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mm. BHVHMIMMPMMBVBHP ••••••piiiapi •••••• mvj* ;.. 1¾. .. %.wj: - , i ? *'v' -. • WEATHER rhursctoy, June 23 TrWay. June 24 Saturday, .June 25 sUHriay, June 2t5 tfimaay, June 27 Tuesday. j l m o 2« Vedpesday, June 29 QUOTE Min. Max. Preclp; ..,.53 79 0.00 .. 78 O.00 61 ....,...63 trace 62 0.(10 87 .61 t>.<Kl 0.00 . , . , . . . . 6 3 83 0.4-1 88, .,..,,,.59 "A realist is one who reads bitter lessons from the past. A cynic is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future." • —Sydney Harris. / Olfe HUNDRED-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 3 12 Pages This Week Plus <H'af;e Supplement CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE .SO, 1977 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 P E R YEAR -**£- School Millage Vote Bate Set for Aug. 15 Jhe annual meeting of the Chclea; Board of Education will be eld July 11, 8 p.m., in the Chelea High school board room. Durig the course of the meeting, the pard will decide^ on the mlilage mpunt to be requested in the oig. 15 special election, the date ecently approved by the'county's Ieqtion scheduling' committee, AJso oh the agenda is orgapizaidnj of the board for the 1077-78 ch^ol year, including the election f officers; days, time, and place or ; board, meetings; appointment of a school attorney; approval of depository for schol district funds; approval of the use of signature plates on checks for payroll, general fund, debt retirement fund and building and site fund; authorization of: business manager to invest funds; authorization of business ; manager to participate in co-operative buying. . The appointment of a committee or committees, to review the attendance policy and the discipline policy will be a final item of consideration. Fireworks Display Set For July 4 Special Board (of Education Meat: ing Monday, Jime 27 was ,called to ! order at 7 p.m. "by Robert Daniels,-vice-president of the board, to • conduct interviews for the position of high school principal.- • Present: Daniels, Sc.hafer, Hodgson, Haselschwardt, Feeney, Tobin: Stirling and trustee-elect Eati Hel^ ler, Superintendent Cameron and a' few guests. Absent: None. Once again, Herbert J/ McKiine also be available to quench all Post 31 of the American Legion manner of thirsts. will host Chelsea's annua! Inde- The Legion will be serving dinpendence Day Celebration, begin- ners-until the very last-chicken is ning with a chicken barbecue at devoured. noon Monday, July 4 at the Chel- Beginning at 7 p,m.V an Ice Nancy Schaye was interviewed sea Fairgrounds, and continuing Cream Social will spotlight j:he from 7.to 8i p.m.; Carlos Fldridp' on into the evening with a fire- event, with plenty of cafce and ice from 8 to 9 p.m.; and, Richurd works display., Cream in stock to sweeten the celeSweet from; '9 : to . 10 p.m, Legion grilling pits will roast bration. , , a total of 2,000 chicken halves, a Then, for those still Craving.exMotion by Schafer supported by, 500 increase over last year's 1.500 citement after their hunger' has Stirling to hold a special board ;sell-out. Box lunches containing been satiated, more than' $1,700 meeting at 7 .p.m., June 30, to In/ addition to assisting with a transport gasoline, but firemen re- decide on. a hew •high' school pvirt half a chicken, cole slaw, rolls and worth of fireworks'will*color the chips will be available for $2.75. skies' at dusk. The Kiwahis Club ouse fire in Dexter last Friday, port the cause of the fire has not cipal. All ayes. .'.._,''. Dining facilities will be provided been established. V is sharing in the cost of fireworks'. helsea firemen were called out KIWANJS KIDDIES < P ^ N M Christine Me' • ; the sun. Several youthful onlookers "line up to join in .the Chelsea Fairgrounds Service On Monday, June 27, another Supervising the barbecue pits fight several minor fi^es in the A work session oh the 1977-78 Center, or the lunches may be alarm at about 1:30 p.m. sent firewill be Chef Jim Gaken'v/hile John Laughlln, daughter of .Mr^a^£;|Wrs. David Mcthe fun and witness the efforts of their peers. Atcai area as two cars and a stack budget will'be held July'6 at 8 ordered to take out if a picnic men to the Lane St. and WellingPopovich will organize and direct Laugblin of Butternut.Ct., ic^r^s^t hit with a wet together, more than 30 chilc'ren participated in the. hay were engulfed in flames p.m. in the board room. seems in order. Beverages will ton St. area where some hay and the 4th of July celebration. uring the past week. bean bag during the Chelsea Klwmiis Club's annual, affair at Pierce Park Monday evening. straw.stored in a. barn had caught Chelsea firemen joined counter* fire. Damages were minor as fire- Howard Haselschwardt adminis- Kiddies Picnic. Target of her pitc| was the face in tered :the oath of. Office to Earl *rts from Dexter and Ann Arbor men put out the flames Heller and James Stirling. whship to put out the blaze Nwhich using quickly three fire trucks. Upon inged through the home of Man- vestigation, found a fire- Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p'.m. 1 ^Taulbee of Peters Rd., Dexter, Cracker had firemen set off the blaze. ' mfe 24, leaving the frame strucWrapping up the firefighting acre a charred and gutted shell. tion for the week, Chelsea firemen ;injuries' were reported in the responded to a call Tuesday, June e^ which began when a panful of z8, at 8:30 a.m. The call took them oking grease overheated. to Old US-12 west of Pierce Rd. Members of UAW Local 985, who UAW Local 985, the settlement inThe following' day, at approxi- where they battled a second car had been on strike against Chel- creases average hourly 'pay of $3.25 Conrad M. Hafner, former $reavj for the automotive industry in Ventely 9; a.m. Satui^ay morning, fire which had started in'the car's sea's Industrial Plastics Special- by 50 cents the first year, 45 cents manager of assembly and^rri|nu«' ezuela. elsea firemen raced to the scene engine area and,had then spread ties Co. (IPSCO) since June 13, the second year, and 5Q. cents the facturing at Chelsea's Danir p$n^§ For the past four years; Hafner a car fire on Scio Church Rd. to the. passenger compartment* nearly unanimously ratified an ini- third year, counting cost-of-living hPeckins Rd. There they pro- Using. t,wo fire trucks,, firemen /'Firecrackers are strictly illeg- has been named vice-presideht 6£ has been plant manager of the .• ";> tial three-year contract last Thurs- increases. dded to douse the flames from brought the flames under control. al,'' Chelsea Police Chief George operations foj" C 'A. Danavei*; ati. Spicer Clutch Division of Dana-in Pension, holiday, and other fringe day before returning to work, Mon- benefits were also improved, urhihg car. Though the car was In that fire, damages were se- Meranuck began in'discussing his affiliate of the; Dana CorppraE^on.; Auburn, Ind, Prior to,that, he spent acday, June 27, to end the dispute cording to Chrisman. ..',.. . ; • alty demolished by the blaze, vere, but no injuries were report- department's latest crackdown pol- The appointment, 'effectivei^Une 1; •16 years at Chelsea's Dana- plant. which had focused on economic is- IPSCO, located on Cleveland St.", injuries resulted from, the itijs- ed. Cause of the blaze is still un- icy on persons caught with .fire- was announced by R. D.'MoHlSon. sHe holds a bachelor's degree in insues. Some 102 IPSCO workers had is an affiliate of Trim Trends, Inc., president of the Spicer Axle ^ v i .cockers.. '"If anyone is apprehenddustrial design from the University p> The car was being used to der investigation. ed-•setting'/'off firecrackers, ' thfe sion of. Dana, Fort Wayhe^fhd.', been affected by the strike. !of Michigan and is currently inof Clawson, a 10-year-old firm •W77-^--. : : : • . . . . . j. .*,*.£$' According to Robert Chrisman, Master Degree Ha'fner's new^i; assjgnmeji't'^.jh- volved in Dana's which supplies trim parts to the y *vife&ft'. , union committee, chairman with auto industry. • ,•:'•• . ^,>, >(Mm ;rie spon^bllig tfwM'MptjjJL *.rdg*am,,' ^/:s. i ..^^'^.-.^--'--— -: ' /:.""'." ' ' .-•>—<"^.'' '' '»"*''Y'** ^'''"*' ''"V.V-M i ' : .,'.,.., , .-.1.. »...ftfri^ v i W e ^ ^ l ' - i wife^^R<j§aUeVv'afld. A. Danaven and Spicer de Ven- their three children will be relocatne$d for parents to realize that C. ezuela. He w,ill report diriectly tp ing in Valencia, Venezuela shortly firecrackers are > illegal and for Chedo Eterovic, of C. A. alfter Hafner completes an orientaparents not to condone the use of Danaven. These president facilities manu- tion and language program in firecrackers by their children.' {,; facture axles and universal joints Washington, D.C. In. addition to the danger of personal injury which may result frM, Chelsea Aquatic Club fought a with Chelsea ahead by only an from a .miscalculated toss of a termined battle Saturday, June 18-point lead after the swimming firecracker, Chief Meranuck cited a and as a result came from be- events. Chelsea divers then per- thrown firecracker as the suspectAn old-fashioned auction and • All area artists are invited to id to defeat Dolphin Swim Club formed admirably, according to ed cause of at least one fire in craft demonstrations, in addition join Severn and Whitney in this Ann Arbor, 286-252, in its open- Coach Larry Reed, and lengthened the Chelsea area. to retail bargains, will highlight year's Sidewalk Festival: However, meet of the summer. ^the lead to the final 34 points. He also stated the police departthe 4th annual Chelsea Sidewalk only hand-made items will be acThe meet was close all the way Those who swam or dove their ment had received several calls Festival, Aug. 5-6. The festival is cepted. way to a first-place ribbon were: from area residents who had misa combination of the Chelsea Mer- Rules for exhibition are as fol8 and unders—Karen Hawks, Paula taken the sound of firecrackers for chants' annual Sidewalk Sales and lows: 1—Exhibits will be displayCONRAD W. HAFNER Youth' Baseball, sponsored by the nipping the Braves, 11-10; the Reds Colombo, Amy Oxner, Sharon Co- pistol shots. an outdoor art fair. ed .from 8:30 a.m. to .8:30 p.m. Chelsea Recreation Department, getting by the Yankees, 3-2; and lombo, Cheryl Martin, Cathy HoffThe auction will be held Friday Friday, Aug. 5, and from 8:30 made its summer debut last week the Giants sliding past the Twins, man and John Cattell; 9 and 10— night, Aug. 5 and, will feature a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. with five teams in Pony League 6-4. .Shelly Boham, Melanie Gunn, Marmany valuable items donated by 6. 2—An entry fee of $10 for,the and nine teams in Little League Other Little League scores were gie Rawson, Jennifer Cattell and Chelsea merchants. two days will be charged.. 3r-Artseeing action. T-Ball season also the Reds over the Royals, 16-5; the Hoffman; 11 and 12—Kristin Among the craftsmen who will ists and craftsmen will be assignOnly two tennis classes for John slipped into gear with openers in Pirates over the Blue Jays, 12-8; Thomas, Kirk Hawks, Dave Nicola, demonstrate their talents are Peter ed a 10-foot space. 4—Tables, ungsters 14 to 17 years of Age Sean that league scheduled throughout and the Dodgers over the Royals, Oxner and Ted Merkel; 13 Severn, a scientific glass blower easles and waterproof coverings 1 be offered through the Chelsea and 14—John Robbins, Todd Oxthe current week. : 16-5. employed by the University of are the responsibility of the exhibcreation Department this sum- ner, Scott Prohaska and Phil Hoff* * 4 After a seven-day period of acMichigan's Chemical and Metallur- itor. 5—Artists are encouraged to tion in the two older leagues, the LEAGUE STANDINGS Chelsea police are warning west gical Engineering Department who be present to discuss and demonhe classes, to be taught, by man; • 15 through' 18—pqtty Hume, The Babe Ruth League Pirates Pony Royals, LL Reds and the L'L As of June 25 Cathy Voita, Sue Anthony and Nanside residents to take precautions creates objects of art from glass strate their craft, and displays irry Schreiner, will- be conducted won two more games by downing Dodgers remain unbeaten and unPONY LEAGUE cy Hastings. against possible petty theft in the when time allows and • the spirit should be limited to three media Thursday only, with beginners Manchester No. 1, 7-3, on June 21, tied. W Others who placed second, third wake of four stolen purse reports moves him; and Earl Whitney, forms. leduled to play :at 2:30 p.m. and returning Friday, June 24, to Pony League play was launched Royals .2 or fourth and scored points for received by the police department who travels nation-wide to collect The Sidewalk Festival is juried d intermediates to play : at 3 waste Manchester No. 2, 20-5, on with a minimum of contests as the Giants .1 rocks which he then polishes, so samples of art must be preChelsea were: Craig Shina.ults, Kim the Manchester diamond. during the past six weeks. m. •'• ."' \ .1 Yankees Pirates massacred the Braves, 18In all cases, the purses had :arves and cuts into gem stones. sented to the Chelsea Jury Com»•!•»•»»< Classes' will begin \ today, June Degener, , Rick Bohamj Terry The Pirate record is now 4-0 on 8, .1 and the Yankees shut out the Pirates. been left unattended in the homer His work has been shown in many mittee at 110 or 118 S.. Main St. »»*••*» on the Chelsea High school ten- Karns, Danny Reason, Kevin Co- the season. .0 Giants, 9-0. Games on Tuesday, Braves (Continued on page three) or on.the porches of the victims, states. courts and will icorrtmue for lombo, Amy Hume, Kathy Degener, In the first game, the Pirates June 21, and Thursday, June 23, most of whom reside in the ChandK weeks. A $5 fee wiill be charg- Danny Degener, Susie'Gunn, Me- attacked behind the one-hit pitchLITTLE LEAGUE ler St. and Wilkinson St. area. fOr the six lessons,'payable up- lissa Lazarz, Doug Pichlik, Eric ing of Dan Alber'and some solid proved to be tighter, however, as, Police believe a juvenile who reregistration at the. first class Pichlik, Greg Ackley, and Henri hitting by Al Augustine, who blast- the Giants felled the Pirates, 12-8; W L the Royals overpowered the Bravos 0 Vanderwaard. sides in the area is responsible eeting. : . Reds 2 ed out two doubles, to roll to a 3-3; and the Braves returned to 0 for the thefts. Classes will only be held if a Chelsea's next meet will be third consecutive win. Dodgers •' 2 0 Two stolen purses were reported fficient- number of youngsters Saturday, at Lakeview Swim Club Dan McGill, Bob McAllisfer .inc' trim the Yankees, 7-4. Pirates 1 0 to police within a 12-hour period Inversely, Little League games Giants oiv interest. of' Ypsilanti. \.... 1 (Continued on page thiPC) 1 Wednesday, June 22. were hotly contested all week with Braves 1 1 the Pirates and the Giants- playing Yankees The first occured at approxi1 2 to a 6-6 tie; the Dodgers edging the Blue Jays mately 9:45 a.m. when a wes: 0 2 Bine Jays, 5-4; the Braves drop- Twins side resident discovered her parsr 0 9 was missing from a room inside ping the Twins, 6-3; the Yankees Royals 0 her home. Although no money had been in the purse, the purse and its contents had an estimate,' $23 value. Recovery has not beer made. In the second incident, a purse was stolen from the 700 bloci of S. Main St. between 9:45 p.m and 10 p.m. when the nvvnor lef it on her p^rch to go for. a shon A crowd of high-spirited children their children in the program at ride with friends. Upon'her re will prowl their way through a eilhor of the two sites throughout turn, she found the purse miss:ng scavenger hunt tomorrow, July I, July. The registration fee is $2 The purse, which contained $12 at North and South Elementary per child. has since been recovered by po schools as part of • the Chelsea Children in the playground pro- lice but the money is still mis Recreation, Department's summer gram participate regularly in a sing. playground program. In what police suspect is a ,-c variety of organized games and Parents may continue to register sports, arts and crafls activities lafed incident a few weeks ago another west side resident report and supervised play. Special activ- ed that .someone apparently enter ity days, such as Friday's scaven- cd her home, to>l< money out 0 ger hunt and an upcoming bike her purse and left, The other con rodeo, arc scheduled at intervals tents of her purse were left i*i tact. Because of the Independence Day throughout the program. holiday, Monday, July 4, the Stand- North school playground is su- Gary Larson Earns ard will have early deadlines for pervised by Calhy Rybka and Vic Steinbach, while Leslie Clark, Dave the July 7 issue. Niccwicz and Rosalie Wotiln .su- MA Decree at WMV "EDUCATOR OF YKAR": Dr. Gorton Rcithmiller, former All display copy must be in The pervise the playground al South Gary R. Larson of 325 W. Mid president ANYTHING GOES: With a swivel and toss of line (right), are part of the 35-membor cast for of the State Board of Education, has been named Eduef:hip, ''Bonnie," the gangsters' girlfriend In Cole "Anything Goes." The play, which takes place en- Slandard office by 5 p.m. Friday, school, die St., was one of nearly 380 cator of the Year by the Wayne State University Chapter of Phi ^ri^r's "Anything Goes'," beckons the dancing tirely on shipboard, is being produced' by The Chel- July 1, and news items must be The current playground program students who received master's Delta Kappa, a professional education society. Dr. Reithmlller, of submitted by noon on Saturday, will continue daily, Monday through specialist's degrees from Western ilftw during a rehearsal of the musical Monday sea Players as part of their summer theatre pro- July Fnton Rapids, was a member of the State Board of Education 2. Thfc office will be closed Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, through Mchigan University, Kalamazoo, M i & f r Sylvan tpwnshlp Hall. "Bonnie," played gram. Glna Dascenzo Is directing the production Monday, July 4. from 1969-1978, serving as Its president from 1973-74. A former July 29. However, there will be at the university's recent second ^|fljjfe.yo0», and the sailors, played by Dennis which will be staged July 28-30 In the Llttft Red president of Olivet College, Dr. Reithmlller now serves as a special Late-breaking news and classi- no organized playground activities semester commencement exercises. !Wi"M^,'Wft)».^M> tyartW (Second from left), building at th6 Chelsea Community Fairgrounds. assistant to State Superintendent of Public Instruction John W. fied ads will be accepted until 1 on July 4 because of the independ- Larson was awarded a Master of m.pttfW Ottond frqm rigjit) mid Nell CockerPorter, Arts degree. p.m. Tuesday, July 5. ence Day holiday. ' ;• i . ':.,,'.. ' •• • ; ,•"•.: net To ervise Police Warn Against Using Firecrackers IPSCO Workers Gain First Contract t J 1 * i r . . - . .'•" , • . • . • ' • ' ' : . - .,• Police Warn Against Wave Of Petty Thefts Babe Ruth Pirates Down Manchester •'.•'.' t • • * t ' Scavenger Hunt Slated On Playgrounds Friday Need Early Copi/ For Next Week ^^£^/-^--^ £2)ife&A&&: -Aili'i'i'. Mi-^M iiiiiiiMifi!!!!!,^^^^^^ i : ' • Chelsea Sidewalk Festival Set Aug. 5-^ Youth Baseball Play Debuts for Summer unioY Tennis ass Sessions m Be Offered , vnjmmmmmmm '• I A n+m + wm**^4em^*mm»w+»**» '• S i T h e Chelsea Standard, Thursday, Juiie 30, 1977 ^ — ^ » « ^ W I WIP^IB Established Ill W . I M I W ^ — I arri I i II W W M ^ W « W W ^ ! W > » W P » W W W /art i ££• i IIMWIII % v m ipi»n»<'^^^*<i,'*'#'»** l #''^^'>'*'*^ l ^*^'^^ , ^r i »^'<i m*• •»——tW^^y^M Telephone ™i\ >rW„ By Warreri' M, Hoyt, Secretary, JWicldrtaa Pro's* Ajsso'cmm ! n «71 « ©tje (Hijdparpmmwci, •< ^mi Excellence Award' By Michigan Press Association "\l•s t- \>:,< ^11951-19^-196^.1954-1965-^6,^1 ^ ',-»•.> •' Walter P. Leonard, 'Editor arid Publisher ''" program. RSVP is recruiting Retired Volunteers to assist in delivery of the tubes. Questions regarding VIP-2 m*y be addressed to t h e Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Comment and the RSVP are assisting mission at 994-2575. the Parks Commission in sponsoring this program. T h e Sheriff's Vou may receive supplemental Department has informed all res- security income and own a "home cue personnel in the county of the of any value. f*1- Vital Information Program ;:?n£.rr%!;Sbonsoried JB$ ParfeClpinm. sWashtenaw County Parks and Recreation: Commission is sponsorThe agent gays no ho plans no ted the plates, insisted Ms;' Sharp Dally Lottery Lurches Along ing; a new program for senior citneeded saving and went back inLady Luck has not been en- more predictions. ' izens that will benefit all cpunty Published every Thursday morning at 300 North Main tirely ort the state's side as it be- Numbers betting has been ille- to church to pray for her. 'residents.' Enticed vital informaMoney from the so-called "vanits first fling With a daily gal in Michigan for a century. Street)' Chelsea, Mich: ^118, and second class postage paid gins, tion Program for Very Important ity plates"~-which totals about lottery, at .Chelsea, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879, Vanity Plates Win Attention $3OO,OCO-$400,o6O a year—goes to Persons or VIP-2, the program is On its first day, the numbers designed to provide medical and game drew $296,000 in bets, net- There are about 13,000 people in clean up roadside litter. emergency information to ting $222,000 for the state gener- this state "vain" and gutsy enough Other appropo plates includeA-A- Other those who find an elderly Subscription Rates (Payable In Advance) to spend $25 for license plates that A-G-H, belonging to a Birmingham person ill ormight al fund. injured. of reldoctor, AHCHOO for a Franklin atives, doctors and Names In Michigan: Outside Michigan:' The next day, the people were say something. typas of One Year $6.00 ' One Year ..$8.50 lucky and collected $25,947 more And for many of them, a lot doctor, and UNWED for a St. scribed medication for each prepargets said back by passing motor- Clair Shores bachelor. Six.-Month's , $3.60 ',' Six Months $4.50 from the state than they bet. ticipating senior citizen will be listSingle Copies *4 -20 - Single Copies $ .25 "Ofie of the exciting aspects of ists. ed on a standardized form, placed i . » , . , ; , : ; " " , " rT^''-v'T-:^v./:;;ES&ajsawi~ ,, . ' . rr^-V'-'vi v%..vn'i:,;ini:;;awaaauta3t ta»fBTffl-i the game is that on certain days, Jack Waters of Birmingham, for Water Kates Wrangle irt a plastic tube and secured to the MEMBER National Advertising Representative; the customers will beat us/' said example, gets lots of V for Vlcr A bill that has won h o u s e inside of the elderly person's resigns because his plates rea<| approval, would give ttetrolt subW J& J W J I i L MICHIGAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. state Ldttefy Commissioner Gus tory Consequently, neighGO BLUE. But Dennis Burns of urbs a bigger voice in how thefrigerator. Harrison after his bad luck. FWWPAmPEFi ' 25*7 Michigan Ave. bors and rescue personnel are able c mmi M~mni~n The tmm (tit the state's Lansing, an Ohio State University Detroit Water Department is run. td obtain this critical information E a s t L a n s l n g Mich> A%m loss was that more people picked alumnus, gets other nbt-so-bonte tt also would require an annual in emergency situations. Association * Founded 1888 the winning numbers than the gestures for his GO BUCS plates. audit of the giant system; which Introduced in Monroe county by J w ^ '«•*» <£*•* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^••^*^rnap.^.4y^»»<y»«^.^i'^*«"^ Niwj^ state had statistically planned on. Ginger sharp of L a n s i n g provides water to not only the v^fc^»-«- ^ y ^ - y ^ y * ^ - ^ * ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ •*"*" nut VM LOST on her plates and city of Detroit but 39 other com- the Sheriff's Department, this inA Lansing lottery agent had preformation program has been endicted the winning number~-137-- has found lots of unsought advice munities ^as well. thusiastically received by hundreds on teiev/sion that day, and appar- on how to get to anywhere. One Th6 measure Is sponsored by a, O f senior citizens. Richard Marsh, woman coming out of chruch spot- Redford laWrnaker, John Behhe the ently people seteed on it. program's founder, explained who's tried to win approval for that refrigerators are used "bemultimuUiilitiHiiiUiitiiiUiUUUHiMiUtiiilhUiiiMitU^ such measure before, but unsuc- cause they 1 are fireproof and eascessfully; ily accessible." What they've decided to do now B e s i d e s the audits, the bill the procedure to distribute the DEAR MISTER ERITOR: would expand the Board of Water VIP-2 tubes will be as follows: 1) I see where this feller has'of- is less for more. The latest study | Items ffikttt hom the flies .of Hie Chelsea Standard Commissioners — which basically Letters of explanation with VIP fered to install a system in the of the mails by a commission set Si"MOiiiiii<<HH(M^niirii*»liinill*riHlHtMiii(iiiMS)iitMiilHiniiiiiiiliiiiiii(tiiii(l.iiitiiiiil(ii*iiiiiciiiiitiiiiiiiii sets rake hikes—from seven to nine forms attached will be available White House that will move ' air up by Congress decided Saturday ening of the street are' added fea- members, with four elected from at all Senior Citizeh centers in the instead of condition it. He is a mail is "extravagant," and 13 tures of the street improvement, the suburbs. Suburbs buy water county. Other plactes where they engineer, and he says he Will do cent to send a letter is too cheap. So what they're going to do is one of the major projects of the from the city at rates the board Will be available are WashtehaW the job free. , He says he wants Thursday, July & i9?3cut out Saturday delivery and 1963 village road program. sets but have complained thoy do County Parks and Recreation, 2355 to use the White House as a naRobert ft. Aeiilo is one of three raise first class to 15 cent, This not Have true representation on W. Stadium, Ann Arbor; Local pubtional example to show you can Washtenaw County Sheriff Departpattern means we'll pay more and the board. lic libraries; and local police and cool a house without refrigerating more fer less and less. In the ment officers to be promoted ta * • « Some Detroit lawmakers say the sheriff stations. If a group of Sen. it. What he wants is a system of bargain, the Guverrtment will fer- the rank of sergeant. Aeiilo, 39, bill would just harrass the city. ior Citizens wOuld like to have the fans that circulate air in place of git that the postal system was assumed the new rank Monday. Thursday, July % iftfaThey were able to tag on a line forms distributed at their meeting the automatic air conditioning and set up to be a Federal public Local Jaycee Walt Brown, "of IS Janst Widmayerj daughter of Mr. that would force the state to pay they should Contact Parks and Recheating. He says he could save service, and it was no more in- chestnut Dr., .was elected one of ahd Mrs. Harold Widmayer, is one for the annual audits and require reation or the Washtenaw County a lot of money and a lot of energy. tended to ifiake money than is the the outstanding national directors Of a group of 13 boys and girls suburbs to audit their own opera- Sheriff Crime Prevention DepartMister Editor, the poor devil Army or the Department of Agri- at the National Jayeees convention from Washtenaw county who are ment, 971-8400 ext. 84, to set up a ain't got a chanct. Any time any- culture. - ' held in Minneapolis, Mmn., this attending Michigan 4-H Club Week tions, too. 2) When someone completes body, comes up with a< idee that last w,eek-end. Water rates have boon steadily adate. at Michigan State College thia form, she or he Will call the would save the Guvernment mon- The fellers at the country store Spokesmen from Lima township week. rising in the Detroit area, and Wdshtenaw Parks and Recey ^people in the Guvernment fig- Satuday night discussed shrinkirig joined counterparts from Wayne With the 2nd Infantry Division some angrjr suburbs are wondering reation officeCounty to make an appointger there's somepun wrong with mail service, strict Ed Doolittie was county, Detroit and Ray township, in Korea, Army M-Sgt. William D. if it might not be because the ment for installation of the tube it. LQok at the post office. The of a mind that the GUvehimefit June 25, in arguing that changes Schrader, son of Mr. and Mrs.system is improperly run. and form. idee was to saye money by in- wants private rrtailers to take' shduld be made in Huron-CIihtdri Walter Schrader, 1250 Wilkinson It provides .water ror about 40 3) Volunteers from the Washtecreasing efficiency by putting the over. Ed had .saw where a court-' (ttCMA) enabling legislation. They St., was recently awarded the .na- percent of Michigan residents. naw County Sheriff's Auxiliary or mails' on a business basis. The ty figgered it wOuld have to char- spOke at a public hearing in De-tion's third highest combat award, the* Retired Senior volunteer Proway the plan was doped out, the ge each customer $6 a month if troit, arranged by members of the the Silver Star, for gallantry in Gill Net Issue Still Tangles gram (RSVP) will cOme to put the U. S. Postal Service was to start the county hired a private Out- ttohse Committee on City Govern- action in Korea. It was in 1974 that fishermen form in the tube and secure it in .paying its own way in the early fit kept on picking up,the same ment. were first told they would be unThe labor dispute of the Borgplace. All volunteers will have iden1980s. The Congress passed a law garbage without the county in- North Sharon Bible church will Warner Co., pending since April able to use large mesh gill nets tification and are urged to present saying it had to do this. Nobody volved, the cost would stay at $4 take on a new aspect in coming 20, which had indirectly affected because the nets—while handy for it to participants. Senior Citizens believed it, least of all Congress. a month. That kind of saving is weeks as the congregation conse- employment at the Chelsea. Manu- catching whitefish—-also killed lake should ask to see identification if Otherwise, would all members of whdt keeps Guvernments at all crates its new church building facturing Corp., was settled June trout, a favorite of sportsmen. it is not presented. Congress keep flooding the post levels in trouble, was Ed's words. July 7. The old building is a 27 and the Chelsea plant will go Last week, the Department of 4) The VIP-2 will follow a^time office with the mountains of stuff The mails has as much chanct of landmark, having stood for nearly on full-time schedule as soon as Natural Resources ordered 38 fish- schedule throughout the county operating in the black as Wash- 100 years. It will not be aban- the annual vacation period is they mail free? which is, divided into regions. ihgtoii, D.C. does Of collecting doned, but Will be used instead to over, according to L..M. Benkert, ermen who still have not complied WCPARC will try to complete as the $281,000 the police there say house Sunday school and youth president of the Chelsea firm. With the rule to immediately stop many installations as possible in using the nets. Russia owes fer parking tickets. activities. Borg-W a r n e r Co. manufactures But DNR officials are worried each region before moving on to General speaking, the fellers was transmissions for International Har- that the ban may be unenforce- the n e x t one. If the designated agreed they ain't no way to figtime has passed for a region, invester. able. Fishermen have vowed to terested seniors should call and ger the way folks think. Zeke AM*.• Police Chief George W. Doe to- take the fight to court.. Grubb satd he saw a piece the Thursday, July 4, 1973— day ann6unced that th^e Village of Some $1.5 million has been ap- make other arrangements. "Region Starts 1 p.m. Every MoAddy other day that told why pickles I—June 1-17, Ypsilanti township, Masori 676-5400 The Chelsea High school ath- Chelsea has joined forces with the propriated to, among other things,, Superior township, Salem towrtship, never are in Cans, always in The Wise Owl Says-Ship to Howell letic field Is now equipped with State Safety Commission in con- reimburse the fishermen for pur- Augusta township; Region II — glass jars. Nobody plans to buyfloodlights. Phone 546-2370 Blm Franklin six-pole, 24-light ducting a two-month long inten- chases of new gear or loss of June 13-24, City of Ypsilanti; Repickles, the experts say* they go system was The installed through the sive accident prevention- program fish they cannot catch because of gion- .ML -r- June 27-July 8, L o d l M a r k e t Report f o r J u n e 27 to the grocery store, see the prit- co-operation of the Kiwanis Club aihied at reducing traffic mishaps W-': .rtf ^25W*HpK ofo pickles and buy onof Chelsea and the ctieTsea Village caused by. excessive speed -+i,, : im$fls5 . ' $ £ marketing company council.; CATTLEfound out wimmen are drawn to Wilbert Sfeltenwischer, employed Bulk G<1.-Choice Steers, ?39 to $40.40 say they are Indians, claim lSJth Webster towrtship, Scio township, the number nine, they won't/buy by the Washtenaw c o u n t y Soad ' F e w High Choice Steers, $40.40 to century treaty rights allow them Ann Arbor township, Dexter Vil- ; ?40.f.O a item priced at 25 cent, but Commission for 42 years and Chel- Thursday, July 1, 1943— • Ga.-fchglco Heifers, $I!G to $40.10 mark it 29 cent and they want it. sea Yard district foreman for more Germany has recently completed to fish unimpeded by state fish- lage; Region VI — Aug. 1-12, Lyni F o d HWstcin S l e e r s , . ^ 2 t o $36 iU^-Sld., $30 m u l down. don township, Dexter township, This way, it'fc less than 30, ndtthan 2d years; retired as of July the training of 35 saboteurs for ing rules. DNR officials say as long as Sylvan township, Lima township, more than 20. The fellers Was O f CCfWS— special assignment in the United the battle over the gill nets con- Chelsea; Region VII — Aug. 8-19, • Heifer Cows, $31 to $32 mind Guvernment is run oft imThe committee for the Florence and some of them may al- tinues, millions of dollars spent on Sharon township, Freedom town•.'Ut.-Coinmcrclnl, $27 to $31 pulse. If that engineer would say Howlett Fund to purchase the old States • Cannor-CiUter, $14 to $27 ready here, if information restocking the Great Lakes with ship, Manchester township, BridgeFat Beef Cows, $24 to $2G his fan system was $9.99, marked Beach school at 11000 Chelsea- sources be usually reliable are trout will be swimming down the water township, Manchester. down from $35,000, he might git Dexter Rd., reports a total of correct, John S.found BULLS— Bugas, in charge drain.. 5) All the information on the H e a v y Bologna, $30 t o $315 a secorid 166k. $1,278 received to date. of the Detroit office of the FBI, Light a n d C o m m o n , $30 and <lo\>-n. form is confidential and no copies Yours truly, Mrs. Herbert Lirtdow, who is warned. Uncle Lew. taking a leave of absence, effec- The new pay-as-you-go tax plan, New man-made plant species or lists will be made of particiFEEDERS— and pest control systems which pants' names. 4Q0-600 lb. Good-Choice S t e e r s , $34 tive this week, after 13 years as which goes into effect on July 1, eliminate environmental hazards The Veteran's Administration to $38 . 60(1-800 lb. Good-Choice S t e e r s , $32 office manager of Chelsea Manu- has more balm than bite in the are just two of the thousands of Hospital in Ann Arbor has donated to. $34 Standard First Aid facturing Corp., has been honored opinion of Frank N. Isbey, Mich- research projects underway at all of the tubes for the VIP. Tape 300-600 II). GQod-Choicc Heifers, $25 , :.to $30 by the company and its personnel igan chairman of the U. S. Treas- Michigan State University. Course To Be Offered to secure the information is being 300-500 lb. Holstein S t e e r s , $24 to $27 500-800 lb. Holstein S t e e r s , $24 to $27 at farewell parties. She Will leaVe ury War Finance Committee. The by Meijer Thrifty Acres. Dexter firefighter Chuck Moler Chelsea for an extended stay in plan should result in more pur- Subscribe today to The Standard! donated In addition, the Sheriff's DepartCALVIES—• is planning another of the many Pheonix, Ariz. chases of War Savings Bonds. Politic, $50 to $53 Good-Cholee, $40 to $50 The Rev. Henry W. Lenz, who Excavation work and gravel fill first aid courses he has taught in Havve Deacons, $30 to $42 is retiring from the ministry, closWere completed last week-end on Cull &x Med., $20 1o $30 the village, and for which he has Calves (?oing back to farms sold up ed his labors as pastor of Salem the E. Middle St. construction proto $40 received two awards in the last ject. The gravel fill Will be left G r o v e Methodist church, North three years.. SHEfiP— pack until fall when blacktop Francisco, on Sunday morning. He This' one, a Standard First Aid to (Continued on page four) is applied. New curbing and widWooled Slaughter Lambs, Spring: Course, will be limited to the first Choice-Prime, $50 to $53.75 20 people who enroll. It will last Good-Utility, $48 to $50 Slaughter Ewes, $8 to $1(5 sik weeks at three hours per Week, Feeder Lambs, All Weights, $45 to $50 pdus a seventh which will be deHbGS— voted entirely to CPR training. 210 to 240 l b s . , No, 1, $46 to $47.20 Interested parties may contact 200-250 lbs., N o . 2, $45 t o $46 • H e a v y Hogs, 250 l b s . u p , $40 t o $45 Chuck Moler at 426-2543 for deL i g h t Hogs, 200 l b s . down, $30 to $44 tails. : 7iL*<»> tfrwfri N pm»-ii»- ^ - r f ^ - ^ j - ^ - r - i t - f " ^ ' 1 — —' * '— •»- ^ * * - » • j ^ i ^ ' . ^ ' ^ f '«•*» g * » - Iri'tiiMM^rt. PHONE 473-2419 Quality Home Builders W e c a n b u i l d your d r e a m home o n y o u r l o t o r ours. W e h a v e d e s i r a b l e b u i l d i n g lots i n t h e C h e l s e a S c h o o l D i s t r i c t . For M o r e a n d l e t Us show you how easy we can m a k e it for y o u ! OFFICIAL JUST REMINISCING Howell Livestock Auction 14 Years -, L'Xv w : • < > ( • ' f K* • MY ears All Weights, $1» to $32.50 Feeder Pigs: . Per Head, .115 to $38 Est. 40 lb. pigs, $30 to $32 ttrtlir MAT-*— 1st Culling, p e r b a l e , ROc to $1.50 2nd Cutting, $1.50 to $1.75 c#w$— T e s t e d ' D a i r y Cows, $350 to $000 T c s l e d JU'ef Typo Cows, $250 t o $350 ts\\t*AlGCt V 1 .1.1,1..1, II Every water problem can lie solved. Reliable, guaranteed water testing, softening equipment, service and repair Is available to you I * 1 I BAREiS, Cfefk • A 24-hour Hotline Accurate and reliable drug information and identification Extensive referral information Free long term counseling Drug Education presentations Assertiveiiess, empathy and suicide prevention training 994-HELP CALL (9S4~HELP/994-r4€Lf>/bfUJG HELP is Federtlly licenied tor sufattanc abu»e counidlhg.) Tonight ami Every Thursday THE CAPTAINS TABLE ROAST BEEF BUFFET "Carved Before Your Eyes" Serving from 4:30-9:30 p.m. The Captains Table • 8093 Main SL Dexter ..,..,.,..,,..• .., - , . from Sportsman's Landing FIRST ANNUAL FISHING CONTEST A re you ready for a solution? Then call us now. •: \ . AkLtm •ten. .I.T.-l.,^ W hy put up with odors, taste and stains? . ing. 217 North Main Tel. 769-7019 Across from a.a. old post office^ . nmmmtxm •' + This change in scheduled date is tor July meeting ofKly because of holiday. Regular schedule after this July meet- Top of the Lamp Hale, 60c to 05c ' at Lima Township Hall, Jackson Rd. We've.got the shades. Sf HAW-, Per MONDAY, JULY 11,1977 - 8:00 pjn. FRP:E BOOKLET TAKES THE MYSTERY OUT OF HOME You've probably* got two lamps that need Boars and Stags: Will Be Held Ago... Sows: F a n c y Light, $3G to $37.50 300-500 lbs., $34 to $37.25 500 lbs. and u p , $35 to $37 NOTICE LIMA TOWNSHIP BOARD JULY MEETING 4 Years Aao * * * _t_j- information CALL 475-2419 Uncle Lew frtori Lima Says: 24 {{in 11 V i T i ^ J L J. T. BUILDING CO, i | "g ••' ODYCTAI PAP 1/U. PA UK I a I Hit 01 OLEttll JULY 4 thru AUG. 6 AVAILABLE AT ALL OFFICES... Prizes in many different categories. All contestants must have fish officially weighed at Sportsman's Landing. This oasy t o rend, helpful booklot tells v o n , step by stop, just how to got your homo mortgage, How t o compute how much homft you can buy without stretclv ing your budget. How t o got mortgage life insurance protection for your family. How to maintain your home. A n d it takes the mystery For further information inquire at SPORTSMAN'S LANDING 415 N. MAIN/ CHELSEA ' P.O. Hox 1.127, Ann Arhnr, Mn lnjj.m 4SI!)fi O Plow i«rut (iniilc jp.HfimJ, Duyihgj N.i 11 v Alll'k'^ SI.IU.. ! civ. . 7, r "I I . - . . . A N N ARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS PH. 4759363 l> OtVlCtS'TO Rl?fl\JE YOU'IJN: ANNJARBOfV IWieHTON^ajCLSEA, OEXTER, IMANCHESTER. SALINE, YPSILANTI ., •; h ' ' . , ' 1 Vi ttfc;B«Mra^jlBg!«ai^^ ; H H P J B A N N AflBOnfEDrnAt SAVINGS j i you can depend on us! *MM4ttMMMft«lta*li* fiiiti^mWH^v*,i>&*i™;-»r.~ out of such things as equity, escrow, appraisal, property survey, points, prepayment and other financial terms. It gives y o u the information y o u need to buy a home vihth confidence. Best of nil, this booklot is free at any of our conveniently located offices, or mail coupon for your copy i.^ixzz.^.*.*^ut^*^~^+i-~**±;^U'*i.mfrrtwrtt t I \ W* ! * / V V H ; V? • MEMBER ^SlIC ' *><•«»-**»., a itn»W>BMHHMB-n>»»'WH-H^ -. 1* -m* .hi -• ttivimi, IIWI.I iMUrtWMM m—am •NWnl •P^^^ff, mmmmmmimmmm :. Si-•'•'*..;; v. ::,' 'A,,,-/ ^^^^m*^m •. :•• * Energy Price Hikes Threaten State's Economy JCAoxlli Plans Progr^fT? For N p ^ ^ e ^ On June 2)L the Chelsea Jaycee Auxiliary held Its'first meeting of the 1977-7$ season at the home of Louise Pohte; With President Barb Baker officiating, the planned program and budget.for the new year were discussed and approved by the membership. • > Popular projects such as Redball, Fluoride and Lunch With Santa will agaip be scheduled; New projects introduced ; to the brogram were Buckle Up Babe, Community Dental Fund and Dinner Theatre. • ' ••- :'" • •'•'.•. Plans for the hear future include selling a new childreri/s record album at Chelsea's upcoming outdoor art fair and sidewalk sales. The album, entitled 'iHear-SeeDo," stresses safety,; Also, a'family week-end campout has been scheduled for July 22-24. Lou Tudor was '^rejsented with the Girl of the Month Award at Tuesday's meeting-tor donating more than 90 hours. of her. time to various Auxiliary activities. The meeting then adjourned • and,'; refreshments were ,; served, by: Earn Lewis.; • • ;;v';r f-',';/ '•;":';'"';' ' Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Donald Worley \lizabeth M. Leonard, S. Worley re Wed in Ann Arbor Church y ilizabeth May (Betsy) Leonard, jghter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Leonard, and Stephen Donald f>rley, son of Mr.'and.Mrs. Donald Worley of 910 Arbm-dale, Ann bor, were married > Saturday, le 25 in the First United Methst.church, Ann Arbor, •he six o'clock candlelight cereny was performed by' the llev. ! nald B. Strobe. The bride, who was given in marby her parents, /wore a white ..__, princess style gown with chapel length train. At the vkline and edging the wrists of long fitted sleeves were heirIm chantilly lace from the wcdjig gown of the bride's grandother, the late Hattie May BartIt passer. The bride's gown had |en' the wedding gown of both her other and her aunt, Mrs. FrederZemke, at their weddings. rhe bride's mantilla veil was Brdered by, chantilly lace v She. irried a cascade bouquet of white fhalenapses orchids, white roses, jtephanotis and English ivy. The bride's sister, Helen Kay ednard of Ann Arbor, was maid honor. Laura H. McMahon of [rosse Pointe Woods and Nancy [. Fultz of Holmdel, N. J., were Hdesmaids. The. bride's attendits were dressed identically* in necked, floor-length, peach-color liana jersey gowns with matching ng-sleeve bolero jackets. The full ( LESSONS at The Music Hutch DRUMS-GUITAR V PIANO-ORGAN, ALL TYPES BAND INSTRUMENTS EThe MUSIC HUTCH 8407 Main St., Dexter Ph. 426-4380 OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 8 p.m. skirts .'fell into soft pleats at' the front of the empire waistline. The bridesmaids carried deep peach colored nosegay bouquets of Sonia roses, carnations and baby's breath. They wore a small cluster of the baby's breath and peachcolored roses in their ha Up. David Wayne Worley, of Ann Arbor, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Thomas W. Zemke, cousin of the bride, and James Hense, both'of Ann Arbor, were ushers and all wore ivorycolored tuxedos with peach colored shirts and rose boutonnieres. The bridegroom wore an ivory' tailcoat with white shirt. The bride's father who escorted her to the altar, wore an ivory tuxedo with white shirt and boutonniere as did the bridegroom's father., ' • :;• Mrs. Leonard, the bride's mother, wore a champaign-beige . colored chiffon floor-length gown and-cape with bodice,!Qf beige lace, while Mrs;"'Worley^ rriQthef of the bridegroom, wore a floor-length rosecolored, chiffon gown and white accessories. After a dinner-reception at Campus Inn, the newlyweds*••left for*a wedding trip to Hilton-IJead, Island, S. C. and on their return will make their home at 1433 Chestnut, Ypsilanti. ••- . ' Attending the wedding from Colorado were the bride's aunt,. Mrs. Lucian .McClure of Ft. Collins, the bride's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weibel and son. Tim and daughter Amy, ...of. Arvada, Mrs. Lloyd Boggs and sbn Ryan^ of Esties Park. Others attended from. Cincinnati, 0., Barrington, 111., and Valparaiso, Ind. Other guests from Michigan were from Oriandaga, Jackson, Chelsea, Detroit, Northville, Dexter and Ypsilariti. Both the bride and bridegroom graduated from Ann Arbor Pioneer High school. The bride is* a senior at the University of Michigan, while the bridegroom is in his senior year at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. FOXY LADY Finest in Professional Hair Care! 107 W. MIDDLE, CHELSEA /t-yc oroA •f#«r"w i # v Open Tues. thru Sat. Thurs. and Fri. eve. appts. Carol, Jane, Denize, Carolyn V f* * ^* <* 1 . > « . 1 f , * . • • . I " - m: Babe Ruth Pirates Dam 3 ]•• t i T IMI .••• m^-**•'••! >'*;-"yi «' Maru^st^r (Continued from page one) five innings, on the mound for a fine pitching performance. If the cost of energy increases Mark Barnes also collected base Everyone played for the pirates, Ults. '• Jrastically, our national economy - I n t^e game at Manchester, the with -sbrne first-year men doing a ,vill not- suffer too much strain, Pirates spotted a run to the Man- fine job, including Leon Durgan, :>ut Michigan will bear a heavy chester No. 2 team in the first Warrington Parker, Don Marshall anemp.oyment burden, predicts a inninp, then came back to score and Doug Burchett. Michigan State University econo- 20 big ones for an easy 20-$ win, Al Augustine, struck out 14 in SubscHbe today, to The Standard\ mist. Addressing a special Michigan mrtm^m cgislative symposium on energy, )r. Thomas Edens, assistant proNOW ON TUESDAY NIGHTS fessor of agricultural economics, said higher fuel prices could be a Jisaster for the state's economy. Edens sees a strong relationship between the state's high unemployment and Michigan's role ts the nation's leading pm-lucer" )i durable goods — cars, construction, equipment and appliances. As fuef prices increase, he explains, the price of all goods will inflate. To halt inflation, the government will act to slow the economy • down, and that means inwith our Famous Deep-fried Chicken creased unemployment with a and SPECIAL BARBECUED CHICKEN irop in consumer spending for also mashed potatoes and gravy, dre*$tfig» and salad bor. lurable goods. Serving from 4:3fc9;£t6 '• '• With 80 percent of Michigan's nanufacturing workers involved in durable goods manufacture, Edens. said, "Michigan could have a lot of * ^ ~ , ^ 3 M A | N S T # PEXT^R ' {• ;FH. 42*-38U unemployment." . >-* i '.' Chelsea, brother of the bridegroom. He was assisted by. ushers Dave Boham, Gerald Milliken and Steve Check, all of ^helsea. Guest Usher \yas Dick^Gillespie./ '•"[ /Following, the ,wedding, a reception -Was held -at, the Chelsea: Rod and Gun Club. Marybeth Willan and Sue Adkiris- poured punch, while Liz Foster was in charge of the guest book. • : Following a.week-end wedding trip in Michigan, the newlyweds returned to Dexter where they now make their home. DANCER S TRADE-IN LEVI TRADE Bring any old pair of j e d n ^ any make, size, shape or form, and we will allow you $3,00 on pu of any levin Jeans ,¾ Harvest iii Full S^viiig big bell, flairs or straighfjleg One Pair Per Person*> FRIDAY and JULY 1-2 B A L O G ^ N I K ' D ' E R M E I E R : Mr. and.Mrs./Joseph. D. Balogh of 2&6 E. Middle St..have announced the engagement of their daughter, Celeste Jeanine, to Jon Francis Niedermeier, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph J. Niedermeier of Cadillac. The bride-elect is a 1969 graduate of Chelsea High school and a 1976 graduate of the University of Michigan. Her fiance attended Ferris State College, Big Rapids, and C 1 e a r y College, Ypsilanti, where he completed his studies in 1969. He is currently a self-employed carpentry contractor and is also a part-time antique dealer. A July wedding is planned. ,-. J .-\ *Pre-washed not included DANCER'S Chelsea's Friendly Dept. Store v at HEYDLAUFF'S Some Spec/a/ Hoover Purcftoses to moke your Summer Cleaning Easier... HOOVER CONVERTIBLE ESTATE * * * * * + * if Festival * * ^ * NEW FOR 1977 COMFORT GRIP HANDLE NEW HEAVIER CONSTRUCTION ALUMINUM CHASSIS 3 POSITION HANDLE 4 POSITION RUG ADJUSTMENT DIRT FINDER HEADLAMP FURNITURE GUARD EXTRA LARGE ZIP CLOSE VINYL OUTER BAG STEEL AGITATOR NEW TOP-FILL DISPOSABLE BAG 13½ QT. CAPACITY QUICK ' N ' CLEAN BAG CHANGER POWERFUL 2 SPEED MOTOR TOOLS AVAILABLE CAROL'S CUTS See the Entire Hoover Line in Our Showroom and Take Advantage of Sale Prices Now! 328 Wllklnwn Wo wifl bo closed oil day Saturday, July 2 COOL CUTS FOR SUMMER HEYDLAUFF'S 475-7094 113 N. Main St., Chelsea Ph. 4750221 ^p ^;iti'i:ij,?iiii;i;^,Ju;i,.^:^/./,:1: :'rh':",..' :^:^:,.^:^^^^ 1 '•!''^••''•"'J^T^^f^^*v' 1 ^.'*"T : ! * ' ' ' f v •••",, Cv •''.'.•••• : , • ^ • " • t - " ' difcJkltltfiittiMkaMMiiftaMa •UUMUaMUMltMMIMM ^ t ,, — ', ft.-." SUMMER SALE SAVINGS (Continued from page one) Deadline for exhibit. reservations is July 21 and. cancellations in writing will be accepted 'no later than July 30. No entry fees will be refunded after. that time. General chairman for the Sidewalk Festival is Karen Johnson. For further information, she may be contacted at 475-7501 or call Eve Policht at 475-7601. !•:»;,••: » M H • • • I,VT«—<yyy; ••"«> " n n i ^ * at the CAPTAINS TABLE Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Hgdley, 11 Women of Inverness Country 1 Club played^ their regularly Sched- Of Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Cuendet of uled golf program on Thursday* JHJ62l Waldo Rd., irjarried Ernest June 23. Prizes W"ere: aiwaraed J0r Heriry Hadley, II; son of Mr. and Ernest Hadley of 5i0 Arthur low gross, low^ net and how putts.? fv(rs.; StV'Sa'tUi'day/^urie 18 in St. Paul First flight' winners' were: Sahie1 tlhfted Church;of Christ, Chelsea. Springer, 36 low net; A'ghes Hasel- The;3.p.m. ceremony was performschwiftrdt, M low:: net; Dorothy ed by the key. R. J. Ratzlaff. Hale, 36 low net; Yplame Carignah, '46 low gross;': Yolaine 1Carig- For her y/edding, the bride chose a. .white, lace trimmed silk and orpan, 12 putts (low)': n ganza with a square neckSecopd flight Winners were: Jane line at'gown the front and a long lace Priest, 36 loW net; Helen Wilson, jtrain. Pearl beads the 36 low net;: Helen Wilson, 15 putts front lace overlay ofadorned the gown. (low); Eleanor Douglas, 55 low! Her floor^ength, layered veil was gross.; ' •;• t ' •/•_ ' .'•• also.trimmed with lace and pearls. Third flight winners, were*. .Vir- She, carried a bouquet of white ginia Waha, 26 low[, pet; Virginia roses, blue and white daisies, and Waha, 59 low gross;. Eileen Brown, baby's\tbreath with white silk rib14 putts (low),..' .. '.;. .: ;•;, ;;' bon 'streamers. ' i Maid of honor was Linda Brown bf Chelsea.' She appeared in a white gown with.blue and white lace trim, ahd a long , blue ribbon jarou^d.her waist. The gown was (styled with floppy sleeves, a scooped neckline andj a ruffle around the bottom of .the skirt. A white floppy-brimrp^ii hat with, a blue ribbon, hatband completed her attire. Strawberry season | s ; now .. in (She <hel<J a. white basket of, blue full swing - in -southeast Michigan and., white., daisies and baby's with several .dOzeii.: g'r.b'wers breath accented with a blue ribthroughout the nfletrpco^ty area; ! offering a" burnp'ef crop of sweet' Serving, <as /bridesmaids were red berries to their Pick-Your-Own Mary. Beth Milliken of Chelsea, "Bycraft of Chelsea, and customers.' Pickers will find that Laurie Cindy -Hess of Saline. Their costhe cold spring .weather did little tumes matched that of the maid to reduce the;supply of berries of-hprtor. ,... ' and that with" favorable conditioris I Mrs. • Cuendet, mother of the n o w through mid-July berries bride, wore a cream colored floorshould be plentiful and reasonable length dress with a high collar and for those who like to" pick their lace-covered; bodice for the ocown, says Roberta Lawrence, Coun- casion. On her shoulder was a pink carnation corsage. ty Horticultural Agent. '.Mrs.' Hadley, mother of the Most growers sell by the pound, bridegroom, chose an aqua-green providing containers for pick-your- floor-length dress with a V-neckown customers but some still sell line and- matching aqua-green by the" quart; either providing the jacket. She wore a yellow carnabaskets or leaving it up to. the tion corsage. custbmer to bring his own. Pick- Attending as flower girl was ers should phone the farm first :Laurie niece of the brideif at all . possible to ? determine groom, Hadley, while ringbearer was Stevwhen the best time is to come en Cuendet, brother of the bride. and pick, and whether or not they i Best man was Don Hadley of should provide their own containers says Roberta. Lawrence, County Horticultural Agent. : ' Early varieties such as Redglow, Catskill, and Earlidawri are now in with Midway, Sparkle, arid Guardian ripening : a:.; few days later. Pickers should ask the grower^ the advantages of the various varieties for. freezing, jam,' and shortcakes, says Roberta Lawrence, because the varieties do differ in size, firmness, and des-^ sert or processing quality, esper dally for freezing. J. All county extension offices throughout' southeast Michigan can provide information on where to pick, says Roberta Lawrence, in addition to checking local newspapers under "good things to eat" and "farm produce" sections • Oi the classified advertisement. Chambers of Commerce arid the Michigan Department of ; Agriculture also have a bulletin called Country Carousel which lists all of the Pick-Your-Own farms in the state, listing the various fruits and vegetables available at each farm with phone numbers and Ideations, in addition to estimated picking dates. Sidewalk I»I ii-m>n_i CHICKEN BUFFET Debora Cundet, Ernest Hadley, II, Inverness w#w&$$ New Home in Dexter Golf /?esu/fV ; ; Establish i Pebora Ann Cuendet, daughter • .-, {')y}.^-l-:.-:l-x\\X>]; The Chelsea St^ar^, thur^^y,iJiuie 30; 1977 »••••. •UIMTJI H i ; . , mi i^. •••••» iniji . i u - m . ' . | i i I W M I I I . I HI ^ u a m M ^ W I ittHMBMaaMlMiMMMIa MMMMMMHaMMMMMMllaJl) «"P The Chelsea Standard, Thursday, June 30, 1977 Seven Receive during the sprint term-jMst mMYwn Aqo.„ fliicied. She is a sophomore ^ U-M Regents huFjie ecpnomici?. (coniinysfi iwm.mp m) will he succeeded hv the Rev. c s. lyjichjgan State University is one Scholarship Rblpy $ ^ephPI'Vllle. who wasof the top |0 universities in the —„ , „—r—.—,-., ..\r „—.,„,.,.,,..,,.,..., i,.. "^ap"*'""""""*"^'!"'**'""""'""' by Carl B. Michlaw culture Seven area high school graduates pajstflr «f the Chelsea MelhoJist United $Utes jn the rtk:eipt of gradI remember a summer in Alpena mi . uate fellowships awarded compethave been selected Regents-Alumni chHf4Mm \m to ck when a group of us got together Cgrofyn E. |ialrhh^ O f Chelsea itively by t h e National Science Scholars for their '(superior acaon a summer afternoon to fish, Foundation.' demic achievement anu their po's MIOpg 13 undergmduates at swim and, in general, just have a tential contribution to the scholarly Mlphjgan StMe Co lejje who made good time. In late afternoon we community of the JJniverslty of str^||(hl*A scholast p a v e r a g e s Subscribe today to The Standard! brought out an old hand-crank ice Michigan. \ cream freezer to make delicious K O W H W i H H . H i H U X M ^ . i l i n ilinn <ll»w;»l»»n».ir«riw«ifii»iB»lilWII' **? Area recipients, all of whom mwmvm iffmrnm* homemade ice cream. plan to enter' the University of There is something special about; Michigan this year, are Dorjan homemade ice cream. I'm not' Jeap Bilik, 26^5 W. Pelhi,Ro\and i i BWB ^0W%ir%w^w%PPW1 **\0m% putting down any of the excellent Mark Andrew Haney, 9200 Island PH 475-84^5 Grade A products made in Michtake' RdV, Dexter; Kini benise igan dairies. But, let's face it, Chelsep, Mje]». (ottpr S p.ffl.) Evans, 49^5 Gallagher PJvd., Pavid there is a difference. Perhaps it's Thomas Lavey, ?34 Putnam* 4nd the arm power contributed, maybe Robert LouN Muglia, 3327 p|easthe companionship of good friends, and Lake Dr., Pinckney; Brian or just the fact that it's a lovely Lawrence Luchs, 8820 Lincoln, and afternoon. 10 o.m. to 5 p.m. W\m ShishkQff, mi Kearney Rd.> don't think this is a rapturous Whjtmore Lake. % <5^QR§(AM L^VE BIRP (service for U ) $300 description of the ice cream we A total of 1,083 outstanding made that afternoon. It is not. Michigan high school graduates, * 6 CLARK BRONSON PLATES (Limited Edition) $60. Indeed, 'the ice cream never set, were chosen to receive the honor. even after three hours of crankT|r R^TAl. !^MBY,4 5?-p«. place settings $48 A certificate for each Regents-Mr»,Qnd Mrs. Don A, Npye ing. We must have made a grave Alumni Scholar has been sent to f/ f 34MBRIPQE ^$QUA|lBf 24-pc. ser .$152 error in mixing salt and ice in Oadji student's high school. In the freezer. 1 addition, all scholars will receive ^ JADITE, "AMce' pattern, service for 8 --$46 A recipe I use now, though, a $30 honorarjum' when they ennever fails and you might want roll at the University in SeptemT^ RIVIERA, service far $ —$80 to try it over, the 4th of July ber holiday weekend. Beat .4 eggs, unjr AZALEA, 2Q-pc. luncheon set , ....$95 til it thickens. Then add 6 cups : Deborah M. Packard,:[daughter. brother of the> bride; and J o h n .$125 £ 3-pc. (forge fil«»r©f punch bowl ami fodle) qf milk, 3 cups light cream, 1 Of Mr, and Mrs.;Gary Packard of Packard of Chelsea, brother of the Partners Reminded cup heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of 19678. • rfarth/ territorial • Rd.,. ex bride. ' • • ,.,_, • vanilla', and y2 teaspoon salt/Mix Changed marriage vows with Don \ Soloist for the wedding was Kathy To, Report Acreages thoroughly. Have you noticed, as A. Npye,' son/of. Mr. and Mrs.TreadO. ... To ASfcS Office A^|sp other pritiqMes and collectibles does the Michigan Department qf frrank L. Npy^ of Artri Arbpr,-Sat- Following the wedding, a regej> Agriculture, that everything but the urday, June: 25, -in 'First' United tiOri was held'at Chelsea Rod artd , Farmers whq h^YP RHnte4 CP^H frqm which to choose. vanijja, is a state product? C»Mn rClult}. EHiring.; t|\e • reception, ^nd-or spring barley arid grain Methodist church,! Chejse.^v the; 4 Put the mixture into the icpp.m.. ceremony'1 \y^s perrormed by; J^nn^JBptt. cut f|ie' wedding ca^e; sorghum should report their acretawu cream freezer, pack rock salt and t^e'RevV;^pvjrt/H'. MciCklluniVbe- Beth"' Collins tended to thgl guest age to the Agricultural Stabilizajcjnv Rfarie Miles bf^Ann Arbor, .-" For her daughter's weeding; Mrs. ice'around it according to direcf P ; ' Qpnna Craft "Ljnda " p i tion and Conservation Service; d|pghtef,/ot,,Mr. .ajKUMW.N'.'/H, Miles ctiQse a^gre^h, A-ljlie; Jress tions with your unit and start |q^e; .^ g^therjrjg ,qf $>u g u ^ i ^ and iDjanne yah"GOfder4 openef SASCS)'by Aug. 15. Report wheat Ales of ^Q7$5 $0iQ -, CJUifGh £d., with a sjapd;up'collar. A fullrl^ttj cranking. After it tjitckens', cover ; Oi'garii^t' "for the, decision-> wak life:- T T O C ^ r o n ' R 9 iir e c tnd-or! winter barley acreage beb'£p*ime Jjig wife qf KfrK'Pw«, green l^ce r:co|t! cqmpleteji -h^f-;&f- with plo.sapks or newspapers and )o|Jg, Fqreman Qi C^elseaj. i Prior purich and Lynn Castje poiirgc qre harvest if possible/lSlrs. Dors&ilof Mp M Up- JfWReit ttsm :tire^*M$s.-' :H$a'rd, -.mother pf-Qte let the ice' cream "ripen" for o/Jhe;;cerefTJb'ny} 'lie al$o playpd othy M. H0wa.rd, acting county coffee^' ! ' " ' •'"•'>•"•/>'•'• of* 1478 • Chelsea-Manchester Rd., britfegroiom, appeared in a ,fulN about 20 minutes. Then, dig in. •Eyergrefiii"'pjij-^1^0..,-, •,,. • ^ecutive director of the ASCS ofthe fice advises. Saturday, Juhe 18, itt St. Paul Unit- length'blue dress with an empire Rgmernhpr how the greatest : Ay she. approached the altar, ; Also, assisting were:two;of 1 wajsrfjirie ^nd'pqffy ;slfceves. • " he :brfde,vas wearing a white pride-s mmjts, Michelle iaauthjer e | Church of Christ, C|}gls,ea. j'fte f'So far, 285 farmers in Washpleasure w s ljcking off the pad- affeta gowh with a sheer oyerand Co|leehl Cqlljns, who wpre (n fenaw county nave reported. their 7 p'.m. ceremony wa§ performed A d d i n g a§ ffpwer girl/was c ' ay which She had made with the oh^rge of mn^ J C^l'enda ^ejstin'd plantjngs," according tj> iyfrs>. Howby fhe Rev. 'R. J. Ra$atf before Tr|$J}a Ricjiafdson of Chelsea. $he Ww* lelp of her aunt, Mrs. Judy Ra- ^di^e Packard, b^q' a't^Jf Of tji'e ard, farmers whq have planted a gathering of 150 guests. was dressed m yellpw. RingpearThe bodice of the gown was jrlde. wo. planed ilp»fers ph acreage in 1977-cr6ps wheat, corn, •M she approached the altar, the er was Curtis Heard of Chelsea, N dant. accented with daisy trim as was ?t}ests at the recepifjpn; Japk C$- 'rafn'SOrghupi or barley, and fail who was dressed in a suit of brown. brjqe was wearing a whjte, silkthe bride's chapel length veil. She ips, who tended bar; ari^ fqjir o report such acreage may be irilikb gown with an empire waist: Serving as best man was Antony carried. a bRHflwetftfye)lp\y s;wee|r pthpr aunts pf thie bride, Mari|yn'n sligibrQ for program benefits in liiie, round neckline, stand-up col- Clark of Chelsea. He was assisted V^eese, V|vlgn §78," Mrs. Ho^afd said. heart ffisesj, yejjpw tlaisjes apt] iHppkins, Vjrginiai la| arid long, sheer sleeves. The by ushers Lary Hafner, Lance Trcffiisportation for the Sen/or Citizens, Michelspn a P d 15dnna McA,|iister, . According to proposed legislation, gaby's §m% sleeves and bodice of the gown Fletcher and Anthdny Willan. All whq'w^re fppd helpers. ' ', w§re trimmed with white lace flow- wore brown tuxedos with yellow Students want more involvement .ftfoW $ ]\WN was if the Secretary of Agriculture de65 years and Older, Hostesses tor the reception wera erjs as was her walfz-lengtl) veil. ruffled shjrts and yellow boutpn- jn university policy, but don't want Wm$ 9t mmg #*„....„ clares a set-aside for Id78 crops, & • ' #»B .. to see students establishing majcjr appeared in 3 row &m> t\m Gloria Greepfeaf and ^prepe Col- 1977 planted acreage could" be used Stye carried" a long, streaming nleres. and the Handicapped. bqVfluet of yellow and white roses. ppUowing the wedding, a recep- policy, a Michigan State Univer- \$Mt\ mpss styjetj w i ^ ap pm lins, al^o aunts of the^brid?. to determine set-as^e. f^^iiirerri^tit Maid of honor for the occasion tion was held at the XJAw" Jfali, sity study of student attitudes RJr^ wakt' ai>4 sn^gjietti straps;. Seyeral notahle item? of 'Interest ASCS employees will make ranw$s Susan Alien of Mountain Chelsea, by the parents of the shows. A cp-qrdjnating flower print J 8 0 ^- marked the nuptial 'celebration dom checks of farms to verjfy that acreage reppr^s are accu: Htirne, Ark. She appeared in a soft- bride. Mary Miles of Brighton, sis- The study, by Arvo E. Juola, pro- e| pflveyeq't|i0•"dress.' %d held; a fate. knit light green gown with a dark- ter-in-law of the bride, and'Karen fessor and consultant on instruc- bpuanet pf mint green tinted, er ,7_TTr ...^ .,.-__,„ r.- - , er green floral bodice which laced Edwards of Dexter, sister of the tional evaluation, compared stu- daisies jntermingled wjth bapy's were between 9 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. uf> the front. She held a bouquet brfde, cut the cake, while Kathy dents of 1971 and 1975 and found bjea^l). p'jps^rfis o( baby^ breath, bride's parents; and i\\e rharflage , The Michigan s ^te, Uniyersity ceremqny was witnessed t^y four or yellow roses nestled in an assort- Buck of Chelsea was in charge of general student desires for greater adprnetj hpr hafr. Library is recognized as one'or the influence, more freedom, more op- Serving as bridesmaja's vypre grandmothers and t h r e e great: fastest growing research libraries ment of summer flowers. the guest book. Service hours are 9 o.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily; Thurs., 9 to 1 Jtyidesmaids were Audrey Heard, After an overnight honeymoon at tions and generally less adminis- Kat|)y ^renmn W ^rpgory; qipuna grandmpthers of the bride ' ajjd in the nation. bridegrqbni. The bridal pake h^d sifter of the bridegroom; and Ber- the Crystal House Motel, Ann Ar- trative control. Kjpyp qf Vpsijanti, sfet0r P* WPbeen' made by Mrs. Judy Radaht, nice Pearson of Chelsea. They wore bor, the newly weds returned to A' student voice at the board-of- brl^egrpprn; Laura Aiqrte)} pf YpsjMUEEt truste^s-level was on the minds of lanti, and Jeanette Harris-flf Chel- aunt of the bride. notching yellow gowns which var- their residence in Ann Arbor. ied in style, although all were The former Miss Miles is a key- 65 percent of the seniors ^nd 80 sea, cpu,sjn of the briflpgrPIW' Upon their returp from a onewee}{' wedding trip tp iy|ichigan*g fashioned with empire waist)jnes,. ^rjjbh graduate of Lansing Busi- pprcqrjt pf the freshmen. m\r gowps were styled; tp mm Tjjqir bouquets were a mix of white ness University. Her husband Is a iMpre students in 1975 than in t|je mm wprn hy^-.msm P( Ijpper Penjijsulqf, t|je hewlyw'eds w|iV; reside" m Saline. and; yellow flowers. graduate of Chelsea High school. 1971 rejected abolishing grades, f/he fdrrner' Mfs's Packard is a honor though each w^s.fashioned open admissions and having stu1976 graduate of Chelsea Hjgh in a pastel shade of peaph, pirjk, dpnt 'evaluations influence faculty H> scrjobl. and is a sophomore at yellowor blue. E^ch of their prpmpjtpns, according to the MSU Eastern Michigan UniVersiiy where bouquets was an arrangement ot study. ' she is majoring in special educaThe students, however, were daisies tinted to match the shade tion. more supportive (more than 90 per- pf.their dress. Each also wore a cent) of increased freedom for stu- sprig of baby's breath in her Her husband, is a 1975 graduate of Saline' High school and is dent publications, off-campus liv- hair. employed by Tamarack Plumbing For her daughter's weddjng, Mrs. ing, and selection of courses. Bicycle licenses are now on sale a t the ChelPackard chose a floor-length greeh and Heating, Saline. He also atgown with spaghetti straps and a tends the Detroit Institute of Aerosea Police Station. , matching, pleated, sleeveless jack- nautics ' at Willow Run Airport, et, On her shoulder was a cor- Ypsilanti. sage of yellow roses surrounded by white daisies. Telephone- Your Club News Old bicycle licenses expire - M y 1, 1977, and To 475-1371. IVfrs. Noye, mother of the bride-; grpqm, selected a floor-length paqy new licenses must be displayed by that date, j)lue gown \yith a matching longsleeved jacket. She also wqrp a trying to • • We've gqt the staples. corsage of yellqw roses surrounded get it together? white daisies. Top of the Lamp byAttending as flower girl was free counseling: W r 217 North Maty Tf|. 709-701¾ Dpnjia J,ean ftarris Pf Chelsea, ^ Ypuf ji adyocqtcy VILLAGE OF CHELSEA Across frqjfl g.q. pld post office^ cpi^slrj pf the bjidegrqpiri, yyhile ^r|ngpea^rer was Stephen Jtydqni Pf if runaways c'hejsea, cousin bf the hnd;©. •jr families £|est man vy^s Nell 0. tindemann pf Ann Arbor, jfe was 662-2222 assisted by groomsmen jqlm Mc- JULY 2 - 3 - 4 Q^horgh A4. Pqckgrd, Pon May© » - M M M i l i bt -• UraA^.TUTt.&fc^t- ntn-.^Q! 2 " r >-»-?>-••-». CATS CHELSEA AREA TRANSPORTATION .SYSTEM Students Want More Involvement In College Policy CALL 475-9494 eae DUNBAR'S DEXTER LOCKER PAUL DUNBAR, OWNER Main St., Dexter Ph. 426-8466 BICYCLE LICENSES Fresh Frozen Berries & Fruit •••• .. • ' • • . • | • • •. . ' v Orders Must Be Placed By July 6 for First Shipment You've probably pot two lamps that need new shades. • o z POLICE DEPARTMENT 1N MICHIGAN HOME-GROWN pn»N feafy Packard, Jr. or Chelsea, -A*^j,i*rtitr ir'.italitJftMJji r~- By the Cq%e qr \4uarTs You Pick or We Pick. UAIIGE You Pick or We Pick NEW CALIFORNIA POTATOES ICE COLD WATERMELON 17 1 iC«»««*fc!fm* ••*'*l^k*li4"m*^ ^•UU ^ idiimy iiauimyi For families buying their homes, it is i probably their mortgage. Have you thought about mortgage insurance? Mortgage insurance makes sense. It is the , best way to protect your family against their largest liability -- and it costs no more thqn the outstanding balance of your mortgage justifies. Ask us about mortgage insurance. 32 lbs. PEACHES M • • Dave Rowe We're right in Chelsea at 107½ South Mala Street. Phone 475-8065. OPEN DAILY, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 14928 Bunkor Hill Rd^Sfockbridge Ph. (517) 769-6772 crossing M-106 to Bunkcrhlll Rd., north 1 Vx FARM BUREAU c INSURANCE QR0UP,. firm Burtw Mutual • farm Bureju Life • Community Service Insurant H iflilil W^lMt&M^^mM^Mm^L • * • $16.50 • s ^ * BEEF SIDES' 93 c Cut and Ready for Your Freezer (Cutting statement furnished) HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON CENTER CUT Hamburger Skinless Patties Wieners Sliced Bologna SMOKED i IOCK**/0««-, wmmmm 32 lbs. APRICOTS . . . $19.98 $1.29 lb. 980 lb. 79c lb. 79c lb. FARM BAKED DONUTS and BREAD FARMS A $21.50 and More! - Also Featuring - Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables - P — 30 lbs. PINEAPPLES What is your FRESH HOME-GROWN PEAS %l north to Territorial, turn west, 30 lbs. CHERRIES . . . $19.50 l | » Mm S *-m &* 4¾ A 4b G EC 30 lbs. STRAWBERRIES . $16.90 $25.20 28 lbs, RASPBERRIES m^^^t^ltmmmtmmiM^tilMm^daL^litmim^^mamt^tt^^^mim^m Breakfast FARM POLISH Sausage ROASTING tV^VJO SAUSAGE Patties PIGS 890 lb. 980 lb. Discount to Civie Groups - We Accept Federal Food Stamps Custom Slaughtering & Processing wjm •MMMMMHMH MMMW 750 doz. ^^•^•^^p Alie' dhelsea Standard, Thursday, June 30, 1977 •^•••••••a PWB mm^m*m* ill i 5 I kmt* nOirt *>» Vq the feditor: ., <,' I aw Writing tHls letter as ah dUigdirig ffteniber of the Chelfcea Bbafd of Edudfltloh. I would Jlke to express some Of my personal Opinions regarding some decisions made by the board in the past ttjw mouths. First, I would like to deal with thi iSs'ue of the millage. Although everyone's tdxes have increa&d in the past several years, the school district's income has NOT iricrease^d enough because of cuts in State ; Aid. fhla may not make sense, A but it is true.. Therefore, the' board is fa^tl \VltH the1 pWblfcmi of cutting prdgr'afrtk Because oraur decisions lb" cjjt certain programs, some people have said that thei M is "iflflexible.'V (I take this -to", mean that pebflg feel m m Uiiwiiii,h| to change dlir decisions.) the board follows laws laid down by the4 State df teigah. gtate- law say^ that -I Bbard of EdUemio'ii may hot KNOWINGLV deficit spend. In the case of driver education^ for* example, it would cdil the dislrfct nearly $9,000 in cash to offef the program this summer. Even though this $9,000 could be ; pdftialiV reimbursed by the stale" next year, the outlay of the cash NOW Wduld force1 us' to deficit sp^h<i> WHldh is against the law. f I do not believe in fund-raising icampaigns or gifts to the district to fiftafifie dertain school programs. Tfiese tJ/bSS of programs or donations fftake. it possible for the il more affluent people in the dis' tridt to pay for certain extra•. >j^*"£^J^>jj?^j^t^ T**X YoiiVe probably got two lamps that need rtew shades. cufricular programs in which their children participate. This may proVide one tor two programs that please a few people, but this is not fair to the hundreds of other kids wn0se parents can't afford to provide /the funds to run their activities, the'refore, I believe that the fair thing to do is to cut ALL extra-curricular activities. As my term ends as a board member/1 would like to remind taxpayers in Chelsea that the board consists of people chosen by the voters! As a board, the^ people dd their best to make 'decisions according to state law that will prdVidd ;a well-rdunded, and duality , e'dlibatidn dtl in EQUAL Basi^ for all Jtud6Hts. In summary, I would like to rppeat a staterflent, that i\ made1 beldrf: "School miilage is the orijy tax th^t a taxpayer is privileged to vote 1 upon," I, feel that Chelsea Has a firie,school systerh, and I would hope that all voters could Siipport the millage request. Howard Haselschwardt. Dear Editor; It seems that sorrie of our community's ,;< concerned, voters hdVe bieeft givfe.ii s brie item df; incorrect information: concerning the Be^fch School swlttirnihg pdol. As a point of clarification the pool at triik time has hot been, drained but will be later* thife-stiihmer. This Will be done as^ a f a t t e r of routine mairitfeh&hbd, The' purpose beitig ytb thoroughly .'clean the pool area tnat is normally uhderwate>-^hile the pool is. empty ".underwater lights, filterSi 'analyzers^ • etc.i may be s^rvibed a's: ridded. This prOcedtire Was to; have ;b66n carried out between Aug. 6 and Aug. 28, if the summer program had been conducted. Tfys is only an action df responsible' fhaintevriahce on dur community's iflVes'tmeht. Larry Reed, pool director' We've got the shades. Top of the Lamp $1* North Main Tel.769-7019 Atiross from a.a. old post office. - * ; - ! * " - * • ' " • • - • • J Please Notify Us' of In Advance of Any Change in Address m* Please call us now Our services are guaranteed Our staff is weft trained L o v e l y in-ground pools S ure it's not to6 ea .•• ! • * * ' CRYSTAL CLEAR CO. 475? OextOr-ttrickney Rd. M l * ^ tx^x'^fW hhJ-"tf Pk 42&4220 ^ ^ , a . jiu^j^ or ^ N up n-~r iiiiiii«r »i«n^iiiin.! ii i . i n iiim^jinini BEER - WINU - LIQUOR AUTHORISED POOD STAMP STORE MARATHON <3AS PUMPS FREEMAN SHOES See YdU of i\i$ Chicken Bof-B-Q oft MoH., July 4 STORE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 5 i30 p.m. Mon, thru Sot. STRIETIR'S MEN'S WEAR Since 1914 mm **(IS 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Sole Prices Effective Thurs., June 30 thru Sim, July 3 JIFFY MARKETS FRESH MEATS FEATURING USDA CHOICE BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEAIv Mr. arid MHs. Robert t . Tdyldf: Full Cut • G&ml Ann H&lht; k&b@rf L Tgylor HAMBURGER THAT YOU CAN ENJOY lb. Wed at Dexter Methodist Church 1 4 79 ., •Carol Ann Heller,,;daughter - of ;Roy., Heller of Chelsea./ Her veil .•MrV• aiid Mrs.. "Donald Alber.of was'-alsO-trimmed' with.lace, ,' £ * g $0701 V Jackson '\ 'Rd., /" Dexter, .„ e#T ' Matron 1 of honqjr was Mrs.- Gary YOUNG, LEAN, TENDER—.SLICED IN CHOPS. EXCEPTIONAL GOOD BUY ^hanged: ^ r H d g e vows witli iRjob.Koscjelniak, -of Wipstla.nd,,' ,aunt -of, m'Lelahd^ Taylor of1 Dexter, .son the.' brid6.' She appeared :iha.,white 'bf'Mri-a.nd^rs.l^chardTaylor of dress - with a' red' flower;'print. ^ A Sair|axi Va^,.; Saturday, VJUJOJB; 25;•matcjh'ing' red polyester''crepe jackin. Dexter, United Methodist clwrchV et ! Completed1 her -attire.'•.,She •' held The-7 >prm.- -eeremony^was-•perfbrm'.- 'a"b0U^ef'of • reti-fipped-White' car- COLBY LONGHORN ed by the Rev.; James Hynes,of nations and baby's breath. DMt$z andi the'; RiSV. .Righard, Lyn;i ^eiiviHg ^s.; bridesmaids: were At the v t v don'of^Porter,. Ind., : before a,gath• t • • # © • Meat Counter Sandy'Steers of Ann Arbor, sister ; ering;;of 175^gu'felts. .- .- "• \ of th,e: bride; Terry Proctor, of V As She, approac.hed the. altar;* the Ann Arbor, cousin of the bride; RE-PEET-ER — FROM FARMER PEET bride Hvas 'we&ring a white Qpiana TudyRaiford of Dexter; and Congown with a flower pattern and lace nie Burritt. Their costumes were trim which she had made? with helb identical to the gown worn by the frOm her grandmother, Mrs. Le- matron of honor, • • • • • • • • N For her daughter's Wedding, Mrs. ^ ^ ' ^ *m ^ ^' ^i ^ o ^ a ' l i i i •N^>*KiK Alber chose a beige silk dress with FARMER PEET'S -JA J%i a blue silk screen print on the skirt. Mrs. Taylor, mother of the bridegroom, appeared in a yellow sleeveless polyester gown. Attending as flower girl' was Grass Lake Area HOlly Carol Koscielniak of West- FARMER, PEET'S ALL-BEEMF AND Youth Promoted By 'land, cousin of the bride. Best man for the occasion was 1-Lb. Air Force in England 'Richard Taylor, brother of the Pkg. Clifford W. Hoffman, son of bridegroom. He was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hoffman ushers Ken Haight of Atlanta, Ga.; 0% _ _ of 6014 Trist Rd., Grass Lake, has PauJ White; Charles Steers of KRAFT'S Dexter, brother of the bride; and be^n prbmOtfed to technical serGul fio Torri. geant iri the U. S. Ait Force. Following the wedding, a recepSergfeatit Hoffman, a veterinary tion was held at the Chelsea Fairsfervlfce technician, is assigned at grounds Service Center for 175 Lakertheath RAF Station, fihglarid, guests. Beth Thalmann of Deltort, &OOD ANYTIME with a Unit of the U. S Air Forces cousin of the bride, was in charge 16-Oz. in Europe. Of the guest book; Mrs: Darr611 ., No-Return »» The sergeant, a 1964 gradual pidd of Stockbfidge, aunt of the • • • Bottles , of Grass itake. High school/ r e - bride, poured punch; Mrs. Richard ceived an 'associate degree from Schultz of Wayne, aunt of the ^ ¾ ( ^ A A Jackson Junior Community College, bride, poured coffee; Mrs. Richard CONTINENTAL BAKING COUNTRY STYLE Jackson. Lyndon of Porter, Ind., and Mrs. Benjamin Powell of- Dexter, both aunts of the bride, cut the wedArthur L. Kaiser, /r., ding cake; and Krystal and (Kifhberly Lyndon, both of Porter, Ind., On Destroyer Cruising helped with gifts. Host and hostess OPEN PIT, THE ORIGINAL for the reception were Mr. and til Mediterrdtieait Area Mrs. yerrtOii Thalmann of Delton, 1-Pt., 2-Oz. the bride's uncle and aunt. Navy frbiler Technician FIfeinail •• • • • (18-Oz.) Arthur 1. Kaiser, jr., sort Of Sam- At the conclusion of the recep• • 0 ^ uel Howard and filanch E. HoV/ard tion, the newlyweds departed for a KRUNCHEEREG. 79c - SAVE 20c BAG honeymoon in Toronto, Ont., Canof 31 i5 ; Mack Island, both of ada. Grass .Lake, is currently On ah The former Miss Heller graduatextended deployment in the Medi- ed from Dexter High school in terranean Sea. 1973 and js a 1977 graduate Of U. S. GRADE A WHITE MEDIUM Eastern Michigan University. Her He is serving as a crewmember abtiard the guided missile destroy- husband is a 1974 graduate of Dexer tiSS FarraMut, homeported in ter High school. He attends MichiMorfO" • • *v • dik, Va. His ship- is opera gan State university, East Lanirig as a Unit of the U. S. Sixth sing. BREAST O'CHICKEN M WKKM Fleet. He' atid his fellow shipmates,recently visited Athens and turkey. tiUfiiig the remainder of the CfUise, his ship is scheduled to CALIFORNIA U.S. NO. 1 pafticipate irt several training operations with other Sixth Fleet 10-Lb. units and with ships of allied naBag tions. In addition to the training exercises, several more port visits in Mediterranean countries are lb $139 QUARTERED PORK LOIN % *1 $129 lb. 1 STORE CHEESE lb. $129 1 SLICED BACON CHUNK BOLOGNA . . . . . 89 PLAYTIME FRANKS . . . . 89 e MIRACLE WHIP . . . . . . _ 9 7 $ 39 8» 1 COCA-COLA 9Q WHITE BREAD 3 £i*1 49' BAR-B-QUE SAUCE POTATO CHIPS . .¾ , 59 J... 5 9 FRESH EGGS TUNA, Chunk Style ^ ^ / $129 1 WHITE POTATOES LO Servicemen's Corner The Chelsea Standard Ph. 475-1371 300 N. Main Chelsea carpet cleaning results! TENNIS SHORTS P H O N E 475*1701 TOP VALUE FOODS • GUARANTEED SATISFAGTION - COURTEOUS SERVICE GET PROFESSIONAL and OPEN 7 D A Y S A WEEK - T " - — ~ " r ' - V i : i '*"TT r i" ; '^r>"nrr^iaia| l ^'iiij««iiMiir----^?--'--ir'rrr SLACKS BERMUDA Corner Siblev and Werkner fids. Full Line Supermarket The FarragUt is 8l2 feet long and carries a crew of 377 officers and enlisted men. She is outfitted with guns, torpedo tubes and an antisubmarine rocket launcher. Kaiser joined the Navv in June 1973. 16 up irt»ta»**»«tt»*» «r«4- / planned. or Serve You . * . Sfriatl Enough To Know You! fttg Enough To (HiBituoupsrifjiPioBs) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-1hg new portable easy-to-use hot water extraction carpet cleaning machine that gently.., • rihsds carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens end lifts all dirt, grime and residue! t0 the carpet surface where , th«y are Immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN, FRESH and QOOft-FftEEl RIHSE VAC i\\ LEANER diafa ii\ ./ ;.'•- dmim^m^^mMmmimBMm M^mMmiM^iiM:^, • • • • • Cut, Wrapped/ Froxen To Your Specifications, LOCAL FARM BEEF FOR SALE CORN-FED BEEF AT ITS BEST! Custom Cuffing, Grinding, Wrapping and Freezing Rent for only $10 '/2 day CHELSEA HARDWARE ' •,> HALF & HALF CHOCOLATE MILK . . MOGENIZED MILK • • • Quarts • • c 49 00 3 * *1 $139 1 Quarts • Gallon U.S.D.A. C h o i c e Freezer Beef JIFFY MARATHON GAS PUMPS SIDES - FRONTS - HINDS - LOINS - FULL RIB Reserve RIN8GN VAC for theday you want togetyource/pei* roally cloen 110 S. MAIN ST. FARM MAID DAIRY - CHELSEA'S FAVORITE!! PHONE 4751121 YOUR BEEF GAS 9 "*iQ V ^Hb^kV Includes All Taxe* THANK YOU — We Appreciate Your Business! QUICK SERVICE on HAULING and SLAUGHTERING JIFFY MARKET A One-Stop Store Gas Household Supplies - Fresh Meat - Food Stamp Store Fresh Produce - Supermarket Groceries Beer - Wine • Liquor •Wl-W^^p-^-f- nm^emmmmm . v i ^ . , V M M M « ' ...«i,„^:i.».(.-„. - . i,,:rri.rprr',tf rrtr." ¢^¢¢1^.14^J^I*gli^WWg*>j^#^^-^^-^4.¾,ji!•¾¾^-Mj[VTl^M*^*^j&:*»&# $tt»<Wfr*' '»<HiViW»» -»-r"*"-" '• » * • /'/mmmmm ,: •' "•'i'<!- Y\f: •'•:<•<!, 6 v The ^ e t y e a Standard, Thursday, June 8.0, 1977 r., •r—H" «, "i * v \ i.-n • . . , . 1 . . . 1 - - , i i n , | •' i M > I l i n Pli^lUsBksfQr^^ua^les WithHonQnviWMV IDEATHS I m^^^^^^^m^^m^ .\<V? »«&.«*« >\& W » 5 ty*&*.l Mrs. William R.Prather Former Chelsea Resident Dies Following Long Illness .,'-. Mrs. William R. (Nancy Lee) 'rather, 32, of 768 N, Wilson tr ft ft Ave./Pasadena, Calif.,, a former :helsea resident, died Sunday, Limane*ers, Thursday, July 7, at Inverness Country Club, Ouchre ;une 26, at Huntington Memorial the home of Mrs. Lee Weiss. Pot- party and pot-luck, July 5, ¢:30 Hospital, Pasadena, following an p.m., at. the clubhouse. luck dinner at 12:30 p.m. .>xterided illness. The dining room of Chelsea Com- Chelsea Community Fair Horse Born on J\ily 10, 19-14 in Asmunity Hospital is available for Committee, Tuesday, July 5, 7:30 >ury Park, N.J. Men. Prather.war. women's club meetings in the fall, p.m. at the Fairgrounds Service \ daughter of Bradford and Jean every second Tuesday of the month! Center. All committeemen request- Newman C a r t e r . She graduated ed to attend. ,om Chelsea High school in 1932, If interested, call 47^-2034. '.md had been a member of St. Chelsea High Class of 1980 will American Legion Hospital eqiiip v»aul United Church of Christ in meet July 9, 4 p.m. at the home aient is available by contacting vhelsea. She married William R. 'rather on April 6, 19SS in Ariof Tracy Cattell, 358 Washington .any Gaken at 475-7391. • « * onci. He survives. St. to choose a Fair Queen candidate, discuss float ideas for the Chelsea Homj Meai Service de- Mrs. Prather was employed as Community F^ir Parade, and to livers one hot meal a day to elcler- x trust officer by the Glendale collect delinquent dues, of $5. Ev- ty and disabled living In the Chel (California) Federal Savings, and eryone urged to attend. sea area. For information, call .oan Association and was a mem0 »> * Jaralee Hoffmeyer, 475-8014, or ber of the California League. AlAll Senior Citizens meetings Barbara Branch, 475-7644. o surviving are her parents, Mr. # >> •> will be cancelled until further no and Mrs. Julius Blaess of Cheltice. Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring So- ie$, her father, Bradford Carter of <, tf ciety's "One Helluva Ride," Sat- -Maryland, two sisters, Mrs. Tim Chelsea Social Service hours are urday, July 16 for Mldwest*bicy^ (Pat) Whltesall and Mrs. Don PARTIALLY PLASTERED PASTQRi. The Rev; , Mforris was attempting to Sink a basket from*: the [ rhursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or cling enthusiasts who will ride, (Judi) Erskine, both of Chelsea, John R. Morris, pastor of Chelsea's Zion Lutheran far end of the court when the force of body thrust! call 475-1581, or 475-1012. from Dexter to Hell, Mich, and three nephews, Tim and Steve church, will be greeting members of his cprigrega- • behind the effort ripped his Achilles tendon/ kt-; * * o back. Advance registration re-, Sharon Toy/nship Planning Com- quired before July 2. For further Whitesail and Adam'. Erskine, her tion Sunday with a, weighty addition to his eccle- though he has been forced' to postpone his athletic; fnission regular m e e t i n g third information, call Dave Knox, 995- maternal grandmother, Edith New- siastical attire. Oh hi§ left leg will be a full cast, pursuits for the next two niont^.the^Revt^^toy^j Wednesday of each month. adv42tf 5778, or write AABTS, 1921 Nor- man of Asbury Park, N.J. and her the result of a basketball mishap that occurred . has, found a way t6 circumvent the dilemma, inr paternal grandmother, Ruth Car- last week-end while he' was. participating" in a st<?ad of action in the field, he has joined the, specta^;s way, Ann Arbor. ter of Northville, several aunts, Lutheran campout at Stoney Lake' heat Muske* ' tor ranks at sporting events. Lyndon Towhship Board regular , jneetings the third Tuesday of each Lima Township Board regular uncles and cousins. gon. According to reports on the accident,tJie,:Ftev» month, 7 p.rri., in Lyndon Town meeting the first Monday ot the Cremation has' taken place, Mem~ Hall. month, 8 p.m. at Lima Township orial services will be held at 2 p.m. Jeffrey Sprague Hall. .•• adv42tf Thursday, June 30 (today) at, the Sylvan Township Board meeting Burghardt Funeral Home, with the the first Tuesday of the month, at Rev. Carl W. Schwarm officiating. The Board of Commissioners of field and; two in 'Waterford. He All-A Record at \ '^, \ 7 p.m., at Sylvan Township Hall. Chelsea Co-op Nursery is now The family suggests that memortaking applications for the 1977-78 lives in Southfield. \ : Western WashingMn \ adv.42tf school year. To enroll, call K a y ial contributions in Nancy's name t-'h e. Huron-Clinton ' Metropolitan » Tfi,ey" will serve one-year terms may be made to Jhe Michigan (Park) Authority has: elected : of- ending in JUne' of 1078. Each was Jeffrey; Sprague, son;of .'Mr7~and Chelsea Jaycees are actively Johnson, 475-7765 or 475-8316. advx43tf Diabetes Association or the Mich- ficers for 1977-78. They are: originally- < elected- to, the present Mrs. James Sprague oV.3490'Cle^kr seeking new members among igan Kidney Disease Foundation. Chairman—Clifton W. Heller (Liv- post in an unusual mid-term elec- Lake, Grass Lake, completed thja young men between the ages of ingston county), who has served tion held Dec. 13, 1976 (because second semester of his junior yeair 18 and 36. Meetings conducted the McKune Memorial Library hours on the Board since "May 15,. 1973. Jesse A. Rutherford, chairman at Western' Washington State' Co first Tuesday of each month, 7:30 are Monday, 10-5 and 7-9; TuesHe owns Heller's Flowers in Howell since' Jne 10; 1976, died on Nov. p.m. Women's Auxiliary meets the day, 12-5; Wednesday, 12-5 and lege, Bellingham, Wash., with, a i and was • elected Mayor of the 23/1976). : third Tuesday of each month, 7:30 7-9; Thursday, 10-3; Friday, 12-5 all-A or 4.0 grade point average. City of Howell six times. p.m. For more information, con- and 7-9; and Saturday, 12-5. The 'governing body of the Hur# * * Vice-Chairman—Thomas S. Welsh on-Cliriton^ iMetropark system is a A 1974. graduate of Chelsea Higji tact Bob Poiite, 475-9191, or Bob A daughter, Jessica Jo, to SteSmith, 475-2038. V Tours of Chelsea Community ven and Frances Smith of Sagi- (Macomb county), who has. served seven-member Board of Commis- school, Sprague is majoring;in environmental studies at: Washington * * * Hospital and surgical center are naw, June 27, in Bay City. Ma- on the HCMA Board since March State. , ".'.' v • sioners,, including Governor ApLima Township Planning Com- available for small groups. To ar- ternal grandparents are Mrs. Carol 26, 1961. He served three years as mission regular meeting the third range for tours, call: Neva Jor-r Billot of Bay City and Francis a Governor Appointee represent- pointees: .Eugene /J. Ellison (St. Tuesday of every month, 8 p.m. at don, 426-8027, or Dorothy Miller Billot of Snover. Paternal grand- ing the district-at-large. He has Clair Shores), and Kurt R. Keydel Fair Horse Show. represented Macomb county since the Township Hall. 475-8020. parents are Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne December of 1964 and,is Maconib (Detroit) /plus County Representa- ^Committee To Meet ..,/ * * * # * * tives; Wayne—Willian E.' KregerCounty Public Works Commission- LivingstbnT-CIifton W. Heller^.MaSharon Township BoaM regular Humane Society of Huron Val- Smith of Chelsea. A meeting of the Chelsea Comer. •. meeting first Thursday of each ley has dogs and cats for adopconib—Thomas S. Welsh; Oakland munity Fair Horse Show Comrnif Treasurer—Charles R. Shafer —Charles R; Shafer; and Washmonth, 8:30 p.m. adv42tf tion. Owners may reclaim their tee has been scheduled. for^Tu|sPlease Notify Us (Oakland county), who has. serv- tenaw^John-H, pillon.r lost pets. Phone 662-5585. Open ,: day, July 5, 7:30. p.m. .at..,th^ ed on the HCMA Board since May . Lyndon Township Planning Com- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily; SunIn Advance of fairgrounds Service . Center, ^ l l I The largest Hurdn^Cllntoh Metro20, 1976. He is president of Michmission meets the second Thurs- day, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. lOOCherry committeemen are requested to' atparksinclude Metro Beach near day of the month at the Town- Hill Rd., one-fourth mile south of Any Change in Address igan National Bank-Oakland, which tend. • " ,\ Mt. ClOmens, Stoney' Creek near has 10 branch offices in Southship Hall at 8 p.m. adv.42tf Plymouth Rd. at Dixboro. Several issues riased during p'ast ROchester-Utica, Kensington near Milford, Hudson MiUs near Dexter, months wilf be'discussed. LoVer' Huron near Belleville,- Willow' near New Boston and OakTelephone Your Club News \voods near Flat Rock. 'V fo'475-1371. m Calendar . , * • * • it >'/ * . * tji ^ * • * " Phyllis' H.; Busg, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Henry rW. Buss of 119 Clardale Ctfrfr^M^Mtd surnma cum laude frpni wejsteni Michigan University, Kalamazoo, according IO an announcement made by WMU Registrar Dennis E. Boyle. Miss Bus^, j^i^earnecl a bach3lor's degree frolil!,Western, was one of 1,300 persons receiving bachelor's••jdegreejs^t the universe ty's recent second semester commencement exercises. » * . • Telephone Your Club Nuws To 475-1371. Mary Ann Warren Earns Masters Degree At Michigan State Mary Ann Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hanson of 545 Howard Rd., was recently awarded her Master of Arts degree from Michigan State University. She graduated from MSU's reading specialist program with high honors. Mrs. Warren is currently employed by the Eaton Rapids Public School System as a reading specialist. She and her husband, Ron, have two children, Kristin, 10, and Kevin, 7. • J> # ' • * * * • , • • ' . . * * ' : ' " : ' : ' ; . ' ' " " • ' ' • ' ' • • / • ' . , • , • ' • • • ' • / > • HCMA Board Electa Officers * • ' : # * M-KTIIS Fran Coy invites you to her NEW salon. • • Exterior House Paint Sale! PICK YOUR PRICE GAMBLES IXXERI OR FLAT LATEX^White only .., gal. 4 $477 $749 GAMBLES HOMEGUARD White only. List $10.49 f gal. SAVE $3.00 MARTIN &NOUR FLAT LATEX HOUSE PAINT White only. List $10.80 8 8 $025 gal. SAVE vVE $$2.55 MARTIN SENOUR HOME STYLER White or Colors. List $11.90 ..... .gal. $Q95 SAVE $195! MARTIN SENOUR GREAT LIFE FLAT LATEX White or Colors. List $14.20 ... ..gal. $10^ SAVE $3.25 MARTIN SENOUR GREAT LIFE SATIN GLOSS White or Colors. List $15.40 gal. Ml 95 SAVE $3.45 MARTIN SENbUR ALKLYD $1*125 GLOSS White or Colors. List $16.10 .....*.gal. 12 SAVE $3.85 SHOP NOW & SAVE AT GAMBLES 110 N. MAIN PH. 475-7472 »; ;• « ^^^-^S'-.'-'^A-**" This Holiday^Week!! s Tuesday, July 5th thru Saturday, the 9th All Day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Stop in! . (homemade) \ ntjinuiiinui:/ j )(h Free Gift * Cookies * Punch sg^f jam jam jgFranCou. • 5 / HAIRSTYLISTS I MONDAY, JULY 4 CHELSEA FAIRGROUNDS Serving from 12 Noon Until Sold Out 2,000 Chicken Halves To Serve. Sponsored By American Legion Post No. 37 FIREWORKS ^&is£j^-i^ Beginning at Dusk ICE CREAM SOCIAL ICE CREAM and CAKE ONLY Serving Starts at 7 pjn. ateflMiy^ HMi^i^MHM^^A^HMki ^H^MtMMMHMiMiiHiHIliiMillilliMHMi iM^MHMMiMMHIIMaaHailMMMHMHMI •••••• mmmmm""! mm^mmmtmmmmifmi aooooeooocoeooooooodeoooo aies State DAV Corwerttion By PAUL FRISINGER 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( REALTOR 20&W NEVER ARGUE WITH SUCCESS There is a sound philosophy John D. Rockefeller: "The big based on the premise: "Never fortunes in the future will be argue with success." If you made in real estate." have the urge to invest in real estate, listen to what some of John Jacob Astor: (He's a v the most successful investors little more specific.) "Buy on have to say about it. the fringe and wait. Buy land % Andrew Carnegie: "Ninety near a growing city! Buy real percent of all millionaires be- estate when other people .want come so through owning real to sell. Hold what you buy." estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or If there is anything we can wage-earner invests his money in real estate." do to help you in the field of real estate, please phone or Marshall Field: "Buying real drop in at FRISINGER REALestate is not only the best way, the quickest way, and the TY CO., 935 S. Main St., Chelsafest way, but the only way sea. Phone: 475-8681;' evenings to become wealthy." 475-2621. We're here to help! & . Second Section "Well-organized" and "produc- heads of ail Michigan Veterans ortive" were the key words used by ganizations; heads of Michigan Chelsea's three-member delegation Veterans Administration Hospitals,; to describe the 52nd annual con- and others who wished the officers vention of Disabled American Vet- and delegates of the DAV success erans of Michigan, held at the in their convention. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dearborn, The convention program consist* ed of four business sessions, many June 16-19. committee meetings and a banChelsea representatives included quet. Some 600 membters and Kermit Sharp, DAV Chapter 13 guests were present for the bancommander;. Bill Pierce, officer of quet, held in the Hubbard Ballroom the day; and Bessie Sharp, DAV of the h o t e l on the evening of Ladies Auxiliary U n i t 13 senior June 18. vice-commander. Wrapping up the affair was the Others attending from Washte- election and installation of officers naw County DAV Chapter 13 were for the 1977-78 y e a r , conducted Larry Hooper of Whitmore Lake, June 19. Officers for the coming adjutant; Bill Isola of Ann Arbor, year are Harold Cobb of Sault Ste. service officer; Herbert ,Busch of Marie, commander; Delbert Cop; Ann Arbor, sergeant-at-arms; apd pinger, s e n i o r vice-commander; Reuben Swisher of Ann Arbor, past George Zoscsak, first junior vicecommander. From the Washtenaw commander; Orlan Foster, second County Ladies Auxiliary Unit 13 junior vice-commander; and James were Charlotte Apple of Ann Ar- E. Cole of Sault Ste. Marie, third bor, commander; Margaret Bailey junior vice-commander.. Cole Is of Ann Arboiv adjutant; Virginia one of the first Vietnam veterans Busch and Ruth Otto, both of Ann to hold high office in the DAV or? Arbor; and Alma Hooper of Whit- ganization. ] more Lake. Next year's Michigan Disabled Durin gthe, tour-day convention, American Veterans' Convention will appearances were made by many be June 15-18 at Sault Ste. Marie/; dignitaries from local, state and national levels including Michigan Lt. Governor James J. Damman; Michigan Congressional leaders; Pages 7-12 CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30,1977 Chelsea Fitness Trail Under Construction round Grounds of Medical Center Complex 1 • • : • . • • *r - , . - • ( physical fitness devotees and area residents on fitness building programs will soon be able to stride into, shape through use of a tfrtique exercise concept, the qbejsea Fitness trail. Currently un#r construction around the Chejsea Medical Center complex, the] community-oriented jogging course is scheduled to open within the next eight weeks. Modeled after a fitness innovation!-which originated in Switzerland, In the late 60's, the Chelsea Fitness Trail will feature a sixfooy wide, mile and one-half lonjf wood ctup path,* sprinkled wim 15 exercise stations at 50 to 100-jt. intervals along the path. Th$; entrance .'and finish to the course will be at the rear of Piercei Park; oh Main St. > • tHe,'course has been scientifically designed to help people of all ages and!varied fitness levels njaintain good physical , condition] If followed as prescribed, the. e s t 1 m a t e d one-hour run K?IB through the course. and its exercises will 'pfoditce results equivalent to a one * hour wbrk-dut in gyfrinasUcs. ,, . , ,,. . Todd Headrick, a Chelsea High Glared to' promote1 flexibility school junior, attended the Arneri-, and] muscular development, the CHELSEA FITNESS TRAIL: Gathered around programs. Pictured, from left, are Nancy Grau, can .Legion sponsored Student Chelsea Fitness Trail will begin a rather nondescript woicslen. stake which marks president of Chelsea Child Study Club which is fundTrooper Program, June ' 20-24J wittfa warnvup stretch at the the end of the new Chelsea Fitness Trail, now ing the project; Bob Baker, internal vice-president Headrick was one of 60 finalists starf of the course and will conin the state.selected to participate, clude with a cooling down stretch under construction arojind the Chelsea Medical ; of the Chelsea Jaycees w^'ch is volunteering labor in the program. He represented the at the'finish. The most strenu- Center Complex, are volunteers who helped bulldoze for. the project; Bob Ponte, president of the Chelsea American Legion 2nd District and; ous portiohs of the course will be the course and organizers, supporters, and Jaycees; Carol Kvarnberg, treasurer of Chelsea Chelsea American Legion Post 31. j in between* the former and latter financiers of the project. The mile and one-half Recreation Council which is disbursing the donated Participants in the Student Troop- stretches. Alortg the way, ex- long jogging trail will begin and end at Pierce funds} Alice Tite, project initiator and co-ordinator; er Program attend the Michigan ercises to be performed include State Police Training Center in jumping vjacks; bending, chin- Park and will feature 115 exercise stations to chal- and Carl Goins, work chairman for. the Chelsea where they engage in a ning, push-ups, sit-ups, twisting lenge fitness buffs and persons on fitness therapy Fitness Trail. 1,390 colors to be exact, and Lansing ! first-hand examination of law en- and balancing.; <f • •• ; , • • forcement philosophies, functions.^ they all can be seen in the Signs at the exercise stations procedures and training.. ' will inform trail runners wmcii hew color Gallery Mark ii at The " program teaches youth to exercise is to be done; now to-no appreciate and respect law en- it, and the number ot times it is our store. forcement 'agencies and often to be repeated. The Signs, as well launches youth into a career in as ail other- parts.ot Colors apply to both interior ine course, that field.'1.. will be made trom natural maand exterior paints. Chelsea Players have finalized To be eligible for the program, terials to, blend with the natural their plans for this summer's anapplicants _ must demonstrate a • Eight local area graduates are U-M' Regents - Alumni Selection nual Children's Theatre Workshop. wholesome attitude towards law environment of the course loca- among 1,,033 outstanding Michigan Committee. Classes will'begin Tuesday, July 5, and order as evidenced by a per- tion. We have several gallons of exterior and Interior colors that have been graduates planning; to U-M alumni play an active part in the First United " Methodist total cost to construct th6 Chel- high school sonal history of respectable citi; discontinued. This is all first class Dutch Boy paint and we are zenship, mental alertness and lead- sea Fitness trail has been esti- s enter the University of Michigan in the selection procedure. Final- Church Education Building on Park ership abilities. Applicants must mated at $1#00. The project is this year, • who were named Re- ists, chosen from all applicants for St. offering it at only $7.98 per gallon, a real buy. also be high " school juniors with being funded' by a donation trom gents-Alumni Scholars by the freshman admission, are referred Course offerings include : acting •to local U-M alumni for interviews a satisfactory scholastic record, the Chelsea • Crtild Study C l u b university. ; \ : •and recommendations. ' Some '200 and dramatics; mime, clowning with tiie', Cneisea Recreation and must be in good health. and make-up;- set design, construcEach year the U-M selects RCParticipants in the Student Troop- Council handling the disbursalof gehts-Alumnj .Schjblars '. for thefr alumni participated, this/year^ .. tion and lighting; and dance and A' Certificate.: for. each Regents- •movement: er Program are selected by the don&ed tuhdjs. the. W ^ t e ^0a j1 ^ "'SSpe'fibr academic achievCrn'ent American Legion District Com-' County Parks and > Hecrea" * and their potential contribution to Alumni Scholar has beehvsent to Registration for the workshop Depauniem is aisolenuing its ^Continued on page, 12) the scholarly"'community .of the the Scholar's, high school.- All will be Friday, July 1', 1 p.m. to 4 suppon toine: project. Scholars will receive a. $50 honor- p.m.. at Chelsea State Bank; and University of Michigan." Labor for--construction of the The local area scholars are Kim- arium when, they enroll in. theTuesday, July 5, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. trail is being provided by tne berly A. Brown - of 20098 Brown U-M in September. Financial need at the first class meetinp. Chelsea Jaycees, Cub Scouts, Dr. and Delayn L. Seitz of 111 Ar- is not a consideration in the selecBoy Scouts and community vol- den Lane, both of Chelsea; Dorian tion of Regents-Alumni Scholars. unteers. J. Bilik of .2635 W.' Delhi Rd. and Others involved on a volunteer Mark A- Haney,of 9200 Island Lake basis include Chelseaite Haroid Dr., both of Dexter; Kim D. Evans Hospital Dining Room Professional Hair-Styling Davis, who will do the lettering of 4985 Gallagher Blvd., David T. Available to Clubs 4or ail trail signs, and browns Lavey of 234 Putnam, and Robert Men and Women 9> Welding of Chelsea, which will << L. Muglia of 8827 Pleasant Lake • The Chelsea Community Hospital 20490 M-52 The Store with the Spartan on the Door Phone 475-2898 donate welding services to the Dr., all of Pinckney; and Carolyn Auxiliary has announced that the Thursday and Friday evening project where needed. Alice Tite, J. Hubbard of 1184 Grandview Dr., hospital dining room will' be availappointments. a Chelsea , Community Hospital Grass Lake. able to local women's clubs for &aO00O9OSOSG0006QeQ0eC»S90GOC»S6O0OC9 12-OZ. CANS SPARTAN FROZEN employee,, is responsiole tor in- This year there were more than meetings on the second Tuesday of itiating and co-ordinating the 1,900 candidates from 472 Michigan each month, beginning in the fall. sea Witness Trail project. high schools in contention for the Interested groups should call 475ECKRICH scholarship honor, according to 2034 for arrangements and more 107 N. Main Chelsea Preliminary work already comIvan W. Parker, chairman of the information. pleted . on the Chelsea Fitness Trail includes all bulldozing, and the cutting and painting of signs to be used in marking the course. Those who contributed labor and 10-Oz. equipment to the bulldozing efPkg. fort are Carl- and Rufus Goins, Bob Baker, Hap Baker, Bob Reg. or Jumbo Ponte and Dr. F. S. Van Reesema. Hand grading and clearing of the trail has been scheduled for BANQUET FROZEN l-Lb. July 9 and will be done jointly Pkg. by the Jaycees, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Community volunteers are also welcome. Anyone interested in assisting with the project should call Bob Ponte at DEL MONTE 475-9191. NABISCO Land being used for the Chel$ sea Fitness Trail is primarily 2-Lb. owned by Chelsea Community Pkg. Hospital a!thou°h portions of the IUE9UAI traif transect ° some privately 20-Oz. owned land. In both instances, Bottle permission to use the land for the trail has been granted free of charge. SUNSHINE Persons using the exercise SPARTAN course for therapy reasons are urged to consult their physicians for approval prior to using the Assorted Flavors course. Hospital patients, athletes, joggers and families are all expected to use the course at Saltines or Unsalted various times during the day. The course, which can accommodate more than 1,000 persons per day, will be open during regular l-Lb lVa-Lb. park hours. Box Box Maintenance of the Chelsea P^>S<Ofi«OOd&eOC^CO9OC«QCCOQOO®0OOOOG^ Fitness Trail will be supervised jointly by the Chelsea Recreation Council and Chelsea Community Hospital. Both will contribute to a maintenance fund on an estimated $1 per day basis. Chelsea's fitness course, when complete, will be the second one built In Michigan. The first was constructed in Ann Arbor several years ago and is now the sub»ffr^»M»tf ject of widespread use in the county. Other fitness trails modeled after the Swiss original mal also be found in several cities nation-wide, including Brookings, S. D., Tulsa, Okla., and Charlotte, N. C. Zebco D i v i s i o n Brunswick Weekdays by 3:30 p.m. Sot. & Sun., by 10:30 a.m. Corp. begair the planning which PHONE 475-2020 1-94 and M-52 led to the introduction of this (QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED) exercise concept in the United . • A Standard Want Ad Gets Remits! * =:M- i(L. DUTCH BOY HAS A COLOR FOR YOU Todd Headrick Attends Student Police Session U-M Regents - Alumni Children's Theatre Workshop Classes Start Tuesdcty HOME FURNISHINGS RICK'S MARKET DIET7-UP 7-UP Orange Crush GRAPE FROSTIE '6**109 I L 2.7* SANDWICH COOKIES NEW at SCHUMM'S ADDITIONAL WEEK NIGHT 1.09 SPECIALS FRIED CHICKEN CATSUP 59 475-1671 GREEN PEAS FRANKS $ RICARDO'S MONDAY — FROG LEGS - . --$5.50 BRQTWURST with Sauerkraut (new) ...-$3.95 199 SNA'" CRACKERS BARBECUED RIBS $4.25 KNACKWURST with Sauerkraut (new) ...$3.95 KRISPY CRACKERS 57 57 WEDNESDAY — SMELT ...-.. MEAT LOAF (new) $3.95 ....$4.50 THURSDAY — LASAGNA (Our Best Seller) CHICKEN (new) c BORDEN'S OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT SUNDAE CONE 6 73 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY OPEN TILL 9 p.m. SUNDAYS » H ( | > f c J I * ^ ^ ^ * rff .rfWi 41 ***^rf*^**^S^Si^»^»i^*«d>S((^iKfc< SCHUMM RICKS HOT BREAD DAILY m utiii^i.imtn I I * * I I II nil. I ill Mm States, .-jis.;;.:•:.; - = ^^^^m^^i^^^l^^ii^ij^^^y^i A ^..,., * i ; ^ . * ^ a ^ £ ^ ^Wtfi ,.:;;.;•;. iitittiili^titmWmmmmmmmmmm%m1mM $3.95 $3.95 •«.. mmmm m 8 The Chelsea Standard/Thursday, June 30, 1977 Token fsSMp.m. Tuesday WANT AD RATES PATP IN APVANCE-AU regular artvertlsoinents, 75 cents for 25 words or tesB, each liisintlon. Count sapfc ilgure OR a word, for iwore than 35 words add 3 cents per word for each insertion. "Blind" &ds or box number ads, 35c extra per insertion. CIIAROR RATKS-Same as cash In advance, with 25 cents Uookkoeplng churge if not paid before 1 p.m. Tuesday preceding publication. Pay In advance, send cash or stamps and save % cents. DISPLAY WANT ADS-flnte, 9140 per column inch, . single column width only. 8-point and 14-point light type only. No borders or boldface type. Minimum I inch. CAIWS OF THANKS or MEMQRIAMS —Single paragraph style, *1S0 per insertion for 50-words or less; 8 cento per word beyond 50 words. COPY PEADWNE-l p.m. Tue»day weefc of publication. ERRORS —* Advertisers should check their ad the first publication, Thia newspaper wijj. not be liable for failure to publish an ad or any typographic errors in publication except to the ex. tent of the cost of the ad for the first week's Insertion. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. FOR RENT—Fair Service Center for meetings, parties, wedding receptions; e t c . Weekdays o r week-ends. Contact John wellnitz, phone 475-1518. x31tf GRAVEL KLINK EXCAVATING Bulldozer Backhoe Road Work Basements Trucking - Crane Work Top Soil - Demolition Drainfield Septic Tank Trenching, 5 " up Industrial, Residential, Commercial CALL 475-7631 . 13tf J. R. CARRUTHERS LICENSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES ADDITIONS/FIREPLACES PATIO ROOFING/SipiNG/REPAIRJS^ 475-7234 CHELSEA CAR RENTAL by the day, end, week or month. Full ance coverage, low rates. .Lyle Chriswell a t P a l m e r •Sales. 475-1301. 30tf weekinsurCall Motor 25tf Firepface Builder Field stone mason, block and brick mason, tuck pointing. F R E E ESTIMATES Call 475-8025 after 3 p . m . Patrick Grammatico y.40W Kitchen Help Wanted F r o m 7 a.m. to 1 p . m . Mon. thru Friday. Apply in person. Chelsea Restaurant 119 S. Main, Chelsea 34tf MOVING SALE — Franklin 82-in. davenport and two chairs. Early American. Call 475-8467. x3 F O R SALE — Deluxe Whirlpool washer and dryer, $300. Realistic stereo tape deck, $60, P h , 4758746; . x3 WANT ADS WANT ADS WANT ADS The Chelsea Standard , :1.1 PUT IT IN THE WANT ADS SAND / • | I H W » I I' «fW"' — 1 — » W — i - w - * m « f HILLTOP, I N C to WERKNER RD„ CHELSEA REPAIR - REMODELING CONTRACTING BY "THE SPECIALISTS" mm WANT ADS Authorized Electrolux sales and service. O—b! WeRemodtJltoo N—o Job Too Small Licensed Electrician 428-8444, or 428-8686 118 Riverside Dr., Manchester T - r i m Inside & Out F R E E ESTIMATES Rd Moving Sale THORNTON 475-8628 c&u m-ms ROOMS by day, week o r month, Excellent for the single man or retiree. Sylvan Hotel, Chelsea. Ph. 475-29U. x3Jtf Automotive Rust Proofing Cars and Trucks mt R—ough-in Only If MOVING SALE — Dishes. Noritake china. Service for 12. Perfect condition. Call 475-8467/ x3 Y—ou Want to Finish S~iding Aluminum, 5" Gutters Hot Water Heat Village Motor Sales, Inc. CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH - DODGE TRUCKS I—mmediate Attention FURNITURE — Early American. Good quality furniture in excel- STARTER H O M E in Dexter! 2 lent condition for living, dining, bedrooms. Partially carpeted. Infamily and bedroom. sulated garage with workbench. Enjoy a beautiful backyard view DISHES — Service for 12. Noritake of Mill Creek. china. Perfect condition. SUMMER COTTAGE for $23,900! GLOBE — 12-inch, lighted w i t h 2 bedrooms, fireplace. Washer floor stand. and dryer included. Storage shed. New roof in 1974. Needs some reAQUARIUM TANK 22 gal. and pair. Access to Sugar Loaf Lake. accessories. HOME situated on appr. PRINTING PRESS - Small with MOBILE one well landscaped acre. Dining trays of type. room, 2 bedrooms, some carpeting. CAMPING VAN—Dodge '71. Fully Separate 2-car garage. Mint con' self-contained. Top raises 24 dition! $26,900. inches electrically. Air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, EASY TO MAINTAIN retirement home built with quality and speed control, electronic miles per •gallon* ga"s'gauge".' 318 engine, 127 craftsmanship that shows. 3 . s p a inch wheelbase. Very deluxe and cious bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room, rec. room in basement. *Ex' t e r y clean. 20,000 miles. cellent condition. Chelsea Village'. KODAK CAROUSEL slide trays — $54,500. 80 slides. $1.25 ea. VACANT FAN — 26" High volume, 3-speed. ROLLING AND BEAUTIFUL - 2PICNIC TABLE — Western pine, acre building site. Many trees. 6 ft. Nice location. Chelsea schools. T O O L S - Pipe threading and $11,500. wrenches. LAKEFRONT LOT — Great place to build that s u m m e r cottage! ANIMAL CAGES — Several, new. Electric already in. $12,500 with 12"xl2"x24" top opening. $4 ea. anxious owner! SHIPPING BOXES — New. Wood. BUILDING SITES — Five 1-acre Several. 5"xl0"xl8". $1 ea. parcels —- some wooded, some lake privileges. Near golf course. $13,500 and $14,500. Call 475-8467 x3 Motor Sales, Inc. 475-95$9 Xo CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH - DODGE TRUCKS Phone 475-8661 1185 Manchester Rd., Chelsea Hours: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tues. thru Fri. Until 9 Monday Fresh Frozen Fruit Manchester Locker Plant MAUSOLEUMS • MONUMENTS BRONZE TABLETS * MARKERS Ph. Manchester 428-7600 x5 MOVING SALE ~ Fri., Sal., Sun., July 1-2-3, Early American davenport, good condition; 2 lounge chairs; some misc. items. Reason ably priced. 1036 Gulnan Rd., Sugar Loaf Lake, Chelsea, Ph. 475. 2242. ; -x3 BECKER MEMORIALS 0033 J«chi»n Rood ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN \ '••»i»-*'-, tLi,\-ii'ijidl,i?i/;;^L-:,i',»'gjjp gbMMiUi jj£L ---1^,,-: •*+. - ' THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FRISINGER S U N . MAPLE RD., ANN ARBOR - PH. 769-0198 REALTORS Chelsea 475-8681 Established Small Business Priced to sell. Good living for one or more people. Cash or terms. Secluded modern home on adjoining lot also available. By appointment only. Roal Bsialo Ono, AL KLE1S 475-7322 REALTORS 1300 S. Main, Ann Arbor Office, 995-1616 Res., 475-7322 SCHNEIDER'S GROCERY NOW TAKING ORDERS. Direct from western Michigan. Cleaned and ready to oat. Sour cherries, dark sweet cherries, raspberries, blueberries, boysonberries, blackberries, peaches, apricots, apples, rhubarb, currants, melon balls, fruit cocktail and mixed fruit. Orders must be in by July 22. SSS^i^^M A-l USED CARS LOY'S TV CENTER frontage '74 DODGE Tradesman van, 318,E v e s : auto., p.s., p.b., low mileage George .Frisinger 475-2903 $2095 Paul Frisinger 475-2621 65 ACRES with 2,000-ft. frontage Herman Koenn 475-2613 on West Lake. $50,000. Bob Koch 426-4754 x2tf Quality Used Cars 10 ACRES on Fletcher Rd. $16,000. WANT TO R E N T / L E A S E - Local f a m i l y needs 3-4-bedroom house OTHER LAKE PROPERTY avail- '74 PONTIAC Grand Prix 2-dr., able. V-8, auto., p.s., p.b., air cond. to rent or lease. Prefer Chelsea consider op$3795 Schoolt0 District. Will IN ANN ARBOR: y?!L J^wyj-^lLl7^:7?4! •_ __ _-7 '73 DODGE Monaco station wagon, MOVING SALE — Q u c c n size 2 ACRES on Riverbend Dr., adV-8, auto., p.s., p.b., air . .$695 Beauty Rest m a t t r e s s and jacent to Barton Hills. $17,500. springs and adjustable bed frame. 30 ACRES adjacent to Barton Hills, '73 CHRYSLER N e w p o r t 2-dr. Maple dresser and matching chest. hardtop, V-8, auto., p.s., p.b., Call 475-8467. x3 $120,000. air cond., one owner $1795 Perk Test Guaranteed. i«r. n T T T n t r T _r,„1 /-1..„!.„.._ e\ -1.. Terms Available. to J>un./iv ijvaavnj o u s i u m £-ur. hardtop, V-8, auto., p.s., p.b., air cond., very clean ....$2295 HOMES We Will tie Closed for Inventory UNIQUE contemporary homo with Week of July 4 266 ft. of frontage on N o r t h CHOICE Will Re-open Monday, July 11 Lake in Stonehedgc on the L a k e Chelsea's most beautiful subdivi1-LB. PKG. ECKRICH sion. Immediate occupancy. MortVillage gage approved. $69,900. 10 ACRES with 300-ft. on West Lake. $18,000. xSt.f 1 2½ baths, rec. room, washer, dryer, patio front and back, large kitchen, stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, breaMast nook, large lot facing north. In Cavanaugh Lake Club. 9'xl2* wood utility building, 24'x24' two-story garage with door opener, two controls. Shown by appointment only. Call 475-8502. Lyle J. Haselswerdt, 128 Cavanaugh Lake. 39tf WILL BABYSIT in my home. Ph. 475-2322. 48tf D-ALE COOK & CO. OVER 1 ACRE of woods and se- '75 DODGE W-200 Club Cab, 360, 4-speed, p.s., p.b., new tires clusion with access to West Lake. $4195 $12,500. of our hisfocsa PHONE GR 5-1444 Year Around Home On Cavanaugh Lake YARD SALE—A hay wagon Ioaded ;> with an incredible variety of tools, treasures, trophies and trash'' I no longer need. Sale goes o n ' every week-end until basement,'." barn and attic a r e clean. Ph. 475-" 7548. 17980 Waterloo Rd. 2tf LAKE-FRONT'HOME for sale — 2 lots, Cavanaugh Lake, completely redecorated. $30,000. 835 Lowry. Ph. 475-9233. 50tf CURTIS MATHES COLOR TV ROBERT H. DRY CLEAN your carpets with HOST and save. Faster, easier than shampooing. Rent the ma- T H O R N T O N chine. Merkel Home Furnishings, JR., P.C. Chelsea, 475-8621. x3 REALTOR 475-9544 MOVING OUT O F STATE SALE— P a t Starkey , 475-8424 Couch, chairs, tables, baby fur- Mark McKernan '... .\475-8133 niture, misc. household items. Lang Ramsay Thursday, Friday, 10 to 12. 8535 Chuck Walters 475-2808 Orchard Rd. off McGregor, Pinck- Mike McPhillip3 517-467-7992 ney. ;, x3 Chuck Crepswell 668-6708 475-1198 FOR SALE — Dodge '71 Camping Helen Lancaster 3 Van. Fully self-contained.. Top raises 24 inches electrically. Air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, speed control, electronic All Insurance Needs miles per gallon ga> gauge, 318 engine, 127-inch wheelbase. Very In the convenience of your own deluxe and very clean. 20,000 miles. home — or mine Call 475-8467. x3 GIANT FLOOR PILLOWS, filled with shredded foam, 4½ ft. diam- N. H. Miles) Allstate eter, can seat 2 adults. One all black, one yellow and black. Both Call Only 475-8334 for $100 or $60 for one, P h . 4752426. x3 MOVING — 40-in. Hotpoint electric slove, $45; Keiiiiiore washer, ^30, Hamilton electric dryer, $20; Westinghouse refrig., $20; oldies but goodies. Kitchen table and 5 chairs, $35. Gold nylon carpeting with pad, 10'xl2\ $40. Coleman 10'xl6\ 2room tent, perfect condition, $90. Ph. 426-3181. ^x3 BY OWNER, in Dexter village, large older home on Vfc-acre lot. 10 rooms, unfinished third floor. Well maintained. Ph. 426-3101, -x3 CLEANING — Day help wanted, Anywhere from 6-8 hours, Monday or Tuesday preferred. $3 per fc&o hour. Must have own transportation. Ann Arbor area. Start immediately or in the fall. 662-0751. -x3 cometstati& "Funeral Directors for Foui1 Generations" WANT ADS Phone 475-8661 ELITE 1185 Manchester Rd., Chelsea 2-Dr. Hardtop FOR R E N T : Hours: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. E—stimates, Free Body Repair Tues. thru F r i . Until 9 Monday Automatic, factory air, power 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday steering and brakes, vinyl roofJ Music Machines 21M In excellent condition. Service BUILDERS HORSESHOEING and trimming. ONLY Call for appointment Greg Cipta, Juke Boxes (517) 565-3287. -7 Bumping - Painting Please Call $3595 FOR RENT — 1977 Ford 12-Pass. for Parties, Windshield a n d Side Glass Club Wagon Buses and, Econoline 475-9153 Receptions or Replacement Vans by the day, week-end, week « Any Special Gathering. or month. Insurance. P a l m e r Ford, 222 S. Main. 475-1301 for rates. 33tf F r e e Pick-up & Delivery DALE COOK' CALL FOR SALE — Baler twine. C a r l Open Monday Until 9 CARS 17« Heller, Ph. 475-8304. -4 Zemke CONTACT DON KNOLL '75 GRAN TORINO 2-dr„ air conPATCHING a n d PLASTERING. ditioned. KETO USED CARS Call 475-7489. 33tf F O R F R E E ESTIMATE Operated Machines '74 FORD 4-dr. A local one-owner. Days 662-1771 8020 GRAND, DEXTER x38tf '74 MUSTANG 2 plus 2 Fastback. 426-4535 F R I S I N G E R Real clean. Village CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD 158 PARK STREET' x38tf EXCELLENT LOCATION — Close Motor Sales/ Inc. to the Village of Chelsea and FOR SALE — 24-ft. steel pontoon high school. Secluded setting. ChalChelsea , CHRYSLER - DODGE boat, 40 h.p. Evinrude all elec- et overlooking countryside. 3½ bedPLYMOUTH - DODGE TRUCKS tric motor. Complete with trailer. rooms, dining room, 2 baths, If you have not seen the inside of TRUCKS Ph. 475-8456. xltf $52,900. ( Phone 475-8661 this older home in the village of 1185 Manchester Rd., Chelsea Chelsea, better borrow the key and •76 FORD 12' 1-Ton Stake. Headquarters for RANCH WITH WALK-OUT BASElook. Hours: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. '75 FORD Mi-Ton. MENT — 2-pIus bedrooms, counTues. thru F r i . ' Until 9 Monday. try kitchen, 1-plus (2) ½ baths, 3 bedrooms, 1½ baths, dining room, '73 DATSUN Pick-up. 1st floor laundry, deck, very 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday RED WING 2 W c a r heated garage, central air, xl4tf across from state land, Chelsea good condition. schools, $52,900. WORK SHOES No reasonable offer will be refused. S T E P U P TO 25 OTHER CARS AND TRUCKS PLACE IN THE P I N E S — 3 bedTO CHOOSE FROM rooms, dining area, family room, WEBER HOMES KOZMA Foster's Men's Wear fireplace, 2 baths, r e c . room, 475-2828 40« Stockbridge schools. Reduced to CONSTRUCTION PALMER FORD $57,900. (Owner) MOVING SALE — Shipping Boxes Mon. thru Thur. until 9:00 x52tf — new. Heavy wood. M a n y VILLAGE OF CHELSEA — 3 bedAnd Fri. 'til 6:00; Sat. 'til 4:00 5 " x l 0 " x l 8 " . $1. Call 475-8467. x3 CHELSEA - 475-1301 rooms, dining room, 1-car new garage, good starter home, ^Ice Xttfl Step Waitresses back yard. $29,500. FULL SIZE B E D - 6 mos. old, box I springs, matching firm mattress, Full or Part-time. D E M O Down 13 ACRES — 3-bedroom bi-levol, dk. wood foot and headboards, $75. dining room, family room, fireCall for Appointment. Ph. 475-1633 after 5 on weekdays, '77 DODGE D-100 Club Cab, 318, place,-2½ large barn. ChelIn weekends persistently. -3 auto., p.s., p.b., Cruise Control sea schools.baths, Land contract sale. 1 AM-FM, radial tires ..-'/.SAVE 475-2020- FOLK GUiTAR-Epiphone 0-striftg.. QUALITY BRICK JIANCH—3 bedPrice never used, h a s case, beautmill rooms, 'dining area, 1½ baths, SCHUMM'S guitar, $150. P h . 475-1633 after 5 | • Used Trucks beautiful country setting with 10 LICENSED on week days, weekends persist:...^, x4 acres, near golf coivrse, G r a s s -51 '75 DODGE B-200' Tradesman van, Lake schools. MOVING SALE — Early American ently. BUILDER 318, 3-speed, p.s., p.b., new dining room furniture. Maple. 63" NOTICE — 1, Martin J . Johnson, F R E E ESTIMATES tires, low mileage $3695 A BLUE RIBBON FARM — 132 table with 2 extra leaves. Solid Jr., am not responsible for' any! acres which includes 20 acres of maple 47-inch hutch. Six chairs, debts contracted by anyone otherj COMPLETE '75 INTERNATIONAL Travelall 4- woods, small pond, brick home upholstered seats. All Ethan Allen. than myself on or after June 27,f wheel drive, 392 V-8, auto., p.s.. built in 1868 and in the original Call 475-8467. x3 1977. ; .4 CONSTRUCTION p.b., trailer towing pkg., dual condition with 4 bedrooms, study, SERVICES tanks, locking hubs, low mile- dining room, 2 large barns, outage $4995 buildings. Dexter schools. CALL '75 DODGE W-100 Club Cab, 4-LAND CONTRACT POSSIBLE-2LEN KOZMA bodroom, screened porch, quiet wheel drive, 318, auto., p.s., p.b., radial tires, aux, fuel street, corner lot. The most expensive television set in America . . . but not 475-7452 tanks ' $4195 BUILDING SITES: this week, at LOY'S TV CENTER. 29tf '75 DODGE D-100 Club Cab, 6]/2-ft. SYLVAN HILLS ESTATES — 3 box, 318, 3-speed, 27,100 miles' 4-Year Parts Warranty - 4-Year Picture Tube Warranty acres, 10 acres, 24 acres. , $2995 4 Years Chassis Labor. Jim Fahey Associates F R E E R ROAD — 10 acres. •75 DODGE W-100, 4-wheel drive, . Property 360, auto., p.s., p.b., Meyers BOYCE ROAD — 10 acres. snow plow $4995 IN CHELSEA: Complete *Sltf ROOFING SPECIALIST-AU types of roof repairs, homes, barns, Chelsea, Mich, 48118 commercial, insurance repairs, Asphalt shingles, hot built-up roofing, oodar-tflate tile-asbestos. Awnings Phonfe: 475*2044 and porch enclosures, Siding and storm windows. Call Joe Hayes for 53f free estimates. Manchester, 428S520. .. .• 'x80tf FOR RENT — American Legion , Hall, $50, Call 475-7521. 40tf RADIO & PHONOGRAPH REPAIR CB Sales & Installation BODY SHOP COMPLETE FULL TIME' ; THE MUSIC HUTCH Estimates Available 8407 Main St., Dexter 426-4380 '- PALMER FORD , x52tf 222 S. Main 475-1301 FOR SALE—86" aluminum camp40tf er top with two access doors. MOVING SALE—Captain's chairs. Best offer. P h . 475-2419. x2tf Ethan Allen solid maple. Call reasonable. Call 426-2573. '-x3 Staffan Funeral Home WANT ADS WANT ADS U—can count on us James Cox 18238 N. Territorial ^^i^m^^^^^^MMiMii. i£ » " i n — - • ' ••»'• •*¥ Master Plumber Robert Shears, Master PHpraber Gail Shears, Journey roan 124 PARK STRUT ——•mail C—ustom Built Homes LEONARD REITH Ifi&esf y ••••• •"' '••' 475*071 VACUUM CLEANERS We Do It A l l ! PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SEPTIC TANKS & DRAINFIELDS ii^«i Wwiie • • • ' " • • * • • - . • • • ' MOVING SALE — Animal c1 a1 g e s new. Several. .12^12^24 top E£flUJ'iL. $4- 951 1 475-JM67. x3 FOR "SALE — ""72™Ahouetto 295 Eliminator; '76 Allouette Snowbrute 440; dog sled. $1,200 or best offer. Mallorv Magneto set, $75; Mnllorv Daule point, $15. Phone 475 8759 after 4:30 p.m., ask for Mark. __ ..._;.x5 WANTED - - Lawns to "mow, yard work. Call 426-3580. X3 CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS Any typ«» of real estatt First National Accept., 241 Bids, East Lansing, Ml Call Collect (517)337-1373 Anytime. MEATS • FINE FOODS 12-OZ. CAN TROPICANA FROZEN Beef Franks . . . . 89e Orange Juice . . . 49c Potato Chips . . . . 69c Ice Cream . . . Vi gal. $1.09 7-Up, Diet 7-Up . \ 4 . 8 pac $1.39 Lemonade . 5 for 99c Coke, Sprite Potatoes $1.39 • . . . 8 pac $1.39 Hamburger Tab, Fresea . . . . 8 pac $1.39 . . . . 3 lbs. $1.99 12-OZ. EXTRA LARGE BAG LAY'S FUDGE SUNDAE 16-OZ. NO-RETURN BOTTLES 6-OZ. CAN MINUTE MAID FROZEN 16-OZ. NO-RETURN BOTTLES 10-LB. BAG CALIFORNIA WHITES ALL-BEEF 16-OZ. NO-RETURN BOTTLE? •ill. i| i |i p — i » — t w y w w l — i ' U1S.MAINST. PHONE 475^600 MMtaMMBMMWBHtMMMMMRMNtMtmW** •'«• -i :. , t i v ' XV M M •.,> • milium win ' Your Start for We Accept Alexander & Hornung'i U.S.D.A. Food Coupons Smoked Meats i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mmmim w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ it^^v^Y; Wi:^.-.'**';••• •ifty,^ The Chelsea Standard, -Thursday, June 30, 1977 9 JUST PHONE 475-1371 w*fi^*Mm^*q^em' iiiM "1 t^wmmmm^mi'limmn f WANT ADS WANT ADS WANT ADS WANT-ADS WANT ADS WANT ADS I^I n WEDDING STATIONERY -^ Pros- CUSTOM SgWlNG and alterations. FOR SALE — 3-bedroom b r i c k MOBILE HOME for sale-12'x50', CARPET INSTALLATION-Cleanhome. Recreation room with fire1971 Rembrandt. Chelsea Trailer pective brides are invited to see Ph. 475-2248. 38tf ing, sales. Norris Carpet Care. place, 2½ acres on N. M a i n . EjarkiJJk 475-2632, after; 4. x45tf Evenings, our complete line of invitations and 475-1580. 50tf FOR RENT.-»Industrial manufac$77,000. Shown by appointment. CORRECTIVE fe list and sell lake, country and wedding accessories. The Chelsea HORSESHOEING DARLING KITTENS and adult ^-2 and trimming. Mike Brisbois. town properties. Eugene Young, Standard, 300 N. Main. Ph. 475-1371. turing building* Cement block, 475-8226.^ .cat must find good homes. Free. gas beat, 3*phase electric, Class A MOVING SALE — Lots of house- Ph. , «al Estate & Builder, 878-3792, 565-3036. x45tf Ph. road, 3,(WQ sq, ft,. }o>v;rqrtt. Can hold items. Chord organ, tools, 475-9569. x_5 11596 Dexter-Pinckney Rd., PinckBy LOUIS 6URGHARDT 1 a^so he. rented with 1,800 sq. ft. DESK — Solid walnut, 32 /2"x62", ANTIQUE'rownd oak t a b l e 55 jy 48169, ' x34tf lawn and garden items. Fri., Sat., steel storage building. Dexter, 4265 drawers, 1 file drawer. Mfg. by ' For a year prior to and probably for a few years afterward, inches circumference, also has McCulloch ^ 3829. x43tf Sun., 10 to 4. 310 Island Lake, 1 Stow Davis. Also leather covered our Bicentennial 4th of July anniversary will be viewed from a mile west of North Lake Store. x2 swivel chair. Sold together or sep- 3 leaves. $300. Ph. 475-2170. -x3 mist of time. Amid the whoopin' - fun 'n frolic - Bicentennial Malibn 2-dr., 307 THE HENNERY - Antiques and arately. Ph. 663-8228. R. L BAUER ^__-x50tf SLEEPING ROOM l o r rent in Portable Gen^rcftpr^s 70V'8,CHEVELL3E auto, transmission. Mechanthoughts will, have a sort of nagging nostalgia as we relive the Chelsea. Linens furnished. $75 primitives, Tel. 428-8465. _ 3 Builders ically sound, body in excellent; con- HELP WANTED - Chelsea Rec- FOR SALE — Octagon dining table per month. 475-9630. _ j * 3 past . . . Historians will stress that we did not come into being * with 4 ladderback chairs, like CHELSEA SCHOOLS — New 3- through a power struggle for the sake of power and aggrandiseditibn. Ph.- 663 9192. x43tf Chain Saws reation Council. Part-time yearnew. 475-7369 after 3 p.m. 49lf LICENSED and INSUHED bedroOm ranch, 2-car attached ment. Instead, it was a struggle to assert basic human rights, CARPENTER WORK — Inside or 'roiind program director. If interCustom Building garage, well insulated. On 2.25 inspired by idealistic intent and purpose. out. Mr. Coburn, 475-2893. 12tf ested please contact Pat Whitesall, WE SELL, SERVlCtV acres, near completion. $45,900. 475-2538.' x3 Houses • Garages CAR $ TRUCK LEASING - For SHARPEN AND TRADK. CHELSEA SCHOOLS For further information call 475Through the years each era had problems. And every era Pole Barns details see Lyle Chfiswell at FOR SALE Ornate upright Kim7643. 52tf inherited problems from proceeding periods of time. And we Roofing • Siding * Building Sites Palmer Motor Sales, 475*1301. 49tf ball piano in excellent condition, have had blessings. Many of them. Concrete Work MEET GEORGE VANDEMAN on recently tuned. $200. Kenmore dryChelsea Hardware -With it all, most people believe we have maintained a reTV, Channel 2, Sunday morning, er; in good condition, $50. Call 475- —N. Territorial ltd!, 1¾ acre, FREE ESTIMATES EDWARDS 10:30L j-3 markable sense of balance. We will continue to survive the 7237, -x3 $8,500. of time and events ONLY if we rededicate ourselves CONSTRUCTION BURT LAKE — 2-bedroom furnish- —Waterloo Rd., 2 acres, $10,500. MOVING SALE - July 1, 2, 3, 4. pressure ALUMINUM c*ve* Call 475-1218 . SEAMLESS to the noble purposes that inspired our founding fathers . . . 1,000 items. Modern, antique, etc. troughs, roofing, siding, ; An<J INSULATION, • s i d i n gj roofing, ed cottage for rent. Lake access, > 3 t f carpentry work of all kinds. . E * There is no belter way to do this than by listening to God to storm windows and doors. Re-boat, $150 per week. 665-4641 or —Lima Center Rd., between Chel- All must go. House also for sale. 7835 Forest, _Dexter_ village. -x3 find out what is wrong and needs correction. Moderation, soperiencea installers, Att, vpr* modeling: 'Resiaehtiai builder. 663*7604. x5 sea and Dexter, 1 acre, $9,000. guaranteed. Forfreeeft; briety and unfailing faith in American ideals and institutions Licensed* .Certified,. Insured . MOVING SALE-Everything must PUPPIES ~ Adorable." Cockapoo call R. D. Kleinscnrtidt ^ 0 ^ 4 2 8 * —Lingane Rd., 2 acres, $9,500. /Can only occur — .if we listen and act . . . BURGHARDT FUand mix. Ph. 475-9241 (persist' FREE ESTIMATES: ; v.go. Entire household contents. A fine selection of 8836. ' -• -,^^/.,-,--,.:--¾¾¾ ently^ x3 NERAL HOME, 214 East Middle St., Chelsea, Mich, Phone 475Call 878-6717 for appointment to ^aU^E"EDWARDS TRAVEL TRAILERS ^ I H t . aw! see. x3 —Bush Road, 2 mi. from 1-94, 4FOR SALE — 3-cushion davenport, 426-4057/ Dekter/ up; 10x55 ft. traiierti i ^ o h n R i beautiful 2-acre sites. $9,000 ea. like new, resonable. Ph. 475- 1551. FOR SALE — .Good black dirt, any x47tf ones Trailer Sales, Gregory* Mich, x3 you haul or will deliver. —Corner Hankerd and Noah Rd., 7251. New and Used Cars ifhone 498-2655. :.;::.\zp^i:. 4&t FOR:SALE^ ^y, owner, year ,'rqund Ph.amount, 475-1541. x3 Dexter Township. Tree covered, AKC REGISTERED beagle pupFOR SALE by owner, business -*i»4 i home; near Harrison between 2 FOR SALE - r Nice, small homepies. Whelped 5-15-77. Excellent 1 acre, $9,500. carliving space blocs: ^uilaUng, % pedigree. Shots and wormed, $50. made, trailer, $75 or best offer. mod- PH. 4754644. >r immediate delivery floors with office and apartment; x3 x2tf —Mester Rd. Several 10-acre sites. Ph. 426-4273. 47ti zoned commercial;. 134 ft, W#tf DEXTER—1-bedroom unfurnished WEBER HOMES has pre-selected frontage,' Over 1 acroV Call f6r -:-m V A C ^ T LAND.; ~ Two, idracr? these 'sites, for our customers. • apt. No children or pets. Very pointment 475-9209.,. * -x3 12-OZ. CANS parcels- on CJe'ir Lake ^Kd. across All health and zoning permits have resonable. Call 426-2573. Harper Pontiac LOST CAT—Reward; Long haired, the v street ^fjrdm Cleai" L&ke. Par^ Special of the Week been obtained. Our lots are priced FOR SALE — Maple baby crib silver gray tigeri 12-yiear family Ual rolling and evergreens. '<, Ex&& with canopy top. Excellent conright, and so are our homes. member. Want him back ryery l0ntbu^djng-\lo'cati0P l 'Terms : ;av^ : ' 1977 BUICK KIVIERA dition, ' complete with Simmons Sales & Service much. Neeqte medication. Call any£ able> ; Ph. <1) ,676-1481. \ .• •;,, ,x46t{ 2-dr. hardtop, air cond. For directions, call waterproof mattress. $75. Ph. 475- 9'/ -OZ. BOX NABISCO 475-1306 2 , 7,100 miles time, day or night: 428-7233. 3fltt 9086. x4 Evenings, 475-1608 pORSE TRAINING; and riding les;FOR SALE — 10-year-old all black 40tf WEBER HOMES - sons, • English < or •western. ' Ph. stallion, registered quarter-horse, r 475-2828 all papers including family tree 665-5466 or. 426>8300.vv' -' : x3tf 52tf available, great-grandson of Poco 7-OZ. JAR MARIO'S : Bueno. Gentle enough to ride. ExUSED CARS / FOR SALE — HV^-foot ski boat CUSTOM with Evinrude 40 h.p. motor and cellent breeding stock. Ph. 1-878Flower & Gift 5hopj PJ=)Inney Excavating 1975 BUICK Century wagon 2-seat trailer. x3 Mooring cover included. 6390. back hoe, drain air cond. $3695 BUILDING Your Friendly Florist 7-./ j BULLDOZING, Excellent condition. Ph. 475-8087. HELP WANTED — ExperienceC : fields and ponds. ~ 1-QT. JAR VLASIC x5 person for house cleaning,. some 112 E^ Middle; St., Chelsea „ J 1975 OLDS . Cutlass Supreme 2-dr. LICENSED & INSURED ^ Ph. 4754963 ' : own transportation. On hardtop, . air cond., 25,000 FOR SALE BY OWNER — 2-acre ironing, North Lake. Ph. 475-1675. x3 52tf FREE ESTIMATES wooded lot, electricity" available miles' . . ; . . $3795 on property. Ph. (517) 851-7497. x4WANTED TO RENT — House or ECKRICH \ OLDS" Cutlass Supreme 2-dr. ARE YOU BUILDING YOUR OWN apt. with basement in Chelsea TOTAL Funeral: Flowers , ' 'SPHslNER^ '• 1975 hardtop, air cond $3595 area. References. Ph. evenings HOME? Construction m o n e y Wedding Fibyters' A available for residential homes. 662-6094. CONSTRUCTION Cut Flowers (arranged or boxed)/; 1974 BUICK Regal 2-dr. hardtop, Marflax v Corp., Ann Arbor. 665}•. Parl5ing! Lots-and^Driyfeways Potted Flowering Plants . air cond., 36,000 miles..$3195 8000. xl3 5 Free: Eatim^s.' Ph. 42&7132 Groen Plants Corsages ;.• ; SERVICES : Saline, 'Michigan, 'v 1974 BUICK Regal 2-dr. hardtop, HORSES BOARDED — Box stall and pasture. Reserve a stall CARD OF THANKS WE DELIVER air cond., 41,000 miles..$2995 ,.•/.,.,.,.,,;;:...-•:.:./.> ;•;.-::•. ';••:. >'..x52tf. , X9tf now, ride your horse on the I wish to thank my friends and lomes, factories, warehouses F 0 R ; S A L E ; - r :1947 Irtternalldnal< 1973 OLDS Toronado 2-dr. hard- miles and of trails available in WaterBLACK, DIRT and peat mixtorfe . Harvester ; panel >truck;,': model top, air cond ....$1895 loo Recreation Area. Excellent neighbors who sent greetings and ?olebuilding* for sale. Excellent for• lawris^ KBrlGRP2i4,. i 6^ylihder i partially, FOOD MARKET care, reasonable rates! Call: Lone food to me after my stay in the planters; gardens. Delivered! b> tlifc restored;' -Must, see: to appreciate.. 1973 ;FORD Grand Torino 2-dr. Oak farages hospital. Stables, 475-7449. 6 DIAL 475-2721 W E DELIVER ,' ^.-, 'x3 load. Duane Landwehr, U8Q0O. CaV- Phone 475:^92. ^ ' " hardtop, air cond., 41,000 Mrs. Paul Niehaus ^modeling-Additions anaugh Lake Rd; ^PH..-475/8480,. +3 / 7 niiles . . . 7 . . . . . . . , $1995 luminum Siding PITTSBURGH WANTED r-.'.. Catholic i eatcHiS'ms,. THANK YOU 1972 OLDS Toronado 2-dr. hardmissals, prayer books,, Bibjes.\ How thoughtful and kind my ' , ; top, air corid. $1495 •fi"* '. HOUSE PAINT SALE statues, crucifixes, • ro$siries;>nli(^jlr friends and family have been be:r~.' , < ' v ; •'?:• 4972 BUICK Electra 225 2-dr. hardlasonry Work, fireplacea, block alsv etc; In any. 'condition. Ph. 475* fore/and after my "operation. Thank OIL AND LATEX BASE $1495 fork, patios, etc. 7161. ^ • " - V ' - . V x ' l " - - - ^ 5 . S U G A R T L O A F LAKE- + 3-bedroom '[,:.- top, air cond. you to the "Stocks" Village Sales, 1 v Buy Now and Save on sumnier • cdttige ) to swim, sffci Rebekah Lodge, Mercywood, St. 1972 FORD. LTD 2-dr. hardtop $1195 L E G A vL SECRETARYi 'eiperl- ahd' felax; ;!%''. lots. 'Waterfront. White and Pastel Colors Joseph Mercy Hospital doctors ehced. S6hd.resume.arid reply to 1971 BUICK Electra. 225 2-dr. hardSLOCUM Box No.. JU-24;. care^bf'Chelsea Chelsea Hardware and staff. Bless all of you. : M air cond., 54,000 miles Standard, Chelsea. :: ' . x3, ONE-&LE'NORTH-of Stoekbridge •-' top, A. Knoll -.7............:,.. $1595 Ph. 475-1121 CONTRACTORS — 4-bedroom Kome.^fuli. base^B merit," large 7 kitchen, ;• iVfe.,; baths, 1966 OLDS Dynamic 88 4-dr. hard& BUILDERS ICE CREAM SOCIAL — S h a r o n top $395 fainily ..room. 2-c£f, garaae with Plersorv & ••.:•:., mechanic's pit. -$24,500. Methodist Church, corner of M-52 Serving Washtenaw County and Pleasant Lake Rd., WednesRjemenschrieider i For Over 20 year* We will be closed WEST b ¥ MANCHESTER on Sharday, July 6, 5 p.m. 3 REALTORS^ 20700 OLD US-12 Sat., July 2 thru Mon., July 4 on Valley R4, Br>rid,,new 3-bedf X111 Park St. - 475-9101 ,.7 •robm-.' ranch' home. La^ge kitchen: PIANO & ORGAN LESSONS for CHELSEA Have a pleasant week-end. adult or student, either popular V Phone 475-8321 or 475-7611 COMFORTABLE 4-bedroom '.-tr>' Full basement. Attached garage, or classical available now. Call 2tl level in the village. Much to of-^tained cedar exterior. $35,500. LaVonne Harris, certified teacher _ US for transit mixed con- fer with a study, 2 bafhs, family; B-BEDROOM RANCH HOME — In by Michigan Music Teachers Asiiete. Klumpp Bros. Gravel Co. room, lots of storage space.' A good SPRAGUE sociation. -5 e x c e 11 e n t condition, two full me Chelsea 475-2530, 4920 Love- location and a nice yard. Priced baths, large family room, baseBuick-Ofcis-Opel, Inc PIANO TUNING and repair. Qual" Rd., Grass Lake, Mich. x40tf to sell in the $40's. ment, carport, on. nic0ly landified technician. Call Ron HarJKS HANDYMAN SERVICE1500 S. Main St., Chelsea Scaped lot ,in Village of Chelsea. v ris, 475-7134, -5 lsured work guaranteed. Free SOUTH LAKE — Large lovely iake Ph. 475-8664 front home. Including 4 bed[mates, reasonable rates, inOK 10 ACRES just 20 minutes west 3tf FFA BAKE SALE, July 2, 9-12 Jance estimates. 'Home modern- rooms, family room, 2 fireplaces, : of Chelsea,. 3-be*droom quad-level noon at Chelsea State Bank. -3 [g and improvements, patios 1½ baths, and 2^-car garage. Nice home with two fireplaces, rec. HAROLD'S UPHOLSTERING AND 1 decks, 'interior and exterior setting on 1.8.acres. Chelsea school room,' pretty kitchen includes builtREPAIR. Free estimates and Jiting, paneling and redecorat- district. in range and oven. Attached ga-i Power Equipment pick-up. Ph. 475-9241. 8 I, roofing and roofing repair. rage. Brick and aluminum exter-; •all and large home repairs, in- LAKE-FRONT HOME — Recently, idr- In-grouwd pool. $59,900. i FOR SALE — 1976 Blazer, excelreduced to sell at,$46,900. JLocat-.; USED SIMPLICITY Broadmoor lent condition, 11,000 miles, many tiihg electrical. Landscaping, ed on the chain of lakes with. 1?0! PlNdKNEY-B R I G H T O N R$:C. ,lawn tractor. Nearly new en-extras. $5,700. Ph. 475-8097. fdening. Top soil, sand, gravel, 3 le and large stones. Hauling of water frontage on Patterson ..7. AREA *- 2,250 sq; ft.-4-bedroom gine and new starter-generator. FOR SALE — Boy's Columbia 10moving, dump truck work. Lake. Year 'round home in excel-, cblbriiaLhome, fireplace in large Equipped with 32" mower and speed bicycle. Ph. 475-1647. 3 le trimming and removal. Ph. lent condition including 3 bed- "family room. Formal dining room, snow blade. Grader blade availrooms, 1½ baths, large Screened convenient kitchen. Full: ba sem0nt. BABY-SITTING job wantedTEarnf6717. x2tf f porch, cathedral; ceilings, Frankjiii First floor Jaundry; Attached ga- able. ing for college expenses. 17 years tireplace and heated garage* rage; pole Wrn for horses. On; 10 old, experienced. Ph. 475-9480, ask ALSO SEASON'S-END SALE on for Cathy. rolling wooded acres. $79,900. 3 VACANT LAND Simplicity 8 h.p. tractors a n d FOR SALE — It's a steal, Channel ACR)ES — Very wooded, sur- walk-behind power mowers. Manchester Area Master stereo with eight track BUILDING SITE — 1 acre, $l6,500.r '•3,9yeyed. Across from state land. recorder, 7 months o 1 d. Asking Land contract possible* ;, ; , $8,300. Stockbrid.ge schools. $145, or reasonable offer. 475-1646 3DROOM RANCH, f a m i l y ROLLING — 5-acre parcels. Land 5 ACRES -^Excellent building site ^4 Chelsea Hardware after 5:30 p.m. )m, with fireplace, 2½ baths, contract possible. $lS,000, on Waterloo Rd; Surveyed. Perk FOR SALE — Riding lawn mower, Ph. 475-1121 jhient and garage, pole bam problem.: 3 minutes from Chel8 h.p. MTD, with chain and plow. elec. and water. 5 acres, beau- LOCATION — Prime ,area - just out* no sea. $15,000. . $400. Ph. J75:7489._ 3tf side of Chelsea, in an ate a, of '75 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury, V-8, hilltop view. $68,900. lovely country estates* .6.5444 15.9ACRES•'— Lima township, nice automatic, pvvr. steering, brakes, 72 F O R D (SALAXiE 500. P.s., nit» *-.r>v»*$ T H v . v\r»15rt/* no** d?"! 1 K A acres, terms, nh o i f v o w o\caY% P h 47Rslope, for waik-out basement, perk x5 2367^ approved, electric ort property. 3*4 Ph. 1-878-3734. ;3 [iemarin Real Estate acres wooded, plus stream. 520! ft. BE GENTLE, be kind to that exPiersbn &? Ph. Ypsilanti 482-3126 iroad frontage... Chelsea schools. pensive carpet, clean with Blue $20,000. x5 Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, Riemenschneider ! tVATE TENNIS LESSONS to $1. Chelsea Hardware. 3 REALTORS * 475-9101 80 ACRES. — Waterloo ;Rec. Area offered this summer. IndividSAVE NOW MILKING GOATfor sale — Exceli l l Park St., Chelsea — Beautiful cedar sprinkled hills . semi-private or small group Evenings lent milker, tested. $75. Ph. 475and Sundays: ••, . • ••, • describe the front half of the propIons will be taught by T e r r y 7701. _3 Ruth Harbaugh ........475-1477 erty, with woods hvrear. Pond or WITH lifeiner during the summer FOR RENT — Unfurnished 3-room Pat Merkel . 7 7. .475-1824 small lake possible. $80,000. Rths. If interested call and ar- John Pierson .. 7 .475-2064 apartment. Refrigerator, heat Jge, 475-2536. You will have to FOAM WATERLOO REC. AREA 22Jeanene Riemenschneider and water furnished. No pets. Call Iquet the court yourself for these acre resort prbperty With cab475-1639. -4 475-1469 Ions as the courts will not be ins, kitcheri'dinirtg facility, t w o REWARD for male, all-white, one3 INSULATION Ml for this purpose. -3 year-old, Great Pyranese. Needs LOST—Vicinity of Jerusalem Rd.; bathhouses, arts and crafts center, 4,000 sq. ft. rcc. hall with large medication. Also, 3Vij-month-old fe.. CONDITIONERS for sale. Saturday, 4-year-old male beag- stage. 550 ft. frontage on large male Great Pyranese, white.with le, brown, white and black, scar : h e small and one medium. PortNOW IS THE TIME to insulate brown markings on ears. $10T) for spring fed lake. 15 min. west of in front of hind leg, kink in tail; When you deal with an INTERESTED banker everyJb window units,' fine condition. with super efficient foam. It can ?ich_dog._Can_4?5-203^ ielsea. $250,000, x3 Iced very reasonable. Ph. 475-Won't hunt, strictly a family pet.! thing is explained to your satisfaction, the total save you plenty during the long WANTED TO RENT— 2-bedroom 3; 14. x3 Reward. Ph. 475-9544. house or apt. First floor. Ph. amount of interest you will pay, the annual perof winter as well as keep you WATERLOO REALTY haul _____„_„ _ x!> cooler during the summer months. 887^025^ centage rate of interest charged and ' 835 Cleir U k e '5FAMILY YARD SALE - 9 to 5 CALL OR STOP IN the amount of your monthly payment. Fri. and Sat., July 1-2. 4274 N. JOANN W A K Y W O D A . BROKER Call for a FREE ESTIMATE: Territorial, Webster township. Bed, ACkT ^ e w o u ' d P r e ^ e r <t t n i s W Q y - Y o u see, Phdrte 475-8674 bikes, household items. -x3 M3IV a t Chelsea State Bank, we have nothEvenings and Sundays: HOUSE WANTElTTO RENT in in Jerry Zondek .475*8285 country or lake setting by hanI IC 9 * ° h'de. Stop at our office and 475-1625 WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS FULLY GUARANTEED Paul Erickson , .475*1748 dyman. Willing to do all repairs, ^ ^ have an INTERESTED banker provide SUe Lewe -.\•...... r. 1-517-522*5252 remodeling and upkeep, ph. Bill, Open tally 8fl-m.to 5 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. FOAM MASTERS Carol Laikatos- . . . : . . . . , . .475*1729 the funds you need. 663^379. _ _ x3 140 W. Middle, Chelsea Phone (313) 475-8*67 Evelyn m i t e ............475-7551 Insulation for Residential and LARGE' 3 R 0 0 M " A P T . upstairs. . ^. ; . :•;,-• ^ \', \ • X3 3 miles north of Chelsea, partly Commercial WE REPAIR AND REPLACE: FOR SALE *-• .Hamburg "township New and Existing Construction hirnished, wilh utilities. Refer, b^ick and aluminum colonial surand security deposit. Ph. _ _ ' -x3 enecs rounded by Tmat^uro ^hade trees * Sf&^Jft^IL* * MIRRORS 475-7486. x3 within a block of lake access in H ! L P ~ W A N T E D - Live In house- HELP WANTED ~ Experienced keeper f o r elderly couple. No highly desirable Strawberry Pointc S roofing and siding applicators. heavy housework. Attractive home Bluffs. The full wall natural fire| ^ B P ^ I S • TUB ENCtOSUItIS Apply at R. D. Kleinschmidt Co., overlooking lake in Chelsea area. place in the family room, as well 200 Riverside Dr., Manchester. Ph. % AUTOOUSS"- Including Windshields $325 a month. Negotiable. Free as the exceptionally large master 428-8836. *3U time to be arrangecl. Possible use , Ffie Pick-up and delivery of> outo work. bedroom, are but a tew features. of a car. Send reply and reference GARAGE "SALE Saturday and Visit our office' and view the interStorm Door Cr Window RoglaxingfirScreens to Box JU-30, care of C h e l s e a Sunday, July 2 and 3, 10 to 6. ior photos of this attractive home. 5 Organ, toys, dishes, clothes, Dexv i f ! , : COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS OR RESIDENTIAL $56,900. McOlyml Heal Estate, Inc. Standard. 424 W,; Orand River, Bjrighton. 227- WANTED—Plow ground and stand- ter door locks, lots of misc. 2516 IHMPT SltHVI-CI; RI^S^NAIW PRICIS 1122, x3 Ing hay. Ph. 475-2771, 37tf Wylie, Dexter. 426-3692, '"-7,;/',''."" ,-:• •». -.: • *$ mtmrn mmitifitM^^ \ •••''•i* '• ' V U ' •'''' • V • . ' i• •'' ' IHi^H^&£ 'res - YOUNG - M v»^,<yiff<* m«,-;•••••• M\ • . . • • H I I ^ - . M V - " " " L**"1""" • h SPECIALS i Pepsi-Cola . . 8pac$1.29 ; GAR - LETT'S i ! Snack Crackers . . . 58c $7495 GREENMQUSp, ; Stuffed Olives . . . . 89c Kosher Dill Pickles • . . . 69c PHONE 475^1400; u^fi^fiA^im Cards of Thanks • ' • ' ' ' — — . . . — ' i i Hot Dogs . . . 1-lb. pkg. 95c KUSTERERS • \%^lRLQOr!REAl^ • j To Assure A Good Attendance! Advertise Your Auction In The Standard! '« MAX t>V'><Ul< iJ-T. JJVHLVV VrWA * ^-> ) J - L f \ / i K . « . , 1 » . . , . N— ,, — " - We say select your auto financing like you buy a car..., Find out all you can about it,... Who you're dealing with, price, value received. El CHELSEA GLASS, INC. CHELSEA STATE BANK < * h b l i ^•^•mimaM-M—w«.— i-ili l »»ii.n» l r- ^^^MmM&MmMSiM -'' ,- >*•>.* r i,,,. ' .v.:,' *• '•• • ?', • '•• . • '. • • : ^ . - ji 'Y " ; • • V t l lr riviirn- - • ;rv, £§: m 10 m The Chelsea Standard^ Thursday, June ^0, 1977 ,WntYi», , l...i, -*- Cards of thanks m\if "iiin.it) inMiiji, JBl.'W.'fr. CAttD Of THANKS We would like to extend our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy. A special :thanks to the Rev. Cledys Whitaker for his kind words, during our bereavement following the death of my husband and our father. The family of Role Salyer. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heaftfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received 'from our kind friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss Of our loved one. The Family of Karen J. Herter. CARD OF TfiANKSAs chairperson of 'the Chelsea Jaycee Auxiliary Fluoride Clinic I would like to take thi> opportunity to thank David Longworth for letting us hold our fluoride clinic in his building; I'm sure; all parents using the clinic would also, like to say thanks for helping usout. Carol Smith. 4.-4-, •AaiaWtMatarialai •; >MfcNI>j3t> . ,. ftt>TICfc OF JUDICIAL SALB JUDICIAL SALE -IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of • a Judgment Of Foreclosure And. S a l e , of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, made and entered on the 19th day bf May, A. D. 1977. In a certain cause therein pending, frh'ereln the, United States of ArhepICa, is plaih'tiff, ahd-Huron Toyvers. inc. Is'de/endajit'and Morton I* Scholnlck and -SeVfrftwr Dunitz are,/ third party defendaHts, CIvtl 'Action '4-70776. Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at Npublic auction to the. highest bidder at the Huron Street entrance of the County Building 'jn thfe;Clty of Ann Arbor, County of 'Washtenaw, • State of 'Michigan (that being the. ibuliaing -in >whlcjh the' Circuit' Court for the County of -Washtenaw is held) on Thursday,' the 28th day of July, A. D, 1977, at, Twelve o'clock noon, Local Time, on- the said day, the following described property, viz: All <thait certain .parcel of land situated; a'nd being in the City of Ann Arbor, County b'f Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the North One Quarter post 6t -Section 27, T2S, R6E, City of . •Anh Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michl- . kah, thenbe South' 1467.64 feet along' the North-South One Quarter Line of said Section; thence North 53 degrees, 44 "minutes, 30 seconds West 81.48 feet; thence North 55 degrees, 06 minutes, 00 secbntls West 916.12 feet; thence North ; 55-dtfgrees, 46 minutes, 17 seconds West '315.70 feet to the point of beginning FARLEY CONSTRUCTION "' ADDITIONS - REMODELING REPAIRS NEW HOMES STATE OF MICHIGANIn the Circuit Court for the County oJ Washtenaw. . , DIVORCE ACTION File No. 77-19850-DM OKDKlt TO ANSU'EU KATHLEEN S. ARTHUR, Plaintiff, vs. DAVID L ARTHUR, Defendant. •Fredtrek L, McDonald (P-17366) Atlorney for Plaintiff At a session of said Court held in the City of Ann Arbor, County, "of Washtenaw, State of Michigan on the 15th day of June, A. D., 1977. . ; • Present: Honorable Patrick J, Conlin, Circuit Judge. On this 15th day of June,' A. D., 1977 an, action W a s filed :by KATHLEEN S. ARTHUR, Plaintiff, against DAVID L ARTHUR, Defendant in the above entitled Coilrt to dbtaln an absolute 'divorce and property settlement. • IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Defendant, DAVID L, ARTHUR, shall Answer or take such Other action as may be permitted by law on or before the 15th day of August, A. D., 1977, Failure t comply with this. Order will result in a Judgment of Default against such Defendant for the. relief demanded In the Complaint filed In this Court. / s / Patrick J. Conlin Circuit Judge. True cOpy Hamilton & McDonald 203 First National Bldg. Ann Arbor, Michigan This Order Drafted By: Hamilton & McDonald, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: / s / Frederick L. McDonald. June 30-July 7-14-21 4- 522 HOWARD RD. iiiiiVi lopated Oft the cetiter line of Fuller Road (66 feet wide); thence South '34 degrees, 55 minutes, 30 seconds West 507,79 feet lo Point A near the North bank of the Huron River; thence continuing South 34 degrees, 65 minutes, 30 seconds West to the North bank of the Huron River, thence Westerly along said North bank 370 feet: thence North 00 degrees, 82 minutes, 29 seconds East lo 'Point B located near said North Bank, said Point 13 'being more specifically located North 35 decrees, 43 minutes, 25 seconds West 159.15 feet; Jhence South 89 ciegreos, 15 minutes. Off- seconds West 161.93 feet from Point A; thence ttom Point B North 00 degrees, :½ •mituitcs, 29 seconds East 817.09 feet to the center line of Fuller Road; tht'nce along the center line of Fuller Roatl Soiith »5 degrees, 46 minutes, 17 stjeobtls Uast 780.88 feet to (he point Of heglrmtng; Suljject to easemeiits of record. The successful bidder shall be reQdired to deposit with the u, S. Marsniil e mlnl•itium elf 't<Sii p'erceht '(W%) Of ^the ftfaoun! of his bid by certified <8he<?k of bash deposit at the time of -sale. • The balance of the purchase price shall be tend d red to the U. S,, Marsha! by the successful bidder within thirty (30) days following the date of the sale in the form of a certified check made payable to the U. S. Marshal. In the event that th successful bidder falls to fulfill this thirty day requirement, his- Initial tor percent i deposit shall be applied to (he eNpenses of the sale and resale of th< property with any remaining sum to be Forfeited for application upon the abovedescribed mortgage debt. No party to this action and no othei person whatsoever shall have or. enjoy any right or interest in the nalure of ai equity or redemption in and to the real property and" Improvements hereinabove ordered to be sold. Fred Paramore United States Marshal Philip Van Dam United States Attorney By: Samuel J. Behrlnger, Jr., P23751 Assistant United. States AttorneyAttorneys for Plaintiff 817 Federal Building Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 226-6175 Dated < June 6, 1977i . • June 16-23.30-July 7-14-21 \ MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by Richard Hurd and Cynthia Hurd, his wife, to Ann Arbor Mortgage Corporation, a Michigan corporation, Mortgagee, Dated June 28, 1974, and recorded on July 1, 1974, in Liber 1482, on page 458, Washtenaw County .Records, Michigan, and assigned by said ^Mortgagee to Federal National Mortgage Association, a National Mortgage Association by an assignment dated June 28, 1974, and recorded on July 1, 1974, in Liber 1482, on page 462, Washtenaw County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Twenty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Eight and 77/100 •75-8265 or 475-7643 ^r^? - • •' " • - . Dollars ($22,898.77), including interest at I 9.8% per annum. Under the power, of sale contained /In said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice Is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged promises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the Huron Street entrance to the Washtenaw County Building in Ann Arbor. Michigan, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., Local Tlrno, an July 7, 1977. Said premises •tare situated in the Township of Vfjsllantl, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and are described a s : Lot 202, 'Tilrile Creek Subdivision No. 2, a part of the Northeast one quarter of Section 14, Town 3 South, Range 7 East, Ypsllanti Township, Washtenaw Countty, Michigan, according to the Plat thereof as recorded In Liber 19 of Pints, Pages 41 and 42, Washtenaw County Records. During the six months Immediately following the sale, the property may he redeemed. Dated: June 2, 1977. Federal National Mortgago Association Assignee of Mortgagee. George E. Karl Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee 1475 Penobscot Bldg. Detroit, Michigan 48226. '•••> June 2-9-1G-23-30 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALIC Default having been made in the termt of a mortgage made by JAMES ROLFE, a / k / a JAMES R. ROLFE, guardian for and on behalf of RONALD G. FOWLER, a minor and SHERRI L. FOWLER, h / w to CAPITAL MORTGAGE CORPORATION dated December 15, 1971, and recorded June 21, 3972, In Liber 1385, Page 28, Washtenaw County Records, and assigned by said mortgagee to FEDERAL NATIONAL .MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a rov. poratlon organized and existing under the laws of the United States by assignment dated December 15, 1971, and recorded January 21, 1£72, in Liber 1385 Page. 55, Washtenaw \ County Records, on which mortgage there-Ms claimed to > due at the date thereof for principal and Interest, the sum of ¢18,744.07. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and pursuant to the statute in such case provided, notice is herebv given that on the 4th day of August, 1977, at 10 o'clock a.m., local time, said mortgage will bo foreclosed by a sale c public auction to the highest bidder at the West entrance of the Washtenaw County Bldg. in the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw .County, Michigan, that -being th place where the Circuit Court of said County is held, of the premises described in said mortgage, or so much as may be necessary, to pay the amount due with Interest at 7 per cent per annum and all legal costs and charges, Said premises are located in the Township of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Counlv, Michigan, and are described a s : Lot, 95, Grove Park Homes Sub., as recorded in Liber 19, Pages 72 and 73 Of -Plats, Washtenaw County Records. The redemption period is six months from the time of sale. JUne 28, 1977. Federal National -Mortgage As'socla.. Hon, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States, I Assignee. Lelthauser and Leithauser, P.C. 18301 E. 8 Mile Road, Suite 215 •East Detroit, Mich. 48921 Attorneys for said Assignee. Julie 30-July 7-14-21-28 STATE O F MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County or Washtenaw. File No, 67440 Estate of ROBERT J. KIRKHAM, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE: On July 14, 1977, nl fliOO a.m., in t h e . Probate Courtroom, Washtenaw County Building, Ann Arbor. Michigan, before the Hon. Rodney E. Hutchinson, Judge of Probate, a hearing will bo held on the Petition of Robert B. Kirkhcun, whose address is 1930 Peppermill Way, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103, for granting administration to. Robert B. Kirkham or some other suitable person and for a determination of heirs of the deceased. Creditors' of the deceased arc notified that all claims against the estate must be presented to said Robert B, Klrkham af the foregoing address and a copv thereof, together wilh proof of service', filed with the Court on or before September 13, 1977. Notice is further given that the estate will be assigned to the persons entitled to it. Dated: June 20, 1977. . Robert B. Kirkham, Petitioner 1930 Peppermill Way Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Attorney for Petitioner: Jack J. Garrls ' 320 N. Main Street, Ste. 208 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48.104 Phone 761>7282. June 30 * '• '- - " '- TP-77 Truck & Tractor Pull JULY 2 - 7 p.m. 4x4 Truck Pull Weight Classes: (see flyers at Wolverine Lounge) Rules: (see flyers) Weigh In: 4-6 p.m. (scales on grounds) Pull: 7 p.m. { P r i z e M o n e y : (see flyers at Wolverine Lounge) • •••__ STAYE O F M I C W O A ? ? The Probate Washtenaw. (he County of Kilo No. G7<1M Estate of OSCAR APUJU,, Alleged Mentally lm-omfietent. TAKE NOTICK: Oil .tilly 13, fW7, nt 11:00 a.m., in iho Prolmte Courtroom, Attn Arbor, Michigan, beMro the Hon, Rodney E. Hutchinson, .hultfe of I'rolinto, u IwttHiiK Will he hold on (lie |>olltion of Alan A, AnilM 'tmiyiiitf for Ilic nnpoinlinoiit of Alan A. Aptill or some oilier stiil able person as guardian of I(><• suld O.sear April I. 'Creditors are notified Unit all elalrns against Iho said Os.cnr Aprill must ho presented the said Alan A. Aprill al 74-11 West Waters Hoiul, Ann Ai'lior, Michigan and a copv filed with the Court on or before September 18, I9Y7, Dated: June 22, 1977. Alan A. Aprill, Petitioner 74-U West Walers Knad Ann Arbor, Michigan Attorney for Petitioner: l?adema<'liei <ft McLaughlin William .1. fiademaehei lit) Rust Middle Street Chelsea, Mich. '181 IS Phones: '17;V898K or 47:)-1:(15. June H( W&mmm i- a k i k'<i-"Will ic Food Faddists Muddy the Issues One of the biggest farces- to come along in recent years is the campaign by a bunch of poorlyinformed vegetarians intended to scare the uninformed into joining them in a meatless existence. President Carter was even sucked into the so-called Food Day effort and was served a meatless dinner in '"honor" of the Third National Food Day in April. While there is nothing wrong With a meatless diet, either mi-' tritlonally or tastewise, there Is. plenty wrong with maligning meat, dairy and' poultry products and implying that they are not tasity, nutritious and' healthful. Food Pay enthusiasts promote the idea that farm products fed to "livestock, poultry and dairy animals are extravagances, and that •the grain ^and feed supplements would go further if fed to people. This is a typical misrepresentation of the economic facts of food production. Those who know anything about farming know that about onethird of the land in agriculture is devoted to pasture and hay .production. For the most-'part, this land is unfit for grain production, and the best way to have it, contribute to the nation's food supply is to pasture it with some form of livestock. In. certain types of' farming operations, a relatively small amount of grain is then'fed to the animals -to "finish" them into the kind of meat Americans enjoy eating'. To detract from this sensible, economic and conserving program is idiocy. For several years, eggs, pork and mfhVhave suffered the slander of those Who, without conclusive proof, blame them for the -cholesterol problems of the world. This propaganda has led to larger markets for margarine, egg substitutes, and phony bacon. Now livestock products--like the delicious T-bone steak, pork chops, and standing rib roast—come under the same kind of misguided slander. People in most countries of the world envy our U. S. food production record. Why should a small group of our well-fed citizens meddle in this issue when the American people have the freedom to "order up" whatever kind of diet they want? If they choose meat, meat production will\ prosper; if they reject meat, its production will drop. Demand, or lack of it, tells the farmer what to produce. Farmers doh't need poorly-informed cultists muddying the water. The Veterans Administration has changed payment procedures for persons enrolled in educational programs. Local VA offices have complete information. Police Report Drinking Is Factor In 59% of Holiday Fatal Crashes State Sheep Tour The 1077 Michigan State Sheep adopted a grinding, handling and Tour will be held in Lenawee and feeding system to it. A new ad>'r Washtenaw counties on Saturday, dition to the farm is a I2'x28 July '9. silo used for storing high moisAre you a purebred breeder, a ture corn. The high moisture corn commercial flock owner, a small is used mainly in the hog operaor large producer, a spinner, or tion although he Is also mixing are you thinking of starting a in with his feeder lamb ration. fiock? In any case, you will not Plan now to take a vacation want to miss this tour. The se- with us on July '9, Bring the lected stops emphasize the Michi- farhily. I'm sure you will have a gan Sheep Industry today and most enjoyable day. If you plan durig the day we'll take a look to attend .please drop Bill Ames, at the Michigan Sheep Industry Extension Agriculture Agent, Washtenaw. County, P.O. Box 645, 4133 tomorrow. Washtenaw R^., Ann Arbor, Mich. Come prepared to ask questions 48107, a card so, that the Lenaand to share your experiences. wee County Lamb Association will Steve Baertsche, MSU Sheep Extension Specialist, along With Dr. have an idea of how much lamb Harold Henneman, will be on hand to prepare. to answer questions and provide additional information. *^—jF»*»«^«»*«>-y» ^ - - i i 'ti The first stop at 10 will be at tyhe Ken and Sandy fiortel farm, 11890 Ridge Rd„ Tecumseh. This is a larger part-time operation with 54 acres owned and 87 adTwi-Lite Mixed ditional acres rented. The Bortels' flock consists of 80 registered Standings as of June 23 Corriedales and 12 registered SufW L folks. The Suffolks are utilized 1 orrtCG •••*»•«« M lo 4 in the production of 4-H market Jr. J • M * y • » « 4 i « * * « * » « ( * » * l t 5 i lambs. There is a new 38'x50' Lodgers 12 8 barn and a I2'x50' silo. Corn sil- Lakers 10 10 age was the main feed this past C.H.M.'s 9½ 10½ year. Haylage will be put Up Neu-Mooners \ . . . 9½ 10½ this season and corn silage will be used to refill this fall. LambHigh series, men 450 and over: ing takes place in September, W, Weston, 452; J. HarOok, 492; October, January, and March. You J. Torrice. 502; D. Williams, 490. will see a good pen and pasture layout and^ an electric fence sys- High series, women 400 and over: S. Weston, 434; P. Harook, 504;,B. tem that works. Torrice, 461; D. Neuman, 424.. '• The ll-o'clock stop will be atNthe High games, men 175 and over: J; Lyle and Mary Wahl farpi, 4475 Harook, 175; J. Torrice, 193; D. Willow Run Rd., Saline.' Have a Williams, 189. little land—raise sheep! You will enjoy this charming 4½ acre High games, women 150 and sheep ranch. The 16 registered over: S. Weston, 174; P. Harook, Hanshire ewes are housed in a 181, 181; D. Neuman, 150; B. Tor24'x32' heated hip-roofed barn. The rice, 170, 164. ewes are- pastured through the summer. Hay is produced on Lyle's father-in-law's farnr next door. . All grains are purchased. This is an early lamb operation with lambs coming in January. Dinner will be at the Wash- Dial-a-gardeh, the system of pretenaw County Farm C o u n c i l recorded gardening tips is Groitnds, located 3½ miles "north sponsored daily by the WashtenaW Counof Saline on Saline-Ann Arbor Rd. ty Co-operative Extension Service. The committee would appreciate it The system is in operation. 24 if you would bring your own ta- hours per day, 7 days per week, ble setting and one or more dish971-1122 at their convenience es to pass. The Lenawee County call and receive tifnely, up to d a t e Lamb Association Lassies will pre- gardening information. pare barbecue lamb sandwiches. week's Diaf-a'-Garden topAfter dinner we will travel to icsNext are as follows: the Luke and Barb Schaible farm, Friday, July 1—"Tomato Trou4685 Fletcher Rd., Manchester. bles.." This, is a fine example of the Tuesday, July 5—"Time To Take traditional general family farm. Poinsettia Cuttings." The Schaibles farm is 537 acres, Wednesday, July 6— "Pruning 220 of. Which is owned. Dan, the Yews." oldest son, has just come"Into the business, the livestock farm con- Thursday, July 7-"Fuchsias." sist of 150 grade C o r r i e d a l e Telephone Your Club News ewes, 200 purchased'feeder Iambs, To 475-1371. 54 steers and 800 chickens. Housing is provided in a large 36'x80' hip barn ^ith a 40'x9Q' lean-to. You will enjoy sharing with Luke and Barb their experiences with breeding-ewe lambs, crossbreeding programs Corriedale vs. Suffolks, early vs. late lambing and winter grazing. Just up the road a piece is the Alton and Arlene Grau farm, 3380 Fletcher Rd., Chelsea. Alton left his engineering job in 1969 -to become a full-time farmer. He presently farms 180 acres, lambs out 140 ewes (20 of which are ewe lambs) and farrows out 8-10 sov/s twice yearly. The main barn was built in the 1880's and Alton has State Police analysis of this year's Memorial Day holiday weekend traffic accidents which claimed 29 lives in Michigan, shows drinking to be a factor in more than half of the ,27 fatal mishaps, according to a report on the findings by Col, perald L. Hough, department director. The study by the department's traffic division noted that investigations of the accidents reported drinking to be a factor in 16, or 6& percent, Of the mishaps. Accidents were those which occurred in the 78-hour period from 6 p.m. Friday, May 27, to midnight Monday, May 30. The holiday toll in Michigan last year was 34 in a comparable period. Accidents types and drinking factor involvement were as follows in ;the holiday analysis data. ••Of the'27 fatal crashes, 14 wef of the one-vehicle type, or ran off the roadway type, Eigh| of these involved drinking. Nine of the accidents were ol the two-vehiue I»JC, wun a drink ing factor indicated in five them. Of two car-pedestrian accidents one pedestrian had been drinking Two other non-collision type ac cidents involved victims falling ou of the vehicles. Both accident involved drinking. Four of the 27 accidents involv ed drivers between the,ages of 1 and 25 who had been drinking. The holiday accident data shoij ed there were two double fatal ty crashes. One occurred in Oal land county, the other in Menon inee county. CARPET REBIRTH ••^-^t^-^^O*.^ pm. Give your carpet a new lease on life by cleaning it regularly. JET SPRAY CARPET CLEANING Use Your fidnkAmericard Phone 761 -3025 or 475-1509 Ask for John Lixey. To Lima Township Residents i Dial*A~Garden Topics Listed Township Planning Commission. Resumes should be submitted to Robert D. Musolf, 12535 Scio Church Rd., Chelsea by July 6, 1977. Resumes are now being accepted for t h e Lima] Appointment to be made July 11, 1977. LIMA TOWNSHIP Arlene Bareis, Clerk *~M. .., — . . „,. OFFICIAL NOTICE — REGULAR MEETING OF THE DEXTER TOWNSHIP BOARD will be held Tuesday, Inly 5,1977 - 7:30 p.m. at the Dexter Township Hall, 6880 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. ITEMS. TO BE DISCUSSED: 1) Wylie Property Rd. application. 2) Washtenaw CountyTax Systems Agreement. 3) Sign Proposal. 4) Road Ordinance Agreement. 5) Dial-A-Ride. WILLIAM EISENBEISER Dexter Township Clerk .,; ,r . „ . . . —~- ^•>*rff-r^ri^-r-f | , m , f c i f , | Thanks you for your continued support and wishes to invite you to share in their successful The Chelsea Standard Ph. 4 7 5 - 1 3 7 1 3 0 0 N. Main Chelsea tlfFtl'R::- FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE FRIDAY, July 1..930a.m.to5:30p.m. Prize Money: 20% OFF on all merchandise and free notions with purchase of pattern and $10 of fabric. feed Formulas Tested, Proved To Get Results (see flyers at Wolverine Lounge) JMni,- Free Cookies and Lemonade E^-o proteins, vitamins ond minerals in proper balance, scientifically blended, make v/ur feeds real prof r producers tor you. Farmers' Supply Co. LOCATION: Stockbridge Athletic Field SPONSORS: Stockbridge FFA ond Jaycees i <.J.H.*AlliilM»' Wik SATURDAY, July 2 . . 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. PROFIT i •i % Phone <3R 5-5511 COUNTRY CRAFTIQUE 103 N. Main, Chelsea nl,dW..*M». (Until •mMM^MmMM^mmmMm^ .iyfiiTViiiT^iapaiitimiirr^Tn»wiriiirl--nn>TiiiTiiiaaA. ^^^MI^MMJiHtttt 1 •^^^^-^•^•if'i^^ , Michigan State University's Library, recognized as one of the fastest growing research libraries in the nation, contains 2.3 million volumes. • Type: Farm Factory Stock, Open Modified & Super Stock Classes: Farm Stock 6,000, 9,000,12,000,15,000 Open Modified & Super 5^000, 7,000 Weigh In:10«12 noon '(settles on grounds) Pull: 1 Rules: NTPA STANDARDS w for Subscrihe tndav to The Standard! 4ULT j - i mt Coult HM Ph. 475-2512 m MM Xi^n & wmm^'^.^^^gmmm^^K tif^^imf^mm^ rj'-immm>mmm«fm^h, •v»v £ \ -\ \ V.. '" " mm**** mmmm<^^*mfmm^*m-wmm^^'*^t » • mmm » w m * > * # • • > » i m m m m m wft'm + Services in Our Churches + ' W \ l ? V ? « » ^ Hw "*-•* *-»vw«';;:Ai ha 5 K j j urrifi r • — ~ , The Chelsea Standard, Thursday, June 30, 1977 DNR Purchases 35.7 Acres Adjoining Vinekney Ifec. Area v 11 24,012 Native American Student* Enrolled in State's Pufalic Schools , OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN METHODIST HOME CHAPEL Chaplain Ira Wood. Pastor CHURCH Senator Gilbert E. Bursley (R- A total of 24,012 Native AmerEvery Sunday— 1515 S. Main, Chelsea -¾¾ li-j Ann Arbor) learned today that ican students are enrolled in pub8:45 a.m.—Worship service. The Rev. William H. Keller, Pastor Michigan's Natural Resources Com- lic schools in Michigan, the state Sunday, July 3— i&SSA j mission has authorized the pur- Board of Education reported to* 9:00 a.m.—Worship service. BAHA'I FIRESIDE chase of 25.7 acres of land to ex-day. , 'flf Rvery Thursday— tend the Pinckney Recreation Area Michigan has a total public **&. FIRST UNITED 8:00 p.m.—At the home of Toby in northern Washtenaw county. school enrollment of approximateMETHODIST CHURCH 705 S. Mam St. Anyone 'I ? # The Commission accepted a De- ly two million pupils. i # : v, *0 fhe Rev. Marvin H. McCallum. Peterson, wishing to learn about the Baha'i partment of Natural Resources The State Board said more than 10? -^> Pastor raith is welcome. Lands Division appraisal of the half of all American Indian and Sunday, July,. 3— property, purchased from Thomas Alaskan Native public school sty10:00 a.m.—Worship s e r v i c e FIRST UNITED Jacob Francis of Ann Arbor for dents attend classes in six coun(nursery provided). Church school PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . ties — Wayne, Genesee, Macomb, $38,500. for two-and three-year-olds through Independence Day. Unadilla first graders. "The DNR feels that acquisition Oakland, Chippewa and Kent. The Rev. T. H. Liang, Pastor Slightly more than four percent 11:00 a.m.—Punch hour in the of the tracts and associated creek ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH narthex. —1,050 of all Native America^ Every Sunday— frontage will provide a more manThe Rev, Fr. David Philip Dupuis Monday, July 4— students—reside -on federal ^reser9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. ageable boundary of the area," %*^s . Pastor vations in the state, the State 11:00 a.m.—Worship service. Church office will be closed. said Senator Bureley. "I am pleasMass. Schedule; ed that the Commission has mada Board said. Every Saturday— • ''•AM FAITH EVANGELICAL a decision which will add to the FIRST UNITED METHODIST 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confession. LUTHERAN CHURCH Telephone Your Club News recreation resources available to Parks and Territorial Rds 7:00 p.m.—Mass, 9575 North Territorial Rd., Dexter. the citizens of the, 18th SenatorTo 475-1371. ^ The Rev. Glenn Kjellberg, Pastor Immediately after 7 p.m. Mass, The Rev. John P. Huebner, Pastor ial District. mmmmmwmmmm Every Sunday— <«# "0? Confession. Sunday, July 3— 9:15 a.m.—Morning worship. The Commission's action means Every Sunday— ^SA#» •' 5¾¾¾¾ ;% "'" ^ $Gh 9:00 a.m.—Worship service. FURNITURE ¢1¾¾^ ^ ^ V l - t s n K U 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. that the size of the Pinckney Rec8:00 a.m., 10:Q0 a.m., 12:00 noon Stiifefeir"'* reation Area is now 9,985 acres —Mass. GLASSWARE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of land and water. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS PROUD YANKEES: Suited in cleats, baseball second game. Members of the team are: Seated, SCIENTIST PRIMITIVES ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Meetings at caps, mitts and protective padding, members of the from left, Jay Marshall, Darin Rowe, Jay Eibeler, 1883 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor Subscribe today to The Standard! Corner of Fletcher, Waters Rds. Church of Jesus Christ powerful looking Yankees Pony League squad pre- Ted Merkel, John Wilson, and Richard Gaul; standEvery Sunday— GENERAL LINE • I HIHIB * • of Latter-Day Saints 10:30 a.m.—Sunday school, morn sented a formidable image to their opponents as ing, from left, Assistant Coach Dan Wilson, Scott The Rev. John R. Morris, Pastor Residential - Commercial £141 Brockman, Ann Arbor ing service. they took time out to pose for a photo during their Hayes, Russ Harris, Tim Greenleaf, Bill Merkel, Sunday, July 3— Every Sunday— 8:30 a.m.—Sunday school. latest game Tuesday afternoon. The Yankees shut Frank Waller, Walt Gray, Coach Charlie Waller 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.—Worship. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH out the Giants, 9-0, fh their first game of the sea- and Bob Trevino. Wednesday, July 6— (United Church of Christ) FREE ESTIMATES son, but were dumped by the Braves, 7-4, in their SALEM GROVE WOZ picnic. The Rev. Carl Schwarm, Pastor UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Every ^Sunday— 3320 Notten Rd. Dick & Bertie Schaules . , CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:30 a.m.—Worship and church The Rev. Gerald R. Parker 13661 Old US-12, East school. Pastor We Buy and Sell Evangelist John M. Hamilton LICENSED BUILDER Every Sunday— Every Sunday— 9:30 a.m.—Sunday school. Approving ST. JACOB EVANGELICAL 10:30 a.m.—Worship service. 10:00 a.m.—Church school. 378 Spring Lake Drive Robert M. Cratly pled guilty to Curtis R. Miller pled guilty to to pay fines and. costs of $250 on LUTHERAN CHURCH 11:00 a.m. — Worship service. 12501 Riethmiller Rd., Grass Lake Chelsea, Mich. charges of. disobeying a posted Charges of no operator's license on charges of impaired driving., 14450 Islam* Uke M, Chefett Nursery will be available. speed limit. Fines and coste, $35. Gordon McNutt was sentenced to \\B person. Fines and costs, $25. The Rev. Andrew Bloom, Pastor Super Cyclotron Magnet frhone 475-7J$S PHONE 475-1820 6:00 p.m.—Worship service. Timothy Schrader .appeared "in Terrence R. Marsh appeared in pay fines arid costs of' $350 and Every Sunday— laurt on a bench warrant and pled to the Alcohol Safety Action Pro- court on a bench warrant and pled Every Wednesday— Now Working at MSU 9:00 a.m.—Worship service. 7:30 p.m.—Bible study. Juilty to charges of possession of gram on charges of driving under guilty to charges of leaving the 1(1:15 a.m.—Divine services. The world's largest super-conscene of a property damage acci|pen intoxicants in an auto. He the influence of liquor. ducting cyclotron magnt which KJaren A. Cook pled guilty to dent. He was sentenced to pay ^as sentenced to pay fjnes and ST. THOMAS NORTH SHARON BIBLE CHURCH can produce 900 tons of force, is josts of $35 and to three days charges of dog a t large that fines and costs of $50 or to 1*5 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Sylvan and Washburne Rds. now operating at Michigan State days in jail. In the probation department work bites. Fjnes and costs, $50. Ellsworth and Haab Rds. The Rev. Ronald C. Purvey, University. Anthony J . Van Hutten pled Dale Warwick pled guilty to The Rev. Jerome Dykstra, Pastor program. Pastor Destined for eventual installation Thomas Richter was sentenced tp guilty to charges of driving under charges of being intoxicated in a Every SundayEvery Sunday— T h a n k ' y o u for helping sell in a cyclotron where > it will acSi 30 a.m.—Sunday school and fay fines and costs of $25 or to the influence of liquor. He will public place. Fines and costs, $50. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday s c h o o l . celerate heavy atomic nuclei, the Darryl M. West was found guil- Bible class. |5 days in jail on charges of vi- be sentenced Aug. 15. (Nursery available). Junior church magnet was developed by scienour home and saving $4,100. Thomas Ingalls pled guilty to ty on charges of no operator's 10:45 a.m.—Worship service. olation of probation. \ classes. tists in MSU's Cyclotron Labora11:00 a.m.—Worship service. Anthony K. Steward pled guilty charges of possession of alcoholic license on his person. Fines and tory. beverages at a beach. Fines and costs, $50. GREGORY BAPTIST CHURCH 6:00 p.m.—Senior High Youth charges of speeding. Fines and costs, Magnets using the principles $35. Dale R, Robbins was found guilThe Rev. Paul White. Pastor meeting. Youth Choir. Your grateful husband/ Josts, $50. developed in this device may evenJeff Edmonds pled guilty to ty on charges of failing to stop Every Sunday— 7:00 p.m.—-Evening worship servWilliam Harris was sentenced to charges of possession of alcoholic at a stop sign. Fines and costs, tually be used to harness nuclear Wayne 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school. ices. (Nursery available.) All fusion for electricity production. jay fines and costs of $200 .on beverages1 at a beach. Fines and $25. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. services interpreted for the deaf. jharges of impaired driving. costs, $35. Gerald Alenori was found guilty 8:00 p.m.—Young people. Every Wednesday— Alan F. Lance was found guilty Franklin K. Curry pled guilty to on charges of larceny of property 7:00 p.m.—Evening worship; 7:00 p.m.—Bible study aad prayin charges of impaired driving. charges of driving under the in-valued under $100. He was referNOW OPEN 7:30 p.m.—Thursday mid-week er meeting. (Nursery available.) lie was referred to probation, to fluence of liquor. He will be sen- red to probation and will be sen- worship service. Bus transportation available: 428Alcohol Safety Action Program tenced Aug. 15. tenced Aug. 17. 7222,|ind will be sentenced Aug, 15. OLD & NEW GLASS ST. JOHNS EVANGELICAL Kathy Dils pled guilty to charANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AND REFORMED CHURCH BETHEL EVANGELICAL AND ges of littering. She was sentenc(United Church of Christ) REFORMED CHURCH ed to pay fines and costs of $35 DEPRESSION GLASS Francisco (United Church of Christ) ) n d \ t o five days on the probaA SPECIALTY The Rev. Virgil King, Pastor. Freedom Township [ion department work program. Every Sunday— The Rev. Roman A. Relneck, John Chamberlain pled guilty to 10:30 a.m.—Church services. Pastor ARLENE HARGRAVE lharges of driving under the inEvery Sunday— fluence of liqubr and driving with iPh, 498-2849 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Vxpired license plates. He will be 12719 Rocpcke Rd., Gregory 10:00 a.m.—Worship service. Dexter Warriors, now entering a four-hour marathon for a16-7 The Rev. Richard Coury, Pastor Open By Chance or Appt. sentenced Aug. 17. Every Sundaytheir third week of Babe Ruth play, — i — H — W ^ t T W — — ^ W —iMWIHilWM—MW ' ST. BARNABAS Arthur Inaz was sentenced to came from behind Monday, June rout. s ' a.m.—Sunday school. EPISCOPAL CHURCH >ay fines and costs of $400, to 20, to edge out the Chelsea Or- Winning pitcher was JBrent Gar 11:00 a.m.—Worship service. 20550 Old US-12 Alcohol Safety Action Program ioles> 8-6. Jeff. Leithton and Harvey ber who struck out five. Harve 6:00 p.m.—Evening worship. ind to one year probation on Proctor pitched a four-hitter, strik- Proctor relieved in the seventi:h Every Wednesday— The Rev. Fr. Jerrold F. Beaumont to preserve the win. charges of driving under the irv-ing out six. B.S.P. 7:00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors. (fluence of liquor. •In the offensive spotlight was Missionettes. Bible meditation and Every Sunday— Leithton continued to help his Dexter's Dave Hollister, who went Allan Abdon was sentenced to 10:00 a.m. — Holy Communion cause with four hits in fdur at-bats, two for four, squeezing in a triple, prayer. jay fines and costs of $250 and first, third, and fifth Sundays, and the Alcohol Safety Action Pro- including a double in the game, to score twice. 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. WATERLOO VILLAGE gram on charges of driving under while Mark Hizer had a double 1977 BLAZER CHEYENNE WAGON - Black, 4-wheel 10:00 a.m. — Morning prayer. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH "ie influence of liquor. and a single in three at-bats. Mike BABE RIJTH LEAGUE Second and fourth Sundays. Church 8118 Washington St. drive. Loaded with equipment and priced to save you Richard D. McCulIoygh was sen- Dambroseo hit a home run. school and nursery every Sunday. Standings as of June 27 The Rev. Glenn Kjellberg, Pastor tenced to pay fines and costs of Returning to the diamond FriEvery Wednesdayhundred^!! W L Every Sunday— $25 on charges of dog at large. day, June 24, J?exter Warriors Si 15 p.m.—Bible study and dis5 0 10:00 a.m.—Sunday school. Thomas Krul, Jr., was sentenced battled with Manchester No, l in Chelsea Royals cussion groups. 11:15 a.m.—Worship service. Chelsea Pirates .4 l 1975 CHEVROLET SCOTTSDALE 3/4-TON PICK-UP First Wednesday of every month'Dexter Warriors 4 1 Bishop's Committee. 4-wheel drive, silver and black. 350 V-8, $ 3 6 9 5 Chelsea Athletics 3 1 ST. JOHN'S Dexter Dreadnaughts 1 3 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Third Thursday of every m o n t h automatic. Sharp, and priced to sell at only «*** * ~ Episcopal church women. Manchester No. 1 1 3 Rogers Corners Chelsea Orioles 0 4 Every Sunday— CHELSEA BAPTIST CHURCH Manchester No. 2 0 5 10:30 a.m.—Worship service. 1975 PINTO 2-DR. - Red, 4-cylinder $1QQC 377 Wilkinson St. Spores through June 27rThe Rev. James Stacey, Pastor 4-speed. 26,000 one-owner miles, only .... I##J NORTH LAKE Royals 10, Manchester No. 2, 3. Every Sunday— UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school for the Warriors 8, Orioles 6. whole family. The Rev. David Utiles, Pastor 1972 MERCURY MONTEGO M X BROUGHAM - 4-dr, Pirates 11, Manchester No. 7, 2. 11:00 a.m.—M 0 r n I n g worship Every Sunday— Athletics 14, Orioles 2. V-8, automatic, full power, factory air. $ | A Q C 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.— Worship service and children's church. PHONE 475-1951 Royals 15, Royals 1.. 6:00 p.m.—Evening service, inservice. formal singing, sharing, study and Athletics 7, Dreadnaughts 2. June 20-24— 1180 M-52 CHELSEA discussion. (Nursery care provided ESS Pirates 16, Manchester No. 2, 6. Vacation Church Schoo, 9:30 for all services). 1974 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOP ' Warriors 16, Manchester No. 7, 7. a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Ages 2 years Home Bible Studies each week through junior high school. Warriors 8, Manchester No. 8, 3. in the homes of the elders. Ivory. 41,000 like-new miles. Excellent con- $ ^ ) 5 9 5 Royals 3, Manchester No, 7, 2. For information, call 475-8323. IMMANUEL BIBLE CHURCH dition • "*** " ** Dreadnaughts 3, Pirates 2. 145 E. Summit St. The Rev. LeRoy Johnson, Pastor The extensive residence facili- Every Sunday— 1973 IMPALA 4-DR. - Black vinyl roof, 350, $ 7 ^ 9 5 ties at Michigan State University 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school, nur inr>1,iH/a Oft rooir?o»->/->n Vinllri .nUi^V. I N V I U U ^ ^.V A ^ky. l4\^..tsK/ tlltllO Wlll^ij sery provided. automatic, power, air cond. Only UHHIHillVIII house more than 18,000 single men 11:0¾ a.m. — Morning worship, and women students. , nursery provided. 1971 OLDS TORONADO COUPE - This one $ O Q C 6:00 pm.—Evening worship. One out of every seven people Every Wednesday— has it all, and a t a great price. Only I«J # * J in. the United States gets a so- 7:00 p.m.—Family hour, prayer cial security check. meeting, and Bible ptudv Y^J <,* m ST PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev. R. J. Ratzlaff, Pastor Friday, July 1— Thvee-day Foreign Student Hospitality Week-end begins, sponsor* ed by Church Women United. Uth General Synod, Washington D. C . begins today and continues through July 5. ' Sunday, July 3— 10:00 a.m.-^Church school and worship, Monday, July 4— REMODELING lb V. JENSEN and SON fcV District Court Proceedings * SCHAULES ANTIQUES Ty My Wife, Diane: • n w ^ i n n ^ f w i »1 frM.„»»»w<m*Miwn»» • 1 I I I | . . . I W ( W M M I < finniinn THE GLASS BARN Happy 40th Birthday Warriors Down Orioles In Babe Ruth Action HELEN BULICK 4th of JULY SALE BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON < > * • # Served from 11:30 to 1 Daily MARK IV LOUNGE OPEN BOWLING p.niilnmp.nl I" EVERYDAY 1973 CAMARO 2-28 - Dark blue metallic. V-8;, automatic, full power . . . and we MEAN POWER! SAVE HUNDREDS •use: war (thru Aug. 15) MONDAY thru FRIDAY 11 Qtitu TO 11 p*m« SATURDAY 11 a.m. to 12 midnight SUNDAY 2 p.m. to 10 p»m* Thinking Visit tfa6 wonderful worWof carpeting atSchneider'a, one of the area's finest* fidl-sorvico carpet stores, conveniently located in West Ann Arbor on Wagner Jtoad between Jackson and Liberty. Schneider'* curries a broad selection of quality, name-brand carpets «t pricos consistently among the lowest in the entire area* Try us* 662-9332 CHELSEA LANES, Inc. 1180 M-52 40 ITEM SAFETY CHECKS - 2-YEAR WARRANTIES onu MON & m NIGHTS TIL tdOPM 745 S. WAGNER *0. ANN AMO* Ph. 4758141 mm MM Pasff^aWpniiiiwjMJipSi lOTryp 1 inn- wniniwiinwwitf Hero's a man's boot every step of the way! Bugged, handsome, ready for a rough day's work anytime. Easy on ' the feet, too. Stop b y try on Pecos by Red Wing and bo convinced! KMi RED WING FOSTER'S MEN'S WEAR Ph. 475-1606 DM LLOYD BRIDGES CHEVROLET OPEN MON.-TUES, WEO-THURS. TILL 8:30 1-94 at M-52 CHELSEA, MICH. OPEN FRITILL 6 SAT. TILL 5 Cholsco, Mich. mmmmm i -. , 1 - . , , . . 1 - . ^ : ^ ^ . ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ *•''• • - - • - - •• . . - . . . - : - ^ - ^ . - 1 , . . ^ - ^ ^ . . . . ^ ^ . ^ ^ - : ^ ^ . ^ ^ . - ^ - ^ ^ 1 . , , . , . . ^ - - : - ^ . ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^.-.,,.,-..,.^^..-^.,..-1^.^^^- mmmmmm NMHMMHpnpMPWPI JllP|pW ., • ite-^-n }£ ' * ' * ?" i t fit*, '«^ll|>.< ';: *: ; M*"'ibj" is '•>. ' : V ' B .;%/ The Chelsea Standard, Thursday, June 30, 1977 I • • P H W P M H Babe Ruth Action Into Second Week ,. ,., . ..,._......... _ , .. . . TT-r Chelsea No. 1 crushed Chelsea 'After winning their June 13 No. 3, 15-2, as Babe Huth League opener against the Orioles, 11-2. action moved through its second the Babe Ruth Royals maintained week Wednesday, June 22. Return- their momentum through three ing for a follow-up gammon Friday, successive games for a perfect 4-0 June 24, Chelsea No. 1 sluggers record on the season in only two boosted their record to 3-1 as they weeks of ballpark action. rounded the bases for a 7-2 victory Facing off against the Orioles, over the Dexter Dreadnaughts. the Royals' Chuck Moore pitched a no-hitter until two were out in Bringing a tight offensive attack the last inning of the game. Then, into play behind the pitching of Scott Price singled to right field Brad Knickerbocker and reliever John Welton, Chelsea No. 1 collect- for the Orioles only hit. Moore ed 15 runs on 10 hits to Chelsea struck out 12 batters. Leading hitters for the Royals No. 3's two runs on six hits. , were Mike Wood with a double and Crossing the plate for' Chelsea a 'single, and Ross Stoflett, Pat No. 1 were Brad Knickerbocker Murphy and with 3 runs; Dennis White, 2; Jim one hit each. Wally Soltyziak with Stock, 2; Dave Stock, 2; Dave In their June 15 game with the Parks, Dave Morris, Randy Luick, Warriors, the Royals edged their John Welton, Ray Ziegler and Toby opponents, 3-2, as Wally Soltyziak Boyd, all 1. Connecting for hits pitched, a no-hitter and struck out were Brad Knickerbocker with 3, 10 batters. Leading the Royals Dave Stock with 2, Dennis White, offense were Ross Stoflett Dave Morris, Randy Luick, John two hits, and Mike Wood with with one Weltpn and Toby Boyd. hit and two RBI's. Scoring runs for Chelsea No. 3 Chuck Moore pitched a .threewere Scott Price and G. Adkley. hitter and added two singles "at.'the Hits were recorded lpy S. Price, J. plate as the Royals won their third Price, John Riemenschneider, L. straight game by cruising to a 10Yahnke and Shepard. 3 victory over Manchester No. 2, In their .second game of the Monday, June 20. week, members of the Chelsea No. In addition to Moore, connecting 1- squad matched, hits with the for the Royals in that game were Dexter Dreadnaugnts, as each team M/ike Wood with two hits, and Jeff collected five; however, Chelsea Dils, Ross Stoflett, Wally Soltyzlak, transformed its hits into 7 runs John Dunn and Mike Gipson with as opposed to Dexter's 2. one each, Pitching again for Chelsea No. 1, Blasting their way to. a 15-1 win Brad Knickerbocker launched the over the Dexter Dreadnaughts in game with three scoreless innings. the fourth game of their four-game He was relieved by John Welton winning streak, the Royals again who finished the game, allowing attacked behind the pitching of only two runs in the sixth. Guard- Wally Sbltyziak, who delivered a THIS WEEK'S PET OF THE WEEK is a long-haired Calico ing'the outfield with good fielding two-hitter from the mound. cat named "Peanuts." He is a one-one-half year old cat whose plays were Jeff Fouty, Brad Knick- Leading the Royals at the plate owner could not keep him because her husband didnlt want the cat erbocker and Dave Parks. were Ross Stoflett with three around. He has a long coat, arid tail. The cat is good' with children Runs for Chelsea were by Jeff singles; Chuck Moore , and John v and dogs. It is housebroken but is used to being both indoors and Fouty (2), John Welton (2), Dave Dunn, each with one double and outdoors. If you have room for Peanuts or a cat similar to him or Parks, Dave Morris and Randy one single; Pat Murphy with two a dog, please call the Humane Society of Huron Valley at 662-5585 Luick. Jeff Fouty and John Welton singles; and Wally Soltyziak and Mike Wood, each with one hit; . between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday with the had two hits each. Getting hits for the Dreadnaughts Connecting for the Dreadnaughts exceptions of Wednesday and Sunday when the shelter is open were Rick Neff, Brian Hochrein, were Gary Neff and Brian . Hochbetween 1 and 5 p.m. There are many other beautiful cats at the John Conlin, Gary Neff and Dave rein. Mike Claffay pitched for the shelter this week including several white cats with chinchilla-like Mundinger. Dreadnaughts in that game. coats and there are always one or two Siamese to be found* at the shelter. Every cat, dog, puppy, kitten, guinea pig, rabbit or bird at the shelter is in dire need of a home as the shelter can only provide space for a limited time due to the incredible numbers of animals that come in daily. So open your heart to one of the animals at the shelter when you are looking for a pet. Remember that your pet, cat or dog, will continue to love you faithfully, Howard S. Holmes, president of tre. Judy Manos is chairman of through-thick and thin, and when your human relationships falter, the Chelsea Milling Co., has been the special events committee'and your pet will still be there. re-elected chairman of St. Joseph honorary chairman of the bene/ •••••;• M e r c y Hospital's Development fit. Council. Dr. Harry A. Towsley, CUSTOM Emeritus Professor. of Pediatrics and Postgraduate Medicine at the University of Michigan, again will will serve as vice-chairrnan. Members elected or re-elected to When people have the financial the Council at its annual meeting resources to stop work, most do, FREE ESTIMATES - ALL MAKES last week (June 15) are Bruce points out a Michigan Sjate, UniBennei\ senior vice-president of the versity sociology professor. Get the Best for Less! Ann Arbor Bank and Trust Co.; 'rV \ Many studies of blue-collar workDonald Canham, director of the ers, says Dr. William A. Faunce, University of Michigan Athletic show that money is the primary Department; Mrs. John F. Daly; work motivation and, where it is), Phone 426-4677 Dexter, Mich. Jay J. DeLay, president of the workers could be expected to quit Hron Valley National Bank; Jos- if they have adequate retirement eph J. Fitzsimmons, president of income. Microfilms; Dr. Faunce, who has written extenStandard Want Ads Will Sell Your Unwanted Items Xerox-Yniversity Richard D. Judge; Mrs. Ben Kess sively in the field of industrial Thomas Monaghan, Domino's Piz- sociology, is not surprised at the zas; Mrs. Elizabeth Stranahan; and growing trend among General MoDr. Towsley, all of Ann Arbor; tors auto workers to take their William F. Anhut, attorney, of "30 and out" retirement under the Ypsilanti; Mrs. Harold B. Kukes age of 55. t: of Southfield, and Mrs. James W. The MSU sociologist suggests Myers of Saline. that the recent acceleration of GM Formed in 1976, the Development workers to retire in their 50s is Council assists in long-range fund- due to the fact that these workraising efforts to support hospital ers who began work in the auto programs and to purchase vital, industry after World War II, may .**. life-saving equipment for the new be different in some ways from facility, 5301 E. Huron River Dr. those who began work during the One of the Council's fund- war. raising activities iast year, under the direction of its special events committee, was "St. Joe's Goes to the Movies," which raised more (Continued from page seven) than $90,000. This year the com- mander after he and his assistmittee will sponsor the second an- ants interview all applicants withnual benefit, "St. Joe's Plays the in their district. Palace," an original musical, Oct. Headrick is the son of Mrs. Don 7 in Ann Arbor's Michigan Thea- Proctor and Robert Headrick. CHELSEA AUTOMOTIVE 1 1414 S. MAIN ST. CHELSEA \ Parts Phone Plus 475-9106 Open Mon. thru Thurs,, Sot., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gabriel heavy-duty Striders Versatile, 3-way adjustable shock absorbers. Nationally advertised Gabriel Striders. A heavyduty shock with a versatile three-way adjustability feature and a 1% 6 " piston. Lets you choose the ride you want. Adjusts to regular, firm, or extra firm. Howard Holmes Re-Elected To Head Development Council People who know shocks, go Gabriel. Early Retirement Tied to Income BUMPING and PAINTING ONLY $-1-195 . > • ; . - , . • ' , • . ' % : • FRANK GROHS CHEVROLET Plus Installation $23.95 VALUE CHELSEA AUTOMOTIVE Guard your home agaii&t *. ESS'. DAMPNESS van * yon cair t see pr sear rr SAYS: For a "SHOCKING DEAL See us if you intend to install them yourself at the low price of $13.50 or for a small installation charge see your local dealer listed below. Student Troopers •JSm RALPH FLETCHER'S MOBIL FRED'S UNION 76 GARAGE ROMINE'S QUALITY SERVICE NORTH LAKE SALES & SERVICE MAUZY'S MOBIL GLENN'S SERVICE uive something very special DAMP REAS WITH A For;la>i||>:'; Homea' , 'Removes up 1,V ;. 22 pint* & IN CHELSEA: IN ANN ARBOR: Coolemtor DEHUMiDIFIER PARTIN MOBIL Zeeb Rood and 1-94 Stop damp air damage with this super-capacity "Celebrity" model. It protects your tools from rusting, furniture from warping, clothes from mildew, books and papers from mold, walls and pipes from sweating. Quickly pays for itself in savings. • Automatic Humidiatat • Automatic Overflow Control • "In Operation" Light • Walnut Grain, Furniture Finished Cabinet IN MANCHESTER: A Keepsiike diamondis the perfect symbol of the love you shnre . . . gunnmieed perfect permanently registered protected against loss. GERRY MANN'S STANDARD IN PLEASANT LAKE: W e W i l l Be Closed All Day Saturday, July 2 QtiAlHt Product of Starring As As Low Keepsake' $12095 IN STOCKBRIPGE: , v « - , - . « WINANS JEWELRY Ph. 475*1221 y^ii.iii:>^.piWMi>i>iii;Nj^|iwi»<^iii|wi>ii«i;giBi> ACCENT HE NOON Registered Diamond Rings YDLAUFF'S 113 N. Main DAN'S SERVICE VENTUfJA (i SCHULTZ ENTERPRISES ftTCPWwnawtmWwwi^^ amfetoi^t^feiiiiteL^ UaJlt'-i. M,.'. & ^ i i ^ i . c jJfljA^ti^i:-ki& IA^II'L,, ,1:.:,:,/.^:.,.:,,.^1.,,:. ^^ , . ^ ^ . , , ^ ^ ^ 1 — M M a ^ ^ j a t M u ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^ . ^ , - ^ ^ . . L : . i .• ^ ttmtimmmmtmamtmmmtmmmtmmmimiammmm if MM Ann Mtt H*w* //A 1101 M-52 m CHELSEA. MICH (Corner M - 5 2 and Old U.S. 1 2) •••••••Bill A Open Dai -. mum to 10 Sunday to QUALITY PRODUCE QUALITY MEAT WINE. LIQUOR LOTTERY TICKETS SIDES FRUIT RASKETS CLEANING PHOTO PROCESSING PRICES VARIETY :f. ..:^- m MAlfltt MAIRITS • / 1101 M-52 5;-*»! k CHELSEA, MICH. Jfi?,' 'S-'Xfftf '-"-, wmwwwtf '/yr''f-' -' ^ /'/> ¥. 7\ (Corner M-52 and Old U.S. 12) i */•, y:>^'v vS V t,?' / SLICES > # | t > 3 9 . SAVE »3.01 WITH IN-STORE C O U P O N ARMOUR STAR SAVE HAM '«5» retu"^ N return WITH POLLY'S BONUS and IN STORE COUPONS! to -leoosrt money1 bac* bottle moopy bac* bottle ^ueJgQa 5-LB. CAN &OAX "*fiS&f*~-f*~ {^..s VALUABLE COUPON 8-PAK RETURNABLE SAVE COKE - 79* SAVE 3 9 ' WITH COUPON PLUS DEPOSIT LIMIT 1 PfcR COUPON PER FAMILY* GOOD THRU 7-2-77 POLLY'S QUALITY HAMBURG or HOT DOG BUNS VALUABLE COUPON ,, f - \ SHASTA SAVE ,'v SOFT DRINKS 8 -;X;; : ?;7,^; - > 12-oz QQ< cans 0 9 ^ 4 ' '.IMIT 8 PER COUPON PER FAMILY' • GOOD THRU 7-21-77 4 V ' '>' ^ i T ;"; < ,"' ". / 8-Ct. Pkgs. For ^P/"^fUM>>- - r . <*• i'4* • VALUABLE COUPON i^v- -^ HAMBORS SAVE m?$\ tfCBHrr; M & « T A I N D£W or >-c JTY HOTDOe BUNS E 3ft:89« LIMIT 3 PER COUPON PER FAMILY* GOOD THRU 7-2-77 >„, ^^R-B^* I < 5 r / V A NEWH PLASTIC BOTTLES AT. 64- .> , \ OUNCES ^y^iiM***- ^m SHASTA i Y> ^^Sfc^° Ar^t SAVE 41'WITH COUPON *oJ^oX^o> SOFT D R I N K S >w»«^, MjL^Wr«U ^ ^ ^ SAVE 4 0 \ . ; 8 ^ A K ^c^ 1 2 ^ ^P^ t 12-OZ. CANS FOR - Ckm?' 1 , t * , 4 * * * •rtOfc^ ^)-5 BORDE^ * S I | SAVE 4 0 ' SAVE 4 1 ' WITH IN-STORE COUPON 8*1 •EVStt. BLUE BONNET CREAM TVvtN pops SAVE 5 9 ' WITH IN-STORE C O U P O N BORDEN PRIZE T ,t4^ fto jLoraanne *\&\ ^ LEMONADE Scot£a^ 33-OZ MIX $029 DOG FOOD SGOTLAD LEMONADE 25-lb. BUY 2-Save 4 0 ' WiHi In-stare Coupon BUGLES FUDGE BARS 12-Pak *&&> 12H&2. KRAFT V VI GENERAL MILLS S£ ELSIE STIX 6PBS POTATO CHIPS PACESETTER CHUNK Lemonade ELSIE STIX PRIIOLAY S A V E ' I . O O W I T H IN-STORE C O U P O N iw; ' concenttratc for Half Gallon 12-Pak MARGARINE Bi.ot III ORANGE /V TTTTd >4 SCOT FAKM AMERICAN SINGLES 7-oz. Box NABISCO NILLA WAFERS UITCOCKTA 12-oz. NABISCO 5¾¾¾^ CHIPS AHOY ::::^:-:^:¾¾¾¾^^¾¾¾¾¾^ U-'/i-oz. SEALTEST mmmmmmm llllllipi. CHIP DIPS ARMOUR UbbyV Mbbu> UbbyV *murf ^ <»ac)tAJJ' CHOPPEDBEEF liiiiliiiiliiir mrMi 4 BEANS 12«. REYNOLDS HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL 16-oz. cans 37'/ 2 Sq. Ft. EGGO FRENCHTOAST VIASIC 9o,49* JOHNS CHEESE or GENUINE DILLS* 46-oz. i f BAMA 2 GRAPE JELLY NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS 18-oz.SI Jars 30 c «9 I o SAUSAGE PIZZA F COOL WHIP BIRDSEYE SOUR CREAM 66' v:;;U\.iui .,,,^.1/:,¾ 1..,:^..^^1^.^1.,.^:.^.^1.^-:,^^.^.^..^^^.:.^1::.^^^:.,^^:1:4.^^^^1..^.,1- ,,,57 1 GAYMONTS IMITATION ANY TONY'S PIZZA WITH IN-STORE COUPON 8V2-OZ. •£. 89 c ••••Mil I6-02. MASTIH MMKITi 1101 M-52 CHELSEA, MICH ( C o r n e r M - 5 2 a n d O l d U.S. 1 2 ) PARTS M I S S I N G fiftEASTS CORNISH HEN I* LB. PLANT A EY ...... BROILER TURKEY /A' '- xs''"' LB. TURKEY I* ' : ^ & c i f i)Vi& •'#*<* 13-OZ. AVG. «, J DRUMSTICKS LB. ECKRICH REGULAR or '5*' ' ' ~>>J BEEF FRANKS DRUMSTICKS \ . . LB,PKG. , » » » . , U.S.D.A. C H O I C E • CHUCK STEAK /Ok LB. iS U.S.D.A. C H O I C E BONELESS CHUCK STEAK BUY 2 « SAVE 6 0 ' . WITH IN-STORE COUPON 80% FOREST BROOK SLICED LB. 10- LBS. OR MORE LEAN*GROUND CHUCK BEEF L B MIXED PORK CHOPS LB. 63* 58* 29* 99* 99* $|29 89* $J39 ifcUY;i • SAVE 60< V*iTH IH-SfW%£QVmH\ L I v A i s Ar%ec iLAEJkit:^m* n I llllnlllia IVICMI Or :; v BfIF FRANKS;;:*' :V1-A , PKO; OCEAN PERCH FILLETS FROG LEGS SALT COD SOLE FILLETS LAMB CHOPS LAMB ROAST LEGO'LAMB FRESH ,r - FRESH X S 2 «9 t&tfsM¥ FRESH SHOULDER CUT CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY SHOULDER CUT SQUARE FRESH TANGY FRESH SHOULDER C U f LIMES VEAL CHOPS ROUND STEAK SWEET SPANISH IFRESH VEAL ONIONS IFRESH SHOULDER CUT IVEAL ROAST [SPARE RIBS LB. :OUNf!RY STYLE *w * A\\ s ^ " J? * • r< v;-: - u^ore uwtf»: w - ' V»Vi«(lS-i%. , ,:-. — - • LAUNDRY DITSROINT ^ ^ lllliiiiilllllii^iiiiiiiiiiiii^liii ftU - ^ ^o#/ -. J r " :^<, 'i?........,^t.ww.tani^.n,"'"'1 Mti^mmriitii &.,. 12 oz. «4t /V(ri>i* ••MMHii l ! N ! HP! nSFBOWS OF PURCHASE Aim M V 2.7 oz. U U 6.4 oi. 15c Off Label 6.4 oz. Tube ORDER B U N K S AVAILABLE IN STORE *. Value *"*•••_. * * Alt OlMll t«. 40 Tablets t 7 o z . - S I . 9 9 Value *|59 Vdlui! 7c O F F AT C H E C K O U T Tear Off C o u p o n on Pack C0PPERT0NE B SUNTAN LOTION or OIL r^s 4 ounce S2.19 Value 'unni* 1 ' UnlWl 1 S I . 7 0 Value $179 | FLUORIDE 1*1. ( i . l . * . , K W „ , EARTHB0RN SHAMPOO 20c Off Label 8 ounce $1.85 Value $1.52 Value $112 1 li $t.59 Value , 88C 'i*'l^S*l VtlfcM-,-. fifOx-AW* ioiaicaif 4 oz. Aerosol 4 oz. - S2.49 Value ?. oz. Tube S 1.79 Value DARK T A N N I N G LOTION or O I L 8 oz. - S3.50 Value FACE CREAM Bottle ol24 M ? I Bottle of 50 19 4 1 1 2oz. $2,98 Value LIQUID 12 oz. TABLETS 2 4 s 69C NASAL MIST i5cc si42 $1.75 Value $238 Now! f *« IjiuKitv/ ' ff.wil , \ »,*+ Milt vl..i»tutiimii l.^i-M rft*s$* ' $139 iridMittukMUliiMMUil H«MiHilllllMlil«lllifei I Q T TROPIC SUN by Sea & Ski 8oz. S I . 8 9 Value DRISTAN TABLETS | Q.T. QUICK TANNING LOTION SKIN CARE LOTION . $139 SOLARCAINE SPRAY S 1 g g R0SEMILK fSi^^^Si PEPT0BISM0L MK^i *M tfjlrc K •*» 99C SI 51 Value 18 oz. PeptoBtemol Value ULTRA-BRITE TOOTHPASTE 6 oi Tunc TANNING BUTTER SI Vi 25 Tabids SI..S8 Valiii; SEA & SKI SUNTAN LOTION, GOLDEN TAN DARK TANNING LOTION 4 OZ. S2.20 Value $195 m &a<BS5B w^^ai^^-jiaiaiSfe^iOi^^ S3.50 Value 7«. J153 SAVE $1.00on USTERMINT NEW! Clai'rol SHORT & SASSY SHAMPOO I Alka Seltzer i/OFF Gel Makes .The Difference 1?0/. \ S( < 15c Off Label 04Mtlfftl C i l A N i i * $199 J 1 2 7 S) 59 ounce 12c o n Label EFFERDENT DENTURE CLEANSER See Store Oisplay For Details 93 RO 93C offerdent aiSr£^fiflt SI 43 DARK T A N N I N G OIL J/. 30 Q SCOPE MOUTHWASH Aim ext)« «in>h<jih .^>>y ) 1 «9 Value kUjMUTTSMMI^^. Choice of favorite National or American League Team Jackets with printed team name or emblem 5£ and patch. ox N\\M L_ EDGE PROTECTIVE SHAVE I* * DARK T A N N I N G LOTION o r l<ibleis Plastic or Transparent Waxed & Unwaxed MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL JACKET DEODORANT CURAD BANDAGES 07 si.19 f __'_99<L " JOHNSON'S g j ^ DENTAL FLOSS [MAJOM LEAGUE SASEftALL W $109 * *a& * Q the OFFICIALLY LICENSED SAVE 30" WITH IN-STORE C O U P O N 11 oz. - $1.73 Value Helps stop ' .TROPICAL BLEND. SURE Creme Rinse & Conditioner Oi5HWA$HtWO <ttTI«0*NT : MISS BRECK HAIRSPRAY SSQfee DAWN '*."-* i# r ivI'r^'wI'vAvM'y^ ' " ^ ^ " "• ^-C^OffUItt:. ' ^ [1,4.01. ROMAINE, ENDIV Ad Zest To Your Salad! LB. •Ma^MriiaaaiaaMiMMiiMiaaa 1 Your Choice if' FOR SHOPPING AT WHERE WE ARE HAPPY TO • • • • • YOU MONEY % ^^kJ^immmmmti^^^^^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtimmmmmmmmmmmmm