Pesach Menorah 2013 Rosh Hashana Menorah 2012


Pesach Menorah 2013 Rosh Hashana Menorah 2012
Volume 6, Number 18
September 2013, Elul 5774
In this Edition
Menorah Editor - Leah Grunberg
President’s Report
Rabbi’s Report
Youth Report
Rosh Hashanah
Our New Coffee
What's been
happening in the
Upcoming Events
Picture Gallery
Proof Reader - Michael Katzew
Visit to view this Menorah in FULL COLOUR
Welcome all to the current edition of the Menorah and my first
report as president of the North Eastern Jewish Centre.
As president I have a number of objectives. Firstly, the board and I
are committed to supporting Rabbi Daniel Rabin and
Rebbetzin Sarah who come with boundless energy and innovative
initiatives. In particular, the board is keen to help them continue to
develop the spiritual, cultural, and social involvement at the
Centre, with a strong focus on involvement by younger members.
The Rabbi’s weekly email demonstrates his never ending supply of
interesting, creative and diverse activities and events designed to
keep our Centre vibrant and alive.
President’s Report
The second objective is to work with the board to achieve a
number of goals.
These include ensuring the Centre keeps up with the 21 st century.
The Centre is over fifty years old, and like many old buildings, is
deteriorating and looking shabby in places. With this in mind a
number of initiatives are underway or have been completed. The
coffee shop is in its final stages of refurbishment. It has been
refitted and made more spacious. A new kitchen has been
installed, a state of the art P.A. system and audio and video
system are being installed, and new air conditioners are in place.
The end result is an area in the Centre which we can be proud of;
where members and others can relax and enjoy themselves, where
events will be held, guest speakers will present, and film nights and
presentations will entertain and inform.
We also have a refurbished games room, where children and
teenagers enjoy their time playing table tennis, fusball, air hockey,
and other ball games. The preschoolers have their own bright,
colourful space filled with toys. The basketball ring has been
restored and a regular basketball competition is developing with the
help of Rabbi Rabin. The NEJC Hebrew school has been
running since the beginning of the year, enrolments are currently
seventeen students, and increasing. A new class is starting for prep
students, and the growth is leading to rearranging sections of the
Centre to accommodate the school. These initiatives are part of our
goal to create a Jewish centre for young people and
An ambitious goal is to develop a building fund to further refurbish
the main hall, the smaller hall, and the front of the Centre which is
looking particularly tired. The board is conservative about preserving
the capital of the Centre, and therefore fundraising has become an
In addition, we have been fortunate in utilizing the skills of Kristen Moeller Saxone
who has been applying for a number of grants, for example the refurbishment of the
toilets and installation of a disabled toilet, plus the installation of synthetic turf in the
Sukkah area. Currently, we are waiting to hear whether we are successful with
those grant applications. Earlier this year, we received a grant to upgrade the perimeter fencing and gates from the Victorian Department of Justice, to whom we are
A very important goal is to bring awareness and appreciation of our environment
and recycling. With this in mind I have been exploring the acquisition of a
commercial dishwasher to eliminate the current overuse of non recyclable plastics
at the Centre.
The final objective is to encourage and support existing members, non members,
and others in the broader Jewish community to become more involved in the
Centre. Speaking on behalf of other board members, I know that each one of us
values the idea of giving. The satisfaction that we derive from contributing to the life
of the Centre and its community far surpasses the time and effort expended. I
therefore encourage you to become involved in the Centre in any way you see fit.
I guarantee the more time you spend involved, spiritually, culturally, or socially at
the Centre, the more satisfaction you will derive. I am available to discuss your
further involvement, and your needs, as I’m sure are most board members. We are
also happy to hear and to try to assist with any ideas or initiatives you would like
implemented at the North Eastern Jewish Centre.
Let’s work together to make it your Centre.
Shanah Tova
Marcel Saxone
TUESDAY - 9.30am to 3.00pm
WEDNESDAY - 9.30am to 3.00pm
THURSDAY - 9.30am to 3.00pm
FRIDAY - 9.00am to 12.30pm
Please contact the Centre office on 9816 3516 or
[email protected] if you :
Have changed your address, phone number or email address
Want to receive your Menorah newsletter by email instead of hard copy
It is hard to believe that this will already be my third Rosh Hashanah as
spiritual leader of the North Eastern Jewish Centre. In Judaism we
believe that the number three is a “Chazakah” which means strength.” May we
all be infused with extra strength and may the entire community
continue to grow “Mechayil El Chayil” from strength to strength!
Rabbi’s Report
It has been an extremely busy and satisfying year for the North Eastern
Jewish Centre. We have successfully run dozens of religious, social and
educational activities and events for all ages. The general feeling of the
community is very positive and people are excited about the prospects that lie
This space has usually been used for the Rabbi to report on the
happenings over the past year. As I wrote a full report on these happenings for
the AGM a few months ago, I thought I would present it in a more
summarized manner, which in itself will be fairly long. I can confidently say that
we have continued with everything that was mentioned in the
report and have introduced a number of new programs and projects. We have
some exciting new programs that will be launched after the High
Holidays. Our beautifully renovated coffee shop is now complete and I look
forward to many new events and programs being hosted in the new room. Our
Hebrew School continues to bring vibrancy and energy to the centre and we
are planning to expand the program next year.
Shiurim and learning continue to be a strong focus at the centre. I offer a
weekly Monday night Parsha Shiur, special topical Shiurim on a regular
basis, Torah on One Foot every Shabbat, guest speakers and a recent
addition of “Understanding our Prayer” handout on Shabbat mornings. A few
new learning opportunities are also being planned for after the high
holidays. Our famous Friday Night Live service continues to be very popular
and we have some original and delicious themes coming up. Our original and
engaging social events are frequently on offer and have actually caught the
attention of many of those living on the other side of the Yarra! Sports have
always been a hobby of mine and many members are enjoying the basketball
games and there will be some new sporting opportunities on offer in the
coming months. We have organized a number of teen events this past year
but I believe we could offer more in this area. I turn to parents with teenage
children to please contact me and assist me in providing relevant, fun and safe
activities for your children.
I work daily on improving our communication and publicity and the weekly
email has now become a “staple” part of keeping the community
informed. Our representation on social media has connected us with our
younger audience and I must say that many of our young at heart members
are avid users and have appreciated the constant update through this
medium. My flyer designing skills are improving and one congregant
mentioned to me that they love the colourful posters hanging on the
The Rebbeztin and I, as mentioned earlier, are also constantly involved in outreach
as well fostering relations with our own members. We continue to host people at our
Shabbat table, and spend many other opportunities keeping connected with the
community. My door is always open to those who wish to chat or discuss any matter
and, as I have told people in the past, my mobile phone is always on and people
can ring at any time of the day or night. There is one exception of course and that is
on Shabbat. However I think most of you know where to find me if you need me on
Shabbat. 
I make a special effort to be involved in the wider community and especially with my
colleagues at other Shuls. I am regularly invited to be the guest speaker for various
organizations and that certainly assists in keeping the community aware of the
NEJC. I am also asked to contribute to the Australian Jewish News Parsha section
and once again that brings awareness of the wider community to our centre. A few
months ago I was nominated to serve on the executive committee of the Rabbinical
Council of Victoria, and I have enjoyed contributing,as well as learning from senior
Rabbis who serve on the committee. I have undergone and continue to undergo
training to assist in my role as Rabbi, with the most recent training being on
delicately handling situations of domestic violence and child sexual abuse.
I would go on but space is limited. Suffice to say that the NEJC is vibrant and alive
and is ready for the new year of 5774!
I would like to use the second part of my report for something very important.
Everything that I have mentioned and everything that been accomplished is due the
tireless efforts and dedication of many people.
Firstly to my dear wife, Rebbetzin Sarah, who gives 110% in every area of her life.
Her complete dedication to our family and her unwavering commitment to my work
and the community are greatly appreciated! The Rebbetzin not only teaches every
day at Beth Rivkah, but runs a bi-weekly Bat Mitzvah program , a weekly playgroup,
monthly women’s circle, hosts guests almost every week and attends and helps
plan and run most the centre’s events!
After a decade of tireless service by our outgoing president, Milton Shenker (who
continues to contribute to the community on a regular basis) the centre welcomed
Marcel Saxone as the new Centre President. Marcel has already, in his short time
as president, brought new vision to the role and has been working extremely hard to
foster relationships with the community and the success is already showing. I thank
Marcel for giving his time for the benefit of our community and I look forward to a
continued excellent working relationship with him.
The newly elected Board of Management, with Heidi Hayden as board president,
has already been working hard at ensuring the centre runs smoothly and their time
and efforts are greatly appreciated. Special mention must be made of the
Administrative committee, Marcel Saxone, Heidi Hayden, Issy Allen, Michael
Katzew and Marlene Oppenheim who give an unbelievable amount of time, effort
and care to the centre and community.
Our dedicated office staff, Karen Shimshon and Clive Kaplan, who both perform
their jobs at the highest level and the support they offer me in my role as Rabbi is
amazing. Our hard working caretaker, Peter Savvas, for whom no job is too big and
ensures that all the behind the scene requirements happen without any issue.
Our services and events are regularly supported by many volunteers and I would
like to give them a massive thank you for their time and effort. The community
certainly appreciates everything you do!
The last but certainly not least thank you is to YOU, the community. Without you
continuing to support the centre in its activities and services we would not exist.
As the Rabbi of the centre I do however make a personal request to you that, this
year, you pledge to increase your support in any way you can. Whether it is
attending Shul services more frequently than you did the year before, coming to
events or Shiurim, volunteering for events or any other area you wish, your
additional commitment will go a long way!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Ketiva Ve’Chatima
Tova, a good, healthy and sweet new year. May this year bring much blessing and
joy to your lives!
Shanah Tova V’Chag Sameach
Rabbi Daniel Rabin
We would love your support and assistance with our regular Minyanim and services. Each
and every person adds a tremendous amount to the atmosphere and your presence would be
greatly appreciated.
With the many new initiatives such as Thursday morning breakfast club, Friday night
L'Chaim & Snacks and other enhancements of the services you will enjoy it!
Currently, our regular services take place on:
Monday – 6:45am, Thursday – 6:30am, Friday (Kabbalat Shabbat) – 6:15pm,
Saturday – 10:00am
If you are able to assist during any of these times please contact Rabbi Rabin, to arrange
appropriate times for your communal contribution.
April 2013 – August 2013
A hearty Mazel Tov
Richard & Irma Hayden on the
birth of a great grandson
Stan & Patti Katz on the birth of
a grandson
Menachem Gunzburg on birth
of a son
Ben & Betty Alexander on the
birth of a great granddaughter
Zelig & Angela Wloszczowski
on the birth of a granddaughter
Irene Port on the birth of a
Ben & Betty Alexander on the
engagement of their
grandson Sam to Jenna
A hearty Mazel Tov
Hilton & Cecile Barr on the
marriage of their daughter
Megan to Joshua Banky
Daniel and Yafit Frankel
Zvika and Talila Freund on the
marriage of their
daughter Michal
A hearty Mazel Tov
A hearty Mazel Tov
Steven and Deborah
Donald on their 30th wedding
Ronald & Esme Robinson on
the engagement of their
grandson Gregory to Alla
John and Beverley Davis
on their 55th wedding
Ben & Betty Alexander on the
engagement of their
granddaughter Lisa
New Members
Zelig & Angela Wloszczowski
on the engagement of their
daughter Lisa
Neville & Selma Port on the
engagement of their son,
Terence to Danielle Flack
Rabbi Mordechai & Rebbetzin
Sara Gutnick on the
engagement of their son
Osher to Esti Levilev
Zelig & Angela Wloszczowski
on the engagement of their
son Sam to Jenna Schultz
Daniel & Yafit Frankel
Gideon & Adele Frankel
Julius Sommers
Jeffrey & Faye Wolinski
Menachem Gunzburg
Richard & Sonia Weider
A hearty Mazel Tov
Jeff & Faye Wolinski on the
barmitzvah of their grandson
Marcel & Kristen Saxone on
the barmitzvah of their son
We extend our heartfelt
condolences to
Lea Bay on the passing of her
husband Alec
Michael Bay on the passing of
his father Alec
Debbie Bay on passing of her
father Alec
Leon & Jean Freedman on
passing of their brother in-law
Roy & Elaine Gaddie on the
passing of Roy’s father
Roy & Pera Gottleib on the
passing of Roy’s mother
Alec & Rose Isman on the
passing of their son Morry
Zelig & Angela Wloszczowski
on the passing of Zelik’s mother
Rachel Rosenthal on the
passing of her mother
Les & Robyn Hellman on the
passing of Robyn’s brother
Milton & Geta Shenker on the
passing of Geta’s sister
Harold & Sybella Lifson on the
passing of Harold’s mother
Rabbi Yankie &
Rebbetzin Sara Glasman on
the passing of Rabbi’s
Mary Hirsch on the passing of
her husband Jack
Eddie & Alicia Hirsch on the
passing of Eddie’s brother Jack
One year, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov said to Rabbi Ze’ev Kitzes, one
of his senior disciples: “You will blow theshofar for us this Rosh Hashanah. I want you to study
all the kavanot (Kabbalistic meditations) that pertain to theshofar, so that you should meditate
upon them when you do the blowing.”
Rabbi Ze’ev applied himself to the task with joy and trepidation: joy over the great privilege that
had been accorded him, and trepidation over the immensity of the responsibility. He studied the
Kabbalistic writings that discuss the multifaceted significance of the shofar and what its sounds
achieve on the various levels of reality and in the various chambers of the soul. He also
prepared a sheet of paper on which he noted the main points of each kavanah, so that he could
refer to them when he blew the shofar.
Finally, the great moment arrived. It was the morning of Rosh Hashanah, and Rabbi Ze’ev stood
on the reading platform in the center of the Baal Shem Tov’s synagogue amidst
the Torah scrolls, surrounded by a sea of tallit-draped bodies. At his table in the southeast
corner of the room stood his master, the Baal Shem Tov, his face aflame. An awed silence filled
the room in anticipation of the climax of the day—the piercing blasts and sobs of the shofar.
Rabbi Ze’ev reached into his pocket, and his heart froze: the paper had disappeared! He
distinctly remembered placing it there that morning, but now it was gone. Furiously, he searched
his memory for what he had learned, but his distress over the lost notes seemed to have
incapacitated his brain: his mind was a total blank. Tears of frustration filled his eyes. He had
disappointed his master, who had entrusted him with this most sacred task. Now he must blow
theshofar like a simple horn, without any kavanot. With a despairing heart, Rabbi Ze’ev blew the
litany of sounds required by law and, avoiding his master’s eye, resumed his place.
At the conclusion of the day’s prayers, the Baal Shem Tov made his way to the corner where
Rabbi Ze’ev sat sobbing under his tallit. “Gut Yom Tov, RebZe’ev!” he called. “That was a most
extraordinary shofar-blowing we heard today!”
“But Rebbe . . . I . . .”
“In the king’s palace,” said the Baal Shem Tov, “there are many gates and doors, leading to
many halls and chambers. The palace-keepers have great rings holding many keys, each of
which opens a different door. But there is one key that fits all the locks, a master key that opens
all the doors.
“The kavanot are keys, each unlocking another door in our souls, each accessing another
chamber in the supernal worlds. But there is one key that unlocks all doors, that opens up for us
the innermost chambers of the divine palace. That master key is a broken heart.”
Saturday, August 31 ………………........midnight
Monday, September 2 ...............................6:30 am
Wednesday, September 4
Selichot………………………......6:15 am
Candle Lighting...........................5:43 pm
Mincha/Maariv ............................6:15 pm
Thursday, September 5
Shacharit.........................................9:00 am
Reading of Torah……………......10:00 am
Sermon...................................... .11:00 am
Musaf…………………………....11:20 am
Mincha followed by Tashlich ....... .5:20 pm
Candle Lighting ….not before ..... 6:41 pm
Friday, September 6
Shacharit …………………….........9:00 am
Reading of Torah ....................... .10:15 am
Sermon...................................... .11:00 am
Shofar…………………………...11:20 am
Musaf…………………………....11:40 am
Mincha ........................................ .5:45 pm
Maariv for Shabbat ……………....6:15 pm
Shabbat Candle Lighting …….
Not After………………………....5:45 pm
Sunday, September 8
Fast Commences……………...........4:58am
Selichot & Shacharit .................... .8.30 am
Fast Ends..................................... .6.32 pm
Friday, September 13
Mincha ........................................ .3:15 pm
Candle lighting & Fast begins ....... .5:51pm
Kol Nidrei …………….. .....6:30 pm sharp
2013 – 5773/74
Saturday, September 14
Shacharit ....................................... 9:00 am
Reading of Torah ........................ 11:00 am
Sermon ........................................ 12:00 pm
Yizkor (Memorial
………………........not earlier than 12:15pm
Musaf .......................................... 12:45 pm
Mincha .......................................... 4:45 pm
Neillah........................................... 5:45 pm
Fast ends........................................ 6:48 pm
Wednesday, September 18
Maariv ........................................... 6:15 pm
Candle Lighting ............................. 5:55 pm
Thursday and Friday, September 15&16
Shacharit ....................................... 9:15 am
Maariv ........................................... 6:15 pm
Candle lighting (Thursday evening)…
...................................... not before 6.53 pm
Candle Lighting (Friday)
…………………….....not after 5.56pm
Wednesday, September 25
Shacharit ....................................... 6:00 am
Maariv Shemini Atzeret Eve .......... 6:15 pm
Candle Lighting ............................. 6:01 pm
Thursday, September 26
Shacharit ....................................... .9.15 am
Yizkor (Memorial service) ………………
……….....………..not earlier than 10:45 am
Ma’ariv and Hakafot.........................7:00 pm
Candle Lighting…….......not before 6:59 pm
Friday, September 27
Shacharit ..................................... ...9:15 am
Communal Meal after Morning Services
Shabbat Maariv………………….....6:15pm
Shabbat Candles not after……...........6:03pm
Some Recent Events at the NEJC
Upcoming Events at the
Monday September 2, 9, 16
High Holiday Shiur Series
Simchat Torah Happenings
Thursday Night September 26
Dancing with Torah, Lchaim and Hot Dogs!
Friday September 27
Dancing with Torah and Grand Simchat Torah
BBQ Lunch for the entire
Sunday Night October 6
Guest Speaker – Dr. Craig Hassed (Monash
University, Dept. Medicine)
"The Plastic Brain: How to Re-shape Your Mind
to Reshape Your Life"
Saturday Night October 12
Movie Night with refreshments – “History of
the World” by Mel Brooks
8:30pm till late
$5 entry
Friday Night October 18
Friday Night Live – theme TBC
Sunday afternoon October 20
Women’s Circle trip to Mikvah, including
lunch and guest speaker Timmy Rubin
12:30pm Convoy to Caulfield
Price TBC
The Israeli Paper
Eton is now on
You can also join
the facebook page:
Thursday Night October 24
Launch of monthly Young Adult Shiur & BBQ @
the Rabbi’s home
This list is subject to change and all events will
be advertised in the weekly email during the
coming weeks
Regular Activities Held
Throughout the Year
Monday Night Shiurim
During School Terms
Preschool Playgroup
Hebrew School
What’s Been Happening at the Centre
On Sunday, August 21, Rabbi Daniel Rabin and the North Eastern
Jewish Centre (NEJC) challenged Malvern Chabad to an
inter-shul basketball match.
The game itself was a tight battle and the scores were tied at the end
of an entertaining first half. However, NEJC were able to break free in
the second half and managed to claim a 57-42 victory.
For months, Rabbi Rabin has been organising basketball gatherings at the shul on a
fortnightly basis to encourage both a healthy lifestyle as well as expanding our community.
Rabbi Rabin organised the game against Malvern Chabad to allow the participants to
socially interact.
A large number of supporters
came to cheer both teams and
after the match all players and
supporters enjoyed a barbeque.
Rabbi Rabin plans to organise
more inter-shul games in the
Future. Meantime social games
will be played at the shul every
alternate Tuesday night.
Tal Grunberg
Making Challah
Students at
School make
their own
covers .
If you enter the NEJC on a Tuesday afternoon at 10 to 4, you may have to dodge a
basketball, or look out for children playing hide and seek, but if you stayed until 4o’clock,
you would hear the same children chant the shema before going to their respective classes
at our Hebrew School.
Our school was established and began classes in Term 1, 2013, to meet the needs of
families with children attending non-Jewish schools. Our qualified teachers, Irene Port and
Tahli Freeman, together with Rabbi Rabin, teach Hebrew and Jewish Studies in a
structured, yet fun and activity-based way. The students respond by attending regularly and
making progress in their studies.
Students learn to read Hebrew in small groups, progressing through the skills levels at their
own pace. We celebrate and learn about the chagim, as well as learning Jewish values and
traditions. We have enjoyed a model seder together, participated in the Lag B’Omer
parade, made challah for Shabbat, helped to decorate the Sukkah, seen how a shofar is
made and had a try at sounding it.
Every week, the students enjoy snack and playtime together during the mid-afternoon
break, and once a month their parents join us for a family dinner after school. And every
week, the students continue to improve their Hebrew literacy.
A new Junior Aleph class for children aged 5y.o. will be offered in Term 4, as preparation
for entry into the Aleph class in 2014.
Every Primary School aged child is welcome to join our program. All enquiries should be
directed to Rabbi Rabin or myself, through the NEJC office on 9816 3516.
Marlene Oppenheim
NEJC Hebrew School Administrator
Over the past few months the youth of Doncaster have been active in the centre and in the
wider community. The highlights have been numerous, headlined by a tenpin bowling
afternoon, a Basketball game against Malvern Chabad and a Friday night dinner for the
young adults.
All the events that NEJC provides to its members result in everyone who attends enjoying
However, while the results are always positive, it often takes a lot of effort in encouraging
members and non-members to attend. It is with this in mind that I ask the members to view
events not as a burden or chore at the expense of your own leisure, but rather as a way in
which you utilise the centre’s resources and further your own interests.
Consequently, I implore all our members to either take ownership of an event that interests
you or that you wish to attend. Alternatively, if you do not feel comfortable doing that, share
your idea with someone on the board. The chances are, that events you like will appeal to
others too.
Sport is my passion and, through some simple logistic work, I co-ordinated our Tuesday
night basketball. The centre has other members who were looking for a way to keep fit, in a
social environment, without spending money or committing to attend every week.
The basketball was so successful that we were able to organise a match, with Rabbi
Rabin’s assistance.
It is things like this which aren’t difficult to organise, but require commitment. Now if I don’t
send out the weekly reminder for Tuesday basketball I receive text messages reminding
me, such is the enthusiasm.
This is just one example of the untapped resources in the centre. The true worth of the
community in Doncaster will only be seen if each member, irrespective of his/her standing
in the community, takes the time to think about how the centre can help them to help
others. The burden should not be placed on too few as the work takes its toll, and with the
same people working on the same projects and events month after month, the ideas become stale.
For those with children, I implore you to ask them what they want from the centre, or in
which activities they want to participate. Perhaps there is an activity which they would like
to do, but a lack of friends in the area means it is not feasible. This is where we can help. I
would love to work with you.
Looking forward to hearing from you, our members,
Eytan Epstein
At the AGM we paid
tribute and heard many
words of praise and
thanks to our outgoing
Mr. Milton Shenker.
Orly Shaina Port,
granddaughter of
Irene Port,was born
to David and
Lauren Port in
Celebrating the
Brit Milah of Stan
and Patti Katz's
grandson Jake
Benjamin Saxone
and family
celebrating his
Liav Shimshon “NEJC member” and Mount
Scopus College student summed up his
Cambodia Experience:
“This Cambodia trip was one small step against
poverty in Cambodia, but a giant leap in our
individual life journeys.”
This trip was part of the year 9 program focuses on
community and service.
NEJC member Gavin
Katz has represented Australia in the most recent Maccabi games in Israel.
Gavin is an excellent basketball player and has served his country well!
The only upset is that our Shul team missed
having Gavin play for us against
Chabad of Malvern but luckily we won anyway! Gavin has assured me that if he is in
town for our next match he will make sure to
wear his NEJC
We wish his parents Gary and
Barbara continued Nachas from their son!
Rafael Epstein has shown, from a very young age, a "special talent" for
excelling at any sport INVOLVING a BALL.
But it is probably in cricket where he has really excelled of late - and
"stands tall" at his club and among his peers.
Rafael takes after his older brother EYTAN who is also a talented
Cricketer and “CRICKET TRAGIC”.
Rafael played for the Doncaster Cricket Club, in their number one
U16 team, having been invited to join by his primary school sports master.
After an inconspicuous start to the season (the team was bowled out for
24) Rafael ‘s team went from strength to strength and won the grand-final.
Rafael retired at 50 runs in both the semi-final and the grand final and
was awarded the Bulleen-Templestowe Clubs’ Junior Champion
award— as their star batsman and wicketkeeper.
He also won the top Junior batsman at the Doncaster Cricket Club for
the third year in a row.
Well Done Rafael!
Material supplied by Herb Epstein
Our New Coffee Shop
We, the members of the NEJC, have given ourselves a magnificent
Rosh-Hashanah present: A Spanking, Brand New Coffee Shop; with a Modern
Kitchen, an inbuilt projector and screen as well as two powerful air-conditions.
On extremely hot days we can now relocate to the coffee shop for our Shabbat
If you have any books (Hebrew or English, Magazines, Ornaments, Paintings,
Cushions or anything else which you thing might enhance our new coffee shop and
make it more cosy they will be
The Coffee Shop is to be enjoyed by all.
Meanwhile Shana Tova
Michael Katzew
Women’s CirCle event—For
the Love of Food
Some photos courtesy of : Ben Sztypel,&
Ed Berson