January 2016 - Chester United Methodist Church
January 2016 - Chester United Methodist Church
January 2016 Greetings from Pastor Sylvia Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Let us pray. Yes, may these be the first words that I speak to you for 2016. Let us pray. Let us pray that God will surround us and fill us. Let us pray that God will guide us and empower us. Let us pray that we might each grow in grace during this year, to be clearer reflections of the Light of the World. Let us pray that we might be vessels of the Holy Spirit spreading love and peace wherever we go. Meister Eckhart said, “If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, it will be enough.” Let us be mindful to say thank you to God each day, perhaps even in each moment. Thank you, God, for this New Year. Thank you for life and health…and family and friends. Thank you for each moment…and the opportunity to see you in each person and situation. Thank you for our church and the opportunities to worship, grow, and serve you. Perhaps, God will call you to add your name to the list of those who covenant to spend at least one hour with God in each 24-hour period. How amazing it might be if each of us would learn to honor God first, in our lives and in our daily prayers! Bless us to be a blessing to others. In the precious name of Jesus, P.S. Thank you for the many gestures of love given to me and my family as we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is truly a blessing to serve the Lord with you! Please remember to pick up your Offering Envelopes from the table in the Atrium. DIRECTOR OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION All humanity is chosen by God through the gift of Jesus. Those who trust in God and God’s reign, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, sex, or even religious tradition, are chosen through this gift of Christmas. Let us consider Mary for a moment. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a young woman in a culture and time that she was considered property and was confronted with some terrifying news. She had not known a man but was pregnant. In some ways her situation was desperate. Even though God had placed Mary in such an extreme and difficult situation, she praised God. She completely trusted God’s care for her. (Luke 1:47) Dr. Jim Davis Let us consider Joseph for a moment. Joseph tried to deal with the situation of Mary’s pregnancy, he had not caused, in a most caring way until an angel clued him in. Basically, Joseph was told that he needed to be the bad guy in this case…a man who trespassed against social and religious traditions. Can’t you just imagine how both families and friends felt toward Joseph and talked about Joseph. Further, Joseph had to take his new wife to Bethlehem where his extended family would hear of his undisciplined behavior until the census was made. God’s angels were not out there protecting his reputation when he was protecting Mary’s reputation. In crowded Bethlehem, there was no room in an inn, so a stable had to do. There is no biblical record of a midwife, so guess what else Joseph had to do. Worse, shortly after the baby was born and given a Greek name that showed no connection to Joseph’s family, Joseph had to flee to Egypt for the sake of the child’s life. Egypt was a foreign land that hated Jews for ripping them off financially of gold and silver as they started the exodus journey. It was a very good thing that wise men dropped by to finance the trip and time in Egypt. Through it all, Mary and Joseph were rejoicing in extreme circumstances. Let us rejoice also…Emmanuel!!!! (God is with us!!) We don’t always know why God places us in difficult situations, but we too can trust that God will honor us for our obedience. We have reason to rejoice and sing praises even in our darkest hours. May these moments of the Christmas season be bright with hope and light. Rejoice!!!!! May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas season!! God does bless us!!! Stephen Ministry We are overjoyed to announce that a new class of Stephen Ministers will begin their training in January. A number of our congregation has felt called to become Stephen Ministers. As they begin their training, we should all be in prayer for them and their instructors. It is not too late to join this class. Perhaps you are being called by God to minister to those who are facing life’s difficulties and challenges. Perhaps Jesus wants you to reflect his love to another person on a one-to-one basis. Stephen Ministry is an excellent way to serve our Lord in this manner. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister or just learning more about the Ministry here at CUMC, you can contact one of our Stephen Minister Leaders. Susan Henry 748-7850 Michael Kelley 748-4299 Louise Ross Dr. Jim Davis 748-5099 748-6006 FACILITIES UPDATE What a year: Revamping the Brick Rental to be in ministry as a Parsonage again had many facets and challenges. The School Street property has been significantly dealt with and there is much more potential ahead. The kitchen hood, fire detections, and suppressors are updated in interesting ways. The church usage of our facilities has increased significantly, and please remember to run all requests through Miss Terry. The church grounds under the care of Skip Buyalos project the beauty outside our church which reflects the beauty within. As we play “catch up” with many dimensions of our facilities, we have stained glass, carpet and security items to deal with. We did much more than I can share at this point, but whether we are talking of the 13 replaced windowpanes on the Lafon Street side of our Sanctuary, new hand soap dispensers, new toilet paper dispensers, more hand towel dispensers, refreshing the wood in the sanctuary, we have even changed the chemistry of our cleaning fluids so that they kill germs better--and on and on. Thanks to our Facility Angels, we have made steady improvement regarding our painting and general repairs. God is Great!!!!! The Lord’s School Street property that we take care of is designated as “Multipurpose Space”. On Sundays and special occasions when we need it for parking, it will be used for parking. Most other days the chain will be up, and Preschool, youth groups, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Girl Scouts, Sunday School Class events and families are encouraged to use the leveled field for their purposes. Our 2015 Confirmation Class has used it, and we have pictures to prove it. Phase 1 is complete and legal. Thanks be to God. The Tuesday Morning Prayer and Study Group enjoying their annual Christmas Party Christmas was filled with abundance as no one had been naughty but very nice. The United Methodist Women (UMW) is to “be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.” Wednesday, January 6, 6:30 p.m.—Executive Committee meeting in room 221. All unit officers and fellowship leaders are asked to mark your calendars and make plans to attend. Monday, January 11, 7 p.m.—Jean Craig Fellowship—will meet in New Room #205 (the room upstairs across from the library) to begin work on birthing kits for UMCOR. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for details. Tuesday, January 12, 7 p.m.—Frances Allen Fellowship—will meet at the home of Debbie Vaughn. Meet in the church parking lot at 6:40 p.m. to car pool due to limited parking. Members should bring Valentines for Veterans at McGuire Hospital. Susan Henry will continue a program on Wonder. Call Susan Henry, 7487850, or Sharon Gilliatt at 748-7834 for details. Thursday, January 14, 10 a.m.—Ada Mae Bookman Fellowship—will meet in Davis Fellowship Hall. Call Martha Miles, 748-5476, for details UMW Reading Program—The purpose of the UMW Reading Program is to encourage United Methodist Women to expand understanding of and participation in God’s mission; to increase sensitivity to all human beings—their needs, interests, and concerns; to encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity today; to grow in understanding of Scripture as it relates to Christian faith in contemporary life; to enhance self-knowledge and to act from that knowledge; and to strengthen involvement in local and global Christian mission. To expand the Chester UMW Reading Program, we now have several books in circulation amongst the fellowships. Call Ginger Chadwick, 748-4778, for more information. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, to learn more about UMW, our three participating fellowships, and how you can become involved. Ladies Mark your Calendars!—Saturday, February 13, 912 noon in Davis Fellowship Hall—Café Chocolat--Do you long to slow down, enjoy time with friends, and grow closer to God? Using chocolate as a metaphor for God's grace, women will taste God's goodness in abundance through in-depth Bible study, worship and fun activities. Enjoy treats both savory and sweet, and grow closer to God through Bible study and through sharing with each other. All women of the church are invited. Look for registration forms in the Atrium! Chester UMC on the Web and in the World Missed a Sunday?—Don’t miss the Message! You can find recent sermons on the CUMC website! Go to <www.chesterumc.org>, float your mouse over the “Sermons and Media” button, click “Sermons” on the drop-down menu. Check back regularly for updates! Find us on Facebook at “Chester United Methodist Church.” Follow us on Twitter at @ChesterUMC and be a part of the conversation at #ChesterUMC. Receive our Chester UMC Prayer Chain by request. Submit your name and email address to <[email protected]>. The Chester UMC newsletter, The Chimes, is now available on the Web at <http://www.chesterumc.org/>. Go to “Sermons & Media” then “CUMC Publications” and “CUMC Chimes.” The deadline for submission to the February Chimes is Wednesday, January 20; send articles to <[email protected]>. Call the church office, 748-6006, for more information. Yes, I want to be informed! Get uniquely connected with The Virginia Advocate--The Advocate, the full-color monthly newsmagazine of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church, is designed to help our congregation build disciples more effectively. Every issue will help you stay connected through: Stories about Chester UMC and her people (see pages 13 and 18 of the November 2015 issue for articles about our own Gospel on the Green and Pastor Patrick Pillow’s chaplaincy); Messages from Bishop Young Jin Cho; Details of important upcoming events in Virginia and beyond; United Methodist news from inside the conference and around the world; Inspiring stories of faith in action and ideas you can try in our own church. Subscription rates for print and online issues are $20 per year, print issues only $15 per year, online issues only $10 per year. See the display in the Atrium during January to sign up or call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information. The Fresh Start Sunday School Class in Study, Fellowship and Service Beginning January 3— John: The Gospel of Light and Life--The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. This writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they “may have life in his name.” In the six-week study by Adam Hamilton, we’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. The Fresh Start Class meets every Sunday morning at 9:45 in room 221. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information. United Methodist Men The United Methodist Men will have our January dinner meeting on Wednesday, January 6, at 6:30 p.m. in Davis Fellowship Hall. Mike Kelly will be our guest speaker for the evening. Mike will be talking to us about the CUMC Stephen Ministry program and all the things they do. All men of the church are invited to attend and share in some food, fellowship, and learn a little more about a vital ministry in our church! Please sign up in the pew pads or contact Gordon Morris ([email protected], 751-0316) to let us know you’re coming so we can plan accordingly for food. College Scholarship The United Methodist Men are once again pleased to sponsor a $500 honorarium to be awarded to a graduating senior from Chester United Methodist Church. The honorarium is given in appreciation to the youth of our church with the hope that it will be used for the further enhancement of their education. Requirements for the honorarium include being an active member of CUMC for at least one year and plans to attend an accredited College/University or Technical School. Application packages are available in the church office or through the United Methodist Men. Completed applications must be received by May 15. 2016 Lay Servant Academy The Virginia Conference is holding open registration for the 2016 Lay Servant Academy, which will be held February 26-28, 2016 at VUMAC in Blackstone. There will be several new courses and mini-courses this year, with an emphasis on equipping leaders and volunteers in our local churches. REGISTER SOON for the best opportunity to get your first preference of classes. The Lay Servant Academy will also offer inspiring worship, personal prayer space, and wonderful fellowship with others who serve God and their local communities. For detailed event and registration information, visit the Virginia Conference website at www.vaumc.org/LayServantTraining CUMC Preschool The children and their families at CUMCPS have such giving hearts. At Christmastime, the preschool does a food drive to teach the children about giving to those in need. This year we teamed with the BACKPACK MINISTRY to have children helping children. CUMCPS families came through. We even had one family donate food and a $50 VISA Gift Card to cover any areas that were lacking. I am so blessed to be involved in such a wonderful preschool. Children’s Ministry Save the date and plan for your children to attend Vacation Bible School – June 20-24 Coming in February – Bifocals at CAT Theater – Richmond’s professional theater with a community heart will present Luau at Acorn Acres in our Fellowship Hall at 1:00 PM onTuesday, February 9. This is a senior production produced and staring local senior citizens. It is directed by Cindy Yuoconis. Admission is free. A love donation for CAT Theater will be collected. Watch for details on signing up to attend so that we will have an approximation of how many guests to expect. Chester United Methodist Church 2016 LEADERS AMENDED ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Chairperson Bruce Johnson Vice-Chairperson Lisa Stanfield Recording Secretary Ginger Chadwick Pastor Sylvia Meadows Associate Pastor Patrick Pillow Administrative Pastor Jim Davis Director of Children and Family Ministries Krista Manuel Lay Leader Jim Watkins Assistant Lay Leader Carolyn Maxwell Lay Members to Annual Conference Betsy Price, Jim Watkins SPPRC Chair Katie Seitz Finance Co-Chairs Kathleen Kessinger, Carrie Coyner Trustees Chair Rod Holmes Spiritual Growth & Ed. Chair Phyllis Knaack Witness Team Chair Will Schmidt Worship Team Chair Joan Longo Care Ministry Team Chair Darlene Emerson Mission Team Co-Chair Julie Ferry President of UMM Gordon Morris President of UMW Susan Petrey Historian Co-Chairs Mary Musselwhite, Daphne Curtis Communications Susan Petrey Youth Member Rachel Dishman At Large Members: Jimmy Willingham (2016) Randy Melton (2017) Bryon Wall (2018) NOMINATIONS AND LAY LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE 2016 2017 Mary Musselwhite Linda Willingham Vann Stanfield Terri Moody Terry Wisegarver Jill Seal 2018 Josh Wortham Ken Farmer Janet Bradley TRUSTEES 2016 Don Phelps George Emerson Will Schmidt 2018 Julie Koob Wayne Stuart Rod Holmes - Chair 2017 Bill Comer Bill Lloyd - Vice Chair John Farrell STAFF PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE 2016 2017 Anita Nugent Jill Seal Kay Williams Lynn Crump Dale Clark Jennifer Brooks Ex. Officio: Annual Conf. Rep., Lay Leader, Pastor BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Building Coordinator Grounds Coordinator Furnishings Kitchen Coordinator 2018 Josefa Wall Randy Melton Katie Seitz, Chair Ginger Chadwick Skip and Pam Buyalos Barbara Yandle Jeanne Shelburne Names printed in bold letters indicate first year in this position. FINANCE COMMITTEE Co-Chairs Treasurer Pastors Lay Members to Annual Conference Administrative Council Chair. SPPRC Chair. Trustee Chair. Stewardship Chair. Lay Leader District Steward Financial Secretary Finance Administrator Endowments AT LARGE: Cindy Yuoconis (2016) Kathleen Kessinger, Carrie Coyner Gary Williams Sylvia Meadows, Patrick Pillow, Jim Davis Betsy Price, Jim Watkins Bruce Johnson Katie Seitz (or rep.) Rod Holmes (or rep.) Darlene Emerson Jim Watkins Ed Thompson Karen Comer (non-voting) Donna Koch (non-voting) Bruce Costner Courtney Farrell (2017) Monte Nagy (2018) WORSHIP WORK AREA Chair Altar Guild Acolytes Nursery Coordinator Wedding Coordinators Funeral Coordinators Joan Longo Marian Garrett Carolyn Maxwell, Dora Ellis, Sohphia Verghese, Lisa Clark Courtney Farrell Carol Pawluk, Carolyn Maxwell Karen Comer, Don Schmidt PRESCHOOL BOARD Director/Treasurer Chairperson Church Members Ex Officio – Representatives from Jennifer Barnes Cheryl Green Carolyn Landis, Marion Perkinson, Megan Carson, Megan Johnston SPPRC, Finance, Trustee Plus DSF, Pastor, Lay Leader ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE Chair Bruce Costner Admin Council Bruce Johnson Finance Chairs Harold Crowder, Kathleen Kessinger Trustee Representative Don Schmidt, Bill Goodwyn, Ginger Chadwick, Harley Young CHILD PROTECTION (SAFE SANCTUARIES) COMMITTEE Spiritual Growth and Education Chair Phyllis Knaack Pastor Sylvia Meadows Association Pastor Patrick Pillow Administrative Pastor Jim Davis Director of Children and Family Ministries Krista Manuel Directors of Youth Ministries Pat Stanfield OTHER OFFICERS Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference Don Schmidt District Steward Ed Thompson District Conference Delegates Don Schmidt, Susan Petrey Rep. to District Bd. Missions Susan Petrey Hermitage Guild Ann Jeter Camps and Conferences Kim Young Virginia Advocate Rep. Susan Petrey UM Family Services Rep. Sherie Orton LAY SPEAKERS: Tom Petrey, Don Schmidt, Kim Young, Michelle Hayes In Memory of Ed Bishop Tommy Boyd Lorraine Moody Mae Scanapico Monta Anthony Monta Anthony Jim & Liz Barker Carol Pawluk Lorraine Buck We Welcome into Christian Membership Sonja Seward (November 15, 2015) by transfer from Shady Grove United Methodist Church, Glen Allen, VA. Franklin & Michelle Jackson (November 15, 2015) by transfer from First Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Hampton, VA. Blake Ruxton Boyd (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Allison Paige Brubaker (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Jordan Micaela Clark (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Parker Adam Davis (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith*. Ella Anne Hutchins (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Chloe Bishop Jackson (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith*. Mikayla Renee Jackson (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith*. Olivia Elizabeth Johnson (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Mallory Ann Lenz (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Regan Lynn Miller (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Thomas Evan Moody (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Chase William Potvin (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Kriston Ruth Seward (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith*. Megan Asia Smith (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Jacob Ray Tuck (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith. Hunter James Zoller (November 29, 2015) by profession of faith*. Krista and N.W. Manuel (December 13, 2015) by transfer from Chester Baptist Church, Chester, VA. They have a 5-year-old son named Bryan, and another son due to be born this month. Taisha Marie Garcia and Samantha Garcia (December 13, 2015) by profession of faith. Joseph & Diane Mannetta (December 20, 2015) by transfer from Grace Lutheran Church, Chester, VA. Christopher & Lisa Irving (December 20, 2015) by transfer from Ramsey United Methodist Church, Richmond, VA * Also received the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Births Violet Grace Gilliatt, born December 8, 2015, daughter of Jeff & Erin Gilliatt, and little sister of Abby, Drew, and Cara. Proud grandparents: Sharon & Steve Gilliatt. Baptisms Danika Sapana Bala, born September 10, 2015, was baptized on November 15, 2015. She is the daughter of Farin & Rishi Bala. Proud grandparents: Sunder & Meena Bala. Abigail Penn Payne, born April 22, 2015, was baptized on November 22, 2015. She is the daughter of Sarah Penn Payne and Michael David Payne. Proud grandparents: Steve & Penn Shultz. Maddox Kailo Walters, born on May 22, 2015, was baptized on December 13, 2015. He is the son of Lori (Coghill) and Brian Joshua Walters, and has two older brothers, Kaiden Shine Walters (age 6) and Sawyer Kelton Walters (age 4). Ella Grace Sink and Sydney Ann Sink, born on March 30, 2015, were baptized on December 13, 2015. They are the twin daughters of Kimberly (Trevillian) and Daniel Stuart Sink. Seth Brandon Overstreet, born on June 30, 2015, was baptized on December 13, 2015. Seth is the son of Kelly (Trevillian) and Derek Brandon Overstreet and the baby brother of Abbygail Leigh Overstreet (age 3). Proud grandparents: Beverly and Ray Trevillian; Great-grandmother: Edie Fails. THANK YOU Thank you all for the cards, gifts, and send off during the Fresh Start Service. I will treasure the cards from the children for many years to come! Love, Stacey Ferrer The History & Records Committee would like to thank GEORGE BRYANT for his assistance in getting the plans for our building scanned into pdf files so we could store them safely. And we thank BILL COMER for his assistance in sorting the files we needed to scan, as well as organizing the files on the memory sticks. We also want to thank the FACILITY ANGELS who helped Mary and Ruth DeVore rearrange our storage area. TWO big jobs accomplished! ~~Mary Musselwhite & Karen Comer, Co-Chairs Be sure to wish the following people a “Happy Birthday” on their “Special Day.” January Birthdays 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Barbara Rollins, Bill Wisegarver, James Woolard, Jr., Jeanne Givens, Amy Fleeman Robert Martinko, Griffin Winn Gail King, Sharon Larew, Craig Seal, Vicki Gaffney, Sophia Verghese, T.R. Stone, Jr. Frank Smith, John Dodd, Christina Chern, Lauren Hill Isabel Jones, Bill Comer, Richard Campbell, Chelsea Buyalos Nina Whittleton, Travis Miller, Luke Carson, Caroline Johnson, Madeline Read, Liam Johnston Linda Lott, John Degraba, Bruce Koch Melissa Moore, Ashley Curtis Donna Dennis, Madison Vaughan Christopher Irving, Patricia Bernas, Rebecca Murphy, Matthew Johnson-Ebert, Jack Kirwan Alan Matthews, Berend Sarver, Russell Matthews Bill Bowles, Jr., Megan Davis, Janean Trimble Stephen Hetrick, Anne Johnson, Nancy Baylor, Tamera Krukiel, Jessica Gray, Taylor Banty Juanita Timmons, Fran Martin, Lisa Anderson, Sam Perdue, Rebecca Chitwood, Morgan Trimble, Owen Trimble, Delaney Coyner Catherine Rhea, Taylor Bernas, Grace Zoller Harold Boettcher, John Radford, Jolyn Topping, Darrin Zoller, Scott Byer, Sean Williams, Lila Farrell Bruce Cavey, David Ferry, Monte Nagy, Jr., Mallory Flores, Katelyn DePhillip Samuel Bartlett IV, Linda Pritchard, Courtney Blevins Susan DePhillip, Leia Verghese, Connor Jacka Alexa Kelley Margaret Bodenhamer, Glen Silvey, Tyler Moody, Christopher Peck, Meaghan Watkins, Lillian Anderson Diane Merryman, Ed Zaunick, Zach Baker, Megan Thomas Bobbi Eddy, William Latimer III, Michael Barker Bob Wood, Jr., William Lloyd, Sr., James Shelburne, Jackie Stewart, Jerit Norville, Cabel Allen Cathy Epps, Robert Ridout, Grayson Smith, Tyler Marshall Sally Johnson, Ann Stuart, Lynn Crump, Alan Woodard, Jeffrey Crampton, Wendy Walker, Tracey Canipe, Sean Castleberry, Kaitlin Koch, Christian Goodfellow, Zak Goodwyn Betsy Price, Ruth Siller, Judy Thomas, Augustine Allen, Robbie Partin, Wendell Landis, Sora Arpin, Michelle Hayes, Bailey Jacka Alan Schlottman, Clinton Davis, Joey Avery George Bryant III, Charles Sibley, Jr., Jason Deckert, Kriston Seward, Noah Hughes Wayne Virag, George Fisher, Jean Morrison, Lois Cain, Brian Davis, David Miles, Todd Abicht, Melody DePhillip Ann Stanfield, Sandra Graham, William Waterson Do you have room in your heart and home for a child in need? Do you want to make a positive difference in the life of a child? HopeTree Family Services is looking for people like you to consider long-term or short-term foster care for children who are in need of a safe and loving home. HopeTree provides you with the training and support you need to be the parents that they need. To hear more about this opportunity, please come to our next Orientation Session which will be held on: January 11, 2016 from 6:00—7:00 p.m. HopeTree Family Services Foster Care Office 3309 West Hundred Road Chester, VA 23831 Call (804) 201-9006 or email [email protected] for more information. Branches Mission Team Florida City, Florida, March 25-April 2, 2016 This spring mission trip is open to both high school students and adults. At Branches, we will help with light construction projects in the community, work with children and youth during the afterschool programs, participate in Easter church services and events, and attend Branches’ youth activities. Individuals who sign up for this mission trip will form a team that meets together several times to plan and prepare. It is our hope to work together as the body of Christ, to challenge ourselves and our faith through service, and to build deeper relationships as a group. Please prayerfully consider what God is calling you to do this spring break. The cost of the trip will be approximately $200. POC: Stacey Ferrer (300-0033 or [email protected]) by January 31. Disciple Bible Study at Women’s Correction Center in Goochland, VA will be offered to inmates once a week beginning in February. Laity clergy, male and female, are needed to facilitate the class. Completion of Disciple I is required to serve as a leader. The prison chaplain has communicated that there is a waiting list of women wanting to take Disciple Bible Study. Day and time have not been determined, but leaders (2-4) will agree to schedule and will rotate responsibilities. Application and background check are required. POC. Marg Kutz ([email protected]) Baby Blankets Needed! —In developing countries around the world women are giving birth on dirt floors at home, in the mud of rice fields, and the rubble of natural disasters and war. UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, is training local women to use simple birthing kits--including a sheet of plastic, rubber gloves, soap, a razor blade, string and your baby blankets—to bring about safer deliveries and healthier mothers and babies. All members of the church are invited to help the United Methodist Women collect baby blankets to be made into 100 birthing kits for UMCOR to be delivered to Annual Conference in Roanoke in June. All other materials have been donated. Flannelette receiving blankets should be approximately 36x36 inches. Blankets may be purchased or homemade. All blankets must be NEW. Please return blankets to the collection box in the mission closet next to Pastor Sylvia’s office no later than Sunday, February 28. Call Susan Petrey, 275-9258, for more information. Caritas Family’s New Home This year, as our CARITAS Thanksgiving week approached, we received news of an exciting blessing for one of our families. Unfortunately, they were not eligible to take anything from the Furniture Bank because they had been there within the last five years. So, our church was asked if we could help out and gather some household goods for them to start making their new house a home. Our generous congregation contributed to them being able to furnish the entire apartment and even provide new pots and pans. John Radford and Joe Longo loaded their trucks and headed down I-95, which was an adventure in itself, crossing their fingers in hopes that everything would stay in the truck beds, which included a mattress and box springs flapping in the wind. We arrived at Mosby Court and were welcomed by a grateful mother, three of her children ages 9, 14 and an adult daughter, as well as four grandchildren under the age of four, sitting on the floor eating cheerios. The residence had cinderblock walls, exposed pipes that were being used to hang clothes, and no furniture. The kitchen had a refrigerator, a stove and oven, and only a few inches of counter space. The family was thrilled to see a rug go on the bare den floor and be completed with both den and bedroom furniture. It felt like a home. When I left I felt so humbled, blessed, and proud to be a member of such a giving congregation. Thank you all for your compassion and generosity. Also, a special thank you to Joe Longo, John Radford and Ben Ferry who took the time to load the trucks and deliver the home goods to the family, and to Ricky Watkins who packed up groceries that were delivered to the family as well. All of it was greatly appreciated. Julie Ferry, Mission Team Sharing Tree 2015 – This is what the Atrium looked like before the gifts were collected to be taken to our adults with intellectual disabilities. We provided Christmas gifts for over 100 individuals. The gifts were greatly appreciated, and I am sure we will be receiving thank you letters from the recipients soon. Thank you to everyone who made this a very successful project. Shepherd’s Center of Chesterfield is a non-profit, inter-faith organization of senior adults who donate their time, talents, professional expertise, automobiles, gasoline, and other resources to help other senior adults remain independent in their own homes. The Center needs your help – you might like to volunteer to serve on a committee, work in the office, help with lunches or be a driver. You will find the experience of volunteering to be as rewarding and enjoyable to you as the service you are providing is appreciated and welcomed by those you are serving. By our service, we all benefit! Please call the Shepherd’s Center Office at (706-6689) to inquire about volunteer opportunities. Dear Chester United Methodist Church, On behalf of Boy Scout Troop 2815, I would like to thank you for letting us use your church for our meetings, as well as letting us use an extra closet space for our supplies. Please see the following pictures below of some of the activities that we have done this past year. Again, thanks to Chester United Methodist church for your continued support. Yours in Scouting, Blake Britt, Troop Historian Pictures of the troop preparing for their Winter Shenandoah Camping trip, preparing for our 7-mile hike, and playing chess at Summer Camp. Chester Christmas Parade December 13, 2015