November 21
November 21
COSMOPOLITAN CLUB OF SANTA BARBARA INC. Vol No. 9 Editor: George Surmeier Next Meeting: Nov 21, 2013 Next Editor: Sandy Jones Phone: (805) 563-6327 E-Mail: [email protected] Crackers Editor Next Sgt. at Arms: Walt Clapp Phone: (805) 964-9191 E-Mail:[email protected] Access the COSMO website at for current and archived issues of CRACKERS Cosmo Member Ailing If you learn of one of our members suffering from illness or injury, please notify Arlie Skov, 965-5101, [email protected] Meeting Staff: Ticket Sellers: Kent Cullen and Steve Halsted Punchbowl: Paul Hartloff Invocation: Bill Alexander Sergeant-at-Arms: Walt Clapp Next Meeting November 21, 2013 Gary Byrne, Ph.D. – Cosmopolitan Club Speaker Topic: Stock Market Future Since 2000 the Dow Jones Industrial Average has moved up about 2% per year to its current level of approximately 15,000. What phenomena have limited growth in both GDP and the markets over this 13 year period? Are we doomed to repeat the 1929 to 1953 period when the markets didn’t move above their 1929 highs for 24 years? Or, are there special characteristics over the past 13 years that have kept stocks from moving parallel with economic growth? These questions will be considered in light of both international developments as well as specific domestic issues such as the political gridlock in Washington DC. Dr. Byrne received his BA from University of the Redlands and his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. From 1990 to 1996 presidents Bush and Clinton appointed him chairman and administrator to a number of business related Federal Boards. He is also a former college professor, bank president, and author of several business related books. Currently he is the president of an investment company called Vesta Capital Partners. James Shaw will introduce. December 5, 2013 Save the Date Cosmo Christmas Dinner Dance Tuesday Dec 10, 2013 See Page 5 for details & reservation form Rick Roney Topic: California Prison Reform California has embarked on the most significant prison reform program in a generation. The Criminal Justice Realignment Act of 2009 (AB109) will have a huge impact on our state and local finances, as well as public safety and quality of life in our communities. What does this realignment do? How does it affect Santa Barbara County? What are we doing locally to ensure this program is implemented in a way that increases our public THE COSMOPOLITAN CLUB OF SANTA BARBARA, P.O. BOX 3993, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93130 USA CRACKERS safety? How can each of us as citizens help? New Member Sponser Incentive Our speaker Rick Roney graduated from Cornell and then received an MBA from Stanford in 1971. After graduation he worked in the Silicon Valley telecommunications industry. In 2001 he retired from Cisco Systems and moved to Santa Barbara. He is actively involved in California prison reform. His involvement includes being the Chairman the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Jail Overcrowding and serving on the Executive Steering Committee of the California Board of State and Community Corrections. The following new member sponsor plan is effective from October 3, 2013 to January 15, 2014 1) Bring a potential member as your guest to a lunch meeting and the guest lunch will be free. All members that bring a qualifying guest to the meeting will be put in a special drawing to be held at the meeting on Feb 6, 2014. 2) If a member submits a new member application for his guest he will receive 1 more chance (2 TOTAL) in the special drawing and a free lunch for him and the nominee at the meeting where the applicant is interviewed. December 19, 2013 San Marcos Madrigal Singers 3) When the new inductee is presented as a new member, the primary sponsor for the new member will receive 2 free lunch passes. The elite singing ensemble from San Marcos High School -- The Madrigal Singers -- will make their annual appearance on December 19th. The Madrigals never fail to instill us with the holiday spirit in a carefully crafted program of seasonal music. This is a wonderful meeting to share with wives and guests. Be sure to put it on your family calendar of special holiday events. This award-winning choral group, led by Caroline TeraokaBrady, has toured nationally and abroad. Cosmo is privileged to have this annual event and is proud to help sponsor the Madrigals ambitious schedule. NO MEETING ON 1/2/14 Due to the holiday schedule this year the 1/2/14 meeting has been cancelled. Wine Drawing Prize: Free Cosmopolitan Club lunch for the Proposed for Membership Robert A. ‘Bob’ Swider 1343 Skyline Way, SB 93109 805-448-7044, [email protected] A native of The Constitution State, Bob Swider degreed in Data Processing Management. During his U.S. Army years he served at West Point and with the 8th Army in Korea. He served in a number of Information Technology (IT)related capacities prior to his retirement in 2009. A resident of Santa Barbara since 1982, Bob and wife Christy have one offspring, daughter Morgan. Bob is an avid golfer, and enjoys gardening and Bridge. His sponsors are Ron Singer, Paul Fink and John MacKenzie. Bob Zimels conducted the wine drawing. A bottle of Parker Station 2011 Riesling was won by Harvey Stancer; the other bottle, a 2010 Mammoth Crest Piedmont Blend, was won by Paul Hartloff. WELCOME OUR GUESTS Ray Rosecrans introduced our guests: Regular Events Bridge Join us for FUN Bridge upstairs at the Elks Club after all regular meetings; we play until 3:30 PM. Chairman Steve Morgan, 637-1332, or [email protected]; Co-chair Ed Loper, 967-8630, [email protected]. November 7th Winners: Lowell McLellan hosted by Dick Lim John Delaney hosted by Martin Tucker Vern Kemp hosted by Ken Wolf 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: PAGE 2 Ed Loper Steve Morgan Ralp Edebo 4340 3040 2680 CRACKERS “OUR DIGITAL WORLD” aka The Cosmo Computer Society We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM upstairs at the club. Ring bell button at the front door if not open. All members and special guests are welcome. Please bring your gadgets such as smart phones, notebooks, tablets, or any other digital device. You can show us how it works or ask other members how they think it works. We enjoy lunch and camaraderie at the Elks Club Grill after our meetings. Howard Glenn, Chairman, 967-2633, Bob Gerity, Co- Chairmen, 963-9413, Robert Gerity <[email protected]> S.A.G.E. Investment Group S.A.G.E. meets monthly at 10 AM on the first Tuesday at the Elks Club, followed by a no-host lunch in the grill downstairs. At S.A.G.E. we discuss past and possible future trends in the economy and the stock market. We would welcome your participation. Chair: Walter Naumann, 448-5061, [email protected]. Upcoming Special Events Saturday, November 23, 2013 Andersen’s Dinner & All Mozart Symphony Concert The 3rd Annual dinner and Granada symphonic concert will be held this Saturday. The evening will start at 5:30 P.M. at Andersen’s Restaurant. The symphony will be at the Granada Theatre and features the Santa Barbara Symphony’s “All Mozart Evening” with Guest Conductor Matthias Bamert. The delicate mastery of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be fully revealed in three of his works: Serenade No. 10 “Gran Partita” for Winds; Strings featured in Serenade in G Major “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”; and the unifying Symphony No. 25. If you have not purchased a ticket but would like to attend this event, please contact Art Kvass to see if there have been any last minute cancellations. Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Tennis The tennis group plays doubles twice a week at a private court in Shadow Hills starting at 8:00 AM Mondays and Thursdays. All tennis players are invited to participate. Contact Bruce Long (805) 692-4072 or bruce93103@cox. net. Golf Mondays - Santa Barbara Golf Club (Muni). Tee times range between 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Regular walking senior rate is $26 for 18 holes. Contact Ron Singer (805) 684-1355 or [email protected] by prior Friday for your tee time. Twin Lakes (Par 29) at 9:00 AM. Work on your short game. These outings are a great way to gain new members, so invite your friends. Additional play at various courses - Contact Ron Singer to get on the e-mail notification list for the Floating Golf Game Circuit. Mondays are usually at Muni, Wednesdays are often at Glen Annie, and Friday locations have included La Purisma, Glen Annie, Soule Park, and Rancho San Marcos. A. B. Clarke and Steven Stonefield will select the floating golf game sites, so you may contact either of them. Ron Singer, Golf Chair: [email protected]. Cosmo Holiday Dinner Dance Attached you will find the flyer announcement of the club’s Holiday Dinner Dance at La Cumbre Country Club. Please complete the reservation form and send to Al Mercado. March 25-26, 2014 Palm Springs Follies and Living Desert Gardens & Zoo This is the final season for the Palm Springs Follies after 23 years. We will depart early on Tuesday, March 25, lunch and attend the Follies matinee. Our lodging will again be at the Pine Mountain Resort, easy walking distance from downtown and the show. We should be able to accommodate those on walkers or wheelchairs. On Wednesday, March 26, we will tour by tram the beautiful Living Desert gardens and zoo. After lunch we will return to Santa Barbara by early evening. The good news is the cost remains $375 per couple including lodging, baggage handling, bus, driver’s tip, refreshments and admission to the Follies and the botanical gardens. This trip is always a sell-out. You are urged to get your name on the list ASAP. Please contact Harry Stroud, 805-653-5117 PAGE 3 CRACKERS Last Meeting Bob Kieding “Waters Off Santa Barbara” Harry Brown introduced Bob Kieding, who is well known by local sailors and Bob Kieding* yacht enthusiasts. Bob came to Santa Barbara in 1946 and his “pedigree” includes Peabody, La Cumbre, Santa Barbara High and UCSB. He has been a sailor and chandler for decades and is a strong source of information on these topics. As a professional yacht captain he has sailed many places in the world and is especially knowledgeable about the waters off Santa Barbara. He currently writes a weekly column for the Santa Barbara News Press on yachts and sailing. Bob highlighted the rich history of sailing in Santa Barbara, noting that the Santa Barbara Yacht Club was founded in 1872 and is the second oldest yacht club on the West Coast. He detailed a number of the classic yachts that have sailed out of Santa Barbara; commented on the prestigious races and trophies that are associated with Santa Barbara; and noted some of the celebrities that have been associated with the local sailing scene. On a personal basis he sailed with Humphrey Bogart, David Niven, Dana Andrews and Chief Justice Earl Warren. His comments on the history of the Santa Barbara Harbor and the “up’s and down’s” of the Yacht Club were particularly interesting. Before the harbor was built boats would anchor far off shore and would utilize the many piers that were then in place. The local desire for a harbor was strong and in spite of negative reports by the Army Corp of Engineers, a breakwater was started in 1929, utilizing rocks from Fry’s Harbor on Santa Cruz Island. The key issue with a harbor was the lateral drift of sand along the coast. In our area, huge amounts of sand continually move from west to east. A major breakwater and harbor interrupts this flow. Sand will pile up west of the interruption and beaches further east will suffer erosion. Initially the breakwater was not tied to the shore and sand began to fill the harbor. To rectify this problem a sea wall was added to attach it to the coast. Today sand still works its way into the harbor. Every year some 300,000 cubic yards of sand is dredged to keep the harbor open. Bob’s comments on the “up’s and down’s” of the Yacht Club were also interesting. As noted earlier, the club was founded in 1872. By 1937 it had lost its clubhouse and in 1949 it was housed in a room in the California hotel. He then explained how it had evolved in the 1950’s and moved into its current building in 1966. He noted that that it always had been a prestigious racing club and commented on the 1923 Star Lipton Cup which is housed at the club. His presentation was well received by the Cosmopolitan Club membership. I for one have a new appreciation for the beautiful Santa Barbara harbor and see the sand below Santa Barbara City College in a new light. *Photo Courtesy Ron White PAGE 4 Cosmopolitan Club of Santa Barbara Christmas Dinner Dance! Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 La Cumbre Country Club 6:00 pm Cocktails, social hour No host bar 7:00 pm DINNER with wine Dancing to the music of: Pier101 Band Your non-member friends will be welcome! MENU Citrus Salad Choice of: Grilled Salmon with lemon-butter sauce Or Sliced tenderloin of beef with morel mushroom sauce With Au gratin potatoes Asparagus Price: $90/person Peach Pie A-la-Mode Dress: formal or cocktail dress RESERVATION FORM SALMON Name_(print)________________________________________ O Spouse or Guest _(print)_______________________________ O Seating Preference (if any) O near Dance Floor BEEF O O O quiet location I wish to be seated with:_____________________and________________________ and______________________and____________________and________________ Mail form and check payable to Cosmopolitan Club to: Albert Mercado, Dance Chairman, 4590 Camino Molinero, Santa Barbara 93110, telephone 805-967-2233
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