Outcome of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)


Outcome of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)
Outcome of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®) Protocol on a
Patient with Tourette¶s Syndrome, Tardive Dyskinesia,
CREST Syndrome, and Fatigue
Marco Ferrucci, B.S. D.C.1, Abe Cardwell B.A, D.C.2, Deed E. Harrison, D.C.3
Objective: To present a case of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP)
protocol of care used on a patient with fatigue, Tourette¶s
syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, and Calcinosis, Raynaud¶s,
Esophageal thickening, Sclerodactyly, and Telangiectasia
(CREST) syndrome.
Clinical Features: A 45-year-old male with a history of
fatigue, Tourette¶s syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, and CREST
syndrome presents to a CBP chiropractic office. The patient
stuttered while he spoke and had an uncoordinated stagger as
he walked. The patient had tremors in his arms and hands.
Postural analysis and A-P cervico-thoracic x-ray showed a 16ƒ
right lateral tilt of C5-T4 segments relative to vertical, a 20ƒ
left cervico-dorsal (mid-neck scoliosis) angle, a 22mm right
lateral translation of C2 relative to T4. Lateral cervical showed
a 20ƒ cervical lordosis with a 20ƒ atlas plane angle. All
measurements were based on CBP® protocol for x-ray line
spine and postural subluxations, in addition to a 7mm heel lift
for his right shoe. The patient was seen 3 times a week for the
first 12 weeks then was seen 2 times a week thereafter for a
year. After a few months of care the patient¶s wife reported
improvements in his energy level and that the tremors were
decreasing. After a year of care the patient was markedly
improved. Follow-up radiograph showed a C5-T4 lateral tilt
angle to vertical of 5ƒ to the right (an 11ƒ improvement), the
cervico-dorsal angle was 8.5o to the left (11.5o improvement),
and the lateral translation of C2 relative to a vertical line up
through the center of T4 vertebra was 6mm to the right (16mm
Conclusion: Reductions of the patient¶s abnormal posture and
radiographic spinal subluxations using CBP protocol of care
may have been responsible for improved neurological issues
such as Tourette¶s syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, CREST
syndrome, and fatigue.
Key Words: Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), vertebral
Interventions and Outcomes: The patient received CBP care
over a 12-month period receiving approximately 108 treatment
subluxation, chronic fatigue, Tourette¶s syndrome, tardive
sessions. Mirror image® adjustments, mirror image exercises,
dyskinesia, CREST syndrome, chiropractic adjusting, postural
and mirror image traction were used to reduce the patient¶s
adjusting, mirror image.
Tourette¶s Syndrome (TS) is one of several tic disorders,
which can be characterized by either their type or duration.1
There could be motor or phonic types and may be transient or
chronic in duration. A transient tic would be anything of
duration less than 12 months whereas chronic tics would have
durations more than 12 months.
Private Practice ± Nutley, NJ
Private Practice ± Marietta, GA
Private Practice ± Spring Creek, NV
If both vocal and tonic tics are present for more than 1 year
then the diagnosis of Tourette¶s syndrome is appropriate. 1
Individuals with chronic tic disorders often describe a
premonitory sensation prior to the tic occurring.1 The
sensation may build as the individual tries to suppress it. The
performance of the tic is associated with a momentary relief of
the sensation. This characteristic of TS makes it very similar
to obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. Therefore, many
suggest that OCD and TS may share a common genetic
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
susceptibility. 2 The prevalence of tic disorders including TS is
about 2-4%. 1
Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a term typically used to describe a
movement disorder associated with the use of anti-psychotic
medications. The movements are involuntary and
characterized by abnormal, repetitive, , and may be around the
mouth, face and less frequently the trunk and limbs. 3 The
severity of TD may fluctuate over time; in some cases there
may be improvement and others there may be increase from
medium to long-term symptoms. The cumulative risk of TD
seems to increase as treatment of the anti-psychotic
medications continues. 4 Conventional antipsychotics may
induce TD through prolonged D2 receptor blockade,
postsynaptic dopamine hypersensitivity, damage to gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) neurons and damage to
cholinergic neurons. 4 Whereas atypical anti-psychotics may
decrease dopamine sensitivity, these may be less likely to
cause damage to GABA neurons or cholinergic neurons. 4
Calcinosis, Raynaud¶s, Esophageal Thickening, Sclerodactyly,
and Telangiectasia (CREST) syndrome is commonly seen in
scleroderma patients. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease
influenced by the interplay of genetics and environmental
factors such as stress. 5,6 This disease has frequently been
helped by complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
interventions;6 thus, it may be that this condition could be
improved through chiropractic care.
symptoms including cognitive deficits, bladder dysfunction,
leg weakness and parenthesis in her arms and legs. Her
symptoms progressively worsened without remission and she
was diagnosed with chronic progressive MS and
recommended drug therapy (Avonex). Upon chiropractic
evaluation, there was evidence of radiographic verified upper
cervical subluxation. The patient was adjusted using the kneechest table where adjustment was administered by hand to the
first cervical vertebra. The patient was seen under upper
cervical chiropractic care for 2 years. After four months of
upper cervical chiropractic care, all Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
symptoms were absent. A follow-up MRI showed no new
lesions as well as a reduction in intensity of the original
lesions. One year later, further MRI evaluation showed no new
lesions and continued reduction in intensity of the original
lesions. Two years after upper cervical chiropractic care
began, all MS symptoms remained absent.9
These limited case reports suggest a relationship between
cervical spine subluxations and neurological disorders. The
present case reports on the successful management of a 45
year old male with a chronic history of Tourette¶s syndrome,
tardive dyskinesia, and CREST syndrome; where CBP
technique was used to reduce the cervical spine subluxations
of the patient.
Case Report:
Patient presentation
There have been instances when neurological disorders such
as these have successfully improved under chiropractic care.
For instance, Elster7 reported on a 9-year-old male who had
Tourette¶s, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
depression, insomnia, and headaches. His medications
included Albuterol, Depakote, Wellbutrin, and Adderall. After
evaluation, there was evidence of upper cervical subluxation
using thermography and radiographic diagnostics. Specific
upper cervical adjustments were used to reduce the
subluxation. The analysis and adjustments were given based
on the international upper cervical chiropractic association
protocol. After 6 weeks of care all six conditions were no
longer present and all medications were discontinued with the
exception of a half-dose of Wellbutrin. At the conclusion of
his case at five months, all symptoms remained absent.7
A 45-year-old male technical specialist presented into a clinic
where the Chiropractor¶s focus was Chiropractic BioPhysics
Technique (CBP). At the time of initial presentation, he
complained of fatigue and concurrent conditions of Tourette¶s
syndrome, tardive dyskinesia, and CREST syndrome. A
review of past and present medical conditions was significant
where the patient indicated a history of irritable bowel
syndrome, neck pain, irritability, shortness of breath, diarrhea,
cold hands and feet, and carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient
also stated that he had low cortisol levels due to adrenal
insufficiency. In the 5th grade (approximately 10 years of age),
the patient was diagnosed with legg-calve-perthes syndrome
and was placed in a brace for his left hip. At this time he, was
prescribed on growth hormone due to an abnormal pituitary
duct causing diminished growth.
Bastecki et al8 presented a case of a 5-year-old male diagnosed
with ADHD that was treated by a pediatrician unsuccessfully
with methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, and Haldol for 3
years. The patient¶s primary cervical subluxation was a
cervical kyphosis. The patient was treated using Chiropractic
BioPhysics CBP technique where 35 treatments over 8 weeks
using postural mirror image adjustments, exercises, and
traction were administered. An improvement in cervical
kyphosis to a 32ƒ lordosis was observed after treatment. Over
the course of care, the child's facial tics resolved and his
behavior vastly improved. After 27 visits, the child's
pediatrician stated that the child no longer exhibited symptoms
of ADHD.8
Previous medications and interventions were described as
numerous. Over the past ten years to date, he was prescribed
ORAP for Tourette¶s syndrome, Haldol for tardive dyskinesia,
he had been receiving electrophoresis in his upper trapezius
region every 3 months, he had cortisone injections in the right
wrist for carpal tunnel syndrome, which made his wrist
swollen and numb afterwards. The patient had complaints of
neck and upper back pain and was given Botox injections in
his neck and upper traps. Over the past one and half months,
the patient indicated he was extremely fatigued after using the
treadmill, which was part of his reason for the visit to the
office. Other medications he noted were Cardizem, Synthroid,
Colchicine, Prevalid, Propulsid, Flonase, and Klonopin.
In another case, a 47-year-old female experiencing multiple
sclerosis (MS) symptoms for the previous 3 years was
reported by Elster9 The patient was exhibiting multiple
Upon visual observation, it was noted that the patient had an
uncoordinated staggering gait as he walked, a significant
stutter when he spoke, and he had resting tremors in both his
arms and hands and they were semi-flexed on his chest.
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
Postural Examination
The postural examination showed multiple postural
subluxations. The patient¶s head posture was: 1) left head
axial rotation (+RyH), 2) right head to thorax translation (TxH), 3) left head lateral flexion (-RzH), and 4) anterior head
translation (+TzH). The patient¶s thorax posture was: 1) right
thorax to pelvis rotation (-RyT), 2) right thorax to pelvis lateral
flexion (+RzT). The patient¶s pelvic posture was: 1) right
pelvic to feet lateral flexion (+RzP). Figure 1 presents the
patient¶s primary (largest) presenting subluxated postural
Radiographic Examination
Antero-posterior (AP) cervical-thoracic x-ray showed 16ƒ
right lateral tilt of C5-T4 segments relative to vertical, a 20ƒ
left cervico-dorsal (mid-neck scoliosis) angle, a 22mm right
lateral translation of C2 relative to T4. The lateral cervical
radiograph showed a 20ƒ cervical lordosis with a 20ƒ atlas
plane angle. All radiographic lines and measurements were
based on CBP protocol and have been reported to be reliable
in the literature.10,11 Figure 2 presents the initial AP cervical
radiograph of the patient.
Intervention and Outcomes
The patient received CBP care over a one-year period. CBP
technique can be best described as a full spine and posture
rehabilitative technique where the primary goal of care is to
restore normal alignment to the human spinal column and
body posture. Subluxation is characterized as one or more
structural displacements of the spine and posture as rotations
and translations relative to a normal alignment position.12-15
Figure 3 defines the normal alignment position of the human
spine and posture.12-15
The care began by having the patient come in for 3 times a
week for the first 12 weeks per CBP protocol.12,13 The
patient¶s posture was notably improved but still present, so the
treating Chiropractor (A.C) reduced the frequency of visits to
2 times per week thereafter for an additional 9-months. The
patient received approximately 108 treatments over the 1-year
time period.
Specific CBP mirror image (opposite postural position)
adjustments, exercises, and traction were applied each visit to
reduce the postural and cervical spine subluxations towards
normal. The mirror image adjustment is a specific chiropractic
adjustment that places the patient in their exact opposite or
mirror image posture while applying a certain adjusting
force.12,16 Some of these forces applied may be diversified,
drop table or toggle maneuvers, as well as the use of an
adjusting instrument.12,16 Mirror image drop-table adjustments
were given each visit to reduce the primary postural
displacements as shown in figure 4.
In addition to the adjustments, the patient was sent home with
mirror image exercises in which the patient held his head in
the mirror image posture for 10 seconds and then relaxed it,
repeating this 20 times. Figure 5A depicts the mirror image
exercise. The patient was also given a left head to thorax
mirror image traction in which he was asked to lie face down
with his head rotated to the right and held there for 1 min, 5
times throughout the day. Each of these exercises and traction
were given to follow the CBP protocol.12,13 In addition to the
adjustments, exercises, and traction the patient was given a
7mm heel lift for his right foot. The heel lift was given to him
to balance his pelvis because he had a 7mm anatomical short
leg length verified via radiography. The analysis used for this
was the CBP line drawing protocol for anatomical leg length
By the 2nd month of care the patient¶s wife reported that his
tremors had lessened, his energy level was much higher, and
his speech seemed to be improving. After one year of care,
since his progress was going well and his posture was
improving post x-rays were ascertained on the patient. Anteroposterior cervical radiographs showed improved subluxations:
the C5-T4 lateral tilt angle to vertical was 5ƒ to the right (an
11ƒ improvement), the cervico-dorsal angle was now 8.5o to
the left (11.5o improvement), and the lateral translation of C2
relative to a vertical line up through the center of T4 vertebra
was 6mm to the right (16mm improvement). See figure 6.
It is known in neurosciences that the central nervous system
controls each and every function in the human body.
According to Lennon et al18: ³Posture affects and moderates
every physiological function from breathing to hormonal
production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, and blood pressure,
pulse, and lung capacity are among functions most easily
influenced by posture´ With that being said, can abnormal
posture and cervical spine subluxation interfere with nervous
system function and in turn cause symptoms such as
Tourettes, tardive dyskinesia, fatigue, or scleroderma?
The answer to this question remains unknown. However, we
speculate that resolution of the symptoms in the current case
report may be credited to the correction of the patient¶s
abnormal postural and spinal subluxations. In order to
understand how posture and affects the body, we must begin
by understanding what is normal posture.
Harrison et al14,16 described posture displacements of the head,
thorax, and pelvis as rotations and translations around and
along the three Cartesian coordinate axes (x, y, z) in three
dimensions (3-D) relative to an origin of neutral posture
(Figure 3). Since all matter has the ability to rotate or translate
in space, we can say that this also applies to the human body
parts. Body parts have the ability to rotate and translate
around and along each of the axes. Using a defined Cartesian
coordinate system, rotation around the x-axis would be any
type of flexion or extension, rotation around the y-axis would
be right or left rotation, and rotation around the z-axis would
be right or left flexion. Translation is a linear motion or any
motion along a straight line. Thus, a translation along the xaxis would be any linear movement to the left or right,
translation along the y-axis is any movement upward or
downward, and translation along the z-axis would be any
movement going forward or backward.14,16 Figure 7 shows the
6 rotations and 6 translations of the head relative to the thorax
in 3-D.
Every posture is explained by comparing the position of the
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
head in relation to the thorax, the position of the thorax in
relation to the pelvis, and the position of the pelvis in relation
to the feet. The head, thorax, and pelvis are the three global
units described when looking at posture.14,16 According to the
Harrison14,16, for ideal spine and postural alignment when
viewed from the front, the center of the skull should be over
the center of the thorax, and the center of the thorax should be
over the center of the pelvis and the pelvis should be over a
point in the middle of the feet (Figure 3). From the side view,
the middle of your ear should be over the middle of the
shoulder, the shoulder should be over the greater trochanter of
the hip and the greater trochanter should over lateral maleolus
of the ankle (Figure 3).14,16
There is a saying that says our ³posture is the window to our
spine.´ With abnormal posture it is understood that there is
abnormal structure of the spine. In fact, each rotation and
translation of the head and ribcage have unique spinal
kinematic responses known as coupled motion.13,14,16,17
Understanding the anatomy of the spinal cord and how it
attaches to the spine (the dentate ligaments and other
connective tissues anchor the spinal cord to the spine from C1
to L2) allows for an appreciation of how spinal subluxations
alter the position of and forces acting on the spinal cord and
nerve roots. When abnormal posture and spine displacement
(subluxation) is present in a patient, there are concomitant
increased and abnormal stresses and strains acting on the
spinal cord due to ligamentous attachments anchoring the
spinal cord to the spinal canal.19-21
When the spinal cord is subjected to abnormal increased stress
(tension, compression, shear, and torsion loads) and strain
(both longitudinal and cross-sectional) there may be an
internal pressure increase and change in vascularization.
Increased spinal cord pressures in the range caused by altered
spinal position, has been shown to alter the pressure of
perfusion of the cord and impair oxidative phosphorylation in
the mitochondria of the neuron.19-21 Impaired function of the
mitochondria brings about a decrease in cell biosynthesis
which is, in our opinion, the essence of nerve interference.20,21
Again, because it is understood that the nervous system
controls all functions in the body, nerve interference due to
abnormal posture and spine alignment (subluxation) may very
well cause a disturbance in physiology leading to neurologic
symptoms. Certainly, the above discussion is speculative in
nature but we see no other logical alternative explanation for
the positive improvement in the current case report and those
previously reported in the literature.7,9,10
With a greater understanding of posture and how it affects the
nervous system, we may appreciate that abnormal posture can
cause abnormal function of the body. Tourette¶s syndrome,
tardive dyskinesia, and fatigue are all abnormal functions of
the body. When we see such a patient having a gross
abnormality in their spine, it is possible that this abnormality
could potentially be interfering with the proper function of the
nervous system. Thus, abnormal function may have
progressed into complex neurological symptoms such as
Tourrettes, tardive dyskinesia, etc. The present patient case
underwent long term chiropractic care and correction of their
abnormal posture and spine structure (subluxation). Reduction
of the spine subluxation may have reduced the stress and
strain on the spinal cord leading to improved physiologic
function; thereby relieving him of some of his symptoms.
It is understood that there is a need for more research in this
area. Since this is a case study there are limitations of what
can be assumed. Clinical control trials with appropriate sample
size are needed to verify or refute the positive results of
chiropractic care on complex neurological disorders.
However, as far as what can be said from this study,
chiropractic care helped improve the life of this individual
patient; in the end our duty is to individual who walks through
our doors.
Typically, intervention for patients suffering with Tourette¶s
include pharmaceuticals such as ORAP. ORAP is an antipsychotic used to treat Tourette¶s and chronic schizophrenia.
Problematically, long-term use of ORAP has been associated
with increased risk of tardive dyskinesia and neuroleptic
malignant syndrome (NMS); serious and potentially fatal
conditions. Given the serious adverse events associated with
the use of medications for the treatment of Tourettes and
disorders as in the present case, chiropractic procedures aimed
at restoring the normal posture and alignment of the spine may
prove to offer a safer initial course of conservative care.
Lombroso PJ, Scahill, L, Tourette syndrome and
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Schoonderwoerd, K. Chiropractic management of
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Margolese HC, Ferreri F, Management of
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Clancy MF, Young KJ. Treatment of mechanical low
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Elster E. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care For A
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Vertebral Subluxation Res. July 12, 2003, pp. 1-11.
Bastecki AV, Harrison DE, Haas JW. Cervical
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Elster E. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Management
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10. Troyanovich, SJ, Harrison DE, Harrison, DD,
Harrison SO, Janik T, Holland B. Chiropractic
biophysics digitized radiographic mensuration
analysis of the anteroposterior cervicothoracic view:
a reliability study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther.
2000; 23 (7): 476-82.
11. Harrison DE, Holland B, Harrison DD, Janik TJ.
Further Reliability Analysis of the Harrison
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Risser-Ferguson. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2002;
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12. Oakley PA, Harrison DD, Harrison DE, Haas, JW.
Rehabilitation of the Spine and Posture: Review of
Clinical Biomechanics of Posture (CBP®)
Publications. J Canadian Chiro Assoc 2005;
13. Harrison DE, Harrson DD, Haas JW. CBP Structural
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Harrison CBP Seminars, Inc., 2002, ISBN 09721314-0-X.
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Spinal Biomechanics for Clinicians, Vol I. Evanston,
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15. Harrison DD, Harrison DE, Troyanovich SJ, Harmon
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J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
Figure 1. Patient¶s primary abnormal posture subluxations are shown. The patient¶s abnormal head posture subluxations relative to
the thorax were: 1) translated to the right (-TxH), 2) left lateral flexion (-RzH), and 3) left axial rotation (+RyH). The patient¶s abnormal
thorax subluxations relative to the pelvis posture were: 1) right lateral flexion (+RzT) and 2) right axial rotation (-RyT). Copyright©
Harrison CBP Seminars and Deed Harrison, LLC. Figure reprinted with permission.
Figure 2. Patients initial antero-posterior (AP) cervical thoracic x-ray viewed from behind or posterior. The C5-T4 lateral tilt angle to
vertical is 16ƒ to the right, the cervico-dorsal angle is 20ƒ to the left, and the lateral translation of C2 relative to a vertical line up
through the center of T4 vertebra is 22mm to the right.
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
Figure 3. Normal alignment of the human spinal column and posture. The centers of mass, (skull, thorax, pelvis, feet) are vertically
aligned to produce minimal stress and thus minimal strain on tissues. Sagittal normal posture shows alignment of external auditory
meatus, acromio-clavicular joint, acetabulum, and lateral malleolus. Proper curvature of cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and
lumbar lordosis must also be present to minimize stress, strain, and maximize function. Copyright© Harrison CBP Seminars and Deed
Harrison, LLC. Figure reprinted with permission.
Figure 4. Mirror image® adjustments. Two mirror image adjustments are shown. On the left, the mirror image adjustment to correct
the subluxated head postures is shown. The head is translated to the left, rotated to the right, and laterally flexed to the right. On the
right, the mirror image adjustment to correct the subluxated thorax postures is shown. The thorax is rotated to the left and laterally
flexed to the left.
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
Figure 5. Mirror image exercise and traction procedures. On
the left, the mirror image exercise is shown where the head is
translated to the left, rotated to the right, and laterally flexed to
the right relative to the thorax. Note that the patient¶s shoulder
should be bent more to the left in the exercise (not shown).
Copyright© Harrison CBP Seminars and Deed Harrison, LLC.
Figure reprinted with permission.
Figure 6. Post AP cervico-thoracic x-ray after one year of
Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) chiropractic care as viewed
from behind or posterior. The C5-T4 lateral tilt angle to vertical
is 5ƒ to the right (an 11ƒ improvement), the cervico-dorsal
angle is now 8.5o to the left (11.5o improvement), and the
lateral translation of C2 relative to a vertical line up through the
center of T4 vertebra is now 6mm to the right (16mm
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010
Figure 7. 12 simple motions of the head relative to the ribcage in three dimensional space. There are 6 rotations and 6 translations.
Rotation is indicated by the letter R, translation is indicated by the letter T. Copyright© Harrison CBP Seminars and Deed Harrison,
LLC. Figure reprinted with permission.
J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. August 19, 2010