24th of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) G K 14–17 March 2016 STUTTGART PROGRAMME © Manfred Bauer - D ANNUAL MEETING © Carmen Müller (MPI-FKF)/Stuttgarter Luftbild Elsäßer GmbH detecting the future HPC X-ray detectors for your laboratory Synchrotron technology at laboratory budgets - Noise-free Hybrid Photon Counting technology - Ultimate resolution thanks to direct detection - Superior SNR from Ti to Ag, speeding up high-throughput applications laboratory and industry [email protected] | Table of Contents Organisation and Imprint ..............................................................................................4 Welcome Note by the Conference Chairs .....................................................................5 General Information Venue and Date, Conference Website, Registration ....................................................6 Payment/Confirmation of Payment, Accommodation .................................................6 Cooperation with German Railways ..............................................................................7 Publishing of abstracts, Poster awards, Opening hours, Internet ................................8 General Guidelines für Authors and Presenters ...........................................................9 Exhibitors, Sponsors and Media Cooperation ..............................................................10 Floor Plan .......................................................................................................................11 Lunch Symposia .............................................................................................................12 Social and Cultural Programme .....................................................................................13 Lightning Session and Young Crystallographers Meeting ............................................14 Programme Overview Monday, 14 March 2016 .......................................................................................16 Tuesday, 15 March 2016 .......................................................................................17 Wednesday, 16 March 2016 ..................................................................................18 Thursday, 17 March 2016 ......................................................................................19 Scientific Programme Monday, 14 March 2016 .......................................................................................20 Tuesday, 15 March 2016 .......................................................................................22 Wednesday, 16 March 2016 ..................................................................................30 Thursday, 17 March 2016 ......................................................................................36 Poster Presentations .....................................................................................................42 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs ..........................................66 Programme 3 Organisation and Imprint Scientific Organiser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) Conference Chairs Prof. Dr. Robert Dinnebier Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research Heisenbergstraße 1 • 70569 Stuttgart/DE Prof. Dr. Thomas Schleid Universität Stuttgart Institute for Inorganic Chemistry Pfaffenwaldring 55 • 70569 Stuttgart/DE Local Organising Comittee Robert E. Dinnebier Frank Gießelmann Paul Keller Jürgen Köhler Bettina Lotsch Rainer Niewa Thomas Schleid Thilo Stehle Anke Weidenkaff Conference Organisation and Industrial Exhibition Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Felix Angemüller/Anja Hannawald Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena/DE Phone +49 3641 31 16-301/327 [email protected] • Design/Layout Layout Print Circulation Editorial deadline 4 Programme 600 26 February 2016 Welcome Note by the Conference Chairs Dear colleagues, It is our honor and pleasure to invite you on behalf of the local organizing committee to the 24th Annual Conference of the Germany Crystallographic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, DGK), which will take place at the University of Stuttgart. The conference venue is the Kollegiengebäude KII located at the heart of the university’s main campus. The scope of the 24th DGK annual meeting is to cover all areas of crystallography. This year’s focuses are: 100 years after Debye-Scherrer – modern powder diffraction, advances in crystal chemistry, crystallography throughout the sciences in theory and practice, liquid crystals and their applications. We are very glad that a number of renowned scientists, representing the different fields of crystallography, have accepted our invitation for a plenary lecture. The 24th DGK annual meeting will comprise 20 microsymposia, six plenary lectures and two poster sessions. It is our intention to provide to all of you an inspiring scientific platform, and we especially encourage young scientists to participate in the conference and in the activities of the “young crystallographers”. We are looking forward to your attendance and scientific contributions. Thomas Schleid Robert Dinnebier Programme 5 General Information Venue and Date Universität Stuttgart Kollegiengebäude II Keplerstraße 7 • 70174 Stuttgart/DE 14–17 March 2016 Conference Website Registration Please register online at DGK-Member DGK Non-Member Student* Welcome Reception, 14 March 2016 Social Evening, 16 March 2016 Abstractband *Confirmation required 170 EUR 200 EUR 80 EUR 10 EUR 40 EUR 10 EUR Payment/Confirmation of Payment An invoice or confirmation of registration will be sent to you via postal or electronic mail within 14 days after online or paper registration. This in-voice is a valid invoice which may be submitted to the local tax and reve-nue office. All fees are due upon receipt of invoice/registration confirma-tion. Payment transfers must include participant’s name and invoice num-ber. Payment is also accepted by credit card (Master/Eurocard, American Express, VISA). Should you transfer your invoice amount within 10 days before the start of the event, please present your transfer remittance slip at the check-in desk as proof of payment. Accommodation We have allocated a contingent of rooms at different hotels. Further information can be found on Please note: Conventus GmbH acts as an intermediary party and assumes no liability for reservations made. Changes and cancellations have to be addressed to the respective hotel directly. 6 Programme General Information For a successful arrival – Travel by train from anywhere in Germany for just 99 EUR. Conventus has partnered up with Deutsche Bahn to create an exclusive deal that allows you to travel conveniently to the DGK in Stuttgart. Take advantage and make the journey time yours. Use your outward and return journeys to work, read or relax. Whatever you decide to do, your long-distance travel with the Event Ticket will be powered by 100% renewable energy. Your Event Ticket for a return journey* to and from all train stations in Germany is priced as follows: 2nd class 1st class 2nd class 1st class 99 EUR (for booked train connection) 159 EUR (for defined train connection) 139 EUR (for all trains) 199 EUR (for all trains) We would be happy to inform you about ticket prices for international journeys on request. Book your ticket quickly and easily online at: Please follow the online link above or call +49 1806 31 11 53** and state “Conventus” as reference. Please have your credit card ready when booking.* Your booking will be binding after Deutsche Bahn’s confirmation. Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH and Deutsche Bahn wish you a pleasant journey! * * Book your journey either by calling the service hotline on +49 1806 31 11 532 and quoting the reference „CONVENTUS“. Please have your credit card details to hand. The hotline is open Mondays to Saturdays from 7:00 to 22:00. There is a charge of 0.20 EUR per call from a German landline and a maximum of 0.60 EUR per call from mobile networks. Please note that Deutsche Bahn AG introduced a surcharge for all credit card payments in accordance with the conditions of carriage for persons travelling with Deutsche Bahn AG companies (“BB Personenverkehr”). Programme 7 General Information Publishing of abstracts All abstracts will be published in a printed supplement of the journal “Zeitschrift für Kristallographie”, Walter de Gruyter. The volume is available on demand via registration. Poster awards (sponsored by Jena Bioscience & Protein Data Bank in Europe) The five best posters will be awarded. The award ceremony will be held during the social evening. Opening hours Check-In Media Check-In Trade Exhibition Mon 14 March 12:00–19:00 12:00–19:00 14:00–20:00 Tue 15 March 07:30–18:00 07:30–18:00 09:30–18:00 Internet WLAN will be provided free of charge. Network: konferenz Passwords: Monday 14 March Tuesday 15 March Wednesday 16 March Thursday 17 March 8 Programme 111-287-271-201 055-141-985-803 421-494-522-340 338-642-484-332 Wed 16 March 07:30–17:30 07:30–17:30 09:30–17:30 Thu 17 March 07:30–15:30 07:30–13:00 09:30–13:00 General Guidelines for Authors and Presenters Submitting your presentation/technical information Please prepare your presentation in 4:3 aspect ratio. A presentation note-book with a PDF reader and MS Office PowerPoint 2007 will be provided. The use of personal notebooks is possible upon agreement. However, it may interrupt the flow of the programme in the lecture hall. Please provide an adapter for VGA if necessary. A notebook, presenter and laser pointer are available at the speaker’s podium in the lecture hall. A tech-nical supervisor will help you. Speakers preparation Please submit your presentation at the media check-in, no later than 90 minutes before the presentation will start. You may view and/or edit your presentation. For submission, please use a USB flash drive. Poster sessions We would like to invite you to our poster sessions with beer and pretzels. Posters should be no larger than DIN A0 portrait format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). Poster boards will be numbered. You will find your poster number on page 43ff. Poster authors with an even ID: - please be present in poster session I on Tuesday, 15 March, 16:30–18:00 - please mount your poster on Monday, 14 March and remove it after poster session I at 18:00. Poster authors with an uneven ID: - please be present in poster session II on Wednesday, 16 March, 16:00–17:30 - please mount your poster on Wednesday, 16 March from 9:00 and remove it after poster session II at 17:30. All posters of the session “lightning talks of Young Crystallographers“ will be presented in poster session I on Tuesday. Programme 9 Exhibitors, Sponsors and Media Cooperation Premium Sponsor Rigaku Europe (Sevenoaks/GB) Sponsor lanyards and name badges DECTRIS Ltd. (Baden-Dättwil/CH) Sponsors poster awards Jena Bioscience GmbH (Jena/DE) Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) (Cambridge/GB) Sponsor pens and writing pads JEOL Germany GmbH (Freising/DE) Sponsors Dunn Labortechnik GmbH (Asbach/DE) Crystal Impact (Bonn/DE) Genevac Ltd. (Ipswich/GB) Exhibitors Bruker AXS GmbH (Karlsruhe/DE) DECTRIS Ltd. (Baden-Dättwil/CH) Excillum AB (Kista/SE) FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibnitz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH (Eggenstein Leopoldshafen/DE) Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG & AXO Dresden (Rimsting/DE) incoatec GmbHGeesthacht/DE Oxford Cryosystems (Long Harborough/GB) PANalytical GmbH (Kassel/DE) Rigaku (Ettlingen/DE) Rigaku Europe (Sevenoaks/GB) Röntgenlabor Dr. Ermrich (Reinheim/DE) STOE & Cie GmbH (Darmstadt/DE) Suna-precision GmbH (Hamburg/DE) 10 Programme State at printing Floor Plan Floor plan Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society 14 - 17 March 2016 • Stuttgart 1 3 4 2 5 9 10 8 11 7 12 6 13 Entrance Booth number Company Industrial Exhibition Check-In Catering Media Check-In 1 Rigaku Europe 2 Rigaku 3 FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibnitz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur GmbH 4 Oxford Cryosystems 5 DECTRIS Ltd. 6 suna-precision GmbH 7 Excillum AB 8 STOE & Cie GmbH 9 Panalytical GmbH 10 Bruker AXS GmbH 11 incoatec GmbH 12 Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG & AXO Dresden 13 German Society of Crystallography Programme 11 Lunch Symposia Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 11:30–12:30, room 17.02 Rigaku Europe (Sevenoaks/GB) The Rigaku Oxford Diffraction Lunchtime Symposium Speaker Dr. Mathias Meyer Chair Dr. Alex Griffin Rigaku Oxford Diffraction welcomes attendees of the DKG conference in Stuttgart to our Lunchtime Seminar on Wednesday 16th March. A buffet lunch will be available during the seminar. Dr. Mathias Meyer, who is the force behind the popular CrysAlisPro software, will be presenting the new developments inside the latest release of the software. He will introduce features such as ‘What is This?’ and StructureExplorer which help make the process of collecting and solving data very simple. We encourage you to attend and enjoy your lunch with the Rigaku Oxford Diffraction team. Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 11:30-12:30, room 17.01 Bruker AXS GmbH (Karlsruhe/DE) This event provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the 2nd generation of our D8 QUEST and D8 VENTURE, meet colleagues and talk to our experts. 12 Programme Social and Cultural Programme Welcome Reception Come together for drinks and snacks after the conference day to enjoy this evening. Allow yourself interesting conversations with colleagues, old friends, exhibitors and meet new acquaintances. Date Time Venue Fee Monday, 14 March 2016 18:00–19:00 Industrial exhibition area at the conference venue 10 EUR Opera “Carmen” Date Tuesday, 15 March 2016 Time 19:00 Venue Staatstheater Stuttgart/DE Oberer Schloßgarten 6 • 70173 Stuttgart Fee Price category 1: 20,50 EUR Price category 2: 14 EUR Price category 3: 8 EUR © CandyBox Images - © Jürgen Fälchle - Tickets are available at the Check-In. Social Evening The new brewery of the Schönbuch brewery in Stuttgart offers excellent regional cuisine in a modern ambience. Its central location right in the city center with inside and outdoor seating promises an exciting and pleasant atmosphere for the social evening. Enjoy the last evening of the conference with your colleagues and the comfortable and relaxing ambience. Date Time Venue Fee Wednesday, 16 March 2016 20:00 Brauhaus Schönbuch Bolzstraße 10 • 70173 Stuttgart/DE 40 EUR Programme 13 Lightning Session and Young Crystallographers Meeting Lightning Talks of Young Crystallographers (MS04) Tuesday, 15 March 2016, 10:00–11:30, Room 17.12 The “Young Crystallographers” are happy to welcome you to the 2nd Lightning Talks Session at the Annual DGK Meeting. We are looking forward to seventeen young crystallographers’ 5-minutes appetizer “Lightning Talks” to introduce their research. Instead of an in-session discussion, each contribution is complemented by a poster that will be presented during the Tuesday afternoon poster session. Get Together of the Young Crystallographers Thursday, 17 March 2016, 11:30–12:30, Room 17.02 We would like to welcome all members and interested “young” crystallographers (students, PhD students, postdocs, ..., everybody without tenure) to join our 4th Annual Get Together on Thursday. Our program will comprise both, a short summary of last year’s activities (esp. the Lab Meeting in Darmstadt) as well as our ideas for the future. We will elect a new co-chair and there will be plenty of time for general discussions on Young Crystallographers’ matters. Another highlight will be the granting of the “Lightning Talks” prizes. Lunch, coffee/tea and drinks will be served. We are looking forward to welcome you! Julia and Carola Chairs of the “Young Crystallographers” 14 Programme SAVE THE DATE D G K © KIT Karlsruhe 25th ANNUAL MEETING of the GERMAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY (DGK) INVITATION 27–30 MARCH 2017 KARLSRUHE Programme Overview Monday, 14 March 2016 17.01 2017 Anzeige DGK 17.02 17.12 17.11 10:00–13:00 DGK Board Meeting 13:15–13:30 Opening 13:30–14:30 Plenary lecture Karl‐Peter Hopfner p. 20 Coffee and industrial exhibition 15:00–16:30 MS02 Materials: Syntheses and structure I MS01 Biostructures I: Challenges in macromolecular crystallography p. 20 p. 21 16:30–17:00 Special lecture laureate Max‐von‐Laue Award 2015 p. 21 17:00–18:00 DGK Ehrenabend p. 21 18:00–19:00 Welcome Reception p. 13 16 Programme Programme Overview Tuesday, 15 March 2016 17.01 17.02 17.12 17.17 08:30–09:30 Plenary lecture Bill David p. 22 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:00–11:30 MS03 Biostructures II: Hot new structures of biological macromolecules MS05 Electron crystallography MS04 Lightning talks of young crystallographers p. 22 p. 23 p. 26 Lunch break and industrial exhibition 11:30–13:30 General Assembly 13:30–14:30 Plenary lecture Tomislav Friscic p. 27 Coffee and industrial exhibition 15:00–16:30 MS07 Crystallography, crystal chemistry and application of layered materials MS06 Computational and theoretical crystallography p. 27 MS08 Storage and battery materials p. 28 p. 29 16:30–18:00 Poster session I ‐ even IDs p. 29 Programme 17 Programme Overview Wednesday, 16 March 2016 17.01 17.02 17.12 17.17 17.11 08:30–09:30 Plenary lecture David Reis p. 30 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:00–11:30 MS10 Structural chemistry at non‐ambient conditions MS09 Biostructures III: Protein function and regulation p. 30 MS11 Molecular structural chemistry: Syntheses, structure and applications p. 30 p. 31 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 Industrial Symposium Bruker AXS Industrial Symposium Rigaku Meeting AK1 Biologische Strukturen Meeting AK6 Molekülverbindungen Meeting AK20 Materialwissen‐ schaftliche Kristallographie p. 12 p.12 Lunch break and industrial exhibition 13:00–14:00 Plenary lecture Carsten Tschierske p. 32 Coffee and industrial exhibition 14:30–16:00 MS13 Time resolved crystallography MS12 Biostructures IV: Protein‐nucleic acid interactions p. 33 MS14 Aperiodic and periodic complex materials p. 33 p. 34 16:00–17:30 Poster session II ‐ uneven IDs p. 34 20:00 Social Evening at Brauhaus Schönbuch p. 13 18 Programme Programme Overview Thursday, 17 March 2016 17.01 17.02 17.12 17.17 08:30–09:30 Plenary lecture Josef Breu p. 36 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:00–11:30 MS17 Phase transitions and dynamic phenomena MS16 Spectroscopic methods in crystallography MS15 Materials: Properties and applications p. 36 p. 37 p. 37 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 11:30–12:30 Get Together of the Young Crystallographers Meeting AK12 Spektroskopie Meeting AK7 Neutronenstreuung Lunch break and industrial exhibition 13:00–14:30 MS20 Biostructures V: Structure based drug design MS19 Crystal physics MS18 Materials: Syntheses and structure II p. 38 p. 39 p. 40 14:30–15:00 Closing Programme 19 Scientific Programme • Monday, 14 March 2016 10:00–13:00 Room 17.11 13:15–13:30 Room 17.01 13:30–14:30 Room 17.01 Chair PL01 Board Meeting 15:00–16:30 Room 17.02 Chairs 15:00 MS01-01 15:30 MS01-02 15:50 MS01-03 16:10 MS01-04 MS01 – Biostructures I: Challenges in macromolecular crystallography Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE), Kay Diederichs (Konstanz/DE) 20 Programme Opening Plenary Session Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE) Structural mechanism of sensing and signalling cytosolic DNA Karl-Peter Hopfner (München/DE) Modern techniques – Old concepts? Kay Diederichs (Konstanz/DE) Crystal structure of alcohol oxidase from Pichia pastoris Piotr Neumann, Christian Koch, Oliver Valerius, Ivo Feussner Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) Sulfur SAD phasing of the multimeric anaphase-promoting complex Cdc23Nterm with a tailored X-ray beam size of 2.69 Å wavelength at EMBL P13 beamline at PETRA III@DESY Michele Cianci, Gleb Bourenkov, Johanna Kallio Guilaume Pompidor, Stefan Fiedler, Ivars Karpics Thomas Schneider (Hamburg/DE) Structural insights into the assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs Clemens Grimm, Jann Patrick Pelz, Ashwin Chari, Jochen Kuper Caroline Kisker (Würzburg/DE), Kay Diederichs (Konstanz/DE) Holger Stark (Göttingen/DE), Hermann Schindelin Utz Fischer (Würzburg/DE) Scientific Programme • Monday, 14 March 2016 15:00–16:30 Room 17.12 Chair 15:00 MS02-01 15:30 MS02-02 15:50 MS02-03 16:10 MS02-04 MS02 – Materials: Syntheses and structure I Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Structures and thermoelectric properties of compounds in the system (PbS)nBi2Te2S Peter Schultz, Lennart Staab, Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE) Crystal structure of hydrated fluorides MF2·4H2O (M = Zn, Ni, Co): a combined approach Gwilherm Nenert (Almeto/NL), Kerstin Forsberg (Stockholm/SE) Charlotte Martineau (Versailles/FR), Tanh Tao Shiv Halasyamani (Houston, TX/US) Enhanced methods of crystallization – the crossover synthesis from aqueous solution to melt flow Josef-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE) X-ray powder diffraction as a tool to analyze the shape of silver nanoparticles with different morphologies Oleg Prymak, Jens Helmlinger, Kateryna Loza (Essen/DE) Marc Heggen (Jülich/DE), Matthias Epple (Essen/DE) 16:30–17:00 Room 17.01 Chair Laue Talk 17:00–18:00 Room 17.01 Ehrenabend 18:00–19:00 Foyer Welcome Reception Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Complex Intermetallics: A Zoology of Structures Julia Dshemuchadse (Ann Arbor, MI/US) Programme 21 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 08:30–09:30 Room 17.01 Chair PL02 Plenary Session 10:00–11:30 Room 17.02 Chairs 10:00 MS03-01 10:30 MS03-02 10:50 MS03-03 11:10 MS03-04 MS03 – Biostructures II: Hot new structures 22 Programme Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) 120 Years of Powder Diffraction Bill David (Oxford/GB) Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE), Yves-A. Muller (Erlangen/DE) How does CRM1 interact with FG-repeat proteins of the nuclear pore during passage? Thomas Monecke, Sarah A. Port, Achim Dickmanns Romina Hofele, Henning Urlaub (Göttingen/DE) Manfred S. Weiss (Berlin/DE), Ralph H. Kehlenbach Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) Crystal Structure of the Human Cytomegalovirus pUL50-pUL53 Core Nuclear Egress Complex Sascha A. Walzer, Claudia Egerer-Sieber, Katharina Hohl Madhumati Sevvana, Yves A. Muller (Erlangen/DE) Crystal structure of animal fatty acid synthase KS-MAT domain Karthik Paithankar, Alexander Rittner Martin Grininger (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Structural insight into the protein-aided bacterial biofilm formation Yvette Roske, Annette Diehl, Peter Schmieder, Linda Ball Ümit Akbey, Hartmut Oschkinat, Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE) Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:00–11:30 Room 17.12 Chairs 10:00 MS04-01 10:05 MS04-02 10:10 MS04-03 10:15 MS04-04 10:20 MS04-05 MS04 – Lightning talks of young crystallographers Julia Dshemuchadse (Ann Arbor, MI/US), Carola Müller (Lund/SE) 1.6 Å Structure of PilBac1 – Insights into Long-Range Electron Transfer in Bacteria and a Sulfur-SAD Success Story Manuela Gorgel (München/DE), Andreas Boeggild Jakob Ulstrup (Aarhus/DK), Uwe Mueller Manfred Weiss (Berlin/DE), Poul Nissen Thomas Boesen (Aarhus/DK) Temperature-induced phase transition in tetragonal copper sulfide at low temperatures Dominik Zimmer, L. Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE) J. Zhang (Beijing/CN), E. Alig, L. Fink E. Haussühl (Frankfurt a. M./DE), CQ. Jin (Beijing/CN) B. Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Structural complexity of simple Fe2O3 oxide at high pressures and temperatures Elena Bykova, Maxim Bykov, Catherine McCammon Sergey Ovsyannikov (Bayreuth/DE) Hanns-Peter Liermann (Hamburg/DE) Ilya Kupenko, Aleksandr Chumakov, Rudolf Rüffer Michael Hanfland (Grenoble/FR), Vitali Prakapenka (Argonne, IL/US) Natalia Dubrovinskaia, Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE) High-pressure phase transition and single-crystal elasticity of SrCO3 by Raman spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy Nicole Biedermann (Hamburg/DE), Sergio Speziale Hans Josef Reichmann, Monika Koch-Müller (Potsdam/DE) Gerhard Heide (Freiberg/DE) On the mechanism and accompanying effects of two-dimensional polymerization in a novel mono-layered monomer crystal Gregor Hofer, Thomas Weber, A. Dieter Schlüter (Zürich/CH) Programme 23 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:25 Synthesis, Characterization, and investigation of electronic and MS04-06 optical properties of double perovskite oxide BaSrMgTeO6 Mohammed Ait Haddouch (Casablanca/MA) Abderrahman Abbassi (Rabat/MA), Youssef Aharbil (Casablanca/MA) Hicham Labrim (Rabat/MA), Youssef Tamraoui Fatima-Ezzahra Mirinioui, Bouchaib Manoun (Khouribga/MA) Hamid Ez-Zahraouy, Abdelilah Benyoussef Larbi Laânab (Rabat/MA), Said Benmokhtar (Casablanca/MA) 10:30 Controlled Stepwise Synthesis of a Cu MOF MS04-07 Qianqian Guo, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) 10:35 Anion recognition by dinuclear Ni(II) complexes with macrocyclic MS04-08 NHC ligands Philipp J. Altmann, Alexander Pöthig (Garching/DE) 10:40 Structure Analysis of Human Prolidase Mutations gives insight MS04-09 into the Prolidase Deficiency disease mechanisms Piotr Wilk, Monika Ühlein, Holger Dobbek, Manfred S. Weiss Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) 10:45 Influence of Modulators for MOF Formation MS04-10 Jens Bergmann, Harald Krautscheid (Leipzig/DE) 10:50 Riddles of a novel Mn-polymer with a tetraazaadamantane-like ligand MS04-11Dejan Premužić, Małgorzata Hołyńska (Marburg/DE) 10:55 Computational adsorption experiments at the (100)-pyrite-water MS04-12 interface – The influence of surface defects to the H2O-adsorption model Sandrina Meis, Hermann Gies (Bochum/DE) Uta Magdans (Potsdam/DE) 11:00 A Racemic Solution Crystallizing as a Disordered Crystal Structure MS04-13 of Opposite Enantiomers – Pseudoracemates in a Sohncke and a Centrosymmetric Space Group Roy Herrmann, Beatrice Braun Cula, Thomas Braun (Berlin/DE) 24 Programme Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 11:05 MS04-14 11:10 MS04-15 11:15 MS04-16 11:20 MS04-17 Crystallographic and energetic evaluation tools for the prediction of ionic conduction of Al in oxides Falk Meutzner, Tina Nestler (Freiberg/DE) A. A. Kabanov (Samara/RU), Matthias Zschornak Wolfram Münchgesang (Freiberg/DE) Tilmann Leisegang (Freiberg/DE; Samara/RU) Vladislav A. Blatov (Samara/RU), Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Disordered Intermetallic Phases visited by Solid-State NMR and Quantum Mechanical Calculations Bernhard Mausolf, Frank Haarmann, Volker Peters Alexander Korthaus (Aachen/DE) In situ high pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction study of clinoferrosilite Anna Pakhomova, Leyla Ismailova, Maxim Bykov, Elena Bykova Tiziana Boffa Ballaran, Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE) Millisecond time resolved diffraction study of SrCO3 at high pressures and temperatures Michal Stekiel, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Wolfgang Morgenroth Rita Luchitskaia, Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Programme 25 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:00–11:30 Room 17.17 Chairs 10:00 MS05-01 MS05 – Electron crystallography 10:30 MS05-02 10:45 MS05-03 11:00 MS05-04 11:15 MS05-05 Investigation of layered and porous nanomaterials by diffraction tomography, simulations and HRTEM Yaşar Krysiak, Bastian Barton, Haishuang Zhao (Mainz/DE) Reinhard Neder (Erlangen/DE), Ute Kolb (Mainz/DE) 11:30–13:30 Room 17.01 26 Programme Peter van Aken (Stuttgart/DE), Hans-Joachim Klebe (Darmstadt/DE) Transmission electron microscopy on materials of the deep Earth’s interior to understand the working of our dynamic planet Katharina Marquardt (Bayreuth/DE) Mederic Palot (Saint-Etienne, Edmonton/FR) Jenny Rudloff (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Graham Pearson (Edmonton/CA) Frank Brenker (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Fabrizio Nestola (Padua/IT) Steven Jacobsen (Evanston, IL/US), Nobuyoshi Miyajima Catherine A. McCamon (Bayreuth/DE), Jeff Harris Felix Kaminsky (West Vancouver/CA) Structural characterisation of Al4B2O9 by automated electron diffraction tomography Haishuang Zhao (Mainz/DE), Kristin Hoffmann (Bremen/DE) Yasar Krysiak, Bastian Barton (Mainz/DE), Hartmut Schneider Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE), Ute Kolb (Mainz/DE) A hybrid TEM approach to study non-periodic 3D structures in nano materials Bastian Barton, Yasar Krysiak, Haishuang Zhao, Ute Kolb (Mainz/DE) Orientation Analysis of Non-Centrosymmetric Crystal Structures using Electron Backscatter Diffraction Aimo Winkelmann, Gert Nolze (Berlin/DE) General Assembly Free lunch for all attendees Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 13:30–14:30 Room 17.01 Chair PL03 Plenary Session 15:00–16:30 Room 17.02 Chairs 15:00 MS06-01 15:30 MS06-02 15:50 MS06-03 16:10 MS06-04 MS06 – Computational and theoretical crystallography Jürgen Köhler (Stuttgart/DE) X-ray diffraction for real-time, in situ monitoring of solid-state transformations – mechanochemistry and photo-mechanical effect Tomislav Friscic (Montreal, CA) Gerhard Raabe, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Being able to detect disorder is a question of resolution(also in small-molecule crystallography) Birger Dittrich (Düsseldorf/DE) Benchmarking plane-wave DFT calculations for the structure prediction of porous SiO2 and AlPO4 polymorphs Felix Evers, Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE) Prediction of Metal Coordination by Data Mining of experimental Crystal Structures Detlef Hofmann (Pula/DE), Liudmila Kuleshova (Uttenreuth/DE) Refining angular- and wavelength-dispersive neutron time-of-flight powder-diffraction data Philipp Jacobs, Andreas Houben (Aachen/DE) Werner Schweika (Jülich/DE) Andrei Tchougréeff (Aachen/DE; Moscow/RU) Richard Dronskowksi (Aachen/DE) Programme 27 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 15:00–16:30 Room 17.12 Chairs 15:00 MS07-01 15:30 MS07-02 15:50 MS07-03 MS07 – Crystallography, crystal chemistry and application of layered materials Bernd Marler, Melanie Müller (Bochum/DE) 16:10 MS07-04 Characteristics of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 based thin film solar cells grown by thermal evaporation and thermal treatment René Gunder, Kai Neldner, Laura Elisa Valle-Rios (Berlin/DE) Raquel Caballero, Maximo León, José Manuel Merino Eduard Garcia-Llamas (Madrid/ES), Yodania Sánchez Edgardo Saucedo (Barcelona/ES), Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) 28 Programme Structure solution and refinement of stacking faulted NiCl(OH) Sebastian Bette (Freiberg/DE), Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) Intercalated Layered Superconductors – Iron Selenide as an Unusual Example Kirill Yusenko, Serena Margadonna (Swansea/GB) Layer groups databases and tools on the Bilbao Crystallographic Server Gemma de la Flor (Donostia-San Sebastian/ES), Laura García Gotzon Madariaga, Mois Aroyo, Luis Elcoro Juan Manuel Perez-Mato (Leioa-Bilbao/ES) Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 15 March 2016 15:00–16:30 Room 17.17 Chair 15:00 MS08-01 15:30 MS08-02 15:50 MS08-03 16:10 MS08-04 16:30-18:00 19:00 MS08 – Storage and battery materials Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) Mechanochemical synthesis of a microporous MOF-74 metal-organic framework studied by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction Krunoslav Uzarevic (Zagreb/HR), Ghada Ayoub Patrick Julien, Tomislav Friscic (Montreal, CA) In situ solid-state NMR on Li- and Na-ion battery materials Oliver Pecher, Clare P. Grey (Cambridge/GB) A new cubic modification of the fast Li-ion conductor Li7La3Zr2O12 Reinhard Wagner, Günther Redhammer Daniel Rettenwander (Salzburg/AT) Anatoliy Senyshyn (Garching b. München/DE), Walter Schmidt Martin Wilkening (Graz/AT), Georg Amthauer (Salzburg/AT) Crystalline solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries – complexity, conductivity, crystallography Tilmann Leisegang, Falk Meutzner, Tina Nestler Matthias Zschornak (Freiberg/DE) Artem A. Kabanov (Samara/RU), Wolfram Münchgesang Robert Schmid (Freiberg/DE), Vladislav A. Blatov (Samara/RU) Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Poster session I Opera “Carmen” Staatstheater Stuttgart Programme 29 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 16 March 2016 08:30–09:30 Room 17.01 Chair PL04 Plenary Session 10:00–11:30 Room 17.02 Chairs MS09 – Biostructures III: Protein function and regulation 10:00 MS09-01 Specificity determinants in a transiently interacting system: Mechanism of Lys11-linked ubiquitin chain formation Sonja Lorenz (Würzburg/DE) 10:30 MS09-02 10:50 MS09-03 11:10 MS09-04 Regulating proteolytic activity of DegQ from Legionella Guido Hansen, Alexander Schubert, Robert Wrase Rolf Hilgenfeld (Lübeck/DE) 10:00–11:30 Room 17.12 Chair 10:00 MS10-01 MS10 – Structural chemistry at non-ambient conditions 30 Programme Anke Weidenkaff (Stuttgart/DE) Non-equilibrium lattice dynamics with x-ray free-electron lasers David Reis (Stanford, CA/US) Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE), Sonja Lorenz (Würzburg/DE) Allostery and catalysis of UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylases suggest a new approach to anti-parasitic treatments Johannes Cramer, Jana Führing, Françoise Routier Anne-Christin Lamerz, Julia Schneider, Petra Baruch Rita Gerardy-Schahn, Roman Fedorov (Hannover/DE) Designed Armadillo repeat proteins serve as scaffolds for the rational assembly of peptide binders with picomolar affinities Peer Mittl (Zürich/CH) Ulrich Schwarz (Dresden/DE) Exploring the phase, crystallisation and composition diagrams of ionic liquids Francesca Fabbiani, Sofiane Saouane (Göttingen/DE) Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 16 March 2016 10:30 MS10-02 10:50 MS10-03 11:10 MS10-04 High quality structures at high pressure? Insights from diamonds and diamond-anvil cells Ross Angel, Sula Milani, Daria Pasqual, Paolo Nimis Fabrizio Nestola (Padova/IT), Ronald Miletich-Pawliczek (Vienna/AT) 10:00–11:30 Room 17.17 Chairs 10:00 MS11-01 10:30 MS11-02 10:50 MS11-03 11:10 MS11-04 MS11 – Molecular structural chemistry: Syntheses, structure and applications Alexander Pöthig (München/DE), Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Structural solution of the high-pressure phase of LaPO4 Javier Ruiz-Fuertes (Burjassot/ES), Antje Hirsch (Aachen/DE) Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Alexandra Friedrich (Würzburg/DE), Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Lars Peters Georg Roth (Aachen/DE) Structure and phase stability of Fe,Al bearing bridgmanite at high pressures and temperatures Leonid Dubrovinsky, Leyla Ismailova, Elena Bykova, Maxim Bykov Natalia Dubrovinskaia (Bayreuth/DE) Strukturelle, Thermodynamische und kinetische Aspekte der Trimorphie von Betamethason-Valerat Christian Näther, Inke Jess (Kiel/DE), Lena Seyfarth Kilian Bärwinkel, Jürgen Senker (Bayreuth/DE) Porous Supramolecules Alexander Virovets, Eugenia Peresypkina Manfred Scheer (Regensburg/DE) A kryptoracemate and three of its alternative racemic polymorphs Beatrice Braun Cula (Berlin/DE) Molecular Structures of Dimeric and Trimeric Aminoalanes Thomas Bernert, Morten Brix Ley (Mülheim a. d. R./DE) Javier Ruiz-Fuertes (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE), Michael Felderhoff Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim a. d. R./DE) Programme 31 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 16 March 2016 11:30-12:30 Room 17.01 Bruker Industrial Symposium see page 12 11:30–12:30 Room 17.02 Rigaku Industrial Symposium see page 12 11:30–12:30 Room 17.12 Meeting Arbeitskreis 1 • Biologische Strukturen 11:30–12:30 Room 17.17 Meeting Arbeitskreis 6 • Molekülverbindungen 11:30–12:30 Room 17.11 Meeting Arbeitskreis 20 • Materialwissenschaftliche Kristallographie 13:00–14:00 Room 17.01 Chair PL05 Plenary Session 32 Programme Frank Gieselmann (Stuttgart/DE) Complex Self-Assembly and Mirror Symmetry Breaking in Liquid Crystals Carsten Tschierske (Halle a. d. S./DE) Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 16 March 2016 14:30–16:00 Room 17.02 Chairs 14:30 MS12-01 15:00 MS12-03 MS12 – Biostructures IV: Protein-nucleic acid interactions 15:20 MS12-04 Structural and Biochemical Insights into Transcriptional Regulation Mediated by Grainyhead-like 1 Qianqian Ming, Yvette Roske, Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE) 14:30–16:00 Room 17.12 Chair 14:30 MS13-01 15:00 MS13-02 15:20 MS13-03 MS13 – Time resolved crystallography Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE), Caroline Kisker (Würzburg/DE) The Good and the Bad of Nucleotide Excision Repair Caroline Kisker (Würzburg/DE) Structural basis of transcription antitermination Nelly Said, Ekaterina Anedchenko, Karine F. Santos (Berlin/DE) Olex Dybkov, Henning Urlaub (Göttingen/DE), Gert Weber Markus C. Wahl (Berlin/DE) Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim a. d. R./DE) Ultrafast Chiroscopy with Free Electron Lasers and Synchrotron Radiation Simone Techert (Göttingen/DE) Time resolved diffraction study of the Zintl phase SrGe under 50 bar hydrogen pressure and elevated temperatures Henry Auer, Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Simultaneous resonant x-ray diffraction measurement of polarization inversion and lattice strain in polycrystalline ferroelectrics Semën Gorfmann, Semën Gorfman (Siegen/DE) Hugh Simons (Kopenhagen/DK), Hyeokmin Choe Ullrich Pietsch (Siegen/DE), Jacob Jones (Raleigh, NC/US) Programme 33 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 16 March 2016 15:40 MS13-04 Time-resolved reciprocal space mapping probes the piezoelectricity in uniaxial Sr0.5-Ba- 0.5-Nb2O3 ferroelectric Hyeokmin Choe, Ullrich Pietsch (Siegen/DE) Jan Dec (Katowice/PL), Uta Ruett (Hamburg/DE) Semën Gorfman (Siegen/DE) 14:30–16:00 Room 17.17 Chair 14:30 MS14-01 MS14 – Aperiodic and periodic complex materials 15:00 MS14-02 15:20 MS14-03 15:40 MS14-04 16:00-17:30 The oxidic dodecagonal quasicrystal and its approximant: X-ray analysis of the atomic structure Holger Meyerheim, Sumalay Roy, Martin Trautmann Rene Hammer, Waheed Adeagbo, Stefan Förster Florian Schumann, Katayoon Mohseni, Holger Meyerheim Wolfram Hergert, Wolf Widdra (Halle a. d. S./DE) 20:00 34 Programme Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) Structure and properties of refractory high-entropy alloys Walter Steurer, Soumyadipta Maiti (Zürich/CH) Simple Systems, Complex Structures Julia Dshemuchadse, Michael Engel (Ann Arbor, MI/US) Pablo F. Damasceno (Ann Arbor, MI/US, San Francisco, CA/US) Carolyn L. Phillips (Argonne, IL/US) Sharon C. Glotzer (Ann Arbor, MI/US) FeOCl, magnetic order and crystal structure at low temperature Andreas Schönleber, Jian Zhang Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE), Patrick G. Reuvekamp Reinhard K. Kremer (Stuttgart/DE) Anatoliy Senyshyn (Garching/DE) Poster session II Social Evening Brauhaus Schönbuch Stuttgart Scientific Programme • Thursday, 17 March 2016 08:30–09:30 Room 17.01 Chair PL06 Plenary Session 10:00–11:30 Room 17.02 Chairs 10:00 MS15-01 10:30 MS15-02 10:50 MS15-03 11:10 MS15-04 MS15 – Materials: Properties and applications 36 Programme Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Can we have both, Intercalation and Structural Order in Clays? Josef Breu (Bayreuth/DE) Anke Weidenkaff (Stuttgart/DE), Stefan Ebbinghaus (Halle/DE) Empirical electronic polarizabilities of ions in oxides and oxysalts for the determination of refractive indices Robert D. Shannon (Boulder, CO/US) Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) Synthese und magnetische Eigenschaften von 1D- und 2D-Thio- und Selenocyanat-Koordinationspolymeren Christian Näther, Susanne Wöhlert, Jan Boeckmann Julia Werner (Kiel/DE), Zbigniew Tomkowicz Michał Rams (Krakau/PL), Tomče Runčevski Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) Diffusion and Ion Transport in Oxide Glasses Helmut Mehrer (Münster/DE) A structural perception about intrinsic point defects in kesterite type chalcogenides Susan Schorr, Galina Gurieva, Laura Elisa Valle Rios Kai Neldner (Berlin/DE) Scientific Programme • Thursday, 17 March 2016 10:00–11:30 Room 17.12 Chair 10:00 MS16-01 MS16 – Spectroscopic methods in crystallography 10:30 MS16-02 10:50 MS16-03 11:10 MS16-04 Coherence spectroscopy as a tool for the characterization of local environments of rare-earth doped materials Nathalie Kunkel, Philippe Goldner (Paris/FR) 10:00–11:30 Room 17.17 Chair 10:00 MS17-01 10:30 MS17-02 Michael Fechtelkord (Bochum/DE) Georg Amthauer (Salzburg/AT) Spectroscopic methods in Crystallography – A Supplementary benefit to solve crystallographic research questions – An overview Michael Fechtelkord (Bochum/DE) The incorporation of tungsten (VI) into hematite and goethite: a chemical and spectroscopic study combining natural and synthetic iron oxides developed from precursor ferrihydrite Stefan Kreißl (Tübingen/DE), Ralph Bolanz (Jena/DE) Jörg Göttlicher, Ralph Steininger (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Mihail Tarassov (Sofia/BG), Gregor Markl (Tübingen/DE) Structural alteration across the morphotropic phase boundary in xBiMg0.5Ti0.5O3-(1-x)PbTiO3 – combined pair-distribution-function and Raman-scattering analysis Kraustuv Datta, Kaustuv Datta (Hamburg/DE) Reinhard Neder (Erlangen/DE), Jun Chen (Beijing/CN) Boriana Mihailova (Hamburg/DE) MS17 – Phase transitions and dynamic phenomena Thomas Doert (Dresden/DE) The Power of Powder Diffraction in In Situ Studies of the Solid State Tomce Runcevski (Berkeley, CA/US) High-temperature PXRD studies of the phase transition kinetics of CsGaSe2 Daniel Friedrich, Marc Schlosser, Arno Pfitzner (Regensburg/DE) Programme 37 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 17 March 2016 10:50 MS17-03 11:10 MS17-04 Effect of temperature and pressure on magnetocaloric compounds in the system Karen Friese, Paul Hering (Jülich/DE), Mohammad Maswada Ye Chen (Jülich/DE), Michael Hanfland (Grenoble/FR) Andrzej Grzechnik (Aachen/DE) 11:30–12:30 Room 17.02 11:30–12:30 Room 17.12 Get Together of the Young Crystallographers see page 14 11:30–12:30 Room 17.17 13:00–14:30 Room 17.02 Chair 13:00 MS18-01 13:30 MS18-02 13:50 MS18-03 14:10 MS18-04 Meeting Arbeitskreis 7 • Neutronenstreuung 38 Programme Pressure-induced phonon softening and phase transition of 5-aminotetrazole monohydrate Nadine Schrodt, Wolfgang Morgenroth, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal Bjoern Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Meeting Arbeitskreis 12 • Spektroskopie MS18 – Materials: Syntheses and structure II Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Synthesis, growth and structural aspects of RCa4O(BO3)3 (R = La, Sm, Gd, Y) Christoph Reuther (Freiberg/DE), Robert Möckel (Germany/DE) Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE), Horst Schmidt, Margitta Hengst Jens Götze, Gerhard Heide (Freiberg/DE) Structural investigation and large single crystal growth of (In,Na):MnWO4 Ulf Gattermann, So-Hyun Park (München/DE) Carsten Paulmann (Hamburg/DE) Synthesis of Perovskite-Type Oxides and Oxynitrides Located at the tability Border by Pechini Method as Materials for Energy Conversion Marc Widenmeyer, Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff (Stuttgart/DE) Thermal dependence of Cu/Zn ordering in CZTSe kesterites by anomalous diffraction Daniel Többens, Galina Gurieva, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Scientific Programme • Thursday, 17 March 2016 13:00–14:30 Room 17.12 Chair 13:00 MS19-01 13:30 MS19-02 13:50 MS19-03 14:10 MS19-04 MS19 – Crystal physics Eiken Haussühl (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Mechanical properties of natural radiation damaged minerals and temperature-induced structural reorganization Tobias Beirau (Stanford/GB), William D. Nix Rodney C. Ewing (Stanford, CA/US), Gerold A. Schneider (Hamburg/DE) Lee A. Groat (Vancouver/CA), Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Microstructure characterization of HTVPE GaN layers grown on sapphire substrates Mykhailo Barchuk, Christian Röder, Gleb Lukin Friederike Zimmermann, Jens Kortus, Olf Pätzold Johannes Heitmann, David Rafaja (Freiberg/DE) Anisotropy of Oxygen Vacancy Migration in SrTiO3 Matthias Zschornak, Juliane Hanzig, Erik Mehner, Florian Hanzig Wolfram Münchgesang (Freiberg/DE) Tilmann Leisegang (Freiberg/DE; Samara/RU), Hartmut Stöcker Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Elastic and inelastic properties of a novel single-crystal Co-base superalloy Christian Betzing, Kathrin Demtröder, Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE) Christopher Zenk (Erlangen/DE) Programme 39 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 17 March 2016 13:00–14:30 Room 17.17 Chair 13:00 MS20-01 MS20 – Biostructures V: Structure based drug design 13:30 MS20-02 13:50 MS20-03 Griselimycins, Novel Anti Tuberculosis Agents – Structural Insights into the Mode of Action and Resistance Peer Lukat (Braunschweig/DE), Angela Kling, Nestor Zaburannyi Jennifer Herrmann, Silke Wenzel (Saarbrücken/DE) Armin Bauer (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Evelyne Fontaine Sophie Lagrange (Toulouse/FR) Marc Brönstrup (Braunschweig/DE) Laurent Fraisse (Toulouse/FR), Dirk Heinz Wulf Blankenfeldt (Braunschweig/DE) Rolf Müller (Saarbrücken/DE) Thilo Stehle (Tübingen/DE) Specific Antidotes For Dabigatran – Structure-Guided Affinity Optimisation and Functional Characterisation Herbert Nar (Biberach/DE) Structural basis of proline-proline peptide bond specificity of the secreted protease PPEP-1 implicated in motility of Clostridium difficile Magdalena Schacherl, Christian Pichlo, Ines Neundorf Ulrich Baumann (Köln/DE) 14:10 Protein Data Bank in Europe MS20-04 Matthew Conroy (Cambridge/GB) 14:30–15:00 Room 17.02 40 Programme Closing Lesen und Wissen Kompetenz im Jahresabo ■ NR Mit wertvollem Begrüßungs-Geschenk Im Abonnement inbegriffen ist die jährlich erscheinende NR-CD-ROM mit allen Jahrgängen seit 2004! Der reguläre Bezugspreis beträgt jährlich € 198,zzgl. € 23,90 Versandkosten* Vorzugspreis jährlich € 178,- zzgl. € 23,90 Versandkosten* für Mitglieder VBIO (Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V.); Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft und Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft; für Assistenten, Referendare Sonder-Vorzugspreis von jährlich € 162,zzgl. € 23,90 Versandkosten* für Mitglieder der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte Vorzugspreis von jährlich € 121,- zzgl. € 23,90 Versandkosten* für Studenten und Schüler (Nachweis bitte beilegen). Mein Begrüßungs-Geschenk bei Bestelllung eines Jahresabonnements: -Gutschein über € 30,–, den ich bei □ Ein Anstiftung zum Lesen www.buchoffi gegen Bücher oder andere Medien einlösen kann. Oder: Fordern Sie Probehefte an unter □ Ich möchte die ersten 3 Monate kostenlos lesen. (3 Hefte) Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart Birkenwaldstraße 44 | 70191 Stuttgart Telefon 0711 2582-353 | Telefax 0711 2582-390 Alle Preise inklusive MwSt. [D], sofern nicht anders angegeben. *Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands. Stand der Preise: 1.1.2016 Poster Overview Biostructures........................................................................................................... p. 43 Materials – Syntheses and structure...................................................................... p. 45 Lightning talks of young crystallographers............................................................. p. 50 Computational and theoretical crystallography..................................................... p. 52 Crystallography, crystal chemistry and application of layered materials.............. p. 52 Storage and battery materials................................................................................. p. 55 Structural chemistry at non-ambient conditions................................................... p. 55 Molecular structural chemistry – Syntheses, structure and applications............. p. 56 Time resolved crystallography................................................................................ p. 59 Aperiodic and periodic complex materials............................................................. p. 59 Materials – Properties and applications................................................................. p. 60 Spectroscopic methods in crystallography............................................................. p. 62 Crystal physics......................................................................................................... p. 62 42 Programme Poster Presentations Biostructures P001 P002 P003 P004 P005 P006 P007 P008 BioMAX – The First Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline of MAX IV Uwe Mueller, Thomas Ursby, Roberto Appio, Jie Nan, Johan Unge Mikel Eguiraun, Christopher Ward, Derek Logan, Alberto Nardella Frederick Blomsten, Marjolein Thunissen (Lund/SE) MeshAndCollect – A New Synchrotron Serial Crystallography Method Ulrich Zander (Grenoble/FR), Gleb Bourenkov (Hamburg/DE) Alexander Popov, Daniele De Sanctis, Olof Svensson, Andrew McCarthy Ekatarina Round, Valentin Gordeliy, Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann Gordon Leonard (Grenoble/FR) Pushing the limits of experimental phasing in the laboratory Andreas Förster (Baden/CH) Automated software solutions for fragment-screening at the HZB MX beamlines Karine Sparta (Berlin/DE), Johannes Schiebel (Marburg/DE) Franziska Huschmann (Berlin, Marburg/DE), Monika Ühlein (Berlin/DE) Andreas Heine, Gerhard Klebe (Marburg/DE), Manfred S. Weiss Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) Macromolecular data collection and processing solutions for home laboratory from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction Tadeusz Skarzynski (Sevenoaks/GB), Mathias Meyer Przemyslaw Stec (Wroclaw/PL) Humidity induced phase transitions of hew lysozyme investigated by microcrystalline powder diffraction on a laboratory xrd system Detlef Beckers, Thomas Degen, Gwilherm Nénert (Almelo/NL) Fotini Karavassili, Alexandros Valmas, Souzana Logotheti, Stefanos Saslis Irene Margiolaki (Patras/GR), Sofia Trampari (Athens/GR) Tailor-made beams for macromolecular crystals Anna Polyakova, Gleb Bourenkov, Ivars Karpics, Stefan Fiedler, Fang Liu Thomas Schneider (Hamburg/DE) Low multiplicity Cadmium SAD phasing at 12 keV Saravanan Panneerselvam, Anja Burkhardt, Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE) Programme 43 Poster Presentations P009 P010 P011 P012 P013 P014 P015 P016 P179 P180 New beam lines for structural biology at the ESRF Ulrich Zander (Grenoble/FR) Status of the Crystallography Endstation at Beamline P11 at PETRA III Anja Burkhardt, Saravanan Panneerselvam, Olga Lorbeer, Bernd Reime Tim Pakendorf, Nicolas Stübe, Pontus Fischer, Jan Meyer, Philip Rödig Dennis Göries, Martin Warmer, Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE) BioDiff – a neutron diffractometer optimized for crystals with large unit cell dimensions Tobias Erich Schrader, Andreas Ostermann (Garching/DE) Michael Monkenbusch (Garching, Jülich/DE), Bernhard Laatsch (Jülich/DE) Philipp Jüttner, Winfried Petry (Garching/DE) Dieter Richter (Garching, Jülich/DE) UsnRNP assembly machinery of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Jyotishman Veepaschit, Clemens Grimm, Utz Fischer (Würzburg/DE) Synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties of Bi3TeBO9 Michael Daub, M. Krummer, H. Hillebrecht (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Structure of the Leucine-rich Repeat of the Salmonella-recognizing E3 ubiquitin Ligase LRSAM1 Caroline Behrens, Andrea Scrima (Braunschweig/DE) Structural and functional characterization of Invasin-like proteins Pooja Sadana, Petra Dersch, Andrea Scrima (Braunschweig/DE) Crystallization of Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase substrates Andrea Scrima (Braunschweig/DE) MCPIP3 (ZC3H12c) regulate the innate immune response by acting as a Ribonuclease Ankur Garg, Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE) Structural and functional analysis of the spliceosomal RNA helicase Prp43 Marcel J. Tauchert, Jean-Baptiste Fourmann, Reinhard Lührmann Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) 44 Programme Poster Presentations Materials – Syntheses and structure P017 Synthesis and Crystal Structure of In4.64Ho3.36S12 Ingo Hartenbach, Tim Lebherz, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P018 2D coordination polymer employing deprotonated 3,3’-bipyridine-2,2’ dicarboxylate as a ligand Andrzej Kochel (Wrocław/PL) P019 The order-disorder transition in Cu2ZnSnS4 Anna Ritscher (Berlin/DE), Markus Hoelzel (Garching/DE) Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) P020 Decreasing the Optical Band Gap in Photocatalysts – From Ba3Ta5O14N to LaBa2Ta5O13N2 Björn Anke (Berlin/DE), Martin Rohloff (Berlin, Freiburg i. Br./DE) Anna Fischer (Freiburg i. Br./DE), Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) P021 Mixed Sr and Ba stannides/plumbides A(Sn1-xPbx)3 Michael Langenmaier, Michael Jehle, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P022Cs4Pr2As4S11 – A New Quaternary Thioarsenate(III) According to Cs4Pr2[AsS3]2[As2S5] Florian Ledderboge, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P023 Expanding the SrCuRES3 Series with the Rare-Earth Metals Scandium and Yttrium Marcel Eberle, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P024 Structural characterisation of Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4 by anomalous X-ray and neutron diffraction Galina Gurieva, Daniel M. Többens, Stefan Zander, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) P025Eu2O2I – A New Mixed-Valent Europium Oxide Halide Daniel Rudolph, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P026 The crystal structure of MAPbI3 – a complementary neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction study Alexandra Franz, Daniel Többens, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Programme 45 Poster Presentations P027 P028 Ammonothermal Synthesis and Crystal Growth of Indium Nitride Jan Hertrampf (Stuttgart/DE), Nicolas Alt Eberhard Schlücker (Erlangen/DE), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) P029 P030 P031 P032 P033 P034 P035 P036 Non-Hydrothermal Synthesis of NaYF2[CO3] and Na2EuF3[CO3] and the Crystal Structure of Na2SmF3[CO3] Harald Henning, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) The Elusive LiBi3S5 – Synthesis, Characterization, and Topological Analysis Dennis Wiedemann, Suliman Nakhal (Berlin/DE) Bernhard Stanje (Graz/AT), Oleksandr Dolotko (Garching b. München/DE) Martin Wilkening (Graz/AT), Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) The New Quaternary Anion-Rich Lanthanoid Compound Pr10N6Te5Cl2 Markus L. Foltin, Falk Lissner, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Chloride Substituted Hybrid Perovskites MAPbI3-xClx – a systematic, crystallographic study Julia Steckhan (Berlin, Potsdam, Golm/DE), Alexandra Franz Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Donor-Unsupported Lithium-Phosphanylmethanide Li[CH2P(tBu)2]: Crystal Structure from X-Ray Powder Diffraction and DFT-D calculations Alexander Bodach, Lothar Fink, Kamil Samigullin, Edith Alig Matthias Wagner, Hans-Wolfram Lerner (Frankfurt a. M./DE) NaSc[SeO3]2 – a New Alkali-Metal Scandium Oxoselenate(IV) Stefan Greiner, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Rb3[NO3][B12H12] – the Nitrate Dodecahydro- closo-Dodecaborate of Rubidium – A New Compound with a Known Crystal Structure Fabian M. Kleeberg, Johannes Mehnert, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Realstruktur als „Falle“ bei der Strukturlösung auf Basis von Pulverbeugungsdaten Andreas Leineweber (Freiberg/DE) New Mixed Ternary Strontium Trielides at the Border between Zintl and Laves Phases Carolin Meyer, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 46 Programme Poster Presentations P037 P038 Crystal and electronic structure of Rb2In3 and ternary gallium variants Martha Falk, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P039 P040 P041 P042 P043 P044 P045 P046 A New Layered Europium(II) Oxotantalate(V) – Li4Eu3Ta6O20 Christian Funk, Jürgen Köhler, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Approaching Polysulfuric Acids – the New Hydrogentrisulfate Anion [HS3O10]in the Crystal Structures of Na[HS3O10], K[HS3O10] and Rb[HS3O10] Lisa Verena Schindler, Mathias S. Wickleder (Gießen/DE) Neutron powder diffraction study of the Cux Zn2-xTiO4 cubic spinels at ambient conditions Man He, Björn Winkler, Javier Ruiz-Fuertes (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Thomas Bernert (Mülheim a. d. R./DE), Nadine Schrott Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Emmanuelle Suard (Grenoble/FR) Structure of the intermediate phase (INT) between sodalite (SOD) and cancrinite (CAN) – first approaches Hilke Petersen, Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Electrochemical formation of metal nitride surface layers in molten salt systems Tanja Lehmann, Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Dy2WO6 Katharina V. Dorn, Thomas Schleid, Ingo Hartenbach (Stuttgart/DE) Crystal Structure, Phase Transitions and Optical Properties of the Perovskite related layered hybrids (C(NH2)3)2MI4; M = Pb, Sn Michael Daub, Christoph Haber, Harald Hillebrecht (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Systematic X-Ray Study of Barium Long-Chain Carboxylates Julia Volk, Walter Frank (Düsseldorf/DE) Rietveld Refinement of Crystal Structures of Group 14 Element Tetrachloridogallates Sascha Schloots, Walter Frank (Düsseldorf/DE) Programme 47 Poster Presentations P047Eu2Se[SiO4] – A Selenide Ortho-Oxosilicate with Trivalent Europium Dirk D. Zimmermann, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P048 Formation, structures and thermal behavior of Ga-rich alloys Mo/Ga/In, Mo/Ga/Sn and Mo/Ga/In/Sn Jan Platzek, Harald Hillebrecht (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P049 Hydrogenation Properties of the Binary Palladium Rich Compounds MgPd2 and MPd3 (M: Pb, Bi) André Götze, Andrea Peretzki, Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) P050 Nitrogen Ordering in Inverse Perovskite Nitrides Dominik Stoiber (Stuttgart/DE), Peter Höhn (Dresden/DE) Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) P051 Formation and stability of mullite-type aluminumborates Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE), Thomas J. Hooper John V. Hanna (Coventry/GB), M. Mangir Murshed (Bremen/DE) Haishuang Zhao, Ute Kolb (Mainz/DE), Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE) Oleksandr Dolotko, Petra Kudějová, Zsolt Révay (Garching/DE) Hartmut Schneider, Thorsten M. Gesing, Kristin Hoffmann (Bremen/DE) P052 Subsequent condensation in [Zn2(NH3)2(NH2)3]Cl and [Zn(NH3)2(NH2)]Br: towards ammonothermal crystal growth of Zn3N2 Theresia M. M. Richter (Stuttgart/DE), Nicolas S. A. Alt Eberhard Schlücker (Erlangen/DE), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) P053 Elimination of wurtzitic stacking faults and indium-doping in sphalerite ZnS by melt-freeze @ HP/HT conditions Judith Heinrich, Marcus Schwarz, Gerhard Heide (Freiberg/DE) P054LiCu0.5Mn1.5O4 and LiNi0.25Cu0.25Mn1.5O4 Spinel Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries Öznil Budak (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) P055 Studies on Hydrogen Bonds and Local Disorder in Silicates and Phosphates using Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Martin Meven (Aachen/DE), Diego G. Gatta (Milano, Italy/IT) P056 The first structurally characterized mixed diorganochlorofluorostannanes: Me2SnClF and iPr2SnClF Hans Reuter, Kornelius Neue (Osnabrück/DE) 48 Programme Poster Presentations P057 SiGe single crystal growth by vertical Float Zone (FZ) melting starting from Spark Plasma sintered feed rods Amalia Wagner, Arne Cröll, Harald Hillebrecht (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P058 P059 P060 P061 P063 P064 P065 P066 Crystal structures and thermoelectric properties of long-periodically ordered germanium arsenic tellurides Markus Nentwig, Felix Fahrnbauer, Marcus Kasprick, Peter Schultz Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE) Hydrogenation Properties of Laves-Phases LnMg2 (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) Anton Werwein, Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Disorder in the crystal structure of dimethyldifluorostannane, Me2SnF2 Hans Reuter, Kornelius Neue, Tobias Gieschen (Osnabrück/DE) Structural Studies of M2(m‐dobdc) Metal−Organic Frameworks and their Interactions with CO2, H2, D2, Xe and Kr gases Tomce Runcevski, Matthew T. Kapelewski, Jiwoong Lee, Zach Smith, Hye Jeong Park (Berkeley, CA/US), Craig M. Brown (Gaithersburg/US) Jeffrey R. Long (Berkeley, CA/US) Biomimetic crystal growth of carbonate phases in gels – an in situ X-ray diffraction study Bernd Maier, Sebastian Grott, Wolfgang Schmahl (München/DE) The phase transition of Pb8F14I2 Matthias Weil (Wien/AT) Tilting Structures in Inverse-perovskites, M3TtO (M = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu; Tt = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) Jürgen Nuss, A. W. Rost, C. Mühle, K. Hayama, V. Abdolazimi H. Takagi (Stuttgart/DE) Crystal growth, crystal-chemical and optical characterization of Ba2TiO4 S. Lenz, Manfred Burianek, Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) Programme 49 Poster Presentations Lightning talks of young crystallographers P067 1.6 Å Structure of PilBac1 – Insights into Long-Range Electron Transfer in Bacteria and a Sulfur-SAD Success Story Manuela Gorgel (München/DE), Andreas Boeggild Jakob Ulstrup (Aarhus/DK), Uwe Mueller, Manfred Weiss (Berlin/DE) Poul Nissen, Thomas Boesen (Aarhus/DK) P068 Temperature-induced phase transition in tetragonal copper sulfide at low Temperatures Dominik Zimmer, L. Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE), J. Zhang (Beijing/DE) E. Alig, L. Fink, E. Haussühl (Frankfurt a. M./DE), CQ. Jin (Beijing/DE) B. Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) P069 Structural complexity of simple Fe2O3 oxide at high pressures and Temperatures Elena Bykova, Maxim Bykov, Catherine McCammon Sergey Ovsyannikov (Bayreuth/DE), Hanns-Peter Liermann (Hamburg/DE) Ilya Kupenko, Aleksandr Chumakov, Rudolf Rüffer Michael Hanfland (Grenoble/FR), Vitali Prakapenka (Argonne/US) Natalia Dubrovinskaia, Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE) P070 High-pressure phase transition and single-crystal elasticity of SrCO3 by Raman spectroscopy and Brillouin spectroscopy Nicole Biedermann (Hamburg/DE), Sergio Speziale, Hans Josef Reichmann Monika Koch-Müller (Potsdam/DE), Gerhard Heide (Freiberg/DE) P071 On the mechanism and accompanying effects of two-dimensional polymerization in a novel mono-layered monomer crystal Gregor Hofer, Thomas Weber, A. Dieter Schlüter (Zürich/CH) P072 Synthesis, Characterization, and investigation of electronic and optical properties of double perovskite oxide BaSrMgTeO6 Mohammed Ait Haddouch (Casablanca/MA) Abderrahman Abbassi (Rabat/MA), Youssef Aharbil (Casablanca/MA) Hicham Labrim (Rabat/MA), Youssef Tamraoui, Fatima-Ezzahra Mirinioui Bouchaib Manoun (Khouribga/MA), Hamid Ez-Zahraouy Abdelilah Benyoussef, Larbi Laânab (Rabat/MA) Said Benmokhtar (Casablanca/MA) 50 Programme Poster Presentations P073 P074 P075 P076 P077 P078 P079 P080 P081 Controlled Stepwise Synthesis of a Cu MOF Qianqian Guo, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Anion recognition by dinuclear Ni(II) complexes with macrocyclic NHC ligands Philipp J. Altmann, Alexander Pöthig (Garching/DE) Structure Analysis of Human Prolidase Mutations gives insight into the Prolidase Deficiency disease mechanisms Piotr Wilk, Monika Ühlein, Holger Dobbek, Manfred S. Weiss Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) Influence of Modulators for MOF Formation Jens Bergmann, Harald Krautscheid (Leipzig/DE) Riddles of a novel Mn-polymer with a tetraazaadamantane-like ligand Dejan Premužić, Małgorzata Hołyńska (Marburg/DE) Computational adsorption experiments at the (100)-pyrite-water interface: The influence of surface defects to the H2O adsorption model. Sandrina Meis, Hermann Gies (Bochum/DE), Uta Magdans (Potsdam/DE) A Racemic Solution Crystallizing as a Disordered Crystal Structure of Opposite Enantiomers – Pseudoracemates in a Sohncke and a Centrosymmetric Space Group Roy Herrmann, Beatrice Braun Cula, Thomas Braun (Berlin/DE) Crystallographic and energetic evaluation tools for the prediction of ionic conduction of Al in oxides Falk Meutzner, Tina Nestler (Freiberg/DE) A. A. Kabanov (Samara, Russia/RU), Matthias Zschornak Wolfram Münchgesang (Freiberg/DE) Tilmann Leisegang (Freiberg/DE; Samara, Russia/DE) Vladislav A. Blatov (Samara, Russia/RU), Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Disordered Intermetallic Phases visited by Solid-State NMR and Quantum Mechanical Calculations Bernhard Mausolf, Frank Haarmann, Volker Peters Alexander Korthaus (Aachen/DE) Programme 51 Poster Presentations P082 P083 In situ high pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction study of clinoferrosilite Anna Pakhomova, Leyla Ismailova, Maxim Bykov, Elena Bykova Tiziana Boffa Ballaran, Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE) Millisecond time resolved diffraction study of SrCO3 at high pressures and Temperatures Michal Stekiel, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Wolfgang Morgenroth Rita Luchitskaia, Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Computational and theoretical crystallography P084 Delocalization indices and domain-averaged Fermi hole analysis for complex solids Pavlo Golub, Alexey Baranov (Dresden/DE) P085 Atomistic simulation study of ternary (Ca,Sr,Ba)CO3 solid solutions Xin Liu (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Victor L. Vinograd, Dirk Bosbach (Jülich/DE) Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) P086 The fast acquisition Laue Camera for neutrons FALCON at neutron source BER II Michael Tovar (Berlin/DE), Gail Iles (Sidney/AU), Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) P087 Computational studies of binary and ternary systems and connection to actual synthesis routes Dejan Zagorac (Belgrade/RS), Jelena Zagorac , Klaus Doll (Ulm/DE) Milena Rosic, Maria Cebela, Branko Matovic P088 Electrostatic Potential of Dynamic Charge Densities Christian B. Hübschle, Sander Van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) Crystallography, crystal chemistry and application of layered materials P089 Crystal Structure of the Ordered Double Perovskite Sr2Mn1-xNixTeO6 Asmaa Zaraq (Casablanca/MA) 52 Programme Poster Presentations P090 Structural Characterization of the Two PbSb0.5Fe1.5(PO4)3 and Pb0.5SbFe(PO4)3 Phosphates with Nasicon type-structure Asmaa Marchoud (Casablanca/MA) P091 Structural features of partially unprotected Aib containing peptides Renate Gessmann (Iraklion/GR), Hans Brückner (Giessen/DE) Kyriacos Petratos (Iraklion/GR) P092 Determination of high pressure and high temperature stability of α- and β-MgSO4 by Raman spectroscopy Markus Herrmann, Björn Winkler, Johannes D. Bauer Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Keith Refson (London/GB) Victor Milman (Cambridge/GB) P093 Crystal structure of an anhydrous zinc hydroxide sulfate Luzia S. Germann, Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE), Xin Liu, Yaping Dong Wu Li (Xi’ning/CN) P094 High-pressure synthesis, refractive indices, and long-term structural stability of trigonal B2O3 (I) and the polarizability of IIIB Manfred Burianek, Johannes Birkenstock (Bremen/DE), Philipp Mair Volker Kahlenberg (Innsbruck/AT), Olaf Medenbach (Bochum/DE) Robert D. Shannon (Boulder, CO/DE), Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) P095 Structure and Properties of ITQ-8, a Hydrous Layer Silicate with Porous Silicate Layers Bernd Marler, Melanie Müller, Hermann Gies (Bochum/DE) P096 Structure Eludication of the B-Type Lanthanoid Oxide Tellurides Ln2O2Te for the Example of Tm2O2Te Adrian H. Geyer, Sabine Strobel, Tomče Runčevski, Martin Etter Robert E. Dinnebier, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) P097 The Structure of Dehydrated PREFER, (C9H22N2)4[Si36O76], the Layered Silicate Precursor of Silica-Ferrierite Melanie Müller, Bernd Marler (Bochum/DE) Programme 53 Poster Presentations P098 In-situ neutron radiography during tensile testing of bentonite-bonded moulding sand Korbinian Schiebel, Guntram Jordan, Wolfgang W. Schmahl (München/DE) Anders Kaestner (Villigen/CH), Burkhard Schillinger (Garching/DE) Sandra Boehnke (Marl/DE) P099 Structural trends in off-stoichiometric Cu2ZnGeSe4 compound semiconductors René Gunder, Alexandra Franz, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) P100 Crystallographic characterization and thermal decomposition behavior of ammonium exchanged zeolites Iris Spiess, Michael Fischer, Li Wang (Bremen/DE) Werner H. Baur (Western Springs, IL/US), Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) P101 Optical properties of tungsten oxide bronzes and misfit layer compounds (MS)nTS2 – Small versus large polaron behaviour Claus Rüscher (Hannover/DE), Tapas Debnath (Dhaka/BD) P102 Biomineralization in Sepia Officinalis – Real Structure and Simulation Julius Schneider, Wolfgang Schmahl (München/DE) P103 Investigations of the System [(Cu,Mn)1-x Alx(OH)2](CO3)x/2•nH2O with (Cu,Mn):Al ratios 2:1 and 3:1 Tobias Linke, Stefan Stöber, Herbert Pöllmann (Halle a. d. S./DE) P104 Investigation on the systems C3A•CaSO4•nH2O – C3A•Ca(MnO4)2•nH2O and C3A•CaCO3•nH2O C3A•Ca(MnO4)2•nH2O ― hydration phases of the Mn-CAC Karen Maria Dietmann, Stefan Stöber, Herbert Pöllmann (Halle a. d. S./DE) P105 In-situ Grazing Incidence Small-Angle-Xray-Scattering Studies Using The Incoatec Microfocus Source IµS Jörg Wiesmann, Andreas Stricker, Jürgen Graf (Geesthacht/DE) Peter Siffalovic, Martin Hodas, Karol Vegsö (Bratislava/SK) P106 Does Stoichiometric Sillenite Bi12SiO20 Show Relaxor Behavior or anelastic relaxation? Chandra Shekhar Pandey (Bochum/DE), Manfred Burianek Manfred Mühlberg (Cologne/DE), Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE) 54 Programme Poster Presentations Storage and battery materials P107 Pair Distribution Function Analysis of Ammonium Nitrate – Evaluation for energetic materials Paul Bernd Kempa, Michael Herrmann (Pfinztal/DE) P108 Synthesis, Chemical Sodiation & Desodiation of Olivine- Related Compounds AyMxFe1-xPO4 Jessica Bauer, Robert Haberkorn, Guido Kickelbick (Saarbrücken/DE) P109 Electrochemical characterizations of Nasicon type phosphate Na3CoZr(PO4)3 as an cathode material for sodium-ion batteries Asmaa Loutati (Casablanca/MA), Rayyam Ismail El Bouari Abdsslame (Casablanca/MA), Orayech Brahim (Bilbao/ES) P110 Synthesis and characterization of carbon-doped titanium dioxide nanotubes Uta Helbig, Jewgeni Roudenko, Kai Herbst, Jens Helbig (Nürnberg/DE) Structural chemistry at non-ambient conditions P111 Successive Phase transitions in LaCoO3 Nanoparticles – An in-situ X-ray Powder diffraction study Seyma Ortatatli, Jan Ternieden, Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim a. d. R./DE) P112 Thermal degradation of chalcogenogallate chains ¹͚ [Ga2(Q2)2-xQ2+x2-] (x = 0, 1, 2; Q = S, Se) investigated by high-temperature in situ PXRD Daniel Friedrich, Marc Schlosser, Arno Pfitzner (Regensburg/DE) P113 Pressure induced phase transition from calcite to aragonite detected by fluorescence spectroscopy Chris-Julian Fruhner, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Bjoern Winkler Rita Luchitskaia (Frankfurt a. M./DE) P114 A new micro-furnace for “in situ” high-temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements Matteo Alvaro, Claudio Marciano, Chiara Domeneghetti (Pavia/IT) Fabrizio Nestola, Ross Angel (Padova/IT) Programme 55 Poster Presentations P115 P116 P117 P118 P119 P120 Anomalous compression of cristobalite-like phosphorus oxonitride Maxim Bykov, Elena Bykova (Bayreuth/DE), Dominik Baumann Wolfgang Schnick (Munich/DE), Michael Hanfland (Grenoble/FR) Leonid Dubrovinsky, Natalia Dubrovinskaia (Bayreuth/DE) Low-temperature phase-transitions of │Na6(H2O)8│[ZnPO4]6 Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Status of the High Resolution Powder Diffraction Beamline P02.1 at PETRAIII, DESY Martin Etter, Jozef Bednarcik, Andreas Berghäuser, Anita Ehnes Hanns-Peter Liermann, Alexander Schökel, Iris Schwark Mario Wendt (Hamburg/DE) CoMg olivine – cation partitioning, thermal expansion and structural variation studied by in situ neutron and synchroton powder diffraction Peter Schmid-Beurmann, Herbert Kroll (Münster/DE), Armin Kirfel Pitua Sutanto (Bonn/DE), Alexander Sell, Julia Büscher (Münster/DE) Laboratory Based x-Ray Powder Diffraction Down to Liquid Helium Temperatures Reinhard Karl Kremer, Stefan Höhn, Robert E. Dinnebier F. Adams (Stuttgart/DE) Neon-bearing ammonium metal formates – effect of inclusion at high Pressure Ines Collings, Elena Bykova, Maxim Bykov Sylvain Petitgirard (Bayreuth/DE), Michael Hanfland Damian Paliwoda (Grenoble/FR), Natalia Dubrovinskaia Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE) Molecular structural chemistry – Syntheses, structure and applications P121 Charge Density Study of Distorting Tetrahedral and Octahedral Cu (II) Complexes Ai Wang, Ullrich Englert (Aachen/DE) P122 in situ Crystallisation technique – an approach to circumvent crystal structures with Z’>1 Gregor Lipinski, Bert Mallick, Klaus Merz (Bochum/DE) 56 Programme Poster Presentations P123 P124 P125 P126 P127 P128 P129 P130 P131 Synthesis of New Functional, Catalytic Materials via Thermal Decomposition of Ag(I)/Yb(III) Bimetallic Coordination Networks Khai-Nghi Truong (Aachen/DE), Marcin Konkol (Puławy/PL) Alexander Schwedt, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Crystals giving birth to other crystals Cindy Döring, Lukas Pinkert, Christina Taouss Peter G. Jones (Braunschweig/DE) Giant Pentaphosphaferrocene-Based Supramolecules – Supramolecular Synthons Eugenia Peresypkina, Alexander Virovets, Manfred Scheer (Regensburg/DE) B2neop2 revisited – A Simple Compound with an Intricate Structure Determination Christian Kleeberg (Braunschweig/DE) Todd B. Marder (Braunschweig, Würzburg/DE) Cu-Ni bimetallic compound with chain-like crystal structure Ivana Kočanová, Juraj Kuchár, Martin Orendáč, Juraj Černák (Košice/SK) The application of silver X-ray’s in single crystal diffraction Alexandra Griffin (Oxford/GB) 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil vs. 6-methoxymethyl-2-thiouracil: enhancing the hydrogen bonded synthon motif by replacement of a methylene group with an oxygen atom Wilhelm Maximilian Hützler, Ernst Egert (Frankfurt a. M./DE) “in situ” Crystal growth and low temperature structure determination of Meerwein’s boron trifluoride–carboxylic acid–adducts Sven Parizek, Walter Frank (Düsseldorf/DE) Co-crystal Systems of Cyanopyridines and Carboxylic Acids Dennis Enkelmann, Gregor Lipinski, Klaus Merz (Bochum/DE) Programme 57 Poster Presentations P132 P133 P134 P135 P136 P137 P138 P139 Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Spectroscopic Studies and Biological activity of 1-(5-bromo-2,3-dimethoxybenzylidene)-2- (pyridine-2-yl) hydrazine Schiff Base Molecule Tuncay Tunç, Samir A.Ali Noma, Mahmut Erzengin (Aksaray/TR) Gemfibrozil chain conformation and packing requirements Carl Schwalbe, Miren Ramirez (Birmingham/GB) Barbara Conway (Huddersfield/GB), Peter Timmins (Moreton/GB) New X-ray Sources and X-ray Detectors for Fast and Efficient in-House Experiments Martin Adam, Tobias Stürzer, Holger Ott (Karlsruhe/DE) Monomers, Dimers, Tetramers, Clusters – the Manifold Appearances of Functionalised Cycloheptatrienide-Pd Complexes Christian Jandl, Alexander Pöthig, Karl Öfele, Fritz E. Kühn Wolfgang A. Herrmann (Garching/DE) Synthesis of 1-(5-bromo-2,4-dimethoxybenzylidene)-2-(pyridine-2-yl) hydrazine Schiff Base Molecule, Evaluating of its Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Determination of its, in vitro, Inhibitory Effect on Purified Human Serum Paraoxonase-1 Mahmut Erzengin, Samir Abbas Ali Noma, Tuncay Tunç (Aksaray/TR) Transition metal complexes with defined cavities for supramolecular applications Alexander Pöthig (Garching/DE) High-Brightness Microfocus Sources for Chemical Crystallography Jürgen Graf, Andreas Kleine, Jörg Wiesmann Carsten Michaelsen (Geesthacht/DE) Na2(H2O)8[B12Br12] – Disodium Dodecabromo-closo-Dodecaborate Octahydrate – an anti-CdCl2-Type Crystal Structure with an Unusual [Na2(H2O)8]2+ Dimer Cation Ioannis Tiritiris, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) 58 Programme Poster Presentations Time resolved crystallography P140 Phase transitions of SiO2 under dynamic compression and up to 900 °C Eva-Regine Carl, Andreas Danilewsky (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Hanns-Peter Liermann (Hamburg/DE), Ulrich Mansfeld Falko Langenhorst (Jena/DE), Lars Ehm (Stony Brook, NY/US) Thomas Kenkmann (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P141 Monitoring synthesis reactions using laboratory in-situ X-ray powder diffraction techniques Melanie Müller, Hermann Gies (Bochum/DE) P142 Stroboscopic diffraction studies on the domain inversion in multiferroic TbMnO3 and DyMnO3 using polarized neutrons Jonas Stein, Tobias Cronert, Alexander Komarek, Tobias Fröhlich (Köln/DE) Jeannis Leist (Göttingen/DE), Karin Schmalzl (Göttingen/FR) Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE), Markus Braden (Köln/DE) P143 Pink beam at the Extreme Conditions Beamline P02.2 at PETRA III Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt/DE) Hanns-Peter Liermann (Hamburg/DE), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt/DE) P144 High resolution PD at 60 keV on microsecond timescale using stroboscopic Methods Alexander Schökel (Karlsruhe/DE), Andreas Berghäuser (Hamburg/DE) Helmut Ehrenberg (Karlsruhe/DE), Martin Etter (Karlsruhe, Hamburg/DE) Semen Gorfman, Hyeokmin Choe, Marco Vogt (Siegen/DE) Manuel Hinterstein, Michael Knapp (Karlsruhe/DE) Aperiodic and periodic complex materials P145 Structure Review of the R2TSi3 family Melanie Nentwich, Matthias Zschornak, Maximilian Sonntag Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) P146 New giant (pseudo)hexagonal structures in intermetallic compounds Sr(Cd/Hg/Zn)~5 Caroline Röhr, Marco Wendorff (Freiburg i. Br./DE) Programme 59 Poster Presentations P147 Charge-density waves in CuV2S4 Sitaram Ramakrishnan, Nguyen Hai An Bui, Florian Feulner Andreas Schönleber, Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) Dmitry Chernyshov (Grenoble/FR) Materials – Properties and applications P148 New alkali metal iron chalkogenido salts with cluster anions Fe4Ch8 and Fe3Ch7 Pirmin Stüble, Angela Berroth, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg i. Br./DE) P149 Dye degradation catalyzed by piezoelectric materials Maximilian Sonntag, Erik Mehner, Hartmut Stöcker, Bianca Störr Tilmann Leisegang, Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) P150 Schottky contribution to the heat capacity of monazite type (La,Pr)PO4 from low temperature calorimetry and fluorescence measurements Johannes D. Bauer (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Antje Hirsch (Aachen/DE) Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Lars Peters Georg Roth (Aachen/DE), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) P151 Crystal Growth and Characterization of Mn-substituted Barium Hexaferrites BaFe12−xMnxO19 Sandra Nemrava (Stuttgart/DE), Denis Vinnik (Chelyabinsk/RU) Ivan Zakharchuk, Erkki Lähderanta (Lappeenranta/FI) Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) P152 Crystal Growth and Characterization of BaMRu5O11 (M = Li, Cu) Sandra Nemrava, Lukas Link, Björn Blaschkowski Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) P153 Crystal growth, linear optical properties, pyroelectricity and vibrational spectroscopy of barium antimony tartrate, Ba[Sb2((+)C4H2O6)2]·3H2O Ladislav Bohatý (Köln/DE), Ivan Nemec (Prague/CZ) Helmut Schneeberger (Glöttweng/DE), Petra Becker (Köln/DE) 60 Programme Poster Presentations P154 P155 P156 P157 P158 P159 P160 P161 Crystal growth, crystal structure, linear optical properties and vibrational spectroscopy of guanidinium orthophosphates Ivan Nemec, Irena Matulková (Prague/CZ), Peter Held, Dongxu Li Ladislav Bohatý, Petra Becker (Köln/DE) Hydride fluoride analogy and the design of Eu2+ emission colours Nathalie Kunkel (Paris/FR), Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Titanium to form multifunctional porous Titaniumdioxide layers Ariane Friedemann, Peter Plagemann (Bremen/DE) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Comparative band gap determination of photocatalytic active Bi2Fe4O9 Andrea Kirsch, M. Mangir Murshed, Marco Schowalter (Bremen/DE) Mariano Curti, Cecilia B. Mendive (Mar del Plata/AR) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Structure-property relations in chalcopyrite based intermediate band solar absorber materials Julien Marquardt, Alexandra Franz, Christiane Stephan Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) New Scandium (III) Coordination Polymers at Bulk and Nano-Scale, Synthesis, Characterization, Thermal and Gas sensing Properties Ertan Sahin (Erzurum/TR), Veysel. T. Yilmaz (Bursa/TR), Alireza Aslani Abedin Zebardasti (Lorestan/TR) Microscopic understanding of axial negative thermal expansion – a study on potassium arsenotungstate using neutron diffraction and DFT M. Mangir Murshed, Pei Zhao, Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE) Ashfia Huq (Oak Ridge, TN/US), Evgeny V. Alekseev (Jülich/DE) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Modified Novel Perovskite-type Oxides and Oxyfluoronitrides for Thermolelectric and Solar Water Splitting Application Marc Widenmeyer, Xingxing Xaio, Cora M. Bubeck, Joachim Häcker Wenjie Xie, Anke Weidenkaff (Stuttgart/DE) Programme 61 Poster Presentations P162 P163 P164 Re-evaluation of the compressibility of the rhenium boride phases Re3B and Re7B3 Christopher Neun (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Benedikt Petermüller (Innsbruck/AT) Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Wolfgang Morgenroth (Hamburg, Frankfurt a. M./DE) Hubert Huppertz (Innsbruck/AT), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Texture and anisotropic elastic behavior of the mineral phase of the charonia lampas lampas shell Salim Ouhenia (Bejaia/DZ), Daniel Chateigner (Bejaia/FR) Elimination of methylene blue by adsorption on raw ore graphite (deposit point 214-area Sidi Bouothmane – Marrakech) Said Sabir (Casablanca/MA) Spectroscopic methods in crystallography P165 Kinetics of the hydrogen defect in lithium niobate and lithium tantalite Thomas Köhler, Erik Mehner, Juliane Hanzig, Günter Gärtner Hartmut Stöcker, Dirk Carl Meyer (Freiberg/DE) P166 Thermal annealing of radiation damaged minerals Peter Zietlow, Tobias Beirau, Boriana Mihailova, Jochen Schlüter Carsten Paulmann (Hamburg/DE), Radek Škoda (Brno/CZ) Lee A. Groat (Vancouver/CA), Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) P167 Mechanical properties of multiferroic Bi2Mn4O10 – Full set of elastic constants determined by inelastic neutron scattering Fabian Ziegler (Göttingen/DE), Mohammad Mangir Murshed (Bremen/DE) Holger Gibhardt, Oleg Sobolev (Göttingen/DE) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE), Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE) P168 Local Atomic Ordering of Ga in Ba(Al1-xGax)4 with 0.025 ≤ x ≤ 0.075 Investigated by Quantum Mechanical Calculations and Solid State NMR Spectroscopy Volker Peters, Bernhard Mausolf, Frank Haarmann (Aachen/DE) 62 Programme Poster Presentations P169 P170 P171 P172 Structural transformations in the ferroelectric (1-x)PbTiO3-xBiMg0.5Ti0.5O3 solid solution studied by Raman spectroscopy Irina Margaritescu, Kaustuv Datta (Hamburg/DE), Jun Chen (Beijing/CN) Boriana Mihailova (Hamburg/DE) Toplogical studies in bivalve shells Jianhan He (Hamburg/DE), Shanrong Zhao (Wuhan/CN) Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Low-temperature structure of Pb-lawsonite, PbAl2[(OH)2|Si2O7]·H2O Martin Ende, Gerald Giester (Vienna/AT), Bernd Wunder Monika Koch-Müller (Potsdam/DE), Eugen Libowitzky (Vienna/AT) Utilization of diaminobenzidine oxidation for the generation of specific contrast in X-Ray Zernike phase-contrast microscopy Olga Lorbeer, M. Warmer, C. Schneider, V. Mordhorst (Hamburg/DE) I. Vartiainen (Villigen/CH), N. Stübe, B. Reime, J. Meyer, P. Fischer R. Reimer, A. Meents (Hamburg/DE) Crystal physics P173 Thermodynamic properties of Ra sulfate estimated from calorimetric data on isostructural crystals Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Victor Vinograd (Jülich/DE) Johannes Bauer, Björn Winkler, Margarita Luchitskaia (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Carlos M. Pina (Madrid/ES), Keith Refson (London/GB) P174 A Low-Cost Laue Method for the Orientation of Single Crystals (Part II) Werner Lottermoser (Salzburg/AT), Arshia Jakhu (Delhi/IN) Georg Amthauer (Salzburg/DE) P175 Mechanical properties of natural radiation damaged minerals and temperature-induced structural reorganization Tobias Beirau (Stanford/GB), William D. Nix Rodney C. Ewing (Stanford, CA/US), Gerold A. Schneider (Hamburg/DE) Lee A. Groat (Vancouver/CA), Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Programme 63 Poster Presentations P176 P177 P178 Single crystal elastic properties of Bi12SiO20 as a function of pressure – Brillouin spectroscopy and atomistic simulations Hans-Josef Reichmann (Potsdam/DE), Eiken Haussühl (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Alexandra Friedrich (Frankfurt a. M., Würzburg/DE) Order parameter behaviour of Pb-lawsonite Martin Ende (Wien/AT), Wilfried Schranz, Eugen Libowitzky (Vienna/AT) Bi lone-pair induced unusual charge disproportionation of mixed-valent chromate BiCu3Cr4O12 Masahiko Isobe, Martin Etter (Stuttgart/DE) Hiroya Sakurai (Tsukuba, Ibaraki/JP), Robert E. Dinnebier Hidenori Takagi (Stuttgart/DE) 64 Programme Did You Know? Conventus is the professional Congress Organiser for the Annual Meeting of the DGK* * the German Crystallographic Society Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs A Adam, M. Ait Haddouch, M. Aken, P. van Altmann, P. J. Amthauer, G. Angel, R. Anke, B. Auer, H. B Barchuk, M. Barton, B. Bauer, J. Bauer, J. D. Bayarjargal, L. Becker, P. Beckers, D. Behrens, C. Beirau, T. Bergmann, J. Bernert, T. Bette, S. Betzing, C. Biedermann, N. Birkenstock, J. Bodach, A. Boffa Ballaran, T. Bohatý, L. Braden, M. Braun Cula, B. Breu, J. Budak, O. Buhl, J.-C. Burkhardt, A. Bykov, M. Bykova, E. 66 Programme 58 24, 50 26 24, 51 37 31 45 33 39 26 55 60 61 63 43 44 39, 63 24, 51 31 28 39 23 53 46 52 60 59 31 36 48 21 44 56 23, 50 C Carl, E.-R. Černák, J. Choe, H. Cianci, M. Collings, I. Conroy, M. D Datta, K. Daub, M. David, B. Diederichs, K. Dietmann, K. M. Dinnebier, R. Dittrich, B. Doert, T. Döring, C. Dorn, K. V. Dshemuchadse, J. Dubrovinsky, L. E Ebbinghaus, S. Eberle, M. Ende, M. Englert, U. Enkelmann, D. Erzengin, M. Etter, M. F Fabbiani, F. Falk, M. Fechtelkord, M. Fischer, M. Fischer, R. X. Flor, G. de la Foltin, M. L. Förster, A. 59 57 34 20 56 40 37 44, 47 21 20 54 21, 29 27 37 57 47 21, 23, 34 31 36 45 63, 64 27, 31 57 58 56 30 47 37 27 48 28 46 43 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs Franz, A. Friedemann, A. Friedrich, D. Friese, K. Friscic, T. Fruhner, C.-J. Funk, C. 45 61 55 38 27 55 47 G Garg, A. Gattermann, U. Germann, L. S. Gessmann, R. Geyer, A. H. Gieselmann, F. Golub, P. Gorfmann, S. Gorgel, M. Götze, A. Graf, J. Greiner, S. Griffin, A. Grimm, C. Gunder, R. Guo, Q. Gurieva, G. 44 38 53 53 53 32 52 33 23 48 58 46 57 20 28, 54 24, 51 45 H Hansen, G. Hartenbach, I. Haussühl, E. He, J. He, M. Heinrich, J. Helbig, U. Henning, H. Herrmann, M. Herrmann, R. Hertrampf, J. 30 45 39 63 47 48 55 46 53 24, 51 46 Hofer, G. Hofmann, D. Hopfner, K.-P. Hübschle, C. B. Hützler, W. M. 23, 50 27 20 52 57 I Isobe, M. 64 J Jacobs, P. Jandl, C. Jordan, G. 27 58 54 K Kempa, P. B. Kirsch, A. Kisker, C. Klebe, H.-J. Kleeberg, C. Kleeberg, F. M. Kochel, A. Köhler, J. Köhler, T. Kreißl, S. Kremer, R. K. Krysiak, Y. Kunkel, N. 55 61 33 26 57 46 45 27 62 37 56 26 37, 61 L Langenmaier, M. Ledderboge, F. Lehmann, T. Leineweber, A. Leisegang, T. Linke, T. Lipinski, G. Liu, X. Lorbeer, O. 45 45 47 46 29 54 56 52 63 Programme 67 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs Lorenz, S. Lottermoser, W. Loutati, A. Lukat, P. M Maier, B. Marchoud, A. Margaritescu, I. Marler, B. Marquardt, J. Marquardt, K. Mausolf, B. Mehrer, H. Meis, S. Meutzner, F. Meven, M. Meyer, C. Meyer, M. Meyerheim, H. Ming, Q. Mittl, P. Monecke, T. Morgenroth, W. Mueller, U. Muller, Y. Müller, C. Müller, M. Murshed, M. M. N Nar, H. Näther, C. Nemrava, S. Nenert, G. Nentwich, M. Nentwig, M. Neue, K. Neumann, P. 68 Programme 30 63 55 40 49 53 63 28, 53 61 26 25, 51 36 24, 51 25, 51 48 46 34 33 30 22 59 43 22 23 28, 53, 59 61 40 31, 36 60 21 59 49 49 20 Neun, C. Niewa, R. Nuss, J. 62 21 49 O Ortatatli, S. Ouhenia, S. 55 62 P Paithankar, K. Pakhomova, A. Pandey, C. S. Panneerselvam, S. Parizek, S. Pecher, O. Peresypkina, E. Peters, V. Petersen, H. Platzek, J. Polyakova, A. Pöthig, A. Premužić, D. Prymak, O. 22 25 54 43 57 29 57 62 47 48 43 31, 58 24, 51 21 R Ramakrishnan, S. Raabe, G. Reis, D. Reuter, H. Reuther, C. Richter, T. M. M. Ritscher, A. Robben, L. Röhr, C. Roske, Y. Rudolph, D. Ruiz-Fuertes, J. Runcevski, T. Rüscher, C. 60 27 30 48 38 48 45 56 59 22 45 31 37, 49 54 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs S Sabir, S. 62 Sadana, P. 44 Sahin, E. 61 Said, N. 33 Schacherl, M. 40 Schleid, T. 21, 36, 38 Schloots, S. 47 Schmid-Beurmann, P. 56 Schneider, J. 54 Schökel, A. 59 Schönleber, A. 34 Schorr, S. 36 Schrader, T. E. 44 Schrodt, N. 38 Schultz, P. 21 Schwalbe, C. 58 Schwarz, U. 30 Scrima, A. 44 Skarzynski, T. 43 Smaalen, S. van 34 Sonntag, M. 60 Sparta, K. 43 Spiess, I. 54 Stehle, T. 20, 22, 30, 33, 40 Stekiel, M. 25, 52 Steurer, W. 34 Stoiber, D. 48 Stüble, P. 60 U Uzarevic, K. 29 V Veepaschit, J. Virovets, A. Volk, J. 44 31 47 T Tauchert, M. J. Techert, S. Többens, D. Tovar, M. Truong, K.-N. Tschierske, C. Tunç, T. Z Zagorac, D. Zander, U. Zaraq, A. Zhao, H. Ziegler, F. Zietlow, P. Zimmer, D. Zimmermann, D. D. Zschornak, M. 44 33 38 52 57 32 58 W Wagner, A. Wagner, R. Walzer, S. A. Wang, A. Weidenkaff, A. Weidenthaler, C. Weil, M. Werwein, A. Wickleder, M. S. Widenmeyer, M. Wiedemann, D. Wiesmann, J. Wilk, P. Winkelmann, A. 49 29 22 56 30, 36 33 49 49 47 38, 61 46 54 24, 51 26 X Xaio, X. 61 Y Yusenko, K. 28 52 43, 44 52 26 62 62 23, 50 48 39 Programme 69 Notes 70 Programme MetalJet sources are already boosting research all over Germany Please contact us for your local customer reference. [email protected] The MetalJet D2 from Excillum is the brightest microfocus X-ray tube in the world. By using a liquid-metal jet as anode the traditional power-density limit, that when the anode melts, is overcome. It is already molten.
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