KRBC Family Gathering - Karl Road Baptist Church


KRBC Family Gathering - Karl Road Baptist Church
M a r c h 2016
Good Friday Service
7 p.m. March 25
at Karl Road baptist
If you are a follower of Jesus, but have never been baptized, we encourage you to consider baptism on Easter
Sunday, March 27 during our worship service.
What’s the significance of baptism?
• First, it’s a biblical command we need to obey.
Northland Community
Palm Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m.
March 20 at Karl Rd Christian
• Second, it’s a public profession of your faith in
Jesus and desire to follow Him.
• Third, it’s an outward symbol of an inner spiritual reality. Going under the water symbolizes that you
have died with Christ spiritually while coming up out
of the water symbolizes that you have been raised to
new spiritual life in Christ.
We ask individuals to come forward at the end of a
worship service during the closing song as a public indication of their desire to be baptized.
Saturday, March 19 10:00 a.m.
Volunteers Needed
The KRBC Easter Egg Hunt has been an effective way to
reach out to our community and share the true Easter story
of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There are children
who attend many of our tutoring and club programs whose
parents have not heard or understood that Jesus came to
die for their sins and ours. The event includes a pancake
breakfast, an Easter craft and a Gospel presentation. With
the faithful help of our congregation, we can once again
share the good News of Easter with our friends and neighbors. Help is needed to prepare and serve pancakes.
Those who are creative can help to make up craft kits, pass
out craft supplies and help visitors as needed. During the
rest of the program, volunteers are needed to put the eggs
out in the field. Those welcoming our guests are important, since they are the fist impression of our church. If
you can give your Saturday morning from 9 to noon on
March 19, please contact Beth Ash at 614.885.3929.
Your help is needed and appreciated.
If you wish to be baptized on Easter Sunday this
year, you will need to come forward any Sunday
through March 20. For more information, please
speak with or call Pastor Breusch at 614.885.3929.
KRBC Family Gathering
Sunday, March 6
9-10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
 All adult Bible classes will not meet so that we can
join together in the Fellowship Hall.
 Confirmation vote by members of the church on a
new Church Officer and two Ministry Team Leaders.
 Building a discipleship culture through a ROPES
triad experience.
 Updates on our student and worship ministries.
 Sharing reasons to celebrate!
 A great time of fellowship with wonderful
America for Christ Offering 2016
KRBC Goal: $2,500
Mar 6
Family Gathering in FH
9:00 a.m.
Mar 13
Parents Meeting of Youth going on
Kings Domain Mission Trip
in Youth Room
12:30 p.m.
Light Luncheon will be served.
Mar 13
Connection Community Luncheon in FH
Mar 19
Egg Hunt
Mar 20
Northland Community Palm Sunday
Evening Service at Karl Road Christian
6:00 p. m.
Mar 25
Good Friday Service
Mar 30
No Clubs
Apr 8
GEMS Dinner & Game Night in Chapel
Apr 15&16
Boys Shape N Race and Sleepover in FH
Apr 17
Worship Matters with Karen Burkhart
in Sanctuary & Youth Room
Apr 23
Women’s Retreat at Clintonville
Women’s Club 9 a.m.—3 p.m.
Jun 13-Jul 29
Summer Food Program
Jun 12-17
King’s Domain Youth Mission Trip
Jun 24-30
Columbus Engage Mission Week
College Park Church will be coming
from Huntington, IN to participate
Jesse Coles Memorial Day Camp
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Our American Baptist family has a profound heritage as a
compassionate, engaging and giving people responding to
the ever-changing needs of churches and communities in
the United States and Puerto Rico.
The theme for the America for Christ Offering 2016 is Discipleship: “Becoming More Like Christ” based on Ephesians
2:10, which states: For we are what he has made us, created
in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life (NRSV).
This Scripture asserts that everything offered by the Lord is
via God’s grace, God’s mercy and God’s love. In a marvelous
manifestation of God’s ability, we have been transformed to
produce good works. God is working out in our lives a tremendous exhibition of Christ’s wisdom, power, love, life,
character, peace and joy. God is teaching us, training us,
bringing us along, applying the paint in exactly the right
places, producing marvelous masterpieces to be put on
display—we, in fact, are God’s masterpieces. These virtues
are to result in good works: kindness, love, mercy, compassion, help to one another and meeting each other’s needs.
God has called you to good works. As you answer, you
become a vivid manifestation of the heart and hands of
Christ to serve the most vulnerable in our communities.
Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Executive Director, ABHMS
To give to this offering, please do one of the following:
1) America for Christ envelope available in the sanctuary or at
the Welcome Center OR
2) Include the offering on your tithe check and write America
for Christ on the memo with the amount you’d like to give.
Worship Matters
Sunday, April 17 at 12:00 p.m.
by Karen Burkhart
1 Corinthians 16:29 Give to the LORD the glory he
deserves! Bring your offering and come into his presence.
Worship the LORD in all his holy splendor.
at Valley Forge Elementary
Almost 20 volunteer tutors have enjoyed working with
third graders at Valley Forge Elementary this year.
Children who do not pass the reading test in third grade
must be held back, so it is an important task to support
their learning. There is a need for more tutors to join the
group on Thursday from 1:15 to 2:15. If you can give an
hour to read with a student, please sign the Connect Card
or call the church office at 614.885.3929. Either Beth Ash
or Aimee Worley will be in touch to give you the details.
I am excited to announce that we are holding our second
“Worship Matters’ event on Sunday, April 17 following
the Worship Service. Worship Matters is an opportunity
for artistic people who hope to one day use their gifts in
corporate worship to present their worship expressions
(singing, acting, reading, painting, dancing, producing
videos, etc.) before an encouraging small group of likehearted people. All ages are encouraged to participate
by preparing a 3-4 minute presentation. Lunch will be
provided. To register to attend, please email
[email protected] or call the church office
and speak to Carole Reynolds.
Exploring New Field - Yunnan, China
Journal by Emerson & Ivy W u February 12, 2016
We praise the Lord for His leading and provision, expanding
our service from the Macau people to the global Chinese
churches. The areas we will serve include Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China with the new ministry title –
Director of Global Chinese Training Ministry. We will work
with overseas partners and IM personnel to identify strategic locations to provide discipleship and pastoral training.
Building on our service experience in church and campus
ministries in Ohio and at the Macau Bible Institute, we will
help Christian training centers and Bible schools to run assessments and improve their curricula, libraries and faculty development. We will also serve as IM liaisons to partners in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and global Chinese
churches. Currently, we are focusing on the Yunnan Project in Yunnan province, China. In order to achieve the new ministry goal, we moved from Macau to Hong Kong as the mission base. We currently live at ABIM’s mission apartment in
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
January 21-27, we made our first field trip to Yunnan province to visit two minority tribe training centers: the Wa tribe
and Lahu tribe. We flew from Hong Kong to Kunming (its
capital), Yunnan. From there we traveled by car and airplane in order to visit the two training centers in different
county/city. During the seven-day trip, we spent about 4
days on the road, 2 days and nights in the Wa Training
Center and only three hours at the Lahu Training Center.
We were able to have open communication with all of them
in singing, discussing, dining and worshiping together.
Their resources in every aspect are very limited. For this reason, both centers asked for help materially (such as financial
support for the music instruments, hardware and literature, and teaching. Please join our prayers that the Lord will (1)
prepare the training teachers (from the States), (2) put all things in the proper setting for the entire team and (3) protect
everyone's health. Acclimatization is the most frequent problem we have while traveling from place to place. Thank you
for your consistent prayers which sustain and bless us.
Sympathy to:
Lola Powell on the death of her mother, Pearlie Mae Neal,
February 12, 2016 in Wilson, North Carolina.
Ginger Eggiman on the death of her nephew,
Gary Adkins, February 9, 2016.
Tim Leykauf on the death of his son, Nick’s wife,
Maggie Higgins Leykauf, January 24, 2016.
David and Laura Rau on the death of David’s mother,
Ada Rau, January 22, 2016.
Jasin and Kathy Jasinski on the death of Kathy’s mother,
Margaret Veith, January 14, 2016.
Laurie and I would like to thank our brothers and sisters
in Christ, on behalf of our son Nick and our family, for all
of the prayers, personal support, and many cards and
e-mails that have shown us Christ’s love first hand, as we
have been mourning the loss of our daughter-in-law,
Maggie. You have been a true blessing.
Tim E. Leykauf
Thank you for the delicious Christmas basket. It was very
thoughtful and appreciated. Also, thanks to Laurie Huston for bringing the basket to me and her visit. Thanks
to the Branches class for filling the baskets.
Betty M. Lee
Published Feb-Jun, Aug-Dec Volume 15 Issue #1
Deadline for Next April Issue March 10
We e kl y E v e n t s
9:00a Sunday School
10:15a Praise Prelude
10:30a Worship
5:00p Women’s Group
7:00p Westerville Group
7:00p Young Life/210
8:00a Work Team
9:15a BSF Leaders
5:00p ASC (ends March 8)
7:00p Homebuilders Group
(1st , 3rd)
7:00p RopeHolders
7:00p Al-anon/306
7:30p Worthington Group
6:15p Clubs
6:30p Choir, Sewing
8:00p Praise Team
9:15a BSF
1:15-2p Valley Forge Tutoring
6:00p Manney Group
6:30p Battalion
9:30a MDO