The Art of Tipping - Geraldine Campbell
The Art of Tipping - Geraldine Campbell
Strate The Art of Tippirg. How much to tip, and when?What's standardin America might be taboo inJapan.Find the answerswith T+L'l grrideto gratuitiesaround the world. 82 GERALDINECAMPBELL Ilknratud b1tGIJY BILLOUT O strcrtegiesI travel solutions IPPIN G C ON U N D R U M S are everywhere. Shouldyou tip the valet when you drop offyour car andwhen you pick it up? If the serviceis atrocious,is ffi #*ffi dt l rfi ryw ffi& w;' w Whetherto glvedally depends on the slzeof your hoteland the country you're In (see page146 for more).But g.nerally speaklng,at a small property where the same person llk6ly servicesyour room for your full stay, leavea gratuity beforeyou check out. "The standardls a thank-you note,wlth a tlp for eachday of your sta%" says Emma Stroud, executlve housekeeperat 41,In London,which has 28 roomsand whose housekeepers earnl5 to 20 percent of thelr Incomefrom tlps. At largerpropertles,the person maklng your bed on a Wednesdaymlght not do it on Thursday.Accordingto Scott Geraghty,generalmanagerof the 229-room St. ReglsIn New York Clty, "You're better off leavlnga daily tip." It you aren't aroundwhenhousekeeplngarrives, placethe approprlateamount(typically 53 to S5 a day in the U.s.) in I clearly markedcnvelope. -MARIO LOPEZ'COROERO 2008 | r nr y!Lr x commodated special requests, give a bit more. Tips are often slightly higher in the U.K. and Eastern Europe, where it's appropriate to leave between 10 and 15 included in a restaurant bill? Hotels percent. The same is true for much of the have started to add an iB to 20 percent Middle East. In some Asian countries, charge to room-service bills; do you still need to tip the person who delivers tipping the server is a no-no. InJapan, where gratuities in general are rare, it's your meal? perceived as rude and in bad taste. And it was illegal in China into the 1980's, answers are relatively straightforward. though the practice is becoming accept- The rule for valet parking, regardless able in the more Westernized tourist of where you are, is to tip only when you pick up your car (valet tips are destinations, as well as in Hong Kong. keen on getting white-glove treatment for your vehicle, go ahead and tip As for room service, that nonoptional 1B to 20 percent charge may or may not go to the room-service attendant, depending on the hotel. Some establish- up front. ments divide the fee among the servers Other gratuity issuesare cloudier. In American restaurants, the majority and the kitchen staff. Others funnel the money straight to management-in par- of customers are now tipping 20 percent versus the former standard of l5 ticular when it's labeled "service charge" rather than "gratuity." If you want to be a stickler, call the front desk to find out the hotel's policy. An easier option is just generally pooled, anyway). If you're percent, according to Peter Post, director of the Emily Post Institute (and great-grandsonof the famous etiquette to ask the meal server-or experQ and author of EssentialManners over a bit ofcash. for Men. He says the change is primarily due to convenience: Doing the math with 20 percent is easier, especially after that glass of dessert wine (most sources suggest calculating on the pretax amount)- Post emphasizes that din- simplv hand And don't forget the porter. Some sources suggest$5 as the minimum tip for a bellman. This may come as a surprise to people used to doling out $1 per bag, but gratuity inflation is a fact for today's traveler. A little less money, ers should always leave something, even if the soup ended up in someone'slap, dant who helps with your bags or a cab. because tips typically make up the majority of a server's income. "There's a Ultimately, says Post, "when a service has been rendered that makes you feel contract between you and the restau- like someone has really made an effort, rant" that implies you will subsidize the it's worth rewarding their attentiveness." waiters'earnings, he says."You could also be penalizing the waiter when the He aiso stressesabiding by the standards of the country you're in, not the nationality of your hotel-so before you go any- problem was with the busboy." Instead of denying a tip, Post recommends asking to see the manager to express your unhappiness. fited from unwitting American largesse, s g P T E IvIB E R check, or leaving some pocket change on the table, is the norm. If a server has ac- countries is a gratuity automatically Many European servers have bene- 144 vice is compris,einbegrffin, incluso,incluido. No 20 percent here: rounding up the it okay to stiff the waiter? In which For some of these questions, the SHO ULD ITIP HO U SE K E E P ING EVERY DAY? because on much of the Continent, ser- DL!r sur E.cor r though, can be handed to a lobby atten- where , do some research to figure out your gratuity strategy ahead of time (start with the chart on page 146). And remember: Always have a bit of local currency in your pocket. >> strctegiesI travel solutions S T+1, S TIPFII\GGI]IDELINE W w 15o/o-2Oo/o 1o0/o-150/o 10o/o (often of pre-tax in Mexico; included usually bill. included inBrazil). inthe Caribbean (if not, 1Oo/o-2Oo/o). 145 srp f E MB E R 2008 I r r AvELANDLr r sunE. lf service 51per included, dri nk. an extra 5% is optional; 5o/o-1Oo/o otherwise. S1-S2per drink,or 1O-15o/o ol tab, 1Oo/o-15o/oinSl per Caribbean; d r i n k ; 100/o looloin often included Mexico. in Brazil, ) 5-)ZU dependi ng on c ompl exi ty of servi ce provi ded. )Z-)5 In Mexi co; 5o/o-1Oo/o oI bi l l i n the C ari bbean. 2o/o-5o/o ol bi i l . 55, or 51-52 per bag. S 1-S 2per bag. 51per bag. S2-53per per S1-52 S1-S2per bag. Tip not expected. q2-(? Variesby Sl-S2a day. a S1-S2 Tipnot r {a \/ aYnaafad Tip not expected. WHENSH OULD I TIP TH ECO NCIE RGE ? A conciergedoesn'texpect you to slip him an Andrew Jacksonjust for bookinga dinnerreservationor performlngother routinetasksprintingyour boardingpass, calllnga car to take you to the airport."Thereare guests who tip generouslyand those who neveropentheir wallets," says OllvlerGemayel,a conciergeat H6tel Fouquet's BarriAreIn Parls;he claims neitherapproachhas any consequentlaleftect,"l've been handed58OOfor holdlnga door openand receiveda slmple smilefor arranglngprlvate jet transportation,"he says. "There'sno loglcto it." Still, a tip is often warranted,dependingon the locale.A good rule: lf you use the concierge frequently,tip around$5 a day at checkout,and glvethe same55 amountfor a onetime service.And keepin mind the relativedifficulty of a request;offer S2O(or more) if you seeka minor miraclelike front-row tickets to Eguus or a last-minutetableat the FrenchLaundry.-u.r-. for 5o/o-1Oo/o 10o/o-15o/o,N ot ip i n Usually Japan; top-notch included; if if not included. smalltips not, in partsof otherwise, 5o/o-15o/o. China; 1Oolo not expecreo. i n I nd i ai,f n o to n b i l l . )r-)5 a oay. A U pto 55, depending or'l0o/oof on bi l l . complexity of service. bag. day. day. bag. Variesby region, from nothingto s m al l change. Tip not expected. l n I nd i a , Ti pn o t per expected. S1-S2 request; at l e a stS5a t Iu x ury h o t el si n Southeast A s i a. from nothingto 55 a day. 15o/o-2Oo/o In Mexico, smal l change;i n C ari bbean, 1Oo/o-15o/o. \oo/o-2oo/o 1oo/o-15o/o 1Oo/o-2Oo/o 1Oo/o-15o/o R o u n du p fare, Roundup fare. Variesby region, from no tip to 1Oo/o. No tip or roundup; inJapan, no tip. 1Oo/o-15o/o lOo/o-15o/o Not common, b u t1 0 %15o/o at upscale sp a s . lOo/o-15o/o Tip not at upscale expected. sp a s. 1Oo/o-15o/o Variesby 1Oo/o'15o/o lQo/o region, from nothingto <c per S1-SZ Item . 51 S mal l change. 52-53per rtem. S mal l changeto sl . * Tiosareincluded at all-inclusive resorts. c o!r ahando Tip not ' ex pec ted. arncafcal