Co-08 Graduation PPT
Co-08 Graduation PPT
Multidisciplinarians… march into the future march into the future Donald, Rob, Julia, Brita, Bogdan, Trisha g Donald Bacoat Cheryl thinks I’m logical. Make way! Finally! Aquaculture! Hi ho! Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Rob Griffin I sure hope I get to be a post doc on IGERT Talk post doc on IGERT. Talk about externalities. Just a few more minutes Q minutes, Q. Smile! Nice air bubbles. Hey there Hey there, lonely boy… What’s Julia all excited all excited about? See anything? y g Nyet! Nope A bird? A plane? It IS Jonathan Li i Livingston Seagull! II love love traveling with Donald. Polychaetezzz… zzzzzzzzzzzzzz… sardinezzzzzzzz… zzzzzzzz Brita Jessen They’re y nesting! II bet I look like bet I look like the lead character in an I di fli k Indie flick. If a bird in the hand is orth t o in the b sh worth two in the bush, how much are two birds in the hand worth? Rob! Bogdan ogda Prokopovych p y I smile because I look so cool among my GPS geek cohort. GPS geek cohort. Americans, welcome to welcome to geography Trish Towanda I think Groffman is still talking… OMG! Just run the Just run the stupid data! Yeah… maybe Ya think? • milk • bread • check SKLT latitude N41 23' 47.7" longitude 47 7" l i d W71 33' 4.2" • send joke to Deb • download home camera images God, my thong is killing me killing me. My head is hot. I have to release a thought. I have a vent in this hat this hat. Really. I think I figured this out— Now there's always y uncertainty, but… How to value eutrophication… Cobia… Yeah… I'm a "big picture" guy I will kill these mo'fo's if they forget one forget one single item In Ukraine we put every detail to memory– no notes! Tilapia… Hmm Everything you want Everything you want to know about Block Island… right here and right now I hope Q sees my notebook He'd be great in a Synge play Even phrag needs a kick in the pH once in a while Congratulations, CIIP‐ers! Cohort ’08 Cohort 08 You are awesome! Pete, Q, Judith, Jim, Cheryl, Stan, Art and Candace
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