NEWSLETTER May 11, 2016 FIRST CHURCH Redwood City, UCC In this Issue: of Calendar 3 Mission Statement 2 Connections 9 Opportunities 6 God of Many Voices 8 Prayer Requests Humor 16 Weekly Message 15 4 Open & Affirming Congregation Page 2 Faith, in Redwood City Living our Faith Loving our Community Since 1862 CALENDAR Page 3 Monday May 16 10:30am Chair Dancing Wednesday May 18 11:00am Prayer Circle Sunday May 22 5:00pm Community Sunday Monday May 23 10:30am Chair Dancing Monday May 30 Wednesday June 1 11:00am Prayer Circle Monday June 6 10:30am Chair Dancing Monday June 6 6:00pm Race & Theology Book Discussion Tuesday June 7 12:30pm Good Hope Luncheon Tuesday June 7 5:15pm Hillcrest Ministry Team Sunday June 12 5:00pm Community Sunday Monday June 13 10:30am Chair Dancing Monday June 13 6:00m Wednesday June 15 11:00am Church Council All Welcome Prayer Circle MEMORIAL DAY Office Closed NO Chair Dancing Thursday thru Sunday, June 16-19 Annual Gathering Monday June 20 10:30am Chair Dancing Sunday June 26 5:00pm Community Sunday All meetings, gatherings & events take place at 1155 Broadway Suite 130, Redwood City, 94063, unless otherwise noted. Page 4 WEEKLY MESSAGE STRENGTHEN the CHURCH On Pentecost Sunday, June 15, we celebrate the birth of the church. We know this story as recorded in the Book of Acts: “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit…” Acts 2:1-4 Peter quotes the prophet Joel to the startled crowd: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 Each day, visions and dreams are created in the hearts of many Page 5 WEEKLY MESSAGE in the United Church of Christ. Through the Strengthen the Church offering, they can become a reality. As God calls our congregations to be “church” in new ways, your gift will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Because of this offering, many more will hear the good news that “God is still speaking.” What vision does God have for our church? What does God dream for the many people who are still seeking and yearning for a little love, a little hope, and a reassuring word; people who have not heard the Pentecost message of the unconditional love of our still speaking God? Each year, we receive a special offering called Strengthen the Church, an offering that invests in the vision of the United Church of Christ. As God calls our congregations to be “church” in new ways, your gift will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Because of this offering, many more will hear the good news that “God is still speaking,” We will receive this offering during the month of June – in honor of the birthday of the church and Pentecost Sunday. We invite you to celebrate by giving to Strengthen the Church. today vibrant church tomorrow. Page 6 OPPORTUNITY WHAT IS STEP UP AND POWER DOWN? Step Up and Power Down is a new community initiative started by the cities of San Carlos, Redwood City and PG&E. We work together to help the Earth by reducing energy waste at home, which saves money and greenhouse gases. Using less energy helps our environment and helps the city meet our climate action goals. Step Up and Power Down is a way that PG&E helps to support California’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. We focus on making the simple choices that reduce our energy waste at home. When we all make small changes, they add up to a big impact. Our homes will be comfortable, healthy, and energy efficient, and our community more sustainable. Workshops and Gatherings Wed, May 17, 6:00 Steps to Control and Stop Energy Waste Habitat for Humanity, Rolison Road Clubhouse, 3470 Rolison Road, RWC Sunday, June 12, at the end of Worship Here at First Church OPPORTUNITY Page 7 To Support MEALS on WHEELS <Daily delivery service of hot, nutritious meals to home-bound seniors> FIGHT HUNGER ~ SUPPORT SENIORS Tuesday ʘ May 17 Participating Restaurants donate 10% of their proceeds… Just a few nearby dining choices are: Amici’s—Redwood Shores Celia’s—Redwood City Donato’s Enoteca—Downtown RWC Max’s—Redwood City Mistral—Redwood Shores Sundance—Palo Alto Villa Lucia’s—Woodside Road Vivace Ristorante—Belmont More options at Page 8 GOD OF MANY VOICES THE SPIRIT CAME The Spirit came and your Church was born, in wind and fire and words of power. The Spirit came blowing fear aside, and in its place weak hearts were stronger. The Spirit came as your word foretold, with dreams and signs, visions and wonders. The Spirit came and is here today, to feed the hearts of a world that hungers. Read more at: CONNECTIONS Page 9 A BLESSED EVENING! What a beautiful Mother’s Day celebration last Sunday. We also celebrated the life of Mary Juett with her son, Richard, as well as three of her faithful caregivers. Rev. Charlotte Asher led worship for us. And she brought her wife, Maryellen Grayson, so we had the pleasure of visiting with both of them during dinner. Page 10 CONNECTIONS Jennifer Sturken May 17 CONNECTIONS Page 11 REMEMBERING KIM Dear Family and Friends of Kim, These are the words I would have shared it if I had been able to speak at Kim’s service. I am so sorry to not be able to attend the celebration of her life. There will be so much to celebrate! ♥♥♥ A Remembrance of Kim Kimberly Smith-Nilsson was my colleague and friend. She sought me out when she first was called to pastor the Redwood City UCC and I immediately knew I had found a gentle friend, as wise pastor, a woman of integrity and spirit with whom to share something of our journeys and experiences together. It was less than a year ago when she asked if our church would be interested in partnering with her congregation in visiting the boys at Hillcrest Juvenile Detention Center. I knew our church would say Yes! I had been hoping to strengthen our commitment to that community. It was perfect timing! We were able to begin our ministry with the Redwood City UCC almost immediately. And, with Kim’s guidance, we trained several more volunteers. We are now a regular group of six with at least two more volunteers ready to step in next fall. Kim’s guidance and wisdom brought us together. We expected to be able to learn from her and work with her for several years to come. It was a huge shock to learn that her health was Page 12 CONNECTIONS suddenly in crisis and then that it was so very serious. Still, we expected her back with us in the work we had begun together, soon. Why did she leave us so soon? I do not dare to try to answer that question. But I know she blessed us abundantly in the time we had together. There are no words for our sorrow or to even try to expiate the grief we are feeling. She will be deeply missed. Her legacy of love and gentle wisdom will live on in all who knew and loved her. I feel deeply grateful to have been one of those who knew her, if not well, then heartfully. She touched our lives with God’s grace. We are so blessed. May you know God’s peace that passes all understanding in this time of grieving. May you be so strengthened in your support of one another that you will remember her gifts and feel called to live out your own gifts ever more fully. With love always, Kristi Rev/ Kristi Denham and Kim’s friends from The Congregational Church of Belmont, UCC Redwood City Hillcrest Team May 2015 CONNECTIONS Page 13 And from Kim’s sister-in-law Karen Nilsson Brandt Reflections on Kim’s Resolve Four simple words comprised Kim’s 2015 New Year’s Resolution: “I want to thrive.” To thrive is: to flourish. To thrive is: To grab a cup of coffee and leisurely read the New York Times as the sun warms your bare shoulders while you are seated on the patio surrounded by birdsong. To lend a listening ear to grieving parishioners while instilling hope for a happier tomorrow. To visit places held sacred in northern New Mexico and eat chicken enchiladas at The Shed in Santa Fe. To rejoice as the voices of your children soar with love while singing for your mother at church and during the party to celebrate Joann’s 80th birthday. To take a road trip with Alan, your husband, your soulmate and life partner, to celebrate 35 years of glorious togetherness while taking in the beauty of California's wine country and enjoying incredible theater at the Ashland, Oregon, Shakespeare festival. To treasure family gatherings at the Half Moon Bay cottage, where the fog could be so thick that only the crashing waves bore witness to the vast ocean beyond. Page 14 CONNECTIONS To share a lifetime of memories with your sister and to cherish each and every moment with one another. To welcome friends and family from far and wide to engage in a variety of topics and reminisce about spirited debates, favorite books and respected columnists. To trust your colleagues to plan the memorial service that you envision to carry forward you commitment to interfaith worship. To savor every moment. To begin with “hello” and end with, “’til we meet again, as this is not goodbye.” To create a meditative state in which peace, comfort, and loving care can be gratefully accepted. To peacefully exhale into eternity. In loving memory of Kim, strive to “thrive”. Amen Page 15 CONNECTIONS We Remember Robert (Bob) Uhlenberg who passed away yesterday in Meridian, Idaho. No services are planned. Connie Cameron Bill Van Cleve Emily Dee Van Cleve Pam Scurry Gary Dawson Little Jack Pat Moore Rhonda Lyman Annette Howitt June Bury Wanda Davisson Randall Mullins Marcie De Berry Betty Moran Tere Aicardi Christine McDermott Phyllis Happ Paul Michel Don Reed Kim’s Family Silicon Valley Progressive Faith Community Natalia Morrow First Church THE IMPORTANCE of HIGHER EDUCATION… “F in Exams” By Richard Benson of Redwood City, UCC 1155 Broadway Suite 130 Redwood City, 94063 650-369-0344 Executive Director Kathie Fosgett [email protected] Church Council Carol Chivers Catherine Lyman Bill Van Cleve Patti Bury Larry Fosgett Howard Macway Advisory Committee Millie Cole Annette Howitt Peggy Smullin Use the word congenial in a sentence: When you leave the gravy out too long, it congenials. The first thing Queen Elizabeth II did upon ascending the throne was to… Sit down. Write a sentence containing a double negative. Mike is ugly and he smells. Name two plays by Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. On what grounds was Aaron Burr tried for treason? New York. Write about the importance of animals in Of Mice and Men. The mice were very important— without them you’d only have the men. Use the word doldrums in a sentence. I cannot play doldrums.
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