her car. Thinking about that helped to keep me going knowing I had a lot more convenience. She also was a good typist and everyone wrote their papers by hand so people would pay her to transcribe their essays, so I was like, “Wow, I guess I can write my essay then, if she could write her essay and type other people’s essays too.” My dad, because he is a wealth of knowledge and a prominent intellectual in his field. Peter Hobbs has inspired me as my advisor, my professors…you know here at Cornell you meet people who aren’t just here to get by they’re here to be the best at what they do. There are a lot of people here who are really Type A personalities doing a million things at once. ” L: What are you most looking forward to about graduating? Actually using the skills that I have “ T:learned and improving upon those because I’m more of a hands-on person than an arm chair intellectual. I’m really excited to be in the field and use what I have learned and I am excited to start teaching in whatever capacity that I can. And the thrill of traveling and seeing new things, improving my Spanish, and all that stuff. ” L: Thanks Tim! Lauren Fessler ‘17 Chancellor Updated Contact Information In Memory Dan Bouck ’65 can be reach at his new email address: [email protected] We are sad to report that William “Bill” Jolly ’64 passed away on August 4th due to natural causes at his home in Chesterfield, MA. John “Tony” Lyons ‘58 can now be reached at 3428 Mt Diablo Blvd, Suite 301, Lafayette, CA 94549, 925-2822830, and [email protected]. Cindy and Paul Gallagher updated their address. Send greetings to 7723 State Route 20, Waterville, NY 13480. Ken Wing ’58 writes that he has a new address. Ken is now at 10 North Trail, Brunswick, ME 04011 and [email protected]. Ted Hopkins ‘67 from Fillmore, NY passed away on November 21st, 2015. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of our departed brothers. AZ News CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Alumni Records Office Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta c/o Keegan Associates, Inc. 50 Clinton Ave. Cortland, NY 13045 OPTION FOR ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER: If interested in receiving an electronic newsletter rather than a mailed copy, please email Jeff at [email protected] and we will make that adjustment for the next newsletter. AZ News is published regularly by the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta for its friends and members. AZ Goes International As Alpha Zeta Cornell moves into 2016, it’s clear to our House that the forefront of agricultural and life sciences work takes place as much abroad as it does at home. Our only senior to graduate this December, Tim Jenkins, is returning to Latin America to work post-graduation. Fellow seniors Natasha Bartolotta, Amber Bornt, and Chad Crowley are also headed abroad this winter break; Natasha is off to Argentina, Amber is seeking post-graduation employment in France (while staying with Arnaud Louiset PC Fall ’14), and Chad will be working in the United Kingdom. Junior Anya Gandy is also headed off next semester, beginning her year abroad in Australia. By going abroad, our brothers and sisters will be gaining the tools and experience they need to be leaders in the world of agriculture, and when they return to our House, the perspective they bring will ensure that all members benefit from their opportunities. Chad Crowley ‘16 Outgoing Censor Can you identify this? We are updating our display case and trying to uncover stories for the treasures we have on hand. Please send stories via email to [email protected] or drop a note to Dani Harris, 214 Thurston Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850. Officers Undergraduate Officers Chancellor........................Lauren Fessler ’17 Censor................................Anthony Arce ‘18 Scribe...................................Emily Green ’18 Treasurer........................Chrishell Marble ‘18 Chronicler........... Felix Fernández-Penny ‘18 House Manager.............Mariah Goodwin ’18 Steward........................... Emaleigh Perry ‘18 Pledge Master................ Nicholas Culver ’16 Pledge Educator................ Emily Ardalan ‘17 Rush Chairs...................... Jessica White ‘16 .......................................Chrishell Marble ‘18 Social Chair.....................Victoria Houser ’17 Alumni Officers Corporation Board President......................... Jeffrey A. Perry ’89 Vice President............. Bonnie Muffoletto ’88 Secretary......Rebecca Tallmadge Ingram ’98 Treasurer............................Glenn Gabriel ’97 John Brouillette ’86 Chris Castellano ‘10 Kimberly Farrell Fleming ‘87 Rebecca Franklin-Guild ’92 Jess May ‘11 Advisors Timothy J. Oonk ’86 (Associate ’03) Cindy van Es (Associate ’08) Todd Schmit (Wisconsin Gamma ’90)
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