Sustainability at the Aoga Fa`aSamoa.
Sustainability at the Aoga Fa`aSamoa.
Te Tari Puna Ora o Aotearoa Conference, 19th-21st July, 2013. Honouring the past, visioning the future. ‘O le lā’au ola e tū, ‘ae ‘ua ōia.’ (The tree stands but has been marked to be felled. Unless we act now the earth as we know it will be gone) An Overview of the Development of The A’oga Fa’a Samoa was the first established Pacific Island language centre in New Zealand, beginning operation in 1984. It was the first licensed and chartered Pacific Island centre (1990). An Overview of the Development of the A’oga Fa’a Samoa The A’oga Fa’a Samoa is a Samoan immersion education and care centre located in Auckland. Infants, toddlers and young children attend for up to 9 hours daily, up to 5 days per week, and learn in the Samoan language. Sustainability at the A’oga Fa’a Samoa [ Sustainability What is it? It is hard to explain as there are many different meanings. ‘Building upon young children’s knowledge dispositions and skills to ‘make a difference’ in their own lives on sustainability related matters now and into the future.’ (Davis, 2010.p.28) Garden Children plant seeds in containers. Water Measure and monitor growth Transplant to garden Sign posts Harvesting the crop Delivering crops to the kitchen Family and Community: Taking silver-beet home to cook. Belonging: Celebrating a harvest and sharing to take home. Older children harvesting and cooking. Showing children where to put different rubbish in the correct bins. Sorting Older children teaching younger children Where to put paper cups and drinking cups Relationships Working with others to sort out the recycling Working together with the primary school taking paper to bins. Taking card board and boxes to the rubbish bin. Kohanaga Reo and Primary School children sorting rubbish at Aoga FaaSamoa. Reusing… The Principles and Strands of Te Whariki by promoting a learning environment that is holistic, rich in diverse learning experiences and where children know that they make a real difference to the world around them. Contribution - Taking responsibility for feeding the worms Watching the worms eat the food scraps Empowerment: Being given responsibility to feed the worms in the school garden. Water Worm Juice Taking worm juice home for their garden Watering the garden with worm juice Water tank in the garden. Cloth Nappies. • A challenge from the primary school children about a huge amount of land fill that comes from our nappies. • Discuss ways of reducing disposable nappies. • Research • Attend workshops • Trial working together with Auckland council. (Nappy lady). The next step….attending workshpos We found out that…. Looking at Aoga landfill contents of nappies and sanitary others from the Auckland council. (29 May, 1.30pm) • (refer to pie graphs). LANDFILL CONTENTS (KGS) RECYCLABLE PAPER PAPER TOWELS PLASTIC 1&2 PLASTIC BAGS AND FILM FOOD WASTE RECYCLABLE PAPER PAPER TOWELS PLASTIC 1 & 2 PLASTIC BAGS AND FILM FOOD WASTE NAPPIES AND SANITARY OTHER Trialing nappies. Nappies hanging out in the sun. The Strands of Exploration and Belonging are maintained and strengthened as children explore the nature world and develop a sense of their relationship with other living creatures and their environment. Children sorting out the rubbish on the 17th July 2013 Result 75% less Children weighing the rubbish Children work together, sharing their ideas as they help to create a healthy and sustainable environment, the strands Communication and Contribution are supported. How can one be expected to care for, or protect, the natural environment if one has never been immersed in it? Early childhood educators need to be aware that the potential for sensory experiences we set up and should include the whole outdoor setting. If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking a decade ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking a century ahead educate the people. ( Chinese proverb) ‘O le lā’au ola e tū, ‘ae ‘ua ōia’. (The tree stands but has been marked to be felled. Unless we act now the earth as we know it will be gone)