Z` Chamber Link - Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce
Z’ Chamber Link ...A Community Connected Published by the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce March, 2015 Edition March March 3 | 12 Noon Chamber Ambassador Luncheon Chamber Office March 5 | 7-8:30am Business Breakfast The Lutz/Laker News Golden Corral March 5 | 5-7pm Founders Day VIP Reception Zephyrhills Library March 7 | 10am Founders Day Parade Downtown Zephyrhills Pigz in Z’Hills BBQ & Blues Pays it Forward Chamber Presents $15,000 to Local Charities & Scholarship Fund at Annual Volunteer and Sponsor Appreciation Dinner 2015 BBQ & Blues Planning Committee Mar 11 | 8—9am Student Citizen of the Month Chancey Road Christian Church March 19 | 5-7pm Annual St. Patrick’s Day Mixer and Ribbon Cutting Rosecastle Assisted Living Facility (formally Westwinds) Ribbon Cutting @ 5:30 37411 Eiland Blvd March 23 | 5-7 Open House Hosted by Elk’s Lodge 5950 12th Street, Zephyrhills March 25 | 5-7pm Ribbon Cutting | Grand Opening Lacoochee Family Health Center 38724 Mudcat Grant Blvd., Dade City March 27 | 11-1pm | RC 1:30 Ribbon Cutting | Open House Stacey Taylor-Hunt, D.O 37908 Daughtery Rd. Suite B. Zephyrhills March 31| 11:30am—1:00pm Hiring Veterans ~ A Seminar for Employers Microtel Inn & Suites 7839 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills Recipients Pasco County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse Sunshine Swampers 4 x 4 Club, Inc. YMCA of East Pasco Zephyr Airport Cadet Squadron Zephyrhills Army JROTC Zephyrhills High School Drama Club Zephyrhills High School Interact Club Zephyrhills Museum of Military History Chamber Youth Citizenship/Scholarships ZEPHYRHILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE YOUTH & EDUCATION PROGRAM DONORS Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors October 2014-September 2015 Citizen of the Month and Scholarship Fund 2014 Bahr’s Propane Gas & AC Church of the Living World Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Centennial Bank Daniel Dwyer, Attorney-Mander Law Group I R Staffing, Inc. Jarrett Ford Dade City Piccola Italia Restaurant Rona Fletcher San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union The Ministerial Association of Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel And...ALL of you who have participated in 50/50 drawings at Chamber events Thank you for your generous Support of Youth in our Community As a direct result of your contributions, the Chamber awarded $4000 in 2014 to local graduating seniors pursuing their educational, vocational and career goals. The Chamber provides annual scholarships funded through 50/50 drawings, events, and individual or business donations. Scholarships are awarded to local youth through a selection process in Spring of every year. If you or your business wishes to participate, please call your Chamber office. Officers Carolyn Hodges, President-Faithful Friends Pet Cremation Tim Linville, President Elect –E-Z Clean Car Wash Josh Schneidmiller, Vice President—Western & Southern Life Skip Skairus, Treasurer-CenterState Bank Gary Hatrick, Secretary -High Road Photography Directors Amy Chappell -Florida Traditions Bank Bill Heinrich—Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Darrell Pennington—Honorary Lifetime Member David West—Inside Out Leadership Development Deborah Densmore—North Tampa Behavioral Health John Kinsman-Martin Electric Kevin Ryman -Ryman Construction/Ryman Roofing Rebecca Gaddis -San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union Tom Vanater-Nabers Jewelers Wade Thomas -Thomas and Son , Inc. Ex-Officio Members Councilman Ken Burgess---City Council Liaison Vonnie Mikkelsen---Executive Director Committees and Board Liaisons Membership: Gary Hatrick Economic Development / Government Affairs: Skip Skairus Community Outreach: AJ Hernandez Ambassadors Liaison: Gary Hatrick Professional Staff Vonnie Mikkelsen-Executive Director [email protected] Pat Pennington - Membership/Marketing Manager [email protected] Melonie Monson-Membership Services Coordinator [email protected] Tenci Alexander-Customer Service Specialist: [email protected] (Business & Visitors Center Services) Chamber Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM 38550 Fifth Ave., Zephyrhills 33542 Ph: (813)782-1913 / Fax: (813)783-6060 Photos by: Dave Walters, Zephyrhills Free Press Brock Scaffolding | JH Ham Electric | Suncoast Credit Union TBA Communications | Ring Power-Cat IR Staffing | Microtel Inn & Suites | Norm & Sons Tire & Auto Repair | Nye Commercial Advisors| Rasmussen College Rotors of America Flight Academy |Ryman Construction|San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union|Vapor Unlimited All Tech Air & Filtration | Bahr’s Propane Gas & A/C | Centennial Bank |City Golf Course | Dan Evans First National Bank of Pasco | Five Guys Burgers & Fries | Lee Reed Insurance| Pasco-Hernando State College| Rhoda’s Rentals Volunteer Service Clubs East Pasco YMCA | Pasco County Sheriff ’s Posse Sunshine Swampers 4X4 Club, Inc. | Zephyrhills Army JROTC Zephyrhills HS Interact Club | Zephyrhills HS Drama Club Fl-459, Zephyr Airport Cadet Squadron, United States Air Force Auxiliary Zephyrhills Museum of Military History Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Members Pigz in Z’Hills 2015 Planning Committee AJ Hernandez | Amy Chappell | Brenda Minton | Brent Nye Darrell Pennington | Deborah Densmore | Frank Murphy | Gary Hatrick George Kendall|George Swatzbaugh Josh Schneidmiller | Kathy Whitman | Kym Corkum | Melissa Williams | Mike Handrahan | Miriam Hansford Nathan Coleman | Rebecca Gaddis|Stephanie Stephenson | Cliff Moffett Steven Spina | Suzanne Beauchaine | Tim Linville | Vicki Jones Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIP Encourage membership through innovative programs, services and benefits Carpet & Floor Source 5527 Gall Blvd. Zephyrhills, FL 33542 (813) 780-7372 Angel Torres carpet and [email protected] Flooring Installation/Retail Hope Ranch Learning Academy 36322 SR 54 Zephyrhills, FL 33541 Christopher Dester [email protected] Schools for Children with Special Needs. H.A.L.E. w/Coaching for Wellness 6035 12th Street Zephyrhills, FL 33542 (813) 892-3978 Rose Hale [email protected] Holistic Healing Inside Out Leadership Development 14121 19th Street Dade City, FL 33525 David West [email protected] Business &Training Consultant/Coaching Health Markets 38713 Zephyr Oaks Ct. Zephyrhills, FL 33545 (813) 782-1408 Randy Light [email protected] Insurance Dex Imaging Inc. 13911 Lakeshore Blvd. #102 Hudson, FL 34668 (727) 742-6719 Chris Ghisson [email protected] Copier Sales/Services Mary Kay 35512 Wickingham Ct. Zephyrhills, FL 33541 (813) 997-1037 Tania Bruce [email protected] Beauty Consultant Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIP Encourage membership through innovative programs, services and benefits For Renewing Your Membership Advent Quest/Outdoor Storage Rainbow Village Carefree/RV Resort Carlisle Events/Zephyrhills AutoFest Rhoda's Rentals Chalet Florist Simply The Best Handyman Freedom Scooter & Supply Sonny's Appliances Gulf Coast Financial Strategies Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc Hits 106/WGHR-FM Sunstate Title Agency Home Depot Tampa Bay Times J. Gary Brownsberger, CPA Tampa Tribune - TBO.com Magnuson Hotel The Thomas Promise Mander Law Group Thomas Advisory Services, Inc Microtel Inn & Suites Valleydale R.O. Association, Inc Midas/Speedee VolPWRX Park Lane Jewelry Zephyrhills Moose Lodge #2276 Pisces Music Services Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel Ministerial Assoc. Planned Pethood Members Find Value in Annual Investment Plans Gold Level Investors CenterState Bank Bayfront Health Dade City Mosaic San Antonio Citizens FCU Platinum Level Investors Bronze Level Investors Norm & Sons Tire & Auto Repair Florida Medical Clinic Your Chamber is working for you Click HERE and HERE to view latest video promos ZEDC “Clearly Zephyrhills” Marketing Publications Available for Download. Click on Cover at right to view. Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Economic Development & Government Affairs Position the greater Zephyrhills area as the Preferred Location for Business Growth in East Pasco County SR56 Four-lane extension focus of Zephyrhills Transportation Town Hall Florida Representative Danny Burgess and Senator John Legg held a joint town hall meeting February 23rd to hear concerns and ideas from constituents on local transportation infrastructure. Approximately 60 attended the public forum held at City Hall. City Manager Steve Spina presented on critical needs for better transportation in and out of Zephyrhills and presented a case for four-lane construction of SR56—a collaborative position of the ZEDC (summary below.) The meeting was held as legislators prepare for the first Legislative session of 2015 in Tallahassee. Four-Lane Extension of State Road 56 Construction from Meadow Pointe Blvd. to US Hwy 301 in Pasco County – Why Now The Zephyrhills Economic Development Coalition Position OPPORTUNITIES Regional Transportation Links: SR56 falls under Pasco County’s Market Area II “Gateway” Plan and connects directly to Market Area IV (East Pasco) with key transportation links (rail, airport) and industrial development land. The road network needs to align with projects of regional impact under discussion in this corridor. SR56 is key to a cross-bay connector between Pinellas to Polk Counties. SR 56 is key to future of Pasco County “Loop” - SR 56 to US 301 to SR 52 to Interstate 75. Regional Economic Development: SR54/56 connects to 5000 acres of East Pasco Industrial Corridor: Duke Energy is focusing on a site certification plan of a 300 acre site in Zephyrhills. City and County officials are discussing development of an Industrial Corridor Master Plan that would include utility, transit and financial mechanisms. The Zephyrhills Municipal Airport is recognized by the FAA as an airport of regional impact. A recent Florida Department of Transportation study showed the Airport to have a $25m economic impact. More than $5,000,000 in infrastructure upgrades were completed in 2014, and another $700,000 are in the coming year’s work plan. The Airport is primed for a regional Aviation Business and Research & Development Park centered on cutting-edge UAS technology. Partnerships between businesses, leading institutions in aviation industry education and training and our public school district are already being formed to put in place meaningful workforce development opportunities for the community. Such a Park would attract aviation-related business with high ROI and significant regional economic impacts. Development of projects such as these depends on a modern transportation network. SR56 could be designated an east-west hurricane evacuation route. Additional capacity created by four-lanes could drastically reduce travel times during emergency evacuations. WHY NOW, RATHER THAN LATER? Planning for the Future: SR56 is the key to a legitimate regional Industrial Corridor Plan encompassing CR54 and Chancey Road, now under discussion. Current Traffic Statistics Comparisons for SR54/56 Corridor: Traffic Counts on SR54 east of US 41, SR581, and Curley Road are anywhere from two times to five times higher than those of comparable traffic routes on SR 52 giving weight to the priority for relief on SR54/56 roads. Construction Costs will never be cheaper. Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits February Events Sponsored by: Florida Hospital Zephyrhills February 5 | CREATION Café at Florida Hospital Zephyrhills To find out how you can Sponsor A Breakfast Please call the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce 813-782-1913 Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits February Celebrations Zephyrhills Public Library held their Ribbon Cutting & Open House Showcasing the NEW Public Library February 24th Photo by Wanda Stevens Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits February Events State Representative Danny Burgess held his District Office Multi-Chamber Ribbon Cutting and Open House February 24th The Quarterly Member Connection was held February 11th at the Chamber Office. Members were eager to listen to all the benefits and services available to them. Networking followed allowing an opportunity to get to know each other. “Join us for Java” In May and make your next Member Connection VOTE! Municipalities to Hold Elections Pasco County FL - Brian E. Corley, Supervisor of Elections, Pasco County, announced that elections for three municipalities will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, to include the cities of Port Richey, San Antonio and Zephyrhills. Book closing for these elections is Monday, March 16, 2015. Municipal elections are for voters residing within the city limits only. Sample ballots and information on city candidates is available on our website, www.pascovotes.com. Sample ballots will also be published in the newspapers on Sunday, April 12, 2015, and, as always, election results will be posted on www.pascovotes.com as they become available. All voters going to the polls for Municipal Elections should bring photo and signature identification, or they will be required to vote a provisional ballot. Voters are also encouraged to update their voter registration record with any changes prior to election day by calling 800-851-8754. For more information contact: Brian E. Corley, Supervisor of Elections 1-800-851-8754 toll free Or visit www.pascovotes.com COMMUNITY NEWS Pasco County Extension Office FREE Seminars Subject: Turf Grass Trials and Tribulations Subject: Bonsai Date: March 3, 2015 Time: 6:30-7:40 PM Date: March 14, 2015 Location: Hudson Library Time: 9:00-10:30 AM Location: Land O’ Lakes Community Center 8012 Library Road (off Fivay Road) Hudson, FL 34654 5401 Lake O’ Lakes Blvd. (US 41) Details: Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639 Lawns can be a source of great pride, or pain. Come to this free UFIFAS Pasco County Extension seminar to discover how to turn your tribulations into triumphs with the right care. Covered topics are pest and weed management, correct fertilization, and mowing. Subject: Date: Curious about bonsai gardening? Then attend this free UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension seminar to gain an understanding of how to choose the correct container, right soil and best plants. Tips on pruning your plant into an artful design will also be covered. Ask a Master Gardener Subject: Cold-Hardy Palms for Pasco County Date: March 28, 2015 Time: 10:00-11:00 AM Location: Home Depot March 3, 2015 Time: 5:30-6:30 PM (before the “Turf Grass Trials and Tribulations” free seminar) Location: Details: Hudson Library 8012 Library Road (off Fivay Road) 10017 US Highway 19 Hudson, FL 34654 Port Richey, FL Details: Is something munching the leaves on your perennials? Are you wondering what plants grow best in Florida? Then come to the Hudson Library the first Tuesday of each month for free garden advice. Pasco County Master Gardeners will be in the lobby to answer all of your gardening questions. If you’re having problems with an ailing plant, bring a sample for an on-the-spot diagnosis! Subject: Details: Are you looking for that tropical effect in Pasco’s subtropical climate? Then come to this free UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension seminar to discover which cold-hardy palms can help you achieve it. How to grow and care for hardy palms will be covered. Wake Up Your Landscape from Winter’s Nap Date: March 7, 2015 Time: 9:00-10:00 AM Location: Clayton Hall -------------------- Extension programs are free, can provide reasonable accommodation with advance notice, and are open to all persons regardless of Dade City, FL 33525 age, race, color, sex, disability, religion or national origin. Preregistration is not required for most of our programs, but contact Details: Extension to be certain and to assist us with planning – Knowing when to prune cold-damaged plants, what type of fertilizer http://pasco.ifas.ufl.edu/events_calendar.shtml. For more inforto apply, and how much water to add, turns your sleeping landscape mation, call the Pasco County Extension Office – (352) 518-0156; (727) 847-2411; (813) 996-2411 into a colorful, healthy garden of Eden. Come to this free UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension seminar for details. 36702 State Road 52 Community News The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) is stepping out front and taking ownership for creating a roadmap to make the Tampa Bay region a premier medical tourist destination. The TBRPC which represents 4 counties, 24 municipalities, and 99% of the region's population recently voted unanimously to take the lead on spearheading this regional economic development initiative. The TBRPC will be contracting with an international consultant to conduct a feasibility study to determine the viability and strengths of the region as a medical tourism destination as well as determine the components that best position the Tampa Bay region to compete both nationally and internationally within the industry. "Medical tourism is a worldwide, multibillion-dollar phenomenon that is expected to grow substantially," stated Commissioner Victor Crist, Chair of the regional planning council. "The time is now to aggressively address medical tourism on a regional scale. The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has the support of its member governments and is positioned to move forward on creating medical tourism as an economic engine for the entire Tampa Bay area." Zephyrhills boasts a bit of Nascar tradition. The Reutimann family of Nascar racing fame are the kind of folks that encompass all that Zephyrhills is about—kind-hearted and generous community and business leaders with good ol’ fashioned family values. And they sure know how to steer a race car! Just a few reasons why Zeph- Medical Tourism is the term commonly used to describe people traveling outside their home country for medical treatment. Traditionally, international medical travel involved patients from less-developed countries traveling to a medical center in a developed country for treatment that was not available in their home country. yrhills City Council Voted Monday February 23rd As regions within the United States have developed specialties in medical procedures and wellness, medical tourism has become a domestic phenomenon as well. timann (pictured above holding sign) and family. In a recent interview with WTSP 10 News, USF Health professional Dr. Rafael Carrion explained that Tampa has all the right tools to become a medical tourism destination. "I believe Tampa has the full potential to develop into a major player in the medical tourism world," said Carrion. "When people travel here to get medical attention -- whether it's critical care or cosmetic -- it helps us locally." TBRPC Immediate Past Chair, Mayor Bob Minning of Treasure Island reiterated that, "Our hotel and hospitality industries could greatly benefit from medical tourism and we would certainly welcome the new clientele." to name a portion of 12th Street “Reutimann Way”. Just to be clear, the speed limit will remain the same. Congratulations to Emil “Buzzie” Reu- A CLASSIC! Photo Courtesy of David Reutimann News from Members The Next Student Citizen of the Month will be held on March 11 February STUDENT CITIZEN OF THE MONTH A Program of the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Honoring Youth Citizenship since 1997 Student Citizens of the Month THE BROACH SCHOOL Thank you for Supporting Youth in Our Community! MEDALLION SPONSOR Nathan Rozell Florida Hospital Zephyrhills CHESTER TAYLOR ELEMENTARY BREAKFAST AND VENUE Kara Burnap Exciting Chancey Road Christian Church EAST PASCO ADVENTIST ACADEMY Aimah Isaac HERITAGE ACADEMY GOLD SPONSORS IR Staffing, Edward Jones Financial First National Bank of Pasco, Mosaic, Rona Fletcher San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union, Genesis Perez SUPPORTERS HOPE RANCH LEARNING ACADEMY Dannay Burgess, Florida House of Representatives, District 38 - Letter of Commendation Joseph Atanasio City Of Zephyrhills Mayor Gene Whitfield - Letter of Commendation RAYMOND B. STEWART MIDDLE SCHOOL US Congressman, Gus Bilirakis - Letter of Commendation & Gift Ayden Popour Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco-Letter of Commendation Pasco County Clerk Dr. Paula S. O’Neil - Certificates & Rulers WEST ZEPHYRHILLS ELEMENTARY San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union-Piggy Banks Sarah Juergens Creative Advantages - COM logo design &Proud Parent Bumper Stickers WOODLAND ELEMENTARY Integrity Resources Staffing - Family Portrait Sitting Matthew Barba Ministerial Association of Zephyrhills & Wesley Chapel - Bibles ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOL Sonny’s Bar-B-Q - Gift Cards Alexandra Wilder Centennial Bank - School Supplies Rotary Club of Zephyrhills Noon - Carry Totes Tampa Tribune –Media Sponsor CHAMBER NEWS Being active in the local chamber of commerce is an effective business strategy. It communicates to consumers that a company uses good practices, is reputable, cares about its customers, and is involved in its community. ~ Study by the Shapiro Group Your Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Official Street Map & Visitor Guide Stop by the office and pick up your copies today. Display them in your office or give them to clients. FREE to you, and your customers is everywhere YOU can be too Share your Posts, Tweets and Videos with us ~ We’ll Post it Forward ~ Follow and Tag on Twitter @ZHillsCOC Like and Post on Facebook: ZhillsFacebook NEW! View on YouTube: ZHillsChamberChannel Search Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce to find us Pasco County Sherriff, Chris Nocco Newsletter PASCO SHERIFF’S OFFICE NEWSLETTER March 2015 Scams come in all forms and fashions and the focus is almost exclusively on one thing: parting you from your money. We have to be diligent when it comes to crooks and their scams. Hopefully these tips will help you avoid the headache of losing money and repairing your credit. With April 15 quickly approaching, thieves are on the lookout for your tax dollars. Some in Pasco have received phone calls from those claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Those callers threaten to take legal action if funds are not paid immediately. This is absolutely a scam. If you have experienced this, please visit http://www.irs.gov/uac/Report-Phishing to get help. There is also the persistent problem of skimming. This is when a device is placed either on or inside an ATM machine or even fuel pumps. That electronic device will then record your bank card information, allowing the crook to duplicate your card and use it at their leisure. Sometimes small cameras are placed near a keypad in an attempt to record your PIN. There are a few simple things you can do in an attempt to avoid being a victim of a skimmer. First, thorough inspect an ATM’s credit card reader. If it appears to be loose or it’s damaged or appears to be altered, don’t use it. When you do use an ATM, cover your hand to shield your PIN from being secretly recorded. Even better, If you must get cash back, go inside of a grocery store. You may have to make a small purchase, but it almost guarantees no one else has access to your card information. If you want to pay for gas, go inside and pay the cashier instead of paying at the pump. For more information on skimmers, visit the FBI’s link on the matter: http://www.fbi.gov/ news/stories/2011/july/atm_071411. Scammers have also attempted to use gift cards to get money. In one ruse, the crook calls a number and tells the person they are holding a family member hostage. He tells the person on the other line if they want to insure their family member returns home safely, money must be placed on a gift card and the PIN must given to the caller. In a different version of that scam, a caller claims to be from a lottery company and in order to collect you alleged winnings, the potential victim must purchase a gift card and place a certain amount of money on that card. The citizen must then give the caller the PIN number. Please, don’t fall for those scams. In the hostage hoax, family members have been found to be safe and no contact was ever made with them. There are a number of other scams that can be highlighted, but a great source is the Federal Trade Commission, which has dedicated a portion of their site (http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/scam-alerts) to scams of all stripes. Please take time and visit the site, it could save you headache, heartache and the loss of your hard-earned money. If you believe you are the victim of some type of identity theft or financial fraud, the following link has valuable information to assist you through such a terrible ordeal: http://pascosheriff.us/identity-theft-kit/. AMBASSADORS’ CORNER Ambassador Program Sponsor In Loving Memory We dedicate this month’s Newsletter to Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Lady Chamber of Commerce Official Greeter and Chief in Charge of Hospitality 2012-2015 Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Gary Hatrick, Program Chair Be our guest at the monthly Ambassadors Luncheon First Tuesday of the Month * 12Noon Chamber Office 38550 Fifth Ave., Zephyrhills Call for Info and to RSVP: (813) 782-1913 Lady the Chamber Cat 2nd Place Thank you Miriam & Kevin Hansford, Don Edwards, Jennifer Clapper & Vicky Jones. All your hard work paid off for the Zephyrhills Community Exhibit Booth at the Pasco County Fair. 2nd Place. Ambassadors are the of your Chamber Jennifer Clapper Don Edwards Rachel LeBlanc Diana MacDiarmid Nils Lenz Tim Mitchell Tim Dozier Georgia Downey Nick Lenz Stephanie Stephenson Katy Boyd Leigh Cant Vicky Jones Sue Salyer Lee Salyer Lee Heffelfinger Brad Bricker George Swatzbaugh III Bob Webb Cheryl Hinton Carolyn Hodges John MacDiarmid Gary Hatrick Cliff McDuffie Lindsay Johnson Jeannette Hall Miriam Hansford Sam Abrahani Lee Maggard Sigrid Green Suzanne Beauchaine George Kendall Russ Heffelfinger Roxxy Bricker Rod Rehrig Call Someone Who Cares ! You've all heard the saying "if you don't vote you can't complain," but the same holds true for those of us that vote, complain, and don't tell anyone who can do anything about it! Our newly elected and mid-term legislators are ready to get to work with the opening of the legislative session on March 3, 2015. Now is the perfect time for citizens to offer input and become involved in policy making decisions. Both the Florida Senate and House have websites that give information on the calendar, committees, agendas, and upcoming bills for consideration. All of the contact information you need including phone numbers and addresses of local offices, Tallahassee offices, and email addresses is available on our website http://www.pascovotes.com/Portals/Pasco/ Documents/govguide2015.pdf. If you are unsure which legislative district is yours, you can also look that up on http://www.pascovotes.com/ , or call our office at 800-851-8754 for assistance. We at the elections' office are not policy makers, but we often take calls from voters who are unhappy with the process or with the statutorily required procedures we must follow. We always suggest that these voters contact their senators and representatives, but I wonder how many actually do. In 2015, remember that making your voice heard by voting is just part of the solution. Making your voice heard when things aren't going your way is taking it to the level where you can actually make a difference! Member Services Menu Advertising: Email Blast or One Full-Page Newsletter Insert Ad 1 time a year with renewal MULTIPLE CATEGORY LISTINGS AVAILABLE IN THE ONLINE DIRECTORY Multiple Category Listings are being offered for a one time fee of $20 / listing. This offer is in addition to the One Alphabetical listing and One Categorical listing offered free of charge with your annual membership dues. If you are interested in listing your organization under more than one category please call your Chamber Office: 813.782.1913 Business Listing: Alphabetical and Categorical in Community Profile and Membership Directory (6000 copies) and On-line Directory Exclusive Referral Service: We refer inquiries only to Chamber members…over 10,000 inquiries a year Brochure and Business Card Display: The Visitors Center reserves a place for you to place your information Networking: Free or discounted entry to all Chamber events Ribbon Cutting: You set the date, we promote for you Electronic Newsletter: To keep you informed and connected Chamber E-Mail List: Receive regular community and Chamber updates. Membership Plaque: To display at your business Seminars and Workshops: Free or discounted admission to all Chamber-sponsored programs Leadership: Eligibility for Chamber leadership roles such as Ambassadors, Committees, Task Forces , and Board of Directors Representation: The Chamber represents the best interests of the business community at local, regional and state level Discounts: Notary services, Chamber Room Rental, Non-profit advertising rates, Member-toMember offers Access to USF Small Business Development Center, SCORE and other professional consulting services Business Spotlight, tell us about your business, simple, short, personal, it’s up to you and it will be put in our monthly newsletter Monthly Business Breakfast Your Chamber’s Top-Rated Networking Program Speaker Program—Sponsorships Available It is your best opportunity to showcase your business and your team to a captive and well-connected audience. Chamber Visitors Center Advertising The Business and Visitors Center receives over 6,000 visitors a year. Why not welcome them with your message framed in a premier place around the informational display case? Your cost as a member is only $100 (8 1/2 x 11 ) for 12 months making this one of the most cost effective advertising opportunity available. Call 813-782-1913. ~ We make it easy for you ~ Just bring an informative and interesting speaker of your choice to talk about your business or a topic of relevance to the business community. ~ We’ll do the rest ~ Schedule Your Breakfast Sponsorship Today Call: (813) 782-1913 FIND A BUSINESS OR SERVICE through your trusted source at www.ZephyrhillsChamber.org Bookmark the page on your desktop and mobile device! One of your Chamber’s top priority is to raise awareness with consumers about the importance of shopping local. The message is simple and it is clear. “Invest in Your Community. Buy Local. Find a Business or Service through your Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce.” Chances are, if you’re a Chamber Member you already know the value of keeping this message alive in your own business, with your employees, and at home. REFRESHER COURSE Do business with a Chamber Member Encourage your employees to do business with a Chamber member Keep a handful of Chamber Directories in your office to hand out to clients Refer a friend, colleague or client to another Chamber Member Refer a business to the Chamber Invite your employees, colleagues or friends to attend Chamber networking events—especially if you don’t have the time. Your Chamber office or leadership team will check in with you from time to time to learn what you’re working on. And remember, we welcome your visit or call and the opportunity to serve you at any time. www.ZephyrhillsChamber.org WANTED Your Events, Did you know that we will list your event on our community calendar ? All you have to do is provide your event information in written form and we will list it on the community calendar on the website, please allow 5 days for event to be published. Announcements, Awards Business Accomplishments or Press release When space allows we will publish Chamber Member announcements in the newsletter, deadline is the 3rd Friday of each month. 813-948-9109 Affordable Advertising for Members MEMBERS ADVANTAGE Visitors Center Lobby Remember, when you renew your membership you receive a free insert into the newsletter a $75.00 value or e-mail blast a value of $50.00 that goes out to all the Chamber Members. Did you know We have over 12,000 inquires about the greater Zephyrhills area. The newsletter is found on the chamber website and not only seen by members, but by all visitors to the website. For an update on services and benefits of your membership please “Join us for Java” our quarterly “Member Connection” meeting or simply pick up the phone and call us! 813-782-1913 Do we have your most current and up to date information about your business or service? If not you may be missing out on customer referrals. Our busy months will soon be over. Don’t miss this opportunity to inform visitors about your product or service. Chamber Newsletter Advertising . 6 Month 12 Month Business Card $60.00 $110.00 ¼ Page ½ Page $90.00 $180.00 $160.00 $300.00 One Month Non-Profit $75.00 $50.00 . Full Page . .
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