August 24, 2014 - St. Stanislaus
August 24, 2014 - St. Stanislaus
24.VIII.14 The Shrine Church of Saint Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sanktuarium św. Stanisława, Biskupa i Męczennika 3649 East 65th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 The historic church in the heart of Slavic Village founded in 1873 Rectory and Parish Office 216-341-9091 Parish Fax 341-2688 Saint Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Central Catholic High School 441-4700 Parish Website E-Mail [email protected] “LIKE” us on FaceBook Group— Shrine Church of Saint Stanislaus Photo Album SHRINE SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday English Masses 8:30am, 11:30am Niedziela po polsku 10:00am Daily Mass: 7:00am (except Saturday) & 8:30am Icon of Saint Stanislaus and Saint John Paul II CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND OHIO Most. Rev. Richard G. Lennon, Bishop Rev. Fr. Eric S. Orzech, Pastor Rev. Fr. Józef Bożek , Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Paschal Petcavage, OSB, Weekend Assistant Mr. Dan Kane, Jr., Parish Business Manager Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy and Music Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance and Social Center Manager Ms. Patricia Otloski, Mrs. Jane Bielawski, Parish Receptionists Mrs. Deborah Martin, Elementary School Principal Principal Deb Martin gently welcomes a new student on the first day of you remember your first day of school ???? Mrs. Denise O’Reilly, Elementary School Secretary Mrs. Aries Jones-Irizarry, Elementary School Receptionist ORGANIZATIONS Mr. Ron Zeszut, Pastoral Council Chairperson Ms. Elizabeth Dąbrowski, Finance Council Chairperson Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden Agers President Mr. Frank Krajewski, Dads’ Club President Mr. Matt Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul Society Ms. Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis Mr. Rob Jagelewski, Parish History Mr. Frank Greczanik, Gift Card Coordinator Mr. Bob Sledź, Alumni and Development Mrs. Denise Siemborski, Fr. William Scholarship Parish Office et alia, Polish Festival Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Four Eagle Banquet Mr. Frank Scalish, Building and Grounds Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Mrs. Alice Klafczyński, Hospitality Mr. Bob Molinski, Garden Club T.J. Dillon, Lil Bros President Mrs. Debbie Grale, Web Site Editor MASS INTENTIONS Sat Sun Mon Aug 25 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Weekday + Anthony & Rose Zielinski + Jan Malysa Tue Aug 26 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Weekday + John & Sally Kowalski + Janina Plutecka Wed Aug 27 7:00 AM 8:30 AM St. Monica + Vera Longa + Bernice Jankowski Thu Aug 28 7:00 AM 8:30 AM St. Augustine + Victoria Marzec Sp. Int. Marie Bobowski Fri Aug 29 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Passion of St. John the Baptist + Jean Dardzinski Sp. Int. Parishioners To contact Organizations: Send an e-mail to the parish, with the person you wish to contact named in the subject line. REGULAR SCHEDULE DEVOTIONS Saint Anthony Novena Tuesdays after 8:30 AM Mass OFFICE HOURS The parish office is open from Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Ordinarily on Sundays at 2:00 PM. Alternate times must be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions are necessary in advance. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All arrangements must be made with one of the priests of the parish six months in advance. CHURCH HOURS Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all Masses. For tours or private prayer call the rectory. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 31 SIERPNIA 2014 SAT 5:00 PM Lector—Tom Krol Ems— Rick Krakowski SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS Andy & Marge Flock Sun 8:30 AM Lector— Ron Zeszut Ems— Paul Walasek Felicia Greczanik & Ron Grams 10:00 AM Lector —Agnieszka Burzawa Ems- Marcelina Sladewska Teresa Cyranek & Witold Sztalkoper 11:30 AM Lector —Mike Leahy Ems—Frank Greczanik Marie Ostrowski & Stan Koch Collection Team: Hugh, Stan, MaryAnn, Bob, Jared Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24 lipca 2014 5:00 PM + Ted Bartczak 8:30 AM + Stephanie Zuchowski 10:00 AM + Louis & Helen Nemec 11:30 AM + Albin Bielawski Sat Aug 30 Weekday 8:30 AM + Joe Matty 12 Noon Baptism of Aleksandra Zalewska 2 PM Marriage of David Polak & Stephanie Phillips Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31 lipca 2014 Sat 5:00 PM + Stanley & Monica Krakowski Sun 8:30 AM + Richard Stybel 10:00 AM + Jan, Aleksandra & Miroslaw Zembrzuski 11:30 AM + Loretta Ann Kaczmarek 2 PM Baptism of Silvia J. Oryl SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Mon Wed Festival Committee Mtg. @ 7PM in Rectory AA Mtg. @ 7 PM AUGUST 24 SIERPNIA 2014 SHRINE CHURCH OF ST. STANISLAUS Bread and Wine Offering for August: “In Loving Memory of Stanley Wasielewski” Lord, your love is eternal…. PARISH SUPPORT LAST WEEKEND 5:00 PM (39)……………………..…….. $ 646.00 8:30 AM (64)…………………………...… 1,320.00 10:00 AM (71)…………………………... 1,041.00 11:30 AM (46)…………………………….. 890.66 Mailed in (23)……………………………. 1,209.00 Total………………………………………….. 5,106.66 Assumption………………………………… 1,177.15 Readings for the Week of August 24, 2014 Sunday: Is 22:19-23/Rom 11:33-36/Mt 16:13-20 Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12/Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17/Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18/Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9/Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25/Mk 6:17-29 Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31/Mt 25:14-30 Next Sunday: Jer 20:7-9/Rom 12:1-2/Mt 16:21-27 FAITH IN THEWORKING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Well the media is abuzz again with the sensational story of the impending death and/or retirement of Pope Francis within a few years. A new distraction, but for us Catholics, one which would be no surprise or tragedy. Why not? Because our faith leads us to believe in the working of the Holy Spirit. If a conclave were held tomorrow, the Holy Spirit would guide the electors to choose another good pope! If, a month later, we needed to choose another pope to replace him, no big thing. It wouldn’t be the first time! Over the centuries we have believed the Holy Spirit has guided the cardinals in conclave to choose a worthy candidate for the position. Or do we? When listening to many Catholics, priests included, one would wonder if this is true. So many ‘Catholics’ have an outright dislike or outright disrespect for the current pontiff, it is simply amazing. He rubs them the wrong way. He is going overboard with this ‘poverty’ thing. He ignores liturgical rules. He doesn’t wear Roman chasubles. He is not tough enough on certain issues while others seem to be his only concern. Loyalty? Belief that the Holy Spirit is at work? Or do you believe the Holy Spirit was really not a part of his election? Of course, this all makes the rest of us wonder whether those who fall into the ranks of the chronic complainers are not really sincere in their faith or simply enjoy the spotlight or ‘matka bolesna’ or ‘Debbie downer’ state of mind. Of course the same sad state existed when we had a Polish born pope. Some ‘Catholics’ simply would not accept his message. Others only listened (sort of) because he WAS Polish. His numerous writings were never digested by the Church let alone appreciated. The same held true for the ‘German’ born pope. Now we have an Argentinian! So what??? As if the Holy Spirit works within boundaries!!!??? You, no doubt, heard the recent revelations regarding Pope Francis’ health issues. At that point in time, did you pray for the continued health of Christ’s Vicar on earth or did you find yourself wishing he would drop dead soon so he could be replaced with someone more in line with your vision of the Church. Well??? Quite honestly, to hear many people talk, priests as well as laity, this is not a foreign notion. The powers of good and those of evil are in constant battle. Just look no further than the mirror let alone the TV screen or newspaper. Every moment we are bombarded with choices between the two. Here, at St. Stanislaus, we regularly experience grumblings, envy, jealousy, indifference. It so often seems that we are throwing in the towel to allow evil the gold medal. Rather than trying to maintain a degree of humility and holiness we often succumb to the obvious hatred and sin which works so very hard to destroy our faith. The crosses we have been given are there to strengthen, not diminish our faith. Yet, how easily we give in. Don’t like the sermons? Well, then pray for the priest! H Don’t like someone’s lack of attention? Well, try to fill that void with kindness to those who feel neglected. Feel like you have been ignored and abandoned? I think Jesus felt the same thing in the Garden of Gethsemene. DO NOT GIVE UP! That is precisely what Satan would love you to do!! Don’t feel discouraged! Believe in the power of prayer—that it really, truly CAN change things! Remember, everyone has bad days and no one person can always be ‘up’. Pray for Pope Francis! Pray for our priests AND pray for vocations to the priesthood! Pray for our parish and all the parishioners! But do not give up! Do not decide you have to move to seemingly greener pastures! That is so lame! You either believe in the power of the Holy Spirit or you don’t. You either believe in the power of prayer or you don’t! Think positive! Take up the cross and use it as a compass, not as a rope around your neck. See the beauty in that challenge and know that God has not abandoned you. I can hear it now: “that’s easy for you to say, you work in the church!” Well, news’s even harder. Please pray for me and everyone who works here at St. Stanislaus Church and School. We are regularly prime targets of the Prince of Darkness. David Krakowski A GREAT BIG THANK YOU! Well, after what seems like a century of dedication, hard work and invisible appreciation, we must bid adieu to our parish webmaster, Debbie Grale. Debbie has been an active participant in the life of our parish for some time now. Many of you will remember how she stepped up to the plate and helped the parish office immediately following the untimely death of Fr. Gulas. She also worked tirelessly with us to create the ’Four Eagle’ event! Once the rectory was completed Debbie was blessed to have found the love of her life, Denis Yeso. The two were married and moved to Chicago. A few years later Denis was diagnosed with cancer. He died this past May 30th. Now Debbie has a lot on her plate and is no longer free to perform the work of webmaster for the parish site. For years she has requested we find a it is final. Such dedication is admirable. Through the grace of God and prayers of friends she managed to negotiate a very heavy cross. Now we extend our deepest thanks for her many years of service. She has been a friend, a confidante and a star servant of God and this parish. May God keep her in His heart as her journey through life continues. WEDDING BANNS INFANTS / TODDLERS OF SLAVIC VILLAGE Zachary Trzebuckowski & Beata Cyranek III Ben Scaglione & Christine Osborne III Will Toth & Cristin Brown II Mike Robinson & Erika Kopnisky II Brian Trafis & Brittany Beam I School has begun ... even more reason to keep the hungry children in mind ... A peanut butter and jelly sandwich makes a great lunch item! Oatmeal or a bowl of Cheerios is a good way to start a day! After school a can of Ravioli or Mac 'n cheese will ease hunger pangs while doing some homework reading 'til supper is on the table! Please keep the children in mind and donate needed items to the Infants and Toddlers of Slavic Village. August 31 you may win some local wines...just donate and enter the drawing! Marie Busch PEACE GARDEN MEMORIAL BRICKS We are accepting donations for the Autumn installation of additional Memorial bricks in our Peace Garden. If you would like to include the names of your family or friends in this project please contact the rectory. Cost of each memorial brick is $100. Proceeds from these sales support the work of the Garden Club in keeping our parish complex beautiful, colorful, and “green!” CLEVELAND INDIANS Baseball fan??? Join the Cleveland Indians for Mass and a Ball Game for Catholic Family Day at Progressive Field on September 28th, 2014. Pre-Game Mass at 10:15 in the ballpark. Tickets starting at $14. You may purchase these online at HTTP://TINYURL.COM/KMTYG8Z and enter the special offer code “baseball” or visit your parish office for order forms. Any additional questions please call 216-420-4162 or email [email protected] FESTIVAL COMMITTEE MEETING Our Festival 2014 meeting is THIS MONDAY, August 25 @ 7 PM in the rectory. If you have a major area of responsibility during the festival, please plan to attend. We’ve tried to implement some suggestions from the past and hope to continue moving ahead in a grand way once again. Thanks to all the people behind the scenes who have been preparing things for the past few months, including the team who mailed out the raffle tickets over the past two weeks. Please do your best to sell your tickets as they provide a huge part of the income from this event. could be a big winner yourself!!! Nothing ventured—nothing gained! Thanks to everyone who already sent in their winning stubs! ...more happy faces on the first day of school! FESTIVAL BASKETS AND PRIZES It’s getting closer!!! The Parish Polish Festival is a little over a month away! Have you had a chance to put together a basket (or even gather things to put into a basket...and let our team of professional basket stuffers do their thing)?????? Every little bit helps. Please try to contribute to this aspect of our festival as it is a true attraction to all our guests...and a good money maker for the parish! Baskets or materials for baskets are requested to be delivered to the church by mid September (to allow time for everything to be assembled properly). So, if you can, please bring your donations to Mass over the weekend and help the cause. Extra baskets are in the church vestibule for those of you who do not have any extras around the house. SPONSOR DEADLINE HAS BEEN MOVED TO AUGUST 31st... MORE TIME TO GATHER SPONSORS!!!! HELP US OUT!!!!!!! Hymn na wejscie 24. VIII. 2104 Jest zakatek na tej ziemi, gdzie powracac kazdy chce, Gdzie kroluje Jej oblicze, na nim ciete rysy dwie. Wzrok ma smutny, zatroskany, jakby chciala prosic cie, Bys w matczyna Jej opieke oddal sie! Madonno, Czarna Madonno, jak dobrze Twym dzieckiem byc! O, pozwol, Czarna Madonno, w ramiona Twoje sie skryc! W Jej ramionach znajdziesz spokoj i uchronisz sie od zla, Bo dla wszystkich swoich dzieci Ona serce czule ma. I opieka cie otoczy, gdy Jej serce oddasz swe, Gdy powtorzysz Jej z radoscia slowa te: Madonno…. Na Ofiarowanie: (refren) Dobra Matko Jestes tuz obok mnie, jestes ze mna, W rannej mgle, w sloncu dnia i w noc ciemna, Wspierasz mnie, chronisz mnie, w swych ramionach, Jestes tuz obok mnie w kazdy dzien! Hymn na komunie: (refren) Dzieki Ci, Panie, za Cialo Twe i Krew, Za dary nieskonczone wielbimy Cie! Na Zakonczenie: Maryjo, Krolowo Polski, Maryjo, Krolowo Polski Jestem przy Tobie, pamietam. Jestem przy tobie, pamietam, czuwam! (3X) Wspanialej Niedzieli! i radosnego tygodnia!!!!!!