Summer 2011 - California ACEP
Summer 2011 - California ACEP
CAL/ACEP’s 40th Anniversary Scientific Assembly, Newport Beach LIFELINESUMMER ISSUE 2011 CAL /ACEP | A FORUM FOR EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS IN CALIFORNIA Summer Issue 2011 1 Circulation 3,500 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Scientific Assembly 40th Anniversary������������������������2 Ultrasound Workshop...................................................3 Advocacy Update...........................................................5 SA & US Registration Form.........................................6 SA & US Program Schedule.........................................7 Newport Beach Transportation Facts�����������������������9 President’s Message...................................................... 10 Things to See and Do in Newport Beach��������������� 11 Word Search.................................................................. 12 Ads/Dates to Remember/Call for Articles............. 13 Newport Beach Dining............................................... 14 Career Opportunities................................................... 15 Scientific Assembly Friday Events��������������������������� 16 Exhibitor Directory..................................................... 17 Lifeline is published monthly by the American College of Emergency Physicians State Chapter of California, Inc. 1020 - 11th Street, Suite 310 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 325-5455 Phone (916) 325-5459 Fax Web site: ©2002 American College of Emergency Physicians State Chapter of California, Inc. Editor-in-Chief Deanna M. Janey [email protected] Medical Co-Editors Gene Hern, MD Mathew Foley, MD [email protected] [email protected] Staff Editors Elena Lopez-Gusman, Ryan Adame, Lucia Romo & Callie Hanft The views expressed in these materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the American College of Emergency Physicians or the California Chapter. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010-2011 President Andrea Brault, MD Bing Pao, MD Andrea M. Wagner, MD President-Elect Peter Sokolove, MD CAL/AAEM Representative Steven Gabaeff, MD Immediate Past President Robert Rosenbloom, MD Vice President Andrew Fenton, MD Treasurer Thomas Sugarman, MD Secretary Paul Christiansen, MD Directors Yasmina Boyd, DO Doug Brosnan, MD David Feldman, MD Mathew Foley, MD Gary Gechlik, MD Sam2November Ko, MD 2009 Leslie Mukau, MD Mark Notash, MD Rusty Oshita, MD 2 Michael Summer Issue 2011 Osmundson, MD CAL/EMRA President Sam Ko, MD CAL/EMRA President-Elect Alfred Joshua, MD Cal/ENA Representative Linda Broyles, RN CAL/ACEP Advocacy Fellowship Advocacy Fellowship Director Mathew Foley, MD Advocacy Fellows Alexis Lieser MD David Rankey, MD June 23 – 25, 2011—See pages 1 through 5 and pages 19 through 24 for CAL/ACEP’s 40th Annual Scientific Assembly Course Descriptions, Newport Beach Marriott information, maps, area activities and directions. June 23 – 24, 2011—Ultrasound Workshop CAL/ACEP 40th ANNIVERSARY Scientific Assembly Program – Correction InRegister the Scientific Assembly Program [email protected] Descriptions for the March of Lifeline, @ ■ E-mail: ■ Call:issue 916-325-5455 we incorrectly listed Dr. Greg Hendey’s faculty background information. The information has been corrected in this issue and on all promotional materials associated with the Scientific Assembly program. We apologize for any confusion related to our mistake. Scientific Assembly June 23 – 25, 2011 & Ultrasound Workshop June 23 – 24, 2011 Newport Beach Marriott Time is Approaching Fast by Dr. Frederick M. Abrahamian, D.O. Chair, 40th Annual CAL/ACEP SA Time is quickly approaching to the 40 th Annual Cal ACEP Scientific Assembly. The conference is scheduled to take place from June 23 rd to June 25th at the Newport Beach Marriott. We have been busy getting speakers lined up, submitting CME applications, and organizing the adjunct courses. Many wonderful speakers have been invited, and will present a variety of topics relevant to the clinical practice of emergency medicine. Our faculty represents emergency medicine programs throughout California, and we look forward to hearing from them all. The first day will begin with Dr. Scott Votey from UCLA discussing anaphylaxis and the impact of the newly released guidelines in the management of this condition in the emergency department. Next, Dr. Mallon from USC will talk about endocrine emergencies. With his lecture titled, “Glands Gone Wild”, I am sure it will be an entertaining and informative talk. Next, there will be a break and you can use the time to ask further questions from the speakers, visit the exhibitors, or chat with your friends and colleagues. After the break, Dr. Hendey from UCSF-Fresno will talk about difficult dislocations, an issue that we all have had to deal with in the middle of the night. The lectures on this day will conclude with Dr. Arora from USC highlighting recent EM literature effecting a change in your everyday emergency medicine practice. The second day is short, and we will only have two lectures that morning. Dr. Sharieff from San Diego, a specialist in the field of pediatric emergency medicine, will lecture first and discuss how to deal with difficult parents. Lecture topics like this are not commonly given and I am looking forward to hearing what she has to say. Next, Dr. Ricketts from OliveUCLA will be discussing electrolyte emergencies. I have heard her lectures in the past and let me tell you, be prepared to learn. These will be followed by the Trainor Lecture and President’s Message, delivered by Dr. Peter Sokolove of UC Davis, and conclude with an awards luncheon. The third and final day of the conference will start with Dr. Nguyen from Loma Linda, a specialist in the field of critical care and emergency medicine, discussing therapeutic hypothermia. He will talk about the evidence and ways of incorporating this intervention in our daily practice of emergency medicine. Next, Dr. McCollough from USC, a well-known pediatric emergency medicine specialist, will take us through a review of the pediatric literature. She has a wealth of knowledge and I always learn something new from her. After the break, Dr. Vohra, a toxicologist from UCSF-Fresno will talk about the approach and management of poisoned patients. He has tremendous knowledge and experience in this field and I am eager to learn cool toxicology tricks from him. The day will conclude with Dr. Langdorf from UC Irvine discussing the reversal of anticoagulation in life-threatening bleeding. In addition to the above lectures, a highly sought after course, the ultrasound workshop will also take place on June 23and 24. The LLSA review course will take place on Friday, June 24. I hope the location, line-up of speakers, topics and additional workshop and courses have given you the motivation to come and be part of this awesome conference. I am looking forward to meeting you in June. Thank you for your continued support. JUNE 23-24 | NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE . THURSDAY, JUNE 23 7:45AM – 8:00AM 8:00AM - 8:15AM 8:15AM - 8:45AM 8:45AM - 9:45AM 9:45AM - 10:00AM 10:00AM - 10:15AM 10:15AM - 11:45AM 11:45AM – 1:00PM 1:00PM – 1:45PM 1:45PM - 2:25PM 2:25PM – 2:55PM 2:55PM - 3:10PM 3:10PM - 5:00PM (7 CME Hrs) BREAKFAST Introduction (0) Physics (.50) Trauma: FAST Exam (1.0) Pass the Pointer (.25) BREAK LAB (1.5) LUNCH RUQ (.75) Procedures (.50) Soft Tissue (.50) Pass the Pointer (.25) LAB (1.75) OUTSTANDING FACULTY Rusty Oshita, MD, Co-Chair j. Christian Fox, MD, RDMS, FAIUM, Co-Chair Seric Cusick, MD Laleh Gharagbaghian, MD, FAAEM Michael Peterson, MD, FAAEM Warren Wiechmann, MD, MBA FRIDAY, JUNE 24 (7.25 CME Hrs) 7:45AM – 8:00AM BREAKFAST 8:00AM - 8:45AM DVT/ Aorta (.75) 8:45AM - 9:45AM Echo (1.0) 9:45AM - 10:00AM Pass the Pointer (.25) 10:00AM - 10:15AM BREAK 10:15AM - 11:45AM LAB (1.5) 11:45AM – 1:00PM LUNCH 1:00PM – 2:00PM Pelvic (1.0) 2:00PM - 2:30PM Rush (.50) 2:30PM – 2:45PM Pass the Pointer (.25) 2:45PM - 4:15PM LAB (1.5) 4:15PM - 4:45PM Politics/ Credentialing (0) 4:45PM - 5:15PM Round Table Discussion (0.5) $825 Register Online Today SPACE IS LIMITED TO 50! Summer Issue 2011 3 40th Annual CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP June 23 -24 Newport Beach Marriott SAVE THE DATE $750 - $825 REGISTRATION IS LIMITED TO 50 CHAIRS: Drs. J. Christian Fox & Rusty Oshita 40th Annual CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly LLSA Review Dr. Peter D’Souza th Friday, June 24 @ 2PM - 5PM The 2011 Lifelong Learning and Self Assessment (LLSA) Workshop will cover all 11 articles chosen by the American Board of Emergency Medicine as part of the Emergency Medicine Continuous Certification (EMCC Program). The workshop will be an interactive review of the articles with participants encouraged to share pearls from their own practice relevant to the covered topics. Key "testable" concepts from the articles will be emphasized. Participants will also receive a handout with a review of key points from the articles. $50 REGISTER TODAY Register by selecting “LLSA” under the Optional Workshop section of CAL/ACEP’s Scientific Assembly registration form. 4 Summer Issue 2011 40th Annual CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly ULTRASOUND IV ACCESS BLADDER ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP Newport Beach Marriott Faculty: Laleh Gharahbaghian MD Martine Sargent, MD, David Francis, MD, Brita Zaia, MD Saturday, June 25th @ 9 AM (3 hours) This ultrasound workshop introduces the technique of point-of-care Ultrasound-guided peripheral & central line IV Access and Bladder Volume Assessment. For those patients who have difficult access and need an IV for emergency management, or patients who have urinary complaints and you need to know the volume of the bladder for assessing need for foley catheter placement, this course allows you to learn a tool that will make it easier for your care of these patients. The lecture followed by an extensive hands-on session discusses the tricks of trade, pitfalls, and allows for extensive practice with gel phantom models for IV placement and human models for bladder assessment. It is safe, rapid, portable, and noninvasive; it allows rapid bedside evaluation and increases success and speed for many procedures. REGISTER TODAY, SPACE IS LIMITED! $119 Nurses $140 Member / $160 Non-Member ADVOCACY UPDATE CAL/ACEP Saves Maddy Fund from State by Elena Lopez-Gusman & Callie Hanft In March, with no warning and without public notice, the Legislative Budget Conference Committee voted to eliminate the Maddy EMS Funds, to the tune of $110 million. The Maddy EMS Fund are fines collected by the counties that reimburse physicians and hospitals for treating the uninsured. This is the only source of funding to compensate providers for treating the uninsured – not a large amount in the scheme of the state budget, yet every penny critical to each emergency department hanging on by a shoestring. Emergency departments are being hit from all sides. The Maddy EMS Fund was cut by $25 million in the 2009-10 Budget and all other Medi-Cal, clinic, mental health cuts at the state and local levels have provided more strain to struggling ERs, and this year’s budget cuts to Medi-Cal prove to be even more staggering. On May 26th, in an incredible victory for the emergency care safety net, the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, voted unanimously to NOT include the Maddy Fund cuts in the proposed budget for the coming year. Following their colleagues in the Senate, on May 27th, the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services followed suit by protecting the Maddy EMS Fund from detrimental cuts to the emergency care safety net. Your calls and letters to legislative offices gave your advocacy staff serious momentum for preserving the Maddy Fund. And, with a record number of attendees at the 22nd Annual Emergency Medicine Legislative Leadership Conference, you marched the halls of the State Capitol demanding the proposed cuts to the Maddy EMS Fund be restored. Your advocates were able to remain in discussions with other major stakeholders and legislative leaders on preserving the Maddy EMS Fund due to the constant pressure received by their constituents- you! Staving off the cuts to the Maddy EMS Fund is just yet another example of the power of grassroots advocacy, and the value of the California Emergency Medicine Advocacy Fund (CEMAF). In addition to providing regulatory and legal advocacy, CEMAF provides for legislative advocacy in the state. Over the years, CEMAF has helped to build emergency medicine champions in the Legislature. Without these key relationships with legislators, victories like saving the Maddy EMS Fund would not be possible. Encourage your colleagues and groups to participate in the vital fund devoted to protecting the emergency care safety net! In an era of massive budget cuts to fill billion dollar deficits, the value of legislative advocacy has never been more important. You should be proud of the work achieved by you and your colleagues on behalf of emergency medicine and your patients! For comments or questions on the Maddy Fund and other pieces of legislation, please contact the CAL/ACEP Advocacy Staff at (916) 325-5455, or by email at advocacy@ Trainor Lecture 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM on Friday, June 24th Ms. Laurie Barkin, RN is our Trainor lecturer this year. She was recommended to CAL/ACEP by Marc Snyder, MD and is a Trauma/Psych nurse at San Francisco General Hospital. Laurie recently published a book entitled The Comfort Garden: Tales from the Trauma Unit from which she will be sharing stories, selling and signing after her lecture. Thanks to Marc Snyder, MD for referring a great speaker! Summer Issue 2011 5 REGISTRATION FORM 40th Annual SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY California Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians CONTACT Toll-Free: (800) 735-2237 | Office: (916) 325-5455 Website: | E-Mail: [email protected] REGISTER Online at: th Mail to: 1020 11 Street, Suite 310 ▪ Sacramento, CA 95814 E-Mail to: [email protected] Fax to: (916) 325-5459 JUNE 23 – 25, 2011 ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP JUNE 23 – 24, 2011 Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa Newport Beach, California – (800) 266-9432 $155/night + tax REGISTRANT INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: Degree/Title (Check all that apply): MD DO RN ACEP ID #: NP PA EMT PhD JD FACEP Other (Specify): Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Hospital/Business: Position/Title: Preferred Telephone: Fax: Preferred E-Mail: REGISTRANT BADGE (As you would like it to appear) GUEST BADGE (As you would like it to appear) Name: Name: Position/Title: Position/Title: City: City: REGISTRATION FEES (Early Bird rates apply until 4/15; Regular rates apply 4/16 – 5/31; Onsite rates apply on & after 6/1) Ultrasound Workshop 6/23-24 Scientific Assembly 6/23-25 Scientific Assembly Ultrasound Workshop Optional Workshops Main Program Category (Early Bird thru 5/15; Regular thereafter) ACEP Member $750/825 $275/325/375 Free Free $50 Free $140 AAEM Member $899/975 $375/425/475 Free Free $50 Free $160 Physician $899/975 $475/525/575 Free Free $50 Free $160 Allied Health Professional $899/975 $200/250/300 Free Free $50 Free $119 Resident $725/795 Free Free Free $50 Free $140 Medical Student $725/795 Free Free Free $50 Free $140 EVENT FEES (RSVPs Required; Please Include Guests) Awards Luncheon (6/24, afternoon) # @ Free = President’s Dinner (6/24, evening) # @ $100 = Research Forum (6/23) Financial Plan. Sem. (6/23) LLSA (6/24) Residents’ Conference (6/24) Peripheral IV U/S (6/25) REGISTRATION FEES SUBTOTAL GUEST FEES (Includes 3 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch + Reception) $0 Guest Fees # of Adult Guests @ $75 per Guest = # of Child Guests @ $50 per Guest = EVENT FEES SUBTOTAL GUEST FEES SUBTOTAL PAYMENT Registration Fees Subtotal Check Enclosed: Event Fees Subtotal Credit Card #: Guest Fees Subtotal Cardholder Name: TOTAL DUE All attendees must read and agree to abide by the policies listed below. Check #: Visa: CVV#: MC: AMEX: Exp. Date: I have read and agree to abide by the Registration Rates and Refund & Cancellation policies (check box – required): REGISTRATION RATES POLICY Registration fee rates are determined by the date the registration is received. Except where noted, “Early Bird” rates apply through April 15, 2011; “Regular” rates apply from April 16 – May 31, 2011; “Onsite” rates will apply to all registrations received on or after June 1, 2011. Registration fees paid by attendees include the CME program and any optional workshops requested and paid for, as well as three breakfasts, Awards Lunch (RSVP required), Opening Reception and access to exhibits. Guest fees include three breakfasts, Awards Lunch (RSVP required), Opening Reception and access to exhibits. REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY CAL/ACEP contracts in advance with hotels and conference sites in order to secure the lowest possible room rates for attendees and to control the costs of our conferences in order to manage valuable member resources as prudently as possible; room blocks and certain portions of food & beverage costs are guaranteed in advance in order to accomplish these goals. Therefore, CAL/ACEP can only grant full refunds for registration fees, less a $50 administrative fee, if said reservations are canceled by Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Any refund requests made from June 1 - 15 will be refunded 50% of the registration fees, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be granted after June 15. All refunds must be submitted in writing to [email protected], faxed to (916) 325-5459 or mailed to CAL/ACEP at 1020 11th Street, Suite 310, Sacramento, CA 95814 and be received by the dates listed above. CAL/ACEP is not responsible for any hotel charges that may be incurred by cancellations. 6 Summer Issue 2011 40th Annual CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly & Ultrasound Workshop June 23-25, 2011 - Newport Beach Marriott Newport Beach, California This conference is sponsored by The American College of Emergency Physicians and CAL/ACEP. Thursday, June 23 Anaphylaxis: Should the Recent Guidelines Change Our Practice? (1 hour) Scott Votey, MD Understand the pathophysiology of anaphylaxis and how it influences treatment choices; Become aware of the range of presentations of anaphylaxis so as to be able to promptly diagnose patients presenting atypically; Develop a severity-based pharmacologic therapy regimen for anaphylaxis; Become aware of the current standards in the management of anaphylaxis including the appropriate use of epinephrine. William Mallon, MD Glands Gone Wild: Endocrine Emergencies (1 hour) Endocrine emergencies represent a group of potentially life-threatening conditions that are frequently overlooked, resulting in delays in both diagnosis and treatment. Billy will highlight factors that contribute to their high mortality rates. Gregory Hendey, MD Difficult Dislocations (1 hour) To demonstrate innovative techniques for the reduction of difficult dislocations, using multiple video clips; To assess the risk of neurovascular compromise after a joint dislocation and plan a reasonable evaluation; To discuss sedation and anesthesia options for facilitating reduction techniques. Sanjay Arora, MD Recent EM Literature that Will Change Your Practice (1 hour) A review of the most significant studies published throughout the medical literature in past years. Each article presented will be assessed to determine its relevance to the practice of clinical emergency medicine. This lecture will identify advances in emergency medicine by reviewing the recent literature, describe the limitations of recent studies on the practice of emergency medicine, and discuss the implications of recent studies regarding clinical emergency medicine. Matthew Lewin, MD RESEARCH FORUM (3 hours) Find out what’s on the cutting edge of research from colleagues around the state. Ten abstracts will be presented and Awards for Best Research, Best Presentation and Most innovative Project will be given. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to discuss the pros and cons of the results of a moderated oral research abstract, identify research/treatment that could be applied to clinical practice, and explain research trends occurring in emergency medicine. Friday, June 24 Dealing with Difficult Parent (1 hour) Ghazala Sharieff, MD To be familiar with the impact of antibiotic use on the development of asthma, and diarrhea; To know the clinical guidelines for obtaining a head CT in children with head injury; To know the AAP guidelines on teenage drug testing. Vena Ricketts, MD Electrolyte Emergencies (1 hour) Recognize the clinical presentations of patients presenting to the ED with Electrolyte Emergencies; Participants will have a distinctive concise knowledge on the management of Electrolyte Emergencies; Participants will learn several clinical pearls on evaluation and management; Learn how to avoid potential disasters. LLSA Review (3 hours) Peter D’Souza, MD The 2011 Lifelong Learning and Self Assessment (LLSA) Workshop will cover all 11 articles chosen by the American Board of Emergency Medicine as part of the Emergency Medicine Continuous Certification (EMCC Program). The workshop will be an interactive review of the articles with participants encouraged to share pearls from their own practice relevant to the covered topics. Key "testable" concepts from the articles will be emphasized. Participants will also receive a handout with a review of key points from the articles. Saturday, June 25 Therapeutic Hypothermia Post-Cardiac Arrest: Evidence to Practice (1 hour) H. Bryant Nguyen, MD To review guidelines for post-cardiac arrest care; To review the evidence for therapeutic hypothermia/ targeted temperature management post-cardiac arrest; To discuss cooling methods; To discuss best practices and implementation issues for a post-cardiac arrest care bundle. Pediatric Literature Review (1 hour) Maureen McCollough, MD Bedside ultrasound has dramatically changed the practice of emergency medicine for adult patients and is just beginning to change the face of pediatric emergency medicine. This course will be a great review of the most recent articles covering a wide variety of pediatric Summer Issue 2011 7 emergency medicine topics from fever and respiratory illness to abdominal pain and trauma, this lecture will definitely change your practice. Rais B. Vohra, MD Cool Tox Tricks: Simple Solutions for Poisoned Patients (1 hour) This lecture will cover 6 clinical cases in poison management with 6 simple solutions for busy ER doctors that are easy to learn, efficiency-boosting, and evidence-based. Mark I. Langdorf, MD Reversal of Anticoagulation in Life Threatening Bleeding (1 hour) Learn the indications and contraindications to reversal of anticoagulation in patients with intracranial hemorrhage; Appreciate the controversies in management; Understand the limited research in this area; Learn reversal strategies for Coumadin, Heparin, aspirin and Plavix. Laleh Gharahbaghian, MD and Martine Sargent, MD David Francis, MD and Brita Zaia, MD This ultrasound workshop introduces the technique of point-of-care Ultrasound-guided peripheral & central line IV placement and Bladder volume assessment. For those patients who have difficult access and needs an IV for emergency management, or patients who have urinary complaints and you need to know the volume of the bladder for assessing need for foley catheter placement, this course allows you to learn a tool that will make it easier for your care of these patients. The lecture followed by an extensive hands-on session discusses the tricks of trade, pitfalls, and allows for extensive practice with gel phantom models for IV placement and human models for bladder assessment. It is safe, rapid, portable, and noninvasive; it allows rapid bedside evaluation and increases success and speed for many procedures. ULTRASOUND IV WORKSHOP (3 hours) Faculty Frederick M. Abrahamian, DO Scientific Assembly Program Chair Associate Professor of Medicine/Emergency Medicine UCLA School of Medicine Director of Education, Department of Emergency Medicine, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Matthew Strehlow, MD CAL/ACEP Education Committee Chair Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery/Emergency Medicine, Associate Medical Director Director, Clinical Decision Area Stanford University Emergency Department, Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford, California Sanjay Arora, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles County Hospital Peter D’Souza, MD Clinical Instructor of Surgery, Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine Dave Francis, MD Fellow Emergency Ultrasound, Clinical Instructor of Surgery, Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University Hospital & Clinics Emergency Medicine Laleh Gharahbaghian, MD Associate Director, Emergency Ultrasound; Co-Director, Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship, Stanford University Medical Center, Division of Emergency Medicine Department of Surgery, Stanford, California Gregory Hendey, MD Professor, Clinical Emergency Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco, California; Vice Chair and Research Director, UCSF-Fresno Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Fresno, California Mark I. Langdorf, MD Associate Residency Director Department Chair, Medical Director of Emergency Medicine Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Irvine Matthew Lewin, MD Director, Center for Exploration and Travel health, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California William Mallon, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California; Director, Division of International Emergency Medicine; LACUSC Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Maureen McCollough, MD Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, Keck USC School of Medicine; Medical Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, Los Angeles County USC Medical Center, Los Angeles, California H. Bryant Nguyen, MD Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine and Department of Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California Vena Ricketts, MD Professor of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine Assistant Chief, Department of Emergency Medicine, Olive-View UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California Martine Sargent, MD Ultrasound Director, Assistant Professor, UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine San Francisco General Hospital & Trauma Center Ghazala Sharieff, MD Division Director, Emergency Department, Rady Children’s hospital and health Center/ Clinical Professor, University of California, San Diego; Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Palomar-Pomerado Hospital/ California Emergency Physicians, San Diego, California Rais B. Vohra, MD Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine Director of Clinical Toxicology UCSF-Fresno Medical Center, Fresno, CA Scott Votey, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine/Emergency Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine Program Director, UCLA/Olive View-UCLA Emergency Medicine Residency Program Brita Zaia, MD Attending Physician and Clinical Instructor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco, California FACULTY: Those involved in the planning and teaching of this activity are required to disclose to the audience any relevant financial interest or other relationship. All faculty, planners, and staff in a position to control the content of this CME activity have indicated that he/she has no relationship, which could be perceived as a potential conflict of interest. Accreditation Physicians: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies for the Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education through joint sponsorship of ACEP and CAL ACEP. The American College of Emergency Physicians is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The American College of Emergency Physicians designates this live activity for a maximum of 17.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. ACEP: Approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians for a maximum of 17.00 hour(s) of ACEP Category I credit. Physician Assistants: The American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), The National Certification Council for Physician Assistants (NCCPA) and The California Department of Consumer Affairs Physician Assistant Committee (PAC) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ as equivalent to AAPA Category 1 credit for continuing medical education. Nurses: CAL/ACEP is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing for 17 contact hours, Provider Number 15059. EMTs/Paramedics: EMREF is approved by the Sacramento County EMS Agency for 17 Continuing Education Units, Provider Number 34-4600. DO’s: American Osteopathic Association (AOA) recognizes ACCME Category 1 Credit as AOA Category 2-A Credit. All members of AOA are required to participate in CME programs to meet the 2010-12 CME Cycle of 15 Credits ACCME Category 1 Credits and 15 AOA Category 1-A Credits. 8 Summer Issue 2011 Transportation Fact Sheet - Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa 900 Newport Center Drive - Newport Beach, CA 92660 BY AIR: From John Wayne Airport – OC The airport is serviced by Alaska Airlines, Alpha Air, America West, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Sky West, Southwest Airlines, TWA, United Airlines, US Air, and Jet Blue. The airport is located 10 minutes from the hotel. From Los Angeles International Airport: The airport is serviced by all major air carriers. Ground transportation includes regularly scheduled airport bus service, private limousine, taxi, rental cars, and shuttle vans. Driving time to Newport Beach is approximately 55 minutes on Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway) From Long Beach Airport: The airport is serviced by Alaska Airlines, America West, American Airlines, American Eagle, Delta Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Reno Air, Sky West, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, US Air Express and Jet Blue. Ground transportation includes private limousine, taxi, rental cars, and shuttle vans. Driving time to Newport Beach is approximately 70 minutes. BY AUTOMOBILE: From John Wayne Airport – OC: Take MacArthur south to Jamboree Road. Turn right on Jamboree Road. Continue down Jamboree to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From Los Angeles International Airport: Take San Diego Freeway (405) South to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree, turning right towards Corona Del Mar. Continue down Jamboree Road to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From Long Beach Airport: Take San Diego Freeway (405) South to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73), Exit on Jamboree, and turn right towards Corona Del Mar. Continue down Jamboree Road to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on right at the top of the hill. From Ontario International Airport: Take San Bernardino Freeway (10) west to Orange Freeway (57). Take Orange Freeway south to Santa Anna Freeway (5). Take Santa Ana Freeway south to Newport Freeway (55). Take Newport Freeway South to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree, turning right towards Corona Del Mar. Continue down Jamboree Road to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From Downtown Los Angeles: Take Santa Ana Freeway (5) South to Newport Freeway (55). Take Newport Freeway South to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree, turning right towards Corona Del mar. Continue down Jamboree Road to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From San Bernardino/Riverside Inland Empire: Take Riverside Freeway (91 – accessible via 15 or 60 Freeways) west to Newport Freeway (55). Take Newport Freeway south to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree, turning right towards Corona del Mar. Continue down Jamboree Road to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From Sacramento/Northern California: Take the 5 freeway South all the way down past Los Angeles, into Orange County. From the 5 take the Newport Freeway (55) South to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree Road and turn right. Continue to Santa Barbara Drive, turn left. Hotel will be on the right hand side at the top of the hill. From San Diego: Take the Santa Ana Freeway (5) North to San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit at Bonita Canyon and turn left continue on Bonita Canyon which turns into Ford Road. Then turn left onto Jamboree Road, continue to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive. Hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. From Pasadena: Take the 210 Freeway to the 605 Freeway South. From the 605 Continue to the San Diego Freeway (405) South. Exit on to the San Joaquin Hills Toll Road (73). Exit on Jamboree Road. Continue to Santa Barbara Drive. Turn left on Santa Barbara Drive, the hotel will be on the right at the top of the hill. Summer Issue 2011 9 ---------------- PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ---------------PRESIDENT ҆ S MESSAGE Peter Sokolove, MD Incoming President When CAL/ACEP was founded in 1971, practice of our specialty now seem so basic the emergency medicine landscape was as to be unremarkable. Remarkable they are, vastly different. Our trailblazing colleagues however, and as we set forth in our fifth decade fought hard to establish our specialty and and beyond, we should always be mindful shape our practice environment with the and grateful, and continue the work of our unique tenacity that defines emergency enterprising and tireless colleagues who made physicians. delivering and receiving emergency care far Today, as our chapter celebrates its better than had they simply chosen to let fortieth anniversary, we pause and reflect someone else do the hard work. on the monumental achievements that our CAL/ACEP's fortieth anniversary and colleagues won during the last four decades. Scientific Assembly mark occasions to look From patient safety, to EMS, to malpractice back and celebrate our Chapter and our reform and more, CAL/ACEP has long specialty, and recommit ourselves to shaping led the charge on behalf of emergency our new landscape with that fearlessness physicians and patients. In fact, as I write and tenacity that has always defined us. I today, it appears that we have defeated a hope to see you in Newport Beach and am serious attempt to redirect $55 million from looking forward to a dynamic and productive the Maddy Fund that supports access to anniversary year! emergency care – a stunning and immense victory. of CAL/ACEP’s achievements foundedMany in 1971, the emergency medicine landscape was vastly different. in setting standards for care, safety, and the When CAL/ACEP was Our trailblazing colleagues fought hard to establish our specialty and shape our practice environment with the unique tenacity that defines emergency physicians. Today, as our chapter celebrates its fortieth anniversary, we pause and reflect on the monumental achievements that our colleagues won during the last four decades. From patient safety, to EMS, to malpractice reform and more, CAL/ACEP has long led the charge on behalf of emergencyPacific physicians Pacific Pointe Pointeand Conference Level patients. In fact, as I write today, it appears that we have defeated a serious attempt to redirect $55 million Conference 3rd Floor from the Maddy Fund that supports access to emergency care – a stunning and immense victory. Level 3rd MARRIOTT NEWPORT BEACH Floor Many of CAL/ACEP’s achievements in setting standards for care, safety, and the practice of our specialty now seem so basic as to be unremarkable. Remarkable they are, however, and as we set forth in BAYVIEW our fifth decade and beyond, we should always be mindful and grateful, and continue the work of our enterprising and tireless colleagues Floor Plan who made delivering and receiving emergency care far better than had they simply chosen to let someone else do the hard work. CAL/ACEP's fortieth anniversary and Scientific Assembly mark occasions to look back and celebrate our Chapter and our specialty, and recommit ourselves to shaping our new landscape with that fearlessness and tenacity that has always defined us. I hope to see you in Newport Beach and am looking forward to a dynamic and productive anniversary year! Laguna 10 Summer Issue 2011 Summer Issue 2011 11 WORD SEARCH – June/July 2011 Edition CAL/ACEP Word Search Summer 2011 Edition Anaphylaxis Anticoagulation Dislocations Electrolyte Endocrine Evidence Forum Glands Guidelines Hypothermia Literature Parent Pediatric Poisoned Reversal Therapeutic Tox 12 Summer Issue 2011 Find each of the following words. E M V L A I O L G L A N D S R L R N E I T U N H E T H O D R E S A L C T U P L F T Y E I H C I R D R Y E G O T T P C S T L X I V L P L R U O X O T L T A A N L A E C I A I O T S O M C L S L D S I L O T D H T C U Y Y U R O N S C I T U E P A R E H T G E A C D I Y E R L T O P P T I A V E E N R P M E I F A A O O T O E V P E T I C O N R N E N D O C R I N E A H N A E A E G P A I I N D S O I S O N S E T Y L O R T C E L E D D T A S D E D D T G N P N U T E L R R R E L P I L A A N C I O P O I S O N E D T O L I N E C E 2010-2011 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule June 22, 2011 (Wednesday) 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM in Newport Beach, CA Non Contract Lifeline Advertising Rates Display Ads: Full Page (7-½” x 10”) ½ Page (7-½“ x 4-7/8”) ¼ Page (3-5/8” x 4-7/8”) 1/8 Page (3-5/8” x 2-7/16”) $1,630.00 (typesetting fee varies) $ 824.00 (typesetting fee if necessary) $ 429.00 (typesetting fee if necessary) $ 231.00 (typesetting fee if necessary) Career Opportunities: (40 word minimum) $ Contract Lifeline Advertising Rates Display Ads: Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page 1/8 Page Dates to Remember June 23 & 24, 2011 Career Opportunities: (40 word minimum) Newport Beach, CA 11 month $1,302.00 $ 657.00 $ 342.00 $ 184.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 101.00 119.00 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 1-800-735-2237 Fax: 1-916-325-5459 Advertising must be submitted/edited/deleted on the 1st of the month preceding publication! Payment must be received in advance or a credit card submitted at the time of placement. Method of payment (We do not accept American Express) (Thursday – Saturday) Newport Beach, CA 6 month $1,385.00 $ 701.00 $ 363.00 $ 195.00 Please contact: Deanna M. Janey Director of Events & Marketing June 23 – 25, 2011 Scientific Assembly 3 month $1,466.00 $ 741.00 $ 384.00 $ 208.00 $700.00 (full color) $590.00 (two colors) $480.00 (one color) rates available (Tuesday & Wednesday) Ultrasound Workshop 132.00 ($1.00 for each addt’l word) _______ Check enclosed Credit Card #____________________________________ _______ Master card Expiration Date: ________________________________ _______ Visa Card Holder Name: ______________________________ Card Holder Signature: ___________________________ A Call for Lifeline Articles! Get involved! Share ideas! Submit an article to: H. Gene Hern, Jr., MD Asst. Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF Assoc. Residency Director Department of Emergency Medicine ACMC-Highland General Hospital 1411 E. 31st Street Oakland, CA 94602 (510) 437-4896 office (510)382-2429 Pager [email protected] Deanna M. Janey Director of Events & Marketing CAL/ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians State Chapter of California, Inc. 1020 11th Street, Suite 310 Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 735-2237 Toll-free (916) 325-5459 Fax [email protected] Mathew Foley, MD Advocacy Fellowship Director CAL/ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians State Chapter of California, Inc. 1020 11th Street, Suite 310 Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 735-2237 Toll-free (916) 325-5459 Fax [email protected] Author’s Name: _______________ Hospital: ________________ Company: ________________ Address: ________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________ Phone: _________________ Fax: ___________________ E-mail: _________________________ Please check your interest and submit an article! Clinical Corner ___ Case of the Month ___ Legal Corner ___ Residents’ Region ___ Special Interests ___ Advocacy ___ Other ___ Articles must be submitted on the 1st of the month preceding publication! Summer Issue 2011 13 Making Dinner Plans American Chinese Continental French Indian Irish Italian Japanese Korean Mediterranean Mexican Persian Private Establishment Seafood Steakhouse THAI Wine Bar How to use the Toll-Free Dining Reservation Service: Published by: California Marketing Concepts, Inc. 1550 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 President & CEO: Peggy Fort Phone: 949-675-0501 Email: [email protected] ON THE COVER: Photography by Jim Fournier Balboa Gallery Online - Make Your er Reservation On-Line or By Phone! california Welcome to 877-4NB-DINE (877-462-3463) Dial 877.4NB.DINE (877.462.3463) Once connected, enter the three digit numerical code corresponding to your restaurant selection in your dining guide, or on the internet at: You may enter another restaurant code at any time Access as many restaurant selection codes as you desire with just one call If you would like to connect directly to the restaurant of your choice, follow the menu selection instructions and press one to connect Please let the restaurant know that you are using the Restaurant Association’s toll-free dining reservation number This 24-hour service is free of charge, sponsored by the Newport Beach Restaurant Association Travel Tools In this section you will find all the basic tools and tips for planning your next visit to Newport. If you're looking for directions, parking information, maps travel guide, weather and more, you have come to the right place. GETTING HERE How do I get here? Visit this section to see an overview of how easy it is to travel to Newport and its nearby communities by air, bus, car, ferry or train. MAPS & DIRECTIONS Here you can download one of our maps for help getting here or getting around town. Parking information can also be found here. Need directions to or from Newport? How about directions while you our visiting us? Don't forget to visit our Visitor Information Center. They are open 7-days a week. PARKING Park your car at the Visitor Information Center or any other public parking lot. Parking lots give you more flexibility for tour options. You can park your car all day at the Visitor Information Center parking garage for only $2 when you purchase a ticket or day pass to ride the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA). PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) makes exploring Newport a breeze. RIPTA provides trolley and bus service to attractions throughout Newport, including the mansions, Cliff Walk, Beaches, Fort Adams, Downtown Newport, the Gateway Center, and more. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Need a cab? A ride to the airport? A rental car? It's all here and more. TRAVEL TIMES Travel times and mileage to points and places in Newport County. TRAVEL TIPS A few tips from us to you to make your visit to Newport more enjoyable. WEATHER Want to know what the current temperature is? How about the weather for the weekend or the 10 day forecast? It's all here. 14 Summer Issue 2011 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAL/ACEP cannot guarantee the validity or accuracy of advertisements. ACEP MEMBERSHIP PREFERRED: ACEP MEMBERSHIP PREFERRED: CALIFORNIA - CENTRAL COAST: Community hospital with 33,000 Bernardino is a 290-bed hospital situated in the developing “Inland Empire”. The ED sees 42,000 pts./yr. EMP offers(CEP) a competitive hourly rate, Director visits annually located 45 minutes north of LA area in coastal California community.Emergency CALIFORNIA – APPLE VALLEY: Physicians Medical Group is seeking Stipend, democratic governance, openinbooks, excellent Group seeks BC/BE emergency physician. Very competitive a BC/BP emergency physician to join thesalary localwith CEP team at St. Mary Medical Center Appleand Valley, a compensation/ bonus plus shareholder status after one year. Compensation malpractice paid. Facility is a STEMI receiving hospital. Hospitalist admitting 186-bed hospital with an annual ED volume of approximately 50,000 patient visits. Excellent contract package includes benefits with funded pension ($28,175/yr) CME account team for both adultlocated and pediatric Excellent Wellwithcomprehensive in theservices. High Desert of specialty Southerncoverage. California affordable housing and easy access to the LA area. established ED Physician group. E-mail resume to [email protected] or ($8,000/yr.), and more. Contact Bernhard Beltran direct at 800-359-9117 or High hourly with profit sharing, ownership and health and retirement programs. Contact: Kathy 800.828.0898, e-mail: [email protected]. fax to 805 682-5831. Schiffgens, CEP, (800) 842-2619, or by e-mail at [email protected]. LONG BEACH, CA: Community Hospital of Long Beach has a full VENTURA, CALIFORNIA: Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care CALIFORNIA: EMERGENCY PARTNERSHIP - New New position BC/BP Emergency Specialists needed! centerfor opening in Ventura, California. Need for time position available for BC/BE emergency physician, MEDICINE including recent Medicine residency trainedwith physician to join compatible Well-equipped hospital ER’s. Care andgroup. Hyperbaric physicians to join new practice. The Center Emergency Medicine residency graduates, a stable ED democratic, group. Wound provides good specialty Enviable private practice Memorial Health Wound Healingsupport. and Hyperbaric Medicine Community Compensation is Low a fixedtrauma hourlyvolume. rate, withMedical quarterlycommunity bonuses based on for climateiswith very and lowpartnership managed care. Competitive insurance,Grand partnership System malpractice Ventura, California’s Openingand is profit September 15th 2011. performance. Scheduling equitable, is obtainable within income, sharing. No urban commuting crowding problems. Located on thebutcoast of Northern California. Experience desirable not necessary. We will teach you and send you to months. Annual ED visits, 24,000 with double coverageorduring peak hours. state of the conference—8 one week blocks available schools, universityorand college. Spectacular ascenery andart stimulating cultural environment. Send this year and one Excellent Please contact, Harry Arndt MD at 310-378-4577 [email protected]. day per (800) week. 735-4431 Partnership tracks I am looking for career minded CV in confidence: Sharon Mac Kenzie [email protected] FAX: available! (707) 824-0146 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: CEP America is seeking a BC/BP hyperbaric and wound care specialized physicians to assist in the launching of amountains state of the art wound care center in California. Mail CV or Call emergency medicine physician at Olympia Medical Center in LosSurrounded Angeles. by CALIFORNIA – FAR NORTHERN: and lakes, located onVentura, the Sacramento John Tesman, MD, Medical Director [email protected] Olympia has an annual volume of 24,000 patient visits with single physician River. Democratic group staffs 40,000 volume Level II trauma, referral center as well as a community805 680-0596 (C). coverage supportedhospital. with 10 hours a day attractive of PA coverage. Olympia offers We offer compensation, ownership potential and balanced lifestyle opportunity for OTHER STATES:Medical Group, P.O. Box 993820, an excellent practice and the opportunity join thepreferred. premier Emergency emergency BC/BP Contact Shasta Emergency Medicine Partnership in the country. All physicians are partners and share Redding, CA 96099-3820. Ph. 530-225-7241, Fax 530-225-7249, E-mail: [email protected]. in the success of the Partnership. We offer excellent compensation, profit LAS VEGAS: St. Rose Dominican Hospitals. Open books, equal profit distribution, as well as health, disability and retirement programs. For more sharing, equity ownership and no buy-in! Work in modern, highly regarded CALIFORNIA — MEMORIAL LOS BANOS: Sutter Emergency Medical Associates (SEMA) has an information on this opportunity, please call 800.842.2619 or email us at community hospitals seeing 24,000 – 44,000 emergency patients per year. opportunity for an experienced physician in this fast growing West ValleyPhysicians ED with (EMP) a patient volume of Emergency Medicine offers democratic governance, [email protected]. 16,000 per year. Los Banos is a city of 34,000 within commuting distance from Monterey Bay and the San open books, and excellent compensation/bonus plus shareholder status after area. SEMA is Brotman a democratic group that -provides quality in communities served by benefits, family year. emergency Compensationcare package includes comprehensive LOS ANGELES Jose – CULVER CITY: Medical Center rare one Sutter Health.LA WeER offer an excellent compensation benefits package and early shareholder status. coverage, short andWe long term disability, opportunity to join a Westside group. Group seeks BC/BE FT andmedical/dental/prescription/vision should be Board Certified or haveconsidered 3 are accepting applications for full and part time physicians. Applicants life insurance, malpractice and more. If you have ever living in emergency physician to work a minimum 10 shifts per month. Excellent of ED experience. Contact Angella Bernal at (888) fax achance, copy ofthis your to (510) will 879-fill quickly, I urge Las 883-7362 Vegas now or is your rareCV opportunity compensation withyears malpractice paid. Eight hour shifts with PA double coverage. 90% Nights covered! Computerized Charting and PACS! you to contact me, Bernhard Beltran at your earliest convenience directly 9054already or send it via email to [email protected]. at 800-359-9117 or email your CV to [email protected] for immediate Email CV and references to [email protected], Phone 951-898-0823. consideration. CALIFORNIA – Memorial Medical Center Modesto: Sutter Emergency Medical Associates (SEMA) is SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: GrossmontFULL-TIME Emergency Medical Group has offering exceptional, and PART-TIME opportunities for BC/ BE emergency physicians to NEVADA – LASmust VEGAS: Medical Center an immediate opportunity fordedicated a Board Certified or Board Prepared emergency join our team in Modesto. Interested full-time candidates live in University the Modesto area or be - EMP has an excellent opportunity in Level I Trauma Center that sees 77,000 patients per physician. Both part time and full time positions are available in busy, high willing to relocate. This busy Level 2 trauma center has 40 beds, including a 24-hour prompt care service, year. Open books, equal profit sharing, equity ownership and no buy-in! acuity department with with annual visitsED >80,000. Emergency Department70,000 is in patient an annual volume of approximately visits per year. SEMA is a democratic group new "state of the art" Critical Care Center with computerized tracking system EMP offers democratic governance, open books, excellent compensation, that provides quality emergency care in communities served by Sutter Health. We offer a multi-tiered and physician order entry. Shifts are 8 hours with 112 physician hours /12 malpractice and more. Contact Bernhard Beltran @ 800.359.9117, e-mail compensation system, including quarterly productivity-based bonus distributions and early shareholder midlevel provider hours of coverage daily. Come live and work in America's [email protected] fax 330.491.4077 or send CV to EMP, 4535 Dressler well as an excellent benefits package. Contact Angella BernalOH-44718. at (888) 883-7362 or you may fax Road NW, Canton, Finest City. E-mailstatus, CV andasreferences to [email protected]. a copy of your CV to (510) 879-9054 or send it via email to [email protected]. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA: San Ramon. Full or Part-time opportunity WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON: Wenatchee Emergency Physicians PC is CALIFORNIA – MODESTO: Emergency Physicians Group (CEP)Trained is seeking BC/BP BC/BPMedical Emergency Medicine physicians for both partnership BC/BP ED MD. Also MD/PA/NP positions for additionalCalifornia coverage. Mod vol seeking emergency medicine physicians at Doctors excellent Medical Center in Modesto. This offers a state-of-theand locums positions. Wecontract have a democratic group that contract with two ED, 35 minutes from San Francisco, competitive compensation, art practice annual volume in excess of 50,000 patientin visits. Modesto in the Central hospitals Wenatchee, a levelisIVlocated department with a walk in clinic, and a back-up, no Medi-Cal contract.with NewanER Expansion in family oriented, Valley, 1.5-hour. drive from SanSan Jose Level and San Franciscothat andserves a 2.5-hour drive from Lake III department as the regional referral center. We are one of outstanding community anda Hospital Send CV to Sacramento, Bob Buehl, MD, the longest Ramon EmergencyTahoe Physicians, email [email protected], and the Monterey Carmel AllMyrissa CEP physicians arestanding partnerssmall and groups share in in Washington, the successdating of theback to 1987. We have and excellent physician resources,Contact a new hospital 925-276-6071. group with ownership, profit sharing and health, disability retirement programs. Doug tower, Haralaand are planning a at 800-842-2619, e-mail [email protected]. remodel of one facility. Wenatchee, located in the rain shadow of the Cascade SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, SAN BERNARDINO: Assistant Medical Mountains on the Columbia River, has about 300 days with sunshine per year. ANDREAS It is a vibrant AND community of 50,000 people with aand community college. Director - If you have ever considered a leadership position, now is your SAN CALIFORNIA, NORTHERN – SACRAMENTO, STOCKTON: Director There are a wide range of outdoor activities (hiking, skiing, chance. We are seeking a new Assistant Medical Director to work in Staff positions - Outstanding partnership opportunities and highly regarded community hospitals seeing boating, hunting, conjunction with our current Director to oversee day to day operations in and fishing) within minutes of town. Please contact Dr Scott Stroming at 10,000 – 60,000 emergency patients per year. Locations are in desirable areas proximate to the amenities of the Emergency Department at Community Hospital of San Bernardino. [email protected], 509-679-3635, or Tom Ettinger at [email protected] Excellent compensation, full-time/partnership opportunity in a growing 509-679-9708. area with a dynamic medical community. Community Hospital of San , Summer Issue 2011 15 40th Annual CAL/ACEP Scientific Assembly Friday Events @10:30 AM TRAINOR LECTURE Ms. Laurie Barkin, RN is our Trainor lecturer this year. She is a Trauma/Psych nurse at San Francisco General Hospital who recently published a book entitled The Comfort Garden: Tales from the Trauma Unit from which she will be sharing stories, selling and signing after her lecture. @ 11:15 AM PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Peter Sokolove, MD An address by the new Chapter President on the year to come and their priorities for the Chapter @ 12:00 PM AWARDS LUNCHEON (RSVP Required) The annual Chapter Awards Luncheon will honor Chapter members who have made outstanding contributions to emergency medicine and to the Chapter @ 6:00 PM - $100 PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION & DINNER Register under the Optional Events section of CAL/ACEP’s Scientific Assembly registration form at 16 Summer Issue 2011 FORTIETH ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY & ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP EXHBITOR DIRECTORY BOOTH# 32 Rapid Rhino® products from ArthroCare ENT provide anterior and posterior epistaxis through natural platelet aggregation. Highly absorbent hydrocolloid material and easy insertion help minimize rebleeds. ArthroCare ENT 680 Vaqueros Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 408.736.0224 | Phone 408.736.0226 | Fax [email protected] | Rapid Rhino™ epistaxis products combine high volume low pressure tamponade for gentle and even compression to areas of epistaxis. Rapid Rhino products are easy to insert and remove due to self‐lubricating CMC‐infused hydrocolloid fabric and ultra‐low profile which optimize patient comfort and minimize rebleeds upon removal. Be prepared for your epistaxis procedures with Rapid Rhino, the product with the widest range of sizes for the widest range of epistaxis events. BOOTH# 38 CEP America BOOTH# 14 Founded in 1975, CEP America today is one of the largest providers of emergency department (ED) management and staffing solutions in the nation, with more than 1,400 providers at over 70 practice locations, serving nearly 3 million patients annually. A democratic, physician-owned partnership of emergency medicine doctors, CEP America continually achieves top rankings on national performance measures in clinical, operational, and health care service delivery. CEP America's ongoing commitment to improving ED performance benefits hospital clients by delivering: Shorter wait time for patients to be seen by providers Improved emergency department efficiency Increased profitability Reduced staff turnover Greater patient satisfaction and higher quality of care Emergency Groups’ Office BOOTH# 5 444 East Huntington Drive, Suite 300 Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 447-0296 (877) 346-2211 Toll Free (626) 447-6036 Fax Emergency Groups’ Office provides a full range of billing and coding management services to emergency medicine groups and hospitals. Registered nurses experienced in emergency medicine, and knowledgeable in reimbursement, accurately code the services provided by the emergency physician. The company, started in 1990, continues to provide superior results as demonstrated by the fact that Emergency Groups’ Office bills for more than 1,600,000 visits annually for clients in six states. For more information contact James Blakeman ([email protected]). Comprehensive Medical Billing Solutions 9301 S. Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73139 Phone: (866) 733-2954 Fax: (405) 419-8001 Website: Comprehensive Medical Billing Solutions (CMBS) provides billing, coding, accounts receivable management, practice management and consulting services to emergency physicians from coast to coast. CMBS clients enjoy a comprehensive package of services directed by a team of experienced management professionals. To obtain information regarding the services of CMBS, please contact Craig Deitch at (214) 9381426 or via email at [email protected]. Emergency Medicine Physicians 4535 Dressler Road, NW Canton, Ohio 44718 Phone: 330-493-4443, Toll free: 800-828-0898 Fax: 330-493-8677 Website: BOOTH# 39 Emergency Medicine Physicians is a progressive group practice specializing in managing and staffing emergency departments with local emergency medicine residency trained, board certified physicians. Currently staffing more than 60 sites in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina, and West Virginia, EMP is an equal equity partnership group offering open books, equal voting, equal profit sharing, and our own malpractice company in which our partners share in the success - all without financial buy-in. We pride ourselves in exceptional employment/partnership options for physicians and unparalleled quality and satisfaction for our affiliate hospitals. EMP provides outstanding compensation, cuttingedge support services, geographical diversity, and true career growth opportunity. BOOTH# 3 EPOWERdoc, Inc. PO Box 241642 Omaha, NE 68124 Phone: 515-965-8040 Fax: 515-965-8445 Web: E-mail address: [email protected] EPOWERdoc is a leading supplier of electronic and template Emergency Department documentation systems. EPOWERdoc’s EMRDoc ™ is a revolutionary electronic patient tracking and documentation system that incorporates the unique EPOWERdoc template formats into an EMR module that is specifically designed for ED physicians and clinicians. EMRDoc ™ is the fastest and easiest EDIS product on the market today. BOOTH# 56 BOOTH# 57 Intermedix, with over 1,000 employees and 800 clients, is the largest Emergency Healthcare Services provider in the U.S. Our 28 years of ED specific coding, billing, onsite physician documentation training, and exceptional Client Service, has given us a long-term market presence in the state of CA. See what our industry knowledge and proven results can do for your practice. Please visit or call Greg Olson, Vice President of Business Development, at (949) 547-7808. Summer Issue 2011 17 BOOTH# 33 BOOTH# 45 BOOTH# 26 The Emergency Prospective Review Program (EPRP) is a call center operation that runs 24 hours per day 365 days per year. The key mission is work collaboratively with community emergency departments to provide continuity of care to KP members. EPRP is staffed with critical care or emergency room trained nurses and practicing emergency physicians. They take calls from non-KP emergency departments and provide clinical information about patients. After the initial medical screening exam is performed we collaborate with the non-KP ED physician in determining the final disposition, the patient is discharged, admitted or transferred to Kaiser Permanente. If the patient is stable for transfer then EPRP makes all transfer arrangements. If the patient must be admitted EPRP may call an affiliated network provider to assume management of the patient’s care. Marina has been serving emergency departments and hospitals with coding and revenue cycle management services since 1981. Our customized solutions are quality and performance driven ensuring accuracy and accountability for your practice. With clients in 13 states nationwide, and processing 2.9 million patient visits totaling $1.1 billion in charges annually, Marina is among the elite in the nation specializing in emergency medicine coding and billing. For more information about Marina, please visit BOOTH# NB MBSI is a client-focused company with a unique hybrid team approach. We are passionate about providing more than just excellent customer service. We go "the extra mile" to ensure client satisfaction. Our clients benefit from the economies of scale created by our expertise and size, while profiting from the individual attention provided by a dedicated billing team. BOOTH# 51 MedAmerica Mutual is a physician-directed, controlled and governed professional liability insurer specializing in serving emergency physicians and their medical groups. BOOTH# 28 MEDHOST is dedicated to advancing healthcare IT by developing userfriendly software solutions that improve productivity and throughput, as well as enhance the patient care experience. MEDHOST products have been adopted by leading institutions throughout North America and have proven to dramatically improve house-wide patient flow, financial performance, and patient satisfaction. Founded in 1975, MedAmerica is one of the leading physician practice management organizations in the United States. We provide the strategy, solutions, and systems to help our clients successfully navigate today's complex healthcare landscape. MedData Booth# 4 Global MedData is an international leader in providing Internetenabled medical transcription and data management services to hospitals, clinics and physician offices. With a highly competitive medical assistance industry and the need to see more patients in a timely manner, Global MedData, Inc. BOOTH# 25 Michelman & Robinson, LLP is a dynamic full service law firm with offices in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Francisco, Sacramento, New York, and New Jersey. Our highly experienced Health Care Department, comprised of the leading experts in the field, is dedicated to assisting our clients overcome the challenges confronting health care providers and related businesses. We skillfully advise a broad range of clients on formation, partnership and shareholder issues, joint ventures, acquisitions, mergers, regulatory concerns, litigation, billing and coding practices, quality of care, fraud and abuse, reimbursement, licensure, certification, and the financing, lending, purchase, sale and leasing of medical facilities, as well as other related tasks. 18 Summer Issue 2011 BOOTH# 16 BOOTH# 2 PhyCon, Inc. is a full service billing company working exclusively with emergency physician billing. Celebrating 25 years of grow and success, PhyCon has unrivaled expertise in professional and facility coding, consulting, new group start-up assistance, managed care analysis, and documentation evaluation and training. On demand customized reports are available to provide you with oversight of all aspects of your business. PhyCon takes a very personal interest in our clients’ business resulting in a high level of success and client satisfaction. Newsura is America’s first and leading Insurance Management Organization and specializes in serving emergency physicians and emergency groups. Insurance management is the management of all your practice insurance needs…from professional liability, to workers comp, to employee benefits and everything in between…by a single expert vendor. Handing off your insurance portfolio to our team of insurance experts will do the following: 1. Lighten you load 2. Enhance your portfolio of insurance policies 3. Save you money 4. Meet you expectations and make doing business easy and enjoyable 5. Help you become more competitive and get through the challenges ahead To learn more please visit or contact Ben Borchers at (916) 580-1801 or [email protected] BOOTH# 50 BOOTH# 15 Physicians’ Choice, LLC is an experienced billing management team dedicated to meeting the challenges of emergency physician reimbursement. Founded by a practicing ER physician & medical director, we institute a unique model approach to address issues from the clients’ perspective. Physicians’ Choice provides the industry’s only true customizable data collection and processing system with a fully capable electronic process from start to finish. We have proven to be a beneficial information partner, and consistently gain stellar financial results. Physicians’ Choice: The innovative leader in emergency physician billing — BOOTH# 44 In over 1700 facilities, T-System provides paper and electronic clinical documentation solutions with unparalleled usability that maximize efficiency and improve results for both stand-alone and hospital based urgent care centers. Our commitment is making the best patient care a reality for everyone. The T SystemEV®, our comprehensive emergency department information system with CPOE, has been chosen in over 280 hospitals and urgent care centers by people working smarter to provide the best care. TeamHealth is a physician-led, patient-focused organization whose success stems from dedication to innovation, teamwork and integrity. BOOTH# 27 Valley Emergency Physicians Medical Group (VEP) is a California Professional Corporation formed in 1981. It is a democratic organization whose stockholders are its practicing physicians and allied health providers. VEP provides emergency medicine services to more than 35 hospitals throughout California, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas. We are a niche and boutique company that serves to the individual needs of our partner hospitals and their communities. BOOTH# xx BOOTH# XX WestJEM is the official journal of the California Chapter of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine and the California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. The journal’s purpose is to provide original research and review articles in: 1. Optimal patient care through enhanced clinical decision-making, efficiency of evaluation and treatment, medical education and promotion of patient safety. 2. The role of computers in the emergency department, including simulation and information transfer within and between health systems, and between patients and physicians. 3. Injury prevention and population health. 4. Clinical imaging The Emergency Medical Research and Education Foundation (EMREF) is a 501-c-(3) not-for-profit corporation founded by the California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Medicine in 1985. EMREF’s goals are three fold: 1) to promote research within the specialty of emergency medicine. 2) to advance emergency medical care. 3) to promote the training and education of emergency care providers. WINE FUNDRAISER! COME BY OUR BOOTH! Summer Issue 2011 19 LIFELINE CALIFORNIA CHAPTER, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS 1020 11TH STREET, SUITE 310 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID AUTOMATE
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