Grass Valley United Methodist Church - GV
Grass Valley United Methodist Church - GV
Grass Valley United Methodist Church Open hearts Open minds Open doors March 1, 2012 Volume 163, Issue 3 Pastor Tana McDonald SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY The Season of Lent We are headed towards Resurrection, but first we must set aside some time for death. You can not have resurrection without death. Lent is the time in the Christian calendar where we face our humanity. We acknowledge that we are not God, but mere humans. From dust we came and to dust we will return. This is often hard for us because in our culture, the fear of death is so great. People go to great lengths to erase and hide anything that has to do with it. The great mothers and fathers of the Christian faith who came before us, recognized that there is something healthy in acknowledging death, both literally and symbolically. There is something healthy about creating space to grieve loss, to admit our failings, and to open ourselves to humility. Lent begins on February 22nd. Here is the Calendar of events: Walking the Labyrinth as part of Lent Labyrinths are re-emerging in many Christian traditions as meaningful tools in spiritual growth and formation. There are many different styles, but the one that we use here at GVUMC is called the Reims Labyrinth. This one replicates the original medieval design built in the French cathedral Notre Dame de Reims, Northeast of Paris. There is only one path in a labyrinth as opposed to a maze. Walking a labyrinth is an intentional endeavor where a person opens themselves to the presence of God. Moving one’s body in faith can support ones desire for spiritual connection. In effect, you are praying with your whole body! As part of our community’s participation in the Lenten season this year, we are setting up the Labyrinth on the third floor for everyone to use. Here are the dates and times: Tuesday - 13th Wednesday14th 5pm-8pm Open for WOW! It will be used as part of the worship service. Thursday – 15th 10am – 2pm Open for public use. 10am Class on Labyrinths – all are welcome to attend. Friday – 16th Saturday - 17 9am – 1pm Open for public use. *If you have a small group, bible study group, or just a group of friends that would like to schedule a time to use the labyrinth, email Faith McCloud at [email protected]! Ecclesial Rhythms; By Faith McCloud Lenten Calendar Feb 22-April 8 Saturdays Feb 25-March 31 10-11:30 Chapel, Lenten Study with Rev Tana, Tribal Church & Sacred Breath:40 Hours of Centering Prayer Reims Labyrinth March 13-17 3rd floorjoin Intern Faith McCloud Special WORSHIP-days noted below Wednesday March 14—WOW! Worship on Wed. 1st Floor: 5:00 Pot Luck Chili & Cornbread, 3rd Floor: 5:30 Labyrinth & Prayer Stations Sunday April 1— Palm Sunday; Palm Parade Maundy Thursday April 5 5:00 GVUMC Pastor Nancy Good Friday, April 6 noon Emmanuel Episcopal Ecumenical Good Friday, April 6 7:00 PM Peace Lutheran Ecumenical Worship SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY Pedaling Pastor March 2012 Scripture: Mark 8:34-36 Dear Friend in Christ, The Lenten season is when we embrace and enter deeply into a time of spiritual practices. My prayer is that you will be intentional in this season to seek balance with Christ in your living. This article is the seventh article in a nine part series on refresher points of United Methodism. This one centers on balanced living by practicing John Wesley’s three General Rules. Do no harm; do all the good you can and stay in love with God. Springtime is the season when softball teams get started. Softball offers a good illustration of balance. In pitching a key part of the windup or pitching delivery is the balance point. The balance point is sometimes referred to as the scarecrow because that’s what it looks like. To be the best possible pitcher it is necessary to find the balance point and then be able to hold it. If the pitcher falls backward they lose accuracy and velocity and the ball goes too high. Or, if the pitcher falls forward they again lose accuracy and velocity and the ball goes to low. And so it is with our faith lives, staying in balance is essential. The Lenten season is when we pay special attention to our faith practices and disciplines. We stay in balance with Christ through spiritual disciplines: regular worship, study, service, giving of our talents and treasures and telling stories of how God is at work in our lives. Lenten Blessings, Rev Tana Lector List for Spring, 2012 I will be typing the new lector list for March, April, and May soon. I need to hear from you as soon as possible if you would like to lector in these months. If you are not on the present lector list, but would like to be, please call me and let me know. If you are already on the list, but would prefer not to be in the future, please let me know as soon as possible. Jackie McGuigan 273-8214. It has been requested that we try to get more young people to help with lecturing. We are inviting any youth who are interested in this ministry to please volunteer. We are so grateful to all those who have been involved in this function of the church. Thank you for your service! Page 2 Sermon Titles & Scripture March 2012 Sunday March 4—Communion 8:45 & 10:30 Scripture: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Romans 4:13-25 Sermon Title: What Would You Grab? Sunday March 11; 8:45 & 10:30 Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22 Sermon Title: Jesus Puts Business Out of Business Wednesday March 14Worship on Wednesday Room E 5:00 Pot Luck Chili & Cornbread 5:30 Worship Scripture: Mark 8:34-36 Sermon: Finding the Balance Sunday March 18; 8:45 & 10:30 Scripture: Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21 Sermon Title: Stink Bugs & Serpents Sunday March 25; 8:45 & 1030 Intern Faith McCloud Scripture: Deuteronomy 10: 17 – 11: 1 Luke 24: 13 – 35 Sermon Title: Walk Softly Lenten Study Saturdays 10-11:30 Feb 25-March 31 Location: The Chapel with Rev Tana. Books: Tribal Church & Sacred Breath: 40 days of centering prayer. This continues our study on emerging faith communities and the ways we may need to stretch our faith to be welcoming. Conference for Peace & Justice March 16th & 17th, 2012 Register now for the March 16th and 17th Sabeel Sacramento Conference titled, “a Time for Justice: supporting Human Rights in Palestine – Israel. Sabeel is a Jerusalem-based ecumenical Palestinian Christian organization seeking justice and peace in the Holy Land through non-violence and education. The Sacramento conference featuring international, national, and regional presenters will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 2100 J St, Sacramento and runs from 11:30am on Friday to 6:30 pm on Saturday. A conference brochure is available at (click on the Sacramento Conference). For more information: [email protected] or phone 916-451-1512. SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY Young Family Ministries Planning Ahead: March 14th, WOW! Worship on Wednesdays; 5:00 PM ; Chili & Cornbread Pot Luck; 5:30 . 1st floor GVUMC—Sermon: “Finding the Balance”. Scripture: Mark 8: 34—36. Labyrinth & Prayer stations; 3rd Floor. Olivia Alcantara is our youth delegate to the California Nevada Annual Conference June 20-23 2012 Sacramento Convention Center Contact Pastor Nancy or Rev Tana 272-1946 LOOKING AHEAD VOLUNTEER IN MISSION Two teams are forming in our region now. HAITI March 19—27 2012 Fred Skeen: [email protected] HOLY LAND Dec 28, 2012—Jan 8, 2013 Rosann Mackey: [email protected] Weekend of Service : Sacramento area Sierra Service Project is offering four faith-rich service weekends in this winter. Like our summer projects, these weekends combine fun fellowship with youth from other youth groups with a challenging, hands-on service project and a strong focus on understanding how we can all live out our faith in the world around us. Each weekend starts on Friday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. We will partner with different local organizations to provide much-needed hands-on service work. Our work projects involve many of the usual SSP skills: carpentry, floor and wall repairs, and painting. We will enroll between 25 and 40 volunteers in each session. Sacramento Location and 2012 Dates Oak Park United Methodist Church 3600 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95817 There are no currently scheduled upcoming dates for this program. We plan to continue this program during the fall of 2012. If your group is interested in a particular weekend, call the office to discuss the possibilities at (916)4886441. The cost for this project is $95 per participant. Mizpah Circle; Sibley Hansen Memorial Scholarship Fund Mizpah Circle is starting a Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of Sibley Hansen. Monies raised will be given to the youth of our church for the purpose of helping provide financial help for the opportunities to attend UMC Summer Camps, District or National Conferences, work teams, etc. We invite other UMW circles, the general congregation and community to contribute as they can. Checks can be made out Mizpah Circle. Please put the memorial fund on the note line. Mail or hand your donation to Jackie McGuigan or Marlene Fowler. (273-8214 / 273-2427). Please help if you can. Many thanks, Mizpah Circle PARISH CARE TEAM 2012 The Chair for our Parish Care Team is Susie Ernst (432-8846). She coordinates and oversees the existing 12 areas of care provided by church members and monitors visitation, connection, and the needs of our congregation. The 12 areas are: United Methodist Men-home repair; Eucharistic Ministry; Senior Lunch; United Methodist Women-care; Stephen Ministers; DVDs of Worship Service; Long term care Worship Friendly Visitors; Prayer Quilts; Prayer Shawls; Parish Nurse; Mission at Home Together we can best assure that the extensive needs of our congregation are met Page 3 SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY I did something brave last month. You might not think it such a brave thing, but for me it was. Or rather, it still is because it is still out there. Waiting to be acknowledged, judged, valIntern Faith McCloud, ued, criticized, read, dishusband Shaun, carded. What is it you sons Silas & Micah ask? It’s a book. An eBook to be more precise, which is a book that is downloaded on kindles, computers and such. Let me back up though. Several years ago I was part of a church that allowed a group of us to start an evening worship service that was very hands on, laid back and experience oriented. As part of that group, it was my job to think up, design, and facilitate contemplative prayer stations for use in those services. Basically I would create a space, lay out some tactile stuff as well as direction for what to do while at the station. For example, at a table I might set up a bowl of water with Alka-Seltzer tablets next to the bowl and some directions that asks you to think of something that is worrying you. You are invited to take a tablet and drop it in the water, and as you watch it bubble and dissolve you imagine God dissolving that worry inside your heart and mind. If you went to the luncheon in January on Vital Churches Sunday, you might have seen a few of these stations set up along the side of Wesley hall. Anyway, I have this website called where I have written up instructions on how to set up all the prayer stations I have created over the years. There are over 70 on the website right now. But a few people have asked me over the years to put all those into a book, with the intention of selling it. That to me was incomprehensible for many reasons that I won’t go into here, as most have to do with fear. But I finally got brave and I did it. I am an author of sorts now I guess. If you go visit the website you will see most everything that is in the book. On the website there is also a page where you can buy the book if you are so inclined (http:// I will hide under the bed while you read it. *grin* Page 4 SPRITUAL DISCOVERY Page 5 OUTREACH St. Mark's United Methodist Church is pleased to announce its lineup for the 2011-2012 Moon Lecture Series The Bob & Dorrie Moon Lecture Series brings dynamic speakers and liberal Christian authors to the Sacramento community to speak to important ethical issues of our time. Tickets are on sale for the remaining lectures. $25 per individual lecture.$15 for students. Special group rate. No assigned seating. Contact information: St. Mark’s UMC, 2391 St. Mark’s Way, Sacramento, CA. (916) 483-7848. Web site: There is a map on their website. Friday, March 9, 2012, Naomi Tutu Naomi Tutu is the third child Archbishop Desmond and Nomalizo Leah Tutu. She was born in South Africa and has also lived in Lesotho, the United Kingdom and the United States. AFRICA UNIVERSITY’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY The year 2012 marks Africa University's 20th anniversary of creating leaders for all of Africa. It’s a milestone that transforms an ordinary year into a extraordinary one for all of us. What at first appears to be ordinary — that Africa University exists and has a story to tell — is, at the same time, truly remarkable. Africa University is a testimony of what God has done through you. This year affords us an opportunity to reflect, celebrate and reaffirm our commitment to fulfill the mission of this great ministry. You have given to the Africa University Fund apportionment and provided scholarships through your local churches and annual conferences. Thank you for your steadfast support. It has enabled 4,000 young people to graduate from Africa University. Our graduates are remaining in Africa and making a positive difference. Across Africa, our graduates are leading, innovating, sowing hope and healing and meeting Africa’s vital needs. Prayers are being answered and dreams are coming true in ways that impact the lives of millions of people on the continent. United Methodists around the world are at the heart of the AU story. Your capital gifts have turned empty fields and vacant farm buildings into a modern, well-equipped campus. Not only have you given your gifts, but many of you have given of your talents, presence and witness to make your Africa University a leading university. In true Wesleyan commitment you have guided and sustained the university. Thanks to you, we have a young institution, celebrating its accomplishments, but looking to the future. We’re developing vital new training opportunities and moving toward fiscal sustainability. Our role in providing leaders for other United Methodist initiatives and institutions across Africa is also expanding. In Africa University, United Methodists have created a cornerstone institution for the development of church-related higher education in Africa. But the work is by no means finished. Africa University needs your prayers. We need your continuing support to secure and strengthen this ministry as it serves God, all the time, everywhere in Africa. The people of Africa thank you for your vision that began 20 years ago. Grace and Peace be with you. Dr. Fanuel Tagwira Vice Chancellor Africa University Page 6 NURTURE Get in touch CA-NV Annual Conference 1276 Halyard Drive West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 374-1500 [email protected] CORNISH CREAM TEA Save the date!! On March 10 our United Methodist Women will host a Cornish Cream Tea in conjunction with the annual St. Piran's Day celebration in Grass Valley. It is sure to be a fun day in Grass Valley with Cornish vendors, pasty tossing Olympics and the Cornish Male Choir performing during the morning. You can end the day with a delicious cream tea served in Wesley Hall. Tea sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and assorted sweets will be served with tea from 2 PM to 4PM. Cost is only $15.00 per person. Money earned will go to support the mission programs of UMW. Tickets can be purchased from each UMW circle, in Wesley Hall on Sunday and at both the Bookseller and Briar Patch. Plan to come and bring a friend or two. We look forward to seeing you on the 10th. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO ENSURE THE CORNISH CREAM TEA IS A SUCCESS; Opportunities to volunteer include -- baking for the tea, making sandwiches, set up, serving and clean up. Please contact Helen Bowden at 2725240 and join our fun group. St Piran / Cornish flag Mizpah Circle Invites You to Visit Antarctica On Wednesday, March 21st, at 12:45 PM, in Wesley Hall, Tom and Thelma Stade have consented to present a program regarding their trip to the Antarctica, via a cruise ship. This is for our circle and any one else that would like to view their video and hear their commentaries. We will be serving coffee, tea and cookies to all those present. There is no cost. Come and enjoy the fellowship. For more information please call Jackie McGuigan at 273-8214. Page 7 NURTURE ON LOOKING AT THE METHODIST CROSS AND FLAME I do not need a pew from which to pray, I know that God is present everywhere, My loving Father hears all I may say But Jesus promised power as we share Our praises, needs, concerns, and deep-felt trust. So prayer together is for me a must. My Bible is that book that I must read, Within its pages wisdom waits, concealed, Until the Holy Spirit grants His light, When needed guidance is to me revealed. But we together so much faster grow, Who meet and share what God would have us know. I once had thought to live my life alone, Heroic me against the hostile foe, But others face those problems that I find When we unite we all the stronger grow, A band of Christian friends becomes a team, Uniting raindrops merge to swell a stream. Church going is a habit, I admit, Some habits may be bad, but some are good, I know I’m at my best when church I choose, I like myself when I do what I should, Remember what you were before Christ came? We can be better! Choose to fan the flame! -Earl Leonard Langguth Many of Rev. Earl's unpublished poems are to be found on the internet at the following website SCRIP ALERT Our Scrip participation at SPD, Safeway, Raleys, and SaveMart is providing a steady flow of revenue for our church. This is a great help to our budget when you shop at these stores. Call (800) 400– 7878 to update your annual renewal for your Safeway Script account. See Carolyn Coffey for more Information or 749-2721 or [email protected] THANK YOU!! Thank you everyone for remembering me at Christmas time. I really appreciated the cards and the poinsettia. I love to have visitors so if you have some free time please come see me. My phone number is 272-5072 and my address is 400 Main Street, Grass Valley. I look forward to Page 8 seeing you. Sincerely, Jean Ferguson Celebration of Marriage A Re-commitment Service followed by a Party! Join us on April 28th at 2pm to celebrate your marriage making it this far and recommitting to the vows you took with your spouse. It will be a simple recommitment ceremony for any couple who wants to reaffirm their love and marriage, followed by cupcakes, sparkling cider and shenanigans as we remember how far you have come and to celebrate that success! For the widows and singles, we need you too! Couples need affirmation and encouragement, and just because you’re in a different place in your journey does not mean we don’t want you to celebrate with us. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN On March 1 we continue our monthly meetings with brunch served by Mizpah Circle. The program will be presented by Faith McCloud, our intern, who will speak to us about Art in Ministry. I am sure this will prove to be entertaining and enlightening. We invite anyone in the church who would like to join us to come for brunch at 10:30 and stay for the program at 11:00. While this is a United Methodist Women meeting we invite anyone who would like to attend to please join us. The men of the church are welcome also. On February 2 Grass Valley United Methodist Women had their second meeting of the year. Isabella Thoburn Circle was our hosts. Dale Boothby, our resident computer guru, lived up to expectations concerning our program. He made Power Point seem a lot easier than I have always thought it was. Thank you Dale for a super program. THANK YOU!! Due to the generosity of our Congregation at Christmas Time, poinsettias were delivered to Dot Alverson, Margaret Hammond, Virginia Hansen, Glen Lovejoy, Elva Minch, Lucille Woods, Gwen Rood, Alice Simmons, William and Ruby Baumgart, Ginny Collins, Kay Ellis, Geri Griswold, Peggy and George Ewing, Fred Ford, Ruth George, Bea Harrison, Geni Reid, Emily Turner, Hal and Shirley Jonsson and Ed and Alice Yun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOW TO REACH PASTOR TANA There are several ways to reach Pastor Tana. *Office Hours: Wed & Fri 10:00-12:00 AM *Pastor's days off: Monday & Tuesday *Pastor’s Church phone: 272-1946, ext. 1 *Pastor's home phone: 913-9583 *Pastor's e-mail address: [email protected] Please call Pastor Tana for appointments for a time convenient for you! WHAT'S GOING ON IN OUR CHURCH ? CHURCH OFFICE HOURS (272-1946) Mon. - Wed. - Thurs. Tues. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:00 pm 8:30 am - Noon COMMITTEES Church Council Church & Society Finance Missions SPRC Trustees Worship CHURCH LEADERSHIP FOR 2012 Church Council voting members: Council Chair Kathy Mortensen Council Secretary Darcy Briel Lay Leader Bill Croker Lay Leader of An. Conf. 09-12 Joan Heinsohn Youth Delegate to Annual Conf Olivia Alcantara Treasurer Bill Beeman Financial Secretary Holly Lusk Pastor Rev. Tana McDonald Intern Faith McCloud Certified Lay Minister Nancy Thompson Nursery Bobby Favreau Children Mary Liebke Youth Group quarterly Kathy Kinney Adults Shirley Payne UMM UMW Ginny Riffey Worship Jim Hook Church and Society _____________ Missions _____________ Radical Hospitality/Newcomers _____________ Parish Care Team/Older Adults Susie Ernst Hospitality/Events Hostess Margaret Currier Finance _____________ Staff Parish Relations Les Coambs Board of Trustees Tom Stade Membership Secretary Carolyn Croker Leadership Development Rev. Tana McDonald Publicity Nancy Thompson, Carolyn Croker At Large Joanie Salyer Margaret Currier Alt. Lay Member to An. Conf. Darleen Langguth Youth Rep to Annual Conf. Olivia Alcantara 2nd Friday 3rd Tuesday 2nd Wed. As Scheduled 1st Wed. 1st Friday 4th Thurs. 9:00 am 4:00 pm 6:30 pm Children Sundays Homework Heaven Wednesday’s Adults Sundays 8:45 am 3:30 pm 9:00 am 6:30 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY Adults Adults Mondays Tuesday 1:30 pm 9:30 am Contemplative Prayer 2nd Tuesday Prayer and Share Sunday 5:00 pm 6:00 pm PRAYER MUSIC Wesley Ringers Choir Practice Thursdays Thursdays 6:15 pm 7:45 pm WELCOMING ADULT GROUPS Women’s UMW 1st Thurs 10:30 am Men's UMM Tuesdays 8:30 am Men’s Breakfast At IHOP Wed 7:30 am Pasty Bakers Call Gordon Beatie 477-8485 Circuit Writers Critique Group Call Jan Collins 272-4905 CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP Friendly Visitors Call Church Office Stephen Ministers Call Barbara Dean 272-1946 272-6966 NEWS LETTER – CHAPEL CHIMES Sandy Cohen - [email protected] Page 9 THE CHAPEL CHIMES 236 S. Church St. Grass Valley, CA 95945 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Chapel Chimes is published once a month. Deadline for articles is the 15th of the preceding month. (PLEASE UPDATE YOUR EMAIL [email protected] WITH THE OFFICE ) MARCH Volume 163, Issue 3 OPEN HEARTS TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL OPEN MINDS OPEN DOORS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF GRASS VALLEY Tana McDonald, Pastor 236 S. Church Street Grass Valley, CA 95945-6704 Phone 530-272-1946 Fax 530-272-9416 E-Mail [email protected] Website Our Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by focusing on three discipleship areas: Spiritual discovery for everybody Outreach to our community and world Nurture and care for our congregation "Focus on the SON"