Profile 2016
Profile 2016
PROFILE 2016 MORE THAN JUST FOOTBALL The magazine German national football team manager, Sepp Herberger, was once asked why people go to football. He answered: Because they don’t know what’s going to happen. Every issue of 11FREUNDE holds the same surprises in store as does football itself. 11FREUNDE is a different kind of football journalism – not commonplace match reports or tables, but rather real reportage and exclusive background information delivering more value. It doesn’t matter if fans support Arminia Bielefeld, Fortuna Düsseldorf or Bayern Munich – it isn’t the club that’s important, it’s about the passion. 11FREUNDE looks out from the terraces on to the pitch and takes a stand. For the fans and for the game. This magazine, all about the culture of football, always offers unusual treatments of topics covered with unconventional and innovative writing styles, featuring the latest ideas of the best football writers complemented by high quality photos and an individual look. PRINT HIGHLIGHTS SPECIAL ISSUES: GERMAN LEAGUE / EM 2016 / chronicle Big football events need a big stage. 11FREUNDE offers its readers to start new german league season 2016/2017 and for the European Championship 2016 11FREUNDE special issues. The large-format special issue „11FREUNDE Chronicle 2016 - The football year in pictures „appear in high quality Magazine presentation with high gloss look. Twice a year, devoted 11FREUNDE his readers on specific topics Highlights own special issues (11FREUNDE SPEZIAL). In the special were already different Football decades, the history of the fans as well as the football motherland England in focus. DIGITAL HIGHLIGHTS 100% 11FREUNDE, 100% marksmanship The digital presence of 11FREUNDE is closely interwoven with the magazine. Latest news, amusing articles and captivating interviews are the site’s hallmarks. 11FREUNDE digital is authentic, boasts strong user involvement and high levels of credibility. Innovation is very important to 11FREUNDE. With the award-winning „Liveticker“ 11FREUNDE has already made history. This will now be continued with the new digital offering „11FREUNDE Bundesliga conference“. 11FREUNDE offers a top class platform for cross media presentations with that extra portion of added value. FACTS AND FIGURES CIRCULATION Sold circulation is booming at an almost unheard of rate. The coverage of 1,001,000 readers (AWA 2015) reinforces the magazine´s relevance. READERSHIP Readers are male, young, well educated and with high incomes - an attractive target group for your brand communications. Readers love the magazine because of its uniqueness and its sincerity. The strong level of involvement creates the perfect advertising environment for your brand presence. MEDIA DATA 11 FREUNDE year established cover price frequency 2000 4,80 € monthly sold circulation 80.346 (IVW II/2015) trim size advertising prize coverage* 210 x 280 mm 1/1 4c/sw. 16.000 € total 1,01 million *Quelle: AWA 2015 11FREUNDE Digital ONLINE Page Impressions ONLINE Visits ONLINE Coverage MOBILE Unique Mobile User Web MOBILE Unique Mobile User App MOBILE PageImpressions Web MOBILE PageImpressions App 5.30 Mio. 1.41 Mio. 0.48 mio./month 480,000 20,000 3.52 mio. 3.19 mio. Quelle:AGOF mobile facts 2015/1; IVW 2015/7 / AGOF internet facts 2014-Q1 Brand Solutions 11FREUNDE Telefon +49 (0) 40 / 37 03 - 29 30 Verkaufsbüro Nord – Berlin Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 30 / 25 48 06 - 50 E-Mail [email protected] Verkaufsbüro Mitte Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 69 / 79 30 07 - 0 E-Mail [email protected] Verkaufsbüro Nord – Hamburg/Hannover Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 40 / 37 03 - 22 01 E-Mail [email protected] Verkaufsbüro Süd Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 89 / 41 52-250 E-Mail [email protected] Verkaufsbüro West Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 211 / 6 18 75 - 0 E-Mail [email protected] Verkaufsbüro Süd-West Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG Telefon +49 (0) 711 / 2 28 46 - 0 E-Mail [email protected] Österreich und Südtirol Gruner + Jahr Verlagsges. mbH. Telefon +43 (0) 1 / 5 12 56 47 - 0 Telefax +43 (0) 1 / 5 12 56 47 - 20 E-Mail [email protected] Schweiz Gruner + Jahr (Schweiz) AG Telefon +41 (0) 44 / 2 69 70 70 Telefax + 41 (0) 44 / 2 69 70 71 E-Mail [email protected] MC-0372_11FRE_1000488_2015-08-31 KONTAKT
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