Stockholm Android BEHAVIOR-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT FOR ANDROID Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) eridem.net Miguel Ángel Domínguez Coloma Doing always different things Developer Scrum Master Blogger Mentor Evangelist Entrepreneur Blog: eridem.net Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) WHAT IS ALL THIS ABOUT Just real experience and experiments Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) COMMUNICATION want stakeholders proof QA how team Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) COMMUNICATION I want A great,you will have B stakeholders want proof QA how team Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) COMMUNICATION want stakeholders proof QA how team Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) COMMUNICATION want stakeholders ? proof QA how team Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE LEVEL Feature: Game categories As customer of the mobile app I want to see games by categories So I can find faster the games I like. Feature: Promotions As a customer of the mobile app I want to receive promotions So I can get services cheaper or limited. want Feature: Pin code As a customer of the mobile app I want to have an alternative way to my password So I can log in the application in a convenient way. Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) SCENARIO LEVEL Feature: Game categories As customer of the mobile app I want to see games by categories So I can find faster the games I like. Scenario: access via toolbar Given I am in the Casino Lobby When I go to the toolbar section Then I should see all game categories proof want how Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) LET’S PRACTICE! TOOLS UIAutomatorViewer Extract info from the Android app layouts WebDriver + Appium Connect to the device and send commands Chai Assertion library Cucumber BDD library with GIVEN/WHEN/THEN syntax Gherkin Language for feature definition Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > UIAUTOMATORVIEWER ANDROID_SDK/tools/uiautomatorviewer Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > UIAUTOMATORVIEWER ANDROID_SDK/tools/uiautomatorviewer Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > WEBDRIVER + APPIUM (JS) Actions click() tap() setText(string) back() sleep(integer) saveScreenshot(string) npm install wd appium --save Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > WEBDRIVER + APPIUM (JS) elementByXPath(value, cb) elementByName(value, cb) elementById(value, cb) npm install wd appium --save Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > CHAI (JS) Some assertions foo.should.eventually.have.length(3); foo.should.eventually.exists; foo.should.become('bar'); npm install chai chai-as-promised --save Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > WEBDRIVER + CHAI (JS) wd .elementByName(‘my_button’) .should.eventually.exists .click() .elementByName(‘my_edittext’) .setText(‘Hello world!’); Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > CUCUMBER (GHERKIN) Feature: My nice feature As an user ____________ I want ____________ So ____________ Scenario: How to prove this feature Given I am in ____________ When I ____________ And I ____________ Then I should ____________ Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > CUCUMBER (JS) this.Given(‘I am in ____________’, function (callback) { callback.pending(); }); this.When(‘I ____________’, function (callback) { callback.pending(); }); this.Then(‘I should____________’, function (callback) { callback.pending(); }); npm install cucumber --save Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > PATATA.IO (JS) appium + chai + cucumber + webdriver npm install patata --save + global options file Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN Feature: Login As an user of the Android app I want to be able to log in So I can use all customer specific features Scenario: Login via Customer area Given I am in the Login area When I write “XXXXX” on the “Username” field And I write “YYYYY” on the “Password” field And I click on the “Login” button Then I should see the “Pin” dialog Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) GHERKIN FEATURE: LOGIN argument argument argument Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) CUCUMBER FEATURE: LOGIN parameters argument argument Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) UIAUTOMATORVIEWER FEATURE: LOGIN references layout queries Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: LOGIN import components action reference Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: LOGIN this could become USERNAME_FIELD PASSWORD_FIELD action reference Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: LOGIN this could become LOGIN_FIELD action reference Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: LOGIN this could become PIN_DIALOG reference Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: LOGIN http://stephenburger.deviantart.com Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Feature: Game Categories As an user of the Android app I want to have a Game Categories area So the user can see the available categories for all games Scenario: Accessing to Game Categories by toolbar Given I am in the Casino lobby When I open the left toolbar Then I should see the following items on the menu: | Lobby | | Most Popular | | Jackpot Games | | Video Slots | | Table Games | | Video Pokers | |A-Z| Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Feature: Game Categories As an user of the Android app I want to have a Game Categories area So the user can see the available categories for all games Scenario: Accessing to Game Categories by toolbar Given I am in the Casino lobby When I open the left toolbar Then I should see the following items on the menu: | Lobby | | Most Popular | | Jackpot Games | | Video Slots | | Table Games | | Video Pokers | |A-Z| Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Feature: Game Categories As an user of the Android app I want to have a Game Categories area So the user can see the available categories for all games Scenario: Accessing to Game Categories by toolbar Given I am in the Casino lobby When I open the left toolbar Then I should see the following items on the menu: | Lobby | | Most Popular | | Jackpot Games | | Video Slots | | Table Games | | Video Pokers | |A-Z| Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Feature: Game Categories As an user of the Android app I want to have a Game Categories area So the user can see the available categories for all games Scenario: Accessing to Game Categories by toolbar Given I am in the Casino lobby When I open the left toolbar Then I should see the following items on the menu: | Lobby | | Most Popular | | Jackpot Games | | Video Slots | | Table Games | | Video Pokers | |A-Z| Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Feature: Game Categories As an user of the Android app I want to have a Game Categories area So the user can see the available categories for all games Scenario: Accessing to Game Categories by toolbar Given I am in the Casino lobby When I open the left toolbar Then I should see the following items on the menu: | Lobby | | Most Popular | | Jackpot Games | | Video Slots | | Table Games | | Video Pokers | |A-Z| Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) GHERKIN FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Gherkin Tables Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) UIAUTOMATORVIEWER FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) UIAUTOMATORVIEWER FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES component with arguments Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) UIAUTOMATORVIEWER FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Be careful (en, sv, es, …) Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) CUCUMBER FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES this could become CASINO_LEFT_MENU_BUTTON Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES table parameter included Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES this could become LEFT_MENU_ITEM Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO & WD FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES iterate and extract values on the table call component with title as argument* Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) FEATURE: GAME CATEGORIES http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017136/ (Metropolis) Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) REUSE Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) REUSE keep some statements consistent “I write XXX in the YYY field” “I click in the ZZZ button” Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > PATATA.IO REUSE import them Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) > PATATA.IO REUSE import them Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) REMEMBER… Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) YOU CAN ALWAYS MAKE YOUR TEST PASS SUCCESSFULLY… http://mobile.snkplaymoreusa.com/metalslug1/ (Metal Slug) Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) CONCLUSIONS Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) CONCLUSIONS Common way to describe features Stakeholders / Business side Team: QA, developers, UX, … Testing if the app is doing the right thing Tests are based on behaviors, not code coverage Work hand by hand with business side Mock behaviors before implementation Could help UX to have an idea of the desired behavior Developers: run tests on their local machines easily and faster Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO OPEN SOURCE Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO OPEN SOURCE From QA to QA Based on existing tools Open Source GOAL: you should be able to create a test in the first 5 min GOAL: you should be able to “forget” about setting up emulators and download tools GOAL: include missing integrations with modern apps: Slack, TeamCity, Atlassian products, … GOAL: we should just need to do: npm install patata --save Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net) PATATA.IO OPEN SOURCE Stockholm Android SUBSCRIBE TO GET THE BETA WHEN READY HTTP://PATATA.IO Miguel Á. Domínguez Coloma (eridem.net)