Read The Open Bible Messenger from


Read The Open Bible Messenger from
ru1 'Psalm oj' Pratse
Make a joyful noiseunto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness:
Come beforeHis presencewith sing·ing.
ye that the Lord He is God:
I t is Ii e that hath made 'Us,and not we ourselvesj
l17eare his people, and the sheep of his jJastitre.
Enter into H is gates "Lviththanksgiving,
A nd into J-1is courts"Lvithpraise:
Be ye thank/Itlunto Hi», and blessHis name.
For the Lord is good;
.His 1nercyis everlasting;
A rul H is truth cnduretl: to all gelle1'atio1lS.
111 ••••
11 • • •
A Message From the Staff
Thankful Hearts
By Rev. Hazel F. Halsey
When The Bridegroom Shouts
By Rev. Bryant Mitchell
Seven Fundamentals
By Rev. Fred Lohmann
Convention Resume
The Message of the Open Bible
By Louise H. Richey
My Call To India "
By Pearl Booten
Grains From the Harvest Field
A New Book -
Open Bible Training School
Junior Bible School
Published monthly by the Open Bible Evangelistic Association. Incorporated.
Address all mall to 19th and Crocker
Streets, Des Moines, Iowa. Remittance should be made payable to THE OPEN BIBLE MESSENGER.
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November, 1932
A MessageFrom the Staff
, .\I:i
Hundreds of hearts today are breaking that every word be inspired of the Holy
because of sorrows and cares that press in Spirit, and backed by the prayers of every
upon them. Vainly the world is seeking Christian reader that the truth of the
for something that will satisfy-a satisfac- message might he "quick and powerful and
tion that will be a reality. God has provided sharper than any two-edged sword".
Your responsibility individually and
in His Divine plan for the fulfillment of
opportunity-for you may be a soul
'every need of man in the person of His Son,
Christ Jesus. Today the Lord holds out in winner-is to spread this gospel publication
that others out side
His hands of love a
of the ark of safety
portion for this hunDEDICATION
may read the mesgry, dying world; it
To the Church of -Iesus Christ, that
is the Word of Life,
sage, Thus will seed
grmtt invisible body throughout the world
from which, if we
be sown in the hearts
I (of which Christ is the head), we prayerpartake, w e s hall
of unbelievers.
fully dedicate this publication.
never again hunger
"Cast thy bread
May the message of these pages bring
I glory to the Father, blessing to tile saints, I
or thirst.
upon the waters: for
qulokenfng words of truth to those
I thou shalt find it
It is our oppor- I and
who Icnow not Christ.
tunity and privilege
after many days."
. Eccl. 11:1.
to spread the gospel
message by means of the printed page, As
"The Lord gave the word: great was
a staff we pray that this publication will the company of those that published it."
be a blessing to humanity in that it will Ps.68:11.
bring words of life eternal. Desiring that
HAndthe gospel must first be published
its pages might contain the gospel in its among all nations." Mk. 13:10.
simplicity, its beauty, and its whole truth,
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all
we rest on the promise from the fifty -fifth
and preach the gospel to every
chapter of Isaiah:
creature." Mk. 16:15..
"For as the rain cometh down, and the
HAnd they went forth, and preached
snow from heaven, and returneth not
thither, but watereth the earth, and mak- everywhere, the Lord working with them,
eth it bring forth and bud, that it may give and confirming the word with signs folseed to the sower, and bread to the eater; lowing." Mk. 16:20.
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of
so shall my word be that goeth forth out
of my mouth: it shall not return unto me life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
void, but it shall accomplish that which I Provo 11:30.
please, and it shall prosper in the thing
"How beautiful upon the mountains
whereto I sent it."
are the feet of him that bringeth good tidPray with us that the printed message ings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth
will be blessed of God to the salvation of good tidings of good, that publisheth salvasouls and to the edification of the Church tion; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reignof Jesus Christ. We desire above all things eth!" Isa. 52:7.
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Page Three
November, 1932
Rev. Hazel F. Halsey, Co-pastor of Calvary Tabernacle, East Des Moines
In I Chronicles 16:4 we read that Levites were
appointed to minister before the ark of the Lord,
and to record, and to thank and praise the Lord
God of Israel! Israel as a type and shadow of that
great Church of the blood washed throng which
was to come, established for us the valuable
precedent of a thankful and praiseful heart.
"These things are written for our admonition
upon whom the ends of the world are come."
I Cor. 10:11.
The Word tells us that we are made kings and
priests unto God, not because of our righteousness
but because of the righteousness of the Son of
God who has called us with this high and holy
calling. It is becoming, then, for us to follow the
pattern God has given us through the priesthood
and the Levites or ministers. The first requirement or duty of the Levitical order was to offer
praise and thanks to God. Hallelujah!
In other words we need a shout in the camp.
When God washes a soul in the precious blood of
His Son, that soul learns to shout the praises of
the King; when He heals' a sick body a psean of
praise must needs rise to the very throne of
glory. When a mortal being is filled with the
fullness of the Holy Ghost, that being must needs
burst asunder the bands of mortality else he find
an outlet in praiseful rejoicing. The angels could
not inhabit heaven without rejoicing; neither can
we, God's children on earth, receive His love, His
tenderness, His daily blessings without thankful
and praiseful hearts.
A thankful heart is a receiving heart. God
cannot pour in new blessings to ungrateful hearts.
Too often this is why we receive so little from
God. He is more willing to give than we are to
receive but our hearts must be enlarged by genuine praise and thanksgiving for blessings already
received and uncounted before they are large
enough to receive more of Him. God is great,
loving, merciful; yet we are prone to look at
hardship, sickness, defeat, and complain and murmur as did the children of Isrsel in the wilderness.
As long as the Israslites believed and rejoiced,
they were happy, victorious and constantly overcoming every foe. Let us cease to look at the difficulties Satan may cast upon our pathway (for
until he is put down it will ever be thus) and let
us look instead unto the Author and Finisher of
our faith, even Jesus. As we behold Him, Rose
of Sharon and Lily of the Valley, the fairest
among ten thousand to our hearts, sin, sickness
and sorrow will melt away and we will count
our blessings, however small. As we rejoice a
miracle will take place: our hearts, paltry, little
Page Four
and insignificant, as compared with the great
heart of God's love, will expand and enlarge beneath the sunshine of His smile, and we will be
the recipients of greater and far more abundant
blessings in the future.
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that
ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath
called you out of darkness into His marvellous
light." I Peter 2:9.
Blessed is he whose faith is not offended,
When all around his way
The power of God is working out deliverance
For others day by day;
Though in some prison drear his own soul languish,
Till life itself be spent,
Yet still can trust His Father's love and purpose,
And rest therein content.
Blessed is he, who through long years of suffering,
Cut off from active toil,
Still shares by prayer and praise the work of
And thus "divides the spoil".
Blessed art thou, 0 child of God, who suffer est
And canst not understand
The reason for thy pain, yet gladly leavest
Thy life in His blest Hand.
Yea, blessed art thou whose faith is "not offended"
By trials unexplained.
By mysteries unsolved, past understanding,
Until the goal is gained.
The Fort Des Moines Church of the Open
Bible is carrying on a wonderful work for the
Lord. Since the first of the year, ninety souls
have been converted and forty have followed
their Lord in the step of baptism.
The Sunday school work is growing and the
at~endance is gradually increasing. On Rally Day,
this past month, the record attendance was 185.
The ladies of the church have given their time
in canning food stuffs for distribution among the
poor this winter.
Thanksgiving day will mark the first anniversary of the church. The congregation is now praying and planning for a revival to be held in the
last part of November.
November, 1982
When the Bridegroom Shouts
Rev. R. B. Mitcheli.Pastor Fort Des Moines Church of the Open Bible
A sad little company of disciples stood on
Mount Olivet gazing steadfastly into the heavens;
vainly trying to peer through the cloud that received the Lord out of their sight. The Galilean
sky that day seemed to be a blue burial vault
with a white cloud for a covering stone. Their
Lord was parted from them. Like a farewell song
from heaven came the words of the two men in
white apparel, "This same Jesus which is taken
up from you into heaven, shall so come in like
manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."
With these words of comfort and promise ringing in their ears, the little band came down the
mountainside and went up into the city to the
upper room to tarry until the promised Comforter should come. Down through the two thousand years since that event, God's redeemed children have looked steadfastly into the heavens,
waiting for their complete redemption. The disciples preached and wrote about it. The early
Christians died with this hope quenching the
pains of the martyr's death. All around in the
heathen world, hope for the life beyond was
speculative and hopeless. It is no wonder that
Paul wrote about the second coming of Christ
that the Thessalonians might not sorrow as
"others which have no hope." Here are some inscriptions taken from the tombs of the heathen
nations showing the darkness in their souls:
"I, Procope, lift up my hands against the Gods
who took me hence, though innocent."
"Farewell, farewell, oh most sweet, for ever
and eternally farewell."
"Our hope was in our boy; now all is ashes
and lamentation."
"Fortune makes many promises, but keeps
none; live for the present."
The following are inscriptions taken from the
catacombs in Rome showing the blessed hope that
the Christians had:
"Fructuosus, thy soul is with the just."
"Constantia, ever faithful, went to God."
"Agape, thou shallt live forever."
"Eternal peace be to thee, Timothea in Christ."
Many who believe in the resurrection of the
dead, know little about the second coming of
Christ and care less. The actual fact is, that for
the living child of God or the dead in Christ, the
rapture, or appearing of our Lord in the clouds
for His Bride, IS the ressurection. Not only is
the New Testament aglow with its three hundred
and eighteen references to the coming of the
Lord, but the dominant note of the entire Old
Testament is the redemption for both Jew and
Gentile in the coming of the Redeemer from
heaven. Christ's first coming as the Babe of
Bethlehem was foretold and described by scores
of prophecies, everyone of which was fulfilled to
the very jot and tittle. Yet there are many times
as many prophecies relating to His second coming. They await fulfillment, but will come to
pass just as surely as did the others.
If we were to look at the subject of our Lord's
appearing in the light of eternity, we might be
astounded to realize that most of the Bible topics
which have occupied our minds are only PREPARATORY to the coming of the Lord. With
this event, their importance ceases. They .are the
"John the Baptist events," the forerunner events.
The great theme of the incarnation holds us in
wonder, but the Son of God became the Son of
Man that sons of men might become sons of G(Jd.
We shall awake in His likeness when He calls
from the heavens at His coming. The Crucifixion
draws us to the cross of love that we might receive our pure white bridal robes of righteousness
to wear at the wedding in the air. The Holy
Spirit is shed abroad in our hearts now to perfect
in us tne image of Christ that we might be perfect and spotless in that great day. The coming
of Christ is the great crowning event of the
Too many times we look at the great events
of scripture from man's viewpoint and not God's
viewpoint. We look through the telescope backwards. We look through the wrong end of i l.
Instead of seeing God's large view of it :111,we
squint our spiritual eyes and see only that which
concerns us. To us, the coming of the Lord is
our crowning day. To the Lord ,Tesus Christ, it
is the great homecoming day for heaven. It is
the bridal day, the culmination of His plan for
Jew and Gentile; the day when the Lamb becomes the Lion and wields the sword of doom
upon Satan and his hosts. It is the day when the
heart of God is filled with joy, the day when He
shall commune again, not with the twelve ransomed ones, but with ten thousand times ten
thousand and thousands of thousands. It is no
wonder that Paul says that the Lord shall descend
from heaven with a SHOUT. This shout of victory has been reserved in waiting from before
the foundation of the world. All heaven will join
in it, including the voice of the archangel and the
trump of God. The word in the Greek translated
"shout" is the word used to describe the spout
of a general to his victorious army. Thank God
for that shout of victory which shall penetrate
the stony vault, the earthen grave, and the
on Page 13)
Page Five
November, 1932
Seven Fundamentals
Fred Lohmann, Pastor Trinity Tabernacle, St. Louis, Missouri
There are many truths taught in the scriptures
which may be essential to the happiness and
pr:osperity of Christian believers, but the seven I
wish to h~ve you consider are so vital that if one
of them IS proven to be untrue then the whole
Christian system must fall because it is founded
upon falsehood.
Each of these seven pillars of truth, as held by
the church throughout the ages of its existance,
is attacked today by skeptics and branded as
superstition and classified with mythologies of the
past. Let us consider these fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith in the light of reason,
common sense, and the discoveries of modern
science, and after we have considered at least a
part of the evidences to be presented to support
them as truths, then let us render a verdict upon
the basis of what we have found to be facts. It
is to be regretted indeed that many, if not most, of
those who pass sentence upon the old-fashioned
fundamentals of the Christian faith and relegate
them to a place among the moth-eaten antiques
of bygone ages, are men and women who have
not actually gone into this matter from both sides
and honestly considered the evidences in the case,
No .man should pass judgment on any question
until he has heard the evidence in the case.
~he inspiration of the scriptures is openly
denied by some of the so-called great among our
educators, and even among ministers, we find
m~n who, while professing the Christian faith and
fe~gnmg ,to p~each the Gospel of Christ, are
tainted WIth this latest product of infidelity under
the guise of higher education and science socalled. Such men have lost, if they ever had it,
the. one and only thing which could ever make
their message one of power to turn men to righteousness, namely, the fact that the Bible is indeed
the Word of God and therefore inspired.
The origin of the Bible has been called in
question. Who is the author of this book we call
the Bible? Where did it originate? Is it the
product of mere man, or is it indeed true that it
is a revelation from the Infinite God? Modern
atheists who would like to assume the right to
do the world's thinking, declare it to be the work
of man, and therefore not inspired or "God
breathed", as taught by the church. Let us consider some of the evidences to be presented in
support of the inspiration of the book.
t b e d erne
The unity of the Bibl
1 e canno
by its critics, and yet it is composed of sixt _ .
books whose authors lived a es and a e y SIX
and whose writings were wriften unde; diffPartt
circumstances and in different Ian u
s eren
than thirty-five men took part in ~e~~:din~VIf~~
writings we call the Bible, and a period of about
Page Six
fifteen hundred years passed from the time it had
its beginning until it was crowned upon the lonely Isle of Patmos where its last and final chapter,
according to the unfolding of the divine revelation, was dictated to the Apostle John, by Him,
whose "Voice was as the sound of many waters",
who "walked in the midst of the candlesticks",
and who "held the seven stars in His right hand."
Yet it is but one book, with one unbroken theme,
and holds before the gaze of sinful man the only
hope of salvation. The same breath breathes
through its every page, and it has painted upon
its canvas, the history of the nations, foretelling
in detail more than twenty-five hundred and
thirty years of human history, touching every
condition of the great world empires, their rise,
fall, and the conditions which prevailed at the
time of their existence, Not one phase of human
life or history, political, spiritual, or economic has
been over looked. The daily press of the nations
at this hour, in recording current events, speak
the language of the prophets.
From ancient
Babylon to the coming Kingdom of Messiah, this
book which the Christian believes to be "the Inspired Word of God", has flung before the world
a mighty panorama of coming events and brought
moderns face to face with the greatest array of
evide~lce of its inspirati~n that it is possible to
c0.n~elve. S~e, upon this sc~een hung by ~he
plvme hand in tJ:1epages of this book and passmg
m ~ne 15ra~d r~vlew before our eyes, the eVI~enc,es
o! ~ts mspIratlor;, From far away Eden with ItS
smfu.l pair leaving the g~rden in ~hame, where
the first promise of a SaVIOr was given, down to
proud Mount Moriah where Abraham offered up
Isaac, ~p.d wher,e ~undreds of years later "Immanu?l ga~e ~IIS life a. ra.nsom for all upon the
world s sacrificial altar, It IS one grand and glorious s~stem of teaching a sinful race the way of
salvatl.on a.nd proymg to wayward man the love
of an infinite .SavlOur,
. The ~eachm~ t~at t~e Blbl~ IS .out of date,
mcorrect~ un~c~entlfic, and altogether
a back
num~e~ IS no~ true. In th,e real~ of astronomy,
che.m.l~try, SCIence an,d. ll1VentlO~l, archeology,
politics, finance, and .rel~glOn, the BIble has .spoken
and to~lay stands vIr;dlCated by the findl~1gs.?f
~rue sCI~nce, There. IS not on,e proven scientific
fact which contradicts the BIJ;>le, Scientists do
not. al"~ays, make clea~' the difference between
their theories and their facts, but facts which
t t'
,.ave~en proven, ear es nmony to th~ mspiration of the ~cnptures, Astronomers 111 recent
~ears, searching the, heavens with their giant
telescopes, have venti.ed the statements of Job
~~d othe~s ho ~p~~e l~ the l7 ng ag~, concerning
e mys en~~o~tinueg one~~:~
bodies, and the
. .Convent~o~ week for the Open Bible Evangelistic ASSOCIatIOnopened at Des Moines Iowa
Sunday evening, October 13. With a full' week'~
schedule of three sessions a day, ministers and
delegates found the
time not only enj oyable and interesting
-as con v e n t ion s
God was in the
The Rev. F r e d
Lohmann, pastor of
St. Louis, Missouri,
opened the convention with a timely
m e s sag e for the
evangelistic service,
using the subject,
"When God S aid
Ministers met together for their first session on Monday afternoon. Rev. John R. Richey, pastor of the Church
of the Open Bible, Nineteenth and Crocker
Streets, Des Moines, Iowa, in speaking to the
ministers, expressed the desire of every worker
when he spoke of the need of lifting up high
standards of holiness for the people of God. The
closing hour of the afternoon conference was
spent in prayer. Realizing their need of a deeper
experience that they might lead others on to
know God, each one rededicated his life unto the
Lord. The memory of this time of prayer lingers
in the hearts of those present because of the way
'the Holy Spirit dealt with the lives of men and
women. "They that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength."
Brother Lohmann's topic, "Is the End of This
Age at Hand?" proved to be most inspirational to
the large congregation present at the evening
Tuesday's schedule included a prayer meeting
at 9:30 a. m., a sermon by Charles M. Learning,
evangelist, at the afternoon session, and a message in the evening by the Rev. Wm. Watson,
pastor of the Open Bible Church, Detroit, Michigan.
Preparation for the ordination service of Wednesday, October 19, was begun at the morning
prayer hour when Brother Lohmann spoke concerning the need of "open channels for the Spirit
of God."
In the afternoon the Rev. Louise H. Richey
gave a resume of the message of the Open Bible.
Officiating at the ordination service of the
evening, the Rev. A. W. Kortcamp, pastor of the
Moline, Illionis, Full Gospel Temple, dealt with
the question "Is Anti-Christ at Hand?" The
sacred ceremony at the close of the service included the ordination of forty-six ministers, fortyfour of whom were present. The following received certificates of ordination under the Open
Bible Evangelistic Association:
Arthur Adams, Roberta T. Adams, Harold L.
Adams, Gwendolyn E. Adams, Marie Barnett,
Pearl J. Booton, Evelyn L. Chamberlin, Maybelle
Cutting, Emma Goehring, Hazel F. Halsey, Cline
Halsey, Lela Haycock, Ora Hillan, Merrill King,
Myrtle King, Nelly Keizer, Albertus M. Keizer,
Roy M. Klopping, Rena V. Klopping, Daniel E.
Buser, Elvelyn G. Euser, Charles M. Leaming, Pearl C.
Leaming, Clarence E. La Mar, Don L. McArtor, Jean P.
McArtor, Irvin MeDowell. Olive McDowell, George Martin, Landon W. Mendenhall, Hazel M. Mendenhall, R. B.
Mitehell, Lola L, Mitchell, Edna L. Mosier, David E.
Mofken, John R. Rlehey, Louise H. Richey, Wilbur L.
Sterrett, Samuel Kelly, Mary A. Webb, W. A. Weyrauch,
Eugene Williams, Florence Iil, Wixom, Emily G. Wright
and William J. Watson.
A day of prayer was observed 'I'hursday, A continuous time of communion with the Lord was maintained
throughout the day until the time of the evening servlce.
Tho Rev, Wilbur Sterett, pastor at Waterloo, Iowa, gave
an instructive message on the Holy Spirit, and prayer
war; resumed at the close of the meeting in the auditorium. At the end of the week, fourteen had received
the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
A Divine Healing service with prayer for tho sick
was conducted by Brother Lohmann, Saturday.
The three services of Sunday with Brother Lohmann
as speaker, climaxed a glorious week for Goe!.
At the afternoon meeting parents were brought face
to face with their responsibilities to their homes and
families by a mesaage on "Family Religion". During his
message, Brother Lohmann made this strtking statement:
"The bulwark of our strength today Is in our Christian homos.
need to get back
to the f a m il y
standards of religion and bring God
into our homes."
The outstanding impression of
the can v e n t Ion
week was a feelIng of having been
with the Lord. A
burden for souls
became a reality
in the lives of the
min i s tel's
delegates; a missionary vision ontercel i n tot
plans for the comHEV. AND MRS. CHAS. LFJAMING ing year, and an
of one
hundred and thirty-nine dollars was received for missions;
Hauls were saved in tho evangelistic services. Praise God
from whom all blessings flow! May He guide and direct
each worker that the endeavors of this coming year will
bring glory to His name.
The next convention for the Association will be held
in May, 1933.
Page Seven
November, 1932
The message of the open Bible! What pleas- the hearts of poor lost sinners. The Book must
ing, soothing words! They are such words as the be open, the truth must be known, that the Lord
child of God loves to turn over and over in the Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God came to
revolutions of his mind. They sift into his heart die for all men. His forerunner, John the Baptist,
and cling to the walls of the inner shrine of his looked upon Him and said, "Behold the Lamb
soul. They become as emeralds and rubies of God which taketh away the sin of the world".
mounted and studded with gold as he meditates Today all the world must hear this "good izews",
the gospel story of salvation. The red and white,
upon their value and worth.
"The message of the open Bible!" What is it? the black and yellow races must know that Jesus
Let us ponder for a moment upon the meaning died for them too. They must hear of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse
of the words themselves. ''The message"-"communication"-what hungry soul does not enjoy from all sin, no matter how vile they may be. The
communion and fellowship with a delightful com- Word of God must be an open book, presenting
panion? ~~w let us consider the phrase, "of the salvation through the death of the Lord Jesus
open Bible". The very tvord "open" is inviting. Christ upon the Cross of Calvary.
It makes one think that he is standing before a
. Let us look away to Calvary and see God's
portal with the gates flung wide, and he feels as message to a lost, condemned, and perishing
if something was beckoning for him to come in- world. There it is in a concrete form for all eyes
side. The word "Bible"
to see the old rugged
m e a n s "the Book" and
cross, an emblem of torsurely it is "the Book," for
ture and death, and there
"The Son of Man," who
there is no other book like
it i n all the world, for it is
was the very "Son of God"
God's Book. I t is a library
died to set all men free.
of records that contains
He met the Divine judgGod's purpose and plan for
ment there for all, and
man; it is a treasury of
bore in His own body the
Divine Truth that God desins 0%the whole world as
sires to reveal to those
He died upon that cruel
tree. Time has removed
who love Him; it is a revelaton of His Son, the Lord
the wooden structure of
Jesus Christ, and the suthe cross but the work
t h a t w a s accomplished
preme sacrifice that He
made for the salvation of
there will live throughout
lost humanity upon the &MESSAGE OF THE OPEN BIBLEV eternity. By faith today
Cross of Calvary. There
we can see that cross
upon the cross through His death He unlocked planted upon Calvary's brow with its arms outGod's greatest treasury of truth and it stands open stretched to all the world and its upright beam
today to all who will enter by way of the cross. pointing toward heaven, To me, the great per"The message of the open Bible" is God's coin- pendicular beam of the cross represents the Lord
munication with man through the printed page of Himself, the left arm represents Jesus, the "Son
His "Living Word" and whosoever will may come 0.1 Man," and the right arm represents Cllrist,
through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and enjoy "the Anointed One," the Son of God. These
Divine fellowship.
arms seem to be outstretched, beckoning to all
God's message to man is through the Cross of the world to come and h e e l at the foot of the
Calvary, and it is the only entrance into His Cross and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their
Word. Apart from the cross, the Bible is a "closed Saviour. Jesus died to provide universal salvabook" to man. Men have closed the Book unto tion and to make all men free, yet each individual
themselves by their own reasoning; they have soul must yield in repentance at the Saviour's
shackled its power in their own lives by the Bet- feet and know his own sins forgiven and his own
ters of their unbelief; but God's Word is "quick heart cleansed with the precious blood 0.1 the
and powerful" and cannot long be fettered by dying Lamb of God. The father cannot repent for
men for it is God's present day communication his son, nor the mother for her daughter, but each
with mankind and it must be open to speak to individual must come and accept salvation, I
Page Eight
November, 1932
must 1cn.eel at the foot of that cross and accept bore it for you in the provision that He made for
by faitlz what He has accomplished for me. I your physical healing at the whipping post,
must lcneel at His blessed feet, myself, and ask "EIimself took our infirmities, and bare our sickHim to forgive and cleanse me and to accept me nesses." (Matt. %:17.)
as His own. Loved ones and friends can pray
Look at the other arm of the cross stretching
for me and intercede in my behalf but I must forth as a sheltering wing over His Church.
meet my Saviour alone. I remember now, how Christ is not only the Head of 1-3s Church, that
I met Him there, when I was but a child of invisible, throbbing organism of His born again
twelve, as I lmelt at an altar in a revival meeting believers, but He is the very life of His body, the
and cried out for His forgiveness. Though young Church. When He went back to heaven from
in years, I realized my l ~ e a r twas heavy with sin earth He left behind a small scattered group of
and that I must uncover it before Him, that I-Ie weak disciples, who had proven thelnselves as
might wash it clean with His precious blood. The failures in the crucial hour of I-Iis death. He had
hot tears poured down my cheeks as I sobbed out commissioned them to go into all the world and
my repentance, but He forgave me and cleansed preach the gospel to every creature. But how
me from my sin and drew me close to Him, bless could a doubting Thomas and a denying Peter
His dear Name. If you have never met the Sav- preach the Gospel? How could tlzese weak foliour there at the foot of His cross, dear reader, lowers of the Christ preach to a sin-cursed world?
He is looking for you. He
Ah, the Lord Jesus Christ
wants to fofgive your sin;
never intended them to
EIe wants to gather you in
preach, but He told them
His strong embrace and
to wait. "And behold I
draw you close to Him,
send the promise of my
"And God shall wipc away all tows from their
When Jesus, the Son of
father upon you; but tarry
eyes; and theye shall hc no morc death, neither
Man, was here upon earth,
ye in the city of Jerusorrow, nor crying; neither shall thoro bo any nioro
He went about doing good
until ye be endued
pain; for the forlner things arc passed away."
to all men. He healed the
with power from on high."
Rev. 21:4.
sick of a11 manner of dis(Luke 24:49). When the
day of His departure areases, young and old, rich
rived and He was with
and poor. None were overIn nmnory of Brother Frank Wcinmnn, lor years
His disciples on Mount
loolred who came to Him.
a InithPul worker for God in the West Dcs Moincs
Today I-Te is the same comOlivet, He went away
Church, as Deacon, Elder, Assistant Sunday School
saying, "Ye shall receive
passionate Jesus. He has
Supcrtntcndcnt, U ~ h c rand Bible tcnclier, who went
power after that the Holy
not lost His power and He
to his reward on October 31, 1932.
Ghost is come upon you:
wants to heal all who come
to Him. Paul reminds us
and ye shall be witnesses
that IIc is the same now as of yore. "Jesus unto me both in 3Terusalem, and in all Judaca,
Christ tlze samo yesterday, and today, and lor- and in Samaria, a.nd unto the uttermost art
ever." (I-Ieb. 13:8.) Today mcn and women need of the earth." (Acts 1:8.) While the Lord ~Gsus
to know that Jesus lzas not lost His power to heal Christ was yet speaking these words to I-Iis
the sick, and that t11e left arm of the cross points disciples He was taken up from them and a cloud
to tlze whipping post where they scourged Him received I-Iim out of their sight. Recdling His
command to tarry until they were filled with
that Isaiah's prophecy might be fulfilled-"with
His stripcs we are healed." (Ias, 53:5.) The apostle the power of the Holy Ghost, they made their
Peter, looking baclr to the whipping post and be- way to Jerusalem to wait for the Promise of the
holding the bloody stripes left upon the Master's Father. They gathered in an upper room-perbaclr by the scourger's lash, has written "by haps the same upper room where the Lord had
whose slxipcs ye werc healed." Today Christian eaten the last Passover Feast with them, and
reader, il you are suflcring in your body and you where He had blessed the bread and the wine and
have found no remedy among physicians and had instituted the Lord's Supper-about one hunsurgeons, look away to Jesus as the healer of your dred and twenty in number and "these all conbody and accept Him as your physician, nothing tinued with one accord in prayer and supplicais too hard for Him, You do not have to carry tion." (Even the mother of Jesus was there.)
(Continued on Page 10)
that dreadful disease in your body any longer. He
Page Nine
November, 1932
Rev. Pearl Booten, Pastor ~t VVezrer, Iowa
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my
thoughts than your thoughts.'' Isa. 55.9.
Little did I dream three years ago last Februruarv.
while ~ l a n n i n n
my future, tl&
w o u 1d intervene a n d
change the course of my
life; but that is exactly
what happened.
Events took place so
suddenly and in such a
queer way. My mother
received a missionary
paper from W. K. Norton's work in Benares,
India, each month and I
read the news because it
was interesting. I had
never thought o% being a
missionary, althourrh as
a child, "I imagined I
would like to be an orphanage worker. Then one
day the Lord put this question to me, "Are
you willing to go to India?" The very idea startled and frightened me. I didn't answer the Lord,
and for several months kept my mind and heart
as far removed from that subject as possible and
tried to forget, it; but strange to say the Lord
never forgot; He bothered me so much that I
couldn't study.
I had taken a course in I'ligh School which
would help me in my training as a Latin and
History teacher, but the year preceeding graduation (that was after the Lord had asked me that
seemingly fatal question) I changed my mind so
many times, that only the Lord would have
known what I would have been, had He not so
changed the direction of my life.
One night while I was praying down at a little
Foursquare church in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the
Lord toppled over my "tower of Babel" with all
of its selfishness and He again asked me if I would
go, and I gave the answer in the affirmative-("it
is hard to kick against the pric1rs")-and
God gave me peace.
After that episode, the Lord led me out to
Angelus Temple Bible School (where I learned
quite a few 1.essons on "Faith" and "Obedience"),
giving me work most of the time I was there, for
which I praise Him.
I n September, 1932, a returned missionary
from Dhond, Poona District, India, wrote to nie
asking that I go back with her. The station in
which she has been working is an independent
Page Ten
full gospel "Faith" orphanage, of which John E.
Norton is director. He manages the station on the
George Mueller plan, that is, he trusts God to
send in the funds.
God willing, I expect to go back with this
woman missionary, and covet your prayers. My
trust is in God, for He said, "Fear not, I will help
Sister Booton plans to mil for Inditl in tho
spring, tho Lord willing. We ssli yo11 to p l y with
us tlmt the Lord will proviilo tho nckcessury
means Sol* 0111. Sister's tr:~11s1)o1*t:~l,io11
mid s ~ ~ p port. Miss 8oott.11 will bo visiting tho lluld
, ch~~rches
and speslring in tho inturesL of nlissions.
(Continued from Page 9 )
"And when tlie day of Pentecost was fully come,
they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1, 4.) This was the
beginning of the Church of Christ, which was
baptized and submerged in the power of the Holy
Spirit, even as the Lord had promised to His
disciples as He went away. Now Peter stood up
with the eleven and witnessed before tlie great
throng of people. This new found power, even
the power of the Holy Ghost, the third person of
the Eternal Godhead, enabled the denying Peter
to become a witness for the m i s u n d e r s t o o d
Messiah among the Jews who had so recently
crucified I-Iim. They were so pricked in their
hearts by the conviction of the Holy Spirit that
they cried out "laen and brethern, what shall
we do?" "And the same day there were added
unto them about three thousand souls.'' The
power of the Holy Ghost had wrought this great
change in the little group of discipes until they
feared no man and the city of Jerusalem and the
country around about was stirred by the strange
happenings that occurred daily through these
Spirit-filled men of God.
Why is the twentieth century church so weak
and powerless? Because she lacks this power of
the Holy Ghost. She needs to be submerged and
baptized in that power until she can stand and
bear witness for her Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ and see wonders wrought in His mighty
Name. Believer friend, that power is for you loo.
Perhaps you find it hard to testify for your beloved Saviour and you wonder why you are so
weak and fearful. You know that you love Him
(Continued on Pagc 1 2 )
"Pastors and members of the Iowa Falls Open
Bible Tabernacle send greetings through the
Open Bible 1Uessenger with a prayer that it shall
truly bc n white winged messenger for God and
do its work of winning souls for the Master.
"We can report victory for Christ and I-Iis
glory. Sister 1Uaybellc Cutting, from Long Beach,
California, graduate of L, I. P'. E., has been with
u s since July.
"On August 30, members and friends gathercd on t.hc rivcr bank and witnessed a baptismal
service conducted by Rev. John R. Richey and
Brothc!r King, as thirty-two children of the living
God :lbllowcd t h i r Lord i n water baptism.
"For tlie past fivc weeks we have been carrying on in Uuckeyc, holding services in the I. 0.
0. F. hall. God has brought unto I-Iimself twentysix souls in thcsc mcctings."
Mcrrill and
King, Co-pastors.
A glowing rcport was received from Brother
and Sislcr IIclrold L, Adams who reccntly closed
a six-wcel: revival campaign for the Church of
tlx! Open J3iX11~1,Shcldoil, Iowa, oS which the Rev.
and Mrs. A. M. Ihizcr arc pastors. Services are
bcing corxductod in the Christian church oP that
city. Tlw report is as follows:
"Wr! sturtcd with only a Pcw pcoplc present
but as thi:, rncctings continued the crowds incrc:zscd zmtil thc church, seating three hundred,
was lillcd nxid many wcrc turncd away.
During t11c spccial scrviccs, nine were baptizcd in water and sevcral miracles, including the
healing ol' t i lady with tlzrcc tumors, and a woman
alnictod with liuy Scvcr, were wrought by God
i n answtv to pn~gc!r,"
Thc rcvivnl i s now being continued by Brother
and Sistcr 31. W. McCdlough, Sorlner pastors at
Milcs City, Mont,;una, and wo trust thcy will havc
a n ahi.mtlan2. 1i:u.vrst of souls.
November, 1932
under Christ's great leadership. Services are being held every Sunday morning and evening;
also Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday nights.
"Sunday School, Children's Church, and a
Crusader movement are all an outgrowth of the
"It has been the joy of our lives to p o h t the
people of Boone to Jesus, the only one who can
save and forgive sins. We are expecting God to
do great things in Boone in the future,"
Since the opening of the work in this town,
Iifty souls have been led to Christ. Rcmember to
pray for these dear wor1r;ers and their charge.
Des Moines is to have a fourth Open Bible
Church. The new building which the people of
I-Iighland Park are erccting will be ready for the
opening service soon after the first of December.
The work in Highland Park was begun by
Evangelist Charles M. Learning, Services were
held in the large tent used by the Learning evangelistic party. During thcir stay of nine weeks in
this campaign, one hundred and nfty people gave
their hearts to the Lord as they knelt at the rough
board altars in the tent.
While waiting for the completion of their
church home, the Highland Park pcople are meeting in a home for services three nights each week.
A rally lor the Open Bible Crusaclcrs of Iowa
is being planned for December 2. At this time
the young people from the four Des Moines
churches and delegates from th.e Aeld churches
arc espcctcd to attend. The day promises to be a
profitable one. Groups from the field churches
are urged to plan to come to Des Moines for this
rally, which will bc held at tlie West Des Moincs
Brothers Samuel Kelly and Clarence LaMar
011May Zi, 1!1:12, thc c:hurch doors wcrc opcn- are co-pastors of a thriving church in Burlington,
ccl m r l 111~lirsl sorviw hcld in Boone, Iowa, in Iowa. The scrviccs arc now bcing hcld in the St.
thc O~)csi13ihlv Ch11rc-Ii. Brotlic~ra i d Sistcr Ilur- Paul's M. E. Church, which the congregation is
old Adams i ~ ~ i111~othc~
:itid Sister Arthur Adams, purchasing.
of 1,o:; An!:(11(>:;,Calil'ornin, coiiclud.cc1 the services
Thi:; work was opcncd with a tent revival in
~ O L w(~(~I:s,
I ~
which t i m ~the iktt.<>~?di~ncc
July by Brothm LaMar and Brother Austin Ashstcaclily inclwscd
ley. During tht: first month uS mcctings, thirty
of' 1,lict lirst month ol meetings, souls wcre saved. At the closc ol this month's
At, t h ( ~c~lo:.;(~
13roth(~r;11ic1 Sist(>rIIi11~)ldAclams went to New- scrviccs, Brother Ashley 1cCI for school, and Rev.
ton, Iowa, 10 assist th(1 Lcaming party, leaving David Morkcn assisted Erothcr LaMar for a Pew
Brother i~nrl Sist.c>rArthur Aclnms as pastors in weeks until the arrival of Brother Kelly.
c1i;lrgc:. 7'11c~1x~
is a ring ol victory in their rcport
They writc in their letter that thcy are going
ol' tllc work, wl~ichrcucls:
"Six months Iiuvc: slipped by with the revival on to "deeper dcpths and higher heights". God
fires still bwning andl the work: steadily growing bless them as they labor for Him.
Page Eleven
November, 1932
An attractive booklet, "Are You Ready for the
Harvest?" written by A. A. Sandy, Des Moines
physician, and superintendent of the Open Bible
Sunday school, Ninteenth and Crocker streets,
has just been published and is now ready for
The object of the book, states Dr. Sandy on
the introductory page, is not so much to instruct
the student and believer in the glorious truth of
our Lord's second coming, but rather to convince
the unbelieving multitude, both in and out of our
churches of the rapid fulfillment of prophecy pertaining to Christ's second advent.
Excerpts from two of twenty definite signs
pointing to the imminent return of Christ, set
forth in the publication, are as follows:
"The political sign: The sea and waves roaring
stand for war and revolution. Human governments are being tested as never before. Scepters
are breaking and thrones tottering. Justice is
breaking down, law courts are failing. Fear is in
the hearts of many, both the millionaire and the
"There are no less than ten million men unemployed in the United States today.
"Sir George Paish, the great British economist, made the following statement in 1930:
'World trade now lies in the shadow of the
worst financial crisis in history. We are drinking
and making merry for tomorrow we die. I say
with the highest authority and challenge anyone
to deny it, that we are threatened with the greatest financial crisis the world has ever seen . . . .
We are face to face with the crisis now ... it
means disaster to the world. Weare now trying
to see a way out-we are just dancing. I am not
wish I were.'
"Moral sign: Professor Pitkin of Columbia
University, is reported by "TIME" as saying 'Almost everything that we have done in the United
States in education, and especially higher education, has been wrong . . . I cannot be proud of an
educational system that turns out guilty barbarians.'
"Warden Lewis of Sing Sing prison says,
'There is no moral force in the class room . . . .
The failure of our schools and general educational
methods is filling our juvenile homes, our reformatories and prisons.' "
Space will not permit printing additional excerpts from the booklet but copies may be obtained by writing to the OPEN BIBLE MESSENGER. (Price fifty cents each.)
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15.
With this scripture for their motto, the Open
Bible Training School opened in September for
their third year of study, with one hundred and
fifty students enrolled.
The curriculum offers classes in preparation
for bible training, evangelism, and pastoral work,
and includes the following courses of study:
Bible Evangelism, Bible Doctrine, Four Gospels, Prophecy, Types and Shadows, Philosophy
of the Cross, Practical Theology, Divine Healing,
Pentateuch, Homiletics, Pauline Epistles, Personal
Work, Church History, English, and Children's
Classes are to be held at night, two evenings
a week, from seven to nine thirty.
The next enrollment will be September 1,
1933. No new students will be admitted for the
midyear term.
(Continued from Page 10)
but you seem powerless to tell others about Him.
~ ou need the power. of the Holy Ghost in your
life to make you a Witness. "But," you say, "that
experience is not for me. I'll just have to do the
best I can." Oh, no! Your best is not enough. You
need the power of the Holy Ghost, even as Peter
of old, who said "For the promise is unto you and
to your children, and to all that are afar off, even
as many as the Lord our God shall call." (Acts
2:39.) If you know that you have been called
from the world of sin to follow after the Master
then that promise includes you, does it not? Begin now to search your heart and wait upon the
Lord for the Promised Baptizer and He will come
into your life to dwell and to empower you for
greater service for your Lord and Saviour.
As the upright beam of the cross points
heavenward, so the believer who kneels at the
foot of the cross and accepts the Saviour as his
own, should live looking upward, watching and
praying for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When He was taken up into heaven from his
disciples, two men in white apparel ap.peared before them saying, "This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in
like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."
(Acts IrLl.) So we are to live looking Ior the return of the same Jesus who suffered and died for
us upon the cross, and ascended into heaven
where He is seated at the right hand of the Fathe;
interceding for His own, and some day-we know
not the day nor the hour-He is coming even as
He said. The Church of Jesus Christ should labor
Mr. and Mrs. William Dexter are the proud and live "Looking for that blessed hope and the
parents of a baby boy, born November 1, 1932. glorious appearing of the great God 'and our
The young son has been named David Eugene.
(Continued on page 13)
November, 1932
(Continued from Page 12)
(Continued from Page 5)
caverns of the sea to bring forth the glorified
bodies of the redeemed dead. It will also be the
summoning call to the living saints to meet their
heavenly Bridegroom i n the clouds of glory.
Old Job knew about this "shout from heaven"
over three' thousand years ago. He was sitting
on 'the ash heap outside his city covered with
the Devil's boils from the crown of his shaven
head to the soles of his feet. I-Ie asked for death
but it wouldn't come. He called to God, but the
heavens were silent. His soul was in sore travail,
goods were gone, children gone, the joy of earthly life gone. His three remaining friends were
seated around him like vultures waiting for their
prey to die. There was no fear of death for him.
Indeed there was a great hope for the call of the
Redeemer. He said, "All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
THOU SHALT CALL, and I will answer thee;
thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine
hands." Job was looking forward to that shout
from heaven. A little while later he got so happy
over it that we hear him shout, "I know that my
Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the
latter day upon the earth; . . . in my flesh shall
I see God."
We praise our Saviour for the certainty and
glory of His coming. The next great event for
the invisible Church of Christ today is the sounding of that shout from heaven which shall call
her from service here to worship up there. Every
heart that is in tune with that voice will respond
and be raised in the twinkling of an eye by the
power of the indwelling Spirit of God. May the
Lord Jesus make us ready to respond to that
shout, keeping our eyes on the heavens and our
lives in His hand until the dawn of that great day.
Since the opening of services at Pella, Iowa,
in June, 85 souls have knelt at the altar seeking
Christ. Thirty-one have been baptised in water,
and many sick bodies have been healed by the
Lord in answer to prayer.
Cottage prayer meetings are held each week
with an average attendance of 50, many of which
are waiting upon God for the infilling of the Holy
Preaching services are held each Saturday
and Sunday cvcning in the American Legion Hall.
The incetings have been well attended and intcrest is increasing.
Brothcr and Sister Clarencc Truitt, workers
in charge, have been assisted by the Misses Mildrcd and Lillian Nelson of Forest City, Iowa. All
arc stuclcnts of the Open Biblc Training School of
Dcs Moinrs. Iowa.
Saviour Jesus Christ." (Titus 2:13.) The next
time the Lord comes He is not coming t o die for
the world; but He is coming for the Church Bride
who has washed her garments white and is
adorned and waiting for her Bridegroom. What
a glorious day of meeting that will be "For the
Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with
the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall
rise first: then we which are alive and remain
shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall
we ever be with the Lord." The Church will not
behold a thorny crown upon the Master's brow
when she sees Him, but a golden crown with
many diadems will adorn His head and He shall
be hailed as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and
before Him ever knee shall bow. Dear reader,
if you wish to be among those to behold the Lord
when I-Ie comes, make sure that you have lmelt at
the foot of the cross in repentance and that your
garments have been washed white in the blood
of the Lamb-that you have crowned Him as the
King of your heart and life. If you have not
already made your decision and accepted ETim as
your Saviour, why not do it now lest some future
time might be too late?
"The message of the open Bible?" What is it?
It is God's love communicated to man through
the death of His crucified Son upon the cross of
Calvary. What is this message? It is the Lord
Jesus Christ as the Saviour for the sin-sick soul;
it is the Lord Jesus Christ as the Healer of the
sick body; it is the Lord Jesus Christ as the Baptizer of the Holy Ghost upon the consecrated believer; it is the Lord Jesus Christ as the Coming
King for His Church. That is God's message
through His crucfied Son to the whole wide
(Continued from Page 6)
greatness of the universal being. Among the facts
were the secret of the preserving and handling of
high explosives. One of the leading chemists during the World War, proved the correctness of the
Bible and took from the writings of Job the formula for making T. N. 2'. safe to handle. In this
ancient book is also found the first and finest description ever given of the radio and its mysteries.
Yct the wise ones who would have us discard the
Bible as a relic of an outgrown age, get all excited
when they make some so-called "new discovery",
when in fact they have not :found something
"new", but are merely digging up facts recorded
in the Bible, and often times stated in the language of the moderns.
(Continued in next issue)
Page Thirteen
(Continued from Page 13)
If you have enjoyed this copy of the OPEN
BIBLE MESSENGER we urge you to send in
your subscription now so that you will receive
your copies regularly.
Fill in the blank below, printing your name
and address plainly and mail to Tl}:E OPEN
BIBLE MESSENGER, Nineteenth and Crocker
streets, Des Moines, Iowa. Make all remittances
payable to the OPEN BIBLE MESSENGER.
No individual copies will be mailed for December. All subscriptions will begin January, 1933.
If you desire to have the December copy mailed
to you, send ten cents extra with your subscription order.
'I'he subscription price in U. S. A. and possessions, one dollar per year; Canada, one dollar and
twenty-five cents. The magazine is published
monthly (twelve copies per year).
Nineteenth and Crocker Sts.,
Des Moines, Iowa.
Enclosed find one dollar for which please send
for one year,
beginning January, 1933.
After closing a two months' tent meeting in
Highland Park, assisted by Brother and Sister
Harold Adams, Brother and Sister Charles M.
Learning accepted a call for revival services in
Osceola with Sisters Caroline Paul, and Edna
Mosier. The meeting was conducted in a tent in
a tourist park in that city and from the first
service, God placed His stamp of approval upon
the work. Every service during the three weeks
was blessed in a most unusual manner. People
attended the meetings from a radius of over fifty
miles. During the services one hundred confessed
Christ as their Savior.
The Learnings write as follows:
"Several real miracles of healing took place in
answer to believing prayer; among them a lady
almost totally blind for eight years, to the extent
that she had to be led about, was instantly healed
in so much that she walked off the platform with
no assistance and continued to attend the services.
Her testimony was one that stirred the entire
community. The sick and afflicted came from
many miles seeking a touch from the Great
"A young man, unsaved, afflicted with a disease that baffled doctors, was saved upon his bed
and healed by simple faith in Jesus Christ. He
was prayed for on Thursday, and attended services on the following Sunday, giving a testimony
that stirred hearts.
"On the last Sunday of the tent meeting, an
old-fashioned water baptismal service was conducted in a small lake located in the city park.
Twenty-seven followed the Lord in baptism. It
was estimated that over seven hundred people
witnessed the scene."
A tabernacle is now being erected to be known
as the Osceola Gospel Tabernacle which will be
ready for opening on November 19. Brother and
Sister Harold Adams are carrying on with Sister
Carolyn Paul in this new work.
The Leamings are now in the midst of a revival in Dover, Ohio, where Brother Corliss Coe
is pastor. They will return to Osceola for the
dedication of the new tabernacle.
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Page Fourteen
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We extend a special invitation to
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November, 1932
Cottage Grove Cafe
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