Differentiated Stories for Reading Comprehension Practice


Differentiated Stories for Reading Comprehension Practice
Differentiated Stories
for Reading
Meet Miss Parker
Robbie and Ben were walking to school. Ben was
dressed in all green for St. Patrick’s Day. He loved this
holiday. Robbie didn’t like it much. He wore jeans and a tshirt. “Do you think a leprechaun snuck into our school?” Ben
asked. “No way! They are not real,” Robbie said. But Ben
believes. He thinks he saw a leprechaun before.
Soon, Robbie and Ben got to school. Robbie walked
to his seat. He saw a small gold coin on his desk. It had a
shamrock on it. He looked at it. It glistened in the light.
Robbie’s eyes opened wide. He smiled. “Could it be?” he
wondered. He put the coin in his pocket. He didn’t want
anyone to see it.
After school, Robbie told Ben
about the coin a leprechaun left him. When
he got home, he changed out of his jeans
and t-shirt and put on an all green outfit.
Robbie and Ben were walking to school. Ben was
dressed in all green for St. Patrick’s Day. He loved this
holiday. Robbie didn’t like it much. He wore jeans and a t-shirt.
“Do you think a leprechaun snuck into our school?” Ben asked.
“No way! They aren’t real.” Robbie said. But Ben believes. He
thinks he saw a leprechaun before.
Soon, Robbie and Ben got to school. As Robbie
walked towards his seat, he noticed a small, shimmering gold
coin on the corner of his desk. It had a shamrock in the
center. Robbie’s eyes widened and he smiled. “Could it be?”
he wondered. He looked at the coin and tilted it back and
forth. He watched as it glistened in the light. He tucked the
coin deep into his pocket before anyone could see it.
After school, Robbie told Ben
about the coin a leprechaun left him. When
Robbie got home, he changed out of his
jeans and t-shirt and into an all green outfit
Robbie and Ben were walking to school. Ben was
dressed from head to toe in green for St. Patrick’s Day. Ben
loved this holiday. Robbie, however, didn’t like it much. Robbie
wore jeans and a t-shirt like usual.
“Do you think a leprechaun snuck into our school?”
Ben asked excitedly.
“No way,” Robbie replied, “Leprechauns aren’t real.”
Ben believes in leprechauns because he thinks he saw
one before.
Shortly after, Robbie and Ben arrived at school. As
Robbie walked towards his seat, he noticed a small, shimmering
gold coin on the corner of his desk. It had a shamrock in the
center. Robbie’s eyes widened and he smiled.
“Could it be?” he wondered.
Robbie tilted the coin back and forth and watched as
it glistened in the light. He looked at the coin for another moment
then tucked it deep into his pocket before
anyone could see it.
After school, Robbie told Ben all
about the gold coin a leprechaun left him.
When Robbie got home, he changed out of his
jeans and t-shirt and into an all green outfit.
1. Why does Robbie wear jeans and a t-shirt in the beginning?
_____ a. He doesn’t like the color green.
_____ b. He forgot it was St. Patrick’s Day.
_____ c. He doesn’t like St. Patrick’s Day much.
What does the word glistened mean in this story?
_____ a. changed colors
_____ b. sparkled
_____ c. moved
Why does Robbie put the coin in his pocket?
_____ a. He doesn’t want to lose it.
_____ b. He doesn’t want anyone to see it.
_____ c. He didn’t want his teacher to take it away.
4. How does Robbie feel after he finds the coin at his desk?
_____ a. nervous
_____ b. embarrassed
_____ c. excited and curious
Why do you think Robbie changed into green clothes?
_____ a. He believes in leprechauns and likes the holiday now.
_____ b. His jeans and t-shirt were itchy.
_____ c. Ben told him he should wear green.
1. In the beginning, why does Robbie wear jeans and a t-shirt
even though it is St. Patrick’s Day? ___________________
2. How does Robbie feel after he finds the coin at his desk?
How do you know?______________________________
3. What does the word glistened mean in this story?
4. Why does Robbie put the coin in his pocket?___________
5. Think about the story. Color the top hat
detail is true. Color the top hat
if the
if the detail is false.
6. Why do you think Robbie changed into green clothes in the
end? ________________________________________
7. Do you think Robbie will wear jeans and a t-shirt next St.
Patrick’s Day? Why or why not? ____________________
It was a great day for fishing. Matt and his dad
went to the pond. They took their bucket of bait and
fishing poles. Today is the fishing contest. The biggest fish
wins the prize. Matt put a worm on his hook. He dropped
his line in the water. They waited for a fish, but no fish
came. Matt and his dad got worried. The contest was
almost over. They did not have a fish to enter.
Suddenly, Matt felt a tug on his line. “Look,”
Matt yelled, “I see a fish on the line!”. The fish jumped in
and out of the water. Matt and his dad worked hard to
reel it in. “We did it!” they shouted. It was the biggest fish.
It was 20 pounds! They won the
contest. The prize was new fishing
poles. “Time to head home for a fish
dinner,” said Matt. He gave his dad a
It was a great day for fishing. Matt and his dad
went down to the pond with their bucket of bait and fishing
poles. Today is the fishing contest. The biggest fish wins the
prize. Matt and his dad walked down the dock. Matt
wrapped a worm around his hook and dropped his line in the
water. They waited for a fish, but no fish came. Matt and
his dad began to get worried. The contest was almost over
and they still didn’t have a fish to enter.
Suddenly, Matt felt a tug on his line. He leaped to
his feet. “Look, Matt yelled, “I see a fish on our line!”. The
fish jumped in and out of the water. Matt and his dad
worked hard to reel it in. “We did it!” they shouted excitedly.
It was the biggest fish of the day. It weighed
twenty pounds. Matt and his dad won the
contest. The prize was new fishing poles.
“Time to head home for our fish dinner,”
Matt said as he gave his dad a high-five.
It was a great day for fishing. Matt and his dad went
down to the pond with their bucket of bait and fishing poles.
Today is the fishing contest. The biggest fish wins the prize. Matt
and his dad walked down the dock and found a spot on the end.
Matt quickly got to work wrapping a worm around his hook.
After he set up the bait, he dropped his line in the water. They
waited for a fish, but saw no signs of any fish nearby.
As more time passed, Matt and his dad began to get
worried. The contest was almost over and they still didn’t have a
fish to enter. Suddenly, Matt felt a tug on his line. He leaped up
to his feet and spotted a fish in the distance jumping in and out
of the water.
“Look,” Matt yelled, “there’s a big fish on our line!”
Matt and his dad held tight on their pole. They pulled
and pulled until they reeled in the fish.
“We caught the fish,” they shouted excitedly.
It was the biggest fish of the day
weighing in at twenty pounds. Matt and his
dad won the contest and were given new
fishing poles for winning.
“Time to head home for a
freshly cooked fish dinner,” Matt said as he
gave his dad a high-five.
Who are the characters in this story?
_____ a. Matt
_____ b. the pond
_____ c. Matt and his dad
How do you
_____ a.
_____ b.
_____ c.
What does Matt use for bait on his hook?
_____ a. a worm
_____ b. a fish
_____ c. fish food
win the fishing contest?
catch the most fish
catch the biggest fish
catch the best looking fish
4. Why did Matt and his dad get worried in this story?
_____ a. Matt and his dad didn’t catch many fish.
_____ b. The fish they caught was small.
_____ c. The contest was almost over and they still did
not have a fish.
5. What prize do they get for winning?
_____ a. freshly cooked dinner
_____ b. new fishing poles
_____ c. new fishing reels
1. Who are the characters in this story?_________________
2. What is the setting of this story? ____________________
3. How do you win the big fishing contest? ______________
4. Why do Matt and his dad get worried in this story? ______
5. Where in the story do their feelings change?___________
5. Read each sentence. Put the number of the sentence on the
correct fishing hat.
1. Matt put a worm on his hook to use for bait.
2. Matt and his dad went fishing from their boat.
3. Matt and his dad won the fishing contest.
4. Their fish weighed 25 pounds.
5. Matt and his dad’s prize is new reels.
6. They headed home for a freshly cooked fish dinner
6. What is another good title for this story? Circle your answer.
Rachel loves ducks. She reads books about ducks.
She draws pictures of them too. Her favorite thing is to
feed the ducks at the pond. She goes every Saturday with
her dad. She cleans the house to earn money for bread.
“Are you ready to go?” her dad asked. Rachel
had just finished her chores. She ran to the car. Her dad
took her to the store. Rachel counted her money. She had
enough to buy two bags of bread. Rachel paid for the
bread and they left to go to the pond.
Quack! Quack! “I can hear the ducks!” Rachel
said. Rachel sat on the brick wall by the pond. She opened
the bags of bread. Three ducks saw her. They swam up.
Rachel broke up the bread in little pieces. She
gave it to the ducks. They ate it all up. Rachel
can’t wait to come back again.
Rachel loves ducks. She reads books about ducks
and draws pictures of them too. Her favorite thing is to feed
the ducks at the pond. She goes every Saturday with her dad.
She cleans the house each week to earn money for bread.
“Are you ready to go?” her dad asked. Rachel had
just finished her chores. She ran outside to meet her dad in
the car so he could drive her to the store. When Rachel
arrived, she ran to the bread aisle. She counted her money
and saw she had enough to buy two bags of bread. Rachel
paid for the bread and then they left to go to the pond.
Quack! Quack! “I can hear the ducks!” Rachel said.
Rachel sat on the brick wall by the pond. She opened her
bags of bread. Three ducks saw her and swam up. Rachel
broke up the bread in little pieces. She gave
it to the ducks. They ate it all up. “I can’t wait
to come back again,” she told her dad.
Rachel loves ducks. She reads books about ducks and
draws pictures of them too. Her favorite thing though is to feed
the ducks at the pond. She goes every Saturday with her dad.
She cleans the house each week to earn money for bread to
feed to them.
“Rachel,” her dad yelled from the car, “are you ready
to go to the store?”
“I’m coming dad,” she answered. “I just need to wipe
down the kitchen counter.”
She gave the counter a quick wipe. She ran outside to
meet her dad in the car. When they arrived at the store, Rachel
ran right to the bread aisle. She counted her money and found
she had enough to buy two bags of bread. Rachel paid for the
bread and then she and her dad left to go to the pond.
Quack! Quack!
“I can hear the ducks!” Rachel said excitedly.
Rachel sat down on the edge of the brick wall by the
pond and opened her bags of bread. Three ducks saw her and
swam up close. Rachel broke up the bread in little pieces and
tossed it to the ducks. She watched as they dove
left and right to catch every last piece.
Soon both bags were empty and it was
time to leave. As they walked back to the car she
said, “I can’t wait to come back again!”
Which sentence describes Rachel’s feelings about ducks?
_____ a. She likes ducks, but thinks they are boring.
_____ b. She likes to draw ducks, but is afraid of them.
_____ c. She likes learning about ducks and feeding them.
What does Rachel do to get money for bread?
_____ a. She asks her dad.
_____ b. She cleans her house.
_____ c. She gets donations.
What happened after Rachel finished her chores?
_____ a. She went to the store with her dad.
_____ b. She went to the pond to feed the ducks.
_____ c. She went to the store with her mom.
4. How many bags of bread does Rachel buy?
_____ a. three
_____ b. two
_____ c. four
5. What is the best name for this story?
_____ a. Cleaning the House
_____ b. Bags of Bread
_____ c. Feeding the Ducks
1. Who is the main character of this story? Describe this
2. How does Rachel get money to buy bread for the ducks?
3. What happened after Rachel finished her chores?_______
4. When will Rachel go back to the pond again?
6. Good readers create pictures in their minds as they read.
Draw a picture of a part of the story that you could “see”
while you were reading.
Tell about what happened at this part of the story. _________
7. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
It was a warm spring day. The sun was shining.
The flowers were in bloom. Kayla was out playing in her
backyard. She heard a noise coming from a tree. She went
over to the tree. She looked up. Chirp! Chirp! Kayla saw
two bluebirds making a nest. The bluebirds flew back and
forth. They found grass, twigs, and mud to use in the nest.
Kayla watched for another minute then ran into
the house. She went to her room and got her camera. She
hung the camera around her neck. She climbed the tree
quietly. She didn’t want to alarm the birds. Inside the nest,
Kayla saw a little egg. Click! She snapped a picture and
climbed down. The next day, Kayla
took the picture to school. She told
her friends all about her new
neighbors, the bluebirds.
It was a warm spring day. The sun was shining and
the flowers were in bloom. Kayla was outside playing in her
backyard. She heard a noise coming from a nearby tree. She
went over to the tree and looked up. Chirp! Chirp! Kayla saw
two bluebirds making a nest. The bluebirds flew back and
forth finding grass, twigs, and mud for the nest.
Kayla watched for another minute then ran into the
house. She went to her room and got her camera from her
desk drawer. She hung the camera around her neck and
raced back outside. Kayla climbed the tree quietly. She didn’t
want to alarm the birds. Inside the nest Kayla saw a little egg.
Click! She snapped a picture and climbed back down the tree.
The next day, Kayla took
the picture to school. She told her
friends all about her new neighbors,
the bluebirds.
It was a warm spring day. The sun was shining and
the flowers were in full bloom. Kayla was outside playing in
her backyard when she heard a noise coming from a
nearby tree. She went over to the tree and looked up
between the branches. Chirp! Chirp! Kayla saw two
bluebirds making a nest. The bluebirds flew back and forth
finding grass, twigs, and mud to use in the nest.
Kayla watched for another minute then ran into
the house. She went to her room and dug out her camera
from her desk drawer. She hung the camera around her
neck and raced back outside. Kayla climbed the tree quietly
so she didn’t alarm the birds. She only needed to climb up a
few branches to see inside the nest. When Kayla glanced
over into the nest she could see a little egg inside. Click! She
snapped a picture and climbed back down the tree.
The following day, Kayla took
the picture to school. She told her
friends all about her new neighbors, the
What did the bluebirds use to make their nest?
_____ a. grass, twigs, and mud
_____ b. grass and twigs
_____ c. mud and twigs
Why did Kayla climb the tree?
_____ a. to get some exercise
_____ b. she heard a noise in the tree
_____ c. to take a picture of the nest
What does the word alarm mean in this story?
_____ a. to pet
_____ b. to scare
_____ c. to make a loud noise
4. What did
Kayla see inside the nest?
a. her camera
b. the bluebirds
c. a little egg
5. What is the best name for this story?
_____ a. What’s That Noise?
_____ b. Kayla’s Camera
_____ c. The New Neighbors
1. Describe the setting of this story.____________________
2. Why does Kayla go over to the tree in the beginning?_____
3. What were the bluebirds doing in the tree?_____________
4. What happened after Kayla saw the bluebirds in the tree?
5. What does the word alarm mean in this story?
6. What happened the next day at school?_______________
7. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
8. Read each sentence. If the detail is true, color the camera
. If the detail is false, color the camera
Madison watched the birds fly by her window.
“Where do the birds live?” she asked her dad. “They
live in a nest in the trees,” he said. Madison wanted the
birds to live close to her house. She asked her dad to
help her make a birdhouse for the yard.
Madison and her dad got started. They used
wood from the garage to make it. After the birdhouse
was assembled, Madison painted it purple.
Madison and her dad went to the store. They
got peanut butter and birdseed. They put it in the
birdhouse. After, they stood the birdhouse in the yard.
“Look!” Madison yelled. “The birds love their
new home!” She watched as the birds
came and went. Madison smiled and
gave her dad a big hug.
Madison watched the birds fly by her window.
“Where do the birds live?” she asked her dad. “They live in a
nest high in the trees,” he answered her. Madison wanted the
birds to live close to her house though. She asked her dad to
help her build a birdhouse for the yard.
Madison and her dad began working on the
birdhouse. They used wood from the garage to build it. After
the birdhouse was assembled, Madison painted it purple.
Madison and her dad went to the store while the
paint dried. They bought peanut butter and birdseed. They
spread it all over the inside of the birdhouse. After, Madison
and her dad stood the birdhouse in the yard. Soon the birds
flew over to it. “Look!” Madison yelled. “The birds love their
new home!” She watched as the birds came
and went. She smiled then leaned over and
gave her dad a big hug.
Madison sat by the kitchen window and watched as
the birds flew by.
“Where do the birds live?” she asked her dad.
“They live in a nest high in the trees,” he answered.
Madison didn’t want the birds to live so far though.
She wanted the birds to live nearby, in a home right in her
backyard. She thought for a minute and an idea came to her.
“Would you help me build a birdhouse for our yard
Dad?” she asked.
Madison’s dad was excited about her idea. They got
right to work building the perfect home for the birds. She and
her dad dug through the garage and found wood to build it.
After the birdhouse was assembled, Madison painted it purple.
Madison and her dad went to the store while the paint
dried. They bought peanut butter and birdseed then spread it all
over the interior of the birdhouse. With everything dry and the
peanut butter and birdseed inside, Madison and her dad carried
the birdhouse outside and stood it in up in the backyard. Within a
few minutes, the birds flew over to the birdhouse.
“Look!” Madison yelled. “The birds
love their new home!”
She watched as the birds came
and went. She smiled then leaned over and
gave her dad a big hug.
Why did
Madison want to build a birdhouse?
a. She wanted to learn how to build things.
b. She wanted the birds to live close to her house.
c. It was her school project.
What did Madison and her dad use for the birdhouse?
_____ a. wood, paint, peanut butter and birdseed
_____ b. cardboard, glue, birdseed
_____ c. peanut butter, paint, and glue
What does the word assembled mean in this story?
_____ a. painted
_____ b. taken apart
_____ c. put together
4. What happened at the end of the story?
_____ a. The birds ate up all of the birdseed.
_____ b. The birds did not come to the birdhouse.
_____ c. The birds loved their new home.
5. How does Madison feel at the end of the story?
_____ a. silly
_____ b. happy
_____ c. tired
1. Think about the story. What was this story mostly about?
2. Why does Madison want to build a birdhouse?__________
3. What 4 materials did Madison and her dad use for the
3. What does the word assembled mean in this story?______
4. What color does Madison paint her birdhouse?_________
5. Why do Madison and her dad go to the store? __________
6. Using your own words, tell about what happened in the end
of this story.____________________________________
7. How does Madison feel at the end of this story? How do
you know?_____________________________________
8. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be?
Today it’s raining. Megan and Sam want to play in
the puddles. Their mom would not be happy if they got wet.
They went to find hats, rain boots, and raincoats to keep
dry. “Where are my rain boots?” Sam asked. Megan helped
her brother look. They rummaged through his room, but did
not see them. Sam was sad. He could not go outside
without them. “I know what to do!” Megan said. Megan ran
to her room. She got her other pair of rain boots. She
gave them to Sam. “Thanks Megan,” he said happily.
Megan and Sam ran outside. They jumped up and
down in the puddles. The water went everywhere. Splish!
Splash! They both laughed. Soon Megan and Sam were
tired so they went home. They
opened the door and saw hot soup
on the table. “Yummy!” they said.
Today it’s raining. Megan and Sam want to play in the
puddles. Their mom would not be happy though if they got wet.
They went to find hats, rain boots, and raincoats to keep dry.
“Where are my rain boots?” Sam asked. Megan helped her
brother look. They rummaged through his room, but could not
find them. Sam was sad. He knew he couldn’t go outside
without them. “I know what to do!” Megan said. She ran to her
room and found another pair of her rain boots, then gave
them to Sam. “Thanks Megan,” he said happily.
Megan and Sam ran outside and jumped up and down
in the puddles. The water went everywhere. Splish! Splash!
Megan and Sam laughed as they stomped in the puddles. Soon
they got very tired so they went
home. When they opened the door
they saw hot soup on the table.
“Yummy!” they said.
Today it’s raining and Megan and Sam want to splash in
the puddles. They ran to find their mom and ask her.
“Can we play out in the puddles Mom?” Sam asked.
“Pretty please,” Megan begged.
“Ok,” their mom replied, “but I won’t be happy if you
get yourselves all wet.”
After promising to not get wet, Megan and Sam ran
off to find their hats, rain boots, and raincoats to keep dry.
“Where are my rain boots?” Sam yelled from his room.
Megan got dressed then went to help her brother find
his rain boots. Together they rummaged through his room, but
couldn’t find the boots. Sam was sad. He knew he couldn’t go
outside without them. Suddenly, Megan had an idea. She ran to
her room and found another pair of her rain boots, then handed
them to her brother. Sam thanked his sister and happily slipped
his feet into the boots.
With both of them ready, Megan and Sam ran outside
and began jumping up and down in the puddles. The water flew
everywhere. Splish! Splash! Megan and
Sam laughed as they stomped in the
puddles. Shortly after, they got very
tired so they went home. When they
opened the door they saw hot soup on
the table. “Yummy!” they said.
What did Megan and Sam do to stay dray?
_____ a. tip-toed through the puddles
_____ b. stayed inside so their mom didn’t get mad
_____ c. wore rain gear
What was the problem in this story?
_____ a. Megan and Sam got sick from the rain.
_____ b. Sam could not find his raincoat.
_____ c. Sam could not find his rain boots.
How was the problem solved?
_____ a. Megan and Sam ate hot soup to feel better.
_____ b. Megan let Sam use another pair of her boots.
_____ c. Megan gave Sam her boots and didn’t go out.
4. What was on the table when they got home?
_____ a. hot chocolate
_____ b. dry clothes
_____ c. hot soup
5. What is the best name for this story?
_____ a. Puddle Splashing Fun
_____ b. Don’t Make Mom Mad
_____ c. Yummy Hot Soup
1. What did Megan and Sam do to stay dry? ____________
2. What is the problem in this story? __________________
3. How was the problem solved? ____________________
4. What does the word rummaged mean in this story?
3. Think about the story. Color the raindrop
if the detail
is true. Put an X over the raindrop if it has a false detail.
6. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be?
7. What do you think would happen next if this story continued?
“Time to take out the special egg,” Abby said.
The special egg was Abby’s favorite. She had it since her
first Easter. It’s blue with pink hearts. Abby and her mom
put it in the window every year. The Easter Bunny puts a
note by it for Abby.
Abby’s mom opened the box. “Oh no!” she
yelled. The special egg was broken. Abby held up the
pieces and cried. Abby and her mom put the egg in the
window anyways. Abby went to bed sad.
The next morning, Abby and her mom went to
the window. “The egg is fixed!” Abby yelled. She smiled.
Her mom could not believe her eyes. A note sat by the
egg. “Dear Abby,” it said, “I am glad I packed my super
glue. I knew it would come in handy. Happy
Easter! Love, the Easter Bunny.” Abby
hugged the note.
“Time to take out the special egg,” Abby said. The
special egg was Abby’s favorite. She had it since her first
Easter. It’s blue with pink hearts. Abby and her mom display
it in the window every year. The Easter Bunny always puts a
note by it for Abby.
Abby’s mom opened the box that held the special
egg. “Oh no,” she yelled, “the special egg is broken!” Abby
held up the pieces and began to cry. Abby and her mom
decided to put the egg in the window anyways. Abby was
still upset when she went off to bed.
The next morning, Abby and her mom woke up and
went to the window. “The egg is fixed!” Abby yelled. She
smiled. Her mom could not believe her eyes. A note sat next
to the egg. “Dear Abby,” it said, “I am glad I
packed my super glue. I knew it would come
in handy. Happy Easter! Love, the Easter
Bunny.” Abby hugged the note.
“Time to take out the special egg,” Abby yelled.
The special egg was Abby’s favorite. She had it since
her first Easter. The egg has a powder blue color with pink
hearts. Every year, Abby and her mom display it in the window.
The Easter Bunny always leaves a note by the special egg for
Abby to read on Easter morning.
Abby’s mom took out the box with the special egg
and opened it carefully.
“Oh no,” she shouted, “the special egg is broken!”
Abby peered inside the box, held up the pieces, and
immediately began to cry. Even though the egg was in pieces,
Abby and her mom decided to put the egg in the window
anyways. Abby was still upset when she went off to bed.
The next morning, Abby and her mom awoke and
went over to the window.
“The egg is fixed!” Abby said shockingly.
Abby smiled from ear to ear and her mom couldn’t
believe her eyes either. The egg was back together without any
sign it was ever broken. Abby’s attention quickly turned to the
note that was sitting by the egg. She lifted the
note and began reading. “Dear Abby,” it said,
“I’m glad I packed my super glue. I knew it
would come in handy. Happy Easter! Love, the
Easter Bunny.” Abby hugged the note tightly.
What does Abby’s special egg look like?
_____ a. pink with blue hearts
_____ b. blue with pink hearts
_____ c. pink and blue stripes
What happened when Abby’s mom opened the box?
_____ a. She squeezed the egg and it broke.
_____ b. She dropped the box and broke the egg.
_____ c. The special egg was already broken in the box.
What happened after they found the egg was broken?
_____ a. The put it in the window anyways.
_____ b. They left a note for the Easter Bunny to tell him.
_____ c. Abby got mad and went to bed.
4. What happened that surprised Abby and her mom?
_____ a. The Easter Bunny took their special egg.
_____ b. The special egg was fixed in the window.
_____ c. The special egg was moved to the kitchen.
5. What did the Easter Bunny use to fix the special egg?
_____ a. super glue
_____ b. tape
_____ c. a hot glue gun
1. Why is the special egg “special” to Abby and her mom?
2. How does Abby feel when her mom opened the box? Why
does Abby feel that way? __________________________
3. Where do Abby’s feelings change? Use evidence from the text.
4. Why are Abby and her mom surprised?______________
5. In the Easter Bunny’s note, he said that he knew the super
glue would come in handy. What does handy mean?
6. Think about the story’s order of events. Color the eggs
using the code below to retell the story.
Lily and her family go to the carnival every
April. “Are we there yet?” Lily asked her mom. She
bounced up and down in her seat. She was very antsy.
She could not wait to go on the rides.
Soon Lily and her family arrived. Lily and her
little brother Ben went on the spinning cups first. Zoom!
Zoom! The cup spun around and around. “Whoa, I am
dizzy,” Ben said after the ride stopped. They got off and
went to find the cotton candy stand. They ate all of the
cotton candy off of the sticks.
After, Ben and Lily went to the basketball game.
Ben shot the ball. He missed. “Aw, I wanted the monster
toy,” he said sadly. Lily gave it a try next.
Swish! It went in! Lily won a prize. She
got the monster toy and gave it to her
little brother. Ben smiled all the way home.
Lily and her family go to the carnival every April.
“Are we there yet?” Lily asked her mom as she bounced up
and down in her seat. She was very antsy. She was excited
and couldn’t wait to go on the rides.
Soon Lily and her family arrived. Lily and her little
brother Ben raced over to the spinning cups first. Zoom!
Zoom! The cup spun around and around. “Whoa, I’m dizzy,”
Ben said after the ride stopped. They got off and went to
find the nearest cotton candy stand. They ate every last bite
of cotton candy off their cardboard sticks.
Ben and Lily finished eating then went over to the
basketball game. Ben stood at the line and shot the ball. He
missed. “Aw, I really wanted the monster
toy,” he said sadly. Lily gave it a try next.
Swish! The ball went in! Lily won a prize.
She picked out the monster toy and gave it
to Ben. He smiled all the way home.
Lily and her family go to the carnival every year in
April. “Are we there yet?” Lily asked her mom as she bounced
up and down in her seat. She was very antsy. She was excited
and couldn’t wait to go on the rides.
Soon Lily and her family arrived at the carnival. Lily’s
parents got tickets for her and her little brother Ben to go on
the rides. Lily and Ben raced over to the spinning cups first.
Zoom! Zoom! The cup spun around and around.
“Whoa, I’m dizzy,” Ben said once the ride stopped.
They got off the ride and went to find the nearest
cotton candy stand. They ate every last bite of cotton candy
off their cardboard sticks.
After Ben and Lily finished eating, they went over to
the basketball game. Ben stood at the line, aimed his shot, and
then released the ball. It hit the rim then bounced out.
“Aw, I really wanted to win that
monster toy,” he said sadly.
Lily gave it a try next. Swish! The
ball went right through the net. She picked
out the monster toy for her prize and gave it
to Ben. He smiled the whole way home.
When do Lily and her family go to the carnival?
_____ a. April
_____ b. May
_____ c. August
What does the word antsy mean in this story?
_____ a. impatient
_____ b. patient
_____ c. scared
What happened after they went on the spinning cups?
_____ a. Lily and Ben went to the basketball game.
_____ b. Lily and Ben got cotton candy.
_____ c. It was time for Lily and Ben to go home.
4. What happened when Ben played the basketball game?
_____ a. The ball went in the basket.
_____ b. He let Lily shoot the ball for him.
_____ c. Ben missed the shot.
5. Which sentence best describes Lily?
_____ a. Lily is mean to her little brother.
_____ b. Lily is a good sister to Ben.
_____ c. Lily likes to do things alone.
1. Who are the characters in this story? ________________
2. What is the setting of this story? ____________________
3. What does antsy mean in this story? Circle your answer.
4. Tell what happened first, next, then, and last in the story.
5. How does Ben feel after he played the basketball game?
Why does he feel that way? _______________________
6. Where in the story does Ben’s feelings change? How do
you know? ____________________________________
7. How would you describe Lily? ____________________
Jack planned the perfect surprise. He would
make a card and a cake. “I can’t wait for Mom to see!” he
said. The cake was in the oven. Jack went outside to make
his card. He drew a big heart on the paper and wrote “I
Love You!”. DING! The cake was done. Jack took out the
cake then smeared chocolate frosting on top.
“I’m home!” yelled his mom. Jack held the cake
and turned to surprise his mom. BOOM! The cake flew to
the floor. “Oh no!” Jack cried. Jack was sad. His mom
knew what to do. She picked up some cake off the floor
and threw it at Jack. “Got you!” she laughed. Jack
giggled. They ran around the kitchen. They laughed and
threw cake at each other. “This Mother’s Day is perfect,”
his mom said. Jack smiled. He licked the
frosting off his fingers. “Yum, I think so
too!” he said.
Jack planned the perfect surprise. He would make
his mom a card and a cake. “I can’t wait for Mom to see!”
he said. The cake was baking in the oven. Jack went outside
to make his card. He drew a big heart and wrote “I Love
You!” in the heart. Just as he finished his card, DING went
the oven. Jack took the cake out of the oven then smeared
chocolate frosting on top.
“I’m home!” yelled his mom. Jack held the cake
and turned to surprise his mom. BOOM! The cake flew to
the floor. “Oh no!” Jack cried. Jack was sad. His mom
knew what to do. She picked up some cake off the floor
and threw it at Jack. “Got you!” she laughed. Jack giggled.
They ran around the kitchen laughing and throwing cake at
each other. “This Mother’s Day is perfect,” his mom said.
Jack smiled. He licked the frosting off his
fingers and said, “Yum, I think so too!”
Jack planned the perfect Mother’s Day surprise. He
would make his mom a card and a cake.
“I can’t wait for Mom to see!” he said.
Jack got the cake ready and put it in the oven. While
it baked, he went outside to make his card. He drew a big heart
on the paper and wrote “I Love You!” inside the heart. Just as
he finished his card, he heard the DING from the oven. Jack
pulled the cake out of the oven then smeared chocolate frosting
all over the top.
“I’m home!” yelled his mom from the front hallway.
Jack held out the cake and turned to surprise his
mom. BOOM! The cake went crashing to the floor. “Oh no!”
Jack cried. Jack was so upset, but his mom knew what to do.
She picked up some cake off the floor and threw it at Jack.
“Got you!” she laughed.
“Hahaha,” Jack giggled.
Jack and his mom ran around the kitchen laughing and
throwing cake at each other. Jack had so much fun that he
forgot that the cake he worked so hard on just fell to the floor.
“This Mother’s Day is perfect,” his mom said.
Jack smiled then licked the
frosting off his fingers and said, “Yum, I
think so too!”
What was Jack’s perfect surprise?
_____ a. to make his mom a cake
_____ b. to make his mom a card
_____ c. to make his mom a cake and a card
What does Jack draw on his card?
_____ a. a smiley face
_____ b. a heart
_____ c. a picture of his mom
Why was Jack sad in this story?
_____ a. He burnt the cake.
_____ b. He didn’t have time to frost his cake.
_____ c. His cake dropped to the floor.
4. What did Jack’s mom do to cheer him up?
_____ a. She ate the cake anyways.
_____ b. She helped him bake another cake.
_____ c. She started a cake fight with him in the kitchen.
5. What is the best name for this story?
_____ a. Jack’s Mother’s Day Card
_____ b. The Perfect Mother’s Day
_____ c. The Chocolate Cake
1. Fill in the chart below by using evidence from the text.
2. Why do you think Jack’s mom still thinks it is a perfect
Mother’s Day? _________________________________
3. Read each sentence below. If the detail is true, color the
. If the detail is false, color the heart
4. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
Ben’s teacher gave the class an Earth Day
project. He must come up with a plan to help save earth.
His friend Emma had a plan to recycle. His friend Adam
had a plan to plant flowers. Everyone got to work but
Ben. “What will I do?” he worried. Ben was stumped.
“What’s wrong?” asked his mom. Ben told her
the problem. She helped him think of ideas. Suddenly, they
knew. Ben would help save earth by cleaning up his
school. Ben told his friends. They wanted to help too. They
all put on boots and gloves and began cleaning.
The children worked hard to pick up the litter.
They found soda cans and papers in the grass. They
cleaned for a long time. “Hooray it’s
clean!” Ben cheered. “We are doing are
part, one piece of litter at a time!” Ben
said happily.
Ben’s teacher gave the class an Earth Day project.
He must come up with a plan to help save earth. His friends
Emma and Adam both already had their plans. Emma would
recycle and Adam would plant flowers. While his friends got
to work, Ben was still stumped. “What will I do?” he worried.
When Ben got home, his mom knew something was
bothering him. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Ben told her the
problem. She helped him think of ideas. Suddenly, they knew.
Ben would help save earth by cleaning up his school. Ben told
his friends and they wanted to help too. They all put on boots
and gloves and began cleaning.
The children worked hard to pick up the litter. They
found soda cans and papers in the grass. The children cleaned
until there was no trash left. “Hooray the
school is clean again,” Ben cheered. “We
are doing our part, one piece of litter at a
time!” Ben said happily.
Ben’s teacher gave the class an Earth Day project.
He must come up with a plan to help save earth. His friends
Emma and Adam both already had their plans. Emma’s plan
was to recycle and Adam’s plan was to plant flowers. While his
friends got to work, Ben was still stumped.
“What will I do?” he worried.
When Ben got home, his mom knew something was
bothering him.
“What’s wrong?” she asked concerned.
“I’m the only one without an idea for the project,” he
said, “and I’ve been thinking hard, but I’m still not sure.”
Ben’s mom sat down with him and helped him think of
ideas. Suddenly, they came up with an idea. Ben would help
save earth by cleaning up his school. Ben told his friends and
they wanted to help too. Everyone put on boots and gloves and
began cleaning. The children worked hard to pick up the litter.
They found soda cans and papers all over the grass. The
children cleaned until there was no trash left.
“Hooray the school is clean again,”
Ben cheered. “We’re doing our part, one
piece of litter at a time!”
What is Ben’s problem in this story?
_____ a. His friends wouldn’t help him clean the school.
_____ b. He couldn’t think of an idea to help save earth.
_____ c. His friends took his Earth Day idea.
How did he solve his problem?
_____ a. His mom helped him come up with an idea.
_____ b. His teacher helped him come up with an idea.
_____ c. His friends helped him come up with an idea.
What does the word stumped mean in this story?
_____ a. angry
_____ b. tired
_____ c. confused
4. What do
the children find in the grass?
a. paper
b. juice boxes
c. soda cans and paper
5. How do you
_____ a.
_____ b.
_____ c.
think Ben felt at the end of the story?
He felt proud that he helped save earth.
He felt tired after all of that cleaning.
He felt angry that he had to clean his school.
1. What is the problem in this story?___________________
2. How is the problem solved? ______________________
3. What is Ben’s plan to help save earth?_______________
4. What happened when Ben told his friends about his plan?
5. What did Ben and his friends find in the schoolyard?
6. What does stumped mean in this story? Circle your answer.
7. How did Ben feel in the beginning of the story? How did he
feel in the end? Use evidence from the text to explain.
Kate and her family planned a picnic at the park.
It was a perfect spring day for it. The sun was out. The
breeze was just right. Kate and her mom made
sandwiches. Kate wanted a peanut butter and jelly.
“Crunchy peanut butter please,” she told her mom. Her
brother Zac wanted ham and cheese, his favorite. After,
the family loaded in the car. They left for the park.
Kate and Zac played on the swings and rode
bikes. Soon it was lunchtime. Kate and Zac put out the
blanket. They opened the picnic basket. They saw holes in
the sandwiches. “Who has been munching on our lunch?”
Zac said. Kate picked up her sandwich. She saw ants. “I
think the ants were a little hungry too,”
she said. They all laughed. “Next time
we picnic we will wrap the food,”
Mom said.
Kate and her family planned a picnic at the park. It
was a perfect spring day for it. The sun was shining. The
breeze was just right. Kate and her mom made sandwiches to
bring. Kate wanted a peanut butter and jelly. “Crunchy
peanut butter please,” she told her mom. Her brother Zac
wanted ham and cheese, his favorite. Once the lunches were
packed, the family loaded in the car and drove to the park.
Kate and Zac played on the swings and rode their
bikes. Before long, it was lunchtime. Kate and Zac put out the
blanket then opened the opened basket. They looked inside
and saw holes in their sandwiches. “Who has been munching
on our lunch?” Zac asked. Kate picked up her sandwich and
saw ants on the bottom of the basket. “I think the ants were
a little hungry too,” she said. They all
laughed. “Next time we picnic we will
wrap the food,” Mom said.
Kate and her family planned a picnic at the local park.
It was a perfect spring day for it. The sun was shining and the
breeze was just right. Kate and her mom made sandwiches to
bring for lunch. Kate wanted a peanut butter and jelly.
“Crunchy peanut butter please,” she requested.
Her brother Zac wanted ham and cheese, his
favorite. Once the lunches were packed, the family loaded in
the car and they drove to the park.
The family hadn’t even been there five minutes
before Kate and Zac ran off to play on the swings and ride
bikes. After just a short time playing, their mom called them over
to eat.
“Kate and Zac,” she shouted, “time for lunch!”
The children ran back and laid the blanket out flat on
the ground. When they opened the picnic basket and looked
inside, they saw holes in their sandwiches.
“Who has been munching on our lunch?” Zac asked.
Kate picked up her sandwich and noticed ants on the
bottom of the basket.
“I think the ants were a little
hungry too,” she said.
They all laughed.
“Next time we picnic we will
wrap the food,” Mom said.
What is the setting of this story?
_____ a. a campsite
_____ b. the backyard
_____ c. the park
What kind of sandwich does Kate want for lunch?
_____ a. peanut butter and jelly
_____ b. ham and cheese
_____ c. peanut butter and fluff
What happened after Kate and her family got to the park?
_____ a. They laid out the blanket.
_____ b. Kate and Zac rode bikes and went on the swings.
_____ c. The family opened the picnic basket to eat.
4. Who were the picnic guests?
_____ a. Kate’s friends
_____ b. beetles
_____ c. ants
5. What will Kate’s family do next time they picnic?
_____ a. eat at the picnic table
_____ b. bring a cooler to keep the guests out
_____ c. wrap the food
1. Describe the setting of this story. __________________
2. Who were the picnic guests?______________________
3. What happened when the family opened the picnic basket?
4. What will Kate and her family do next time they picnic?
5. What does the word munching mean in this story?
5. Read each sentence. Put the number of the sentence on the
correct picnic basket.
1. Kate and her family went to a campsite for their picnic.
2. It was a perfect summer day.
3. Kate asked for crunchy peanut butter.
4. Zac wanted a ham and cheese sandwich.
5. Kate and her family found holes in their sandwiches.
6. Kate and Zac rode bikes and went swimming.
6. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
Kelsey had her friends Ben and Julia over to play.
They were outside on Kelsey’s swing set. Kelsey’s mom
poked her head out the door. “I am going for a walk,” she
said. “Your dad is upstairs and the puppy is inside.”
Soon Kelsey’s mom came back from her walk.
She looked in the kitchen. She was stunned. “What a mess!”
she yelled. The cookies were missing from the table. The
milk was spilled over on the floor too. Kelsey’s mom went
to the backyard. Kelsey and her friends were still on the
swings. “We did not make the mess,” Kelsey said. Her dad
said no too. Suddenly, they heard a noise.
Max, the puppy, came around the couch. He
was covered in milk and cookie crumbs. “Oh
Max,” Kelsey laughed, “I guess you are the
Kelsey had her friends Ben and Julia over to play.
They were outside on the swing set in the backyard. Kelsey’s
mom poked her head out the door. “I’m going for a walk,”
she said. “Your dad is upstairs and the puppy is inside.”
When Kelsey’s mom got back from her walk, she
was stunned. The cookies were missing from the table and
the milk spilled over on the floor. “What a mess!” she
hollered. Kelsey’s mom went to the backyard to ask her
about the mess. Kelsey and her friends were still on the
swings. “We did not make the mess,” Kelsey said. Her dad
said he was upstairs the whole time.
Suddenly, they heard a noise. Max, the
puppy, came around the couch covered in
milk and cookie crumbs. “Oh Max,” Kelsey
laughed, “I guess you are the culprit!”
Kelsey had her friends Ben and Julia over to play.
They were outside on the swing set in the backyard when
Kelsey’s mom poked her head out the door.
“I’m going for a walk around the block,” she said.
“Your dad is upstairs and the puppy is inside.”
When Kelsey’s mom got back from her walk, she
was stunned by the sight of the kitchen. The cookies were
missing from the table and the milk was spilled all over floor.
“What a mess!” she hollered.
Kelsey’s mom went to the backyard to ask her
about the mess left in the kitchen. Kelsey and her friends
were still on the swings.
“We didn’t make the mess,” Kelsey said.
Kelsey’s dad came downstairs to see what
“I’ve been upstairs the whole time,”
her dad explained, “so it wasn’t me.”
Suddenly, they heard a noise. Max,
the puppy, came around the couch covered
in milk and cookie crumbs.
“Oh Max,” Kelsey laughed, “I guess
you’re the culprit!”
Where did Kelsey’s mom go?
_____ a. to the store
_____ b. for a walk
_____ c. upstairs to her room
What does the word stunned mean in this story?
_____ a. angry
_____ b. scared
_____ c. shocked
Who made the mess?
_____ a. Kelsey and her friends
_____ b. Kelsey’s dad
_____ c. Max, the puppy
4. What is this story mostly about?
_____ a. The puppy, Max, being hungry
_____ b. Kelsey having her friends over to play
_____ c. Someone making a mess in the house
5. Why did the author write this story?
_____ a. to persuade
_____ b. to entertain
_____ c. to inform
1. Think about the story. What was this story mostly about?
2. When did the mess happen?______________________
3. Describe the mess that Kelsey’s mom saw in the kitchen?
4. What were Kelsey and her friends doing while the mess
was made?____________________________________
5. What was the surprise in the end?__________________
6. What does stunned mean in this story? Circle your answer.
7. Which choice best describes what a culprit is. Circle the answer.
8. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be?
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
There are about 5,000 kinds of ladybugs. Not all
ladybugs have spots. It’s true! Some have stripes. Others
are plain. Ladybugs are not only red either. They can be
orange or yellow too.
Their bright color helps keep them safe. It tells
predators that ladybugs are not tasty. It warns them they
could be poisonous. When ladybugs feel threatened, they
let out a smelly fluid from their legs. Birds, frogs, and
spiders eat ladybugs.
Ladybugs eat small plant-eating insects called
aphids. Ladybugs eat about 50 aphids a day! Ladybugs eat
mostly from spring to fall. When the winter comes, aphids
are harder to find so ladybugs will hibernate. This means
they sleep until it gets warmer. Ladybugs hibernate in logs,
under rocks, and in houses. If you find one in
your house, don’t kill it. People say ladybugs
are good luck.
There are about 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs.
Not all ladybugs have spots. Believe it or not, it’s true! Some
ladybugs have stripes and others are plain. Ladybugs are not
only red either. Ladybugs can be orange or yellow also.
Being brightly colored helps protect ladybugs. The
bright color warns predators that ladybugs aren’t tasty, and
may even be poisonous. When ladybugs feel threatened, they
let out a smelly fluid from their legs. Birds, frogs, and spiders
are known predators of ladybugs.
Ladybugs eat small plant-eating insects called aphids.
Ladybugs eat about 50 aphids a day! Ladybugs eat mostly
from spring to fall. As the winter nears, aphids are harder to
find. Therefore, ladybugs will hibernate. This means they sleep
until it gets warmer. Ladybugs hibernate in logs, under rocks,
and in houses. If you find one in your house,
don’t kill it. People say ladybugs are good luck.
There are about 5,000 different species of
ladybugs. Not all species of ladybugs have spots. Believe it or
not, it’s true! Ladybugs can be spotted, striped, or not have any
markings at all. Ladybugs are not only red either. Ladybugs can
be orange or yellow, as well.
Being brightly colored helps protect ladybugs. The
bright color warns predators such as birds, frogs and spiders,
that ladybugs aren’t tasty, and may even be poisonous. When
ladybugs feel threatened, they release a smelly fluid from the
joints of their legs. The strong smell is meant to be an additional
warning to predators that the ladybug won’t be a tasty meal.
Ladybugs, on the other hand, eat small plant-eating
insects called aphids. Ladybugs consume about 50 aphids a day!
Ladybugs eat mostly from spring to fall. As the winter nears
aphids are harder to find; therefore, ladybugs will hibernate.
This means they sleep until it gets warmer. Ladybugs hibernate
in logs, under rocks, and in houses. If you find
one in your house, don’t kill it. People say
ladybugs are good luck.
Besides red, what other colors can ladybugs be?
_____ a. orange
_____ b. orange and yellow
_____ c. orange and red
How many different kinds of ladybugs are there?
_____ a. 5,000
_____ b. 50
_____ c. 50,000
What happens when ladybugs feel threatened?
_____ a. They let out poison from their legs.
_____ b. They let out a smelly fluid from their legs.
_____ c. They attack the predator.
4. What does hibernate mean?
_____ a. to fly south for the winter
_____ b. to sleep until it warms up in spring
_____ c. to not sleep at all in the winter
5. Which is
NOT a predator of the ladybug?
a. birds
b. spiders
c. aphids
1. What colors can ladybugs be?
2. Do all ladybugs have spots? Explain. ________________
3. Why are ladybugs’ bright colors important? Use evidence
from the text to explain. __________________________
4. Describe what happens when a ladybug feels threatened?
5. What does the word threatened mean in this story?
6.Think about the story. Color the leaf
if the detail on
it is true. Put an X over the leaf if detail on it is false.
7. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
Do you know how rainbows are made? Rainbows
have seven colors. The colors are red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and violet. The seven colors stay in that
same order.
Sunlight is made up of those seven colors. We do
not see the colors though. This is because the colors mix
together. When the colors mix, sunlight looks white. We
only see the colors if there is a rainbow. We see rainbows
when it’s rainy and sunny at the same time. A rainbow is
made when sunlight shines through raindrops. It takes
millions of raindrops to see a rainbow.
You can make your own rainbow too. You need a
garden hose. Put your finger over the water. It will make
a mist. Point the hose at the sun.
Look in the mist for a rainbow!
Can you count all of the colors?
Do you know how rainbows are made? Rainbows
include seven colors. The colors are red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and violet. The seven colors always stay
in that same order.
Sunlight is made up of those seven colors. We
don’t see the colors though because the colors mix together.
When the colors mix, sunlight looks white. We only see the
colors if there’s a rainbow. We see rainbows when it’s rainy
and sunny at the same time. A rainbow is made when
sunlight shines through raindrops. It takes millions of
raindrops to see a rainbow in the sky.
Even though rainbows appear in the sky, you can
make a rainbow of your own too. All you need is a garden
hose. Put your finger over the water
to make a mist. Point the hose at the
sun. Look in the mist for a rainbow!
Can you count all of the colors?
Do you know how rainbows are made? Rainbows
include seven colors. The colors in a rainbow are red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The seven
colors always remain in that same order.
Rainbows include those colors because sunlight is
made up of those seven colors. We don’t normally see the
colors though because the colors mix together. When the
colors mix, sunlight appears white. The colors can only be
seen if there’s a rainbow. We see rainbows when it’s rainy
and sunny at the same time. A rainbow is made when
sunlight shines through raindrops. There must be millions of
raindrops in order to see a rainbow in the sky.
Even though rainbows appear in the sky, you can
make a rainbow of your own using a garden hose. Put your
finger over the water to make a
mist. Point the hose at the sun and
look in the mist for a rainbow! Can
you count all of the colors?
When can you see a rainbow?
_____ a. when it’s a hot day
_____ b. when it’s rainy and windy at the same time
_____ c. when it’s rainy and sunny at the same time
How is a rainbow made?
_____ a. when you make a wish
_____ b. when sunlight goes through raindrops
_____ c. when sunlight goes through clouds
How many colors are in a rainbow?
_____ a. six
_____ b. five
_____ c. seven
4. How many raindrops does it take to make a rainbow?
_____ a. thousands
_____ b. millions
_____ c. hundreds
5. Why did the author write this story?
_____ a. to persuade
_____ b. to entertain
_____ c. to inform
1. How is a rainbow made? ________________________
2. What type of weather is needed for a rainbow to appear?
3. Why don’t we see the colors of a rainbow all the time?
4. The colors in a rainbow are ______________ ,
_______________ , _______________ ,
____________ , _________________ ,
_______________ , and ______________.
6. Read the sentences below. Write the number of the
sentence on the correct cloud.
1. There are seven colors in a rainbow.
2. The colors in a rainbow never stay in the same order.
3. Sunlight is made up of only one color.
4. When the colors of a rainbow mix, sunlight looks white.
5. There must be billions of raindrops to see a rainbow.
7. What is paragraph 3 mostly about? ________________
8. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
Trees are important. People and animals need
trees to live. Trees give off oxygen. We breathe in oxygen
then breathe out a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas is
harmful to humans. Trees absorb, or soak up, carbon
dioxide into their leaves. Trees make it safe to breathe.
Trees are homes for many animals. Birds,
raccoons, and squirrels live in trees. Monkeys, koalas,
geckos, and tree frogs do too. Animals need trees for
protection too. Trees protect animals from the sun’s rays.
They keep animals safe from predators. A predator is an
animal that eats other animals for food.
People are cutting down trees. Forests
are cut down to make room for buildings and
roads. We use the wood for paper and
other items. Help save trees by doing your
part. Plant a tree. This makes sure we have
trees in the future.
Trees are important. People and animals need trees
to survive. Trees give off oxygen for us to breathe. We
breathe in the oxygen then breathe out a gas called carbon
dioxide. This gas is harmful to humans. Trees absorb, or soak
up, the carbon dioxide into their leaves. This makes it safe for
us to breathe.
Trees are homes for many animals. Birds, raccoons,
squirrels, monkeys, koalas, geckos, and tree frogs live in trees.
Animals also need trees for protection. Trees protect animals
from the sun’s rays. Trees keep animals safe from predators.
A predator is an animal that eats other animals for food.
We need trees, but people are cutting them
down. Forests are cut down to clear space for
buildings and roads. We use the wood for
paper and other items. It is important that
we help save the trees. Do your part by
planting a tree. This makes sure trees are
around in the future.
Trees are important for people and animals to
survive. Trees give off oxygen for us to breathe. We
breathe in the oxygen then breathe out a gas called carbon
dioxide. This gas is harmful to humans. Trees absorb, or soak
up, this gas into their leaves, making it safe for us to breathe.
Trees are homes for many kinds of animals. Birds,
raccoons, squirrels, monkeys, koalas, geckos, and tree frogs
live in trees. Animals depend on trees for not only shelter, but
protection as well. Trees protect animals from the harmful
rays of the sun. They also keep animals safe from predators.
A predator is an animal that eats other animals for food.
Even though we need trees, people are cutting
them down. Forests are chopped down to clear space
for buildings and roads. We use the wood for
paper and other materials. It is important
that we help save the trees. Do your part
by planting a tree. This makes sure trees are
around for people of the future.
Why do
people need trees to survive?
a. Trees protect us from predators.
b. Wood from trees is used for paper.
c. They give off oxygen for us to breathe.
Which is
NOT a reason that animals need trees to survive?
a. Trees are homes for animals.
b. Trees are protection for animals.
c. Animals eat the bark off of the trees.
What is a predator?
_____ a. an animal that eats trees
_____ b. an animal that eats only insects
_____ c. an animal that eats other animals
4. Which is NOT a reason why people cut down trees?
_____ a. to hurt animals
_____ b. to make paper
_____ c. to make room for new buildings
5. What is this story mostly about?
_____ a. We can help save trees by planting them.
_____ b. Trees are important to people and animals.
_____ c. Forests are cut down for roads and buildings.
1. How do trees make it safe for us to breathe? Use evidence
from the text. _________________________________
2. Why are trees important to animals? ________________
3. What is a predator? ___________________________
4. Why do people cut down trees?___________________
6. Think about what this story was mostly about? What is the
main idea of this story? ___________________________
7. Circle TWO details that best support the main idea.
8. Why is it important that we help save the trees? ________
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
Butterflies grow in stages. There are 4 stages in
the butterfly life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, adult. In each
stage the butterfly looks very different.
A butterfly starts as an egg. The eggs are laid on
the leaves of plants. After an egg hatches, it enters the
larva stage. A larva, or caterpillar, is a small, fuzzy insect.
It inches around looking for leaves to eat. It gets bigger
and bigger. It sheds its skin and grows new skin many times
as it grows. This is called molting.
Soon the caterpillar stops growing. It makes a
chrysalis. Another name for a chrysalis is pupa. It’s made
of silk. It covers the caterpillar to keep it safe. The
caterpillar changes in the chrysalis. It’s changing into a
butterfly. When the butterfly is ready, the
chrysalis opens. Out comes an adult
butterfly with its two beautiful wings.
Butterflies grow in stages. There are four stages in
the butterfly life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, adult. The butterfly
looks very different in each stage.
A butterfly starts as an egg. The eggs are laid on
the leaves of plants. After an egg hatches, it enters the
larva stage. A larva, or caterpillar, is a small, fuzzy insect. It
inches around in trees and on the ground. It spends its time
finding leaves to eat. It gets bigger and bigger. It sheds its
skin and grows new skin many times as it grows. This is
known as molting.
Soon the caterpillar is done growing. It has
reached the pupa stage. In this stage, a caterpillar forms a
chrysalis. Another name for a chrysalis is pupa. It’s made of
silk and it covers the caterpillar to protect it. The caterpillar
is changing in the chrysalis. It’s becoming a butterfly. When
the changes are complete, the chrysalis
opens and out comes the adult butterfly
with its two beautiful wings.
Butterflies go through stages as they grow. There
are four stages in the butterfly life cycle: egg, larva, pupa,
adult. The butterfly looks very different in each stage.
A butterfly begins its life as an egg. The eggs are
laid on the leaves of plants. After the egg hatches, it enters the
larva stage. A larva, or caterpillar, is a small, fuzzy insect. A
caterpillar inches around in trees and on the ground. It spends
its time finding leaves to eat. As it eats, it grows larger and
larger. It grows so quickly that it becomes too large for its skin.
The caterpillar sheds its skin and grows new skin to fit its larger
body. Caterpillars shed and grow new skin many times as they
grow. This is known as molting.
After the caterpillar is done growing, it reaches the
pupa stage. In this stage, a caterpillar forms a chrysalis.
Another name for a chrysalis is pupa. It’s made of silk and it
covers the caterpillar to protect it. While in the chrysalis, the
caterpillar is changing into a butterfly. When the transformation
is complete, the chrysalis will break open
and out comes the adult butterfly with its
two beautiful wings.
Which is the correct order of the butterfly life cycle?
_____ a. egg, pupa, larva, adult
_____ b. egg, larva, pupa, adult
_____ c. larva, egg, pupa, adult
What does a caterpillar NOT do?
_____ a. sheds its skin
_____ b. eat leaves
_____ c. flies
What is molting?
_____ a. shedding skin and growing new skin
_____ b. the name for a stage in the butterfly life cycle
_____ c. another name for a caterpillar
4. What is another name for a chrysalis?
_____ a. larva
_____ b. silk
_____ c. pupa
5. What is this story mostly about?
_____ a. Caterpillars are small, fuzzy insects.
_____ b. Butterflies go through 4 stages as they grow.
_____ c. Butterflies begin life as an egg.
1. Fill in the chart below by using evidence from the text.
6. Think about what this story was mostly about? What is the
main idea of this story? ___________________________
7. Circle TWO details that best support the main idea.
8. What is molting? ______________________________
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
(Answer Key)
(A St. Patrick’s Day Surprise)
1. In the beginning, why does Robbie wear jeans and a t-shirt
Robbie wears
even though it is St. Patrick’s Day? ___________________
jeans and a t-shirt because he does not
like St. Patrick’s Day much.
2. How does Robbie feel after he finds the coin at his desk?
Robbie feels excited and
How do you know?______________________________
curious. He smiled. He wondered if a
leprechaun left the coin.
3. What does the word glistened mean in this story?
4. Why does Robbie put the coin in his pocket?___________
puts the coin in his pocket because he
doesn’t want anyone to see it.
(A St. Patrick’s Day Surprise)
5. Think about the story. Color the top hat
detail is true. Color the top hat
if the
if the detail is false.
6. Why do you think Robbie changed into green clothes in the
Robbie likes St. Patrick’s Day now.
end? ________________________________________
He believes in leprechauns too.
7. Do you think Robbie will wear jeans and a t-shirt next St.
Yes, because he
Patrick’s Day? Why or why not? ____________________
likes the holiday now.
(The Big Catch)
The characters
1. Who are the characters in this story?_________________
are Matt and his dad.
The setting is a
2. What is the setting of this story? ____________________
You win the
3. How do you win the big fishing contest? ______________
contest by catching the biggest fish.
4. Why do Matt and his dad get worried in this story? ______
contest was almost over and they didn’t
have a fish to enter.
5. Where in the story do their feelings change?___________
feelings change when they catch a fish.
They were excited they got a fish.
They yelled “We did it!”
(The Big Catch)
5. Read each sentence. Put the number of the sentence on the
correct fishing hat.
3 6
2 4 5
1. Matt put a worm on his hook to use for bait.
2. Matt and his dad went fishing from their boat.
3. Matt and his dad won the fishing contest.
4. Their fish weighed 25 pounds.
5. Matt and his dad’s prize is new reels.
6. They headed home for a freshly cooked fish dinner
6. What is another good title for this story? Circle your answer.
(A Trip to the Pond)
1. Who is the main character of this story? Describe this
The main character is Rachel.
She likes ducks. She likes learning about
ducks and feeding them too.
2. How does Rachel get money to buy bread for the ducks?
Rachel cleans the house to get money
for bread.
3. What happened after Rachel finished her chores?_______
Rachel’s dad took her to the store to
buy bread.
4. When will Rachel go back to the pond again?
She will go back to the pond
next Saturday.
(A Trip to the Pond)
6. Good readers create pictures in their minds as they read.
Draw a picture of a part of the story that you could “see”
while you were reading.
(Answers will vary.)
Tell about what happened at this part of the story. _________
7. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
(Up in the Tree)
The setting was
1. Describe the setting of this story.____________________
Kayla’s backyard. It was a warm spring
2. Why does Kayla go over to the tree in the beginning?_____
Kayla went over to the tree because
she heard a noise.
3. What were the bluebirds doing in the tree?_____________
The bluebirds were making a nest.
4. What happened after Kayla saw the bluebirds in the tree?
After Kayla saw the bluebirds she ran in
her house to get her camera.
5. What does the word alarm mean in this story?
to scare
6. What happened the next day at school?_______________
showed her friends the picture she took.
7. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
8. Read each sentence. If the detail is true, color the camera
. If the detail is false, color the camera
(A Home for the Birds)
1. Think about the story. What was this story mostly about?
This story was mostly about a girl named
Madison that built a birdhouse with her
2. Why does Madison want to build a birdhouse?__________
the birds to live close to her house.
3. What 4 materials did Madison and her dad use for the
Madison and her dad used
paint, peanut butter and birdseed.
3. What does the word assembled mean in this story?______
put together, built
4. What color does Madison paint her birdhouse?_________
She paints the birdhouse purple.
(A Home for the Birds)
5. Why do Madison and her dad go to the store? __________
go to the store to buy peanut butter and
6. Using your own words, tell about what happened in the end
(Answers will vary.) In the end,
of this story.____________________________________
they put up the birdhouse. The birds
loved their new home.
7. How does Madison feel at the end of this story? How do
Madison feels happy. I know
you know?_____________________________________
the birds came to the birdhouse.
smiled and hugged her dad.
8. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be?
(Answers will vary.)
(A Rainy Day)
1. What did Megan and Sam do to stay dry? ____________
Sam put on hats, rain boots, and
to stay dry.
The problem
2. What is the problem in this story? __________________
Sam could not find his rain boots.
The problem was
3. How was the problem solved? ____________________
when Megan went got another
of rain boots. She let Sam wear
them so he could go outside.
4. What does the word rummaged mean in this story?
Rummaged means
(A Rainy Day)
3. Think about the story. Color the raindrop
if the detail
is true. Put an X over the raindrop if it has a false detail.
6. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be? (Answers will vary.)
Puddle Splashing Fun, Megan and Sam’s Rainy Day, Jumping in Puddles
7. What do you think would happen next if this story continued?
I think Megan and Sam would take off
their rain gear and eat the hot soup.
(The Special Egg)
1. Why is the special egg “special” to Abby and her mom?
The egg is special because Abby has
had it since her first Easter. She and her
mom put it in the window every year.
2. How does Abby feel when her mom opened the box? Why
Abby feels sad. She
does Abby feel that way? __________________________
felt that way because the special egg
was broken.
3. Where do Abby’s feelings change? Use evidence from the text.
Her feelings changed when she saw the
egg was fixed. She smiled. When she
hugged the note from the Easter
Bunny I knew she was happy too.
Abby and
4. Why are Abby and her mom surprised?______________
mom were surprised because when
woke up the special egg was fixed.
5. In the Easter Bunny’s note, he said that he knew the super
glue would come in handy. What does handy mean?
.Handy means that it would be
helpful or useful.
6. Think about the story’s order of events. Color the eggs
using the code below to retell the story.
(Carnival Fun)
1. Who are the characters in this story? ________________
characters are Lily and her family.
The setting is
2. What is the setting of this story? ____________________
at a carnival in April.
3. What does antsy mean in this story? Circle your answer.
4. Tell what happened first, next, then, and last in the story.
Lily and her family arrive at
the carnival.
Lily and her brother Ben go
on the spinning cups ride.
Lily and Ben get cotton candy
after they get off of the
spinning cups.
They play the basketball game.
Ben misses. Lily’s ball goes in. Lily
gives her prize to Ben.
5. How does Ben feel after he played the basketball game?
He is sad because
Why does he feel that way? _______________________
he wanted the monster toy prize.
6. Where in the story does Ben’s feelings change? How do
Ben’s feelings change to happy
you know? ____________________________________
when Lily gives him the prize. I know
because he smiled all the way home.
Lily is a good
7. How would you describe Lily? ____________________
sister to Ben. She is nice to her brother.
(The Mother’s Day Mishap)
1. Fill in the chart below by using evidence from the text.
He said he can’t
wait for his mom to
see his surprise.
The cake he
made dropped to
the floor when his
mom came in.
He had fun with his
mom in the cake fight.
His mom said it was the
perfect Mother’s Day.
(The Mother’s Day Mishap)
2. Why do you think Jack’s mom still thinks it is a perfect
Jack’s mom still thought it was
Mother’s Day? _________________________________
a perfect Mother’s Day because she
had fun and was laughing with Jack.
3. Read each sentence below. If the detail is true, color the
. If the detail is false, color the heart
4. What is another good title for this story? Circle the answer.
(Ben’s Earth Day Project)
The problem in
1. What is the problem in this story?___________________
the story was Ben was not sure what to
do for his Earth Day project.
The problem was
2. How is the problem solved? ______________________
solved when he told his mom and she
helped him figure out an idea.
3. What is Ben’s plan to help save earth?_______________
Ben’s plan
to help save earth was to clean up the
trash at his school.
4. What happened when Ben told his friends about his plan?
When Ben told his friends about his plan
they wanted to help clean too.
(Ben’s Earth Day Project)
5. What did Ben and his friends find in the schoolyard?
Ben and his friends found soda cans and
paper in the schoolyard.
6. What does stumped mean in this story? Circle your answer.
7. How did Ben feel in the beginning of the story? How did he
feel in the end? Use evidence from the text to explain.
Ben was
worried and upset
because he could
not come up
with an idea for
his Earth Day
Ben was
happy and proud
because he
worked hard
to clean the
school and help
save the earth.
(The Picnic Guests)
It was a spring
1. Describe the setting of this story. ___________________
day at the park. The sun was out and
the breeze was just right.
2. Who were the picnic guests?______________________
The picnic
guests were ants.
3. What happened when the family opened the picnic basket?
When the family opened the basket
they saw holes in the sandwiches.
4. What will Kate and her family do next time they picnic?
Next time Kate and her family picnic
they will wrap the food.
5. What does the word munching mean in this story?
(The Picnic Guests)
5. Read each sentence. Put the number of the sentence on the
correct picnic basket.
1 2
1. Kate and her family went to a campsite for their picnic.
2. It was a perfect summer day.
3. Kate asked for crunchy peanut butter.
4. Zac wanted a ham and cheese sandwich.
5. Kate and her family found holes in their sandwiches.
6. Kate and Zac rode bikes and went swimming.
6. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
The author wrote this
to entertain the readers.
(The Milk & Cookie Culprit)
1. Think about the story. What was this story mostly about?
This story was mostly about someone
making a mess in the house.
The mess happened
2. When did the mess happen?______________________
Kelsey’s mom left for her walk.
3. Describe the mess that Kelsey’s mom saw in the kitchen?
The cookies were missing from the
table. There was milk spilled over onto
the floor too.
4. What were Kelsey and her friends doing while the mess
Kelsey and her friends were
was made?____________________________________
outside playing on the swings
when the mess was made.
The surprise
5. What was the surprise in the end?__________________
at the end was that the puppy, Max,
was the one who made the mess.
6. What does stunned mean in this story? Circle your answer.
7. Which choice best describes what a culprit is. Circle the answer.
8. Pretend the author asked you to come up with a new title
for this story. What would your title be? (Answers will vary.)
What A Mess, Who Made the Mess? Milk and Cookie Mess
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
The author wrote this
story to entertain the readers.
(Little Ladybugs)
1. What colors can ladybugs be?
No, not all
2. Do all ladybugs have spots? Explain. ________________
have spots. Some have stripes.
Others are just plain.
3. Why are ladybugs’ bright colors important? Use evidence
Their bright colors help
from the text to explain. __________________________
keep them safe. It tells predators they
aren’t tasty, and may even be poisonous.
4. Describe what happens when a ladybug feels threatened?
When a ladybug feels threatened they
let out a smelly fluid from their legs.
(Little Ladybugs)
5. What does the word threatened mean in this story?
in danger
6.Think about the story. Color the leaf
if the detail on
it is true. Put an X over the leaf if detail on it is false.
7. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
author wrote this story
persuade, to inform) The
to inform the readers about ladybugs.
(Radiant Rainbows)
1. How is a rainbow made? ________________________
A rainbow is made
when the sunlight shines through
2. What type of weather is needed for a rainbow to appear?
It must be rainy and sunny at the same
time to see a rainbow.
3. Why don’t we see the colors of a rainbow all the time?
We don’t see the colors of the rainbow
all the time because the colors mix.
4. The colors in a rainbow are ______________
, _______________
, _________________
, and ______________.
6. Read the sentences below. Write the number of the
sentence on the correct cloud.
1 4
2 3 5
1. There are seven colors in a rainbow.
2. The colors in a rainbow never stay in the same order.
3. Sunlight is made up of only one color.
4. When the colors of a rainbow mix, sunlight looks white.
5. There must be billions of raindrops to see a rainbow.
Paragraph 3
7. What is paragraph 3 mostly about? ________________
is mostly about how you can make your
own rainbow using a garden hose.
8. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
The author wrote this story
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
to inform the readers about rainbows.
(We Need Trees)
1. How do trees make it safe for us to breathe? Use evidence
Trees make it safe for us to
from the text. _________________________________
because they absorb the carbon
into their leaves.
Trees are
2. Why are trees important to animals? ________________
important to animals because trees are
their homes and trees protect animals.
A predator is an animal
3. What is a predator? ___________________________
eats another animal for food.
4. Why do people cut down trees?___________________
People cut
down trees to make room for roads
and buildings. We also use the
wood for paper and other items.
(We Need Trees)
6. Think about what this story was mostly about? What is the
main idea of this story? ___________________________
Trees are important to
both people and animals.
7. Circle TWO details that best support the main idea.
It is
8. Why is it important that we help save the trees? ________
important that we help save the trees so
they are around in the future.
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
The author wrote this story
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
to inform us why trees are important.
(Butterfly Life Cycle)
1. Fill in the chart below by using evidence from the text.
The eggs are laid on the
leaves of plants
A caterpillar spends its
time eating. It sheds its
skin many times as it
The caterpillar forms a
chrysalis. While in the
chrysalis the ladybug is
changing into a butterfly.
The chrysalis breaks
open and out comes a
(Butterfly Life Cycle)
6. Think about what this story was mostly about? What is the
main idea of this story? ___________________________
Butterflies go through
four stages as they grow.
7. Circle TWO details that best support the main idea.
Molting is the shedding of
8. What is molting? ______________________________
skin to make room for new skin to
9. Why did the author write this story? (to entertain, to
The author wrote this
persuade, to inform) _____________________________
story to inform us about how butterflies