ALTERAÇÕES HORMONAIS DO ENVELHECIMENTO MENOPAUSA 9 º Curso Pós-Graduado NEDO 2010 por MANUEL NEVES-E-CASTRO Clínica de Feminologia Holística Lisboa [email protected] APRESENTAÇÃO Introdução ao tema Cronobiologia da Mulher Factores endócrinos Factores genéticos (telómeros) Consequências da senescência: quadro clínico, SNC, DCV, osso, imunodeficiência • Morbilidade e Mortalidade • Estratégias antisenescência • Conclusões • • • • • +17,9 anos Esperança média de vida aos 65 anos em 2006 Em 2050, cerca de 32% da população portuguesa terá mais de 65 anos. Teremos mais idosos, que viverão mais anos Instituto Nacional de Estatística En+velhe+cer = ficar velho = ficar idoso • Ageing = to grow older, to grow in age • crescer em idade En+Idade + mento = enidademento • Envelhecer = Enidadecer ENIDADECER (AGEING) A idosa é aquela pessoa que tem tido a felicidade de viver uma longa vida produtiva, de ter adquirido uma grande experiência. Ela é uma ponte entre o passado e o presente, como a jovem é uma ponte entre o presente e o futuro. E é no presente que ambas se encontram. Velha é aquela que tem carregado o peso dos anos, que em vez de transmitir experiência às gerações vindouras, transmite pessimismo e desilusão. Para ela, não existe ponte entre o passado e o presente, existe um fosso que a separa do presente pelo apego ao passado. A idosa moderniza-se, dialoga com a juventude, procura compreender os novos tempos. A velha emperra-se no seu tempo, fecha-se na sua ostra e recusa a modernidade. A idosa leva uma vida activa, cheia de projectos e de esperanças. Para ela o tempo passa rápido, mas a velhice nunca chega. Em resumo, idosa e velha, são duas pessoas que até podem ter a mesma idade no cartório, mas têm idade bem diferente no coração. Se você é idosa, guarde a esperança de nunca ficar velha. menarca Puberdade Anos reproductivos Fertilarca crianças menopausa adolescentes posmenopausa Climatério geronarca Fertilpausa adultas idosas anciãs qualidade de vida compressão morbilidade Medicina Cronobiológica Tabela de tempo na vida da mulher M.Neves-e-Castro,2008 CLIMATÉRIO (do grego KLIMAKTER) significa um degrau de uma escada ou uma crise Menopausa é apenas a data da última menstruação espontânea Climatério é o tempo que imediatamente a precede e se lhe segue O Futuro do Climatério é uma inter-relação do Aumento da Idade com a Redução das Hormonas A Climacteric woman is a woman (gender based medicine) is an ageing person (geriatrics) is perimenopausal (hormone deficient) ENIDADECER (AGEING) Aging in humans is a progressive loss of function and energy production that is accompanied by decreasing fertility and increasing mortality with advancing age. Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543 Senescent changes, as de novo structural and functional alterations, are not part of the developmental program. Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543 FACTORES ENDÓCRINOS In humans there is a progressive decrease in hormone synthesis as well as a loss of hormone receptors with age. Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543 Hormones known to decline as we grow older: • • • • • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Growth Hormone Melatonin Testosterone Menopausal hormones, such as estrogen Mental Nov 10th 2003 Hormones that are usually decreased include: • • • • Aldosterone Calcitonin Growth hormone Renin Hormones that remain unchanged or only slightly decreased include: • • • • • • Cortisol Epinephrine Insulin Parathyroid hormone Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 25-hydroxyvitamin D Hormones that may increase include: • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) • Luteinizing hormone (LH) • Norepinephrine Human Growth Hormone and Human Aging With advancing age, an increasing proportion of men and women with no clinical evidence of pituitary pathology show decreases in GH secretion and serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) Corpas E, Harman SM and Blackman MR. Endocrine Reviews 1993;14 (1): 20-39 Human Growth Hormone and Human Aging Because GH deficiency and normal aging are both associated with decreases in protein synthesis and percent of lean body and bone mass, and with increases in percent of body fat, it is possible that reduced GH secretion and IGF-I levels might account, at least in part, for one or more of the above effects of aging Corpas E, Harman SM and Blackman MR. Endocrine Reviews 1993;14 (1): 20-39 Genes reveal 'biological ageing' They eventually located a number of variants located near a gene called TERC which, in people carrying them, seemed to be equivalent to an extra three or four years of "biological ageing". Published on 8th Feb.2010 at FACTORES GENÉTICOS telómeros Scientists identify first genetic variant linked to biological ageing in humans There are two forms of ageing – chronological ageing i.e. how old you are in years and biological ageing whereby the cells of some individuals are older (or younger) than suggested by their actual age. Issued on 07 February 2010 by University of Leicester at A longa cadeia de moléculas de ADN que transportam os nossos genes está contida nos cromossomas, de cujas extremidades os telomeres constituem o topo. Blackburn E e Szostak J Prémio Nobel de Medicina 2009 Um português descobre mecanismo responsável pelo fim da regeneração celular O encurtamento dos telómeros ,à medida que as células se dividem,desencadeia um percurso para as mitocôndrias (fontes da energia) ,que leva à produção de radicais livres que param a divisão celular João Passos et al.Feedback between p21 and reactive oxygen production is necessary for cell senescence.Molecular Systems Biology 2010; 6 : 347 Publicado on line em 16 Fev 2010 The best characterized function of the telomeric complex is to protect the chromosome ends from degradation Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82 Os telómeros podem ser comparados às capas plásticas protectoras das pontas dos atacadores dos sapatos que, quando se perdem, desfiam-se e vão desaparecendo. Estas descobertas explicam como as extremidades dos cromossomas são protegidas pelos telomeros e como estes são fabricados pela telomerase. Se os telomeros são encurtados, as células envelhecem. Ao invés, se a actividade da telomerase é intensa, o comprimento dos telomeros é mantido e a senescência celular atrasada. • Most researchers now accept telomere length is a reliable marker of cell age. • In general, the shorter the telomere, the functionally older and more tired the cell Tara Parker-Pope. The New York Times January 27, 2010. Genes reveal 'biological ageing' From birth, every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter and there is some evidence that people with shorter telomeres, either because they diminish more quickly or because they were born with shorter versions, may be at higher risk from age-related illness. Feb.2010 at • In addition to the protection of chromosome ends, the components of the telomeric complex enhance cell survival. • Suppression of telomerase enzyme activity promotes apoptosis Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82 Sedentary life 'speeds up ageing' telomeres shortened more quickly in inactive people. It is thought that it could signify faster cellular ageing. Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2008/01/29 Sedentary life 'speeds up ageing' Leading a sedentary lifestyle may make us genetically old before our time, a study suggests: A study of twins found those who were physically active during their leisure time appeared biologically younger than their sedentary peers. Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2008/01/29 The association between physical activity in leisure time and leukocyte telomere length A sedentary lifestyle (in addition to smoking, high body mass index, and low socioeconomic status) has an effect on LTL (leukocyte telomere length) and may accelerate the aging process. Cherkas LF et al, Arch Intern Med 2008;168(2):131-2 Leukocyte telomere length is preserved with aging in endurance exercise-trained adults and related to maximal aerobic capacity • LTL is preserved in healthy older adults who perform vigorous aerobic exercise and is positively related to maximal aerobic exercise capacity. • This may represent a novel molecular mechanism underlying the "anti-aging" effects of maintaining high aerobic fitness. Larocca TJ, Seals DR, Pierce GL.. Mech Ageing Dev. 2010 Jan (in press) • Physical exercise is associated with increased serum concentrations of IGF-1 • IGF-1 enhances telomerase, delaying cellular aging and death. Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System • Exercise is also beneficial for maintaining neurogenesis. • In the adult mouse, running promotes neurogenesis in the DG, which is believed to be mediated by IGF-I Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 Recreational Physical Activity and the Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women Women who engaged in the equivalent of 1.25 to 2.5 hours per week of brisk walking had an 18% decreased risk of breast cancer (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.68-0.97) compared with inactive women. McTiernan A et al. JAMA 2003;290:1331-6 Blackburn E e Greider C Prémios Nobel de Medicina 2009 identificaram a telomerase, a enzima que produz o ADN dos telómeros. • Telomerase repairs and lengthens telomeres, which cap and protect the ends of chromosomes housing DNA. • As people age, telomeres shorten and cells become dying. Published on 16th Sept.2008 at Common variants near TERC are associated with mean telomere length Telomere length has a strong genetic determination, with heritability estimates ranging from 44% to 80%. A locus on 3q26 that affects telomere length in humans. Codd V, Mangino M, van der Harst P, et al. Nature Genetics 2010, Feb. 7 (in press) Senescence, chromosome stability, and cell viability are regulated by the telomeres and their associated proteins, deoxyribonucleic acid-protein complexes located at both ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Shortening of the telomeres has been shown to be associated with increased mortality rate from heart disease Werner C, Hanhoun M, Widmann T, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:470–82 OVARIAN AGING MENOPAUSA Loci at chromosomes 13, 19 and 20 influence age at natural menopause Lisette Stolk , et al Nature Genetics 2009; 41:645–647 ALOX12 gene is associated with the onset of natural menopause in white women Pengyuan L; Yan L; Robert R.; et al Menopause. 17(1):152-156, January 2010 Ovarian Aging: Mechanisms and Clinical Consequences The normal process of reproductive aging varies considerably among women. This implies that some women remain highly fertile until the fifth decade of life, whereas others face the loss of natural fertility already in their mid-thirties. Female reproductive aging seems to be largely based on age related changes in ovarian function. F. J. Broekmans, M. R. Soules, and B. C. Fauser. Endocrine Reviews 2009;30(5):165-493 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System • The onset of menopause correlates with changes in biological rhythms and alterations in CNS function associated with reduced exposure to estradiol. • changes in the CNS likely precede changes in ovarian function during perimenopause. Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 ESTRATÉGIAS Lifestyle and nutrition, caloric restriction, mitochondrial health and hormones: Scientific interventions for anti-aging Vitetta L and Anton B; Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(4) 537–543 Clean living 'slows cell ageing' It is the damage and death of cells that causes ageing and disease in people. Several factors such as smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are associated with shorter-than-average telomeres. Published on 16th Sept.2008 at Em mulheres de 45 a 64 anos houve Redução de: - 40% em todas as causas de mortalidade - 35% em DCV Quando: - comeram 5 frutos e vegetais/dia fizeram exercício de 2,5 horas/semana mantiveram o IMC entre 18.5 e 30 não fumaram Am J Medicine 2007;120(7):598-603 Mediterranean Diet, Lifestyle Factors, and 10-Year Mortality in Elderly European Men and Women Among individuals aged 70 to 90 years, adherence to a mediterranean diet lifestyle is associated with a more than 50% lower rate of all-causes and cause-specific mortality. Knoops K et al. JAMA 2004;292:1433-9 SLEEP • Sleep disturbances can lead to immune suppression and a shift to the predominance in cancer stimulatory cytokines, • Some studies suggest that a shortened duration of nocturnal sleep is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer development Blask DE-Sleep Medicine Reviews,2008 Okinawa Island: A model of “healthy” aging The exceptional longevity of the Okinawa population may result from a combination of favorable factors and not only genetic determinants. The association of a protect environment with a way of life which combines specific food habits, low energy intake, physical activities, stress reduction, good familial support and rich social relations could explain this exception despite the low income in this population. Nguyen C. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Geriatrie 2008, in press. A Gestão do Climatério por Objectivos Objectivos Críticos O tratamento de sintomas A eliminação de factores de risco O diagnóstico de doenças O tratamento de doenças O exercício físico pode estimular as defesas imunitárias em sobreviventes de Ca mama, aumentando a actividade cancerígena das NKC “ALVOS” DOS ESTROGÉNIOS SINTOMAS DE CARÊNCIA Estrogéneos Consequências da sua redução Sintomas (precoces) Sinais (intermédios) Doenças (tardias) afrontamentos insónias irritabilidade alteração do humor redução da líbido atrofia vaginal dores nas relações sexuais incontinência urinária atrofia da pele osteoporose D.cardiovasculares doença de Alzheimer MORTALIDADE Causes of Death Among Women* Other Cancers Heart Disease 15% Breast Cancer Diabetes Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 34% 4% 3% 6% 28% 10% Other *Percentage of total deaths in 1999 among women aged 65 years and older. Anderson RN. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2001;49:1-13. Cerebrovascular Disease Risco, aos 50 anos, de morrer por • • • • Enfarte agudo miocárdio Fractura do colo fémur Cancro da mama Cancro do endométrio 31,0 % 2,8 % 2,8 % 0,7 % Portugal MORBILIDADE DOENÇAS CARDIOVASCULARES AVC OSTEOPOROSE SISTEMA NERVOSO CENTRAL CANCRO DO COLON IMUNODEFICIÊNCIA Riscos Metabólicos - insulin resistance - increase in blood pressure - changes in lipid metabolism - decrease in immune function - increase in stored fat M.N.C. 10/99 SNC Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System The hormones having the most significant pivotal roles in the CNS are estradiol, testosterone, cortisol, GH, and IGF-I. Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun . Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System • The decline in estradiol levels during menopause is associated with increased neurodegeneration. • Neuroprotection in the cerebral cortex is apparently mediated by ER, because estradiol is not protective in the ER knockout mouse Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 Estradiol: a hormone with diverse and contradictory neuroprotective actions • Estrogens can not only protect against cell death, but can also stimulate the birth of new neurons. • Estrogen's modulation of the immune status may be the basic mechanism that underlies its ability to protect against neurodegeneration and its powerful neuroregenerative actions. Wise PM, Suzuki S, Brown CM. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2009;11(3):297-303 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System • Estrogen may act as a neuroprotective agent by inhibiting apoptosis of hippocampal neurons. • long-term treatment with estrogen at physiological doses prevents apoptosis and ischemia-induced injury to CA1 hippocampal neurons Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System Growth and development of neurons in the DG are modulated by IGF-I. Marked reductions in IGF-I and neurogenesis in the DG accompany aging. Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 Molecular Endocrinology and Physiology of the Aging Central Nervous System • Recent studies show that the rate of neurogenesis in the DG of the hippocampus declines as a function of age perhaps contributing to age-related cognitive changes. • Intracerebroventricular IGF-I infusion ameliorates this age-associated decline Roy G. Smith, Lorena Betancourt, and Yuxiang Sun. Endocrine Reviews 2005 26(2):203–250 IMUNIDADE Hormones and immune function: implications of aging • Aging is associated with a decline in immunity described as immunosenescence. • This is paralleled by a decline in the production of several hormones, as typically illustrated by the menopausal loss of ovarian oestrogen production. Arlt W and Hewison M. Aging Cell 2004;Vol.3(2):209–216 Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention: Global Perspective Garland CF, et al Ann Epidemiol 2009;19:468–483. Hormones and immune function: implications of aging Studies, primarily in vitro, have shown that 1,25(OH)²D³ is a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation and this has led to the development of synthetic analogues of vitamin D that retain the anticancer actions of 1,25(OH)²D³ while minimizing its detrimental hypercalcaemic side-effects. Arlt W and Hewison M. Aging Cell 2004;Vol.3(2):209–216 Vitamin D Vitamin D plays an important role in controlling cell growth and thus may help reduce risk of deadly malignancies. Taking at least 1.000 units (preferably 2.000 units/day) of Vitamin D may reduce risk of developing colorectal and breast cancer by as much as 50% Os estrogéneos estimulam no rim uma hidroxilase que forma a dihidroxi D3 Conclusões 1. Há pessoas que estão genéticamente programadas para envelhecer mais depressa 2. Nestas, o envelhecimento é mais rápido se forem expostas a ambientes “maus” para os telómeros (tabagismo, obesidade, falta de exercício) Conclusões 1. Os estrogénios são terapêuticos (s.v.m.) 2. Os estrogénios são preventivos (DCV, osso, SNC, deficiências da imunidade) 3. Os estrogénios são antisenescentes (telómeros) e de tudo o que foi exposto deduz-se que... O CONHECIMENTO DAS ALTERAÇÕES HORMONAIS DA PÓS-MENOPAUSA é fundamental para dar mais Vida aos Anos e mais Anos à Vida Conhecer a doença que uma mulher tem é tão importante como conhecer a mulher que tem a doença William Osler