the Schleck brothers
the Schleck brothers
N°1 / 2011 Special bike Family cycling Everybody on the bike Luxembourg’s most beautiful cycle routes Mountain bike: Luxembourg on two wheels through vales and hills p uits s PR circ its de ché de u d-Du circ INFO RO TT ts V s des P i u c t Cir circui et Toutes les Piste en service Parcours k des Schlec bourg St. Vith 90 km de Luxem SkodaTour Cours d’eau Autoroute hardt Wemper pach Gare ges Troisvier uhle e Maulusm Hachivill heid Heinersc 2 Marnach Troine Clervaux n Bastogne 70 km SkodaTou sen Wahlhau iltz Wilwerw Holzthum Lellingen tz 13 km 26,5 km 23 km 36 km mbourg ck des Schle Colmar-Berg Parcours orf-les-Bains - id Putsche Vianden eid eid Boursch re Esch/Sû Michelau rf sen Lultzhau heid Heinersc id Welsche Bettendo 2 irch Reisdorf 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 5/5 3/5 4/5 179 km 191,5 km 128,6 km range. er Burme puis travers ité de Mond rf-les-Bains la CR152, à proxim sortie sur Passage Départ Mondo prendre la 2e , Remerschen. s. oint de Remich , Stadtbredimu Au rond-p gen direction . A Hettercher, Remich 10 km Schen la N10 en à gauche ser Bech-Kleinma Greiveldange Prendre Traverser Traver Bechelsberg. Remerschen. , puis à gauche 23 km Wengertswee rbillig. Prendre t, Wasse e la N10. ser Merter – Moers h millen prendr macher Traver . Diekirc Trèves rnach – eim. 38 km Grevenr la N1/Route de rt, Steinh ion d’Echte 1. Prüm 90 km Fouhren Boursch Plage muhle Goebels Bavigne - Hesperange Luxembourg- Diekirch Eschweiler 1. 2. bourg Stolzem 2 Merkhol Wiltz Winseler Degrés de difficulté 2-3/5 1-2/5 3-4/5 1/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 17,5 km 14,5 km 22 km 24,5 km 22,5 km Moselle rnach 17. Mante macher 18. Grevenldange 19. Greive ldange 20. Wormem 21. Dalhei Mullerthal 22. Bech ette 23. Larochnach 24. Echter rt-Berdorf 25. Beaufo r de Luxe ampach Niederw Schleif Harlange 25 km 15,5 km 27,5 km 24,5 km 15 km 20 km 30,5 km 11,5 km 26,5 km 39 km 20 km 36 km 20,5 km 20,5 km 20 km 33 km s vierge ampach-Trois 1. Weisw 2. Lieler ux 3. Clerva en-Lellingen 4. Hosing en 5. Hosingler 6. Winse1 7. Wiltz 2 8. Wiltz eid 9. Hosch orf 10. Goesd n 11. Viande e-Boulaide 12. Bavignange 13. Erpeld dorf-Reisdorf 14. Betten orf-Ettelbruck 15. Ingeld rdaul 16. Préize rg» Sud «Lalléngerbie Bike Parc Hosinge Drauffelt Doncols ns de fer Chemi Ligne de 2 Km pistes VTT Ardennes r 2011 Edition Janvie Weiswam N°1 / January 2011 / 2,50 e ran g au G mbour e Lux l de ona , nati s seau lable Le ré es cyc T et ist VT O Their favorite routes th cycle pa e h t f rk o Map il netwo a r t , MTB network ” routes o r P “ d an isitluxem www.v cla istescy www.p The Schleck brothers n o i t i d e In this t i d e A cycling nation ! Cycling in all its forms is very popular at all levels in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, where people have a passion for the sport. Cycling regularly mobilises the entire country to support our champions with pride during major cycling events. Indeed, the country’s history and its great number of exceptional talents are impressive: François Faber, Nic Frantz, Charly Gaul, Kim Kirchen, the Schleck brothers and many others. All these champions from our small country as well as the many cycle tourists we cross on our roads attest to the cycling culture that exists in the Grand Duchy. The country can be rightly called a paradise for cyclists, with more than one trick up its sleeve. The roads are in flawless condition, the landscapes beautiful and varied and nature is preserved and abundant. Luxembourg invites you to discover its 600km network of cycle paths, its mountain bike routes, its superb cycle tourism trails, as well as the countless attractive routes, all in an ever hospitable and fascinating environment flanked by numerous tourist attractions. The Grand Duchy is a land of choice for cycle tourists, ambitious sportsmen, enthusiasts of cycling with the family or fans of cross-country cycling. I would like to invite you to discover our beautiful and surprising country by bike: its landscape and nature, its exceptional gastronomy and local products, its cultures and events as well as its welcoming and multicultural population are bound to make an unforgettable impression. You will be pleasantly surprised on more than one occasion. This magazine, which presents the winning assets of Luxembourg, will make you want to visit this country that lives and breathes cycling. I look forward to welcoming you soon to the tracks of the Grand Duchy and would like to wish you happy holidays! Françoise Hetto-Gaasch Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Tourism 3 4 d ran g au G mbour e Lux INFO isitluxem www.v cla istescy www.p l de ona , nati s seau lable Le ré es cyc T et pist its VT PRO u s circ its de ché de u -Du circ Supplement: map of the cycle path network, MTB trail network RO TT ts V s des P i u c t Cir circui et Toutes les Piste en service Parcours Bas St. Vith 90 km k des Schlec SkodaTour bourg de Luxem e togn 70 km Cours d’eau Autoroute hardt Wemper Ligne 2 mpach de fer ns de Chemi Weiswa Basch r Kahle ge 2 m Holze h pac weiler Dip l s Belva Usine ux Belva Sanem Schou h Garnic ge ara ge delang ge Leu Ehlan e lange Rume lange Schiff nge rca nde nge Bertra Mo h/ Esc e Alzett Holler ich zan g e our ge ang mb Bette Noert Dudel em r Roese ran Hespe Berch ang Fris 2 r Tou iler-laWe elt Asp Bains rf-lesndo Mo e le nvil Thio 35 km 1 Win trange 1 Schen nge era rschen Reme Burm Special bike gen cken rbrü Saa 90 km Initiated by: Ministère des Classes moyennes et du Tourisme Ad sales agency: Brain&More Tel.: (+352) 26 84 71-1 uhle Maulusm heid Heinersc 2 Marnach Troine Clervaux n SkodaTou sen Wahlhau Holzthum iltz Wilwerw Schleif Lellingen tz Vianden eid eid Prüm 90 km u Boursch re Michela Esch/Sû orf Bettend id sen 2 Welsche Lultzhau f Eschdor Reisdorf Diekirch heid Heinersc ge 2 Erpeldan Berdorf ck ulen Ettelbru Niederfe f 2 Schieren ette s Koetsch Grosbou ch Rosport Beaufor 1 2 rf 1 Berg 1 Laroche Cruchte Rambro Consdo tte n Colmar- uch Echterna t Ermsdor Arsdorf ge Martelan n rf Heffinge Moersdo Bissen Bech Perlé ge Useldan Zittig Rippig 1 Mersch e ach Mantern ter Junglins l naArlo30nkm, atio les u n lab t c ea e ls G bo au xem Lu Hollenfe taines Ernster erberg nge Koerich ch Munsba 1 Capellen Mamer Schuttra Sandwe Bertrang Oetrang Hollerich 2 nge Hespera Remich -Tour age Sanem ange Berchem ourg Monderc Bettemb e Aspelt 2 e Wintrang 1 1 nge Burmera Schifflan Esch/ Belval Alzette Usines ins f-les-Ba Mondor Frisange ge Belvaux ken Saarbrüc 90 km Weiler-la Roeser Ehlange Rodang Longwy 40 km dimus Stadtbre Leudela Baschar nge 1 nge eiler Dippach Schouw Pétange Differda e urg Luxembo e Holzem Garnich iler Cents Strassen Kahler y Clemenc ange Wormeld nge ldange Domme tingen Kleinbet 1 Senning Walferda Bridel Olm t Steinfor hen Remersc n Schenge nge Noertza ge Dudelan ns - Laroc orf-les-Bai Mond rf-les-Bains Haffenstross. Départ Mondo Krakelshaff, 5 km Aspelt en direction em. puis Crauth Quitter Aspelt Frisange, Wicrange, Traverser CR132. Bergem, uer sur la erange, 12 km e et contin ge, Hunch à gauch Tourner er Fennan bourg puis travers 18 km Bettem sur la N13, Windhoff. Garnich, Continuer Dahlem, e. ntaines traverser Ehlang h, Septfo h sortie et on Koeric 31 km Dippac prendre la 2nd en directi oint continuer Au rond-p off sortie, 2nd 40 km Windh prendre la sur la CR105. la CR105. oint Hollenfels Au rond-p la CR110 puis sur Ansembourg, à sur ser Bour, prendre d’abord ur-Eisch ss. Traver Tuntange, 51 km Rodt-s la Nospelterstro sortie de sur ge. A la Continuer fels ser Tuntan Rippweiler. Traver puis Hollen 58 km e la CR113. Traverser Saeul à guach Redange. Saeul . Prendre Niederpallen, N12 jusqu’à droite la Noedrange, eiler Traverser 68 km Rippw e la N24. ck. . à gauch us, Hierhe Prendre Heiderscheid rn, Grosbo ange à travers 78 km ReichlN12. Traverser Bettbo CR308 sur la la Continuer Prendre rf Haesbich. vers 92 km Eschdo la N12/An e la CR346 feulen. à droite en. Prendr vers Nieder Prendre e la N15 on de Schier rs 1 à HefPuis prendr uck uer en directi le Parcou on de 102 km Ettelbr uck et contin en directi pouvez joindre Ettelbr ette vous Mondrof-les-Bains Traverser r. . De Laroch Schrondweile ette Arrivée 2,5 km. Retour vers gen. Laroch sur km Schen N14 et 115 la r suivant Grevenmache fingen en Echternach, Consdorf, 2. yre Roodt/S f Heisdor eid Hobsch Eischen rés s cy TT PRO de te s V s pis cuit s de uché cir cuit nd-D g cir ra ur Le Betzdor nge Gondera Septfon l Gaische acher Grevenm f eiler Lorentzw 2 Mertert Wecker Lintgen Saeul h Beckeric illig Wasserb 1 1 1 Redang de 179 km 191,5 km 128,6 km range. er Burme puis travers ité de Mond rf-les-Bains la CR152, e à proxim sortie sur Départ Mondo prendre la 2nd schen. Passag oint h, Remer Au rond-p gen on de Remic redimus. len directi , Worme cher, Stadtb 10 km Schen e la N10 à gauch Greiveldange Bech-Kleinma Prendre Traverser Traverser Bechelsberg Remerschen. gauche , puis à . Traverser 23 km Wengertswee te de Trèves Prendre N1/Rou la um. uer sur dange, Macht macher sortie, contin – Moers 38 km Greven prendre la 2nd Diekirch – oint rond-p ernach eim. Au on d’Echt rt, Steinh Wasserbillig. s en directi dorf, Born, Rospo Mertert, uer e des Berger Moers 44 km et contin la N10/Ru N10, traverser bach droite à sur la ser Kalkes Prendre Continuer shaff. Traver dorf – Born. nach uer sur Melick et contin thal. 66 km Echter ser Muller Echternach Traverser reuse. Traver te dange orn. Trier sur la CR137. orf e, Eisenb 2 km, descen eldang Consd Après km range, Ramm 50 km 76Continuer sur la CR 118. ster, Gonde ser Junglin Angelsberg. 96 km CR129 Traver traverser de à droite Prendre CR120, puis Possibilité on ach droite la gauche. 111 km Fischb s, prendre à en directi tourner à Mersch, Schoo rf-les-Bains Tourner traverser Aspelt. vers Mondo Bersbach e la 2nd sortie, Bettembour, retourner 118,5 km Dippach, oint prendr à Schieren pour Windhoff, 2 Au rond-p ur-Eisch, Parcours joindre le Hollenfels, Rodt-s . Arrivée d’Eschdorf, 115 km Colmar-Berg 128,6 km hette 1. Fouhren Boursch Plage muhle Bavigne Boulaide - Hesperange Luxembourg- Diekirch Eschweiler ck des Schle Colmar-Berg Parcours orf-les-Bains - id Putsche Winsele Goebels e 1. 2. bourg Stolzem 2 Merkhol Wiltz r Harlang mbourg r de Luxe ampach Niederw Doncols 2/5 5/5 3/5 4/5 13 km 26,5 km 23 km 36 km rg» Sud «Lalléngerbie Bike Parc Hosinge t Drauffel Bastogne 70 km 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 17,5 km 14,5 km 22 km 24,5 km 22,5 km Moselle rnach 17. Mante macher 18. Grevenldange 19. Greive ldange 20. Wormem 21. Dalhei Mullerthal 22. Bech ette 23. Larochnach Echter 24. rt-Berdorf 25. Beaufo ges Troisvier le Hachivil Degrés de difficulté 2-3/5 1-2/5 3-4/5 1/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 ge Rumelan e Thionvill 35 km 06 08 10 12 14 17 19 20 33 Cycling in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Chart your very own “Tour of Luxembourg”! Trois rivières cycling path Attert cycling path Wiltz cycling path Velo Romanum, on the path of the Romans Genzentour of Wincrange VeloRoute SaarLorLux SkodaTour de Luxembourg Reports... 22 26 28 34 38 42 Mountain bike: Luxembourg on two wheels through vales and hills The success story of Luxembourg cycling “Quite honestly, there is no place like Luxembourg” Sport in Luxembourg, something for all tastes and levels Luxembourg’s many facets Duathlon and Triathlon in Luxembourg In Practice... 09 25 36 45 46 48 50 The cycle path network in the Grand Duchy Mountain bike trails Agenda 2011 Guided bike tours Quality label “bed+bike ” Useful adresses Bike and MTB rentals Editorial staff: Brain&More, Petz Lahure, Ministère des Classes moyennes et du Tourisme, Joe Geimer Print: Imprimerie Centrale u rg.l bou .lu xemlables itlu .vis tescyc w ww w.pis ww 25 km 15,5 km 27,5 km 24,5 km 15 km 20 km 30,5 km 11,5 km 26,5 km 39 km 20 km 36 km 20,5 km 20,5 km 20 km 33 km s vierge ampach-Trois 1. Weisw 2. Lieler ux 3. Clerva en-Lellingen 4. Hosing en 5. Hosingler 6. Winse1 7. Wiltz 2 8. Wiltz eid 9. Hosch orf 10. Goesd n 11. Viande e-Boulaide 12. Bavignange 13. Erpeld dorf-Reisdorf 14. Betten orf-Ettelbruck 15. Ingeld rdaul 16. Préize Everybody on the bike... Concept and layout: Brain&More Pictures: Ministère des Classes moyennes et du Tourisme, LCTO, LVI, Administration des Ponts & Chaussées, Frank Weber, Guy Wolff, Serge Waldbillig, Dirk Bockel, Joëlle Mathias, ORT Mullerthal-Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise, Miselerland, D’Millen, Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises, ORT Ardennes luxembourgeois, Shutterstock, Brain&More Gare O O PR T V T des its its cu cu Cir t cir e és de Degr culté diffi 2-3/5 Km 1-2/5 3-4/5 25 km 1/5 km VTT 15,5 km 1/5 stes 27,5 km 2/5 s pi s es le 24,5 km 3/5 ierge Tout es 15 1/5 Troisv nn ach20 km Arde 2/5 km wamp 30,5 km 3/5 Weis 1. en 11,5 km 3/5 Lieler ux lling va 2. 26,5 2/5 2011 n-Le Cler ge 39 km nvier 3. 3/5 Hosin gen on Ja 20 km 4. 2/5 rvice Hosin eler Editi en se 36 km 5. 3/5 Wins z 1 km Piste hleck 6. 20,5 km 4/5 s Sc Wilt z 2 rg 7. 20,5 km urs de Wilt heid mbou Parco 20 8. Luxe Hosc dorf 2/5 r de 33 km 9. de Goes aTou 2/5 10. Vianden -Boulai Skod 2/5 rf vigne e 11. km do ng Ba d’eau 17,5 km 2/5 12. Erpelda orf-Reis uck Cours lbr 14,5 km 2/5 13. Bettend f-Ette 22 or oute 14. Ingeld daul km de fer Autor 24,5 km 15. Préizer 2/5 emins 22,5 16. de Ch 5/5 Ligne nach elle 3/5 th Mos Manter macher 13 km 4/5 St. Vi 17. Greven ange km Gare 26,5 km 18. eiveld nge 90 km Gr lda 23 19. Worme 36 km im 20. Dalhe 21. l ertha t Mull Bech ette ard 2 erh mp 22. Laroch ach We rf h 23. Echtern t-Berdo ampac isw We km 24. Beaufor 179 km 25. ierg» 1,5 19 gerb urg allén mbo es Sud Parc «L d isvierg e Luxe erange Tro rschei ge. km uhl Bike r de Heine eran sp de ulusm 128,6 Ma Burm imité aTou rg - He irch rser g prox SkodLuxembouiler - Diek eà trave -Ber ville ssag puis we eck lmar Hachi 1. n. Pa 152, ch Esch melrna Schl s - Co rsche Ma la CR Wor 2. des Bain sur ge, Remeimus. ch, eldan ours rf-les- ains sortie eiv rvaux Remi adtbred 2nd r Cle r Gr Parc Mondodorf-les-B e la St n de verse verse 2 ectio acher, 1. rt Mon t prendr s. Tra rg Tra en dir nm gen Dépa nd-poin en Trève ine elsbe N10 ch-Klei Tro ng Hosin te de Bech Au ro Sche uche la r Be /Rou oersrse uche lt 10 kmdre à ga Trave uffe la N1 h–M à ga Dra n. sur ekirc im. puis Pren rsche en – Di einhe nuer wee, g hlhaus Reme er nach ort, St our conti gerts Wa sp lzemb rtie, ntinu chter 23 kmdre Wenhtum. Sto d so et co n d’E rn, Ro n cher la 2n ach um ectio f, Bo Pren Mac e ma or Viande dir e, dr lkesb Holzth s en Moersd dang Greven t pren g. r Ka heid ach r rger en Prüm Putsc verse ltz wamp 38 km -poin rbilli 2 thal. s Be verse Lelling rwi nd Tra se er der . ro Nie ue de 0, tra Wilwe Was 90 km . Au r Mull shaff oltz tert, N10/R r la N1 born elick rkh verse Mer su Me e la rM Eisen . Tra if n oit er su hre ge, er Schle euse 44 kmdre à dr Continu Fou ntinu eldan . nger Pren – Born rnach h et co id te da Ramm che Wiltz ge, scen dorf Echte hternac Bours de ge , de eran erg. rf Pla seler ibilité n ndo orf 66 km rser Ec Win Gond gelsb s 2 km uhle Poss directio Bette Reisd helau ster, r An rt lsm Aprè ls he. Trave CR137. rf Mic id nglin h Rospo verse 118. Goebe la do Donco gauc ains en lt. rf che r Ju sur ternac is tra Cons r la CR er à r Berdo Bours -B pe Ech verse 2 0, pu tourn rf-les r, As Trie 76 km nuer su h 9 Tra CR12 kirc sch, ondo mbou nti d Die CR12 e la r Mer rs M Bette lschei ne droit 50 km Co km à droite ûre We h, 1 h/S Bavig eà verse er ve e 96 ac ch e rn ort Esc tra pp ba dr endr eldang ge Beauf rtie, ur retou hoff, Di Pren Fisch os, pr Erp rf d d so Harlan km en sdo rf 111 ner Schorsbach e la 2n ren po h, Wind aus rschei Erm k hdo 2 ruc hie dr km Heine Esc orf Lultzh 1 Tour km Be t pren 2 à Sc sur-Eisc Ettelb rf 115 Consd ersdo 118,5 nd-poin rcours ls, Rodt-ée. Mo feulen 2 der te Nie 2 Au ro re le Pa llenfe rg Arriv ette rbillig chet Ho Be och sse ren Lar Wa ide joind hdorf, Laro Schie lmarss. Boula 1 ins en Bech d’Esc km Co gen ge, nstro cht s-Ba Cru Heffin icran Haffe erg 1 128,6 ig rf-le -Bains r-B us , W Zitt haff, do sbo em dorf Colma Gro akels Ars Mon dorf-les Berg pig n Kr rtert m. Rip ch 2. rt Mon Me nge, tte rna ectio authe che 2. nte pa lt hera dir Cr 13 Ma Dé Koets Aspe lt en Hunc r puis la CR sen hoff. Bis ge, r sur 5 km r Aspe sange, 1 mache nes cke ch ven nnan , Wind itte We nuer 1 Fri rou Gre r Fe ontai 1 nti ich Qu rse Ramb ster rser Septf Garn et co glin Trave ich, trave Jun uche ge hlem, rsch orf Me Koer r Da rtelan 5. 12 kmner à ga ourg 3, puis e Ma Betzd tion mb ang CR10 verse Tour Bette r la N1 direc r la Useld n et tra en ls su Lintge rtie à 18 km nuer su nuer d so llenfe dre ge r ran conti , Ho Conti ge. la 2n pren Perlé zweile h ge ent ourg dre Gonde rtie, nge, Lor t/Syre Redan Ehlan Dippac t pren d so 5. semb ster Tunta Rood Ern la 2n la CR10 ur, An 31 km nd-poin ff 1 e de r dre ho r Bo sorti Saeul Au ro Wind t pren puis su 2 verse A la er. 0 orf Tra e 40 km nd-poinla CR11 h nge. pweil ang nge. Heisd oss. fels ro rmeld Tunta puis Rip Reda Au rd sur r-Eisc elterstr Hollen Wo l rg rser su llen, sp eu rbe pa ach d’abo Rodt- r la No nge Trave r Sa rich nsb heid. eder aines Mu Senni 113. verse ont Becke 51 km nuer su ls e, Ni idersc Septf la CR . Tra ge nfe rang . rs He Conti Holle ache Saeul lferdan Noed trange heck 1 Wa trave rser Schut 58 kmdre à gu jusqu’à , Hier 8à vers heid Trave bous del en CR30 hel N12 r 346 4. Bri Pr os h la Hobsc nge eile N2 Gaisc eiler e e la sur la CR n, Gr Koeric Oetra Sandw droit Rippw uche la eldang dre ttbor Arlon nuer HefCents Domm r Be Pren n 1 à de Conti 68 km à ga ge e dr lan ren. Olm Eische verse ours tion 30 km bich. Pren Reich 2. Tra en h Parc direc g Schie s Haes len. mer Strass de imu Remic en Ma re le rt 78 km e la N1 2/An ederfeu red bour rf tion len info dr dtb N1 m joind -Bains do Ste Sta Capel direc Pren Esch oite la vers Ni les uvez 1 Luxe ingen er en us po ondrofge 92 km e à dr la N15 dr ntinu M e e vo Pren prendr ruck et co chett r vers Laro Retou ngen. Puis Ettelb elbruck . De km ée. 2,5 km et Sche 102 rser Ett er. r er Arriv Trave ondweil chette N14 su enmach Schr km Laro ivant la h, Grev su ac 115 htern en en fing dorf, Ec Cons inbett Kle ge Pétan dan Differ wy Long 40 km mency Cle Rodan c ntent INF Km pistes VTT Ardennes r 2011 Edition Janvie 5 “Cycling” in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: to the rhythm of joie de vivre! Do you have to be an enthusiastic fan of professional cycling or an amateur sportsman to enjoy cycling? Not in the least! Quite to the contrary, cycling is the ideal way to move about, even for people who might consider themselves couch potatoes. Why? Very simply because, apart from the health benefits of cycling, a cycling tour is great fun, especially when shared with family or friends – through Luxembourg, for instance! 6 It is well known that cycling is praised, often in an educational tone, as being ecological and healthy… and that is certainly true, on both counts. For one, nature is not polluted with exhaust gases, and secondly the healthy effect of cycling has been scientifically proven: Cycling reduces blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack, and is even healthier than jogging, because the brunt of the body weight is borne by the saddle. Moreover, the immune system is constantly being strengthened. Through nature in the open air… What really makes the case for pedalling contentedly away is the pure joy that goes with it. First, you can set the tempo and pace just as the fancy takes you. Then, because of the lower speed and that open air feeling you get when you go about on a bike, you have more of an opportunity to appreciate nature than when driving your car. Furthermore, when cycling on special bike paths or quiet side roads with very little traffic, you need concentrate far less on the traffic, signs and rights of way, and relax and enjoy the ride more. Above all, when cycling with family and friends, you can stop to take in interesting Some tips for your family outing by bike - Cycling helmets are not compulsory in Luxembourg, but strongly recommended, as everywhere else! - Before you set out on your cycling tour, make sure that the brakes and lights are functioning properly. - Take only such luggage as strictly necessary for your cycling trip. On flat surfaces, a packed bicycle is perhaps still relatively light, but the weight will become burdensome even on easy climbs. The luggage should be divided evenly on both bicycle wheels. Furthermore, small luggage trailers for bikes can help avoid superfluous strain through bags and baskets. - Do not forget rainwear. - Take a puncture repair kit. vistas or for a rest when someone points out such opportunities, without having to waste time looking for a parking space but simply linger without further ado wherever you please. Luxembourg: a paradise for cyclists Lots of exercise in the great outdoors, discovering the flora and fauna of an incomparably beautiful country, whilst strengthening the family bonds in the process through shared experiences and the joyous feeling of being together – All for the asking on the 600 km special national cycling network of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. These roads are off limits to motor-vehicle traffic, hard surfaced, and optimally safe. Whether you wish to explore the forts and castles of Luxembourg with your family or retrace the iron ore pioneers through the red landscapes in the south of the country, or hike through the “Mullerthal - Little Switzerland in Luxembourg” on a bike, jazz up your bicycle trip by taking the train or sailing down the Mosel on occasion or even go on a relaxing shopping tour through the City of Luxembourg, or discover the beautiful high planes of the Ardennes… Luxembourg offers countless possibilities for cyclists young and old to discover the country in an original and unforgettable way. And don’t forget – Your offspring will agree: “The beauty of life lies in the rests!” And what could be finer than to spread out the picnic blanket after a hearty pedalling effort, and partake of well-deserved refreshment with kith and kin? A small tip: Those who would rather forego the picnic and prefer to be served a decent meal should bear in mind that Luxembourg is known as a paradise of culinary delights among connoisseurs, so they can choose from numerous restaurants and eateries serving local specialities. Incidentally, Luxembourg also boasts various mountain bike trails for youngsters and their accompanying adults who are young at heart. And if you do not happen to have your own bike, there is no problem at all… there are more than enough bicycle rental outlets. So, start planning your Luxembourg cycling adventure today. It’s worth it! Tourist information: © LVI 7 Chart your very own © LVI “Tour of Luxembourg”! In the homeland of such cycling greats as Charly Gaul and the Schleck brothers, the bicycle is of great importance. So it should come as no surprise, that the Grand Duchy has a network of signposted cycle paths, that leaves nothing to be desired for amateur sportsmen and leisure cyclists. Luxembourg’s topography features different degrees of difficulty for cycling enthusiasts, with altitude differences from, e.g. 132 m in Wasserbillig to 559 m in Huldange. Experience the many facets of Luxembourg These paths have naturally been arranged in such a way as to give the visitor an imposing impression of the incomparable natural beauties of the country. Experience panoramic vistas of dreamy little villages, red canyons where iron ore was once mined, expansive vineyard landscapes, imposing forts and castles and much more. Cycling fun without borders: regards from Schengen Furthermore, the cycle path network is seamlessly connected with the networks of our 8 neighbouring countries. And because the people of Luxembourg are known for cultivating good contacts with their neighbours, we are always delighted when you take the opportunity, whilst on your tour, to plan an excursion to enjoy the sites of our greater region partners Saarland and Lorraine, or to pay a visit to our Belgian friends. And if you should get tired, Luxembourg’s well organised system of transportation can stand in temporarily with other means of transport (bus, train) to relieve your cycling tour, whenever you so wish. So chart your very own cycling route(s)! The Administration des Ponts et Chaussées [Luxembourg Road Construction Authority] provides precise information on its webpages concerning the cycle routes, which can be printed out. Some of these tours may be divided in sections, which can then be covered individually – as the fancy takes you! rk o w t e n h t a p e l c The cy Grand Duchy in the © LVI The national network is composed of 23 routes extending some 600 km and connecting the different regions of the Grand Duchy. Some cycle paths follow the route of disused railways, others run along rivers, castles, idyllic villages or other sightseeing attractions. PC 20 Wiltz Valley Cycle Route: from Kautenbach to Benonchamps (B), 18 km. The signposted cycle paths are marked from PC 1 to PC 23. PC 22 “Ardennes” Cycle Route: from Bettel to Lellingen, 26 km. PC 21 North Cycle Route: from Kautenbach to Schmett, 47 km. PC 23 “Benny” Cycle Route: from Bleesbruck to Fouhren, 6 km. (PC = Piste cyclable / cycle path) PC 1 Central Cycle Route: Luxemburg-city, 43 km. In addition to the national network, there are some themed cycling tours inviting you to discover the country most beautiful regions. PC 2 Echternach Cycle Route: from Luxembourg to Echternach, 45 km. PC 3 The three rivers Cycle Route: along the river of Moselle, Sûre and Our, 110 km. - The cycling tour “Jardins à suivre“ (30 km) runs through varied landscapes and idyllic villages and connects the “art gardens” in the North. PC 4 Syr Valley Cycle Route: connection between PC 2 in Ernster and PC 3 in Mertert, 20 km. - Starting from Troisvierges the “Panorama” cycling tour (25 km) invites you to discover the impressive Oesling plateau. PC 5 White Ernz Valley Cycle Route: Connection between PC 2 in Junglinster and PC 3 in Reisdorf, 5 km. PC 6 Three cantons Cycle Route: from Pétange to Remerschen, 45 km. - Cross-border cycling is possible on the Veloroute SaarLorLux. - The Velo Romanum (35 km) takes you back to Roman times. PC 7 “Jangeli” Cycle Route: from Remich to Mondorf, 12 km. SOBS ann 88 X 130.2running.pdf 17.03.09 16:44:31 PC 8 “Terre Rouge” Cycle Route: from Pétange to Bettembourg, 43 km. PC 9 “Faubourg Minier” Cycle Route: from Sanem to Leudelange, 16 km. PC 10 François Faber Cycle Route: from Leudelange to Fennange, 9 km. PC 11 Charly Gaul Cycle Route: from Aspelt to Hesperange, 15 km. PC 12 Attert Valley Cycle Route: from Pétange to ColmarBerg, 53 km. PC 13 Nicolas Frantz Cycle Route: from Kahler to Strassen, 14 km. nouveau!! vêtements & accessoires running C Corratec Stevens Cube Principia Pinarello Storck Isaac Felt Fuji Schwinn M J CM PC 14 Eisch-Mamer Cycle Route: from Mamer to Mersch, 18 km. MJ CJ PC 15 Alzette Valley Cycle Route: from Bereldange to Ettelbruck, 42 km. CMJ N PC 16 Mid-Sauer Valley Cycle Route: from Kautenbach to Reisdorf, 71 km. PC 17 West Cycle Route: from Noerdange to Winseler, 48 km. PC 18 “Ardoisières” Cycle Route: from Koetschette to Martelange, 11 km. PC 19 Upper Sauer Lake Cycle Route: from Bavigne to Liefrange-Plage, 3 km. Assos Sugoi Craft ATTENTION nouvelle adresse: 179, route de Luxembourg L-7540 Rollingen - Mersch tél. 26 32 10 50 Giro Bell Met Oakley DMT Mizuno 179, route de Luxembourg • L-7540 Rollingen - Mersch • tél. 26 32 10 50 9 Castle of Vianden. PC 3 Trois Rivières Cycle Path Following three rivers The Trois Rivières Cycle path follows the courses of the river Moselle between Schengen and Wasserbillig, the river Sûre between Wasserbillig and Reisdorf and the river Our between Reisdorf and Vianden, taking you through a constantly changing landscape. To see European Museum in Schengen Situated at the point where the borders of Luxembourg, Germany and France meet, the village of Schengen gives its name to the accords signed in 1985 abolishing the border checks at frontiers within Europe. Opened to celebrate the 25 anniversary of the signature of the famous accords, the European Museum is dedicated to the history and significance of the Schengen Accords. Using historical photos, films, audio pieces and interactive animations, visitors are shown the true significance of these accords for a united Europe. Free entry Opening times Tue. - Fr.: 10.00-17.00 / Sa. - Sun.: 14.00-17.00 Information and bookings Tel.: (+352) 26 66 58 10 / [email protected] 10 Abbey town of Echternach Founded in 698 by Saint Willibrord, a monk of Irish origin, Echternach is one of the oldest towns in the Grand Duchy. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, with its Merovingian, Roman and Gothic features, the impressive St. Willibrord Basilica, the Gothic town hall on the Market Place and the Baroque Benedictine Abbey are Roman Villa in Echternach. silent witnesses to Echternach’s rich religious and cultural past. The recreation centre on the 34-hectare (84 acre) lake extends an invitation to discovery and relaxation. Wemperhardt Weiswampach Troisvierges Hachiville Wemperhardt Weiswampach Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Troisvierges Hachiville Troine Marnach Heinerscheid Maulusmuhle Clervaux Troine Marnach Clervaux Hosingen Drauffelt Niederwampach Merkholtz Doncols Winseler Doncols z Wilt Harlange Harlange Bavigne Wahlhausen Holzthum Stolzembourg Vianden Bavigne Esch/Sûre Vianden Goebelsmuhle Bourscheid Plage Goebelsmuhle Bourscheid Bourscheid Esch/Sûre Lultzhausen PlageMichelau Bourscheid Boulaide Eschdorf Welscheid Heinerscheid Fouhren 3 Fouhren Michelau Bettendorf Erpeldange Eschdorf Welscheid Arsdorf Niederfeulen Heinerscheid 3 Reisdorf Gilsdorf Bettendorf 3 Diekirch Erpeldange Koetschette Arsdorf Martelange Ettelbruck Grosbous Rambrouch Ermsdorf Gilsdorf Diekirch Schieren Niederfeulen Colmar-Berg Perlé Koetschette Martelange Stolzembourg Putscheid Putscheid Merkholtz Winseler Wiltz Lultzhausen Boulaide Wilwerwiltz Wiltz Wahlhausen Lellingen Holzthum Lellingen Schleif Wilwerwiltz Wiltz Hosingen Drauffelt Niederwampach Schleif Schieren Useldange Bissen Beaufort Heffingen Cruchten Beckerich Saeul Septfontaines Gaischel Saeul Dommeldange Mamer Strassen Holzem Hollenfels Bertrange Hobscheid Clemency Bascharage Pétange Steinfort Rodange Kleinbettingen Schouweiler Bascharage Heisdorf Leudelange Junglinster Bertrange Schuttrange Burmerange Remerschen Wormeldange Schengen Oetrange Hollerich Hesperange Stadtbredimus Sanem Belvaux Differdange Ehlange Mondercange Roeser Weiler-la-Tour Berchem Bettembourg Schifflange Esch/Alzette Remich Aspelt Mondorf-les-Bains Frisange 3 Ellange-Gare Wintrange Noertzange Burmerange Remerschen Dudelange Machtum, the most photographed village on the Moselle. 3 3 Ellange-Gare Wintrange Sandweiler Luxembourg Leudelange Dippach Remich Aspelt Frisange Dudelange Rumelange Grevenmacher Mondorf-les-Bains Munsbach Cents Mertert Betzdorf Stadtbredimus Roeser Berchem Manternach 3 Wecker Wormeldange Wasserbillig Roodt/Syr Senningerberg Weiler-la-Tour Ehlange Noertzange Moersdorf Zittig Ernster Hesperange Walferdange Bridel Esch/Alzette Holzem Clemency Pétange Rodange Dippach Mondercange Dommeldange Bettembourg Mamer Schifflange Strassen Belvaux Garnich Hollerich OlmSanem Capellen Differdange Kahler Munsbach Gonderange Oetrange Koerich GrevenmacherBech Rippig Cents Lorentzweiler Schuttrange Sandweiler Luxembourg Schouweiler Mertert 3 Betzdorf Roodt/Syr e Wasserbillig Senningerberg Lintgen Kahler Septfontaines Garnich Gaischel Eischen Manternach Wecker Ernster Heisdorf Walferdange Bridel Olm Capellen Sûr Rosport Moersdorf Consdorf Heffingen Lorentzweiler Gonderange Hollenfels Koerich Steinfort Kleinbettingen Rippig Junglinster Mersch Hobscheid Eischen re Echternach 3 Bech Zittig Larochette Lintgen Bissen Useldange Beckerich Sû Rosport 3 Berdorf Consdorf Mersch Redange 3 3 Echternach Larochette Ermsdorf Colmar-Berg Redange Perlé Reisdorf Berdorf Beaufort Cruchten Ettelbruck Grosbous Rambrouch Schengen Rumelange Total length: 89 km Highest point: 240 m Lowest point: 134 m Departure: Schengen / Vianden Arrival: Vianden / Schengen Ehnen, a stroll through this pittoresque village is to be recommended. Degree of difficulty: level Schwebsange is famous for its wine festival. Vianden Castle Vianden Castle is one of the most visited monuments in the Grand Duchy. Built on the site of a Roman fortress and a Carolingian refuge, it is considered to be one of the most majestic feudal castles of the Romanesque and Gothic eras in Europe. The restored rooms of the castle are brought to life by the exhibition of an- 730 m tique arms and armour, tapestries and precious furnishings, portraits and genealogical tables, archaeological finds and drawings. Open every day 10.00-16.00 Villages cossed: Schengen, Remerschen, Schwebsange, Wellenstein, Bech-Kleinmacher, Remich, Stadtbredimus, Hëttermillen, Ehnen, Wormeldange, Ahn, Machtum, Grevenmacher, Mertert, Wasserbillig, Mompach, Moersdorf, Born, Hinkel, Rosport, Steinheim, Echternach, Weilerbach, Berdorf, Bollendorf-Pont, Grundhof, Beaufort, Dillingen, Wallendorf-Pont, Reisdorf, Hoesdorf, Tandel, Bettel, Fouhren, Vianden. SCHENGEN VIANDEN 640 m 550 m 460 m 370 m 280 m 190 m 100 m 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 km 11 PC 12 Attert Cycle Path A trip through the border region The major part of the Attert Cycle Path follows the disused Attert railway line and leads you through tunnels and over imposing viaducts and past former stations. The 54-kilometre Arlon Route (the BELAREL) is also accessible either via the EischenClairefontaine junction or by crossing the border at Steinfort-Sterpenich. You will be thrilled by the landscapes and woodlands of the Attert Valley. To see Useldange Castle The picturesque village of Useldange was awarded the Europa Nostra Prize for its rustic heritage and is one of the most beautiful villages in the Grand Duchy. The recently renovated medieval castle dating from the 12th century dominates the centre of the village. Its two towers are linked by a contemporary steel bridge. From the top of the keep (28 m) you have a spectacular view. An educational path with sixteen stopping points gives explanations of this part of the national heritage. Free entry Open all year The Attert railway line. 12 Beckerich Mill Beckerich Mill has been entirely renovated, retaining the ancient character of the building but giving it a contemporary touch. The old sawmill has been restored by a group of volunteers who arrange demonstrations of log-cutting with saws dating back to 1926. The “d’Millen” non-profit-making organisation offers guided tours of Beckerich on the themes of sustainable development and renewable energies, starting from Beckerich Mill. Exhibitions of the work of regional contemporary artists and themed evenings take place regularly in the loft of the old mill. Wemperhardt Weiswampach Troisvierges Hachiville Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Troine Marnach Clervaux Wemperhardt Weiswampach Troisvierges Hosingen Hachiville Drauffelt Niederwampach Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Schleif Wahlhausen Lellingen Marnach Clervaux Holzthum Troine Wilwerwiltz Wiltz Merkholtz Doncols Winseler iltz W Hosingen Schleif Harlange Bavigne Arsdorf Bettendorf Erpeldange Erpeldange Niederfeulen Grosbous Rambrouch Rambrouch Martelange Fouhren Michelau Niederfeulen Arsdorf Koetschette Vianden Bourscheid Plage Eschdorf Welscheid Heinerscheid Koetschette Fouhren Michelau Bavigne Goebelsmuhle Eschdorf Esch/Sûre Welscheid Bourscheid Heinerscheid Lultzhausen Boulaide Gilsdorf Bettendorf Diekirch Gilsdorf Diekirch Schieren Schieren Ermsdorf Ermsdorf 12 Larochette Cruchten Heffingen 12 Useldange 12 Steinfort Hobscheid 12 Eischen Walferdange Bridel Olm Hollenfels Mamer Garnich Holzem Clemency Koerich Hollerich Walferdange Leudelange Bridel Belvaux Kahler Differdange Garnich Heisdorf Bascharage Wormeldange Ernster Oetrange Hesperange Senningerberg Luxembourg Rumelange Leudelange Dippach Grevenmacher Roodt/Syr Stadtbredimus Wormeldange Burmerange Remerschen Oetrange Schengen Hollerich Hesperange Stadtbredimus Rodange Sanem Ehlange Mondercange Belvaux Roeser Bettembourg Differdange Remich Aspelt Mondorf-les-Bains Schifflange Esch/Alzette The feudal site at Useldange. Weiler-la-Tour Berchem Frisange Noertzange Ellange-Gare Wintrange Burmerange Remerschen Schengen Dudelange Rumelange Total length: 53 km Highest point: 388 m Lowest point: 204 m Departure: Pétange / Colmar-Berg Arrival: Colmar-Berg / Pétange Degree of difficulty: undulating Villages crossed: Pétange, Hautcharage, Clemency, Grass, Kahler, Kleinbettingen, Hagen, Steinfort, Eischen, Hovelange, Noerdange, Useldange, Boevangesur-Attert, Bissen, Colmar-Berg. The old mill in Beckerich. 730 m Attert Valley vista. PETANGE COLMAR-BERG 640 m 550 m 460 m 370 m 280 m 190 m 100 m 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Was Mertert Remich Noertzange Dudelange Schouweiler Moersdorf Manternach Wecker Betzdorf Schuttrange Weiler-la-Tour Ehlange Dommeldange Roeser Mamer Berchem Mondercange Munsbach Aspelt Strassen Bettembourg Mondorf-les-Bains Schifflange Cents Frisange Ellange-GareSchuttrange Sandweiler Wintrange HolzemEsch/Alzette Bertrange Clemency Pétange Junglinster Lorentzweiler Munsbach Gonderange Luxembourg Bertrange Schouweiler Steinfort Bascharage Dippach Olm Pétange Kleinbettingen Rodange Capellen Sanem Wasserbillig Bech Zittig Mertert Rippig Roodt/Syr Sandweiler re Grevenmacher Senningerberg Cents Sû Rosport Moersdorf Manternach Wecker Betzdorf Ernster Heisdorf Lintgen Dommeldange Strassen Kahler Junglinster Lorentzweiler Gonderange Saeul Koerich Kleinbettingen re Echternach Consdorf Bech Zittig Rippig Heffingen Lintgen Hollenfels Hobscheid Septfontaines Capellen Gaischel Mersch Septfontaines Eischen 12 Larochette Bissen Mersch Saeul 12 Gaischel Sû Rosport Consdorf Beckerich Beckerich Echternach Beaufort Cruchten 12 Bissen Redange 12 Berdorf Berdorf Beaufort Colmar-Berg Colmar-Berg Useldange Redange Reisdorf Reisdorf Ettelbruck Ettelbruck Grosbous Perlé Perlé Vianden Stolzembourg Putscheid Bourscheid Plage Bourscheid Martelange Wahlhausen Lellingen Holzthum Wilwerwiltz Wiltz Merkholtz Doncols WinselerGoebelsmuhle Esch/Sûre Wiltz Lultzhausen Harlange Boulaide Stolzembourg Putscheid Drauffelt Niederwampach 54 km 13 Castle in Wiltz. PC 20 Cycling path along the river Wiltz In the heart of the Luxembourg Ardennes The river Wiltz cycling path leads along the old Wiltz – Bastogne railway line through landscapes that are typical of the Luxembourg Ardennes. The route follows the flow of the river Wiltz and allows you to discover deeply embedded valleys and high plateaux with spectacular views. Departure point is the picturesque little village of Kautenbach located at the confluence of the Wiltz and the Clerve. You will cycle past the old Schleif station converted into a camping ground office and that of Schimpach, evoking the region’s industrial past. After Schleif, you can cross the border into Belgium and continue on until Bastogne. Places of interest Jardin de Wiltz Created out of plantations, terraced excavations, sculptures, paths and stone gardens, the Jardin de Wiltz is a true work of living art. This project was initiated in 1983 by a group of Luxembourg and foreign artists developing new models of art in a public space and a social environment. National brewery museum, Wiltz. 14 Open to the public all year round. The Conservatory of Medicinal Plants in Winseler The Conservatory of Medicinal Plants houses more than 500 varieties of plants, including historical, poisonous, spice, medicinal and aromatic plants. On-site sale of plants, oils and herbal teas. Regional tourist information: Wemperhardt Weiswampach Troisvierges Hachiville Wemperhardt Weiswampach Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Troisvierges Hachiville Troine Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Marnach ClervauxMarnach Troine Clervaux 20 20 Hosingen Drauffelt Niederwampach Niederwampach Hosingen Drauffelt Schleif Merkholtz Doncols Winseler iltz Wiltz W Schleif Harlange Kautenbach Wahlhausen Lellingen Holzthum Wilwerwiltz Esch/Sûre Goebelsmuhle Bourscheid Merkholtz Vianden Bourscheid Plage Michelau Eschdorf Welscheid Heinerscheid 20 Erpeldange Kautenbach Niederfeulen Koetschette Bavigne Perlé Michelau Mersch Eschdorf Welscheid Beckerich Heinerscheid Saeul Septfontaines Niederfeulen Koerich Steinfort Koetschette Martelange Walferdange Bridel Capellen Perlé Reisdorf Senningerberg Schuttrange Sandweiler Bertrange Luxembourg Colmar-Berg Berdorf Ermsdorf Munsbach Cents Holzem Clemency Wormeldange Beaufort Echtern Oetrange Hollerich Schouweiler Bascharage Pétange Rodange Cruchten Leudelange Dippach Hesperange Stadtbredimus Sanem Ehlange Useldange Belvaux Redange Wasserbillig Mertert Roodt/Syr Schieren Garnich Moersdorf Manternach Ettelbruck Dommeldange Mamer Strassen Kahler Bech Zittig Bettendorf Wecker Gilsdorf Betzdorf Diekirch Grevenmacher Ernster Heisdorf Olm Kleinbettingen Grosbous Rambrouch Erpeldange Junglinster Lorentzweiler Gonderange Hobscheid Eischen re Rosport Fouhren Consdorf Heffingen Rippig Lintgen Hollenfels Sû Echternach Bourscheid Cruchten Plage Larochette Redange Arsdorf Berdorf Vianden Beaufort BourscheidBissen Gaischel Reisdorf Ermsdorf Useldange Lultzhausen Boulaide Schieren Colmar-Berg Goebelsmuhle Esch/Sûre Bettendorf Gilsdorf Diekirch Ettelbruck Grosbous Rambrouch Martelange Stolzembourg Fouhren Putscheid Lultzhausen Arsdorf Harlange Stolzembourg Putscheid 20 Bavigne Doncols Winseler Boulaide tz Wiltz Wil Wahlhausen Lellingen Holzthum Wilwerwiltz Mondercange Larochette Aspelt Frisange Ellange-Gare Wintrange Noertzange Mersch Burmerange Remerschen Schengen Dudelange Saeul Lintgen Junglinster Septfontaines Gaischel Lorentzweiler Gonderange Hollenfels Hobscheid Eischen Koerich Steinfort Kautenbach, in the valley of the Wiltz. Heisdorf Walferdange Bridel Olm Kleinbettingen Capellen Dommeldange Mamer Strassen Kahler Garnich Holzem Bertrange Grev Roodt/Syr Senningerberg Munsbach Cents Sandweiler Luxembourg Schuttrange Hollerich Schouweiler Bascharage Distance: 17,8 km Leudelange Dippach Hesperange Stadtbredimus Sanem Ehlange Roeser Bettembourg Differdange Schifflange Esch/Alzette Highest point: 422 m Remich Weiler-la-Tour Berchem Mondercange Belvaux Aspelt Mondorf-les-Bains Frisange Ellange-Gare Wintrange Noertzange Burmerange Remerschen Schengen Dudelange Rumelange Lowest point: 250 m Departure: Kautenbach / Belgian border near Schleif or Benonchamps (B) Arrival: Belgian border near Schleif or Benonchamps (B) / Kautenbach Degree of difficulty: quite hilly Villages crossed: Kautenbach, Merkholtz-Station, Wiltz, Winseler, Schleif. The Luxemburg Ardennes. KAUTENBACH SCHLEIF 640 m 550 m 460 m 370 m 280 m 190 m 100 m 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Wormeldang Oetrange Pétange Rodange 730 m Ma Wecker Betzdorf Ernster Clemency National strike monument in Wiltz. Bech Zittig Rippig Rumelange Beckerich Consdorf Heffingen Mondorf-les-Bains Schifflange Esch/Alzette Weiler-la-Tour Roeser BissenBerchem Bettembourg Differdange Remich 14 16 18 km 15 Le temps de prendre le temps Au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 12 établissements adhérent au réseau et s’engagent aux valeurs Logis qui sont la tradition, la convivialité et la qualité. Les classements en 1, 2, 3 cheminées vous permettent de choisir l’hébergement le mieux adapté à vos envies. ETABLISSEMENT 2 Jours en d.-p. Nuit supplém. HOTEL MEYER 3 3 Prix sur demande Prix sur demande Cottage Hotel 2 2 218 w 100 w Pour découvrir une région, quel meilleur moyen que d’en déguster la cuisine ? Les Chefs Logis vous mitonnent des recettes inventives au parfum du terroir. Chaque restaurant Logis fait l’objet d’une identification spécifique «cocottes» qui traduit le savoir-faire, les saveurs gustatives et la qualité des produits mis en œuvre. HOTEL-RESTAURANT ACACIA 2 2 170 w 65 w HOTEL DE LA SURE 3 3 155,5 w 69 w HOTEL-RESTAURANT L'ERNZ NOIRE 3 3 Prix sur demande Prix sur demande HOSTELLERIE VAL FLEURI 2 2 168 w 84 w HOTEL SAINT-NICOLAS 3 3 209 w 91 w HOTEL ST. HUBERT 2 2 140 w 60 w Les hôtels Logis du Luxembourg vous proposent l’arrangement «Logis en vélo» incluant 2 nuitées en demipension en chambre double avec un casse-croûte et un bon de réduction de 15 € sur une location de vélo. HOTEL RESTAURANT RE'SERSTUFF 3 2 Prix sur demande Prix sur demande HOTEL RESTAURANT PETRY 2 3 138 w 59 w HOTEL-RESTAURANT DIMMER 2 3 157 w 63 w AUX ANCIENNES TANNERIES 2 3 149 w 69 w Hôtellerie à visage humain. / [email protected] Tombstone in Bech-Kleinmacher. Velo Romanum On the path of the Romans From Bech-Kleinmacher via Schwebsange, Remerschen, Mondorf and Dalheim, this cycling path showcases several historical sites dating back to the Romans. The Roman winepress stone in Bech-Kleinmacher, the ancient sarcophagus in Schwebsange and the wine merchant’s tomb at “Haff Remich” are but a few of the landmarks seen along this route. In Dalheim you can visit a Gallo-Roman settlement built during the times of Emperor Augustus, one of the most significant archeological discoveries of Roman Times in Luxembourg. Part of the course leads over the old Roman road that used to link Metz and Trier. Final destination is the ancient burial chamber in BechKleinmacher. Sarcophagus in Schwebsange. 17 17 18 © Joëlle Mathias Gënzentour of Wincrange In the northwest of Luxembourg, close to the Belgian border, this circular course runs through the commune of Wincrange. You will be covering a total distance of 61 kilometres, cycling through the idyllic villages of Troisvierges, Hoffelt, Allerborn, Niederwampach, Selscheid, Doennange and Sassel and experiencing the beautiful high planes of the Ösling with their wonderful views. Points of interest along the route include the Asselborn mill, which has been converted into a museum, the relics of the Meuse-Moselle canal in Hoffelt, the small Eremite chapel “Helzerklaus”, close to the village of Hachiville, and the plane wreck monument near Maulusmühle. A cultural path covering 12 kilometres, starting at the Asselborn mill, lets you explore the sites and scenic beauties of the region. © Joëlle Mathias The Asselborn mill with its museums. Eremite chapel in Hachiville. Church of Troisvierges. 19 Across the borders... VeloRoute SaarLorLux The VeloRoute SaarLorLux cross-border cycling route links the cities of Saarbrücken, Metz, Trier and Luxembourg. Cultural landmarks, glorious vineyard landscapes and charming cities lie waiting to be discovered along the river valleys of the Moselle, Saar and Sûre. The route runs mostly along back roads and cycling paths. In Luxembourg the route runs from Mondorf-les-Bains to the capital, passing through Dalheim and then taking the direction of Echternach following the Sûre to the Moselle. Places of interests Old Trier Germany’s oldest city is home to several Roman historic monuments, such as the Porta Nigra, the Amphitheatre and the Imperial Baths. Völklingen Ironworks, World Heritage Site Völklingen’s disused ironworks were the world’s first industrial heritage site to be featured on the World Heritage list and today Cultural Metz Metz’s Saint-Etienne Cathedral was built in a Gothic style and is one of the largest and most beautiful Gothic buildings in France. The Centre Pompidou, which opened its doors in May 2010, plays host to exhibitions by modern and contemporary artists and offers a varied programme featuring performances, lectures and film screenings. Völklinger Hütte by night. 20 serve as a prominent location of Europe’s industrial culture. The site regularly hosts exhibitions and cultural events. Fortress City Luxembourg Must-sees include the Old Town and its ancient fortress walls, featured on the UNESCO World Heritage list. A visit to the Bock casemates, the city’s old underground defence system, should also not be missed. Weiswampach Troisvierges Hachiville Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Troine WemperhardtMarnach Weiswampach Clervaux Troisvierges Hachiville Hosingen Drauffelt Niederwampach Maulusmuhle Heinerscheid Troine Schleif Wiltz Merkholtz Doncols Winseler iltz Drauffelt W Niederwampach Harlange Merkholtz Doncols Winseler iltz W Esch/Sûre Harlange Lultzhausen Arsdorf Bourscheid Plage Bettendorf Erpeldange GilsdorfReisdorf Ettelbruck Ettelbruck Schieren Ermsdorf Beaufort Colmar-Berg Larochette Cruchten Saeul Lintgen Mersch Septfontaines Junglinster Lorentzweiler Gonderange Hollenfels Saeul Koerich Lintgen Heisdorf Walferdange Bridel Hollenfels Dommeldange Mamer Strassen Kahler Hobscheid Clemency Garnich Koerich Holzem Bertrange Olm Bascharage Kleinbettingen PétangeCapellen Rodange Kahler Dippach Roodt/Syr Manternach Junglinster Lorentzweiler Gonderange Munsbach Sandweiler Moersdorf Grevenmacher Senningerberg Cents Trier Wasserbillig Bech Mertert Zittig Rippig Schuttrange Ernster Wecker Trier Wasserbillig Mertert Betzdorf Wormeldange Grevenmacher Roodt/Syr Oetrange Senningerberg Hesperange Stadtbredimus Bertrange Esch/Alzette Clemency Luxembourg Noertzange Wormeldange Wintrange Burmerange Oetrange Remerschen Dudelange Hollerich Schouweiler Bascharage Manternach Wecker Dommeldange Weiler-la-Tour Remich Ehlange Roeser Mamer Munsbach Strassen Berchem Mondercange Aspelt Bettembourg CentsMondorf-les-Bains Schuttrange Schifflange Frisange Sandweiler Ellange-Gare Sanem Belvaux Garnich Differdange Holzem Pétange Rodange e Moersdorf Betzdorf Ernster Luxembourg Heisdorf Walferdange Hollerich Bridel Leudelange Schouweiler Steinfort Sûr Rosport Bech Hobscheid Steinfort Olm Kleinbettingen SeptfontainesCapellen Eischen re Consdorf Zittig Rippig Heffingen Gaischel Gaischel Larochette Mersch Bissen Useldange RedangeBeckerich Eischen Sû Rosport Echternach Consdorf Heffingen Redange Beckerich Berdorf Echternach Beaufort Cruchten Bissen Useldange Berdorf Ermsdorf Schieren Colmar-Berg Perlé Perlé Reisdorf Gilsdorf Diekirch Diekirch Niederfeulen Grosbous Rambrouch Grosbous Bettendorf Erpeldange Koetschette Martelange Rambrouch Fouhren Michelau Niederfeulen Arsdorf Koetschette Fouhren Vianden Michelau Goebelsmuhle Eschdorf Welscheid Heinerscheid Martelange Vianden Bourscheid Plage Bourscheid Eschdorf Welscheid Bourscheid Lultzhausen Heinerscheid Boulaide Stolzembourg Putscheid Goebelsmuhle Bavigne Esch/Sûre Stolzembourg Wahlhausen Lellingen Holzthum Wilwerwiltz Wiltz Bavigne Wahlhausen Putscheid Hosingen Schleif Boulaide Marnach LellingenClervaux Holzthum Wilwerwiltz Saarbrücken Schengen Rumelange Leudelange Dippach Hesperange Stadtbredimus Sanem Belvaux Differdange Ehlange Roeser Bettembourg Remich Aspelt Mondorf-les-Bains Schifflange Esch/Alzette Metz Weiler-la-Tour Berchem Mondercange Frisange Noertzange Ellange-Gare Wintrange Burmerange Remerschen Dudelange Saarbrücken Schengen Rumelange Total distance: 473 km Metz Degree of difficulty: predominantly flat to hilly Villages crossed: Saarbrücken, Kleinblittersdorf, Sarreguemines, Sarralbe, Dieuze, Moyenvic, Delme, Verny, Arssur-Moselle, Thionville, Schengen, Remich, Dalheim, Luxembourg, Graulinster, Echternach, Igel, Trier, Konz, Mettlach, Merzig, Dillingen, Saarlouis, Völklingen. The ”European” village of Schengen. Luxembourg-city. 600 Porta Nigra in Trier. Metz Cathedrale. LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG 450 300 150 0 hm km 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 21 Mountain bike: Luxembourg on two wheels through vales and hills 22 Do you enjoy cycling escapades? Do you like crisscrossing varied, yet ever so magnificent landscapes at your own pace? Then there can be no doubt that the mountain bike trails of Luxembourg are just the thing for you! Whatever your athletic level and expectations, Luxembourg will always have several mountain bike trails to meet your personal tastes. For all levels The Luxembourg Ardennes have historically been the real cradle of mountain biking in the country. This doesn’t come as a surprise. This sumptuous region is ideal for this activity: a pleasantly variegated terrain, a relatively rugged relief, thick forests after deep valleys, very beautiful villages, etc. Mountain biking is an excellent way to discover the countless ways and paths in Ellergronn and Galgenbierg forests. The open-cast mining site of “Lalléngerbierg” between Esch-sur-Alzette and Schifflange has been turned into a Bike Park run by the Funbike association which organises downhill biking courses for beginners on a regular basis. All the ingredients were on hand, therefore, for no fewer than 16 distinct mountain bike trails, covering distances from 10 to 40 kilometres. Combinable if so desired, these trails are suitable for mountain bikers of all levels: whereas some are reserved for more seasoned veterans, others are just ideal for quiet outings with the whole family. Better still, several regional trails (in particular no. 4 and no. 15) are dedicated more specifically to the younger practitioners. The Mullerthal region will make the hearts of mountain bikers beat passionately. Four signposted trails of different degrees of difficulty are guaranteed to provide unforgettable thrills. The “Terres Rouges” [Red Earth] mining basin was essentially an industrial region in the past. Today, the wooded plateaux are appreciated for their natural wealth. The landscape is marked by ravines and small valleys created when underground mines collapsed. The major new development, however, is the recent creation of 5 new mountain bike trails in Luxembourg’s Mosel region. They start at Manternach, Grevenmacher, Greiveldange, Wormeldange and Dalheim respectively. Together, this network of mountain bike trails covers more than one hundred kilometres through landscapes that showcase enchanting villages, hillsides covered with vineyards and the majestic river that flows through the region. 23 Exemplary signposting All the trails are of course carefully maintained and signposted, and they are characterised by a very pronounced “nature” dimension. The exemplary signposting of each trail commences with a start sign containing all the useful details for the course. This signposting ensures that cyclists can enjoy themselves to the full without any fear of getting lost. In villages scattered along the way, strategically posted signs provide 24 information for every cyclist on the itinerary, the degree of difficulty, landscapes and sites to be discovered, etc… to make the experience even easier and more pleasurable. Unless you simply prefer to stop for some refreshment in a village café to enjoy a local speciality between two legs of your journey. And why not? Mountain biking will give you a real sense of freedom in Luxembourg, perhaps more so than elsewhere! And if you start getting tired on the way, no problem at all: all the villages you come across are served by public transport ready to provide a “spare wheel” when needed… All the more reason to enjoy mountain biking and to discover the variegated landscapes of Luxembourg. M s l i a r t e k i b untain “Préizerdaul” mountain bike trail Situated in the West of the country, near the Belgian border, the Préizerdaul trail takes you through wondrous landscapes with spectacular viewpoints. Overall length : 33 km Maximum : 512 m Minimum : 268 m Departure/Arrival : “Op der Fabrik” cultural centre in Préizerdaul Degree of difficulty : 4/5 Total ascent: 780 m Villages crossed : Wahl, Heispelt, Kuborn, Buschrodt, Bettborn. “Grevenmacher” mountain bike trail The charming town of Grevenmacher at the foot of the Mosel vineyards is the point of departure for this relatively short trail which, with a degree of difficulty of 2/5, is suitable for beginners too. Overall length : 14,5 km Maximum : 314 m Minimum : 183 m Degree of difficulty : 2/5 Total ascent: 340 m Villages crossed : Grevenmacher, Potaschberg, Niederdonven, Oberdonven. Mountain bike trails ArdennenKm 1.Weiswampach-Troisvierges 25 km 2. Lieler 15,5 km 3. Clervaux 27,5 km 4. Hosingen-Lellingen 24,5 km 5. Hosingen 15 km 6.Winseler 20 km 7. Wiltz 1 30,5 km 8. Wiltz 2 11,5 km 9. Hoscheid 26,5 km 10. Goesdorf 39 km 11.Vianden 20 km 12. Bavigne-Boulaide 36 km 13.Erpeldange 20,5 km 14. Bettendorf-Reisdorf 20,5 km 15. Ingeldorf-Ettelbruck 20 km 16.Préizerdaul 33 km Degree of difficulty 2-3/5 1-2/5 3-4/5 1/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 Moselle 17.Manternach 18. Grevenmacher 19. Greiveldange 20. Wormeldange 21. Dalheim 17,5 km 14,5 km 22 km 24,5 km 22,5 km 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 Mullerthal 22.Bech 23.Larochette 24.Echternach 25.Beaufort-Berdorf 13 km 26,5 km 23 km 36 km 2/5 5/5 3/5 4/5 South Bike Parc “Lalléngerbierg” 25 The new Luxemb © Serge Waldbil lig / Luxemburge r Wort ourg team Leop Bornand. 09 in Le Grand- ur de France 20 the To th the 17 stage of hleck, winner of Frank Sc The success story of Luxembourg cycling Unique in the entire world The success story of Luxembourg cycling is unique in the entire world for such a small country. Although the association was first established in 1917, a certain François Faber had before then already won the classic Tour of Lombardy (1908), Paris-Tours (1909, 1910) and Paris-Roubaix (1913). However, the exceptional sportsman from Luxembourg made a name for himself particularly in the Tour de France, becoming the first foreign national to win it in 1909. 26 ard-Trek, 2011. © Archives Luxemburger Wort Stage victories in the Tour were common practice for our country in the first half of the 20th century. Apart from Edy Schütz (1966), Luxembourg had to wait 40 long years for such a victory. The “redeemer” appeared in the person of Frank Schleck, who on 18 July 2006 won the mythical 15th stage, which extended from Gap to Alpe d’Huez. His name was immortalised on one of the mountain’s curves. © Serge Waldbillig / Luxemburger Wort A year later, Frank Schleck notched up another stage win in Le Grand-Bornand. The last to join the list of stage winners was Andy Schleck. In 2010, he won two mythical stages, one in the Alps (Morzine-Avoriaz) and one in the Pyrenees (Tourmalet). After 40 years without a stage win, there were no fewer than six victories in four years for Luxembourg (two each for F. Schleck, K. Kirchen, and A. Schleck). The spell seems to be broken once and for all. That said, the Grand Duchy has been waiting for almost 53 years for an overall victory in the Tour. Charly Gaul was the last Luxembourger to win the greatest cycling race in the world over half a century ago (1958). Gaul proved himself a worthy successor to Nicolas Franz (winner of the Paris Tour 1929 in particular) and François Faber, who were the first to spread the name of the Grand Duchy worldwide. Frank Schleck was also the one who took the Grand Duchy back to the road to success in the “Classics,” when he won the Amstel Gold Race on Easter Sunday 2006. Three years later, his brother Andy repeated the feat at the Liège-Bastogne-Liège Ardennes classic. It was the second victory by a Luxembourger in the “Doyenne,” the oldest of all cycling monuments. In 1954, Marcel Ernzer had received the winner’s bouquet there. A Luxembourger is also among the winners of the third Ardennes classic. In April 2008, Kim Kirchen won the “Flèche Wallonne” on top of the “Mur de Huy.” Luxembourg cyclists have won fine victories at home as well. In the Tour de Luxembourg, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2010, Mett Clements won the first 5 editions (1935-1947). He was followed by fellow countrymen winners Bim Diederich (1949), Marcel Ernzer (1951, 1960), Jäng Kirchen (1952), Jempy Schmitz (1954, 1958), Charly Gaul (1956, 1959, 1961), Edy Schütz (1966, 1968, 1970), Lucien Didier (1983) and Frank Schleck (2009). The latter became the first Luxembourger to win the Tour de Suisse a year later. Kim Kirchen wearing the green jersey. t In 2007, Kim Kirchen added a victory. He was awarded this victory only in April 2008 “on the drawing board,” because “stage winner” Alexandre Vinokourov was proven guilty of taking drugs. In Cholet 2008 (time trials), Kim Kirchen won another stage, although he came in second. The “winner” Stefan Schumacher was subsequently disqualified for doping. Charly Gaul, “angel of the mountain”. mburger Wor dbillig / Luxe © Serge Wal With François Faber (1909), Nic Frantz (1927, 1928) and Charly Gaul (1958), Luxembourg claimed victory in the “Grande Boucle” four times. In addition to the “Big Three” of Luxembourg cycling, there were ten other riders (Nicolas Frantz, François Faber, Jean Majerus, Bim Diederich, Jean Goldschmit, Charly Gaul, Arsène Mersch, Frank Schleck, Kim Kirchen and Andy Schleck) who were leaders in the general ranking of the Tour for at least one day, getting to wear green (K. Kirchen) and white (A. Schleck), while N. Frantz, F. Faber, Ch. Gaul, B. Diederich, J. Majerus, F. Neuens, J. Goldschmit, M. Clemens, A. Mersch, W. Kemp, J.-P. Schmitz, E. Schütz, F. Schleck, K. Kirchen and A. Schleck won 69 stages in total. Andy Schleck, best young rider of the Tour. 27 © Serge Waldbillig / Luxemburger Wort “Quite honestly, there is no place like Luxembourg”. Schleck duo and Kirchen are enthralled with the training possibilities. 28 On the traces of the pros rger Wort Luxembu For some years now, cycling professionals from Luxembourg, now numbering five, have been a sensation at the highest level. With his positive results, Kim Kirchen awakened the dormant enthusiasm of home fans, while the brothers Andy and Fränk Schleck raised that enthusiasm to hysteria pitch. mburg The 3 Luxe leck. ck & F. Sch , A. Schle K. Kirchen cyclists : One explanation for their extraordinary results has undoubtedly to do with the nature of the small Grand Duchy: The landscape literally beckons cycling. From flat plains to exhausting climbs in Ösling, cycling enthusiasts will find an ideal training ground. “Quite honestly, there is no place like Luxembourg,” Andy and Fränk Schleck pointed out. “We love the landscape. We never get bored when we train,” the pros confessed. “We go essentially on instinct; everything need not always go exactly according to the training plan. If you don’t feel so well on a given day, then you must not overdo it during training. The body sends signals that must never be ignored,” they both agree. Where do Andy and Fränk like to ride most? “The route along the Moselle is perfectly suited for training behind the scooter.” Otherwise, they have also taken the roads along the Sûre particularly to heart. “Most of them are in excellent condition, and the terrain could hardly be more varied. For instance, right behind the Moselle vineyards, there is an undulating stretch. © Serge Waldbillig / Luxemburger Wort © dbillig / Serge Wal 29 © Serge Waldbillig / Luxemburger Wort Parcours 1 Distance: 128,6 km Maximum: 420 m Minimum: 138 m Start: Mondorf-les-Bains / Colmar-Berg Finish: Colmar-Berg / Mondorf-les-Bains Total ascent: 2.528 m Total descent: 2.512 m From there we occasionally ride to Junglister via Larochette, and then we have several possibilities: either head back towards the Moselle or continue on to the “Stafelter tunnel” in the North and then on to Colmar. The other route leads from Mondorf on to Bettembourg and then to Dippach. From there to Koerich via Windhof, and then through the Eisch Valley or the valley of 7 castles to Mersch, and further on towards Larochette,” the 30-year old cyclist explains. Kim Kirchen has constantly laid claims to top honours in recent years as well. The 32-year old likes to train on the streets and roads to the east of the Grand Ducal capital. “Why go look for other regions when you have the best training possibilities right in front of your house? Nature is pretty much unique in Luxembourg, varying as it is in minute confines. There are numerous untouched meadows and woods in the immediate vicinity of the larger cities, and above all few roads with traffic. There are actually few cars on the road compared with the situation abroad, and this is an 30 advantage not to be underestimated. Furthermore, drivers are not as stressed, perhaps also because pros from Luxembourg have managed to make the headlines internationally, and people in general have developed a certain acceptance for cyclists in road traffic,” Kirchen explains. He feels particularly well in the vicinity of Junglinster, Larochette, and the Mullerthal. “I like to ride there, particularly because the terrain is exacting and varied. I am also taken with the roads around Vianden. On the other hand, I visit the south of the country and the Moselle region only rarely. On the whole, I can only extend an invitation for every cycling enthusiast to visit the Grand Duchy,” he says in conclusion. Parcours 2 Distance: 115 km Maximum: 522 m Minimum: 192 m Start: Mondorf-les-Bains / Larochette Finish: Larochette / Mondorf-les-Bains Total ascent: 2.450 m Total descent: 2.335 m © Serge Waldbillig / Luxemburger Wort It alternates between uphill and downhill continuously and the climbs can be seen coming. The wonderful landscape amidst the lush surrounding greenery makes time just fly by,” Fränk Schleck explains. “We have two preferred routes, actually. One runs from Mondorf to Schengen, then flanks the Moselle until Wasserbillig. As such, we can ride on a flat terrain in the first hours, where we can roll on optimally. Then it continues on along the Sûre until Echternach. Villages on the way: Mondorf-les-Bains, Burmerange, Schengen, Remerschen, Schwebsange, BechKleinmacher, Remich, Stadtbredimus, Greiveldange, Wormeldange, Ahn, Machtum, Grevenmacher, Mertert, Wasserbillig, Moersdorf, Born, Rosport, Steinheim, Echternach, Consdorf, Junglinster, Gonderange, Ernster, Rammeldange, Stafelter, Eisenborn, Fischbach, Angelsberg, Mersch, Moesdorf, Cruchten, ColmarBerg. Villages on the way: Mondorf-les-Bains, Aspelt, Crauthem, Peppange, Bettembourg, Fennange, Bergem, Pontpierre, Wickrange, Ehlange, Dippach, Dahlem, Garnich, Wandhaff, Koerich, Septfontaines, Roodt, Bour, Ansembourg, Hollenfels, Tuntange, Saeul, Rippweiler, Noerdange, Niederpallen, Redange, Reichlange, Bettborn, Grosbous, Eschdorf, Quatre-Vents, Heiderscheid, Niederfeulen, Ettelbruck, Schieren, Schrondweiler, Larochette. Bassins remplis d’eau de mer Fascination Aquarium, espace de vie plein de mystères rue des Pépinières, L-6645 Wasserbillig Tél.: (352) 26 74 02 37, fax: (352) 26 74 02 37 E-mail: [email protected], Heures d’ouverture: De Pâques jusqu’au 30 septembre, tous les jours de 10h00 à 18h00 Du 1er octobre jusque Pâques, du vendredi au dimanche de 10h00 à 17h00 Réductions pour les détenteurs de la Luxembourg Card de l’Office National du Tourisme 31 32 The “SkodaTour de Luxembourg” The “SkodaTour de Luxembourg” is the cycling sport event in Luxembourg. More than 120 national and international cycling pros will again take to the streets of Luxembourg for 5 days from 1 to 5 June 2011. In 2010, top-class cycling pros, including the RadioShack Team with preparation for the Tour de France. 500 SYREN HESPERANGE CONTERN SYREN HESPERANGE CONTERN HESEPERANGE MEDINGEN SYREN MONDORF FILSDORF SCHENGEN REMERSCHEN MACHTUM OBERDONVEN BECH MANTERNACH WECKER POTASCHBIERG MULLERTHAL STADTBREDIMUS REMICH 600 WORMELDANGE-HAUT GREIVELDANGE the Luxembourg tour as the optimal GREVENHAFF of the tour. Many riders consider LAROCHETTE MEDERNACH participated in the 75th anniversary JUNGLINSTER PROFILE STAGE 1 - LUXEMBOURG - HESPERANGE BOURGLINSTER Team with Fränk and Andy Schleck, LUXEMBOURG Lance Armstrong and the Saxo Bank the 1st stage from Luxembourg to Hesperingen 200 150 140 130 120 115 110 100 RAVI 91,1 80 70 60 50 37,2 30 20 10 0 0 DIEKIRCH 170 173,4 DIEKIRCH BRODERBOUR DIEKIRCH BRODERBOUR 160 162,9 STEGEN ERPELDANGE ETTELBRUCK MICHELAU FLEBOUR GOEBELSMÜHLE GOESDORF ESCHWEILER WILTZ UM KNUPP DIEKIRCH BRODERBOUR 600 KNAPPHOSCHEID BEIM DONATUS WILWERWILTZ HOLZTHUM CONSTHUM KAUTENBACH LELLINGEN DRAUFFELT MAULUSMÜHLE CLERVAUX GOEDANGE BURRIGPLATZ WEISWAMPACH WINCRANGE TROINE 10 WEILER TROISVIERGES ESCHWEILER PROFILE STAGE 3 - ESCHWEILER - DIEKIRCH 0 500 400 300 191,5 150 136,4 140 130 115 120 115 109,7 90 95,3 80 83,7 68,9 60 50 40 30 0 100,8 RAVI 100 181,0 183,9 RUSH 200 20 The first stage stretches 179 kilometres from Luxembourg to Hesperingen. The changing landscape of the region holds a number of sporting surprises in store. After 37.2 km, you meet the first challenge in Grevenmacher. This was the first climb trial of the tour in 2010. From there, the stage continues towards the Moselle, where the “Wuermer Mauer” climb awaits. After a detour in Mondorf, the home of the brothers Fränk and Andy Schleck, the stage heads to Hesperange. The final circuit then brings you back to Hesperange via Contern, Syren, and Alzingen. Incidentally, in 2010, Giovanni Visconti of the I/ISD-Neri Team won this stage in 4.29‘55‘‘. 100 179,7 300 170 On the traces of the pros 161,5 RUSH 400 33 Sport in Luxembourg Something for all tastes and levels... A territory on a human scale and diversified but ever enchanting settings enable Luxembourg to offer a plethora of sport possibilities for all tastes, all expectations and all levels. With such a natural setting, outdoor sports naturally take pride of place. On foot! Luxembourg is the destination of choice for hiking enthusiasts. 5,000 km of hiking trails on more than 200 maintained and signposted walking tours beckon you to take to your favourite sporting activity, but also to discover the country’s natural, historical and architectural gems… More specifically, each of the “national trails” is devoted to a specific theme. Ranging from 13 to 84 km, these 25 signposted trails can be explored stage by stage, but also combined where necessary. The most remarkable include the “Sentier de l’Alzette” [Alzette Trail] (23 km in the heart of the country, on wooded heights, starting at Mersch), the “Sentier des Mineurs” [Miners’ Trail] (23 km in the heart of the rocky landscape in the south), the “Sentier de la Vallée des sept Châteaux” [Trail through the Valley of the Seven Castles] (37 km in the heart of the idyllic valley of the Eisch), or the “Sentier Panorama” [Panorama Trail] (42 km between Wiltz and Troisvierges, on the Oesling Plateau, to the North-West of the country). The flagship hike of the Mullerthal region is undoubtedly the Mullerthal Trail that stretches 110 kilometres alongside spectacular rock formations. This hike is composed of three inter-connected routes, each of which has its own particular character. On horseback! Luxembourg is one of the rare countries that can be crossed in every direction on horseback, with a particular weakness for the Haute-Sûre lake region, 34 which has become one of the preferred sites of horse riders from Luxembourg and abroad. An additional attraction: Well positioned stopovers enable riders to get to know the locals and the horse to rest and be fed under optimal conditions. Let’s rise up If you like to see things from high up, you must of course consider climbing. Climbing opportunities under optimal safety conditions are legion in Luxembourg. Such facilities as the “Parc Lé’h Adventures” in Dudelange, the “Ile de l’Aventure” in Echternach, the “Parc d’Escalade” in Heiderscheid, the “Mamm’out” in Merkholtz, the “Parc d’Aventure Indian Forest” in Vianden and many more offer countless possibilities adapted to all levels. You can also climb near Berdorf in the spectacular landscape of Mullerthal. Finally, the steep walls of “Wanterbaach” are ever so inviting for climbers. de Clervaux”, the “Golf de Luxembourg,” the “Country Golf de Gaichel” straddling the BelgoLuxembourg border, and the “Golf-Club GrandDucal” (an 18-hole course and a compact, 6-hole course not far from the airport) feature attractive courses and top-flight facilities. Water sports Luxembourg has so many rivers and lakes that water sports are naturally showcased. Fishing Fishermen will find various attractive opportunities to practice their sport in waters inland or near the border with Germany. You will need a permit to fish in waters teeming with trout, carp, zander, catfish, eels, pike and other fish – all in an extraordinary natural setting. Canoe-kayak enthusiasts will find courses of different degrees of difficulty (easy or medium) in various regions of the country. Boating can be enjoyed on easily navigable waterways year round, the water level permitting. Windsurfing enthusiasts will have a field day on lakes throughout the country. Beginners can take lessons in windsurfing schools, in particular the lakes of Haute-Sûre and Echternach. A little white ball Golf is one of the reigning sports in Luxembourg and the country offers numerous magnificent opportunities to play: 6 clubs boast distinctive courses, capable of meeting the expectations of golfers of all levels. To relieve stress in breathtaking panoramas whilst enjoying your favourite sport, the “Kikuoka Country Club,” the “Golf & Country Club Christnach,” the “Golf 7, Rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm Tél.: +352 42 30 32 Fax: +352 43 68 52 Lu-Ve : 08h-12h / 13h-18h Sa: 09h-12h 35 2 a d Agen 11 Some events chosen for you. Check out the full calendar on 20.03. Mullerthal trek by mountain bike from Beaufort and back to Beaufort Mountain bike: 2 trails: 35 km and 56 km Nordic march: 1 trail - 14 km Information and registration: [email protected] 01.05. Elsy Jacobs trek in Mamer A trek organised for the festival of Luxembourg for women’s cycling. 08.05. Nic Morn Trek 14.05. Schleck trek in Mondorf-les-Bains Trek with departure from and arrival at the Parc des Thermes in Mondorf. 3 trails: 33 km, 81 km, 126 km. Races for children. Information and registration: [email protected] 14-15.05. “Technikcamp” for adults, including Bikeride in Echternach 2-day technical camp organised by the Luxembourg Youth Hostel Association in cooperation with Manfred Stromberg’s “Bikeride” mountain biking school. Course in German for mountain bikers of all ages. Rates including overnight accommodation and meals at the Echternach youth hostel are available. Information and registration: Echternach Youth Hostel (+352) 26 27 66 40 or [email protected] 30.05 - 01.06. Across Luxembourg by mountain bike 3-day guided tour by mountain bike for young people aged 15 and older from Troisvierges to Luxembourg. Information and registration: [email protected] 01.-05.06. SkodaTour de Luxembourg 12.06. Jang Goldschmit trek 19.06. Lucien Didier trek in Ell Trek with 4 trails to choose from 25 km, 72 km, 113 km, 145 km. 03.-09.07. 6 days Lull Gillen One week trek across Luxembourg. 36 28.07. “Gala Tour de France” The Gala Tour de France takes place in Luxembourg-City only a few days after the Tour de France. The Gala Tour de France Critérium is organised by the Luxemburger cycle association ACC Contern. In 2010 more than 40.000 supporters encouraged the 70 riders on the circuit around the Avenue de la Liberté. 06- 07.08. “Mullerthal Biking Days” in Echternach The “Mullerthal Biking Days” are for the whole family. They will start with a pasta party in the evening of 6 August in the Echternach youth hostel and end on Sunday, 7 August with a mountain bike race that lasts eight hours. The route selected for the occasion extends 6.2 km around the lake of Echternach and its environs. The race is open to individual participants who may, but need not be licensed, but also to formed teams (max. 6 people per team). Registration and Information: ORT Région Mullerthal - Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise / 07.08. Edy Schütz trek A bike tour through the Ardennes region. 14.08. Jempy Schmitz trek in Diekirch Trek on 4 trails: 48 km, 80 km, 120 km, and 155 km. 28.08. Bim Diederich trek / 04.09. The Charly Gaul trek in Echternach In honour of Luxembourg cyclist Charly Gaul, who won the Tour de France in 1958. 16-18.09. Tour de Luxembourg by mountain bike 3rd edition of the Tour de Luxembourg by mountain bike for adults. Information and registration: [email protected] 18.09. Esch-sur-Alzette mobility trek Trails of 70 km and 25 km for mountain bikes. 22.10. Transoesling in Wiltz Mountain bike Marathon in Luxembourg’s Ardennes. Timed trails of 35 and 80 km. 37 Discover Luxembourg’s many facets 38 Luxembourg, a festival of taste and flavours Tradition and modernity, classicism and invention: Luxembourg gastronomy is richly diverse. In the city centre, in the open country, at the heart of a historic town or in a picturesque village, the rustic inn or the cosy brasserie with its acclaimed table, Luxembourg gastronomy is a successful blend of the talent, passion and innovation of the greatest chefs. Luxemburg is the country of Léa Linster, the only woman to be awarded the prestigious “Bocuse d’Or”. She contributes to making Luxembourg the country with the largest number of starred restaurants per head of population. Luxembourg gastronomy uses the most outstanding local products: wines and sparkling wines from the Moselle, liqueurs and beers, meats and charcuterie, products based on spelt, honey… The majority of Luxembourg’s own products are protected by labels certifying their geographic origin or organic quality. Luxembourg, a shopper’s paradise Luxury boutiques, gourmet markets with national products, modern and welcoming shopping centers, Luxembourg is a shopper’s paradise. Alongside modern and welcoming shopping centers, the commercial life of Luxembourg is played out in spacious streets where calm and atmosphere prevail, in a natural setting or surrounded by outstanding architecture. 39 Luxembourg, where children are king Zoos with domestic and wild animals, hiking trails, themed footpaths… In Luxembourg, children are perfectly safe to discover the fascination of familiar and wild creatures and are enchanted by the most beautiful natural discoveries. Theme parks, adventure parks or water parks, children can discover tradition and nature. Then, at the end of the day, sleep comes to our tiny heroes. Luxembourg? Children love it! Luxembourg, the country of all cultures Thanks to centuries of contacts with different European cultures, a host country for immigrants from all around the world since the end of the 19th century, and nowadays the workplace for tens of thousands of commuters, Luxembourg bears the mark of pretty much all cultural influences one can imagine. Classical and pop concerts by world-renowned artists, theatre performances, enticing exhibitions of all sorts, museums galore, imposing castles and fortresses and the traditional folk culture of Luxembourg, no wonder that the Grand Duchy is considered by many connoisseurs to be a cultural paradise. 40 With the LuxembourgCard, discover the Grand-Duchy on bike Luxembourg National Tourist Office 41 BP 1001 L-1010 Luxembourg Tél. 42 82 82 20 Fax: 42 82 82 30 [email protected] Duathlon and Triathlon in Luxembourg In the shadow of cycling, multidisciplinary sports such as triathlons and duathlons have also cemented their place in the Grand Duchy. Various events offer an opportunity to discover Luxembourg at full throttle. Thanks to its varied training possibilities and its top-notch infrastructure, the country provides excellent conditions for both individual and group training. Luxembourg offers not only cycling and running options in fabulous settings, it is also home to several swimming pools and is a haven for swimming in natural waters. It even has an altitude simulation training centre. Leading athletes such as Liz May (2009 European Triathlon runner-up champion) or Dirk Bockel (top ten Hawaii Ironman in 2009 and 2010) highlight the excellent training conditions in the Grand Duchy. “ I have been cycling through this country for many years now. When I used to live on the Moselle, I would cycle from Grevenmacher along the river all the way into France, where you can ride on the flat and pedal past amazing little places such as Schengen and Wellenstein. This is ideal territory for the hobby cyclist, since in Remich and all along the Moselle you will find many inviting spots for a rest, as well as nice little cafés. Of course you can also head into the opposite direction from Grevenmacher, along the Sûre. Cycling paths abound here too and you can cycle on the flat for hours on end or, if you feel like it, veer off to the left or the right to incorporate some hills into your route, since there are some very steep ascents particularly near the Moselle. My other favourite route starts in Luxembourg City and heads via Bertrange and Capellen through the Valley of the Seven Castles to Mersch and from there back into the city via Steinsel. This route is particularly beautiful in summer as it provides some welcome shadow and you also get to experience some of Luxembourg’s history via its castles. Another nice aspect of this route is that you get to bump into other cyclists and if you do not want to cycle on your own there is always the chance of meeting a potential cycling buddy. One of the most well-known cycling routes is just a little south of Luxembourg City. Leaving the city on the cycling path, you can embark on a beautiful route with little traffic to Alzingen and cycle via Roeser and Bettembourg and Berchem all the way back to Hesperange, encountering hardly any traffic lights. This is a very popular rendezvous for many of the country’s cyclists. These are in principle my favourite tours and I can often be found on these routes. Happy cycling! “ Dirk Bockel Ironman Hawaï: 7th position 2009, 8th position 2010. 42 Competition calendar 2011 16.01.2011 8th Crossduathlon Belvaux 13.02.2011 14th Crossduathlon Bambësch 19.03.2011 5th Indoor Triathlon 08.05.2011 23rd Duathlon International Belvaux 13.06.2011 6th Triathlon Grevenmacher 02.07.2011 Duathlon Mamer (FLTRI Championship) 03.07.2011 Triathlon Mamer 16/17.07.2011 27th Triathlon International d’Echternach 20/21.08.2011 16th Triathlon International Weiswampach (Championnat FLTRI) 06.11.2011 Autumn Duathlon Schifflange 43 s r u t e k bi d e d i u G Mountainbike, city bike and race bike The Mullerthal region, Luxembourg’s “Little Switzerland”, with its verdant landscapes and the multitude of opportunities it offers, is a magnet to fans of cycling. Every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in July and August, the Regional Tourist Office in collaboration with its local partners offers a chance to discover the region on guided tours varying in length and degree of difficulty. These tours are ideal for all those who want to explore the region in a group and with a qualified guide, either on a mountain bike, city bike or racing bike. It is also possible to book guided tours on a date to be agreed and on request for groups of a minimum 5 participants. Information and reservation ORT Région Mullerthal – Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise Tel.: (+352) 72 04 57 or [email protected] The extremely varied terrain of the Luxembourg Ardennes is a challenge to mountain bike fans. The Regional Tourist Office of the Luxembourg Ardennes offers a chance to discover the region by bike with an experienced guide. Information and reservation Office Régional du Tourisme des Ardennes luxembourgeoises Tel.: (+352) 26 95 05 66 or [email protected] Deluxe mountain bike tour on request 3-day guided tours across Luxembourg Tour 1: Luxembourg – Echternach – Vianden – Wiltz Tour 2: Troisvierges – Lultzhausen – Larochette – Luxembourg Tour 3: Esch/Alzette – Remerschen – Bourglinster – Luxembourg Price: 179 € (including 1 guide, baggage transport, 3 lunch packs, 2 dinners, 2 overnights with breakfast). On request and for groups of a minimum 6 persons. Information and reservation Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises 2, rue du Fort Olisy L-2261 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 26 27 66 40 or [email protected] Special offer In the heart of the Luxembourg Ardennes •3 overnights in a modern room in a 3 or 4-star hotel of your choice. • 1 welcome drink (with regional produce). • On the first evening, à la carte or fixed-menu meal (payable). • 3 buffet breakfasts. • 1 Road map and LuxembourgCard for 56 attractions – free entry /reductions – so that you can discover the most beautiful parts of the country. • 2 x use of cycle or mountain bike with cycle map from LVI Luxembourg. • 2 x 4-course menus specially prepared by the chef on the second and third evenings. Arrival Sunday and departure Friday (excluding public holidays): -15% on the above tariff (payment in cash). Price: 198,5 € p.P. Extension half-board: 69,50 € p.P. Booking Code: ORTAL SPECIALS 2011 45 bed+bike Luxembourg A quality label certifying that good reception awaits cycle tourists To meet the expectations of bike-loving tourists, accommodation establishments have to fulfil certain criteria. The “bed+bike” label will be introduced in Luxembourg as of 2011 to provide customers with reliable, easily accessible information on establishments that offer quality services and facilities adapted to their needs. Developed by the “Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club” (ADFC) [General German Cycling Club], this protected label has been a resounding success in recent years in Germany. The “bed+bike” label is arriving in Luxembourg at the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and in cooperation with the Lëtzebuerger VëlosInitiativ (LVI) [Luxembourg Cycling Initiative]. 46 This label has already proved its worth in more than 5,000 accommodation establishments in Germany and in more than 240 establishments in Flanders (B). Only establishments that provide adapted services are certificated “bed+bike.” Such services include secured premises, a balanced breakfast, a dryer for wet clothing and tools for minor repairs – often attentive details to make life easier for cycle tourists. With its national network of cycling paths that now extends over 600 km, its splendid nature and its high quality tourism infrastructure and facilities, Luxembourg is an attractive destination for cyclists. The “bed+bike” label supplements this attractive offer by providing reliable information on accommodation establishments that extend a welcoming reception to such customers. The “bed+bike” label is awarded to all accommodation establishments, from luxury hotels to boarding houses, but also camping facilities, guesthouses, youth hostels and gîtes, all establishments that meet the minimum requirements of the “bed+bike” label can receive certification. More speci-fically, to be certified, an establishment must meet a set of criteria that guarantee appropriate conditions for spending quality cycle holidays. Beyond the necessary facilities, it is important for an establishment to be prepared to adapt to the needs and wishes of cyclists. In certified establishments, visitors are sure to find the following minimum conditions, developed to ensure a welcoming reception for cyclists and their equipment: • Accommodation for cycle tourists for one or more nights; • A parking facility for bikes, free of charge and lockable at night; • Possibilities to dry clothing and equipment; • Breakfast high in vitamins and carbohydrates or the option of preparing your own meals; • Information, opening hours and telephone number of the nearest bike repair shop for major repairs. • Lunch pack to take along; Furthermore, certified establishments must provide at least two other services from the list below: To enable tourists to find “bed+bike” certified establishments for cyclists, the LVI manages a website dedicated to the subject, and publishes a guide every year. For information on the “bed+bike” label, the relevant criteria and the list of certified establishments, go to • Advice on ecological sound travel and bike transportation at the time of reservation; • Shuttle service for bike customers; • Guest book in which to share experiences whilst cycling in the region. • Rental of quality bikes; •Cycling day trips in the vicinity of the establishment and material with additional information on the region; • Luggage transfer from the last and/or to the next establishment; • Provision of maps and descriptions of local and regional cycling routes, bus and train schedules and, where appropriate, information on boats and ferries; • Reservation service for the next night in establishments that cater for cycle tourists; • Availability of a repair kit containing the main tools needed for a bike; •Information on other establishments for cycle tourists in the region; • Supply of spare parts by arrangement with the nearest repair shop; Contact – Advice: LVI, Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Initiativ a.s.b.l. 6, rue Vauban L-2663 Luxemburg Tel.: (+352) 43 90 30 29 e-mail: [email protected] 47 Useful addresses Office National du Tourisme Luxembourg Entente touristique du Sud B.P. 1001 L-1010 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 42 82 82-1 Fax: (+352) 42 82 82-38 [email protected] B.P. 6 L-4001 Esch/Alzette Tel.: (+352) 54 16 37 Fax: (+352) 54 73 83 678 [email protected] Luxembourg City Tourist Office Place d’Armes B.P. 181 L-2011 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 22 28 09 Fax: (+352) 46 70 70 [email protected] Entente Touristique de la Moselle Luxembourgeoise Asbl 10, route du Vin L-6794 Grevenmacher Tel.: (+352) 75 82 75 Fax: (+352) 75 86 66 [email protected] Office Régional du Tourisme Région Mullerthal - Petite Suisse Luxembourgeoise 8, av. Nicolas Kreins L-9536 Wiltz (Wooltz) Tel.: (+352) 26 95 05 66 Fax: (+352) 26 95 05 66 66 48 Maison des Sports 3, route d’Arlon L-8009 Strassen Tel.: (+352) 29 23 17 [email protected] Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Triathlon B.P. 152 L-6402 Echternach Tel.: (+352) 72 04 57 Fax: (+352) 72 75 24 B.P. 3033 L-1030 Luxembourg [email protected] Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises 2, rue du Fort Olisy L-2261 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 26 27 66 40 Fax: (+352) 26 27 66 42 [email protected] Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Initiative Office Régional du Tourisme des Ardennes Luxembourgeoises - Ortal Féderation Luxembourgeoise du Sport Cycliste 6, rue Vauban L-2663 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 26 43 11 22 Fax: (+352) 26 43 06 22 [email protected] Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois All the events taking place in Luxembourg. Biking & mountain biking in LUXEMBOURG discover the best route suggestions & special offers now on The national network of cycling paths. You can download the map with all the 23 cycling paths. Information on the “bed+bike” label, the criteria and list of certified establishments. Information on the public transport system in Luxembourg. 49 Bike and MTB rentals in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Beaufort Syndicat d’initiative / V.V.V. 87, Grand Rue Tel.: (+352) 83 60 99 Esch-sur-Sûre Hôtel de la Sûre Tel.: (+352) 83 91 10 Derenbach Auberge Eislécker Stuff Tel.: (+352) 99 45 73 Ettelbruck Camping Kalkesdelt 88, Chemin du Camping Tel.: (+352) 81 21 85 Diekirch Camping de la Sûre Tel.: (+352) 80 94 95 Heinerscheid Cornelyshaff Maison 37 Tel.: (+352) 26 90 75 - 1 Speicher Sport 56, Rue Clairefontaine Tel.: (+352) 80 84 38 Dillingen Outdoor Center 10, Rue de la Sûre Tel.: (+352) 86 91 39 Echternach Trisport 31, Route de Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 72 00 86 Auberge de Jeunesse Chemin vers Rodenhof Tel.: (+352) 72 01 58 Esch-sur-Alzette Cycles Rasqui 52, Rue du Brill Tel.: (352) 54 01 61 50 Kaundorf Auberge Zeimen Tel.: (+352) 83 91 72 Lieler Camping Trois Frontières Maison 1 Tel.: (+352) 99 86 08 Mondorf-les-Bains Tourist Office 26-28, Avenue des Bains Tel.: (+352) 23 66 75 75 Wiltz Munshausen Domaine Touristique « A Robbesscheier » Tel.: (+352) 92 17 45 -1 Tourist Office Château Tel.: (+352) 95 74 44 Reisdorf Tourist Office Tel.: (+352) 83 67 78 Remich Hôtel Saint Nicolas 31, Esplanade Tel.: (+352) 26 663 Luxembourg City Bisserwee 8, Luxembourg-Grund Tel.: (+352) 47 96 23 83 Troisvierges Camping Walensbongert Rue de Binsfeld Tel.: (+352) 99 71 41 Auberge de la Jeunesse 2, Rue Fort Olisy Tel.: (+352) 2268 89 - 20 Vianden By the station Tel.: (+352) 84 93 87 Maulusmühle Camping Woltzdal Tel.: (+352) 99 89 38 Hotel Petry 15, Rue de la Gare Tel.: (+352) 83 41 22 Youth Hostel 6, Rue de la Montagne Tel.: (+352) 95 80 39 Camping Fuussekaul 4, Fuussekaul Tel.: (+352) 26 88 88 1 Luxembourg Esch-sur-Alzette Moselle luxembourgeoise Rentabike Diekirch 27, Rue Jean Aveugle Tel.: (+352) 26 80 33 76 ENDLECH DO … C.N.I. 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