21st May 2015 - Chelsea Primary School Blog
21st May 2015 - Chelsea Primary School Blog
Chelsea Primary School 21st May, 2015 Dates to Remember: May 22nd District Cross Country Numeracy Open Day 2pm– 3pm in classrooms Chelsea Primary School Newsletter Issue: 2015-14 News from the Principal Congratulations to the Chelsea Charms I am very proud of the teachers and students who participated for the first time in the school Aerobics competition at the Geelong Arena last Saturday morning. The students were excellent representatives of the school and were placed 12th out of 19 entries in their section. I would like to thank Ms Nicky Smith and Mrs Rachel Lawson for spending many lunchtimes and early mornings training the team. Thanks also to the many parents and staff members who supported the team. 26th Bunjil Gould league excursion Prep Information Evening 6pm 28th Birralee Wetlands excursion 29th FOC meeting 9.15am staffroom Road Safety Last Thursday at the Kingston Principal Network meeting I spent some time speaking to Ken Jones, Principal of Bonbeach PS. In recent weeks at his school there have been two near misses where students under the supervision of their parents have crossed the road without using the school crossing. Lately, many in our school community are choosing to ignore the school rules and not use the three school crossings; on Fowler Street, Argyle Avenue and Glenola Road. As parents you are role models not only for your own children but for any children in our community. When you choose not to use the crossing for the sake of walking a few extra metres, you are sending a dangerous message to the students of Chelsea PS. The VicRoads website provides this advice: Rules for pedestrians Pedestrians are not allowed to: cross the road if they are facing an amber or red traffic or pedestrian light Principal: Michelle Liddle Assistant Principal: Jan Smith Enquiries: School Office 9773 2055 Argyle Ave Chelsea 3196 Web: www.chelseaps.vic.edu.au Melways Reference 97 C2 cross the road within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing - they must use the crossing get out of a moving vehicle cross a railway level crossing when it is not allowed cause a traffic hazard by moving into the path of a driver walk along, or fail to give way when crossing, a path which is for bicycles and wheeled devices (a path showing a 'Bicycle lane' sign). If you cross the road at the roundabout at the corner of Argyle and Fowler you are breaking the law. The double gates on the Glenola Road boundary of the school are locked to encourage pedestrians to use the pedestrian gate and school crossing on Glenola Road to access the car park. Many parents and students ignore this and climb over the fence. It takes 30 seconds more to walk to the crossing. Please use the pedestrian gates to enter and exit the school grounds. Enrolments for 2016 About this time every year I start to plan for the new year. It seems such a long way off, but as our school continues to grow, I need plenty of time to employ teaching staff and organise teaching spaces and furniture. This is even more important this year as I may need to arrange for additional classrooms to be delivered. Today, the projected enrolment for 2016 is 290 students, based on the children currently in the school as well as the new preps who have already been enrolled. That is some pretty amazing growth from 173 students in 2010! I know there are some families who have been meaning to enrol their child but just keep forgetting. Would you please let us know as soon as possible. Even if you already have children in other grades, you need to complete an enrolment form. Teachers and Staff have enjoyed delicious sweets and cakes at the Biggest Morning Tea this morning. If you would like to support the Cancer Council, please make a donation in a box at the office. READING UPDATE Congratulations to our newest reading champions at Chelsea! As of this morning the following students have now met the challenge-Congratulations to preps-Cale, Daniel, Desmond, Ethan, Evelyn, Kaiden, Kobi, Lena, Liam, Magdalena, Mitchell, Nevah, Olive, Olivia, Pearl, Quentyn, Quinn, Ryder, Sienna, Alana, Alexa, Andrew, Cooper, Jack, Jackson, Jasmine, Kayden, Keira, Matthew, Riosin, Steven, Tahlia and William and in year 1/2Franciszka, Kaiya and Lilly and Year 3/4- Alexander, Stjepan and Caeley. Already 25% of our students have completed the challenge! Don’t forget to visit the book swap boxes outside the office for more reading inspiration! This week’s recommended titles are- Our Scholastic reading display has raised over $1200. Each grade area has targeted a range of books to add to their level’s library. Thank you to Danni and Miss Jacqui for their organisation and Mikaylah and Sarah for providing fabulous story time sessions each day. The students loved them! HEADLICE Head lice will be a problem from time to time at Chelsea Primary School and it is important to work together as a school community to minimise the frustration caused by the problem. Over the next two weeks our school nurses will check students’ hair and notify families if head lice are discovered. Information pamphlets about treatment and controlling head lice are available from the school office or the link below. http://docs.health.vic.gov.au/docs/doc/088E58959DDC091ACA2579B800202AFA/$FILE/ headlicepam.pdf We thank you for supporting us to minimise these pesky critters! WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Remember that this Friday 22 May is Walk to School Day! We would love to see as many students, parents and teachers walking to school. It’s a great way to improve fitness, have a chat, keep our environment clean and prevent traffic congestion around our busy streets. Even if you can only walk part of the way ‘that’s OK’. Our student leaders will be at the gates with stickers and prizes for our ‘walkers’. See the competition link below for families to access. http://www.walk.com.au/wstsd/competition.asp CHELSEA CHARMS SHOWCASE THEIR TALENT IN GEELONG! Last Saturday our inaugural Aerobics Team competed in the Annual Schools Aerobic Competition in Geelong. After a long wait the ‘Charms’ performed a fabulous routine to the tune of C'est la Vie. With smiles flashing, leg kicks, grape vines and push ups the girls represented Chelsea with great enthusiasm. Special thanks to head coach Miss Smith for her vision and Mrs Lawson, Mrs Middleton and our fabulous parents for their amazing support! Go Charms! Jan Smith Assistant Principal Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund is provided by the Victorian Government to ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the outdoors; excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are part of a healthy curriculum. The Department of Education and Training (the Department) administers the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. (taken from DET CSEF Policy April 2015) If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for this benefit. This allowance is paid directly to the school for the benefit of your child. Please contact the schools office for a CSEF application form or download the form from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef. This form needs to be returned to the school office by 26th June 2015. CSEF eligibility is subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on the first day of either term 2 or three. The amount payable for a primary student is $125. This is an annual payment and will be paid to the school in term 3. Chelsea Primary School will use this funding as payment towards school camps or swimming programs. If you have any questions please come and see me at the office. Jacqueline Russell Business Manager to Wunna Zander for sweeping the gazebo this morning. 2015 Korea Festival on 23rd May,This Saturday There will be demonstrations and performances of Korean culture, including Guk-Ak (Korean traditional music), a K-pop contest and TaeKwonDo plus information stalls about Korea tourism and Korean food stalls at the Korea Festival. Enjoy Korean food and experience traditional and modern Korean culture at Fed Square this Saturday. MEDIA LEADERS School Aerobics Team This year Miss Smith started our school’s first Schoolaerobics team. On Saturday Miss Smith and her team of 10 went to Geelong to compete in the state championships. Schoolaerobics is the largest inter-school Sportaerobic competition for Primary and Secondary School Students throughout Australia. The aim of school aerobics is to provide Infants, Primary & Secondary School Students, and those beyond with an avenue to improve their fitness, confidence, health and selfesteem through participation in a healthy and fun competition. If we can teach Australian kids that exercise, fitness, team spirit, self-pride and fun should be a way of life, then we will be mighty proud. Our Events gave them the opportunity to start such healthy practices at a young age! This is what a few of our girls had to say: “I liked seeing the other schools competition and going on stage. I like everything.” Tommi “I liked seeing the different schools costumes and going on stage.” Scarlett “I liked going on stage.” Maddy “I liked performing on stage.” Maya “I liked it when we were about to go on stage and also at the end when we bowed.” Abby R FREE TAI CHI CLASS Mention this ad for a free TAI CHI class either Monday 2pm OR Wednesday 11am Instructor is a dual gold medallist! Call the office to book a place 977208588 Patterson Lakes Community Centre Normal cost $10 casual or $40 for 5 classes The new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment Books are available now! The Entertainment Book contains hundreds of valuable ‘up to 50% off’ and ‘2-for-1’ offers from many of the best restaurants, arts, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! The books are sold at Chelsea Primary School again this year. We receive $13 from every Membership sold. Order forms have been sent home and more can be found at the school office. If you have any enquiries, please contact Ledam (Sasha from 3/4S) on 0410 934 621. Thanks for your support! SUBWAY LUNCHES Envelopes are distributed every Thursday for the following week’s lunch orders and can also be collected from the office at other times. Orders must be returned to the office’s silver money box no later than Wednesday morning. Please ensure that your child’s name, class and selections are clearly printed on the envelopes. Please insert the correct amount of cash and seal the envelope. No change will be given. If the order is not legible or the money is incorrect, your child will miss out on lunch. The DET does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DET.
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