Forest Management Plan
Forest Management Plan
Forest Management Plan Donadea Forest Forest Code: KE06 Period Covered: 2011 to 2015 Version 2.0 District Manager Forest Manager Richard Whelan Gerard Buckley (FM) Coillte Bridge Street Centr Coillte Bridge Street Centr Portlaoise Portlaoise Co. Laois Co. Laois Tel.: 057 862161 Tel.: 057 8621617 Fax.: 057 866052 Fax.: 057 8660524 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan What is this document? The term "Forest Management Plan" (FMP) describes all the site-level plans for the land managed by Coillte. Each site level plan represents the best balance of the social, economic and environmental objectives sought by our shareholders and stakeholders. This document is a summary of the management plans for the forest in question and is designed to be used with Coillte's online mapviewer where you can view more detail on the location, nature and timing of felling and replanting : The glossary of terms for Forest Management Plans would also be useful (see ) Differences in version 2.0 of the document: In the first version of this document the charts entitled 'Species Group (and open space) by period' were incorrect. The charts have now been corrected for this version. Introduction Donadea Forest Park is situated in the lush pasture lands of northwest Kildare, close to the towns of Clane, Naas, Kilcock, in between the N4 and N7 motorways. Donadea covers 243 hectares of mixed broadleaf and conifer woodland within the old estate walls of Donadea Demesne. It has been a forest park since 1981 and is a proposed National Heritage Area (NHA). It is the most widely used Coillte forest park in Ireland, attracting more than 100,000 visitors per annum. The tree species composition in the park is 64% broadleaf (the main species being ash - 57%, beech (25%) and oak (8%)) and 36% conifer (mainly Norway spruce (30%)). The main soil types are a mixture of grey brown podzolics and gleys. Nature Conservation The mixed woodland of Donadea will be maintained to provide a diversity of habitats for a variety of wildlife species. Badgers, foxes, owls and possibly pine marten have been seen in the forest. Only the grey squirrel is found in Donadea. Donadea Forest Park is part of a research project CRISIS which is looking at the damage and control of grey squirrels with a view to protecting our native red squirrel and broadleaf tree species. Control of grey squirrel populations is undertaken in the park. Recreation There are 243 hectares of woodland open to the public to enjoy. There are three main walking routes - the Alymer walk, the lake walk and the nature trail and there is parking for over 400 cars. The park café is open daily from 10am to 5pm. The forest park is widely used for walking, running, orienteering, scouting activities and school visits. Many other events are held in the forest by local and county groups. There is currently a €4 daily charge or season passes are available for €30. Plans are being put in place to enhance the facilities including an outdoor shelter at the park café, a cycle path, barbeque facilities among others. Permits are required for any events being held in the park and people should contact the forest manager in this regard. Coillte regularly consults with local community groups regarding development of the park. Check out the website for more information. Security Due to the isolated nature of the park, visitors are advised not to leave any valuables in their cars. There is an electronic barrier at the entrance which aims to discourage anti-social behaviour. Any incidents should be reported to the local Gardai in Clane who work closely with the forest manager. Coillte operates a Leave no Trace policy in all forests encouraging visitors to take home their rubbish. Litter bins are not provided. For everyone's safety and enjoyment, dogs should be kept on a lead and owners should clean up after them. Adjoining land use Donadea is surrouned by farmland, bogland and some residential areas. Other comments Page 2 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan There are many unique historical features in the park including the castle ruins, church, tower, walled gardens, ice box and boat house. There is a 2.3 hectare lake with large numbers of wildfowl. Lime Tree Avenue, which was the original entrance to the estate is also an attractive feature. There is also a memorial to those killed in the 9/11 disaster in New York. Page 3 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Forest management Management Approach This park, like all of Coillte's forests, is being managed under the principles of sustainable forest management and is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council environmental sustainability in the day to day management of forests. The park is managed primiarly for recreation and biodiversity enhancement and protection and is maintained on an ongoing basis. In addition, Coillte engages in regular development projects to continue maintaining and enhancing the facilities provided to the public. Timber harvesting occurs on a small scale in order to improve the growth, stand diversity and health of the forest. There are a number of research trials ongoing in the forest and there is an excellent stand of oak which is a certified seed stand. The aim is to maintain a similar species mix to the current ratio of approximately 64% broadleaf and 36% conifer into the future. Thinning and clearfell A 14 hectare block of Norway spruce around the lake area has reached maturity and is showing signs of butt rott. This area is slowly being harvested over a 10 year period by taking out small groups of trees and replanting with native broadleaves. This conversion began in 2004 and two more harvests are planned for 2010 and 2012. Much of the young Norway spruce planted in the 1980s will be ready for first thinning in the 2011-2105 period. This area will also be managed in the long term using continuous cover forestry techniques. Areas of broadleaf will also be thinned to promote stem quality, growth and natural regeneration of the forest. Replanting The small groups of Norway spruce being felled are being replaced by native oak and ash. Natural regeneration of other native species is also encouraged to promote stand diversity and a multi-storey forest. Page 4 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Current forest statistics LAND USE TYPE GROSS AREA (HA) BHF Broadleaf High Forest CHF Conifer High Forest 65 MHF Mixed conifer & broadleaf H.F. 46 MISC Miscellaneous 4 WATER Lake, river, Resevoir etc 2 BAREPL Bare plantable 1 124 Total gross area (Ha) 242 Page 5 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Social & Environmental Impact Assessment Coillte's Social and Environmental Impact Assesment (SEIA) is the means by which we document the potential threats to the forest and its environment from our activities or the activities of others and our approach to reducing the risk of damage. We asked for submissions from the public at our pre-planning consultation stage and this is where each issue should be dealt with. In some cases we will not have been able to implement all suggestions in full but you should be able to see the reasons why, in the interests of balance, an alternative course of action was taken. The item labelled 'DSP Ref' refers to a District Strategic Plan which sets in context how Company policy is implemented at ground-level in some of these areas. The District Strategic Plans for each District are found at : Topic: Amenity/Recreation Topic_consultation Tir na Mona, Friends of the Forest, 9/11 Memorial Committee, Kildare Co Co, KELT, visitor survey (2007) Issue details Objections to development proposals Damage to trails, signage, facilities Injury to visitors, accidents Accidents, conflict between users Injury to visitors, visitors frightened by dogs not on leash Dog mess in the park DSP_ref 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6. Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Consulation with local community groups on proposed development of facilities Involvement of local community groups and interest groups in development of park Signage explaining upcoming works Co-operation with local county council, community groups Visitor survey to see what visitors want when they visit the park (conducted sumer 2007) Ongoing maintenance of facilities Keep park locked at night Mark trails clearly on maps, show operators trails on ground Use brash to cross paths and remove when operation complete use of designated haulage routes Regular safety check of park facilities Erect signs where hazards are present if not able to remove or make safe Recommend appropriate footwear,grading of trails Issue HIRA to all group activities, ensure permit and insurance in place Make sure all organised activities have a permit and appropriate insurance cover, first aid Issue HIRA with all permits Make sure no conflict between organised activities and other users Erect signs stating dogs should be kept on a leash Consult with dog warden - free pass to access park in place Ask visitors to clean up after their dog Page 6 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Topic: Chemical use Topic_consultation Issue details Damage to flora, water Topic: Community Projects Topic_consultation Tir na Mona, Friends of the Forest, KELT, Kildare co Co Issue details Involvement of local community in management and development of park (restoratio of castle proposal) Topic: Coupe size Topic_consultation Local community groups Issue details Disturbance to landscape in high amenity area Topic: Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Limit use of chemicals in the park where possible - manual cleaning of young plots If necessary ensure operators are fully trained Use glyphosate only Maintain buffer zones with water courses Dispose of empties correctly DSP_ref 3.6.1, 3.6.2 Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Consultation and involvement of local community in development of park Ask community group to put together their ideas, sources of funding, etc. DSP_ref 3.3, 3.1.1 Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Practice continusous cover forestry techniques where possible - small coupe felling, etc. Erect signs to let public know what is going on Careful felling and extraction in sensitive site such as Donadea Dumping Topic_consultation Issue details Visual eyesore, pollution Topic: DSP_ref 3.1.6 Habitat impact Topic_consultation John Fennessy (Coford), Pat Doody (Nurseries), Forest Service, NPWS Issue details Damage to registered seed tree stands DSP_ref Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Promote leave no trace policy Daily clean up of rubbish in park by forest worker/KELT worker Regular disposal of rubbish (O'Hagan Waste current contractor) Encourage and ensure visitors to clean up rubbbish after events, etc DSP_ref 3.4 Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Notify appropriate people of operations in seed stands Careful marking of timber durign thinning operations Do not damage seed trees - ensure machine operator aware felling in seed stand, fell away from seed trees Page 7 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Topic: Harvesting Topic_consultation Visitors to park Issue details Injury to visitors in the park Topic: Landscape impact Topic_consultation Issue details Medium landscape sensitivity site - disturbance to sensitive landscape Topic: Local heritage Topic_consultation Issue details Damage to historical features in the park - castle, ice-house, boat house, walled garden, walled streams, church Topic: Rights of way Topic_consultation Local residents with ROW (Lime Tree Avenue, and other access points) Issue details Dispute over standard of ROW - Lime Tree Avenue Topic: DSP_ref 3.1.3, 3.1.1 Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Erect signage, hazard signage Temporary closure of paths if necessary Do not stack timber too high, erect signs, do not let timber lie in park DSP_ref 3.3 Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Follow landscape design plan and best landscape design principles Small scale felling Maintain current mix of species (64% broadleaf, 36% conifer) DSP_ref 3.5.1, 3.5.2 Impact rating HIGH Risk mitigation Protect historical features from operations Fell trees away Keep machinery away from features Protect features as much as possible - remove ivy where safe to do so DSP_ref Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Main users should maintain ROW to adequate standard to ensure safe passage Coillte to ensure trees are safe - aboriculture survey completed in 2000, schedule another survey in 2009/2010 Ensure visitors to park to do not block access to resident's house Trespass Topic_consultation Issue details Damage to trails, open grass areas, damage to trees DSP_ref Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Ensure boundary fences, walls are secure Explain onus on boundary neighbour to keep his fences in good repair Remove trespassing animals to pound if problem persists Maintain good relationship with neighbours Page 8 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Topic: Unauthorised land use Topic_consultation Issue details Injury to park visitors and to perpetrator Damage to trails and open grass areas DSP_ref, Impact rating MEDIUM Risk mitigation Erect signs to state motorbikes, quads, horses, cycling are not permitted in park Examine possibility of building designated off road cycling trail Speed ramps erected on entrance way and car park keep barrier locked Page 9 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Forest Management Plan Summary Thinning Thinning, whereby a portion of the trees are removed at successive stages prior to clearfell, is a desirable practice when aiming to grow quality timber. This table shows the maximum total area which may be scheduled for thinning during the period of this plan in each of the Coillte forest properties in this forest. This level of thinning would mark a significant increase over previous years and is purely an indicative, aspirational level. Please note that Coillte forest property names do not alway follow townland names or boundaries. Potential thinning areas FOREST PROPERTY DEMESNE THINNING AREA (HA) 591 Total 591 Page 10 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Management Objective Coillte's estate is managed on a multi-objective basis, where an attempt is made to balance the pursuit of economic returns, environmental protection and enhancement and social returns like landscape protection and employment. Rather than attempting to achieve a perfect balance on every site we recognise that some sites have a greater potential than others in pursuing different objectives. To this end, we nominate a principal objective for each site. This categorisation for this forest is outlined below. Management Objective Biodiversity Biodiversity sub-objective Habitat enhancement Habitat protection Conservation Habitat protection Non-forest commercial Recreation AREA (HA) 140 70 15 1 5 1 11 242 Total Page 11 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Constraint or secondary objective This graph shows the forest area categorised by the principal constraint or, in many cases, secondary objective being pursued on each site. MANAGEMENT CONSTRAINT ESB or other transmission line Old Woodland Site Recreation site Statutory Designation MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE Non-forest commercial Biodiversity Conservation Recreation Biodiversity Conservation AREA (HA) 1 70 5 11 154 1 242 Total Page 12 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Silvicultural System This graph shows the forest area categorised by the silvicultural system employed on each site. SILVICULTURAL SYSTEM Clearfell Continuous cover forestry Long Term Retention N/A MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE Biodiversity Biodiversity Conservation Conservation Non-forest commercial Recreation Total AREA (HA) 72 153 1 5 1 11 242 Page 13 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Felling areas This graph shows the total area which is scheduled to be felled in each 5 year period shown. This is based on a summation of site-by-site plans where an indicative fell year is given. AREA (HA) Period total: Page 14 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Regeneration plans This graph shows the forest area categorised by the method of restocking to be used for each site. REGENERATION METHOD Low impact regeneration Natural regeneration broadleaves No replanting Planting MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE Biodiversity Biodiversity Conservation Non-forest commercial Recreation Biodiversity Conservation Total AREA (HA) 74 135 5 1 11 15 1 242 Page 15 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Species diversification This graph shows how the total forest area occupied by different species groupings and open space will develop in this forest over time. This is calculated using the current inventory of what species is growing on each site, when the site will be felled, and what has been chosen as the successor crop in this Forest Management Plan. Year Broadleaf 2008 59.7 Fir 1.4 Larch 0.1 Open 5.6 Other conifers 2.4 Other vegetation 0.0 Pine 0.0 Scrub 0.0 Spruce 24.5 Water 0.9 2010 53.1 1.4 0.1 4.9 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.3 0.9 2015 63.0 1.0 0.1 25.4 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.9 2020 61.0 0.0 0.0 35.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2025 63.5 0.0 0.0 35.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2030 63.5 0.0 0.0 35.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2035 63.5 0.0 0.0 35.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 2040 63.5 0.0 0.0 35.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Page 16 of 17 Donadea Forest (KE06) Forest Management Plan Crop type diversification Displayed below is a chart showing the development of "crop type" which is a site-by-site categorisation of each Management Unit. For example, a block of forest which is 70% conifer and 30% broadleaf will be reported as "Conifer/Broadleaf mix". Crop type Area (Ha) in each period 2008 Broadleaf General Biodiversi Open Open/Conifer/Broa Total 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 1.23 1.23 1.23 0.00 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 229.56 229.56 229.56 229.56 229.56 229.56 229.56 229.56 11.26 11.26 11.26 11.26 11.26 11.26 11.26 11.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 242.04 242.04 242.04 242.04 242.04 242.04 242.04 242.04 Page 17 of 17