education newsletter
education newsletter
education special 2013 DHA WORKING WITH THE EDUCATION SECTOR In the early 1990s DHA were proud to be involved in the expansion of the University of Gloucester. We secured planning permission for the redevelopment of their Oxstalls Campus for a major sports science hub whilst at the same time obtaining consent for new halls of residence and teaching facilities in the Cheltenham Conser vation Area. Since then we have enjoyed working with both public and private sector education providers, ecclesiastical bodies and main contractors to improve and develop educational facilities throughout southern England. TIGER PRIMARY SCHOOL LONGFIELD ACADEMY NORTH EALING ACADEMY DURAND ACADEMY DHA achieved outline planning permission for a new 2-form entry Tiger Primary School at New Line Learning Academy in Maidstone. DHA successfully addressed a number of issues including transport, and negotiated with the authority on behalf of the School. DHA worked with Carillion and Jestico + Whiles to secure full planning consent for the erection of a new Academy together with reprovision of the outdoor playing pitches, a new 6 court MUGA, new car parking provision, circulatory access and public plaza for pedestrians and new strategic landscaping. DHA Planning & Transport provided bid support to BAM as part of the preferred bidder competition for the North Ealing Academy, London. Our role included a full planning & transport risk assessment as well as liaison with TFL and the local Council. DHA are working with Balfour Beatty on a planning application and Environmental Impact Assessment for a state-funded boarding school in the South Downs National Park. HADLOW FREE SCHOOL CORNWALLIS ACADEMY PESTALOZZI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL THE JOHN WALLIS ACADEMY DHA prepared a planning application for a rural specialist Free School in Hadlow, Kent, for 330 pupils aged 11-16 years. The Free School will be highly unusual in allowing its pupils to take up a landbased education with vocational routes. DHA secured full planning consent for the demolition of the existing school buildings and the erection of a new Academy and associated facilities including a new 4 court Multi Use Games Area; new grass playing pitch provision; new car parking provision, circulatory access and pedestrian access points and new strategic landscaping. Pestalozzi, a charity, educates exceptional young people from the developing world who could not otherwise continue their studies after 16. DHA worked with Tim Ronalds Architects to secure three planning consents to redevelop their site which lies in the East Sussex Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. DHA worked with Willmott Dixon and Hunters Architects to secure full planning consent for the erection of a new school building and associated facilities. DHA demonstrated that the development would present no unacceptable impact on environmental conditions and on traffic/ parking issues in the surrounding roads. STROOD ACADEMY GRANGE PARK SCHOOL WELLS FREE SCHOOL, KENT GREENSWARD ACADEMY With BAM Construction Ltd, DHA Planning secured planning permission for the replacement of the Strood Academy buildings with a new Academy designed by Nicholas Hare Architects. The design includes a wind turbine on the site frontage. Grange Park School is a specialist school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. DHA worked closely with Kent County Council, school governors and CSDP Architecture, to secure planning permission for this new school building. DHA worked with Berkeley Homes to secure planning permission for a new free school as part of the redevelopment of the former Kent & Sussex Hospital in Tunbridge Wells. The proposal will create 243 new homes as well as new commercial space. DHA secured planning permission for the refurbishment of the Greensward Academy buildings to create a new teaching block, upgrade the external play areas with improved hard and soft landscaping and create a new community frontage. four dha transport, Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN t: 01622 776226 f: 01622 776227 e: [email protected] w: This “education special” includes examples of our most recent education projects. For further details on how DHA can assist please call Martin Page or Kirsty Castle for town planning queries or Jason Lewis or Simon Moon for transport and highways queries. one dha planning, Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN t: 01622 776226 f: 01622 776227 e: [email protected] w: ST AUGUSTINE ACADEMY MAIDSTONE DUKE OF YORK MILITARY ACADEMY BENENDEN CE PRIMARY SCHOOL THE KNOLE ACADEMY SEVENOAKS SPIRES ACADEMY THE FORELAND SCHOOL WAINSCOTT PRIMARY SCHOOL BISHOPS DOWN PRIMARY DHA worked with Willmott Dixon and KSS Architects to secure full planning consent for the erection of a new school building and associated facilities at St Augustine Academy, formerly known as the Astor of Hever Community School. The School is a co-educational, exclusively full boarding Academy School for the children of serving military personnel posted overseas. DHA secured permission for the re generation and refurbishment of this 56 hectare campus, including work to a number of listed buildings. DHA, working with architects Clague, have secured consent for a new primary school in the village of Benenden, on a greenfield site outside the village boundary and within the AONB. DHA worked with Willmott Dixon and Studio E Architects to secure full planning consent for the erection of a new school building and associated facilities at the Knole Academy which combined the Bradbourne School for Girls and the Wildernesse School. DHA secured full planning consent for a new state -of-the -art building on existing playing fields and additional agricultural land that had been acquired. Permission was also granted for sports pitches, a new 3 court MUGA & drop off zones. DHA are working with Kier Construction to prepare a planning and transport statement in respect of development of a new special school in Broadstairs, Kent. On behalf of BAM Construction, DHA secured planning permission for a Primar y School at Wainscott, Strood. The proposals included an increase of over 200 pupils and the construction of a new vehicle access to the south of the school. Kent County Council commissioned DHA Transport to review the existing traffic and highway issues surrounding Bishops Down Primar y School, Tunbridge Wells. RICHMOND ACADEMY WILMINGTON ACADEMY SKINNERS KENT ACADEMY MEDWAY ACADEMIES SEVENOAKS PRIMARY SCHOOL LADY BOSWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL DHA worked with Carillion Plc and Jestico & Whiles Architects to secure full planning consent for the refurbishment and extension of the existing Academy buildings. This included a 1,315m² new build extension. Working with Wilmott Dixon Construction Ltd & Jestico & Whiles, DHA have helped secure planning permission for a new Academy development in Wilmington, Dartford. The acade my site is in the Green Belt where de velopment remains heavily restricted. DHA secured planning permission for the Skinners’ Kent Academy on behalf of Willmott Dixon. DHA were part of a consultancy team including Studio E Architects, Max Fordham, WSP, White Young Green. The school is located on the outskirts of Tunbridge Wells, Kent. DHA have secured planning permission for the Bishop of Rochester and Brompton Academies in Medway, Kent. DHA worked with BAM Construction & Nicholas Hare Architects, to secure full planning consent for the erection of the two new Academies and associated facilities. DHA Transport were commissioned by Kent County Council/AECOM to prepare a transport statement in support of the proposed increase to a 2FE school at Sevenoaks Primary School. This work successfully addressed concerns by Kent Highways. GREENWICH FREE SCHOOL LAMBETH ACADEMY PASSMORES ACADEMY GILDREDGE HOUSE FREE SCHOOL DHA worked with Willmott Dixon to secure full planning consent for a new free school building and associated facilities at Shooters Hill, Greenwich. DHA secured planning permission for a new secondary and primary school at the Lambeth Academy, Fenstanton, on behalf of Carillion Plc. DHA have secured consent for a new Academy to replace Passmores School in Harlow. The project was led by Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd and architects Jestico + Whiles DHA worked with Willmott Dixon and Lee Evans Architects to secure planning permission for the conversion of a former Government dental building to a new free school in Eastbourne, Sussex. two dha planning, Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN t: 01622 776226 f: 01622 776227 e: [email protected] w: DHA Transport were commissioned by Kent County Council/AECOM to prepare a transport statement in support of the proposed increase to a 2FE school at Lady Boswell’s Primar y School, Sevenoaks. This work successfully addressed concerns by Kent Highways. EAST LONDON UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL COLLEGE THE LEIGH UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DHA Transport were commissioned by BAM Construction to prepare a Transport Assessment in support of a new Academy off the A13 in Rainham, East London. This project included detailed negotiations with TFL. DHA Transport were commissioned by BAM Construction to prepare a Transport Assessment in support of a new Academy near Dartford, Kent. The proposals requried detailed ne gotiations with the Highways Agency. CHATHAM FREE SCHOOL DOVER CHRISTCHURCH ACADEMY NEW LINE LEARNING ACADEMY NIGHTINGALE ACADEMY DHA worked with Medway Council and HMY Architects to prepare a Transport Assesment and Travel Plan for a new Free Primar y School on the site of a former comprehensive school. DHA worked with Willmott Dixon and KSS Architects providing planning and transport advice on the development proposals for a new academy in Dover, Kent. DHA working with Jestico & Whiles secured consent for the New Line Learning Academy in Maidstone on behalf of the Future Schools Trust and Carillion Plc. DHA worked with Carillion Plc to secure planning permission for the extension and refurbishment of this London Academy. three dha transport, Eclipse House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN t: 01622 776226 f: 01622 776227 e: [email protected] w: