
CHASE BREXTON LEGAL SERVICES WHAT WE PROVIDE: KEY POINTS •  Social Security En/tlements: –  Provided through our legal grant •  SSI, SSDI, Re/rement & Survivor Benefits: –  Our case managers help HIV+ pa/ents enroll •  Medicare, Medigap, QMB, SLMB: –  Our case managers provide enrollment, follow-­‐up, reenrollment, and troubleshoo/ng support SOAR CASE MANAGEMENT •  CBHC has case managers trained in SSI/SSDI Outreach Access and Recovery (SOAR), a process that expedites review of disability cases –  SOAR available through partnerships with SSA, MD Disability Determina/on Services, MD Department of Health and Mental Hygiene •  SOAR available to HIV+ pa/ents who meet disability criteria and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness •  Chase Brexton currently has 4 SOAR cer/fied case managers who can complete these applica/ons. SOCIAL SECURITY ENTITLEMENT ENROLLMENT PROCESS •  All new pa/ents are screened for SS en/tlement services at intake and referred to trained case managers for enrollment •  Trained case managers work with eligible pa/ents to seek en/tlement benefits •  Case managers use the opportunis/c infec/ons on the SSA 4814 Medical Report on Adult with Allega/on of HIV Infec/on for screening. Steps for Comple/on -­‐  SSES screen is completed on all pa/ents, scanned to medical chart and forwarded to SSES. -­‐  Complete applica/on with pa/ent -­‐  Gather medical evidence and suppor/ng documenta/on -­‐  Submit applica/on packet to SSA via cer/fied mail -­‐  Case manager becomes pa/ent representa/ve to allow discussion of case with SSA and DDS -­‐  In case of applica/on denial, case manager completes an appeal with pa/ent -­‐  At second denial, case manager refers pa/ent to legal representa/ve to appear at a hearing SS En:tlement Services: ISSUES & SOLUTIONS • 
Many of our pa/ents lack understanding of benefits and the rules of receiving benefits (e.g. pa/ent returns to work but does not inform SSA, resul/ng in having to return SS payments) •  Other services offered: -­‐ 
Educa/ng all pa/ents about process and rules associated with return-­‐to-­‐work before an issue occurs Facilita/ng resolu/on of financial issues associated with misunderstanding of benefit rules Helping pa/ents understand correspondences sent by SSA, DDS, DSS CHANGES IN DISABILITY ELIGIBLITY AMONG HIV+ PATIENTS •  In recent years, more of CBHC’s HIV+ pa/ents are virally suppressed and receiving high-­‐
quality ARVs -­‐  Result: Drama/c reduc/on in HIV+ pa/ents who are eligible for SSI or SSDI based on HIV status OTHER CBHC ENTITLEMENT SERVICES •  Applica/ons for Medicare, Medigap, QMB, SLMB –  Case managers educate and follow-­‐up with pa/ents about eligibility, enrollment op/ons, changes in eligibility, and reenrollment requirements •  Naviga/ng difficul/es with MD Health Connec/on, Qualified Health Plans, and Premium coverage –  Case managers enroll/reenroll pa/ents and nego/ate with insurers to reinstate coverage a^er unexpected termina/ons THANK YOU Ques/ons & Comments ?