ghland Fair Marfa, October 7-8
ghland Fair Marfa, October 7-8
r ghland Fair Marfa, October 7-8-9, 1937 "Established 1926 (Consolidated 'Established 1886 (April 9, 1928 AND NEW ERA Matfa, Presidio County Texas, Friday, September 10,1937 FRACT LET TO MAKE MARFA BEST JGHTED CITY IN W E S T T E X A S Volume 12 • No. 2ft GAS COOKING SCHOOL HERE SEPTEMBER 17-18 »•»•»••»•••••»••••••••••»»•••»•»••••••••»•»•< NOTED SOUTHERN FAIR CATALOGUE 77th FIELD ARTILLERY GOES TO ;W STREET TWO MEN CHARGED IS OUT MONDAY SAN ANTONIO FOR MANEUVERS COOK TO CONDUCT [TS TO COVER WITH CANDELARIA TWO DAY EVENT *••••* Largest in Several ISIDENCEAREA P. O. SAFE RQBBERY The 77th Field Artillery left its home in Fort D. A. Russell Thursday MARFA GAS COMPANY Presidio News Years; Kelly Manages morning for a two month maneuver fact was let Tuesday by the By RA.'J'H ENGLAND BY RALPH ENGLAND BIG BEND SENTINEL * h near San Antonio. The 77th will take [ty Commission to the CenPresidio, Sept. 9.—Two men, Rosa- The 1937 Highland Fair catalogue its place with other units of the 8th er and Light Co. of Mafrfa| lio Saucedo and Francisco Jiminez, SPONSOR SESSIONS' CELEBRATION was out on Monday of this week. Th* Corps area and will be part of a forty-one new street lights citizens of Mexico, were placed under The Mexican independence day cele- movement of 10,000 men to test motorthe entire residential area arrest last Saturday in San Antonio, printing was done at the Sentinel ofMrs. Gertrude Burbank, the south's fice. Jack Kelly, secretary of the bration in Presidio will begin at sun- ized warfare. foremost authority on gas cooking; Chih., Mexico, charged with the robr irn. All but 100 of Fort Russell left will be in Marfa Friday and Saturlights will be of the stand-, bery of the Candelaria post office last Marfa Chamber of Commerce, had; rise Wednesday morning of the 15th charge of the book this year. _J' and will continue throughout that day Marfa under command of Lt. Col. day, September 17 and 18 to conduct type and will give Marfa] August 19. This year's catalogue contains 64; Jones. The 100 remaining in Fort a two-day cooking school to instruct st percentage of lighted resiThe arresting officers were Rogelio pages and is the largest issue in a and will close the night of the 16th Russell will include the Signal Corps, Marfa citizens on the ordinary and with a dance. iistrict in the West Texas Rodriguez, chief of the Mexican Rurnumber of years. The cover carries, Many entertainment features will the Quartermaster Corps, and a extra ordinary methods of gas cookales stationed in Ojinaga assisted by the usual bull picture, done this year on will begin as soon as two other Rurales in cooperation with mark the two-day fiesta, according to skeleton crew of each battery. ery. The school is being sponsored in deep blue on an unusual yellow The seventy-seven units of motor larrives. information released this week by jointly by the Marfa Gas Company Juan Ochoa, Presidio county deputy banknote Cheviot bristol. * transport strung out for over a mile Vice-Consul S. A. Campbell. To accomand the Big Bend Sentinel. ion of the white way system sheriff stationed at Presidio. modate the large crowds expected, a on the highway. Jssed at the city meeting, but Each session will begin at two The thieves carted a small safe BETTER VISION CAN public address system will be installed action was taken. o'clock and end at four. Attendance containing less than a hundred dollars Ben Jackson and Bernie Hart of prizes and souvenirs will be given at stragetic points. across the Rio Grande from CandelaGustavo Talamantes i>f San Angelo spent Labor Day visiting each day. • PECOS GOLFria to San Antonio. It is thought that BE HAD THROUGH theGovernor State of Chihuahua assured local with Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack Teas in Cookery, new recipes, new methods the looted safe was later sunk in the I. E, S. RESEARCH Marfa. fiesta officials that his personal orchesand new appliances will be demonFORMED AT silt laden bottom of the international tra of nine professorcs will be in atstrated hv Mva. Burbank. river just below Candeiaria. The I. Jli. O. Lamp Campaign iiCiV tendance throughout the period of There will be demonstrated new and STOCKTON The arrested men were placed under being conducted by the Central Power all WPA workers are now laid off guard in San Antonio later to be & Light is a part of the national celebration. This orchestra is sponsor- until the end of the present cotton better ways of cake baking, inexpensive but delicious methods of fixing (Trans Pecos News) brought to Ojinaga awaiting final ac- Better Light—Better Sight Program ed by the Ford Motor Company of harvest season. Chihuahua City. vegetables, appetite teasing meat dishtion by United States postal author- sponsored by the electrical and lamp When the dam is completed, it will Dckton, Sept. 8.—In a sensa- ities. It will furnish music for the dances, place over 1500 acres of tillable land es that utilize the cheaper cuts as industries. It is an effort to bring to well as the prime ones. public speaking, rodeo and parade. iish which overcame a 5-hole .in cultivation and will prove a vast Rogelio Rodriguez, Rurales chief, all users of electricity in the United Every day a variety of dishes will The parade is expected to be about help to farmers residing in that secend of the first nine holes, stated a few days ago that every efStates the practical results of 2 years a mile long and will have participants tion in obtaining adequate water for be demonstrated. They will be cooked *rker, Jr., of Alpine defeated fort was being made to cooperate with of research by the Illuminating Enfrom Ojinaga. youthful Alpine entrant, Fresidio county officers to apprehend irrigation purposes throughout the while you watch, and Mrs. Burbank gineering Society. will explain how to best arrange and The site, occupied by the Zack year. Filliams, to win 2-up the 18- any Mexican citizen charged with This body of engineers and eye Miles buildings previous to the disserve the meals discussed. match in the championship I, making laws in the United States. Already 500 acres are being cultispecialists have analyzed the problem Men as well as women are invited the first annual tournament An example of this cooperation was of seeing and designed a lamp of astrous fire of several years ago, is vated and watered by artesian wells TransPecos Golf Association being cleaned up by a gang of work- and by the creek during flood tides. to attend for as men are getting shown recently in the arrest of sev- maximum effectiveness which bears Fort Stockton course Satmen this week so that the cement Because of the inadequacy of the wells more and more interested in their eral Mexicans charged with the steal- the " I . E. S." symbol. Any manufacfloors may be used for dancing. ^unday and Monday. and the uncertainty of the creek kitchens; and even those who don't, ing of cattle from ranches on the turer building according to the specican learn what the women folks are Approximately 5,000 people from recovered from a bad start American side of the Rio Grande. fications for this lamp is entitled to various parts of the Big Bend are ex waters, farming in that section has doing to keep them well fed. t, and after the turn, reversr use this identifying mark. In addition pected in Presidio to view and take been problematical heretofore. o to down his rival of many Besides raising the value of the the society has set certain standards part in the Mexican celebration. Not tournaments. C. A. Gilley, Episcopal Guild to of correct lighting covering all appli- since September 1929 has a crowd of lands subject to irrigation from the Refinish McCracken [Alpine, was consolation winSponsor Queen's Race cations of electric lighting. For home such proportion taken part in a diez Alamito creek dam, it will enable sevlis flight. eral farmers to become self-sustainBuilding This Week lighting they advise (a)) have enough y sies fiesta in Presidio. Ration meeting of the new ing. T he Queen's Race for the Highland intensity for the seeing task (b) Many native Texans will particiWork began Thursday morning on ecos association was held Fair has been completely turned over avoid glare—shade all bulbs (c) avoid The project will cost less than pate in the patriotic exercises because afternoon j and plans were to the members of the Episcopal contrast—have enough light in enough 000 and will be built for the most part the refinishing of the R. S. M^CrackTexas was under Spanish dominion at make the association and its Guild, it was announced Thursday places (d) light should be placed so by relief funds. No bond issue will en building on Highland Avenue oc the time Mexico won her independence by the Porter-Kerr Drug Cc tournament an outstand- morning following a series of meet- that there will be adequate light be necessary and the building of the cupied and t h e M a r f from Spain. a Saddlery. The from ing event each year in this ing of the Guild and members of the on the work without shadow. Their dam will give about 75 men work ', of the building will be repainted and |of Texas, All tournaments Fair committees on Wednesday. So research work has shown that there during the winter months. the awning repaired. SCHOOL OPENS played on the sporty Fort far no plans have been completed for are many people suffering from deThis refinishir.g of the McCracken course, which lies along beau- the arrangements by the Guild, but fective vision due to poor lighting and The schools of the Presidio IndePLANE SALVAGED building is in line with the campaign) lanche Creek winding through work was beginning Thursday on for- that in each case tested where the pendent School District opened this The work of salvaging the Ryan b e i n g w a g e d b y t h e Q h a m b e r tooney Park. Within the year mulating plans, and announcements lighting was improved, a marked im- week promptly at 8:00 a. m. Thurstwo-seater monoplane which crashed Commerce to get all the buildings in Stockton course will be en- will be made in the near future con1-/ provement was also made in the ac- day. in Barancos de Guadalupe, Chih., from 0 holes with sand greens, cerning the race. Two new teachers were added to the Mexico, Friday, August 27, killing1! t h e d o w n t o w n a r e a r e f i n i s h e d t h i s curacy of the work being done and iii ales with sand greens. faculty for the 1937-37 school year. pretty auburn-haired Genevieve M. year, and particularly before the the lessening of fatigue. Highland Fair. So far buildings rers named for the association Two Park Roads in Although the program is natiorr They are: Barton H. Warnock and Savage, 39, wife of Major Charles M. f ^ h e 7 ^ ' b e e n ^ n ! Hoffman _ _ lator H. L. Winfield of Fort wide and covers lighting of all kinds, Hiss Bess Imogene Pope, both of whom Savage of San Diego, California, was j n g . ; t h e T o l t e c P e t r o I e u m s t a t i o x i t J i m Highway Projects the utilities are directing the present give their addresses as Alpine. honorary president; Hart almost complete last Saturday when Tyler's Garage, Safeway Stores, be», Fort Stockton, president; G. A. D. Hill resumed his duties as Two new highway projects of inter- program more directly to the residen-i superintendent of the Presidio schools. a motor truck of the 77th Field Artil- sides the new Palace Theatre, Marfa les, Alpine, vice-president; Dr. lery stationed at Fort D. A. Russell; tial consumer who, the society finds [Matthews Alpine, secretary- est to people in this section are orders particularly needs this kind of educa- Other members of the faculty who picked up the parts of the shattered: H o t e l > t h e C i t y H a ] 1 > M a r f a g t a t e pr; and directors representing for Davis Mountain Park Road No. 3 tional work and help. The electric taught here all or part of last year in- plane to be shipped to Ingleside, Calif. B a n k > M a g n o l i a s t a t i o n a n d J o h n s o n F o r d a g e n c y < ember town as follows: Howard in Jeff Davis county from Highway companies are placing specially train- clude: Mesdames V. B. Elliott, A. A. The motor of the plane was load0 faan; Melvin Dow, Wink; Mor- 166 to the Davis Mountain Park. The ed men in the field to carry out this Bryant, Lloyd W. Noble, W. T. Hunt; ed into the coupe of its owner, Theo-; Oilossa; F. Awtry, Mc- distance is 1.1 miles. The other roavi program. L. 0. Dallas and Dave Ed- Misses Dorothy Hinds and Mary Gay dore T. Brown, last Sunday to be taker, j xvcpurieu in ini I shell, Texon; Grady is Big Bend Park Road No. 8 in wards of the Central Power & Light Leverett; and Messrs Raymond How- directly to Ingleside. ! ? Big Bend Park Jonahans; L. D. Scott, Fort Brewster county. From 227 to Big Co. are now in Marfa covering this ar< and Edmundo Rede. Mrs. Savage, who lost her life ?s Bend Park. The distance is 7 miles. H. A. Coffield, Marfa; C. Edmundo Rede is in charge of the she lost control of the plane, had leasterritory. Austin.—T. J. Holbrook, of Galves«, Crane; T. Bourland, CarlsInformation according to individual school at Loma Pelona, 6 miles e a s t j e d i t f r o m M r Brown and was en ton said Wednesday night he had been NYA ALLOTTMENT MADE Whit Waide, Jr., Pecos; route to Cleveland, Ohio, to enter the a s s :u r e d t h a t o l d a n d needs can be obtained from the local of Presidio. FOR PRESrDIO COUNTY , Alpine. Charles Lindsay All of the teachers have degrees ex- National Air Races which were held * ^icksilver had Central Power and Light office. Stockton is greenskeeper. cept Mary Gay Leverett, Mrs. V. B. been discovered on state school lands in that city last week. o in Brewster county, but he did not The National Youth Administration Elliott, Mrs. A. A. Bryant and Edo The plane nose-dived into an erodmundo Rede. All are taking summer ed clay flat near Barrancos, the com- know whether the land belonged to Clascock and daughter, allotment for Presidio county for this School Enrollment A prospector who had been granted school work in various normal schools munity on the Mexican side of the turned Monday night from year has been listed as eight students. HigherThis Year leading to the acquirement of degrees Rio Grande opposite Ruidosa. The the state or to the federal government. O whore they spent the last There will be three in the high school, The enrollment for the Marfa which the State requires that all ap- lone aviatrix had apparently iost her a permit by the state land commisweeks visiting with Mr. and two in the Mexican school and three Grammar School and the Marfa high plicants for teaching positions should course as she flew from El Paso to- sioner made the discovery, Senator D Connell and where Miss in Presidio. This is probably the last school are both decidedly up this year Holbrook was informed, on the south ^. possess. the Princess of Marfa at the allotment for the NYA since it is exwards Pecos and was making an atover last. The high school has exactWith cotton picking in full blast tempt to land in this isolated moun- side of the Chisos mountains, in pected to end within the year. d Brewster county. ly 100 students registered on Wednes- less than 25 per cent of the total of tainous region in an effort to find out day of this week while the grammar 895 scholastics attended on opening The gold ore assayed $249 per ton* where she could get back on the proschool totals 151 students. he was informed, and the <tnick«i!vfti» day. As so many children are em- per route, vein was reported much richer than In ttie grammar school 101 students ployed gathering the fleecy staple Landing facilities at Ruidosa being that at Terlingua. are boys while 50 are girls. In the first throughout the valley a small attendTHE REAL PARK SPIRIT so inadequate and hoping to save her grade there are 19 students; second, ance is expected for the next three plane, she chose to land in Mexican Mrs. Wert Love and two children, 30; third, 19; fourth, 15; fifth, 15; months of school. territory. The real cause of her failsixth, 28; siventh, 25. Independence, Calif., Sept. 1, 19371 According to the scholastic statis- ure to land safely will never be de- Wert III and Lorraine, returned Sunday from El Paso where they had Tests have been given during the tics compiled by Mrs. Clay Pool, 895 fiinitely known, according to J. T. a, Sentinel, Marfa, Texas been for several days. week or intelligence, achievement and students should be enrolled Thursday Shumake, department of commerce appitude in the high school. Checking and Friday of this- week. Etnlemen: representative, sent to Presidio to inMr. and Mrs. Bill Adams are was going rapidly forward late in the With $20 per student appropriated 1 a m vestigate the crash. spending a week's vaaction in Silver enclosing herewith my check in the amount of $6.00. week in order to orientate the stu- by the state as the par scholastfc. ap| City, N. M. dents to their proper places and to portionment for this district, approBUGS HURT COTTON T° a S C a p p l y t h i s a m o u n t t 0 t h e B i * Bend park fund as follows: choose their proper studies. When the ximately $17,900 will be available for Clay Slack, manager of the l o c a l l y .° j . f r o m Mrs. R. E. RTtch for two acres with fne understanding high school stndpntr are r-rnrwrly clas- teachers salaries and other expenses liir LluM0 7. \;:. . -.V.fjV'!: u\'i'^tries gin, report-i jj will be an ocat!Ilo growing in the SE corner and a blue sified, the same tests, adapted to year. №n ed Tuesday that he believed 25 per <* in the NW comer of the land. $2.00 from Russell R. Ritch [fa Shorthorns younger minds, will be given in the )r cent of the cotton crop had been gintwo uorfis. Thorn m u s t be an oyster shell three feet in diameter Home Games DAM PLANS READY this land with a bird of rare plumage sitting on top and a sand j nod to that date for Presidio valley. In the grammar school the day has HI In t ^ l sleeping underneath. The gins at Ruiuosa, owned by .J. Plans were almost complete for the been divided into four large blocks of ! < 1 7—Van construction <• •. . ? * * $ ^ f e v . * s I V . J wo are given in uie tf t'inv Sept, 24—Fort Davis JR. JJ;. iutctt tor two acres on a the Alamito creek, three miles north ed by D. D. Kilpatrick & Co., have not The afternoon is broken byy recess. Oct. 1—Ysleta bro ng thereon at least one cow chip of sufficient size and texture of Casa Piedra, according to informa- started tUe new season yet. Oct. 8- Sanderson done the same way. This is a change tion released this week by Bill Burson, ^ used as a tire for warmth, to fry a strip, of bacon and to warm Sln.clr stated that inr.ecta had starta Oct. 15—Fort Stockton in schedule from the older methods of Presidio county surveyor. ed their depredation and that no def'"ttle son-of-a-gun on a cool moonlight night. Oct. 22—Pecos teaching, when each subject was given Actual construction work will not inate estimate could be made of the Very truly yours, All games will be played at a certain period of time each day. The begin until after November 15, even, damage that the present cotton crop night on Martin Field. larger blocks of time are given for if. final approval of the project is might sustain before it is finally R. E. RITCH the use of unit teaching which is be- made by the WPA by that time, as | picked. ing applied this year. T- *.* r •Ji YAGE TWO THE BEND SENT COMING TO THE PALACE Chi ors du thre m •A *• • • ' ' , ; ' '.'.' ••'#% • ' < ' ^ ' : PLAYERS LOOK LIKE WEEK CHINESE* form with the new treatment; and the "Facial Tnlays/' invention use of several technical devices. in screen make-up and hailed as the j Fortunately, the ending of the picfirst revolutionary advance in the ait ture with Miss Harknv and Clark of photography disguise, is the mod- Gable had nl>^a< y been filmed. Miss hv which the fcutui\.j of liariow was in all the scenes up to ern Paul Muni and Luise Rainer were the next to last reel of the productransformed into Chinese mold for tion. A double was used in the few revwc'u Cuaiacltl '/.stlicuis in 1 lit* written scenes, out her appearances Earth." were minimized. In these instances, The invention, on which Jack Dawn, only ''long shots" were made, the , ( yjjjy long snots were maue, me make-up director had been working j double appearing with her back to the for several years, was perfected in j camera. In no place is her face seen, experiments conducted by Dawn, Muni • Other details, such as entering doors and Miss Rainer. j o r running across a lawn to "tie in" Departing from experiments with j with scenes already made by Miss flexible masks which some experts had: Hariow, were used. tried, Dawn invaded the field of den- j "Saratoga," a racetrack story from q tistry for hi.? new technique. The the pen of Anita Loos and Robert method is essentiallyy that by y which Hopkins, deals with the romance beClark Gable and jean plates, inlays, crows, bridges ami other | tween the daughter of a wealthy horse dental work are turned out. j owner and a bookmaker. Much of the First a perfect cast was made of] action is laid at the Saratoga raceward Windsor who ,as the Prince of the face of the suhjVct This was used track. The final two reels dealingg with as Using a a new new intrigue over a horse rac and b t Wales, met Edwards in 1925. They beas the the base base of of operations. operations Using intrigue over a horse race and a bet came personal friends and "Ukulele plastic material, the formula for which were were rewritten rewritten so so that that most most of of the the Ike" entertained for him on many Down keeps secret, facial muscles and ! action was in the exterior reproduci occasions. characteristics wore built characteristi b i l over the [ tion of the racetrack where "long The record is "If I Had You," writplastier cast of the face. shots" with the double could me most ten by Ted Shapiro, Sophie Tucker's Then, pieces were fitted into the j easily made, pianist. hollows between of j decision Decision 10 to release release tne the picture picture was ^.. eyes ^ ^ and »bridge " " s t ; «JI was « AT Ilarlow in "Sararoga" v^m I' a i mm GABLE SINGS AND DANCES THEATW Marfa's Finest Entert MATINEE: WED. - SAT , NITE SHOW 7:lT TONIGHT POSITIVELY SATURDAY MATINEE AND ::£iV:Sw:?"J ' # OIRCCTEO IT NOEL SMITH Mnic M 4 LTTKI h M. K. imm «4 Jack Stk»H • A *•>•«to*.PkkM Another Outstanding Picture Brought Back ADDED Cartoo7i TkeBugCai ond "Chesapeke Bay Retrie u SUNDAY AND MONDAY MATINEE SUNDAY — 2:00 P. M. THAT THE [WORLD D£. UMNDED TO ,'S££...!> i 1 MAVtfc NMLOft GABLE f\ i Sept. 15 -16 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES •'•^-•••54 SI 0 Clark Gable has blossomed out as a song and dance man in "Saratoga." Anita Loos and Robert Hopkins wrote a comedy musical number into the script of the new story of the American turf which stars Gable and OilVA T the nose. These pieces, when hardened made following floods of preview cards L . * k n o w h e w i l 1 a PP r « cia *e it," said Jean Hariow, and which comes to the very apap- Palace Theatre Sunday. and removed, exactly fitted the con-j urging this release and polls conduct' E d w a r d s < "because it has aa very Clark wears a jockey outfit in the tOurs of the face, just as the dentist's j ed by eastern newspapers showing a propriate sentiment and Edwardiikes to listen to recordings.' ' number which is one of the highplate, taken from a cast of the mouth, practically unanimous desire on the Edwards, whose type of recordings light comedy sequences of the film. py p s p a part r t of fits the patient perfectly. The pieces of Miss Harlow's fans for theh have outsold all othersexcept the first or inlays were affixed with a new form i picture. The star made his debut as a singrecording of "The Two Black Crows," of water-soluble gum, and grease er and dancer in "Love on the Run," has a featured role in "Saratoga," paint was applied over them. but only in a small way. The music MANHATTAN MELODRAMA" picture starring Clark Gable and Jean for "Saratoga" was especially written So cast and fitted, the inlays became to all intents and purposes a Transparent mirrors, invisible light Hariow at the Palace Theatre Sun- for Gable and he joined Dave Gould's working part of the face itself. Flex-j rays that ring warning bells, disap- day and Monday. dancing classes to learn the steps. A notable cast surrounds the coible, they did not interfere with ex- J pearing dice tables—all the modern o pression or speech. When fitted ac- tricks by which big-time gambling stars in the new drama of the raceGLEN MUSICAL COWBOY curately they could not even be felt j houses try to cheat the law, are to be track from the pen of Robert Hopkins on the face. ! seen in "Manhattan Melodrama," new and Anita Loos, the authors of "San Glen Strange, who has an important For both Muni and Miss Rainer the! three-star feature which opens Friday Francisco." Lionel Barrymore plays part in "Biasing Sixes," the newest the principal character role as Grand- t)ick Foran western, holds three bridge the ap- at the Palace Theatre, idge of the nose no was given i pearance of being in line with the The stars are Clark Gable, William pa Clayton, veteran horse breeder. world's records for roping, is can aceyes, a definite Chinese characteristic, j Powell and Myrna Loy, appearing to- Frank Morgan and Una Merkel be complished violinist, makes his own Eyelids were fitted in the same man-1 gether for the first time. The story come a new comedy team of the violins, and can play seven other J ner to give the Oriental slant, without: deals with a gambler and a district screen, and Walter Pidgeon, George musical instruments including the obe. pulling up the --- M' ' skin. "" attorney, friends all their lives, who Zucco, Jonathan Hale, Frankie Darro, He plays and sings—as does Foran— With make-ups showing increasing love the same woman and who, on op- Hattie McDaniels and Henry Stone in "Blazing Sixes," which will open! age, cheek bones were accentuated by posite sides of £Tie law, fight for her, are among the other players. next Saturday at the Palace Theatre. the inlay method, and other radical each in hi? own way. Thousands are seen in the thrilling o changes made in the faces of the race track sequences and the breathGable portrays a big-shot gabbler, CAST STUDIED CHINESE stars. taking race that provides the climax. powerful and dramatic figure of the • Although there are a large number city's night life. It is a role reminis- Location parties visited almost every The Chinese "Patterns of Filial! of actual Chinese players in the cast cent of the one he played in "A Free important racetrack in the country Piety" proved a valuable „« t»f "The Good Earth," exigency requir- Soul. obtaining details for these sequences. guide in making of "The Good Earth," h certain of the roles be filled -o— edd that d by byI The scientific apparatus installed in ambitious filmization of Pearl Buck'c FORAN FINE MARKSMAN Occidentals. The magic of the "facial the studio for the filming of this gamnovel, which comes Wednesday and inlays," however, makes it practically bling house scenes created wide atThursday to the Palace Theatr?. Two years ago, Dick Foran had impossible to distinguish between the tention. One of the features is the Striving for absolute authenticity in never fired a revolver. Now the westtwo. depicting traditional Chinese deportinvisible light ray; when it is broken ern star is one of the best pistol shots ment, speech and manners, Sidney by the passage of a human body, an in the movie colony. JEAN HARLOW'S 'DOUBLE" Franklin, director, found repeated ocautomatic alarm is sounded. The deForan demonstrates his marksmancasion to consult this volume corres| vice was originally perfected as a ship in his latest western, "Blazing ponding roughly to American books of Behind the release of the new pic-j burglar alarm system, but is said to Sixes," which comes to the Palace etiquette but easily a much more imture, "Saratoga," which appears Sun- j be widely in use by expensive gamTheatre on Saturday. /11 1 at the Palace Theatre with Clark portant factor in the lives of the fjatr stf tv^ p«io«^ T U ^ * ^ *" bling houses to guard against surGable and Jean Hariow in the star- prise raids. Learning to shoot wasn't easy for Chinese. ring roles, lies one of the most unA transparent mirror was another Foran. Born in the east, and educated On the set at all times to make usual techincal tasks ever attempted feature to be an ordinary beveled mir- at Princton University, he seldom saw doubly sure of avoiding obvious errors in a Hollywood studio. a gun—much less used one. ror set into a door, but from the rewas General Theodore Lu, technical When the floo-J ul letters began verse side it is transparent. Standing1 When the studio decided to put adviser loaned to M-G-M by the pouring irto the M-G-M studio de- behind the mirror, in the dark, Gable him in horse operas, Foran bought i Chinese government. And each lapse manding the release of this picture, watches some of the dramatic scenes two guns and started making daily] brought forth from Mr. Lu a warning Director Jack Conway was faced with of the picture. visits to the police pistol range in "M'hi Gum Jo!" That is to say, "Yoji the problem of devising a means of Elysian Park in Los Angeles. The Los can't do that!" finishing the few uncompleted scenes Angeies police, under professional FORTY MILLIONTH DISC tutors, are the champion shots of the When Paul Muni, who plays Wang without the feminine star. Lung, shakes hands with someone he United States, The solution lay in rewriting meets, in sequences of the story, he . ,. . . , . - " " " « « a i u a *u,uuu,uuuth record, Foran doesnt' think he's so good had to give the equivalent of "M'hi «ihl* rh I e l i m f l n a t e u a s f a r a s P°s- m a d e from his recordings, will not be Mble the character she played; sold. yet, though he can hit a silver dollar Gum Jo!" For Chinese, on meeting, p y e d ; rere sold editing scenes already filmed to con-1 It will be mailed as a gift to Ed- thrown into the air if he shoots .right shake hands with themselves, not with handed. Left handed he can hit a tin others. can. With either hand he can knock Louise Rainer, the O-Lan of the the spots out of a playing card at fifty feet. And he's as quick on the photoplay, could not walk side by side WED. - THURS. draw as was William S. Hart, dean with Wang Lung, for that would constitute a breach of public etiquette. A of wrstern actors. Chinese wife, properly, walks dutiDuring the past year, Foran has fully and respectfully behind her lord learned to "fan* 'a gun. He has also and and master Mflrfflilearned to "spfn" both guns at once, In one sequence Walter Connolly, firing them as they revolve. He does as all thes<» things in "Blazing Sixes," a Muni's uncle, was called upon to bid fast action western in which his lead- his nephew a Happy New Year. Connolly, speaking- his lines, bowed. Lu ing lady is Ileityi Vaikis. immediately objected explained that the older man could not, according to TO THE GLORY "Patterns," bow to the younger. M A N_K I N O . ASTOR KIN BANKRUPT the S'milnrly, who;, children address their elders they may not adopt an ini tllippte tha t a i l . . . i'-'.i/A j • « • g « v « e f t h e i r ) :••:,•>. formal or casual tone. An honorable prefix and a bow must accompany WAHG * . -K. each salutation. th. OMING brother it was neceswury for the Mr and Mrs. Neil year-old to set an example in dignity. Los Angeles arrived '' , He countenanced the little fellow's *> visit with M J H s W T frisking but regarded it merely as the Mrs. E. A. Sh -' folly of youth. attend the w Casual personal remarks were ta- Shipley and boo. A father-in-law, for example, left fo r thcii i could not discuss his daughter-in-law week. with hi.« son. He could not say, for] instance. "She cooks badly." He could say, however, "I do not like her food." XT_ 4.-* . for then he was speaking about himlres against all road self and not about her. " ^ Even Lo, the water buffalo, came in Hoffman. for technical uuvice. A Chinese couid not call the animal by his name; he had to address him as "friend." -o « Mrs. Joe Mitchell returned Sunday from El Paso. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. G. C. Robinson, and her nephew Bill Swift who will spend a few days in Marfa. o Mrs. W. D. Cassin of San Antonio is visiting with her neice Mrs. Jessie Hubbard and Judge W. W. Bcgel. William Cassin also of San Antonio is viiting in the Bogel home. LIONEL BARRYMORE FRANK MORGANS Two Academy Award Winners. •. Together! Thousands in it's mighty cast! 3 years, to mate— Cost a fortune AS Rules for children were most intricate. When two little boys, brothers, were shown at play, the older one, even though he himself was only eight years old, had to be very sedate, while the six-year-old romped and froiiced j to his heart's content. As an older Dr. Dafoe Reports Dionne Qi Thriving on Quaker Oats! TTTVnrT V A Q T HEADLINES DR. J.C. NELSON Marfa's Finest Emf.ertainnent PALACE THEATRE of Course Francis Ormond French, fatherin-law of John Jacob Astor III who filed a bill *f K«: V*a&J^.eLe of the liabilities wa& t»*5S5^L Chinese laundryman totaling $1.48. Mr French refused an offer of his daughter. EUen Tuck French, to get hiin out of hia financial d i f f i c i BRITE PHONES: Office 64-1U,. l 5 S M A R F A, T E X A S '*#*$ SEPTMBER 10, THE BIG BEND SENTINEL PAGE TITHE? gSisCHUTZE WRITES PERSONAL water between here and Nanking. Our only chance of leaving is to go up river to Hankow. If things get back there—we take train to Canton atfd from there to Manila or home. Wliat lowinR is taken from an air- $17.31 Mex. and dashed home. a terrible feeling all this—and so sudfrom Miss Katherine Police and soldiers by the dozens triel den.) Miss Chen has just received j fher parents, received this to stop me—but I kept on going and | message to come to the hospital that ribintf the air raids in Nan- got into the gate and in a very weak- her brother is worse. Her hands are so ividly than any newspaper ened condition. I VIV full witli and family responsi. could. Miss Schutze wrote ——» bilities during these days. ivcrfrom Hanchov after their Happy and the cat during- a raid! No Warnings and more warnings—the and it was mailed by bombing—enemy flying above pitting 'entire Japanese air force must be on Chinese positions anJ trying to break — Ti u • T».-.II.. ia ,. sitting in the living room down the moral fere guess. I noted barbwire entanglement | SOmo—what can we do" What°about heard the sound of a siren winter clothing and bedding — we e some distance away. Sup- had been thrown up across might have to go out on an American ist copy my diary from here streets. Why? The silence is golden—the everlast-j Gunboat tonight . . . which means not ing sound of traffic here on the cor- more than a suitcase! Everything is ko the cook and Lao ' Tu ner of Chung Shan Lu and Pao Tai scattered over the house—It gets dark r and housekeeper) what it Chieh (our street) is most amoving —no electricity—we find candles but hey answered 'pu shao ti' yet—I prefer the noise to the enemy must be careful not to have them near now). Well, I'd heard that planes! The cat sleeps here at my feet a window. Lao Tu brings in wet to be a warning signal. No —mewing now and then as he hears clothes to hang in attic—hope they dry sirens were allowed to sound me busy with my shi fan (rice mush before we leave. ing unless signal tor air raid. upon which I am living these days— Mr. Marx whistled to us from the the siren on Drum Tower and am I starved for a real meal). school wall—he sneeked through. ieafened us; then the Temple The cook is out on the street and Embassy says for those who can leave ted ringing! We looked out on can't get back with food he has bought tonight to be at the Embassy by 9 [Shan Lu (the Sun Yat-Sen for Minnie and Happy—so they are P. M., from there to be taken to tjie l boulevard and main artery both pretty hungry. Happy snoozes on boat. At 7:45 siren—It has been still fty) from our bedroom window the rug behind me—how well protected so long—so dark—and so . . . well, no words describe it. and soldiers were stopping I am! fie. In less than ifive minutes The clouds are heavy—no noise ex- Before the safety signal I snaked [complete silence. Busses filled cept the far away droning of theout gate and made my way to the Idiers then appeared; a lone planes, the squeak of the lawnmower school gate—some 50 yards away— [on bicycle; a police official on as Loa Tu keeps busy outside and soldier stopped me and police official lycle; a munitions truck sped the chirp of a bird now and then.. Ifcl questioned me—but let me into the [then silence as I've never ex- is all so strange—there seems a heavy gate—all so dark and quiet. Miss Chen in Nanking before. . a load of something over everything and still at hospital. Mrs. Gish got back after siren sounded—having- been ling silence. Soldiers, police, everybody—yet I marvel that I am caught near the school when the siren men, pedestrians; carriages, not more nervous. Elizabeth went to sounded warning of danger—she dashkrs—everything at a complete work this morning, for her (vacation ed into the campus and stayed there is over—Perhaps diarrhea has weakill the entire two hours. (stened—then decided to pack a ened my condition to the point where Mrs. Chen (business manager of in case of quick evacuation. I can't get nervous—Ah! one good the school) came over a few minutes |arx sent a note—saying we point for diarrhea—have it during ago with valuable family papers she [rush to their house, to their air raids and you won't get too ner- wants me to take out with me. In it, but we answered we were vous. case something happens to her and her I nervous and would stay in our What a noisy siren here at Drum husband I'm to give these to her small ie; that was true—for we were Tower (block from our house) but son—if he lives! With such a request such a good sound again, for it means [aim—surprisingly so. I began to see what this whole busiwe heard planes—I ran out the enemy planes have left again! ness means to Chinese friends . . . I've gate to see what the street Life goes merrily on. I've been sitting been facing the possibility of loss of [like (what a fool I was), but in the livingroom—embroidering— things; they of lives! Although none ice ran me back into the yard. Minnie purring away in my lap. of us are safe with the enemy planes time bombs were heard near Strange experiences—when—or will carrying on in this manner. May these r front—perhaps four miles there be wanton destruction of this Chinese friends of ours have strength ir place. I dashed inside in time lovely capital city? This is more than and courage to bear it all. Mrs.' Brady one plane headed over our enough—11:15—and again the siren! and three children and Mrs. Gish left ind the sharp crack! crack! of 5th Air Raid—11:15-1:30, August tonight—along with 20 other Amerjie guns was fearful. A loud 16. Mrs. Marx got in just before the icans. kg—a bomb near! Elizabeth signal. Mr. Marx has been called to 8th Air Raid, Tuesday, August 17, funning down the steps and we the Embassy to discuss possibility of 11:40-12:10. This thing is getting so for the closet under the stops evacuation. (Signals 1 long and twocommon—so I kept on packing and )y (the dog) joined us. During short—get under cover as fast as you Elizabeth is busy typing a letter. Takrerest shooting we three clung can; 1 long and 6 short, the enemy ing down pictures and collecting books ir—Happy on her hind legs is very near!) I broke down for the first time into front paws on us! (We must We closed doors and windows—put a real flow of tears. One plans, pref>een a funny sight—but at that stools in closet under steps and wait- pares, debates—loses; but surely it it we didn't feel so funny!) ed until we heard planes before we (Continued on page seven) planes were gone—we crept got in. for it was quite warm. There outside. Elizabeth said was a quick zooming and blasting near ;fore she ran down she sawus (later we found it one bomb fell at planes headed over our house! Lotus Lake—just three blocks from COOKING SCHOOL FEATURE Ironing of motors and bombing us). The anti-aircraft makes terrible about half an hour. After noise, too. Often we don't know when FACTORY [some time (half hour I guess) the shooting is done by enemy or FRESH ren sounded again and we knew Chinese anti-aircraft! Both are teriemy planes were gone. . . and rible to listen to. I got quite nervous was on the move again. this time. Soon it was quiet again and Raid. Eliz. was just ready to we came out of hiding. I picked up my note to Mr. Marx to askembroidery again and steadied myself CELLOPHANE |er it wa? a real raid or a prac- by taking dozens and dozens of stitchSCALED |as our cook insisted it was, but es. We waited until 1:30 before the believe it) when the siren safety signal was sounded. This was led again. Planec were soon heard the longest period of quiet we've had -hut. -hooting. Ait 5 P. M. all these two days—&over two hours! 6th Air Raid—3:00-4:00, Monday, Air Raid, August 16, Monday. August 16. Mrs. Gish (from Southh[15 w, were aroused by bells and Gate) came down to our place this r and near! I was already afternoon. Yesterday the Chinese offi•> playing with the cat. I jump- cials sent up anti-aircraft guns to the -llcd Eliz. We donned robes roof of our Mission Building (the tall•chi'd traffic silenced on Chung est in that part of the city—5 stories) Lu. At 7:10 siren again—and and the Embassy feared for Mrs. Gish on the air again! Evidently —who Tves on the 5th floor—so orderdid not reach the city this ed her to come away. We must pack MEETS 2ND THURSDAYS . . although the five planes for evacuation so I begin! But EACH MONTH. VISITING the city in perfect formation where to begin and what can we take. BROTHERS WELCOME have been those of the enemy— If the Embassy takes us out—that we thought they were means we can not take more than a S. J. *EMB0ET, W. M. ise. The clouds were quite dense suitcase with us, if We/are ..fortunate jERVATIONS OF WAR FROM CHINA C.H.GURINSKY Announces the opening of a Cattle, Hog and Sheep AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1937 AND EVERY TUESDAY THEREAFTER - PRIVATE SALES DAILY At the request of hundreds of farmers and ranchers throughout this territory, we are opening a cattle, hog, sheep and goat commission yard—both auction and private sales. It is our aim to handle your consignments to the best advantage at a low cost to you. We are equipped with tHe latest Fairbanks Scales, and have improved our facilities to give you quick service. We solicit your consignments and urge you to bring your livestock to us to be sold on our market, at auction or private. You are welcome to represent your own stock and let our auctioneer and salesmen sell for you. Arrange to give us a trial consignment on our opening date, Tuesday, September 14th. Bring your family with you and be our guest at our barbecue dinner. Auction sale starts at 11:00 A. M. so bring your stock in early. We will have many buyers for every class of stock, therefore let's all get together and make our bams your headquarters. We are expecting you sure. Wire or phone us, our expense, for any further information. C. H. Gurinsky Cattle Market PHONE FANNIN 6011 1624 So. SAN MARCOS ST. •*> IStv Permanent Silence ofi £L£CTROLUX REFRIGERATE WITH GAS... • SILENT, SIMPLE, EFFICIENT ELECTROLUX means COOK WITH GAS SH0RTEMN6 MAGIC CHEF Gas Ranges offer the most modern in 1937 designs and styles MARFA LODGE No. 596 A. P. & A. M. Heat Water with GAS— REX HOT WATER HEATERS are entirely automatic. Makes hot water as natural as cold in your home CHAS. BOWMAN, Sat. fere not as nervous as yesterday these days—many being taken aver jxperienced such a strong feeling by tne Gov.) tyeit we can perhaps get jsgust. We proceeded t o dresa— a small trunk and bedding rolL The group can leave tonight—six hours notice. We insist mothers and Raid - 9 : 4 5 to 10:45. After children leave first—we'll take the fast I went over to the school; next boat. Chen at gate; had not seep 7th Raid. Mrs. Gish started to do a pice Sat. A. M. She had just de- little shopping—and was just out the ed all school records and valuables gate when the siren sounded a g a i n pit. Her brother, Dr. Chen, just the 4th time today! But no F sick in the hospital. At 9 de- bombing and this lasted but an hour. *o send folks a cable, fo* know Th* enemy was repulsed. How will be worried, thinking I'm in strange it is to be packing—1 donft ghai where all the serious condi- want to at all. (I've bought up so ar «. As I passed 'our friendly many Christmas gifts—had decided to ernan' on the corner he stopped send something to each Aunt, Uncle, few moments of conversation and Cousin and close friend this Christmas * not to be afraid! At the tele* and have been buying along with that ) Nation (just one block and a in view for months. Had my things all out and ready to wrap nom our home -on Chung Shan proportioned pp Were d and dozens of toiks last weekl And I've aleo felt so MM messages. Finally mine that I've been collecting choice checked: (Schutze, Marfa Chinese things to take home with me t Wocry—kather- —thinking by getting them now truss sent it deferred. Just before I'd be sure to have them, for when got to mine to give me a time comes to go home in '40 I knew m ip^-the S j r e n s o u n d s H o w d i g T I wouldn't have enough cash to buy . rushed out of the office many things then. Now, all these thin** I must leave. Oh, why didn t *at irony-that ra °n—and Vm not at home— I mail them last week when th4 thought firifc came to me. New * LONG DISTANCE 217 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS iiifC how long before the next first BIG B E N D T I T L E CO. U •fitrates o* a baticalb «?»/• jtrnt n/Httratb* *ri*ci*U- If Abstracts and Title Insurance —which also »«*« possibh ,-.-••• U A I 1 . A OOUSC ^ ^ *"•*-•*-" with GAS--CMtaH U*fcmtafCtit ^ Sari** Itatft»Fur It X-RAY SERVICE V *,k~t«>k.,witk**t machinery Xl&QX \ OWt M A R F A, T E X A S DR. C. - HUMPHRIS RADIANT-FIRE HEATERS provide quick oven heat in any unit wanted ALL APPLIANCES SOLD ON EASY TERMS Robinson's Jewelry Store BARFA, TEXAS 'Y- "] i ' ^ ' - -:-;-r<>•'•• •.*.t'i'.V;->::*1- 4 ..]•-№••;. > -.•*,• v - : .•:• £ • , • ' • ? • ' ? 4 : VAGE FOUR - • . - • < < • • • < • : • • , ; ^ • • • : . . THE BIG BEND SENTINEL FRIDAY, \ ^ '•• Three Royal Ex's All on One Spot THE BIG BEND SENTINEL (Established 1926) ;v THE NEW ERA (Established 1887) Consolidated April 9, 1928 '4 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT MARFA, TEXAS CHARLES C. MOORE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER SUBSCRIPTION : In Texas per yf>ar Other States per year $2.00 2.50 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Marfa, Texas under the Act of March 3, 1879. du tb rt Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing, or reputation of any person, firm, or corporation which may occur in the columns of THE SENTINEL will be gladly corrected upon being brought to the attention of the management. ••4:: The publisher is not responsible for copy ommissions, typographical errors that may occur further than to correct same in the after it is brought to his attention. All advertising orders are accepted on this basis only. a Although royalty is ever clannish, whether they retain their crowns or not, it is unusual to photograph three royal "ex's" in a group. They are at Lausanne, Switzerland. Left to right: ex-Queen Amerle of Portugal, exKing Ferdinand of Bulgaria and ex-King Alfonso of Spain. The occasion was the marriage of Princess Marie-Dolores, niece of ex-King Alfonso, to Prince August Czartory-Ski, descendant of an old Polish family. Office Phone 271; Residence Phone 242; Society Editor 271 and 242 Cuss OLYUM PRESIDIO SOCIETY NEWS Fire Prevention Week THE REST OF THE RECORD— — By JAMES V. ALLREO Announced for Oct 3-9 Governor of Texas dollars per year, over one and a half million dollars which the old age assistance fund owes on outstanding warrants,, at least two million dollars new money to go in the old ag<f assistance fund, one and a half million dollars for aid to dependent children, and several millions for aid to the blind and the teachers retirement fund. The legislature meets on September 27. at which time I will make my recommendations as to how this money should be raised, and it will be in their hands. 1 am going to work on this job as hard as I did for repeai of the race track law, and hope you will Miss Elizabeth Hord is help me with your moral support. her parents, Mr. a n d ***** until September 15 to Texas U n In view of the fact that all the,big winter term. interests have unquestionably unloosed most of the recent propaganda against new taxes, and are having messages Mrs. Lucius Bunton to that effect sent to members of the from El Paso wheer a legislature, I think the people had an operation recently better get busy and let the senators improved but still n o t a and representatives know their views. She is at the ranch. I don't want to call the legislature Mr. and Mrs.Henry in special session and accomplish nothing. I delayed the call until the Shafter and children were h people could vote on these amend- last week for a few days, ments. Now it would be a great help to the cause of the people as a whole Mr. and Mrs. R. H J if you would see, or write, your rep- baby of Dallas who L resentatives and senators and give house guests of Mr. and them your ^views on the necessity of Jordan and family are providing this revenue. first part of the week The barbecue benefit, sponsored by the Presidio Parent-Teachers Association, held in the King Park Monday, BY THE EDITOR— September 6, was a decided success, THE ONERY CUSS according to a statement made this. Austin,—Urging state-wide observ• • • • • Quite a few of the newspapers have I week by Mrs. John W. McClane, chair- j ance of the annual Fire Prevention Week, Marvin Hall, fire insurance carried statements lately to the effect The money can be raised without i man of the festivities. Old IV;. Shipley says he ha? been | Several out-of-town guests partook commissioner, has written over 425- that we didn't need any new taxes. substantial injury to anyone. i o c a - m i UUI-UI-LOWII guests partooK mayors of Texas cities and towns re- :'s hard for me-to understand this Texas is in a fortunate position as trying for twenty-th:W years to get! o f t h o viands offered by the ladies of questing their continued support of contention. When the ligeslature met j compared with most of the other They will be accompanied]^ Kathryn Jordan for a short vis' Houston has been here fay weeks, and Mr. Houston arrij Friday. a boy in the family so finally he g-oi ! the P.-T. A., aside from dozens of what he terms a "most profitable and hi regular session this, year I told | states. Due to the wisdom of our foreone by getting a son-in-law. Ho was j i o c a K-imens who attended, Miss Dora 1) »"-'c has that the general fund deficit fathers in writing certain provisions worthwhile civic project." The week kinda reluctajit to give up hi^ title] Among those who assisted in obtairi1 a s secret :; in *" Ei * I"•'" be jipproximah'ly fifteen mi!-[of the constitution, we have no great i position of October 3 to !• has been chosen and '"'"~'~ « «:•; utdieyt in the family though. Wiliio ; ; <.f\ for the benefit n ( r ,innntimi* V. can get that haircut he's been A.ifust ;.M. It has turn- | outstanding bonded indebtedness. We! I* Ramsey, n>]>.-tentativefo : barbce-ue were Mesdames C. B. Q'Xan, appropriately named, Fire Prevention !•:.•: !H!:>>-.- nn 1 need in' now. Week of lf»:J7. i ! nut to IK just about that. do not have an income tax. We uu iiot ? - Her ; Clay Pool, ami Lucia Redo Franco. —c-c— The trouble is, as 1 pointed out in I have a sales tax, a transaction tax, or Adding impetus and support to the • Four large cakes were raffled off Mrs. O. C. Dr.v.-o has an ap Uncle Joe Rosson took a trip in his before the barbecue. A yellow angd movement will be a proclamation is- my n;es.<ajre to tho regular session of , anything of the sort so common in in El Paso and is living^] car. last week and got back home with- j food cake baked by Mr-. C. B. O'Xan sued by Governor Allred requesting t!i<> lcM-i^lature. that expenditures at j every state around us. I hope we Dora there. out an accident. was won by John Lock. A white ar«gef cooperation and support from ''every that lime (last January) exceeded never have these burdensome, or nuisfood cake baked by Mrs. P. C. Newton Texan interested in performing a dis- iiuoiiH: about two and a half million j ance taxes, but the fact remains that Joe Edwards is looking for a was won by Miss Marie Aguilar. A tinct service to his state, to his com- dollars per year. I specifically stated j we owe it to ourselves to balance thd whatnot to buy to replace one he ran that i could not recommend increases ; budget, to adequately provide for old yellow pound cake baked by Mrs. Jim munity, and to himself." 1KUI& iinto the other night in the dark. '•'Fire uncontrolled is one of then in appropriations other than a little age assistance and to raise money Pool was won by Carl Williams. A devil's food cake baked by Mrs, Reece most serious problems that confronts over a million dollars for the insane for placing the other constitutional Hays Hord returned the first of the Moore was won by Gaspan Hernandez ! us today," Hall decalred in his letter asylums and other eleemosynary in- amendments into effect at an early ° LINES s t i l u t i o I l S t I n tl h e fTaaccee o OfI tinn ee ss e week from another fishing trip on theof Ojinaga. to mayors. 'For-years "For years it u» Texas iexas mayors. it has! e recomrecomni( luiation tn Rio Concho. Somehow he" always s e legislature increased The chairman announced that she taken far too heavy a toll in life and \ ' ^brings in the fish that I always hear wished to extend thanks publicly to property. May we suggest that you appropriations approximately four abouf- on mif trips. He had two twenty- George C. Brown for his able assistyour city officials, fire marshal, million dollars per year and not a three pounders and some others. How- ance in barbecuing the meat and fire chief and his department begin single penny of additional revenue ever he lost a hook in the same old thanks to all who assisted in any way. making preparations at once for the was finally provided to take care of granddaddy cat fish that one of our A cash prize of $1.00 each was given proper observance of Fire Prevention either the deficit or the increased appropriations. boys lost a hook in. This fish is the to winners in the ticket selling con- Week this year." * * * • * prize of the Concho and is worth test. John McClane sold the greatest Tersely expressing the theme of several dollars for the tackle thats number of tickets to the barbecue. the week's activities, Hall wrote: "The In addition to the money necessary been hung in him. He's got enough Charlene Stovall won second place in fire that never starts will never get to wipe out the deficit and to take care out of control. Fires can be controlled, of these increases in appropriations, I hooks and sinkers in his mouth to j this contest. look like a display counter in a sport- j Norma Lee Mattes, Jim McClane, but not until every single Texas, recommended that —«.««««. i..«ncja additional moneys goods store and they would hold the Bennie Fuller and Jim O'Nan won citizen accepts fire prevention as his ' be raised for old age assistance. This, old boy on the bottom if there wasn't j passes to the Rio Theatre as prizes individual responsibility." [too, was not done. I still think we two or three dozen corks on the'lines ' for selling tickets. The passes were "Since Are losses have a direct j need more money in the old age as- to counterbalance the weight. p donated by George Perrin, manager. wee date. Do you agree with me? Miss Patty McKenzie left early Tuesday morning by train for El Paso where she re-entered Radford School for Girls Tuesday for the winter term. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. LaVanture. t- The appearance of Sidney Swearin- party with music furnished by gen's straw at this late day in Sep-special Mexican orchestra. tember is either a sign of a late winter or a hard summer. GIVE VICE-VERSA PARTY A vice-versa party was held at the T <p Mrs. Jamea shannJ • took the lead in dancing. Louis Kempner of Galveston were overnight Mr. a nd Mrs. J. E. Maybery of Aguirre was acclaimed the best im- guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. Clay Slack visited c Tiiuse attending last Monday. This was Mr. K ^mp n c ^ with -nd Mrs. p. W . J o r d a n . Thoy a i ; | t h e vice-versa party were: K i i V ^nrst \ ^v ipi t ^t ^P ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ • * cClane w parents of i w t n n ii MMcClane was for Henry J W v Daly; n«w,- *J ^ :.. , the parents of Mrs. R. R. H. H. Houston *s esescort c<>rt for Ne ie Nan has been tho Jordan house guest ] » °' *or Lane Cresap; Dor-j Pecos. and T* cn -or several weeks. •° y Anderson for Jack Anderson; ^ ° f w h l c h he i* J « T"V~V.JL' —. "»nm|. C.-Wilson, ^ v*aiveston, guests also in tl,e Slack home Margaret Miles for Whit Leverett; were here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Shinley and Helen Spangle for Gregg Luke; Northeir daughter, Miss Gwen and Mrs. ma Lee Mattes for DeSaix Anderson; Richard Slack, who has been doing r^»~~ Howard, Jr., spent Thursday Merilyn Mattes for Jerry Gray, and week in El some experimental work with the Louis Agii'rre was an extra "girl." —o- ^ PEN KNIVES POCKET KNIVES HUNTING KNIVES SKINNING KNIVES KITCHEN KNIVES PARING KNIVES BUTCHER KNIVES SEWING SCISSORS MANICURE SCISSORS HOUSEHOLD SHEARS BARBER SHEARS * • • * Several Presidio young people gave dance Thuradav Av*niw<» at the home and Mr. an<! • •'; i >• £*pa?tsn«nt of the Alpine '"•"•*- year. • : * • , <v '. *T •. V -i-?li her parents Friday morning for Brownsville, Texas. Europe, has accepted a position in the public school at CeJar Bayou, near Hcuiton,toteach music Mis* Howell received her B. A. degree at Te^aa University this year and hod received appointment to teach in - th«. public mfoeU at Mairfa. She iwflfgned her $owtion ynth the Marfa faculty to •c^tpt^ii'mor* Hev^^M^M dren. As yet I have no exact figures on how much aid to needy blind feifll cost but aid to needy children is l i m ; ited to one and a half million dollars a year for tho state's part. In B ™ , ion to this the people adopted tho teachers' retirement amendment la.t year, and thi s i s e s t i m a t C ( 1 s over two million dollars a year for r the state's part • • * Skelly Oil Co., Kermit, Texas, h a s f l f his a d d s up into millions. returned home for a few days this p e r s o n i n t h e worI ^ to week before leaving for Texas A. & ™ L • \ tax somebody, but M. a t Bryan this Friday. Dick ex- wantj tospeak ^ P j e kI I think ^ h^e T u t / pects to obtain a degree in Petroleum legislature and the governor to Engineering this coming school year. carry out their wishes. Th* R. I. Bledsoe and S. M. Swearingen, Marfa lawyers, were business visitors Miss Everyn Howell, who has just tuvTied from an extended tour of to Presidio Monday of this week. •. . *" : ". i: >x W. McCK-ine,, honoring Miss Mildred Shiner left ner who who left ^other" toV* *r ' todependent, neglected chil-' • Phone 225 The Most Complete Assortment of Higl Grade, Standard Price Cutlery on Market. Miss Edyth Flynt has gone to Aus- home of Dr. John W. McClane sponTwo amendments adopted authoriztin where she has entered the busi- sored by girls of high school age.(The ed the state to completely cooperate ness school of the University of Texas. girls dressed is boy's clothing and with the federal government in its Misi-y Flynt has been employed in the their dates dressed in girl's raiment. fered by the East Texas school. socral security program. -One authorlocal Western Union office for sever- The "boys" called on the "girls," furnal years. 1 d y> l i n d a n d ished the cigarettes and coca colas and T. H. Kempner and his brother, Lee --o B I L L MEANS, AGENT title fees or salaries. This would have saved Mrs. F. J. Kelly and daughter, Rena at least half a million dollars a year Ann of ottovva. Kansas and Mrs. R but the people have spoken and I'm B. _R.chey of s i P a s 0 a r e ^ always willing to abide by the will of the majority. to dependable s to all points ume ! theatre bearing upon the fire insurance rates sistancc fund to take care of many -—c-c— which the people pay," Hall explain- worthy cases. In my opinion, the trouHays said he thought the river was j ed, "there are a great many practical | ble isn't -,o much with the law. We benefits accruing from effective fire'Just need more money in the fund. on a rise when this big cat fish capd | HONOR JOHN TEMPLES clown it. One of'us is going to land [ Families of the customs, immigra- prevention. Fire prevention is a habit I Besides we owe $1,027,000.00 on old a e this monster one of these days. I ac- i tion and public health services in Pre- and easily acquired; and it is most! K assistance warrants issue before tually hope old Hays gets him thebg-h ! sidio were hosts to a party given in pleasant to practice, for by prarti.--! the tax laws went into effect. Claude for it would be an awful strain on'.Ojinaga, Thursday night, honoring ing it, a life may be saved or a dis- ' Teer, chairman of the commission, I says we need more money for old age him to make up a good enough lie to I Mr. and Mrs. John Temple. Unusual astrous fire prevented." Calling for immediate action, Hall ^ assistance. Unless new money is explain why he didn't. j experiences on their honeymoons were U said: "Today, not tomorrow—for to- AA ~*~~~ the first of January, werais—C-C— related by Dr. John W. McClane, ed before are the time Marfa is one of the best dressed . Clarence E. McPherson, John Temple morrow it may be too late—is going to get into a tight and more *.? kmc nine for you to call a fire prevention, meet- people will have to be cut off. towns in the state for its size. Almost anc * o t n e r s > We that Vfill We suggest suewfis* +v»«*••"-everyone h«« dressed up their buildAmong these present duiing this ing. representative business * men'"a^ inss'in the last few months. Of courst I Post-nuptial party were: Dr. and Mrs. Besides all this, the people recently there were a few that didn't need it J o h n W - McClane, Messrs and Mes- women of your community, as well s s - - , ,preachers, — . « „ , tcivic ,vic a n r a d ° P t e d T s e v e r a I constitutional amendand there are still a few left that) do dames, Stovall, Tisdale, Keece Moore, school teachers, * a m s o r p y t h *y didn't adopt but on the whole the town makes a s t e c k ' M o e » McPherson, Hill, O'Nan, patriotic workers, and bo v scout, TI!™ ' obligation " "to prevent ' "^ ; t l U j amendment to authorize the legis mighty — -•->' good* impression. • ' j parents of Mrs. Temple, and Robert is everyone's fires. Act today." lature to pay public officers out of —c-c— Kent. Dancing followed the dinner • Fast Maybe missed an atricle need cutlery, but necessary, • • • • The argument is being made that improving business conditions will Carl Williams a n d family were eliminate the necessity for new ta>j!3. j ncm<? I hope business will continue to im- I in Karfa provn. Of course, Roger Babson ig HT. and Mrs. John W. Howell were predicting another depression, but, in any event, business will not improve visitors to Marfa last Sunday. to such an extent that present taxes will take care of existing deficit of a Vi8itor t 0 fifteen million dollars, increased appropriations of four or iftve million MRtfi CONnuiY McCABE ' I i t , i 10, THE BIG SEND SENTINEL SOCIETY • • •• : PAGE FIVE c ',-* MRS. CHARLES C. ren oinpic^ xvxanictt wiiue v. tf Society Editor- "Eye-Dropper" B^by Faces Camera [nday Ai High Noon in Simple Ceremony P.-T. A. HOLDS FIRST EXECUTIVE M E E T I N G ' b v +** Parpnt-TfiA^hftrs The Parent-Teachers Association held an executive meeting Tuesday afternoon of this week at the high school building. The first regular meeting of the year will be next Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. at the high school building. An executive meeting will be held before the regular meeting beginning at three o'clock. Civic Club Meets Today to Hear Mayor ices Gwendolyn Shiley,only Mr. and Mrs. E- A. Shipthe bride of Willie V. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans jday morning at high noon I Christian church fallowing The Marfa Civic Club will meet service in a charming but Friday afternoon at ifive o'clock at the Community House for the second fcmony. Rev. J . E. Wright meeting in the newly finished hall and irriage lines far the single for the last meeting of the summer sny. season. After this meeting, sessions was beautifuully decor- will begin at 3:&0 instead of five. jses, chrysanthemums and Mayor Henry Coffield will address on the altar in huge the club this week a t the meeting on couple plighted their troth what a Civic c.**ib does mean to a tendants. •"-.... city. The club will discuss plans for wore a grey sheer 'wool the preparation fpr a float in the [costume suit wtih A black Highland Fair parade, and the dates [aia hat and tie-hack veil. for the annual Flower Show. This >ries were black..Her cor- will 'be the second Flower Show, the pink Talisman .roses. She one last year having "been most sucy carcel jacket with her cessful. | Fathers' Night and will be sponsored Association. HIGHLAND FAIR OCT. 7, 8, AT COOKING SCHOOL SHORTENING Recommended 6 The organization will sponsor & cake sale at the Palace Theatre in the near future to raise money for the building of a fence around the high school football field. Mr. Loyd Mitchell is to make the unusually large cake. October 7 has been designated as leccuc REAMS EASILY JIGESTS QJJICK FARTHE To The Educators Plans will also be discussed fo> the new project adopted by the club at their last meeting: that of beautifyMay it please you that we congratulate all teachers of the ing the courthouse lawn and grounds. Marfa schools and vicinity on their re-election, also the Mrs. R. S. McCracken resigned her newly elected teachers for ensuing- year. We welcome you, office', as. .vice-president at the last and will appreciate your patronage. It will be a real pleasmeeting of the club and Mrs. Jefcse !i:!)i'i-!-y College in Holly- Blackwell was elected to tak<; her ure to serve you in any capacity at our command, to render Jacquelyn Clement, New Orleans "eye-dropper" baby who was born at jiia. She h a s recently you the service you so truly deserve. twn pounds, is shown as she was explace. Mrs. C. R. Norman resinned her six and a half months, weight a sennt { o r thfi first ( i n i e D r R o g e r K n a p p > Bap_ -1 at the Quartermaster pos.t.nn n« charrmnr. of u,« museum ^ la] f n t e r n e / i s h o l d i n g h e r f o r l l c r r,- st view of the cameraman. I). A. Kusseii. Your tasks are our tasks if you will only allow us to z<hht is iin- only son of Mr. committed and Mrs. K. C. Miller \va.s i i in so doing. \Uin- Ilruim of Marfa, He a p p o i n t e d t o t a k e h e r p l a c e . j• - " ' ••• • "" " """ • '• . • i'rom the • Marfa High At the last meeting of the club the It is our purpose to serve the general public truly and :>o2 ami attended Sul Ross project of making a park for theh fairly. Will you permit us to render a real service to you? two years. He also at- Mexican people of the town was abandoned since prominent Mexicans con'for one year. He is em- tacted in the town did jiot seem inMrs. F. "W. Jordan was hostess to ic Service Grocery. He is a terested. Moreover the city has no NEW WORLD BOOK ARRIVES [Mrs. X. B. Chaffin of this available lots for such a parfc, nor about two hundred guests Saturday Mrs. W. E. Flynt of Lov- any funds to be used for that pur- afternoon at her home when she enpose. It was talked of abandoning the tertained at tea. announcing the en- The new World Book purchased for №. ig coupule left following project of the museum for the City gagement and approaching marriage the Marfa high school library has arfny for a week in Ballas. Hall, but it was finally decided to of her daughter, Miss Kathryn to rived and is said by Librarian Mrs.. )e at home Sunday at the carry the project for a while longer. Jerome A- McDavitt of San Antonio. Meade Smith, and teachers to be a However, if more enthusiasm is not The announcement was made by much improved edition over the older krtments. evidenced within the next few months, means of white plate favors. Besides ones. The books, which is published in —0the project will be abandoned by the the honoree, Mrs. Jordan was as- li) volumes is put out in cooperation THE CAREFUL SERVICE DRUGGIST sisted by their house guest, Mrs. R. with the unit plan of teaching and is cluK The new project of the courthouse H. Houston of Dallas, and Miss Lucille laid out in unit form itself. grounds was adopted at the request Jordan, her other daughter, in enterof County Judge J. C. Thompson at taining. Miss Ida Lee Jordan, grandmother Howard entertained a the last meeting and Mrs. Henry Schutee was appointed chairman of of the bride-elect, Mrs. J. H. Fortncr, iends Friday with a bridgethe committee in charge of it. Mrs. J . D. Bunton, Mrs. Ben Gearher home. She served The crepe myrtle campaign hart, Mrs. Alonzo Love of Wilcox, iffet style. The centerpiece iich was started as a three-year pro. Arizona and Mrs. Lee Morris, Jr., of table was unusually sing made of a combina- ject is still going strong. Over 260! Carlsbad, served at the tea table jk-olored late summer flow- plants were put out in lawns last j during the afternoon, lstel shaded tall candles year in the campaign, not counting! A lace cloth covered the tea table the number placed in Sunset Park by where a silver service was used. The [bouquet itself. G. Miniece of Fort Rob- the club. Several hundred more are centerpiece was made of goldenglow aska, Mrs. L. C. Brite, expected to be placed this year. It is in a cut-glass bowl. White tapers s Mitchell and Mrs. March hoped that many of the plants which burned in silver candlesticks. The reEl Paso were luncheon died this year will be replaced since ceiving rooms weer decorated with this summer was unusually dry and bowls of dahlias shading from yello.v most trying for all kinds of flowers. to bronze. e, Mrs. Henry Coffield won o Miss Jordan is well known in Mrs. II. Y. Moffatt won Marfa. She is the elder daughter of frs. R. S. McCracken took Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jordan. For the for bridge included MesL past three and half years she has rrence Howard, Jack Edtaught school in Presidio. She received The lecturer uses the double-tested—double-action K C Powers, R. S. McCxackher education at North Texas AgriThe Century Culture club met Wedbaking powder to demonstrate how you can produce delicious J. W. Pool, L. A. nesday afternoon at the home of Miss cultural College at Arlington and at bakings ot fine texture and large volume. Well-known domestic H. I). Wilcox, J. B. Pruett, Lucille Mead. Mrs. Ernest Williams the University of Colorado. Cai) Cazell, Henry Cof- was leader of the program which was Mr. McDavitt is the son of Mr. and science lecturers and millions of housewives know from experiSmith, Kerr Mitchell, Jesse on art. Mrs. J. A. McDavitt of San Antonio. ence there is real satisfaction and economy in using W. Christopher, A. He is an insurance adjustor. He is a Mrs. Ben Pruett, Jr., presented a San Antonio, C. P. Peavey paper on the ^alue of art to the in- graduate of Texas A. & M. College №, Billio Crews, Jack Col- dividual. Mrs. Robert Humphris talk- and has also attended Texas Univer)n Mclntyre of Alpine, W. ed on the famous men of art, Whistler sity. The, couple expect to make their " Alpine and Claude Lee. and Rembrandt in particular. Mrs. home in San Antonio following the -o Charles Hancock presented a paper wedding which has been set for Oct. 10 and which will be at the Jordan AN CIRCLE MEETS on the development of art in the home in Marfa. United States since colonization. o , The new yearbooks were distributcircle met Monday WESLEY CLASS ELECTS home of Mrs. Ida* Lee ed at the meeting. The covers bear a OFFICERS FOR YEAR members were present small painted embled executed by in?- The hostess served Miss Lucille Mead. The Wesley Women's Bible class of Those attending the meeting were following a business Mesdames Ernest Thompson Williams, the Methodist church met Friday afRobert Hunnphris,. Jack Teas, Charles ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. E. an •civv.nun Hancock, 0. £*. Arthur, xsi. JJ.'Chafxjn, 25 O U N C E S FOR 2 5 c Jack Rawls, H. L. Hord, Charles Jesse Blackwell resigned the presiBowman, Ben Pruett, Jr., Misses dency because of ill-health, Mrs. W. * Manufactured by Baking Powder Specialists who Clarice Raetzsch, Willie Harper and D. Harper was elected in her place the hostess. Mrs. R. H. Lewis and Mrs. and Mrs, Gus Raetzsch was elected make nothing but Baking Powder—under superJoe Rector, honorary members of the 'vice-president. Others officers were revision of expert chemists of national reputation. elected as follows: Mrs. C. E. M«ad|f club were visitors for the day. teacher; Mrs. Charles Wuett, assistThe quality is always uniform—KC is dependable. Under New o ant teacher; Mrs. Hattie Teas and THOMPSONS HAVE GUESTS Management Mrs./N. P. Barclay, devotional lead-o — •• Use KC in your favorite recipes. Follow ers; Mrs. R, N. Settle, secretaryMr. and Mrs. Cecil Gasconne and treasurer. instructions given you by the demondaughter, Miss Berniee, of San AnArrangements w«re made for the tonio spent the week end in Marfa It will produre t>>e fecct of Lukeu visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. H.fall and winter clothing of th.- boy Thompson and Mr. Thompson at Port sponsored by the classftithe orphan goods at low cost. You will realize why home. Mrs. Ida Jordan was made !). A. Russell. Miss Bernice is a weilKC Baking Powder is the choice of millions. knc*rn dancing teacher in San Anto- chairman of the committee with Mrs. nio. Mrs. Thompson returned to San Gus Raetzsch and Mrs. George j Mer&house as her assistants. Antonio with them on Monday for a Twenty members were present for week or ten days du hich time onlT on* LEVEL t«c»poanful of Z C Baking Fow<tar the meeting. The hostess sfcrv<M a .!<?she wiii jreceivc ••?. to c cup oi s&sdflcuj2c? lidous plate lunch following the business meeting. only daughter of'JUT; &nd 'Shipley of Marina an<£fhas for a niimbeiKOf years. She chool i* Brea, California ltd from the Marfa' High" (>:; 1. Slu1 took a secretarial Announce Engagement of Kathryn Jordan At Tea Saturday Given By Mrs. F. W. Jordan f JONES DRUG CO., INC. iy Howard Gives iuncheon Friday KC Baking Powder Will Be Used by MRS. GERTRUDE BURBANK f in the BIG BEND SENTINEL MARFA GAS COMPANY Century Culture Club Studies Art Cooking School • BAKING POWDER ,; Satne Friee Today as 47 Years Ago fOGUE UTY SHOP I-;; t AW KMANENT (WAVES AND TTP 01* Guaranteed ensed Operate • & !i; Of "** efficient Lon Ctiamberfi has secured a position In the Kagidy Kitchen at Alpine Mrs. Edgar Mueller left Wednesday tttend Sul Ross this winter. for Fort Worth to join her husband U the •og.oflfr. and HTS, L) H. who ift returning home from Kansas ib City/ - •- " ••. • • • • ! •• • " ••<•••] LO-S i; j MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT ^' : ' v " PAGE SIX FBIDAY. BEND SENTINEL wSiJB A. V 1401 end in Marf*1 visiting with Mr. Bond's Mr. and Mrs. William Bond who W. 0 . Ray. SUICIDE DISEASE mother, Mrs. Delia Bond, and old Boston.—Studying the problem of are making their home in San Anto- friends. Mrs. Bond is the daughter of suicide has been the chosen work of nio now, spent the Labor Day weekambitious young Harvard psychia-! Prepared by the Editor of TIME The Weekly Newsmagazine tvist Dr. Merrill Moore. Last week • • • • Dr. Moore reached, among other From Sept. 6\ 1937 Issue of Time things, the conclusion that suicide is "an important disease." Other cont: fr*^^ fl&i&t&H: inspired, so popular legend goes, by a S E V E N STINTS span ing pariner for "Terrible Terry" clusions, not all new to psychiatrists lauum apple—achieved everlasting fame by discovering and proving Washington.—That Franklin Roose- McGovern, 65-year-old McGrady's but enlightening to laymen: (1) the Universal Law of Gravity . . . The FAME of Standard Gasoline, velt loves the Supreme Court any 40-odd years as a labor leader and or- "Suicide's incidence can be materialtoo, rests upon positive proof. Continuous laboratory testing and better because his plan to change that ,*«„,**;*- *«*%« UI-UUKIU him mm sreai pies- ly decreased. ." (2) It "is th« ultihave brought great presthousands of miles of Texas motoring demonstrate— Ws unsurpassed! judicial body was beaten, no one injtige, little cash, and he felt that he mate expression of a personality disW n ever believed. Last week owed it to his family to do better order that has progressed through when .he known stages of a neurosis, often z proofs 'tt every (jalbn — modest Court Bill finally enacted by j string to Madam Perkins' fiddle. Last with physical complications recogCongress, he made .„ it the occasion for spring he was reported to have def GASOLINE! _ . . . ^ N,^ ,^*v/it l u * o|jx n i g i i c » a a i c p u i w u I U n a v e u c - nized as hysteria." (3) It "is unresa statement that served several poli- clined a $50,000-a-year job with Dis- ponsive to medical treatment which, tK-al purposes: It demonstrated that j tilled Spirits Institute partly because in addition to being ineffective, comes He had not backed down from his ! he felt his job would not let him leave, too late." (4) "This disorder can be original views. It peppered p p p d the meek | partly because he felt Secretary Secreta Per- precipated and aggravated by physihrtl j kins hrtl actuallyy passed with criticisms itii ki might i h t be b going i to t resign, i cal strain and fatigue, psychologic gned to show its total iinadequacy. d I h h iis expected to disturbance and conflict, and social deigned I At RCA RCA, where he And finally it insisted that his own start sometime after Labor Day, Ed and environmental difficulties." defeated plan was not just the Pres- McGrady will receive from $15,000 Considered as a disease, suicide can ident's desire but one of the heart's to $20,000 for smoothing over labor not be cured, but it can be prevented desire of the People*.. Wrote he: "It difficulties developing in RCA'c three Some of Dr. Moore's recommended can hardly he doubted that our people fields of radio: communication, broadpreventatives: (1) Reading "psychoare restive under the slow and un-casting and manufacture. logically inspirational articles" in certain processes of the law... I spoke Best guess why Ed McGrady did newspapers such as Beatrice Fairfax's therefore, for an upbuilding process, not abruptly quit last week was that "Advice to the Lovelorn," fills a need not only to preserve the independence he wanted to let the President start which we as phyisicians in public in and integrity of the judiciary, but to the official job of picking his sucstitutions are slow to recognize, reinforce it and strengthen it as an cessor, a man who, among other namely, the desire of anxious persons essential and honored part of our in- things, must be, as McGrady was, acto come in contact with the thoughts stitutions . . . In effect, I spoke in ceptable to and trusted by C. I. O.'s of others on daily problems." (2) behalf of the American people in their John Lewis and A. F. of L.'s Wililam Conversing for an hour with a friend, desire for increased respect for, and Green. physician or priest—a simple, comconfidence in, speedy and fundamental —-M-0/-T— monplace preventative. (3) Eating justice as represented by the Federal a good meal, best preventative of all, GUTS Courts." New York—After a 15-round fight because "very few persons attempt The Act's seven sins of omission as m which he had failed to knock down sujcide on .a iull stomach.'! How the outlined in the President's message, Welshman Tommy Parr at Manhat- prospective suicide is to go about getwere its failure to: tan's Yankee Stidium last week, Joe ting a good meal, Psychiatrist Moore (i (1) Relieve the burden now im- Louis retained his world heavyweight |,uoes not report. posed on the Supreme Court." (2) Increase lower court r er son- crown on points, admitted over the radio that he had been hurt twice. FATAL MAGIC nel. Said Tommy Farr: "I've got plenty Hollywood.—On the 20th CenturyProvide "effective means of of guts—that's old Tommy Farr, you Fox lot in Hollywood last week half assigning District judges to pressure know. I'mftWelshman." a dozen men were grouped in and areas." —M-O/-T— around a queer-looking, double-decked (4) Set up "flexible machinery . . . platform in the air, held together by REBELLION Standard Gasoline is made right here in Texas. Every galreadily adaptable to needs as they piano wires. The whole thing wa= lon you buy hat passed nearly 100 teats to make sure Mayari, Cuba.—Startled fishermen urise. that, in every important performance quality, "Standard (5) Adjust crowded lower court looked up from their work on thehung by cables from enormous pulGasoline is unsurpassed" for Texas motorists. Drive with dockets. beach near Mayari last week to see leys on the stage ceiling. The lower deck, with springs and pads like a Stasdard—and see why it is famous! (6) Provide for 'new blood" on five Americans, nine British West huge mattress, was covered with carFederal benches. Indian Negroes tumble out of a grounded (7) Touch the problem of "aired' > rudderless motor launch, pet. In fact, this 1.500-pound superwhose makeshift sail was made of gadget was a "magic carpet," which and infirm judges who fail to retire or resign. . . " dirty shirts and trousers. WoUfing Eddie Cantor has been suing for three weeks in his latest picture. BalIn this still-fighting humor, Frank- food and water, the first they had seei* ancing and rigging the contraption Jin Roosevelt, as yet uncommunica- in four blistering days, the survivors for the day's ride were a crew of tive about calling back CongTess for out of a story of rebellion on Great property men. Two were on the upper a special session, packed his bag for Inague, southern most of the Baha- deck, one on the lower. Winch OperaCuba. a three week's rest at Hyde Park, said I mas. 50 miles f tor Philo Goodfriend startedd his his elec elec nothing about a rumored tour of the Fortnight ago, ran the mumbled Pacific Northwest which son-in-law story of one negro (Dr. Dudley Fields, tric winch, slowly raised the magic and publisher John Boettiger had pre- representative of the governor-general • carpet into the air—Ptt! one of the dicted in his Seattle "Post-Intelli-i w Inagua), he sent out an order for supporting cables snapped. Before gencer." arrest of a native accused of molest- even a warning shout could be raised ing a young boy in Matthew Town, the heavy platform had bumped down —M-0/-T— largest island village. Armed natives, 20 feet to the ground, fatally crushPROBABLE NOMINEE bylaming Josiah Erickson of Swamp- ing Winch Operator Goodfriend, hurtWarsaw, Poland.—While Indiana's scott, Mass., co-owner of Inagua's ing Propertyman Harry Harsha so Senator Sherman Minton was busy $500,000 salt factory, for the order, badly he died in a hospital a few announcing that Philippine High stormed the Erickson store, killed one hours later. Commissioner Paul V. McNutt would employe then roamed the island* in —M-O/-T— in 1940 an ideal Presidential search of other "Yankees." Whiie enIMMORTAL INVENTOR — - ""»»v«noj ""vu vi umci ittiiKees. wniie enWest Orange, candidate and 82-year-old Sara Delano raged natives fired the radio station g , N. J.—Eleven en years years Koosevelt m Paris insisted "I am sure store, Commissioner's residence, rpRiH*n«. «salt » ago the th generall manager of Thomas my son does not want to run for «* buildings and warehouse, Erickson, third term,"in Poland last week an- four other Americans, Physician- A. Edison, Tnc's. storage battery! other premature candidacy was get-Commissioner Fields and eight factory, George Stringfellow, yel-! led into the inventer's less deaf ear: J ting under way. Negroes grabbed rifles, tear gas guns, "Mr. Edison, would you be willing t o ' Pennsylvania's Governor George H. cartiridges, shot their way clear to continue as consultant for the battery' Karle, who two months ago in thethe launch. Said Dr. Fields: company after you passed to the Unitd United S States ..plumped loudly for a I "We hoped to a vessel at sea Great Beyond Roosevelt third term, had a member | which would take HowSaid Edison: "You are crazy.'7 us of his staff give the Warsaw press a ever, after cruising several hours we Shouted Stringfellow: "It might probable nominee of the Democratic ran out of fuel, and our motor broke statement describing himself as "the down. We drifted four days at seawork.. .i' our mind there is information that, no one else has. Will you Party for the Presidency of thewithout t h t ffood or water.' ' let the staff give you written questions United States." about t h e The MARCH OF TIME FAME i!. 0T8. din th< ua re; 3« V* 01 ii I V M STANDARD GA5OUNE Unsurpassed STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF TE T. A. BEARD Distributor Marfa, Texas MAKES SENSE uv DOESN'T r FIRST CLASS COOKING COMES FROM GOOD FOODS H PARED WITH FIRST CLASS EQUIPMENT. Suddenly down to the water's edge battery every Saturday af- * -came Cuban rural- policemen, hasitly ternoon before you go home? You summoned by the fishermen. One look could bring the answers in writing McGRADY OUT Washington. — No flower ever at the small arsenal of rifles, gas Monday morning/' Edison did this for bloomed so long or so repeatedly as bombs, ammunition in the boat and two years. Stringfellow kept the memthe rumor that able Edward McGrady the suspicious police rushed the re-oranda in a black loose-leaf notebook. Recently Edison batterymen were was about to resign as Assistant fugees off to jail, suspecting them of Secretary of Labor. Yet month after being a revolutionary expedition to troubled. The iron used in the Edison month he sweated over his job ofCuba. This week Cuban authorities battery comes from Sweden because • cttling- major strikes. Last week, released them, arranged for their re- Swedish iron is unusually free from sfter a conference with the President, turn to Great Inagua, where Govern- impurities, but traces of nickel were Ed McGrady denied for the "nth"ment officials arriving from Nassau, found in a $40,000 shipment of Swedtime that he had quit, but denied ii> a 400 miles to the north, verified storied ish iron which recently reached the way that amounted to a confirmation. of the riot, reported that the natives West Orange plant. There was no pure Said he: "I have not resigned yet. . . had settled back "to their accustomed iron available. Dared they take the} that tHis impure iron would »r'li give you all 48 hours notice.* cause defective batteries? A council, —M-O/-T— When Ed McGrady's career as an of war was held, and the minutes of j ecient, two-fisted Washington labor DEBT COLLECTION the meeting, as reported to the press lobbyist caused him to be Knoajed for Mi«« A colored share by the publicity-wise firm, read: labor secretary Franklin cropper named James Wiggins andj cretary in 1933, Frankli Mr. Stringfellow: "How would you Roosevelt appointed instead his wife's his commonlaw wife, Ethel Davis, good friend, Frances Perkins. When owed $175 to their white boss, Joseph like Thomas A Edison to make the Postmaster General Farley recom- Shelley Decker, who was afraid they decision?'1 Out of a safe came the mended Ed McGrady as an assistant sacrosanct loose-leaf relic Mr. String;>ecretary, Jtfadam Pepsins decided, might decamp without paying. What fellow flipped through the fingeriihe did not want him, bu t changed her this situation led to last week was marked pages, read an 11-year-old tnind after he, as an NRA adminis- described by Clarksdale's Sheriff H. question: "If there is any nickel in J H. Dogan, summoned to the 200-acre trate*' --•*•trator. k~ sett iron, does it adversely affect the life 1933 coal Decker farm ny Sharecropper Wigof the cell?" ging. Said Sheriff Dogan: The immortal Edison's answer: "No t P ™ * t s important "I went to the Decker place and in harm." work but also * o t credit f o r t e , a sharecroppers cabin I found the '"» its ablest member, it was t woman chained to a bed with a trace —M-0/-T— FAMILY chain locked around her neck. She had when labor leaders who had been there several days. She had been Oakland, Calif.-^Cleone Goad, 13, fed well and other than being chained married Leonard Newlun, $$*"»4t*4l to him instead of her. At least once apparently had not been handed. T Goad's mother's husband is a bn^fcer «he drew her^lf U P fa dignity and ordered the woman unchain sd and of Mr. Newlun. Consequently CUfcme , , — „ Mtm aicvrraay, ;i'm took her and Wiggins of? the farm." i» her iuotuet's viftter-in-iaW, and her secretary of secretary of labor." lab" step-father i« her brother-ir.=!aw. •; Bui baid-headed, honest Ed Mc- Pending arraignment on a charge of peonage, Farmer Decker was last ac^ has h move concera* than week released on a $1,500 bond. In ft Burton Mitchell U le*yin* Sunday — M-0/-T— Boston <m ONLY THE BEST EQUIPMENT CAN GIVE BEST RESULTS, OUR GAS APPLIANCES ARE THE BEST WE COULD FI THE MARKET AFTER TESTING MANY IN A SIMILAR » ION THAT GOOD USES. ARE 100% EFFH HOT WATER C *R* *A* lMl £1 7« HEATERS VI'XARAY HEATERS WATER AUTOMATI AT MINIMUM HEAT QUICKLY, "ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS" Ji. . :. -. .' • ; . ! , t : : . a will be SPACE FURNISH CONSTANT „.„__-•*»•* KG №ND 0t OLD NEW MAf №1M OF LIFE URFA IN 1891 AND IS MOST AMUSING PAGE SETBN Royal Family Visits Crathie Church [jued from last week) Also a full stock of Rosskam Gersley „, and New Year passed off and Co. whiskies. ^. _v. Hanson <*. Co uf Maria had but q»» j e l | y I n **. • king there being hne one of the fanciest ads for the cele, of the usual festivities brated Haish "S" barbed wire. Orders in the way of dances from abroad forwarded promptly. > a t the court house on the Also lumber, doors, and Minds. The Occidental saloon and billiard irv 1 A great many 11 Miss Alice Mary Adams left Sunday afternoon for Austin where she will visit for several days before entering the University of Texas for her senior year. She was accompanied by Dick Slade of Austin who has been the truest of Miss Adams and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Adams for several days in Shafter. AT COOKINB €d ny • . A — ~ pwicfmtfi wfirp npvlnrp with J V V^iiddl" " Miss Bee Munson of New Orleans is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W B. Brinkman Of Shafter. She expects to! be with them for the next month. ~- " St., Marfa, Texas advertised itself [Taken up near Ruidosa, and sold all kinds of fine liquors. The L ahout the 25th of Oct., rest of the ads were made up for the Jorrel horse branded 35 on most part of patent medicine ads inLlder and MD on neck. cluding Syrup of Figs, Wine of Car[have the same by proving dui, Dr. Harter's Little Liver pills, nd paying costs. G- H. Parsons Pills, Prickley Ash Bitters, Tar-Oid, and Piso's Cure for ConsumpLur was being sued by E. tion. The honor roll for the Marfa PubLhy f o r a note< h e *!ad lic school for the month ending Deh E. Van Riper according cember 19, 1890 is as follows: In by publication signed by Names Grades Merits King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, with their two daughters, Prinhtner, J. P. Precinct No. 1, cess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, are shown in a carriage Grade A tunty, Texas. drawn by the famous Windsor grays on their way to attend services in William Lempert 100 100 orial is as follows: The the Crathie church in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Carroll Farmer 100 100 j Indians have had several 100 100 [during the last week, and Hester Lempert Mary Wilcox 98 76 keeping enemy away from Nanking. —we keep packing—hoping against Ld that about 300 Indians This was our shortest period of quiet. hope to get a taxi to take us to the Grade B [ited Staters soldiers have I confess I now have no fears—but boat so that we can take a few more Nellie Humph'ris 100 J so far. There is a great 100 Pm heartsick—can it be I'll never see things with us. Money is scarce, so Virginia Lempert 100 [of opinion as to whether 100 Chung Hwa and Nanking again. can't spent more on airmail—sorry. 100 1 is right or wrong in Wil- Oscar Read 100 Everyone predicts a long long drawn KATHERINE Jimmie Farmer 100 freds. We cannot see where 100 out warJ Fannie Farmer 100 [have did wrong in killing 100 9th Air Raid, Tuesday, August 17, Ly will not submit to the Harry Humphris 98 90 1:45-2:15, After lunch we told the cook Lp the peace. If a few more Mable Waddell 100 75 not to move his family to our place^— jjte the dust it would be a Stafford Bland 90 85 and that we can't manage more than I, Some newspapers and inGeorge McMinn 100 100 half his salary for the time we are [would find fault if the Christine Campbell 100 100 gone. We want Lao Tu to sfny nn fn irniy did not take, «cKejino Jayama IUO 100 take care of the house, Happy and the LAWYERS to stop them from murderGrade C cat and garden. Enemy again did not ilfering and the very same Walton Spencer 100 too make it to the city—just half hour of and individuals find fault OFFICE PHONE 11 Thomas Campbell 100 100 quiet. We've had no ice for two days, few of them are killed off. Inez Ridley 90 no milk, no bread—all foods are getpie in the world would Arthur Spencer 90 ting scarce and very high. were to be hung. MARFA, TEXAS Charles Wilcox 90 We are to be at Embassy tomorrow exas, Dec. 22.—Fine GiliiGrade D morning at 8—to leave on the Shasi ipted to assassinate Albert Leonora Lempert 100 100 it this place Friday night Eva Ridley 100 [clock. Cockrell had just reSolomon Miller 100 75 ;h his family from a ball George Briggs 100 100 reached the front gallery of Linnie McMinn 100 100 ce, Gilliland rode up to the Alvaro Gillespie 68 75 andfiredfiveshots at him, L community this year. SWEARINGEN & BLEDSOE Capt. Jones' rangers startk-e, and on Saturday eventhem came upon Gilliland canyon and pressed him at he was forced to abanand take to the rocks hich he did with pistol in tral .shots were fired at him, le his escape. Sheriff Giilett tngers are after him. Cocfciiiiiand had a difficulty Fri- ' ls & Co., ~ BUDGETING Your INSURANCE of 5=5 LAKKKJUIO THE HOME OF STETSON HATS MARPA — TEXAS !-» .-. Practically every mail brings newt of higher prices on all kinds of merchandise* That's v/hy this big, full-size MASTER Refrigerator is such a bargain! Bought on special order months ago, the MASTER would have to self for at least #57-95, maybe £65.00, if bought by us at today's wholesale prices . . • We don't have to write volumes to tell you about the MASTER, for hundreds are in use all over this part of Texas. Your own friends and neighbors are probably included among satisfied MASTER vsets , . . As long m* supply now on hand lasts, we'll sell them at £42.95 cash and old ice box. On terms, slightly more, with only £1.95 down . . . You need good refrigeration every month in the year, so we urge you to buy now and save at least £15! arantccd - taiIors - To meet the modern way of budgeting expenditures, we offer you an e&sy monthly payment p]an for your insurance. No longer need an insurance premium puit a drain on your funds in any one month. You can carry more complete protection with a small monthly payment. Take 4, 6 or 9 months to pay. Greater protection ^ . Puredye, French crepe and satin slips tailored or lace trimmed $1.00 Tailored novelty panties, assorted patterns and styles 25c to 49c Night Gowns, highly styled, tailored and dressy models $1.00 to $2.95 Misses Slips, size 6 to 14 49c to 59c We handle nationally advertised merchandise A new shipment of Luggage merchansuppIies rr Exclusive Line of High Grade Lingerie William Bishop 100 100 Albert Simfrono 100 75 Edward Simfrono 100 100 Victoriano Jiner 100 100 George Spencer 100 80 Grade E Albert Farmer 100 100 Myrtle Farmer 100 100 John Miller 100 75 Alfonso Clark 100 100 Manuela Peneda 100 Isidra Peneda 95 Petra Alvares 90 John Briggs 100 90 Francisco Navareta 100 80 J. F. TAFF, Teacher.* le Wit and Humor column: id softly behind a fan may it breeze. Every mother it boy—the worst one bedoor every time. The difeen a chpf and a cook is paid a salary and the other KATHERINE SCHUTZE WRITE for her wages Customer: (Continued from page three) that razor is rather dull. fought be ?ah. It was to a night, sah. She: I-didn't all points toward gain in character I'd dare to kiss me! He:development and strength. During a great deal of danger these two days (sometimes during I- -1 thought we'd better raids or when I was too tired and! sther. weak to pack more) I've been reading irt's fish and oyster depot Lives of Famous Men—and what we saying fish frvery Tuesday are now experiencing is nothing in r, Oysters three times a comparison with what so many others Miller sold the Aermotor have gone through with, but may it John J. Paxton rented be an experience bringing to me that «s and saddle horses. Also understanding and radiance IVe so wanted in my life. Banks open for and livory stable, townsend was the tonsorialshort time—but can only check out the town located next to the 5 per cent of checking account—mine saloon: Haircutting, shav- is in the nil quantity this month. Sov°oing, dyeing. Satisfaction ings cannot be touched. Embassy will '• D. Rodier was boot and stand good for our boat passage. Had r » Mai-fa and Fort Davis. just $24.48 in the bank—so gave our ids for the Gano Estado grocery man his check for this month Cottle Co., R. M. Gano, —23.31. Can't touch my savings of Oallas;P. F.Taylor, ranch $100.00 Mex.I But found three gold n e. advertised their brands dollars. Miss Chen gave me enough to ?<>r return of stock. Ranch pay servants for one month and $20 creek, Foley county, extra. Mr. Marx will reemburse her manager, Abilene from my next salary check. The Board •™, ranch manager will take care of our evacuation travel stock brands of the and extras. 12:10—siren—Chinese anti-aircraft * Larkin of Alpine advers e , clothing, dry goods, stoves, hats. oapsT boots ..., . a n d drapery.* We also »" »tock of coffins and casWe can furnish on short > -fl A1S ttgent f * ° t(l /vnf fJ HUMPHRIS Insurance Agency PHONE MARFA—TEXAS , but cu»U onlyftJfatftMyAft?5t9 apparent'v*iu9"".*lfyr You oust bay Conditionaire now for only $3.75 down and monthly payments of emea lcss than thtt! . . • Inquire at our nearest .tore about special tenm. # ice refrigeration, we have an extra special offer on « limited quantity of the Condition-lire, the refrigerator that looks and performs like * £300 • Central Power and Light Cempmmg i •• •. v . l I 1 1 «>•'• ' s •• THE BIG BEND SENTrNEL PAGE EIGHT CATTLE NOTES Open Six New Health By A. J. Hoffman I •' •» ; •fe • k^!-•••:-•' PANHANDLERS DE LUXE SIMPLE ARITHMETIC AND GOOD BUSINEl Units in State Sept. 1 At last year's Feeder Sale, J. W. Espy & Sons entered a light load of Austin.—September 1 was a red calves which only weighed 380 i c uor day for Texans who value their pounds. These calves went through health, that day marked the opening the auction rine- and v*vc bought by ^ 2 ; h c ^»x district health umti apFre-.i Steiner & Son of Ohio. The pi-Opviated for by the forty-fifth legiscalveA were fed for 10 months and put }atuve. on a gain of 625 pounds. The cattle "The paramount purpose of the entered the show at the Ohio State state health department is to control Fait- at Columbus and in competition j communicable disease," states Dr. Geo. of some 500 other fat cattle took" w Cox, stste health officer. "Quite Grand Championship. The cattle j naturally the closer the contact to the brought $26.50 per hundred. The cal- areas affected, the quicker the servMEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP0RATT«_, ves when sold through the Highland ices rendered and the more adequate MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM sale brought $9.75 per hundred. Jim the health protection. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Boyle, head buyer for Swift & Co., "By creation and maintenance of judged the cattle at this show. More these new health districts we hope to calves bought at the Highland Feeder standardize health procedures Sale are fed out shown and get in the throughout the state, thus strengthMrs. L. L. Hunt has gone to San Mrs. Rox Donaldson^, money than any place in the United ening the health administration alAntonio for several weeks while the for San Antonio wheie she States. ready in effect and extending into troops are on maneuvers near there. the next two months vhO —C-N— rural areas health protection hitherThe Highland members will again to lacking because of insufficient perare on maneuvers near Mrs. H. L. Hord accompanied by P. assemble some 2,000 head of calves sonnel," Dr. Cox announced. A. Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth Hord, and yearlings, which will be sold at The area of Texas made imperative Mary Frances Hord and Miss Clarice :»>iction through the feeder sale ring, the adoption of this plan dividing Raetzsch went to Pecos Friday to (irtober 8th. This sale is put on to at- the state into six miniatilre health bring Frank Hord home. He has been y tr.ict the best feeders to our section, departments. Districting of the state, uncorks the smile while Johnston reveals visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert in order that they may see the h^rdai modeled on that already effected by Camo" at the Exposition. Lee Mitchell for several weeks. Miss from which Highland calves come, the highway department and the Elizabeth remained in Pecos visiting for after all a calf must have a back state department of education, will eral days before going to Waco the friends until Sunday when Alton ground to make a showing in the feed result in better sanitary conditions in first of next week where Miss JennaPreston drove her home. lot. One way to judge what a calf is the schools, dairies, recreation cenlee will enter Baylor University. going to look like when fed out, is to ters, swimming pools, tourist inns, FOR RENT—Apartment. Two large look at its mother. We have always and the homes of Texas; better superMiss Evelyn Raetzsch left for ! rooms and bath. No children taken. benn proud to show our cow herds. vision and enforcement of state health Mrs. W. E f Flynt of Lormgton, N. 2tnp25 Seguin late last week where she reThe feeder sale is really a show win- laws; adequate teaching of health in M., has been visiting with her parents, Mis. N. P. Barclay. — — — -r--»w—i • m mWW W4 sumed her duties in the Seguin high dow for Highland cattle. the public schools; development of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Briam for the _ residence. Close school this week. local health services; facilities to meet past week and also with her sister, | F- 0 R S AA LL EE L La ar rdgg .ee Reasonable. Good n N i c e l y furnishe Highland cattle have in the past emergencies and epidemics; develop- Mrs. M N. N B. B Chaffin and Mr. Mr Chaffin.Chaffin trees and lawn. Apply Sentinel office. uv«n the highest honors awarded cat- metn of a well balanced program on tspd25 t.V. W. B. Mitchell cattle won Cham- maternal and child health, with every pionship in Herefords at the'Interna- child immunized against all diseases Mrs. Stuart Kershner and small son FOR RENT—Four-room apartand Marlin i.ii'nal Show at Chicago in 1934. W. for which artificial immunity has been T Tones cattle won Grand Champion- provided. has been attending the summer sesveniences. Phone 6. Itnp25 ;Jv.p over all cattle at this same show District headquarters are located at sion at the University of Texas arin 1935. Many loads of Highlands Floydada, Mineral Wells, Kaufman, rived last week to visit with their FOR SALE—Young ladies' bicycle. place at this show every year. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bownds. Bryan, Kingsville and San Angelo. Like new. A bargain. See Cook at —C-N— Each district headquarters office Casner's. tsnp21 K.ains are still falling in the High-j has a personnel of medical director, Dr. John M. and Dr. Claire Peterson country. It rains somewhere ! two nurses, sanitary engineer, two left Saturday for Fort Worth and WANTEDS Landowners OIL ROYALday. TIES near any drilling well. See or sanitarians, food inspector, and cler- Dallas for a few days visit. write H. D. Wilcox, Paisano Hotel ical help, all full trained in public Jerome A. McDavitt of San Antonio ( health technique and devoting their Bldgs., Marfa, Texas. rtspd24 spent the week-end visiting in Marfa. I full time to protecting the health of Miss Clarice Raetzsch has been sub-1 FOR SALE—Two lots on El Paso He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. their citizenship. stituting at the Mexican school this J St., adobe building. Four lots Sar \>. Bunton. week filling the vacancy caused by the I Antonio St. on highway next to CasR. A. Thompson of Dallas, former resignation of Miss Everyn Howell ner's Garage. Tw> lots with adobe Texas highway engineer, was in who accepted a position at Cedar house on Dallas St., next to Mrs. CHECKER CHAMP OF U. S. Marfa Monday in the interest of U. Bayou, Saturday. Mf^s Polk of Presiido MacDonald's house. Write Dr. Geo. S. Highway 67 the association which has been elected to fill Miss ^lowelj's SAMSON — AEKMOTOR — SALES AND SEW Cameron, 1103 Nevada St., El Paso, he represents. place an*! arrived Wednesday to begin Texas, for prices. her work". Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Bledsoe and son, Bobby, returned Saturday afternoon from a three weeks visit with relauUicGii OJ. Little Rock tives and friends in Georgia and AlaAark., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. bama. J. C. Nelson and Dr. Nelson. The Eillie Brinkman, son of Mr. and Nelsons drove to El Paso and spent Mrs. W. B. Brinkman of Shafter left the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dean ISN T Tuesday to return for his sophomore Spires meeting Mrs. Sutton there and H I N G S Y 0 U N E E D bringing her to Marfa. ^ ^ S S S T ? T T year at Louisiana State University at Raton Hou**e. -O- A DOLLAR S P E N T IN MA.RF4 ' BUILDS MARPA ie Marfd tldtiorid Ban WX ora W du< an 03 11 Cookinq School At CLASSIFIED ADS SHORTENING WINDMILL SERVKI ENGINE SERVKI CHECK YOUR WATER EQUIP! NOW A N D TELL U S YOUR Nl t Marfa Manufacturing 0 Compare Grocery Prices Before You EVERY DIME YOU SAVE AT S A F E W A Y HELPS YOU ' —o- Nathaniel Rubin, twenty-five, of :::;.:: who was crowned new naw/idl checker champion of the .:':•-" Stales at the annual tourna r: sponsored by the National -ocker association at Providence I He defeated William R.van oi v Yui k, winning two out of six The other four were draws Miss Frances Mitchell left Wednesday for Dallas where she will spend a week attending the Pan-American Exposition. She will visit Mrs. Bill Parks and Miss Myrtle Rawls. o Houston Harte, publisher of the Saw Angelo Standard-Times and other newspapers and Dick Mansfield of San Angelo were in Marfa Friday and Saturday on a business trip. o Mrs. McKie Mitchell and daughter, Miss Jennaiee are leaving Friday for Austin where they will visit or sev- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Little and son, Edward, of Shafter returned Saturday from several days in El Paso. Miss Margaret Fletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fletcher left Friday with Mrs. Rox Donaldson for San Antonio and Austin. She will reenter Texas University. The Big Bend Sentinel will buy good ciean cotton rags at 5c per pound. No woolens, pants or overalls. New York State to Erect $1,600,000 Amphitheatre at "Nation's Fair of 1939" THIS IMPORTi A N D ESPECIALLY SO NOW AT THE BEGINNING OF SCHOOL TERM? TOMATOES 3 No. 2 cans EOWARD MILK-Armour's DEPENDABLE I 3 large or 6 small cans k "COFFEE-. PEAS — Sweapstake 9j 3 No. 2 cans *< PTAT1? A D D T pi TTTir*!? Use half a pound and if for ANY reason you are dissatisfied return the unused portion and we will refund your money. 46 oz. c&n TOMATO CATSUP II 1J 8 oz. bottle 1-lb can 2-Ib can 4-fb can SARDINES 6 cans - PEANUT BUTTER 1 1-2 pound jar FLOUR HARVEST BLOSSOM Every Sack Guaranteed FREE AIRWAY 3 pounds 50c 1 cereal bowl with 2 3 small KELLOGG'S 24 pounds...... .9n 48 pounds $1.75 CORN OLEOMARGARINE 98 pounds $3.35 Pound _____ 19c I For SUGAR 10 pounds 8 pound, W YORK (Special).—The Stat* of New York, disclosed in architectural drawings made public, will bo b officially r»t the New Y^i!: World's fair of n;jy by a Si,GOO,000 combined mari.™ amphitheatre and exhibit building of many distinctive fcattues largely designed for the presentation of master stage- it i-j spectacles and comnollinfr ovViiM+n Y** -+V <• A ••I ' •• . < The accompanying photograph shows how a total of 16,500 spectators can be afforded unobstructed view of an island stage of magnificent proportions set 100 fee; onshore in an exposition lagoon and to be screened, between acts, by sheets of water blown by compressed air from the lake and made doublyy effective by the the proiective by proiec tion upon them of light and c l Ab d b tion upon them of light and color. Above and behind the •«{.•• *№__&,;. tier of seats riiown is a broad promenade 800 feet long whicii will afford a view of the whole exposition and tno 2?0 tcvo?. of lake -shore amusement zone. T'i" iijLcrt shows the exhibit pavilion facade and the t'; YLO; ,.,., itjon of the grand reception hall above which will ».>e a circular auditorium seating 1000 persons. Under the amphitheatre, on two floor levels, 70,00ft • square feet of space is provided foi New York The,Now York State Legislature this spring appropriated $2,200,000 for official participation in the $121* 000,000 exposition. Enactment provides for the building; for a $250,000 exhibit and for $350,000 maintenance aotf operation. Contracts for construction of the dual put* pose structure, a per man.,* i, addition to the site, will bt let soon in public bidding by prequalifted bidders. SALTINE CRACKERS 2 Ybox Safewav "CONSISTENTLY SELLING FOR LESS" PRICES Eff ECTIVE SEPT, 1 t*r»oroif*w: < .1 V:r 1987 THE BIG BEND SENTINEL Hundred Every Day Dishes Thousand Listen To Be Main Event To Mrs. Burbank At Cooking School PAGE NINE Devout Immersed in Mass Baptism Gertrude Burbank, noted Irs. Home Economist and food L tv who will conduct the Marfa ^ c o o k i n g school in this city, f the outstanding lecturers m on the platform Sept. has had the pleasure [Renting her lectures to over one the pens made from brush arbors or Misses Eloise Davis and ifaurin* trees. Sand is used under the arbors Mitchell arrived Saturday afternoon for bedding purposes. by train from Washington, D. C * Ed Moseley, Hudspeth county 4-H where they had been visiting since the club boy, has selected three calves close of their summer camp at Bristol from his father's herd with the un- Virginia. derstanding that if they place in the o • , prize money at the fall shows that SUBSCRIBE TO THE SENTINE1* his father will give him the calves free of chaiw. if the calves fail to place in their ciass, they will cos£ Ed $25.00 each. A new self feeder for his calves has insf h*»<?»! completed b v Frsiiik Herd O Presidio county 4-H club boy. The self K feeder is four feet long, three feet high and two feet wide. It is made of new material which cost $5,35. Frank had no trouble in getting his calves started on the feeder as they were c already on full feed and the change H did not throw them off feed. O When you attend the sessions of the Marfa Gas Co. Cooking School, don't do so expecting to hear about only the party dishes. They will have their place, of course, but the main things you will see and hear are the simple, easy little workaday hints and timosavers that create more pleasure and less drudgery in the kitchen. The Marfa Gas Co. Cooking School, sponsored by this newspaper and a number of cooperating merchants and imtionai food manufacturers, come to Marfa on September 17 and 18 and will be held at the Community House, lectures beginning promptly at 2:00 O o'clock each afternoon. fc£ GUARANTEED L. HIGHLAND PAIR OCT. 7, 8, 9 The lecturer secured for this event is Mrs. Gertrude Burbank, who is widely and favorably known throughout the South as an unquestioned authority on the subjects she discusses. Not only is she thoroughly familiar with the problems of the houseBy ones, twos, threes—even by entire families—87 believers were wife, but she is able to share her baptized in a mass immersion at the non-denominational Immanuel temple knowledge with others through her at Los Angeles. An elderly convert, wringing wet but happy in her religious fervor, is pictured above. The believers were baptized by Rev. ability as a lecturer. A. Earl Lee (right), pastor of the church. Working in a model gas kitchen specially prepared for this school, she will demonstrate her lectures step by occupy a place of extreme importance. . GERTRUDE BURBANK step as she prepares various foods Then too, in every home there is alunder the eyes of her audience, meanways a supply of leftover foods that jred thousand housewives in vari- time explaining just what she is doing STEAM HEAT - PRIVATE BATH - INNER SPRING can be made as pleasing and palatable i cities of this country in the past and why it is best to do it that way. as the original dish, thus varying the ears MATTRESSES - ROOM SERVICE - TELEPHONES feral y The range of her lectures is large, menu and at the same time creating is. Burbank's lectures will include and in them she will discuss such pronew economy in feeding the family. hen Magic,. Budgeting, Household blems of the household as marketing, Girls now in school have opportunAll of these subjects and more too Its and Modern Cookery Secrets, in budgeting, preparation and serving ities to prepare for the responsibilities will be discussed by Mrs. Burbank in fition to giving a Food Fashion of both plain and fancy foods, short of managing a household that were her series of lectures. Remember, the ide in keeping abreaot of the times cuts to efficiency with less drudgery not available to the girls of former lectures are free, and a cordial, urgent kitchen, even as in others parts and more fun in the kitchen, as well days. Many experienced housewives invitation is extended to every woman be home. Economy is never sacri- as giving many of her famous recipes. often wish that they had been able of the community to come and take this endeavor, if Mrs. BurAt the conclusion of each lecture, to receive capable instructions in home advantage of the opportunity offered. Ik's rules and regulations are fol- any woman in the audience who has a economics. ed. She is giving special work in particular problem concerning- gas The opportunity of learning from a school on cooking1 with gas. cookery that she wishes to discuss well-qualified teacher is now made j [any delightful secrets of this with Mrs. Burbank is cordially in- available to every woman, young or chen Magic will be unfolded during vited to remain and lay the problem old, experienced of inexperienced. [gas cooking school. New sugges- before the lecturer. The Marfa Gas Co. Cooking School, College Station.—Improving beef new wipes, new dishes and There is no charge for admission, arranged in conjunction with this ay new ideas on the kitchen will be and no obligation of any kind is in- newspaper in cooperation with a nuin- cattle herds and the feeding out of jght to the attention of the house- curred by attendance. The Marfa Gas ; ber of national food concerns and local calves are receiving- the attention and es who attend. The young house- Co. Cooking School has been arranged enterprises, brings just such an op- interest of West Texans at present, will bo taught many valuable for the convenience of the women of portunity to every woman at absolute- j according to reports of country agriigs am! Hit- experienced housewife this community, with the thought that ly no cost, as admission to all the cultural agents in that territory. The quality of range cattle will be also find a veritable storehouse of every woman will be benefitted by lectures is free. gv for her use. No longer need hearing heme economy discussed by a Mrs. Gertrude Burbank, noted greatly improved in the next few complain of cooking "the same practical woman who has gained her through a large area for her know- years by the recent purchase in Brew"mm a,s a home economist and her., . Jeff ,Davis ,. counties , , , , OJ. e r , and knowledge through experience with ledge ; thing." , . , .,, , , ,, head of range buns selected from an Irs. Burbank majored in Home over 100,000 other housewives. charm as a lecturer, will conduct the \ s i. i T* M H m i o +« A outstanding herd. The cattle were o gnomics in the Woman's College of school. It will be held from 2 to 4 p Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McCabe- and mu, on" September 17 arid 18 at the purchased by E. H. Richardson and jumbus, Mississippi. She ajsa.took E. C. Merriweather. George Jones, rial work with the American two daughters Mary Catherine and Jool of Homo E conomics in Chicago, Dorothy Jane arrived home Sunday Community House, where arrange- who has anoted herd of registered ments have been made to seat everystudied advanced cookery under night from a ten-day vacation trip one who wishes to attend and hear the cattle recently purchased 27 cows and fe. Jeanette McKinzie Hill at Boston,in the west. They visited the Grand iectures to be given by this well-known calves Xrom an outstanding herd. aisu Studied witn miss Despite the hot, dry weather, 53 Canyon, Boulder Dam and a number nnie Farmer of the Boston Cook- of other interesting points en route. authority. Mason county 4-H club calves being When the housewife is confronted fed out by 20 club boys made an averSchool. o with the knowledge that her cooking age daily gain of two and one-half Irs. Burbank is on the lecture staff Mr. and Mrs. March Coffield and is in a rut, that, she is always serving pounds during the past 30 days. The Southern Newspaper Features, |ias, Toxas, and has conducted small son, March Henry, are visiting "the same old thing," it is worthwhile calves have a cool shade available in king schools for the past several with Mrs. Coffield's parents, Mr. and to see what an inspiration she can reMrs. R. E. Petross. Mrs. Coffield hais ceive from the practical demonstra\rs throughout the country. been here for some time and Mr. Cof- tions given by Mrs. Burbank. o field arrived last Saturday. There's a lot more to cooking than jxas U. To Survey o just dashing into the kitchen and National Tires are still guaranteed starting to boil, fry and bake. Menu against all road hazards.—A. J. planning, buying judgment, food selection, and economical preparation all Hoffman. ustin.- In a vigorous effort to in-1 JANE se the proportions of its Statee cr(K< -.-tion of Texas business, By Wiley Pada.i Bureau OL Business Research at A lOUi Crfury.F.. t>k*m University of Texas has sent ten •usand schedules to as many Texas tc gauge the volume of employ* over the State. Increasing demand of Texas busimen to obtain an index to trends of the State has made it YOUR HOST ON THI IORD1K erative that the size of the Texas "ness thermometer—now einbracapprox innately two thousand The most charming hostesses are those whose as-be increased, it was stated by apparently effortless entertaining comes from exact A. Buechel, assistant director knowledge of just what to do. [the Bureau, which is the national of Labor Statistics* only Knowing just what to do embraces much —the pcy in Texas. choice cf foods, their proper preparation, their proper e schedules, going in the main to serving. thirty iarge Texas towns, will ln l «№ mails before the middle o | IOO YEARS A 6 0 ! ! •RESfARC-H V0RKER IN MA Those who entertain — and don't we all?—will '"• i l is intended by the re DKOMRED A YELLOWED MANUSCRIPT *u, and will be received by almost find n wealth of informat!on on these subjects given DATED AT S i '"'^reseiitative retail and wholeout by the lecturer who is conducting the School of IN "SAPATD6A", M-6-M 1 * ""'•n:*s house in the state. HousINSCRIBED FAMOUS RACETRACK PlCTUfcfrCookery under the auspices of this paper. One's . "FROM ono thousand firms to be conCLAP.K 6ABLt family, too, will profit greatly by this information! ., **a l s t ! ^ mailing list, followAND OTHERS To |«V Dallas, Fort Worth, San AntoNORTH KKTOI Our entire staff has conwr. «<J to 6RAND5ONOP The lecturer uses and recommends ADMIRATION ">a El Paso. Others Texas cities THE FAMOUS make your visit the most enjoyable « m the research are: Abilene, COFFEE, of course. This fine, winey coffee has a AW-0-WAR / arit]0 i ' Austin, Beaumont, Big AS CAST FOR you've ever known. Every emsparkle and a smoothness that delight the most exBrownsville, Corpus Christi, AN, IMPORTANT ployee ts constantly on the alert to acting connoisseurs of that beverage. Admiration it EQUINE ROLfDenison, Galveston, HarIN M - 6 - M ' * • scientifically blended of the world's choicest coffees, Laredo, Longview, Lubbock, you promptly, intelligently, •SARATOGA"., Marshall, McAllen, Palestine, roasted justright,and packed to preserve its treshness. end courteously. This, fine food, ' Arthur, San Benito, Sherand the best in appointments ere and WichYou'll find an Admiration grind to suit your method <".•• •>• ,<(• ECONOMY N f SHORTENING DO YOU REALIZE YOU CAN LIVE IN HOTEL COMPORT FOR AS LITTLE AS $25.00 A MONTH Adult Education Available for All Household Bosses FOR TWO $30.00 AND $35.00 MONTHLY Improving Cattle In West Texas Grows Paisano Hotel ANOTHER O. K. THEATRES ROAD SHOW State Business IMS* a n IT'S TRUE! I COMING SOON cumneit J€AN HARL0VV BEAK FLA6 some ef the ioys you'll know t h e B u " * » compiles *** C r e a s e in ^ f s*«d i a t epayroll. bu8Sl№MKeports fro m c r e a s e ° and payroll » stand- when you stey et the PH0NO6RAPHNEEDtf madmM 'del Norle'. for an outside room with batk Mew York N. Y-"IT'S TRUE! that of all the (tart in frees * ti £ < * X VTS. Supreme baa* I O*kf S 8 W o r n Buechel said. of making—Dripkut, steel cut and pulverized YoulI also find a price to sort your pockctbook, depending o& tlit type of package — vacuum glass jars, air-tight tin cans or CdfAphaae-wrapped bags. * - and Kor« of other eminent cltben. I" - -Paso Del Morte D U N C A hi < O F F E E C O M P A N Y № III . . . ."••>*>,. '«*.;>•.„:L . • I „,-.; PAGE PAGE ELEVEN • *-,. - . V OTS. r ./ .1 dm tte us: r« p« 01 to *" 11 MRS. GERTRUDE BURBANK EVERYONE INVITED Everyone is invited to the Marfa Gas Co.-Big Bend Sentinel free cooking school whether they use gas or not. No matter what fuel you use for cooking, Mrs. Burbank will have some new ideas for you, will show you some new ways to make living more enjoyable, comfortable, and cooking more economical. I Each day a complete five piece high quality Aiuminurn set will be given away as an attendance prize and there will be other valuable gifts. GAS FOR COOKING • Gas is a clean, instant heating fuel. Gas is the only fuel that can be adjusted to so many different heating levels on a stove. You can literally "tune in" to any heat requirement you wish. Sponsored by T and The Sentinel MRS. GERTRUDE BURBANK, Marfa September 17th and 18th~Friday a THE PLACE: THE TIME: THE DATE GAS TO HEAT WATER as Cooking Authority wiii be brought to you the advantages of Gas Cooking Hall P.M. The convenience of gas hot water service % one of the modern household miracles. For a cost of a few "ents a day jpiynay have all the hot water you need, notTonly. for the kitchen, but for the bath and laundry as well Automatic gas heaters keep a full reserve of hot water day and night. People who use old-fashioned ways to provide hot water for the household are as outmoded as folks who use candles for lighting purposes. GAS FOR REFIGERATION and 18 The modern gas oven, with perfect heat control, takes the guess-work out of baking. You can get exact temperatures up to 550 degrees. Many new ranges have clock control and all modern gas ovens are insulated to keep heat in. Saves gas and keeps your kitchen cool. Gas is the only method of modern refrigeration that provides for constant cold with no noise whatever. Gas refrigeration is as silent as Jack Frost himself. GAS FOR SPACE HEATING Gas provides the quickest, cleanest, most easily adaptable method of space heating know for practical household use. A warm, well ventilated house is a heathful house. For specific details about your heatingproblems consult your gas service man. Many smaller prizes don miss day I PAGE TWELVE 3ENTTNEL Cooking School Starts At Two Every Afternoon kin FRIDAY, State Authorities Issue Traffic Control Manual l c c l u i e will extend from 2 to 4 |>. in. ors T dm th« us re: 3a P* OJ ii i 0 that has been tains. HIGHLAND p A l R Marathon.—Nineteen domestic goats stampeded by a black bear, jumped off the south rim of the Chisos Mountains a sheer drop of nearly 3,000 feet to where the Rio Grange separates Texas from Mexico, in -the proposed Big Bend National Park. Report of the tragedy was sent from the Big Bend CCC camp today to regional headquarters of the National Park Service in Oklahoma City. The goats were part of a herd The /•/,(/ Fioui sentinel is happy to, announce that the Marfa Gas Co. hasj been able to secure the services of the] weii-known home economist and lecturer, Mrs. Gertrude Burbaitk, in conducting- a free cooking school for the viomen of Marfa and vicinity. Each on September 17 and 18, starting promptly on the tick of two, as Mrs. Burbank holds to a close schedule in order to work in the most possible material. She will make her lectures while actually doing the things she is talking about. The dishes, both of the plain and fancy variety, which she prepared, will be on display at the close of each lecture, and you are invited To remain after the lecture and discuss your personal problems in cookery and home management with Mrs. Burbanks. Goats Plunge 3,000 Feet To Death OCT •••»••••••••••»••••»»»••»• MARFA PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC CO. Illustration* above from "Creating Safer Communities", the manual of traffic safety activities ju«t published by authorities for statewide use show a variety of recommended safety procedures. (1) top left, Scientific Investigation of accidents by trained police; (2) bottom left. Extended safety training for school children; (3) right Location and elimination of accident causes. Picture shows ten major traffic Eolations tetdiiu to serious accidents. ''Hunger never takes a holiday," nsays Mrs. Burbank. "The health, hope and happiness, not only of the individ"If for any reason, you are not satis-! E n g l a n d S e e k s tied with my Shortening, you may reual and the family, but also of the -ration and the world, depend very turn the unused portion and your strongly on the way the housewife disgrocer will refund the full purchase charges her duty of properly feeding price." The noted expert who will conAustin.—The University of London, her household." duct this school further recommends Kngland, has invited Dr. W. P. Webb, Mrs. Gertrude Burbank has select- Mrs. Mrs. Burbank is well-known over ""*>• Tucker's x u^ivci a Shortening onux veiling1 because uecause it it is is i ' a wide area for her thorough know- ed Mrs. Tucker's Shortening: for ex-perfect for all kinds of frying. By j P r o f e s s o r ° f history at the University ledge of home economy, and for herclusive use in her cooking school be- special exclusive processes, M r s . | o f T e x a s » t o d e l i v e r a series of leccause she has found it to be the ideal t u r e s a t t h eB r i t i •charm as a talker. Tucker's Shortening is refined a n d ' s h institution next In addition to the enjoyment and all-purpose cooking fat. First, on her prepared so that it heats to higher! S J ) r i n g ' o n t h e history and developpractical benefits to be derived, you list of requisites for a good Shorten- temperature without smoking or burn-' m e n l o f t h e W e s * and Southwest. JDr. , ing, she places digestibility. Second ing. It contains absolutely no mois- Webb has been on leave of absence for nthpr attractions in store you at the cooking school. A large list comes creaminess; third, freshness; ture; therefore it will not pop norfrom the" University of Texas staff of attractive samples, souvenirs and fourth, adaptability to frying; and spatter; and as it is neutral in flavor, for the past year in order to rest and , , , ,u a -' to complete work on his next book, gifts will be arranged, and presenta- fifth, economy. And after years of ~ , . „ and will n o t absorb t h e flavors of' . . . .. ... . ,, testing, she has found Mrs. Tucker's 1 tions will be made at the close of , i ? « j - m it, •*. Mrs. iur r p t f d u e . f o r.\ p u bl i c a,t i o n t h i ,s f a 1l lt. TI,,n the foods fried Tuckers M answers every one of these requireeach talk. , . , ' . , j , ' spring of 1937, he served as consulting o u ments. fo Remember the dates, and make a Shortening can be strained and used • ' » , date with yourself to attend each day. j This famous cooking expert depends , . , - . . , : t(historian for the Big Bend State Park u( hill Mrs. Tucker's Shortening is -' ' K duties at the jnstituWe have been fortunate in securing! ?n . M r s ' T u c k e er ' ss Shortening Shortening as as a ties, over and over again for frying. Ad-; . * Texas • : project. l i n b l l t This w i i l fal a( ahe i n will t a k e resume I e a v e ,. , . ,. ,,,.,., , ,, .. Ins much high int demand preparation the Community House as the scene of highly digestible product because it isis ding land for the nrenaralioii of digestibility to these quah- ! ' " ', . , ,. ?, ., „, . *.,. absence for the London engagement. the Cooking School. Although no seats made from choice vegetable oils, of all friend foods. car. be reserved, every effort will be which, through vears, have proved "Economy in shortening is not to —on l 0 s t made to provM,; comfortable seat? for healthful. She knows that her be preferred over the above mentioned Mrs. Oren Bunton is ill at their ai; who attend. a> it is expected that broad-, pies, cakes and fried foods qualities," says Mrs. Burbank, "hut town home. She has a leg affliction,, • .' -. :Ar.№ crowd wi!' be on hand each prepared with Mr?. Tucker's will cli- Mrs. Tucker's Shortening not only \ ; >.it is improving this week. :<->{ quickly and easily; and therefore ffives the housewife all the desiraU i>«-good for the families of those whom j qualities of a perfect Shortening, it .-•he lectures on cooking. is also most economical to use. I t con. In this day of modern pas ranges, tains a higher percentage of free nil refrigerators and other conveniences, and should be used in smaller quanti-tin.-- Physical eiueati<>[ Stilare continually looking for equipment ties. By constant tests'over long perThe Best Beer In Town! at the University of Texas who and products that will lessen their iods of time, I have found that w».these must use less Mrs. Tucker's in our ^-football. basobal, s m a r t recipes. Therefore, I caution housem i ; ^ - ^ « l l receive monf exten- mends Mrs. Tucker', Shortening he- wives who are switching to this brand i • " - 4 l ; a i m ! > r t r h J S ^ a : t ' a n ^ ^ I ^ c a u s e it is triple-creamed at the fac- for the first time to adjust their re- 1 Bract cnair tor VAttB eliminatei e l P e s to the economy of this superior i" of tN- -vr-s : -i' P^^;- ^ t i . , \ i,. -i : • y\ in Sherman, " " ' iTexas, » wtoeliminate ' • 1 * V S l t a i e 0 t W t i 0 l ! depart- much of the work from cooking, On Shortening" i m V Mrs. Tucker's Is Cooking: School Shortening Pick Texas Talent x:__ ««• m i . Licensed by the City of Marfa Estimates furnished Free on your home piping. Guarantee clean and careful workmanship. Patronize the men who live and vote in Marfa. Keep Marfa money in Marfa. MARFA PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC CO. THE MAN DOESN'T BELIEVE IN| FORM OP ADVERTIS1 Will Not Be Business Lot Newspaper Using is by far most efficient the money PHONE 2B| for Presidio Coverage AL STRULLER Phone 206 ••4 — • Students to Coach JAX 15c thp cookin Blatz Prager Harry Mitchell Texas Select Golden Lager Beer 10c £ school stasrc and in ihJ Mrs. Tucker's Shortening ia made reoragnized and will be taught as four ' when Mrs. Tucker's is used. m i s known as "The Mother of distinct courses, each of the sopho- Shortening is so velvety-smooth that the Southwest," invites the people who j more level and each carrying two it mixes readily when stirred with the t t d Quench your thirst with attend hi this cooking school and all hours credit, Dr. Brace said. Football, other ingredients, arid the triplea good bottle of beer others to visit her plant whenever basketball, and baseball, taught by creaming process gives the Shorteng p s gves the Shorten- they are in Sherman. JUST A DIME Blair Cherry, assistant Longhorn ing the perfect consistency necessary o— football coach, Jack Gray, head bas- to stand up under all weather condiMrs. W. B. Mitchell accompanied by J:"tbu!i -oach, and a n d Willi William J J. D Disch, Another inovation in in ShortenJ-;"tbu!i i-oach i h tions. i f>w>ba!! coach, respectively, will be ing production is credited to Mrs.Miss Katherine Mitchell drove Mrs. «i-i'-'.Mi h\ the- fall, while t r a c k a n d Tucker, because she pioneered and John Miniece and small son Johnnie to El Paso Saturday from which place t'--'A >.'vvni?,, u n d e r t h e direction of developed the "Cellophane"-?ealed 1 -yi'.- Littlrficld, T.'nivcrsily coach carton, which is u=ed exclusively by they departed for Fort ,Robinson j i'. -.h>i^- sp<.;-t-, wi!i he presented in her to protect the Shortening from Nebraska. Mrs. Mitchell and Kather- i .-.v.: heat, dirt, perms and other contamina- ine returned to Mai fa Sunday. C'Urs.< in the coaching tion. The use of this '"Cellophane".ij'-n-,cr:: of footlial:. sf-a! is expensive, but Mrs. Tucker X. Riri!ff ! v : j d f o o t b a l l k.",''!w;; that only n> iLs use can she r MI. !: • •• r i i i v i . - r s i t y . w i l l h e g:v«--n guarantee the freshness and purity i.'.vx- i n t i n - s p r i n g t o r m . of lu-r i)roduct. Mrs. Tucker's Shorteno nure that every package brings the :'>r.;j Tire? are still guaranteed ing is so factory-fresh, sweet and against a ].J< roud hazards. — A. J. housewife Mrs. Tucker's personal Hoffman. guarantee, which reads as follows: WAS YOUR FAVORITE THE PLACE REDS TAVERN Blatz Ale 20c i >> .r td II Located the Heart ol Downtown El Pass Corner Stanford Mill NEWLY DECORATED SINGLE ROOMS Hb§LLOC|(il 1 WHICH oirs JEAN HARLOW PICTURE IT IS with a deep sense of personal loss that we announce Jean Harlow's last picture, "Saratoga," in which she is co-starred with Clark Gable. This is the M-G-M production which she had aimost finished and it has been brought to the screen as a result of preview ?howings and test engagements ?n theatres where the public evidenced most strongly its desire to see her final picture. Which of her p ^ j r u s .!id you like best? Check it and mail this slip to the management. The ones receiving the highest number of votes will appear at this theatre in return engagement in the near future. LIBEBi I ' TRA№ ALL0WA1 • Electric T«aW • Armchair CJ*J • Sonic-Are MW* • Magic Brail [] Personal Property [] Red Headed Woman f] Reckless [] Libeled Lady f] Blonde Bombshell [] Dinner at 8 [] Suzy J EAN .N№' CLARK HARLOW — GABLE in "SARATOGA" ( «vw£r via ii> atitu they fro timed in f»irne&a to all who VM\ the streets — driv- she turns red." e n and ped«rtri*n* — and it would GREEN means "proceed w i t h respect for Meat a timpfe matter t e obey caution, and with due H Tl the rights of otLers, not «© like iaem. A wvtew of the accident rteords, however, would indicate blazes." Nine e«it ef ten accidents that that driven need to be reiafermed involve drivers' mistakes, accord* as to their meaning RED means "stop,* not "Mowin* to Travelers Insurance Comay records, are caused by undue tewa, make sure no officer is inhaste. tlfht and then sneak h K Slow down, and live longer. With Lionel Barrymorc Fri.: $mn, Walter Pidgeon, Jinn M Coming to PALACE Marfa SEPTEMBER 12-13 TMAQiNt.. .for the price of i\n ordinary X radio, you get EloctricTuning! Ju*t ptxsft th« button-there»« your station -eaiUjr! Wrfecttyt...Foi*gn Station* roUce, Aviation, Amateur calls—ta#Ur than ever Wore. Greater power I Increased selectivity! Radio's mortlifcUk* tonat Come in NOWt RALPH KAi ENGLAND Authorized RCA and Frigidaire Dealer PRESIDIO -:- SHAPTEB