The ASTRONET Roadmap
The ASTRONET Roadmap
TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY The ASTRONET Roadmap: Strategic Planning for European Astronomy Pre-release version – confidential EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Insu CONFÉRENCE DE PRESSE L’Europe dévoile son plan à 20 ans pour l’astronomie 25 novembre 2008, 10 heures Académie des sciences, Palais de l’Institut, 23, quai de Conti, 75006 Paris - France Orateurs : - Jean Dercourt, Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie des sciences, Introduction. - Jean-Marie Hameury, coordinateur ASTRONET, directeur adjoint de l’Institut national des sciences de l'Univers du CNRS, Qu’est ce qu’ASTRONET ? - Johannes Andersen, Président du conseil ASTRONET, directeur du Nordic Optical Telescope à La Palma (Iles Canaries), Le rôle de la feuille de route d’ASTRONET. - Michael Bode, responsable du groupe de travail de la feuille de route d’ASTRONET, directeur de l’Institut de recherche en astrophysique de l’Université John Moores à Liverpool, La feuille de route d’ASTRONET. Contacts Presse CNRS l Claire Le Poulennec l T 01 44 96 49 88 l [email protected] Communication INSU l Philippe Chauvin l T 01 44 96 43 36 l [email protected] Insu COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE I PARIS I 25 NOVEMBRE 2008 L’Europe dévoile son plan à 20 ans pour l’astronomie Dans le paysage de l’astronomie mondiale, l’Europe joue un rôle de leader grâce à une coopération toujours plus efficace de sa communauté scientifique depuis 50 ans. Pour se maintenir au même niveau dans les prochaines décennies, elle doit se fixer des priorités et coordonner encore plus étroitement ses investissements financiers et humains. Cette tâche est revenue au réseau ASTRONET, soutenu par la Commission Européenne, coordonné par l’Institut national des sciences de l’univers du CNRS, et qui rassemble toute la communauté astronomique européenne. Aujourd’hui, ASTRONET présente sa Feuille de route des infrastrucutres pour assurer un avenir brillant à l’astronomie européenne de demain. L’Europe joue aujourd’hui un rôle de leader en astronomie, avec l’observatoire optique le plus puissant au monde et des infrastructures de pointe dans de nombreux domaines, de la radioastronomie au sol aux sondes spatiales. Dans ce contexte, les astronomes européens se sont réunis pour identifier les défis scientifiques de demain et les moyens en équipement pour y répondre, en optimisant les coûts. Ils démontrent ainsi la réalité de la coopération européenne. En 2007, ces astronomes avaient examiné les questions scientifiques les plus brûlantes du prochain quart de siècle, allant de l’énergie noire à la vie sur les autres planètes, et avaient ainsi élaboré une Vision scientifique à long terme. Ils présentent aujourd’hui leur Feuille de route des infrastructures européennes, un plan global à 20 ans pour coordonner les investissements nationaux et communautaires. La feuille de route hiérarchise les nouveaux grands équipements nécessaires à la recherche en astrophysique, au sol comme dans l’espace. Elle prend également en considération les infrastructures existantes, les ressources humaines, l’infrastructure TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication), la vulgarisation et la diffusion des connaissances auprès du grand public. Elle contient les coûts estimés de construction et de fonctionnement. Cette feuille de route a été élaborée sous l’égide du programme ASTRONET, créé par les grandes agences de financement européennes, bénéficiant du soutien de la commission européenne et coordonné par l’Institut national des sciences de l’Univers (INSU) du CNRS. Pour établir un consensus sur les priorités à donner au sein d’une communauté très diverse, la vision scientifique et la feuille de route ont été conçues grâce à une interaction de toute la communauté, à travers de grands colloques et débats sur Internet. Résultat : la feuille de route est soutenue par les astronomes des 28 États membres et associés de l’Union européenne, dont la population dépasse les 500 millions d’habitants. Plus de 60 experts, sélectionnés partout en Europe, ont contribué à la construction de la feuille de route d’ASTRONET, garantissant ainsi que l’astronomie européenne aura les outils nécessaires pour relever avec succès les défis de la vision scientifique. Ils ont identifié et hiérarchisé les nouvelles infrastructures Insu nécessaires pour observer l’Univers, dans le domaine des longueurs d’onde allant de la radio aux rayons gamma, en utilisant de nouveaux moyens d’étude du cosmos comme les ondes gravitationnelles, ou en allant plus loin dans l’exploration de notre système solaire. Au cours de cette procédure, ils ont pris en compte tous les éléments susceptibles de rendre leur entreprise scientifique fructueuse, tels que la coopération à l’échelle mondiale concernant les mégaprojets les plus importants ou encore les besoin de formation et de recrutement de jeunes scientifiques et ingénieurs qualifiés. Les projets les plus importants 1 pour ASTRONET sont : Parmi les projets à grande échelle au sol : - le European Extremly Large Telescope, de loin le plus grand télescope optique, doté d’un miroir segmenté pour étudier le ciel en lumière visible et infrarouge ; - le Square Kilometre Array, un grand radiotélescope qui sera déployé à l’échelle d’un continent. Le SKA serait porté par un consortium mondial. Parmi les instruments de premier plan, mais nécessitant un investissement moindre : - un télescope solaire européen de 4 mètres, qui sera basé dans les Iles Canaries ; - un réseau de télescopes optiques dédié aux rayons gamma émis par les trous noirs ou par d’autres sources très énergétiques ; - un télescope sous mer pour détecter les neutrinos – des particules sub-atomiques qui peuvent traverser la Terre de part en part et qui fournissent des informations sur certains des phénomènes les plus violents de l’Univers. Parmi les missions spatiales les plus importantes pour la prochaine décennie, les priorités d’ASTRONET sont : - une mission pour étudier les ondes gravitationnelles issues du Big bang et des trous noirs ; - une mission pour étudier, en rayons X, les galaxies, les amas de galaxies et les étoiles, plus finement que cela n’a jamais été fait auparavant ; - deux missions pour étudier les planètes Jupiter, Saturne et leurs satellites. Des projets spatiaux tout aussi importants, mais moins coûteux: - une mission pour percer les secrets de la matière sombre et de l’énergie noire ; - une mission pour comprendre notre étoile, le Soleil, plus en détail que cela n’a jamais été réalisé auparavant. Parmi les autres recommandations, les astronomes d’ASTRONET ont réfléchi à la façon d’utiliser au mieux les infrastructures existantes, tant du point de vue scientifique que des coûts. Ils ont également souligné la nécessité d’améliorer l’accès aux équipements informatiques et aux équipements de pointe de certains laboratoires. L’industrie de haute technologie européenne devrait être davantage impliquée dans la conception des futures infrastructures. En outre, la réussite dépend de l’existence et de la disponibilité des scientifiques et ingénieurs qualifiés, dans les nombreux domaines concernés allant de l’informatique à Il s’agit des projets figurant en tête de liste. L’intégralité de la feuille de route, ainsi qu’ un document de synthèse, sont disponibles sur le site Internet 1 Insu l’optique. Enfin, la feuille de route propose une série de mesures de vulgarisation, visant à susciter des vocations scientifiques et technologiques. L’Europe dépense aujourd’hui deux milliards d’euros environ, par an, pour l’astronomie au sens large. La mise en œuvre de la feuille de route d’ASTRONET nécessitera une augmentation des financements d’environ 20 pour cent du budget consacré aux très grandes infrastructures de recherche— largement moins d’un euro par an et par citoyen européen. Une coopération mondiale, en cours de planification, sera nécessaire pour les projets les plus importants. Informations complémentaires ASTRONET a tout d’abord élaboré une Vision Scientifique de l’astronomie européenne (publiée en octobre 2007), en passant en revue et en hiérarchisant, par ordre de priorité, les principales questions scientifiques que l’astronomie européenne devrait traiter au cours des 10 ou 20 prochaines années. La Feuille de route d’ASTRONET, qui s’appuie sur ce travail, a été élaborée par un groupe de travail nommé par le conseil d’ASTRONET. Les projets concernant des infrastructures existantes ou en projet – plus d’une centaine au total – ont été examinés par trois groupes de travail spécialisés composés de scientifiques européens. Deux autres groupes ont réfléchi sur les besoins concernant la théorie, l’informatique et la mise à disposition des données, ainsi que les ressources humaines, y compris l’éducation, le recrutement, la diffusion des connaissances auprès du grand public et l’engagement industriel. La feuille de route concerne des projets qui nécessitent un investissement européen de 10 millions d’euros ou plus, à décider à partir de 2009. Les critères d’évaluation utilisés sont le retour scientifique potentiel, l’originalité du projet, son importance pour l’Europe, le nombre d’astronomes qui en bénéficieraient et leur impact sur l’industrie de haute technologie européenne. La communauté scientifique a été sollicitée pour finaliser ce rapport, à travers un forum de discussions sur Internet et le symposium de Liverpool, en juin 2008. A propos d’ASTRONET: Le document de synthèse et l’intégralité de la feuille de route sont disponibles sur ce site, ainsi que des images à télécharger The European Extremely Large Telescope : Vidéos du E-ELT : Images du E-ELT : Animations du radiotélescope Square Kilometre Array : Animation ExoMars : Insu Contacts Michael Bode l Responsable du groupe de travail de la feuille de route d’ASTRONET, directeur de l’Institut de recherche en astrophysique de l’Université John Moores à Liverpool, l Bureau +44 151 231 2920/2919 Portable +44 7968 422312 l [email protected] Johannes Andersen l Président du conseil ASTRONET, directeur du Nordic Optical Telescope à La Palma l +45 353 25934 l [email protected] Jean-Marie Hameury l Coordinateur ASTRONET, Directeur adjoint de l’Institut national des sciences de l’Univers du CNRS l T +33 1 44 96 43 77 l [email protected] Presse CNRS l Claire Le Poulennec l T +33 1 44 96 49 88 l [email protected] Communication INSU l Philippe Chauvin l T +33 1 44 96 43 36 l [email protected] ASTRONET: Towards a Strategic Plan for European Astronomy Jean-Marie Hameury Directeur adjoint de l’Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers du CNRS Coordinator of Astronet What is Astronet ? ERA-NET, funded by EU FP6 – Consortium of funding agencies – Comprehensive view of European astronomy – Development of a common global strategy for European astronomy Contractors/associates/forum members: – About 30 participants from ~ 20 countries – Almost all European countries in which astronomy is present, but a few exceptions (Belgium, Ireland, Portugal Activities 2005-2009 1. Agree on a common Science Vision for the next 20 years (published September 2007) 2. Establish a Roadmap of Infrastructures to match the Science Vision (official release: today) 3. Implemention Phase: the tough part… 4. Launch a common call for proposals 5. Networking: new participants; Report on the Management of European Astronomy Science Vision Key Questions A: Do we understand the extremes of the Universe? B: How do galaxies form and evolve? C: What is the origin and evolution of stars and planetary systems? D: How do we fit in? Developed in sufficient detail to allow identification of generic capabilities needed to deliver the Vision WP leader: T. de Zeeuw (Leiden) “A Grand Vision for Astronomy” Symposium in Poitiers (January 2007) Published 28 September 2007 Available as a PDF file at: The Role of the ASTRONET Roadmap J. Andersen Director, Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma & ASTRONET Board Chair ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation J. Andersen Paris, November 25, 2008 Needs in 2010-2025 for European Astronomy: New: SKA E-ELT But also: VLT, Paranal ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation - and people! J. Andersen ORM, La Palma Paris, November 25, 2008 Who Pays for European Astronomy? National & local governments (~99%): z Membership of European organisations (ESO, ESA…) z National & bi/multilateral projects (CFHT, IRAM, LBT…) z National & European supercomputers and networks z National & local research institutes and universities z Training the people we all need EU+ (~1%): ASTRONET, OPTICON, design studies… ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation J. Andersen Paris, November 25, 2008 Who Else Plans the Future of European Astronomy? z National strategic plans (not all countries have them) - Astronomy is international; coordination needed z ESA/ESO long-range plans - Limited to own investments; only part of the picture z ESFRI Roadmap (by national representatives) - Only few, very largest projects (omits space, particles) - No priorities, schedule; no overall view of each field z OECD Global Science Forum - Global aspects only; needs common European position ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation J. Andersen Paris, November 25, 2008 The Role ASTRONET of the Roadmap: To give funding agencies a comprehensive, science-based plan for all of astronomy: z Coordinated investments in new, large/global facilities z Cover all wavelengths, ground & space, astroparticles… z Consider balance between new & existing facilities z Include archiving, theory, computing, networks… z Include education, recruitment, outreach, spinoffs z Estimate costs honestly(!); include operations, staff.. z Propose realistic project and investment schedules ► Prepare rational, coordinated funding decisions ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation J. Andersen Paris, November 25, 2008 A Tough Task? A euphemism! z Scientific priorities must be set (Science Vision!) z Financial limitations become painfully clear z Compromises must be made by the community z Many dreams suffer early, brutal death, but… - we all understand that it makes sense, and - we do not have the option of not doing our best z Roadmap in hand, we will work with ESFRI, GSF… z Then it is up to governments and agencies to act! ASTRONET Roadmap Presentation J. Andersen Paris, November 25, 2008 The ASTRONET Roadmap Professor Michael Bode Liverpool John Moores University, UK Roadmap Task Leader What it Aims to do Provide a realistic plan for the facilities and general infrastructure needed to address the big questions posed in the Science Vision, e.g.: ! Is there life elsewhere? ! How did galaxies, stars and planets come to be? ! How do the most violent explosions in the Universe actually work? ! What is the nature of Dark Energy and Dark Matter? And enhance European education and industry How We Worked ! ! ! ! Over 60 experts in a Working Group and 5 Panels 3 Panels reviewed over 100 facilities Another concentrated on theory, computing, and data archiving The fifth covered human resources, including education, recruitment, public outreach and industrial involvement 40 meetings plus Liverpool Symposium Conclusions: Future Large Ground-Based Projects ! European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) ! Square Kilometre Array (SKA - radio telescope) Phased Plan to deliver both projects Ground-Based Medium Scale ! ! European Solar Telescope KM3Net (underwater neutrino telescope) ! Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA - Cosmic gamma rays) Plus Small Scale: Wide-Field Spectrograph (Dark Energy) ! Large Scale Space Missions ! XEUS/IXO (Advanced X-ray observatory) and LISA (Gravitational Waves) ! TandEM or LAPLACE (giant planets) ! ExoMars Medium Scale Space Missions ! Gaia (Milky Way mapping - Science Exploitation) ! EUCLID (Dark Energy) ! Cross-Scale, PLATO, Simbol-X, SPICA (range of science objectives) ! Solar Orbiter Marco Polo (Asteroid Rendezvous) ! Existing Observational Facilities ! Recommended prolongation of the most successful space missions ! Ground-based telescope reviews Lab Astrophysics; Theory, Computing, Virtual Observatory ! Pan-European (Virtual) Astrophysical Software Lab ! ! Further Development of the European Virtual Observatory Enhanced Laboratory Astrophysics Wider Impact ! ! ! Improvements in communication to the public ! Measures to enhance science and technology education ! Enhanced scientific exploitation of results Greater interaction with European industry Provision of adequate numbers of highly skilled people Conclusions ! To implement the full recommendations for this fundamental science will require a budget increase of around 20% ! The Roadmap will then enable Europe to take the lead in addressing some of the major scientific questions of our time ! It will also enhance the scientific and technical capability of Europe at all levels ! And enable us to work effectively with our wider international partners on some of the largest-scale, global projects over the next two decades TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY The ASTRONET Roadmap: Strategic Planning for European Astronomy Pre-release version – confidential EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background: The Global Scientific Context This is a golden era for astronomy. The past few years have brought a number of epochal discoveries, from the detection of the first planets orbiting other stars, to the accelerating Universe dominated by enigmatic dark energy. Europe is at the forefront in all areas of contemporary astronomy and the challenge now is to consolidate and strengthen this position for the future. In a world of ever-fiercer global competition, European astronomy has reached its current position by learning to cooperate on both a bi- and a multilateral basis, and especially through the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the European Space Agency (ESA). However, the scientists and research programmes in universities and research organisations at the national level remain the backbone of European astronomy. The scientific challenges of the future will require a comprehensive long-term strategy and the coordination of financial and human resources, underpinned by vibrant, national scientific and technological communities across the whole of Europe. This approach is also needed if Europe is to be a strong and effective partner in the largest, global projects. ASTRONET, supported as an ERA-Net by the European Commission, was created by the major European funding agencies and research organisations to prepare long-term scientific and investment plans for European astronomy for the next 10–20 years. The present Infrastructure Roadmap represents the core of this effort and is unique in the history of European astronomy. Firstly, it considers the whole of astronomy: from gamma-ray to radio wavelengths as well as particles, from the ground and in space, and from the distant borders of the Universe to in situ exploration of Solar System bodies, and includes theory, computing and laboratory studies. Secondly, it involves all of Europe, including the new EU member states, and explicitly includes the human resources that are crucial to the delivery of the scientific outcome. We know that astronomy interests people of all ages; as well as expanding their horizons, it can encourage younger people to consider careers in science or technology. Astronomy also drives high technology in areas such as optics and informatics. These are all powerful reasons to support European astronomy. As this report shows, astronomy is also a fully international science whose communities welcome the establishment of the European Research Area. Hubble and Chandra composite of the galaxy cluster MACS J0025.4-1222, showing the hot, diffuse gas trapped in the cluster’s powerful gravitational field. Credit: NASA, ESA, CXC, M. Bradac (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), and S. Allen (Stanford University, USA) 2 TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY Science-Driven Prioritisation Scientific planning must be based on scientific goals. Accordingly, this process began with the development of a Science Vision for European Astronomy, published in October 2007. It reviewed and prioritised the main scientific questions that European astronomy should address over the next 10–20 years under four broad headings: • Do we understand the extremes of the Universe? How do galaxies form and evolve? •What is the origin and evolution of stars and planets? • How do we fit in? The Working Group and Panels were mindful of existing national and international strategic plans, including those of ESFRI, ESO and ESA. They also considered the global context, including the plans of our major international partners. Close contact was maintained with the infrastructure networks OPTICON, RadioNet, EuroPlaNet and ILIAS and the ERA-Net ASPERA. The Working Group has sole responsibility for the final report. • In doing so, the Science Vision identified the types of research infrastructure that would be needed to answer the key questions under each heading, but did not address specific projects. The present Infrastructure Roadmap builds on the Science Vision. It aims to develop a matching set of priorities for the material and human resources needed to reach these goals, and a plan for phasing the corresponding investments so that the bulk of the Science Vision goals can be reached within realistic budgets. It extends the ESFRI Roadmap by analysing and comparing the flagship projects in all areas of astronomy in technical and financial detail, and by addressing directly the hard facts of the implementation phase. Three aspects of the Roadmap are notable. Firstly, it emphasises the need to include the entire electromagnetic spectrum — and beyond — in the study of most cosmic phenomena, from young stars and planets to supermassive black holes in the distant Universe. Secondly, the priorities of proposed new space missions were reviewed independently by the ASTRONET and ESA Cosmic Vision panels. Although they were prepared by different groups of scientists, the conclusions were very similar. Thirdly, the Roadmap identifies a number of gaps, for which technological solutions are needed, as well as inconsistencies in current policies. It points to the lack of consistency between the resources devoted to major projects and their scientific exploitation, and to the need to coordinate space projects with the matching ground-based efforts that are needed to secure the full scientific returns from the investment. The ASTRONET Roadmap was developed primarily on scientific grounds by a Working Group appointed by the ASTRONET Board. Existing and proposed infrastructure projects across astronomy — well over 100 in all — were reviewed by three specialist panels of top-ranking European scientists. Two other panels considered the concomitant needs for theory, computing and data archiving, and human resources including education, recruitment, public outreach and industrial involvement. Overall, over 60 European scientists were directly involved in this effort. Feedback from the community was invited through both a web-based forum and a large symposium held in June 2008. The panels worked by assessing projects requiring new funds of €10 million or more from European sources and on which spending decisions are required after 2008. They examined each project for its potential scientific impact, its uniqueness, its level of European input, the size of the astronomical community that would benefit from it, and its relevance to advancing European high-technology industry. Artist’s impression of the the extrasolar planet HD 189733b. Credit: ESA/Hubble/M. Kornmesser 3 Financial and Human Resources A useful roadmap must include realistic estimates of costs, technological readiness and available resources. Independent advice as well as information provided by the projects have been used to assess their cost and maturity, but the reliability of these data varies from project to project. For future space missions in particular, projects have been changing and merging either internally or with other projects internationally while this report was being prepared. Resource estimates, and also scientific capabilities given here should be regarded as a snapshot of the current situation, based on the best information available to date. Known or estimated costs for operations are included throughout. More surprisingly, the available information on present financial and human resources for European astronomy is itself fragmentary and inconsistent, especially when national universities, projects, and bi- or multilateral collaborations are to be included in addition to ESO, ESA and national funding agencies. The demarcation between astronomy and other natural sciences such as physics, chemistry or biology is another source of uncertainty. A breakdown of resources into astronomical disciplines such as cosmology or exoplanet research is not possible, and substantial effort will be required to achieve it. This report can give only approximate totals, but they do represent the best pan-European information available today. In the following, ground-based and space-based projects are considered separately, as the funding sources and project selection procedures for them are often separate. The recommendations are, however, based on the overall scientific perspectives described in the Science Vision. Artist’s impression of the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) during observations. In the background the centre of the Milky Way is just rising above the enclosure of the telescope. Credit: ESO/H. Zodet 4 TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY Ground-Based Projects Among the ground-based infrastructure projects, two emerged as clear top priorities due to their potential for fundamental breakthroughs in a very wide range of scientific fields, from the Solar and other planetary systems to cosmology: European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), a 40-m-class optical-infrared telescope being developed by ESO as a European or European-led project. A decision on construction, based on a detailed design and cost estimate, is planned for 2010. • T he European Solar Telescope (EST), an advanced 4-m solar telescope to be built in the Canary Islands. The EST will enable breakthroughs in our understanding of the solar magnetic field and its relations with the heliosphere and the Earth; when ready, it will replace the existing national solar telescopes in the Canary Islands. •The •The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a huge radio telescope being developed by a global consortium with an intended European share of 33-40 per cent. The SKA will be developed in three phases of increasing size, scientific power, and cost. Construction of Phase 1 could be decided in 2012, followed by first science and a decision on Phase 2 around 2016, and with Phase 3 envisaged after 2020. It was concluded that although the E-ELT and SKA are very ambitious projects requiring large human and financial resources, they can both be delivered via an appropriately phased plan. Three other projects were considered scientifically outstanding in areas with European leadership, but in narrower fields and with lower budgets than the E-ELT and SKA. These have been grouped together in a separate list which comprises, in descending order of priority: •The Cerenkov Telescope Array (CTA), an array of optical telescopes to detect high energy gamma rays from black holes and other extreme phenomena in the Universe. Building on existing successful European experiments, the CTA — the first true observatory at such energies — is expected to bring about a breakthrough in our understanding of the origin and production of high energy gamma rays. •The proposed underwater neutrino detector, KM3NeT, was also considered of great scientific potential, but ranked lower than the CTA because of the more proven astrophysical discovery capability of the latter. A smaller project, but again of high priority, is a wide-field spectrograph for massive surveys with 8–10-m telescopes. A Working Group is to be appointed by ASTRONET to study this in detail. Finally, the report identifies a need to incorporate and support laboratory astrophysics — including the curation of Solar System material returned by space missions — more systematically than now. Artist’s view of the central element of the Square Kilometre Array. The phased elements will be able to observe the whole sky and study multiple objects simultaneously with independent beams. Surrounding the central elements is a widely distributed array of antenna dishes providing added sensitivity and resolution. Credit: SKA 5 Space Missions Although important national and multinational space projects are being developed outside the ESA structure and the Roadmap also encourages the continued development of fast-track smaller missions, ESA’s strategic planning, most recently the Cosmic Vision exercise, dominates the development of major scientific space missions in Europe. Regardless of scientific merit, only a couple of new L-class (Large scale) and a very few M-class (Medium scale) missions are likely to be selected or implemented in the next decade within the Cosmic Vision plan; mission proposals are currently undergoing major changes and transformations before the final selection is made. Their overall impact depends on maintaining a strong science programme at ESA. The Roadmap Working Group and Panels independently agreed with ESA’s initial selection of Cosmic Vision missions. All the proposed missions were judged to be of high scientific value. The final choice of missions by the standard ESA review and down-selection procedures, which track changes in mission scope and cost and possible mergers with, or replacement by, other European or international projects, is therefore broadly supported. Within this framework, our priorities, including some non-ESA missions, are as follows: •Among the large-scale missions, the gravitational-wave observatory LISA and the X-ray observatory XEUS/IXO were ranked together at the top. Next were the TANDEM and LAPLACE missions to the planets Saturn and Jupiter and their satellites. One is likely to be selected late in 2008 and will then compete with IXO or LISA for the next L-slot. ExoMars was ranked highly as well, but below TANDEM/LAPLACE and does not compete with the others as it belongs to a different programme (Aurora). The longer-term missions Darwin (search for life on “other Earths”), FIRI (formation and evolution of planets, stars and galaxies), and PHOIBOS (very close-up study of the solar atmosphere) were also deemed very important but still require lengthy technological development. It was regarded as premature to assign a detailed priority ranking to these three missions at this stage. •A mong the medium-scale missions, science analysis and exploitation for the astrometric mission Gaia was ranked highest, followed by the dark energy mission EUCLID and then Solar Orbiter. Next, with equal rank but different maturity, are Cross-Scale (magnetosphere), Simbol-X (a non-ESA X-ray project), PLATO (exoplanet transits) and SPICA (far-infrared observatory). Below these in priority is Marco Polo (near-Earth asteroid sample return). Left: ESA’s Gaia spacecraft: artist’s impression. Right: The young, star-forming Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The colours show the locations of the many massive, hot young stars and the heated and ionised regions they have carved out of their natal gas cloud. Credit: ESO/ J. Alves, B. Vandame, Y. Bialetski, R. Fosbury Credit: ESA 6 TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY 7 The Role of Existing Facilities The role of existing and approved facilities is also considered in the Roadmap. In space, several current missions are so successful that an extension of their operational lifetimes beyond those already approved is richly justified on scientific grounds. In a constrained environment, the selection of the missions that can be extended within available funds should be based on the scientific productivity of the mission and, for ESA-supported missions, the overall balance in the ESA programme. On the ground, the existing set of small to medium-size optical telescopes is a heterogeneous mix of national and common instruments, equipped and operated without overall coordination. This is inefficient and is an impediment to effective ground-based support for space missions. ASTRONET has appointed a committee to review the future role, organisation and funding of the European 2–4-m optical telescopes within the context of the Roadmap, to report by September 2009. Reviews of Europe’s existing mm-submm and radio telescopes will be undertaken shortly after, followed later by a review focusing on the optimum exploitation of our access to 8–10-m optical telescopes as we enter the era of the E-ELT. Together, these reviews will enable Europe to establish a coherent, cost-effective complement of mid-size facilities. The four 8-m telescopes of the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT), on Cerro Paranal in Chile. Credit: ESO/H. H. Heyer 8 TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY Theory, Computing and Data Archiving The development of theory and computing capacity must go hand-in-hand with that of observational facilities. Systematic archiving of properly calibrated observational data in standardised, internationally recognised formats will preserve precious information obtained with public funds for future use by other researchers. It will also create a Virtual Observatory that enables new kinds of multi- wavelength science and presents new challenges to the way that results of theoretical models are presented and compared with real data. The Roadmap proposes that a European Astrophysical Software Laboratory, a centre without walls, be created to promote and coordinate this development, along with a number of other initiatives. Education, Recruitment and Outreach In the end, the deployment of skilled humans determines what scientific facilities can be built and operated, as well as the scientific returns that are derived from them. Conversely, astronomy is a proven and effective vehicle for attracting young people into scientific and technical careers, for the benefit of society as a whole. The Roadmap identifies several initiatives to stimulate European scientific literacy and provide our science with the human resources it needs for a healthy future. Schoolchildren observing the Sun Credit: Kevin Govender 9 Technology Development Technological readiness, along with funding, is a significant limiting factor for many of the proposed projects, in space or on the ground. Key areas for development are identified in each case. Maintaining a vigorous technological R&D programme to prepare for the future, in concert with industry to ensure technology transfer, is an important priority across all areas of the Roadmap. 1/6 scale model of the main optical subsystem of the James Webb Space Telescope undergoing functional tests. Europe is making substantial contributions to this project, including important parts of the advanced instrumentation. Credit: Ball Aerospace, NASA, ESA and CSA 10 TOWARDS A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY Conclusion and Perspectives for the Future The Roadmap can be fairly represented as a community-based comprehensive plan that addresses the great majority of the Science Vision goals while maintaining and strengthening the role of Europe in global astronomy within realistic budget limitations. In order to implement it in a timely manner, given the stiff international competition, a modest budget increase over the next decade will be required. However, the coherent plan proposed here will make for a very cost-effective investment for Europe. Moreover, such a plan, with its overview and awareness of the global context, will also be a strong asset in negotiating international partnerships for the largest projects. “Plans become useless, but planning is essential!” The context for the Roadmap kept evolving while it was being developed, and will continue to do so. ASTRONET, in concert with ESFRI, will monitor progress on implementing the proposals of the Roadmap over the next 2–3 years, whether small or large in financial terms. The entire European astronomical community awaits the outcome with keen anticipation. We foresee that a fully updated Roadmap will be needed on a timescale of 5–10 years. Whether the Science Vision then needs to be updated as well, will depend on scientific and financial developments on the international scene in the meantime. The final version of the present Roadmap will become available at Artist’s view of the brightest gamma-ray burst ever observed. The detailed observations obtained for this event have provided a wealth of information on how massive stars explode and interact with their environment. Credit: ESO and Guido Chincarini, Stefano Covino, Cristiano Guidorzi, University of Miliano Bicocca and INAF-Brera, Italy. Illustration by Luis Calçada 11 Designed and produced by ESO September 2008