Grace Lutheran Church Newsletter


Grace Lutheran Church Newsletter
Grace Lutheran Church Newsletter
Pastor Willard Olsen
Editor: Laurie Lorius
Vol. 36 No. 7
Some 30 years ago, I stood on a spot we learned to love. It was the
best view of the falls on the River. In the stillness, the sound of the water rushing over the rocks was clear and cleansing to the spirit. We
fished the river. We played on the rocks and in the water. We walked
beside it in the coolness of the valley. We admired the steam rising
from the depth on cold winter mornings. The River was a constant, a
place of refuge in times of turmoil, doubt or anxiety. Conversely, at
many times it was a place of joy and gladness.
If you throw a rock into the River, it is changed. If you catch as fish to take home, the River is
changed. When a clod from the bank falls because of the River’s eroding power, it is changed.
Strangers dumping beer cans and trash affect the River, trying to destroy its beauty and quieting
The largest truth is that the water going past your viewing post is always changing. It is never
the same water in the River, for the River moves and never remains what it was a moment before.
The River is always different. However, the River is a constant. The River is the same as it was five
years ago. The River is different than it was five seconds ago.
The River is an analogy for the Church. The Church is constant. The Church is always
changing. Those seeming contradictions are both true. The Church is the Body of Christ. It is always
a place in which the spirits of the people find refuge, hope and the promise of grace. As we become a
part of it through the touching of God’s Spirit, we join the un-numbered and innumerable saints from
all the ages as our loving response to the Lord who first loved us. In the Church we will always hear
the Gospel, we can always find the power of forgiveness, and we can always know that we have been
called, gathered, enlightened and made holy.
However, as much as the Church is a constant, it is forever on the move --- forever shifting its
look. There is the constant arrival of new faces. Children are re-born in Baptism. Adults and youth
come to faith in their growing. The tragedy of death intrudes into the fellowship, taking from us those
we love and lean upon.
Hold fast to the analogy of the River. The water moves, but the River is still there. The circumstances change, but it is the same River it was before. The Church is the Body of Christ, the gift from
God in which we find both stability and change. Much of our lives are lived in change, so hold fast to
the constant --- the Saving God who is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Within the ever
changing, ever constant Church, he is the Rock. On him we build our lives and hope.
Pastor Will Olsen
Vacation Bible School
July 25th—29th
5:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Heather Kreutz and Sonja Halverson have agreed to coordinate
Vacation Bible School this summer!
Thank you, Pam Weidenbach, for your contributions
to the library!
Please welcome Glynda Smith as
the new church librarian!!!!
The Worship and Evangelism committees are hosting a
worship service and pot luck picnic Wednesday, July 20th
at the Woodland shelter in the Sturgis park.
Fried chicken, sloppy joes, plates, flatware and
drinks will be provided.
We are asking that side dishes, salads and desserts be
furnished by the attendees.
Everyone is invited.
Come and join this time of fellowship, food and fun.
The Evangelism Committee hosted an ice cream
social and singalong Sunday evening on the
Church lawn.
Forty-three people lifted their voices in song.
After an enjoyable time of singing hymns led by
Danny Chapman, Roxie Chowen and Candy
McKay, the crowd enjoyed ice cream.
The Committee thanks everyone who
helped make this evening of music and
fellowship a fun success.
The red bucket ministry for
Woyatan Lutheran Church, Rapid City,
Leave a donation in the Red Bucket located in the
back of the church and your donation will help
support the chosen Ministry for the month.
Woyatan Lutheran Church community outreach programs and youth
initiatives are designed to help those in need.
We don't require that you belong to any particular religious affiliation
or financially support our organization in any way. We only ask that
you return one good deed with another and perform an act of kindness
to another. In this way, the cycle of compassion and goodwill continues
Our mission is to spiritually uplift our community, and work toward a
greater good. We work tirelessly to feed the hungry and clothe the
poor. We help those seeking spiritual healing and enlightenment find
the path to a higher power. Our faith-based outreach serves people of
all races, creeds, and religions. We support our fellow man, and serve
as a guiding light.
July 3rd—Cathrine Selting & D’Metrie Aga
July 10th—Breezy Paul & Traeton Monhan
July 17th—Cathrine Selting & D’Metrie Aga
July 24th—Annie Calhoon & Breezy Paul
July 3rd—Dee Storjohann
July 10th—
July 17th—Sandy Molitor
July 24th—Kim Webber
July 31st—
July 3rd—
July 10th—Tim Patmore
July 17th—
July 24th—
July 31st—Tim Patmore
Coffee Hosts
July 3rd—John & Roberta Lovald,
Pam & Al Weidenbach
July 10th—Paulette Meland & Marjorie Erion Johnson
July 17th—Paulette Meland & Marjorie Erion Johnson
July 24th—Mel & Coleen Hanes, Deb Enright
July 31st—Grant Rush
1st Sunday: Cindy Milek
2nd Sunday: Deb Haivala
3rd Sunday: Cindy Milek
4th Sunday: Michele Williams
July 3rd—Mel & Coleen Hanes
July 10th—Sue Whitford
July 17th—Ted & Eva Sigman
July 24th—Mel & Coleen Hanes
July 31st—Eileen Raforth
Radio Announcer
1st Sunday: Dick Ruby
2nd Sunday: Bob Haivala
3rd Sunday: Carl Erickson
4th Sunday: Dick Ruby
July 3rd—Lynette Kvanvig,
Sue Whitford, Bob & Ruth Mechling
July 17th—Lynette Kvanvig, Donna
Trigg, Ted & Eva Sigman
July 31st—Darlyne Kopren,
Ann Bertolotto, Dan & Sheri Boy
1st Sunday—Marlowe Kinkade, Keith Smit,
Ernie Miller, Jess Nelson & Bob Kaufman
2nd Sunday– Dean Rasmuson, Darlyne Kopren,
Arvid & Paulette Meland
3rd Sunday—Rod Heikes, Bonnie Lange,
Tim & Tonya Atyeo
4th Sunday—Kent & Heather Kreutz,
Dale & Mary Ellen Kreutz
The radio broadcast calendar for 2016 is posted on the
bulletin board in the entryway of the church. You are
invited to place your name on the date you wish to
sponsor. You may also call the office (347-2713) to reserve a date. The cost per broadcast is $65. Partial
sponsorships are invited and encouraged.
July 3rd—Deb Enright in honor of
Henry & Ramona Scherer’s 65th wedding anniversary.
July 10th—
July 17th—
July 24th—Lynn & Karmen Aga
July 31st—Jan Weimer in memory of
Lil & Jennie Weimer
June 5th—116
June 12th—110
June 19th—117
June 26th—105
Wyatt Rath (Sandy Molitor’s
great nephew), Jim Sigman,
Merle Kopren, Kenya Schummer, Denise Ross
(granddaughter of Arlene Ennis), Vickie Bergeron,
Dennis Fisher, Jess & Donna Nelson, John Nelson,
Sharon Ross, our home-bound members and those
serving in the military, both at home and overseas.
July 3rd
Isaiah 66:10-14
Psalm 66:1-9
Galations 6: [1-6] 7-16
Luke 10:1-11,16-20
July 17th
Genesis 18:1-10a
Psalm 15
Colossians 1:15-28
Luke 10:38-42
July 10th
Deuteronomy 30:9-14
Psalm 25:1-10
Colossians 1:1-14
Luke 10:25-37
July 24th
Genesis 18:20-32
Psalm 138
Colossians 2:6-15[16-19]
Luke 11:1-13
July 31st
Ecclesiastes 12:2,12-14; 2:18-23
Psalm 49:1-12
Colossians 3:1-11
Luke 12:13-21
The 2016 South Dakota Synod Assembly was held June 3-4 in Watertown at the
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. The theme was “Never Be the Same”. Sandy Molitor and
Glynda Smith were the lay voting members from Grace Lutheran Church. Pastor Will was the
clergy voting member. There were 429 voting members attending.
The Assembly opened each morning with worship with Holy Communion. The worship on
Friday was led by Bishop David Zellmer. The sermon Saturday was given by Bishop Ngozo from
Cameroon. The offering will be split between St. Dysmas of South Dakota and Table of Grace in
In our world of technology the assembly was “live streamed” and put on YouTube in
chunks. If you are interested, the YouTube segments can be listened to by going to the SD Synod
Committee reports were given. Copies may be read in the notebook left with the Council.
Rev. Dr. Olaf Roynesdal, Rev. Henrique Fleming and Rev. Ruben Duran gave presentations concerning the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation. The celebration will start Oct 31 in
Sweden with the Pope in attendance. A Synod wide service will be held Nov. 1, 2017 to celebrate
Luther’s posting of his theses. There will be information on the Reformation available from the
All seven resolutions voted on were passed with about 80% approval.
Resolution 1: Elect South Dakota Synod Council Members. Rev David Piper, Rapid City
and Dennis Thompson, Hermosa will represent the Bear Butte Conference.
Resolution 2: Elect Youth South Dakota Synod Council Members
Resolution 3: Resolution on Predatory Lending in South Dakota. Resolved that we condemn as usurious any interest rate that exceeds 36% APR. Resolved that the SD Synod, ELCA
direct Bishop David Zellmer to communicate this resolution to the Governor and members of the
State Legislature, and to advocate to the South Dakota voting public on behalf of these actions.
Resolution 4: God’s Work. Our Hearts and Hands… Memorial for Military Personnel, Veterans and their Families asks congregations to express our gratitude often to our people in the
Armed Forces.
Resolution 5: Resolution to Encourage Awareness and Prayer Regarding Same Gender
Resolution 6: Memorial for the 2016 South Dakota Synod Assembly on the 2016 repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery. Resolved that the 2016 SD Synod Assembly memorializes the
2016 ELCA Church wide Assembly to join it in offering herewith a statement of repentance and
reconciliation to Native nations in the country for damage done in the name of Christianity and
Resolution 7: 2017 Compensation and Guidelines for Rostered Leaders and Lay Staff
Lutheran Outdoors also held their annual meeting. The organization is now out of debt. The
building at Joy Ranch is now complete. A motion was made, seconded and passed to authorize
the Lutheran Outdoors Board of Directors to pursue the purchase of land next to the NeSoDak facility. The purchase price is $800,000.00. They do not want to borrow for this purchase but want
donations from individuals and congregations.
We were asked to pray about the following questions:
What kind of church do we believe God is calling us to become?
How do we become an inclusive, diverse church that is inspiring and relevant in different
If we had to decide that some things were more important than others in the next 5-10 years
what are your top 3 priorities?
The 2017 Assembly will be June 2-3 in Sioux Falls.
GLCW June 2016 meeting
GLCW met on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 PM
in the Rose Room. 17 women were in attendance.
Mary’s circle provided a delicious salad supper and
the bible study was led by Deb Enright.
Meeting was called to order in Jesus’ name by President Sheri Boy. Devotions were led by Deb Patmore.
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
There was no treasurer report.
Action: Eileen read two thank you notes that the
quilters received for providing quilts to
Behavior Management and from a Bison group that
they provided with extra quilting fabric.
Courtesy: Lynette has sent out two congratulatory
cards, one thinking of you card, two birthday and five
get well cards.
Old business: Agreement has been made with the
city to provide breakfast during the rally for their
workers. Estimated we would serve 55 people each
morning at a cost of $8.00 per meal.
Deb Patmore and Eileen Raforth will be attending the
Synodical Convention in Mitchell, SD June 24 and 25.
There was no new business.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at
6:00 PM in the Rose Room.
Martha’s circle will be hostess.
Meeting closed with the offering devotion and the
Lord’s Prayer.
Connie Hurlburt
Worship Committee Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The Worship Committee met on Tuesday,
June 21, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Rose Room.
Members in attendance were Pastor Olsen, Marlene
Kotab, Marcia Potts, Roxie Chowen, Deb Enright and
Tim Patmore. Pastor opened the meeting with readings by Kathleen Norris emphasizing that all are welcome in our church and the importance of music in
the worship setting.
The minutes were approved as corrected. The vinyl
sign for the front church sign is around $35-$40 for
2 signs, one for each side.
Old Business:
Christian Kotab emailed a report on the upgrade
to the Easy Worship program. We will ask the
Council to approve the upgrade. We will be
able to transfer data to the new program and
Christian can install it.
Marcia Potts displayed the signs for the front
church sign. Tim will install them. We will wait
for congregational feedback before ordering
one for the fall which will need more
Laurie Lorius reserved the Woodland Shelter for
the Wednesday, July 20th Park Service. The
Evangelism Committee will plan the meal and
the Worship Committee will provide the
worship service and music.
Roxie Chowen, Candy McKay and Dan Chapman
will help lead the June 26th singalong at the ice
cream social.
Tim Patmore reviewed the plan for adding an additional step in the balcony. It will provide
more safety and also give a better riser for the
choir to stand on when they perform. Tim will
call Kent Kreutz to review the plan with him.
New Business:
Settings for July are:
July 3 – Setting 10
July 10 – Setting 3
July 17 – Setting 4
July 24 - Setting 7
July 31 – Remembering the Promise
Discussion was held about the recruitment of
more assisting ministers. Some fine candidates were mentioned and will be approached
by members of the committee.
The next meeting is Tuesday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m.
Marlene Kotab, Chairman
Evangelism Committee-June 21, 2016
GLC Evangelism Committee was called to order at 6:05
pm with Clint Hall, Lynette Kvanvig, Sandy Molitor, Al
Smith and Glynda Smith present,
Mary Ellen and Maddie Kreutz were not informed the
meeting had been moved up due to scheduling
conflicts and we regret and apologize for this error. Eileen
Raforth had a prior commitment.
It was pointed out that Evangelism was supposed to serve
for the New Member Reception and most of us forgot. Big
thanks to Eileen, Lynette and those who got it handled.
Sandy is still trying to obtain a membership list so calls
can commence to any lost sheep.
Home communion and shut-in calls are being covered.
Eileen has visited several shut in members. Lynette and
another congregation member plan to spend time with Lenore Hines very soon.
The Sunday night Singalong and ice cream social is coming together nicely. It will be held on the Church lawn on
next Sunday (the 26th) at 7:00 p.m. Danny Chapman, Roxie Chowen and Candy McKay will lead us in singing old
favorites and the Evangelism Committee is providing ice
cream and toppings. It will be fun. Bring your lawn chair
and a drink if you would like.
The Evangelism Committee will team up with the Worship
Committee for Wednesday night service and BBQ in the
park. This will be July 20th at the Woodlands Center in
Sturgis Park. The Evangelism committee will provide
chicken. Attendees will be asked to bring salads and desserts. If anyone intends to bring wimpies, beans and
weanies, etc please call or text Glynda at 605-892-5657
and tell her. We will have plates, flatware and drinks.
Bus issues were discussed. After the costly alternator
failure last month we have pinpointed some issues which
need attention. Bus Ministry needs to obtain emergency
phone numbers for our regular Sunday riders, especially
the elderly persons. We need to have two people in the
bus when we are carrying passengers. One person is not
able to unload passengers manually in a safe manner. We
need to follow up on obtaining towing insurance.
Just because we were able to get the bus to the repair
shop without cost this time doesn’t mean we will get lucky
again especially if the bus is somewhere like Hulett!!
No youth issues discussed since Maddie was not present
(my bad-see above).
Any ideas for a fun event after Rally has come and gone .
Meeting was adjourned
Sandy Molitor/Al Smith
The Stewardship Committee members have each reviewed
the Time and Talent Surveys.
The Committee has found that there are several members
that have indicated that they would like to serve in areas
that they have not served in the past.
We are very pleased with the response.
As we reviewed the surveys it was noticed that there were
members that were not in attendance the Sunday the
surveys were conducted. The Committee has decided to
do the survey again in the fall so we can get a response
from the congregation members that didn’t have a chance
to respond in the spring.
Ann Bertolotto
Stewardship Committee Chairman
9:00 a.m. Worship & Radio Broadcast
10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour & Sunday School
8:00 a.m. Bible Study (through July)
Office Hours: Pastor Olsen
Tues. 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Wed. 4:30 p.m.—9:00 p.m.
Thurs. 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
1:45 p.m.—5:45 p.m. Daily
Office door will be locked at 5:00 p.m.
Office will be closed on Monday, July 4, 2016