Performance Plus Reference Manual - Brick


Performance Plus Reference Manual - Brick
PerformancePLUS Reference Manual
Table of Contents PerformancePLUS Reference Manual ...................................................................................................................... 1 Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Performance PLUS and SGOs ...................................................................................................................................... 3 First Login ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Find My Classes ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Manually Grading an Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 8 Printing a Bubble Sheet ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Scanning Bubble Sheets -­‐ Elementary School .................................................................................................... 12 Scanning Bubble Sheets -­‐ Middle School ............................................................................................................. 14 Scanning Bubble Sheets -­‐ High School .................................................................................................................. 17 Reporting in PerformancePLUS .............................................................................................................................. 23 Assessment Summary Report ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Student Summary Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 Manually Managing Classes ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Adding a Class ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Adding Students to a Class ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Brick Township Public Schools
Jonathan Barresi ~ District Testing Coordinator
Updated 10/7/13 4:04 PM
If you have any questions regarding PerformancePLUS, please seek out your building level contacts
listed below. If they are unavailable or cannot answer your question, please ask your building level
administrator. If they cannot help you, please contact Jonathan Barresi at x1031 or
[email protected]
Matthew Elliott
Tiffany Aguayo
Dave Thompson
Ann Marie Tarnowski
Richard Gooney
Peter Larrabee
Joanna Scutro
Marianne Kerrigan
Brenda Coyle
Laura Halasz
Lorraine Cooper
Ruth Buscaglia
Stacey Carlock
Eileen Reilly
Salva Berry
Stephanie Fallon
Janine Sanford
Eileen Ross
LeeAnn Ehehalt
Carol Readel
Kim Wilson
Melissa Kowaleski
Erin Sugrue
Wendy Kachoogian
April Hoffman
Tara Ranaudo
Jessica Gokcen
Tracey Steigerwald
Brett Novick
Sue Kurasz
Gail Hascha
Shawn Trautweiler
Jenna Worman
Elizabeth Giampietro
Performance PLUS and SGOs
The following flowchart describes the steps in writing an SGO and identifies PerformancePLUS’s role
in the process. The different colors identify what person or group of people are responsible for each
Assessment chosen/created/aligned
Framework Created in PerformancePLUS
Assessment Administered
Results Entered by Bubble Sheet
Results Manually Entered
Bubble Sheet Imported into PP
Open-Ended Questions Manually
Entered if Applicable
Data Analyzed
SGO Written and Reviewed
First Login
1. Navigate to
2. Enter your username (same as Genesis login) and the default password (can be obtained from your
building PerformancePLUS contacts)
3. The first time you log in, the system will most likely ask you to change your password.
4. After doing so, your screen will look like this
5. Click the
icon at the top of the screen to go home.
6. The system will ask you to verify your email address. Please make sure your brickschools email is
listed and click Apply These
7. From this point on, when you first log in, your screen should look like this:
Find My Classes
1. The icons at the top of your screen help you navigate to the various sections of PerformancePLUS.
2. Click on the
icon to see your classes
3. Doing so will result in a screen that shows you all of the classes of students that are assigned to you
as they are in Genesis. If you are an elementary classroom teacher, it will look something like this:
Manually Grading an Assessment
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have given an assessment that has both multiple choice AND open
ended questions and you are entering the MC responses by bubble sheet, you MUST scan the
bubble sheets first, then return to this section and manually enter the open-ended scores.
1. Navigate to your class list by clicking the
2. Decide which class you are grading and click the grade assessment icon on the right side of the
3. Use the assessments search box to search for the grade and subject of the assessment you are
looking for. Then click, show assessments. If you are a classroom teacher all of the assessments for
your grade should show up by default.
4. Click the radio button next to the assessment you want to grade and click continue
5. On the next screen, you have the option to grade one student at a time by clicking the icon next to the
student’s name, or you may click switch to mass grade and grade the entire class at once.
6. Clicking in any box from the Mass Grade screen will tell you what type of input the program expects.
Any question that is multiple choice will require a letter answer. Any question that is NOT multiple
choice is referred to as “Open Ended” and will require a rubric/point value score.
Printing a Bubble Sheet
Assessments that have clearly defined multiple choice sections may be administered by printing a
class set of bubble sheets, having the students bubble in their choices, and scanning in the
responses to be imported into PerformancePLUS. Note that any questions on an assessment that
are NOT multiple choice, are considered “open-ended” and will have to be manually graded AFTER
you scan in bubble sheets (see Manually Grading an Assessment).
1. Navigate to your class list by clicking the
2. Check the box next to the class you wish to print bubble sheets for. You may choose more than one.
3. In the drop-down box, select Print Bubble Sheets for Selected Classes and click the Go button.
4. Use the Assessments Search box to search for the assessment you are giving. In this example, I
have found the Grade 8 Science Post Test.
5. Select the radio button next to your assessment and click Continue.
6. The following screen will tell you what settings you MUST use to correctly print the sheets. If you do
not follow these directions, your sheets may not import into the system and you will have to manually
enter the scores. These directions will also be on the first page of your bubble sheets if you need to
refer to it later. Check the confirmation box and click Continue with Print.
7. The next screen should look something like the screenshot below. The system has now created a
.pdf document for you with the bubble sheets in it. Clicking on the Bubble Sheets link will either
prompt you to download this document or will automatically open it in your browser window.
Assuming you have Adobe Reader, bubble, and barcode fonts installed on your computer, you should
be able to view the sheets without any problems.
8. Print your sheets using the appropriate settings.
If you do not see bubbles and barcodes on your sheets, you most likely need to install the bubble and
barcode fonts on your computer. To do this, click the
You will need to refresh your browser window after doing so.
icon and follow the prompts.
Scanning Bubble Sheets - Elementary School
Every building has one high speed scanner attached to a computer in a central location. Your
building principal or PerformancePLUS contact team can identify this location (faculty room for most
To scan your sheets for processing:
Log on to the computer using the following credentials.
Username: perfplus
Password: perfplus
1. Place your sheets in the scanner face down AND upside down.
2. Press the Scan button in the middle.
3. After the sheets come through, look at the screen to make sure they look acceptable and click next.
4. On the next screen verify that you are saving in TIFF format and to your school's folder on the
share drive and click Save.
You may now log off of the machine. The next step in the process is that the scanned image must be
manually loaded into the PerformancePLUS software. This could take a few days to complete.
If you need your data right away, please manually enter your scores. see Manually Grading an
AFTER your scans have been imported AND you see the results in PerformancePLUS you can then
go into the software and manually enter any open-ended questions.
Scanning Bubble Sheets - Middle School
1. Load your sheets face down and upside down in the scanner.
2. Open the ScanAll Pro application.
When the program opens, choose PerformancePLUS in the dropdown menu in the upper left
corner. Then click the Start Batch Scan button directly to the right. Scanning should begin.
4. After the sheets have pulled through, look to make sure they appear straight and upright. Exit out of
the program and log off.
Scanning Bubble Sheets - High School
1. Click Start -> All Programs
2. Click CapturePerfect 3.0 -> CapturePerfect 3.0
3. Select Binary Document in the drop-down menu in the upper middle of the screen.
4. In the menu bar select Scan -> Scan Batch to File.
5. After your sheets have come through, click Stop Scanning.
6. In the following dialog box, click the Save in drop-down menu and choose your school’s folder in the
PP drive.
6. In the File name box, name your file using the format LastnameMMDDYY. For example,
7. In the Save as type drop-down menu, choose TIFF.
8. Click Save
Reporting in PerformancePLUS
Following are instructions for running two reports in PerformancePLUS that you may find useful
in writing your SGO. The first step in running any report is to tell PerformancePLUS what
group of students and what assessment you want information about. To do this:
1. Click on the classes icon to see your classes 2. Identify which class you want to get information about and click the run report icon on the right side of the screen next to the class name. • Doing this will run a report that shows ALL of the assessment scores for the students in that class INCLUDING courses you may not teach. Following the remainder of the steps below will allow you to see information about your assessment ONLY. 3. Click the Filter button in the upper left corner of the report window. 4. Click Assessments and Sections 5. Choose the appropriate selection for Grade Range and Subject. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a High School teacher, you MUST choose “High School” for the grade. 6. After choosing the correct Grade and Subject, click the Show Assessments button. 7. All of the assessment built into the system that fit your criteria will show up in the box below. Click the check box next to the assessment you administered to your students. • At this point you have told PerformancePLUS what group of students you want information about and what assessment you want the information for. Now we will choose what report to run. 23
Assessment Summary Report
Among other information, this report will give you group proficiency data as well as the class
average for the assessment. For example, if you ran this report and found that the class average
on your pre-assessment was 55%, you could write a general SGO that states: 80% of my enter
class name will achieve 75% proficiency on the post assessment.
IMPORTANT: This is a SAMPLE SGO. The actual SGO you write with you administrator
should also take into consideration the specific make up of your class and any other data you
may have available to you to make it more tailored to your group of students.
To run this report:
Click the Reports button in the upper left portion of the report window Click AssessmentBUILDER Click Assessment Summary. Click the Run Report button located on the top/middle portion of the report window. Student Summary Report
Among other information, this report will give you student proficiency data as well as total
points and percent of points earned by each individual student for the assessment. After
running the report, you can sort your students by points earned, thereby allowing you to identify
groups of students to focus on. For example, if you ran this report and found that there were 7
students who scored in the lowest proficiency level and their average score was 38%, you could
write a specific SGO that states: 6/7 of the lowest performing students in my enter class name
will achieve 70% proficiency on the post assessment.
IMPORTANT: This is a SAMPLE SGO. The actual SGO you write with you administrator
should also take into consideration the specific make up of your class and any other data you
may have available to you to make it more tailored to your group of students.
To run this report:
Click the Reports button in the upper left portion of the report window Click AssessmentBUILDER Click Student Summary. Click the Run Report button located on the top/middle portion of the report window. 24
Manually Managing Classes
Teachers who do not have a schedule in Genesis will not automatically have classes in
PerformancePLUS. However, any teacher can create and modify their own classes in
Adding a Class
After logging in, click on the classes icon at the top of the screen.
Click the
Fill in the appropriate information for your class and click the Add button.
Now when you click on the classes icon, you will see this class in your list. The next
step is to add students to this class.
Adding Students to a Class
1. After logging in, click on the classes icon at the top of the screen.
2. Click on the link that is the name of your class.
3. In the drop down box, select Add Student to Class and click the Go button.
4. Enter the criteria for the students you are looking for and click Show Students.
Note that you can choose a wide range (e.g. 6th Grade at VMMS) and then select the
students you want from that list on the next step.
5. Click the checkbox next to the student(s) you want to add to your class and click
the Add Selected Students button at the bottom of the screen.
You should now be able to administer assessments and run reports on your classes like
any teacher who has their schedule pulled from Genesis automatically.