Memo #26 OTB Health Reimbursement


Memo #26 OTB Health Reimbursement
A. 9869 Abbate, et al/S. 6868 Lanza
The New York State AFL-­‐CIO represen8ng 2.5 million union workers and their families as well as our re8rees and their families supports the above referenced legisla8on.
This legisla8on would amend the racing, pari-­‐mutuel wagering and breeding law, to restore the provision of health insurance and supplemental benefits to re8rees of the New York City Off-­‐Track BeKng Corpora8on (NYCOTB). The bill would require the State of New York to pay for the restora8on of benefits and includes a $7 million appropria8on as requested by the Governor in Veto #62 of 2011. When NYCOTB closed on December 7, 2010, re8rees of the en8ty were stripped of their health and supplemental benefits. These hard working employees, through no fault of their own, lost their access to health care as a result of years of neglect and poor management at OTB. They were unfairly forced to bear the brunt of the failure of NYCOTB management to right its own ship. NYCOTB employees were assured if they re8red from the Corpora8on, they and their dependents would receive these benefits. Upon closure, the promise was broken, resul8ng in extreme financial hardship – threatening the health and lives of NYCOTB re8rees and their dependents.
This bill will finally restore access to health care and decent health insurance to these employees who worked so hard to earn this vital benefit.
Therefore, this Federa8on urges this bill be passed forthwith.
For further informa8on, contact the Legisla8ve Department at 518-­‐436-­‐8516.
Memo #26/2012