Z` Chamber Link A P R I L - Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce
Z` Chamber Link A P R I L - Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce
Z’ Chamber Link ...A Community Connected Published by the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce April, 2016 Edition City Approves New Community Venue Project At the March 14th City Council meeting the Council approved to contribute $30,000 to build a new 14-acre event venue for non-profit organizations at the Zephyrhills Municipal Airport the venue, located at 5040 Airport Rd. was inspired by the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Pigz in Z’hills BBQ & Blues event. It will feature a 20-by-40 stage and 48 spaces equipped with water and electric as well as space for free-standing vendors, business expos and children’s activities. A coalition of non-profits led by the GZCOC attended the council meeting to show support for the new venture. Melonie Monson, new executive director at the Zephyrhills chamber presented the plan to the councilman supported by representatives of the Rotary Club of Zephyrhills, Thomas Promise Foundation, Ride For Hospice and Paulie Palooza. Monson told the council that each of the organizations had an event they would like to hold there and there were other events waiting in the wings such as a rebirth of the Zephyrhills Celtic Festival and a potential Balloon Fest. On-profit organizations who wish to use the venue will pay a fee to cover the cost of maintenance which will be performed by the city. Events would be limited to daytime festivals in order to prevent stage noise in the residential area behind the venue although the stage would be designed to direct music toward ZMA. A local business has agreed to build the stage, other donations are welcome. Those interested in contributing toward the project may contact the office at (813) 782-1913. A P R I L 1 Ribbon Cutting: Dr’s, Khan, 3799 Daughtery Rd Ste. 1, 10am-2pm, Ribbon Cutting at 10:30am 5 Ambassador / Board Luncheon, RSVP, 12pm Palm Tree Acres, 36006 Hwy 54, Zephyrhills 6 ZEDC Stakeholder Advisory Board Meeting, 8-9:30am; FHZ, Boardroom, 7050 Gall Blvd., Zhills 7 Chamber Business Breakfast, 7-8:30a; [Speaker: Danny Burgess:] At Golden Corral 6855 Gall Blvd Zhills 11 City Council Meeting; Begins at 6p; 5335 8th St. At City Hall, in the Council Chamber, 12 Executive Board Meeting, 12-1:30p; Zephyrhills Chamber Office: Board Room 19 Board of Directors Meeting, 3:30-4:30p; Zephyrhills Chamber Office 20 Student Citizen of the Month, 8–9a; The Church on Chancey Road, 34921 Chancey Rd, Zhills 25 City Council Meeting; 6p; At City Hall, in the Council Chamber, 5335 8th St. Zhills 27 ZEDC Steering Committee Meeting, 11:00-12:30p; Zephyrhills Chamber Office ZEPHYRHILLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE YOUTH & EDUCATION PROGRAM DONORS Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors October 2015-September 2016 Citizen of the Month and Scholarship Fund 2015-2016 Bahr’s Propane Gas & A/C Church of the Living World Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Centennial Bank I R Staffing, Inc. San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union The Ministerial Association of Zephyrhills/Wesley Chapel And...ALL of you who have participated in 50/50 drawings at Chamber events Thank you for your generous Support of Youth in our Community As a direct result of your contributions, the Chamber awarded $4900 in 2015 to local graduating seniors pursuing their educational, vocational and career goals. The Chamber provides annual scholarships funded through 50/50 drawings, events, and individual or business donations. Scholarships are awarded to local youth through a selection process in Spring of every year. If you or your business wishes to participate with educational support, please call your Chamber office. Officers Tim Linville, President –E-Z Clean Car Wash Carolyn Hodges, Vice President-Faithful Friends Pet Cremation John Scott, Treasurer-Gulf Coast Financial Strategies Gary Hatrick, Secretary -High Road Photography Directors Amy Chappell –Centennial Bank Bill Heinrich—Florida Hospital Zephyrhills David West—Inside Out Leadership Development John Kinsman-Martin Electric Kevin Ryman -Ryman Construction/Ryman Roofing Patty Richter-Bayfront Health Dade City Rebecca Gaddis -San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union Skip Skairus-CenterState Bank Tom Vanater-Retired Wade Thomas -Thomas and Son , Inc. Ex-Officio Members Councilman Ken Burgess---City Council Liaison Executive Director Melonie Monson Committees and Board Liaisons Membership: Gary Hatrick Economic Development / Government Affairs: Skip Skairus Community Outreach: David West Ambassadors Liaison: Katy Boyd Professional Staff Melonie Monson-Executive Director [email protected] Pat Pennington - Membership/Marketing Manager [email protected] Roxanne Bricker-Membership Services Coordinator [email protected] Tenci Alexander-Administrative Assistant [email protected] (Business & Visitors Center Services) Chamber Business Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Members Find Value in Annual Investment Plans Platinum Level Investors Gold Level Investors CenterState Bank Mosaic San Antonio Citizens FCU Bronze Level Investors Bahr’s Propane Gas & AC Centennial Bank Florida Medical Clinic ...is a GREAT place for BUSINESS AND Member Services is NOT A 9-5 Job Have you checked out your Chamber’s new web design? ZephyrhillsChamber.org Here are a few other ways your Chamber is working for you Click HERE and HERE to view latest video promos Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIP Encourage membership through innovative programs, services and benefits New Members Access Computer Training Kristin Pelletier 15000 Citrus County Dr. # 103 Dade City, FL 33523 (813) 855-1555 [email protected] Computer Training Flojea Travel Florian & Jean Royack 10122 Moshie Lane San Antonio, FL 33576 (813) 753-9447 [email protected] Travel Agencies Bay Area Renaissance Festival Kim Heidger 11315 N. 46th Street Tampa, FL 33617 (813) 983-0111 [email protected] Events/Promotional Services Terra Restaurant Iris Ivanac 6834 Gall Blvd Zephyrhills, Fl 33542 (813) 355-4862 [email protected] For Renewing Your Membership Current Chiropractic Quilter’s Quarters First Presbyterian Church Rhoda’s Rentals Heyl Truck Lines, Inc. Rigsby’s Auto Salvage, Inc. Hits 106 / WHGR-FM Sunrise of Pasco County, Inc. Lamplighter Furniture Tampa Bay Times McGee Tire Store The Law Offices of Matthew J. Jowanna, P.A. Microtel Inn & Suites Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Economic Development & Government Affairs Position the greater Zephyrhills area as the Preferred Location for Business Growth in East Pasco County Zephyrhills Economic Development Coalition (ZEDC) publishes Medical Market Report CLICK ON COVER BELOW TO VIEW FULL PUBLICATION ZEDC “Clearly Zephyrhills” Marketing Publications Available for Download. Click on Cover at right to view. Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Economic Development & Government Affairs Position the greater Zephyrhills area as the Preferred Location for Business Growth in East Pasco County CLICK ON COVER BELOW TO VIEW FULL PUBLICATION Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits BUSINESS BREAKFAST Guest Speaker: Gail Hamilton, CRA Director We are finalizing our 2016 -2017 Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Community & Business Magazine, designed to introduce your company to visitors, newcomers, residents, new businesses, Chamber members and prospective members. A once-a-year opportunity for year 'round exposure! To be included please contact Sallie Rice with Heron Publishing (cell )352- 428-3647 or email [email protected] Thank You to the following advertisers who will be featured in the 2016 -2017 issue. ASAP Tax Service Hodges Family Funeral Home Athena Real Estate/ Morningside RV Humana Market Point B & N Lenz Enterprises Lee Reed Insurance Boltin Pest Control, Inc. Magnuson Hotel City of Zephyrhills Mander Law Group First National Bank of Pasco Palm Tree Acres Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Premier Community HealthCare Group Florida Medical Clinic Restored Hope Forest Lake Estates Ryman Construction, Inc. Forest Lake RV Resort Bayfront Health Dade City Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Southport Springs Golf and Country Club Healthy Smiles Dental, Inc. Sunshine Bank Heritage Academy Watson Clinic Heritage Park Whitfield Funeral Home, Inc. Hits106/WGHR-FM Zephyrhills Chiropractic Clinic Zephyrhills Lions Club There is still time to add your company to this prestigious group and featuring your company. Be one of the first to welcome our visitors, newcomers and new businesses to Zephyrhills ! Contact Sallie Rice with Heron Publishing (cell ) 352- 428-3647 or email [email protected] Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits March Mixer East Pasco Meals on Wheels 38145 Gall Blvd Zephyrhills 813-782-7859 Membership Encourage membership and retention through innovative programs, services and benefits Ribbon Cutting EAST PASCO Networking Group Congratulations! Community News Zephyrhills City Council Candidate Forum Ph Community News Founders Day Parade 60’s Theme Community News Founders Day Parade 60’s Theme Community News Founders Day Parade 60’s Theme Garden Has Great Growth Opportunities ZEPHYRHILLS, FL (March 22, 2016) David Force, a staff representative at Florida Hospital Zephyrhills (FHZ), fills the garden boxes that he and other colleagues made on Wednesday, March 16, as the hospital’s two -acre community garden had its soft opening. Phase one of the garden is located behind the hospital on Dairy Road. Force spearheads the Community Garden Committee along with a handful of other employees. He came up with the idea several years ago and a gazebo, garden shed and small greenhouse have already been built. “There’s been great support from the FHZ Volunteer Auxiliary, local contractors and vendors,” Force said. FHZ is the only hospital in the area that has a community garden and the only Adventist Hospital in the nation to start one other than in Castle Rock, Colorado. Future plans include a conference center and aquaponics. Anyone can rent a 4’ x 4’ or 4’ x 8’ garden bed for $75 a year and FHZ provides the soil at no charge. Raised beds are also available for those who have mobility limitations. For information and rental inquiries, call (813) 779-6470 or email [email protected] Main Street Coordinator Selected The Main Street Zephyrhills Board of Directors are proud to announce Amanda Clark as the new Main Street Coordinator. Gail K Hamilton, Main Street Board President stated “Amanda was born and raised in our area, received her Psychology degree from the University of South Florida, and has spent the last seven years in sales and marketing across the state of Florida. The Board is excited to have Amanda join our team in making a difference in downtown Zephyrhills. “I am honored and thrilled to be a part of the Main Street organization,” Ms. Clark said “and I look forward to working closely with our community.” The Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Welcome’s Amanda Clark to the Community Community News Pasco County residents urged to clean their community in the Great American Cleanup of Pasco County ~The Great American Cleanup is a national tradition~ PASCO COUNTY, FL ---- Pasco County is taking part in the annual Great American Cleanup and is encouraging citizens to participate. The 2016 event will be held throughout the County on Saturday, April 16th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Every year, residents of Pasco County join a national tradition of shared community responsibility by picking up litter. On a local level, this event is spearheaded by Keep Pasco Beautiful, a local affiliate of the national, nonprofit organization Keep America Beautiful. In Pasco County, thousands of pounds of trash will be picked up from parks and roads. Pasco County has been a part of the Great American Cleanup since 1992. In 2015 approximately 500 volunteers picked up 17.21 tons of trash during the Great American Cleanup. Teams in several areas are registered to take part in the 2016 Great American Cleanup, including: Dade City, Holiday, Hudson, Lacoochee, Port Richey, and Crystal Springs. This is a great opportunity for high school students to earn community service hours. “Litter will only attract more litter,” said Kristen King, Keep Pasco Beautiful Coordinator. “As a community we have the power to change the amount litter in our community.” Citizens who would like to participate in the Great American Cleanup can do so by calling (727) 856-7252 or emailing [email protected] . For more information about the Great American Cleanup in Pasco County go the following links: http://www.pascocountyfl.net http://keeppascobeautiful.org Community News Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Presents Ladies Who Lunch Sunrise Receives Judge’s Choice Award Sunrise of Pasco awarded with “Be More Encourage” Judge’s Choice Award at WEDU Be More Awards Dade City, FL – Sunrise Domestic & Sexual Violence Center was honored with the “Be More Encouraged” Judge’s Choice Award at the WEDU Be More Awards on February 4, 2016. The event, which recognizes the work of nonprofits across West Central Florida, took place at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg and had over 500 people in attendance. This award, which focuses less on measurable outcomes and more on the overall appeal of a project, recognized the work of Sunrise’s Youth Community Action Team (YCAT). The YCAT is a group of high school students from east and central Pasco County who are committed to preventing violence in their communities. Before the ceremony, Sunrise representatives participated in the Hall of Heroes expo to share more information about the important work the YCAT is doing, including the Summer Youth Leadership Institute to be held on June 27, 2016-Jul 1, 2016 at Saint Leo University. For more information about the YCAT or the Summer Youth Leadership Institute, please visit www.knowyourpeace.org. Sunrise of Pasco is a dual-certified domestic violence and sexual assault center serving Pasco County. Services include shelter, counseling, a 24-hour hotline, safety planning, legal advocacy, community education, and prevention education. All services are provided free of charge. Community News University of Florida Pasco County Cooperative Extension Office 4/2/16 (Saturday) 9:00am-11:00am Basic Requirements for Growing Three Types of Orchids Do you want to grow orchids, but think its too difficult? This seminar demonstrates the basic care and requirements for growing three types of orchids successfully. Live plants will be used in this FREE University of Florida Pasco Extension seminar, along with handouts to take home. For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156. Clayton Hall at Pasco County Fairgrounds UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office 36702 State Rd. 52 Dade City, FL 33525 4/5/16 (Tuesday) 6:30 PM-7:40 PM Herbs For Your Garden Come to this exciting, free University of Florida/IFAS Pasco Extension seminar and learn how to grow herbs to add taste, color, texture and fragrance to your culinary dishes. Increase your harvest with these wonderful growing tips! For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156. Hudson Library 8012 Library Rd. Off Fivay Rd. Hudson, FL 34667 4/9/16 (Saturday) 9:00am-10:30AM Wildflowers and Native Plants Native Wildflowers are well adapted to Florida’s conditions and pests, and they typically require less water, fertilizer and pesticides than other flowers. They also attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds as an added reward. Come to this free University of Florida/IFAS Pasco County Seminar and learn how native wildflower benefits and beatifies your environment. For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156. Land O' Lakes Community Center 5401 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Community News University of Florida Pasco County Cooperative Extension Office 4/14/16 (Thursday) 9:00 AM 4/15/16 (Friday) 3:00 PM CENTRAL FLORIDA PASTURE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE-2016 The Third Annual University of Florida IFAS Extension Central Florida Livestock Agents Group Pasture Management School will be held April 14 & 15 2016 at the Pasco County Fairgrounds in Dade City Florida. For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156. Clayton Hall - Pasco Co. Fairgrounds 36702 St Rd 52, 4/19/16 (Tuesday) 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Butterflies are More than Just Beautiful BUTTERFLIES ARE NOT JUST ANOTHER PRETTY CREATURE. THEY POLLINATE FLOWERING AND EDIBLE PLANTS, ALONG WITH OTHER DUTIES. FIND OUT THE IMPORTANCE OF THESE INSECTS TO YOUR GARDEN SUCCESS FROM A LOCAL MASTER GARDENER BY JOINING US AT THIS FREE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PASCO EXTENSION SEMINAR. For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352-518-0156. New River Library 34043 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 33545 4/19/16 (Tuesday) 10:30AM - 11:30AM Ideas for Tiny Vegetable Gardens Do you want to grow vegetables but don’t think you have the space? This innovative FREE University of Florida/IFAS Pasco Extension seminar will show you how to turn your tiny space into a medley of vegetables, using regular containers, hanging containers earth boxes, grow pails, trellising and other garden methods. For more information, call the UF/IFAS Pasco County Extension Office at 352518-0156. New Port Richey Library 5939 Main Street New Port Richey, FL 34652 CHAMBER NEWS Being active in the local chamber of commerce is an effective business strategy. It communicates to consumers that a company uses good practices, is reputable, cares about its customers, and is involved in its community. ~ Study by the Shapiro Group Your 2015 Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Community & Business Guide is available Stop by the office and pick up your copies today. Display them in your office or give them to clients. FREE to you, and your customers. is everywhere YOU can be too Share your Posts, Tweets and Videos with us ~ We’ll Post it Forward ~ Follow and Tag on Twitter @ZHillsCOC Like and Post on Facebook: ZhillsFacebook NEW! View on YouTube: ZHillsChamberChannel Search Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce to find us MEMBERS ADVANTAGE Remember, when you renew your membership you receive a free insert into the Chamber newsletter a $75 value or e-mail blast a value of $50 that goes out to the extended Chamber Member List. The newsletter is found on the chamber website and not only seen by members, but by all visitors to the website. For an update on services and benefits of your membership please “Join us for Java” our quarterly “Member Connection” meeting or simply pick up the phone and call us! 813-782-1913 Pasco County Sherriff, Chris Nocco Newsletter PASCO SHERIFF’S OFFICE NEWSLETTER April 2016 Parents and guardians should be aware of the three leading causes of preventable child deaths. Last year, the Department of Children and Families joined with community partners to launch “Warning Signs,” a three-year public awareness campaign to educate and encourage the community to take action to save our children from the leading preventable causes of child deaths. The top causes include: Suffocation – More infants die in adult beds than anywhere else. Kids belong in kid beds. Infants sleeping in adult beds account for nearly 74 percent of deaths in babies under 4 months. To prevent infant deaths from suffocation, parents should put the baby’s crib next to the parents’ bed for the first 6 months of life. Keep the crib safe with tight-fitting sheets and a firm mattress. In addition, keep the crib free of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. Place the infant on its back when putting him or her down to sleep. Drowning – Drowning kills more kids ages 1-4 than any other cause. Small kids can drown as fast as 20 seconds in such diverse objects as a bucket, bathtub, toilet, and a pool. Formal swimming lessons for kids age 4 and under cut drowning risk by 88 percent. Two-thirds of small kids who drowned in a pool were last seen in the house. Eliminate distractions for those watching kids near water – no texting, phone calls, reading, or video games. Learn CPR – it saves lives. Inflicted head trauma – Shaking infants – even once – can kill or injure them for life. Half of kids who suffer severe head trauma before age 5 die before their 21st birthday. Crying is most often the reason people shake, squeeze or throw small babies. Parents themselves most often cause the injury or death, but other people not prepared or equipped to handle a crying baby are also the cause. Crying is normal. It’s how babies communicate. Check a crying baby for hunger, a dirty diaper, their temperature, and other causes that can make them uncomfortable. Offer people who watch infants a support system to relieve their stress. For more information about how to keep our smallest loved ones safe, visit the website www.PreventNeedlessDeaths.com. Another Successful Election for Pasco My staff and I are proud to have delivered another successful election for Pasco County on March 15, 2016, the Presidential Preference Primary (PPP). We had a strong voter turnout with a total of 103,575 votes cast in Pasco County, comprised of 28,759 vote-by-mail ballots, 17,305 early votes, and 57,511 votes on Election Day. Other noteworthy Election Day stats are that all 112 polling locations were open promptly at 7:00 a.m., the Call Center fielded over 2,800 phone calls from poll workers and the public, and 111 of 112 precincts had modemed their results to the Election Support Center by 7:35 p.m., just 35 minutes after the polls closed. As we put the finishing touches on the PPP, we are simultaneously preparing for the upcoming Municipal Elections on April 12, 2016, in the cities of Dade City, New Port Richey, Port Richey, and Zephyrhills. Sample ballots for the Municipal Elections are available on our website at http://www.pascovotes.com/Elections/Sample-Ballots. In order to be eligible to vote in the Municipal Elections you must reside in one of the precincts within the official city limits. That information is available on our website at http://www.pascovotes.com/Precincts-Districts/Precinct-List-by-District. Elections don't just happen. It takes the work of many within a transparent and secure environment to accomplish the many details such as testing and staging equipment, qualifying candidates, designing ballots, securing polling places, delivering and retrieving voting equipment, voter registration data entry, public education, poll worker training, logistics, and assessments, to the minutest details of ensuring there are enough pens in the polling places and addressing individual voters' concerns. In addition to my dedicated staff, it takes engagement from the community to fill the 1,000+ volunteer positions necessary on Election Day. Without their help, elections would not be possible, and I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who gave their time and service on March 15, 2016, to once again make Pasco County proud! STUDENT CITIZEN OF THE MONTH A Program of the Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Honoring Youth Citizenship since 1997 March Student Citizens of the Month Thank you for Supporting Youth in Our Community! THE BROACH SCHOOL Helena Patterson MEDALLION SPONSOR CHESTER TAYLOR ELEMENTARY Florida Hospital Zephyrhills BREAKFAST AND VENUE Pedro Godinez-Aguirre Exciting Chancey Road Christian Church EAST PASCO ADVENTIST ACADEMY GOLD SPONSORS Mariela Marrero IR Staffing, Mosaic, San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union, HERITAGE ACADEMY Kayla Rosales SUPPORTERS HOPE RANCH LEARNING ACADEMY Danny Burgess, Florida House of Representatives, Kenton Hester District 38 - Letter of Commendation RAYMOND B. STEWART MIDDLE SCHOOL Lakisia Thomas WEST ZEPHYRHILLS ELEMENTARY Daniel Welty City Of Zephyrhills Mayor, Gene Whitfield - Letter of Commendation US Congressman, Gus Bilirakis - Letter of Commendation & Gift Pasco County Clerk, Dr. Paula S. O’Neil - Certificates & Rulers Pasco County Sheriff, Chris Nocco-Letter of Commendation San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union-Piggy Banks Creative Advantages - Proud Parent Bumper Stickers WOODLAND ELEMENTARY Centennial Bank - School Supplies Natalie Gomez Hope Ranch Learning Academy PTO, Highlighters Integrity Resources Staffing - Family Portrait Sitting ZEPHYRHILLS HIGH SCHOOL Ministerial Association of Zephyrhills & Wesley Chapel - Bibles Tiffany Larson Rotary Club of Zephyrhills Noon - Carry Totes Sonny’s Bar-B-Q - Gift Cards Tampa Tribune –Media Sponsor AMBASSADORS’ CORNER March Ambassador of the Month Ambassador Program Sponsor Beth Acker (Meals On Wheels) Florida Hospital Zephyrhills Beth continues to support and promote the Chamber of Commerce and other Community Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors Organizations. Beth recently agreed to bring desert to our monthly ambassador meeting and helped the Chamber Staff with dressing up for the Founders Day Parade Katy Boyd, Program Chair Thank You for all you do. Be our guest at the monthly Ambassadors Luncheon Zephyrhills Community Cook Book First Tuesday of the Month * 12Noon Coming to your Chamber Soon! Venue Sponsor : Palm Tree Acres Have a favorite Recipe you would like to share, 36006 Hwy 54 W | Zephyrhills Call for Info and to RSVP: (813) 782-1913 submit in writing your recipe and we will in- clude it. As an added “Member Benefit” we will include your name, business logo/name, address phone number and any social media addresses your provide (AT NO CHARGE FOR OUR MEMBERS) (one per member) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ambassadors are the of your Chamber Jennifer Clapper Don Edwards Rachel LeBlanc Diana MacDiarmid Nils Lenz Tim Mitchell Tim Dozier Nick Lenz Stephanie Stephenson Katy Boyd Vicky Jones Brad Bricker Bob Webb Cheryl Hinton Carolyn Hodges John MacDiarmid Gary Hatrick Cliff McDuffie Miriam Hansford Sam Abrahani Sigrid Green Suzanne Beauchaine George Kendall Rod Rehrig Michelle Crowder-Soellner Monthly Business Breakfast Your Chamber’s Top-Rated Networking Program Speaker Program—Now reserving for 2016 It is your best opportunity to showcase your business and your team to a captive and wellconnected audience. ~ We make it easy for you ~ Sponsorships Available from $200 We’ll do the rest ~ Schedule Your Breakfast Sponsorship Today Call: (813) 782-1913 MULTIPLE CATEGORY LISTINGS AVAILABLE IN THE ONLINE DIRECTORY Multiple Category Listings are being offered for a one time fee of $20 / listing. This offer is in addition to the One Alphabetical listing and One Categorical listing offered free of charge with your annual membership dues. If you are interested in listing your organization under more than one category please call your Chamber Office: 813.782.1913 Mixers Evening program to showcase your business, bring members to your business for a mix and mingle for a little networking afterhours. 3rd Thursday of each month Call to reserve your space. Stay connected with the happenings in Pasco County To View Visit Pasco October Monthly E-Newsletter Click Here Advertising opportunities are available on ZephyrhillsChamber.org Website. Be seen by over 9,000 Unique Visitors every month and more than 1.5 million hits in 2015. Scrolling Banner ads on the Home Page $500 per year. Discounts available with Membership Packages Contact us today for a package personalized to fit your needs. Chamber Visitors Center Advertising The Business and Visitors Center receives over 6,000 visitors a year. Why not welcome them with your message framed in a premier place around the informational display case? Your cost as a member is only $100 (8 1/2 x 11 ) for 12 months making this one of the most cost effective advertising opportunity available. Call 813-782-1913. Your Chamber’s Networking Programs Monthly Business Breakfast Sponsorships Available from $200 ~ Mixers ~ It is your best opportunity to showcase your business and your team to a captive and well-connected audience. Schedule Yours Today Call: (813) 782-1913 WANTED FIND A BUSINESS OR SERVICE Your Events, Did you know that we will list your event on our community calendar ? All you have to do is provide your event information in written form and we will list it on the community calendar on the website, please allow 5 days for event to be published. through your trusted source at Announcements, Awards Business Accomplishments or Press release When space allows we will publish Chamber Member announcements in the newsletter, deadline is the 3rd Friday of each month. www.ZephyrhillsChamber.org Bookmark the page on your desktop and mobile device! One of your Chamber’s top priority is to raise awareness with consumers about the importance of shopping local. The message is simple and it is clear. “Invest in Your Community. Buy Local. Find a Business or Service through your Greater Zephyrhills Chamber of Commerce.” Chances are, if you’re a Chamber Member you already know the value of keeping this message alive in your own business, with your employees, and at home. REFRESHER COURSE Do business with a Chamber Member Encourage your employees to do business with a Chamber member Keep a handful of Chamber Directories in your office to hand out to your clients Refer a friend, colleague or client to another Chamber Member Refer a business to the Chamber Invite your employees, colleagues or friends to attend Chamber networking events—especially if you don’t have the time. Your Chamber office or leadership team will check in with you from time to time to learn what you’re working on. And remember, we welcome your visit or call and the opportunity to serve you at any time. www.ZephyrhillsChamber.org Monthly Business Breakfast Your Chamber’s Top-Rated Networking Program Speaker Program—Now reserving for 2016 It is your best opportunity to showcase your business and your team to a captive a well-connected audience. ~ We make it easy for you ~ Just bring an informative and interesting speaker of your choice to talk about your business or a topic of relevance to the business community. ~ We’ll do the rest ~ Call: (813) 782-1913 Affordable Advertising for Members Visitors Center Lobby Did you know We have over 12,000 inquires about the greater Zephyrhills area ? Do we have your most current and up to date information about your business or service? If not you may be missing out on customer referrals. Our busy months will be here soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to inform visitors about your product or service. Make sure we have your most recent business cards and brochures in the Visitors Center. www.ZephyrhillsChamber.org Chamber Newsletter Advertising . 6 Month 12 Month Business Card $60.00 $110.00 ¼ Page ½ Page $90.00 $180.00 $160.00 $300.00 One Month Non-Profit $75.00 $50.00 . Full Page . .
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