Fall - Women`s Care Center Foundation


Fall - Women`s Care Center Foundation
Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage
South Bend, Indiana
Permit No. 45
103 E. 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802
Maximus, one of our babies whose mom
you helped us serve in 2013
WOMEN’S CARE CENTER, 103 E. 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802
Your support of our mission helps
more young women from our community
Your support helps worried mothers
like Sarah find the confidence
to choose life instead of abortion.
choose life for their babies.
You also help them have healthier
pregnancies, become better parents
and take first steps to self-sufficiency.
“Sarah Fredericks” already had three children, one with special needs, and a
Having a loving presence next door
to the abortion clinic to support
women in choosing life for their babies
crumbling marriage when she came to our center in Duluth. She had taken a
Learn how
your support of
our new center
has already saved
dozens of babies
from abortion.
home pregnancy test and was devastated to find out she was pregnant again.
At our center, she met with ultrasound technician Jodie Sovari. Jodie helped
Sarah see her unborn child on an ultrasound and hear his beating heart.
With Jodie’s guidance, Sarah was able to reflect on how important her children
are to her and bond with the fourth one on the way. Sarah left that day
deciding to choose life for baby “Matthew,” who was born this summer.
works every time!
Sarah says her children love the baby so much and he truly completes their
In our community, there were 16% fewer abortions in 2013
after the opening of our Women’s Care Center early in that year.
This is over 80 babies saved and their young mothers in 2013 alone.
The decline here is more than twice the decline for the state as a whole.
family. She says, “I can’t imagine life without him.”
Thank you for making this life-saving outreach possible!
103 E. 1st Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802
(218) 623-7100
Angie Wambach, R.N.
Heather Allen, President
Kathy Forsman
Kris Miller, Vice-President
Dave Grussing
Christy Joice, Secretary
Anne Hansen
Terry Coombe, Treasurer
Bernie Kolar
Cate Baker
Bill Miller
Deacon Walt Beier
Rev. Peter Muhich
Jane Bertani
Jen Woodall,
Head Counselor
Sarah’s children love their new addition
You may wonder why
97% of the women
we serve choose life
for their babies.
A long-time counselor says,
“Every day young women
come to us and they know
even if they don’t have it
other places in their lives
that this is a place
where they are genuinely
and truly valued.”
Thought you would enjoy this “success story”
written up in the Washington Post.
Soon there will be long-time successes
like this for our center.
I’m Jodie Sorvari, a counselor and ultrasound technologist in Duluth.
I am also a proud aunt of a 16-month-old girl who brings so much joy
to our family. What I love most about working at Women’s Care Center
is being at a place that is so positive and that I can call home.
“My 2-year-old and I are a pregnancy center success story.
During the most disorienting, frightening time of my life, I was looking
We have so many volunteers and donors, like you, that make my job possible
and that motivate me every day with their love and support.
for an abortion clinic but found a Women’s Care Center. When the
counselors invited me to talk, I burst into tears of relief. I had sudden hope.
And I never looked back.”
On August 1, Mary McGiffin of Burke, Virginia wrote
this in a letter to the editor in the Washington Post.
Our recent Kolar-Link Golf Balls from Heaven event on
Aug. 18 raised $12,000; thank you to all of you who participated.
A helicopter was supposed to drop golf balls over a hole,
but the weather didn’t cooperate, so the wonderful staff of
Northland Country Club improvised beautifully. Six winners
closest to the pin won prizes ranging from $100 to $1,000.
Mary followed this up with an email to thank us,
“I was at Women’s Care Center for multiple visits
in the spring of 2012, my second semester
Mary, a college student
mom in 2012
of senior year at college. I graduated
with honors and today we’re getting ready
for my son’s second birthday in four weeks.
The event was named for Bernie Kolar (shown below right)
and Rob Link. Director Angie Wambach says “Without them,
there would be no Women’s Care Center today. Bernie and
Rob made it happen.”
His father and I are happily married, and just had our
second little boy on Easter Sunday of this year. We’re practicing Catholics again.
Just a couple of visits to y’all did so much for my life
— all of our lives — and we couldn't be more grateful.”
Somewhere during the course of her visits
to our center, Hai Yen decided that she’d like
to begin a babysitting service in her home.
Hai Yen and her baby
Her growing family today
(left to right — Brendan, Daniel, Mary and David)
Your support
helps women
after they choose life
to set goals and
become more
But though she had an idea how she would proceed with this venture, Yen admits
how easy it is to put off personal goals. This is why she appreciated meeting every
couple of weeks with our counselor who would ask, “So, what did you do today?”
Yen says, “Having somebody pushing me like that is better,” explaining how this check-in
process helped to make her accountable as she figured out her business goals.
As part of our goals program, Yen was counseled on things such as determining potential liability, identifying
strengths and weaknesses she has personally witnessed in competing sitter services, and even targeting clientele.
“I love it,” Yen says of the goals program. She is now ready to take in her first baby to watch.
Our volunteers perform so many
important functions from childcare and
greeting clients to teaching parenting
classes and serving on committees.
Katie Kelly and Bernie Kolar, two
beloved partners in our mission!
If you have an interest in volunteering,
please contact Jodie at the center.
Top left — Erin Holliday helped out
at our Garage Sale event.
Top right — Benoit grandchildren, Logan and Ethan,
saved change to help the babies.
Bottom left — Rosie Nelson helps with childcare
(shown with a client baby).
Bottom right — Maribeth Mark leads a Pilates class
twice a month for our moms.
Mark your calendar for another Night4Life Bingo event
to be held Tuesday, October 28, 2014.
For more information, please contact
Angie at 218-591-8403.