Centreville Campus 차세대 Newsletter


Centreville Campus 차세대 Newsletter
Praying for Suvin An
Saturday March 7
Centreville Campus
차세대 Newsletter
March & April
Volume 2, Issue 3
Baptism and Confirmation
On Sunday April 5th, three of
our youth students celebrated
their Baptism and Confirmation.
Caitlyn Yoon was baptized while
Inside this issue:
Pastor Dan Kim
KUMC of San Diego
Suvin An
Pastor Tarah Lee’s
Youth March
Retreat & Easter
May & June
All Sons and
D6 Retreat 2015
This year our 4th and 5th
grade students will be heading
to Summit Lake Camp in Maryland from May 15-17. In
preparation for this annual
retreat, Centreville Campus
has 9 counselors serving at
this retreat. Special thanks to
Pastor Tarah Lee for taking
the lead in coordinating this
retreat for McLean, VOPC and
Jane Yoo and Michael Yang received their confirmation. With
the support of their parents,
friends and family, the service
was a special occasion for everyone that attended. Special thanks
to Pastor Dan Kim and HK for
leading our students.
Page 2
Centreville Campus
Pastor Dan Kim — Youth Pastor of KUMC of San Diego
On Sunday April 12,
Pastor Dan Kim shared the
sad news of leaving Centreville Campus as he accepted
a full time position at
KUMC of San Diego. He
will be their new youth pastor starting June 1st.
Pastor Dan has been
with our youth group for
five years and the impact he
has had on our youth has
been tremendous.
After graduating from
Wesley Theological Semi-
Thank you for
praying for
Suvin An as
her operation
to her back
was a
nary back in May of 2014,
pastor Dan continued to
serve as the youth pastor at
Centreville Campus where
our students have grown
spiritually under his leadership.
Pastor Dan grew up in
our church since his middle
school days and is our first
home grown pastor of
On Sunday May 17th,
everyone is invited to attend the farewell party for
Suvin An
On Thursday March 12,
Suvin underwent her second
major back surgery at the
Shrine Children’s Hospital in
Philadelphia PA. Within days
the doctors saw her healing
process go well and was discharged early. Last Sunday
April 12, Suvin was able to
join us at church after one
month. We are all inspired
by her courage and resolve
to be strong once again.
Pastor Tarah Lee’s Corner
On Monday May 11th Pastor
Tarah Lee will be graduating
from Wesley Theological Seminary with her Master of Divinity
degree. The graduation ceremony will take place at the National Cathedral in Washington
DC at 2 PM.
“It has been a blessed three
years at Wesley Seminary and now
I am looking forward to spending
more time our families and students at Centreville Campus.”
Starting June, Pastor Tarah
Lee will be our full time Education
Pastor overseeing both Children
and Youth Ministry. It is our hope
that our Next Generation Ministry
will continue to grow under her
leadership as we have witnessed it
in our Children’s Ministry.
In the meanwhile Pastor David
Ryu will continue to oversee the
youth counselors, youth council
and F.A.T. program after Pastor
Dan leaves in May. We hope to
find another youth pastor by the
pastor Dan. This gathering
will take place at the
McLean Campus Soon
Won Hall at 5 PM. We
especially want all our youth
and parents to join us so
that we can make this event
In the meanwhile, please
continue to pray for Pastor
Dan and our youth so that
both their ministries will
find much fruit and blessings
during this time of transition.
Volume 2, Issue 3
Page 3
Youth March
Retreat 2015
Anna Prayer
Know God or No God
On Friday March 27th,
Centreville Campus had their
second annual March retreat
at Anna Prayer Mountain Retreat Center. With the largest turnout of students, we
had 25 youth and 11 college /
young adult staff attend.
Pastor Dan Kim spoke to
us about the Prodigal Son and
the importance of drawing
near to God. We discovered
that both sons in this parable
didn’t want the father but
his possession. The students were challenged to
draw near to God for who
He and not what He will
This retreat was special
as our former students and
leaders returned to help
support and build our youth
ministry. Please continue to
pray for each of our students.
Easter Sunday
This year the students in
Children’s Ministry had a
hands on experience with
the death and resurrection
of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Pastor Tarah and her amazing teachers transformed the
classrooms into the Passion
week story.
The students experienced
a visual encounter of Easter
this year as they went into
the empty tomb of Jesus.
On Easter Sunday morning at 6:30 AM, both the
CUMC and Centreville
youth organized a joint Sunrise service in the ROC.
Our ES praise team along
with three flute players lifted up special songs to our
Risen Lord. Special thanks
to Zion Jang, Nathan Yoo,
Kaitlin Ryu, Mi-Ju Han and
Jamie Jeong for participating
in this service.
Next Generation Ministry 차세대
What is coming up?
Jesus our passion,
people our mission
Rev. David Ryu 858-344-5354
P. Dan Kim 571-236-3831
P. Tarah Lee 858-344-5343
Superintendent Don Jang KSM
Office: 703-830-2684
E-mail: [email protected]
Log onto our website
and use this link for
more issues of our
차세대 Newsletter
April 12
April 12
April 18
April 19
April 26
May 2
May 9
May 15—17
May 17
May 22-24
June 6
June 13
June 27
June 29—July 3
July 12-17
Aug. 4-8
Paul Yun Preaches
ES Family Small Group
Turtle Run Mission Fundraiser
Pastor Dan Kim Preaches
Connie Kwon Preaches
Tailgate & Family Praise Night
Mother’s Day Flower Corsage Making
D6 Retreat in Summit Lake Camp MD
Pastor Dan Kim’s Farewell Party at McLean Campus
College Young Adult Tent Camping Bull Run Park
Women’s Group Bazaar Fundraiser
Graduation Ceremony (Small Chapel & Garden)
Carwash Fundraiser
Children’s Day Camp
Week of Hope Mission (Manassas VA)
Youth & College Initiative (U. of San Diego)
Registration Forms
Please download the registration forms for the Day Camp, Youth Summer
Mission, and Youth and College Initiative summer programs on our website.
Information and details will be provided for all programs on Sunday April
All Sons and Daughters Worship Concert
On Saturday March 21st
our youth
group went to
Hanover MD
to the Church
of Philippi to
attend the All
Sons and
praise night.
Looking at this
picture shows
how blessed
they were.