1962 Donated by J.C. Longman
1962 Donated by J.C. Longman
THINKING OF TAKING If so, you should be aware of all the specifications required in t Sealed beam adaptating ring Electrical equipment meeting 5. A. E. Standards Triplex safety glass windshield Neiman antitheft ignition lock Foot dipper switch Speedometer in miles Without side parking lights. - 4.04 4-03 & 4-03 FULL Urn S, SPECIFICATIWS a The same Models specially made by Peugeot for export to the States H A S A L L OF THESE... AND these.special ... bonus extras for you. Michelin X or white wall tyres. Oil bath air cleaner. Rear view mirror on left front door. High efficiency heating device. Special mats. a Special wheels embellishers... a a a a SALES AND SERVICE: A V E N I D A DE LOS TOREROS, 6 & 8 TEL. 255 66 00 - - S. A. Em,AUTOMOVILES PEUGEOT M A D R I D T o give you better service ... SOLANO AGENCY PLUS ULTRA IN-SURANCE and AU rOMOBILE SALES i s pleased to announce that it has moved in to new, larger quarters... located in N." 6 Carlos Maurras, 1 flight up F On the right-handside whern leaving the BX Arcade entrance HAVE , BEEN SEEN AND INSPECTED B Y US BEFORE SHOIVIEG. GET EXACTLY WHAT Y O U W A N T T H R O U G H T HE American Service Organization EDIFICIO AhhT$q MAIDS - ESPAAA Tel. 2-48-30-46 BUTLERS - CHAUFFEURS - . . ., THE NEW I A European car created for the American market r k!! 2 4 0 a : ~ 1 SIMCA ESPANOLA PASEO DE A I N T I: R N A C 1 0 N A L * T SPECIAL TO U S MILITARY A D R 1 WSURANCE COMPANY THE BOSCH AGENCY EXTE#DS SPECIAL SERVICE TO AMERICANS - - Complele financing and Insurance facllllles for Ihe purchase of almosl any make of automobile Get quick delivery & courteous service by contacting PETER DE VRElZE - 256 19 53 * Call and arrange lo come Into Ihe N E W OFFICE on A V E N I D A LUKE C. LEUVEN - 256 19 53 JOE ESCOBAR - 248 19 00 LES MAGYAR - 256 19 53 IF YOU PURCHASE A NEW FOREIGN CAR, DISCUSS THE BOSCH "SHIP TO AMERICA" PLAN. IT'S PRACTICAL AND VERY REASONABLE OSCH AGENCY * AVDA. DL AMERICA 27, 5 FLOOR, LEFT TELEPHONE 256-19-53 The Center is located in Building 303 within the quonset annex of the 3970th Combat Support Group Headquarters. Personnel arriving at the center are ORREJON and the Madrid area It is hard to explain satisfactorily why briefed and processed. A representative are similar to every other Atr you can't do it. Show him the section from C o m m e r c i a 1 Transportation Force assignment in that there are of 30-1 which is in Spanish-it was completes locator cards and briefs them on the shipment of P.O.V!s, certain local policies and procedures written for that very reason. household goods and hold baggage. which should be learned and adhered This regulation has been revised and 4 representative from the Pass and to. rewritten and revised to kaep it curSince we are guests here, many of rent and easily understandable. It is Registration Section fills out applications for Spanish I. D. Cards and these policies are extremely important the last word on what are bona fide Spanish Driver's licenses and briefs gifts, who they can be given to, and to the maintenance of friendly rela. personnel on the requirements for vawhat your allowable quotas are on tions with our S~aniShhosts. obtaining Spanish Drivers licenses, The icbibler on local do's and don'ts rious items in the BX and c.ommissary. Restricted Area badges, etc. is Sixteenth Air Force Regulation 3@-1. Your BX and commissary privileges Upon completion of Pass and RegisWithin a few days after your arrival will be among your most cherished tration briefing personnel have comyou will be briefed on this regulation possessions in Spain. Don't jeopardize pleted processing at the Center and and required to sign a certificate that them through ignorance of local r e report to their respective personnel gulations. you understand its contents. sections for records and pay proces- . Just because you're a law-abiding sing. PROCESSING - : citizen who wouldn't think of breaking Sponsors accompanied by their d e the rules, don't assume you know what Torrejon processing is no Ionger the pendents are advised to irisit the Housing Office as soon ,ypossible. With . , . -this regulation contains. Study it until long dreary drudge it once was. 'I?@ . 'you are thoroughly familiar with its rrejon is operating under the %One- their assistance, suitable' housing on , . 4 : Jcontents. If you have dependents with Stop Processing System, since the the local economy may,be obtained. If you, have them do the same. early part of 1960. No longer does the the individual js scheduled to move This regulation contains the answers new arrival play hide and seek with into Royal Oaks the Housing Office to questions which, beyond a doubt, you the Processing Agencies. The proced- provides the necessary assistance. Torrejon's Family Services provides 'will encounter. The section translated ures have been designed for fast and 'into Spanish may serve you well some efficient service to enable the new arri- the usual services Bnd in addition day when a Spanish friend asks you val to settle down more quickly and helps you become -acquaintedwith .the local situation. ' :'to do something which is prohibited. with less effort. T I I I ( ' . PROCESSING CENTER 306 I I ENTRANCE A PERSONNEL CONTROL BRANCH RECORD SECTION DIRSCTOR OF PERSONNEL 3 I PERSONAL AFFAIRS BRANCH 301 I HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOLD BAGGAGE & AUTOMOBILE STA N.' 3 Y BASE PROCESSING STATION 1 & 2 CHIEF MILITARY AFFAIRS DIVISION I FINANCE CASHIER WINDOW BASE REENLISTMENT 303 I FAMILY SERVICE 308 MORNING REPORT SECTION PERSONNEL PAY SECTION intersections throughout ATthemany .base there are red sign posts with red lights on top. These sign posts say ((Yield to Reflex)). When the red lights are flashing this means that a Reflex exercise is in progress. These exercises are often called two or three times each day. When this occurs, a variety of Reflex vehicles head for their duty areas on the flight line. The primary purpose of the lights is to warn other vehicular traffic to give Reflex personnel the right-of-way so that Reflex personnel may get there quickly and sa.fely. When the lights are flashing, it is proper to proceed with extreme caution, being on the lookout for Reflex vehicles. As you see a Reflex vehicle coming toward you or approaching from behind, pull off the road to let him pass. Give him the right of way at all intersections. Don't make this a race or a guessing game ; yield as soon as you see a Reflex vehicle approaching, even if he is a block away. Often there will be a number of Reflex vehicles in rapid succesion. Wait! When the road is clear again, proceed with caution. Bs an added precaution, Reflex vehicles are equipped with flsshhng red lights to warn other traffic they are participating in an exercise. The common rules of the road require that you give way to any vehicle with a red emergency light. This is particularly true with our Reflex mission. Ultimately, the focus of all our activities here is our Reflex mission. I t js vital to us, our country, and the peace of .the world. It deserves and must receive our utmost respect, assistance, and adherence to established procedures. FAMILY SERVlCES Having problems getting situated? I f you don't have a few you'll be the exception to the rule. To ease you over the rough spots, Torrejon has an active Family Services Program manned by trained volunteers. These people were newmrrlers here once themselves and have experienced the same problems that will confront you. They are organized to give you advice, and material assistance such as pots, pans, dishes and other necessities to tide you over until yours arrive. The Family Services Center Is locsted in the group of quonsets where you do your processing. Drop in and find out what they have to offer. YIELD TO REFLEX - ' qf' S p a n i s h Now you are in Spain. If you already speak Spanish your problem will be slight-at most getting used to the Castillian lisp. If you don't speak Spanish, you will have a problem until you pick up enough to get by. You can hear many different comments about a tour in Spain. These will range from ccth worst I've ever had)) variety all the wag up to amagnificent, f don't want to leave.)) The curious thing is that there is a direct relationship in most cases between how well a person enjoys his tour m d how well he learns to speak Spanish. In other words, you as a newcomer to Spain, have an opportunity, through your own actions, to directly influence how enjoyable your tour will be. Spanish is generally considered to be the easiest of all languages to learn. There are many examples of people who came to Spain without knowing a word of Spanish and left at the end of their tour with a remarkable fluency. To assist you in learning Spanish there are three main avenues open to you. The military or civilian sponsor, during his first 60 days in Spain, will be scheduled for mandatory on-duty Spanish language classes. These classes are eight weeks in duration and meet for an hour and a half, five days a week. The object of these classes is to give the student enough key phrases and principles of Spanish construction to provide a firm foundation to build upon. The second avenue is through the local Univereity of AdarglanB program. Each semester the University offers I classes both on the base and in Madrid. Eight semesters of Spanish (double the minimum college requirements) are offered in this program. The third method. and perhaps the most effective for the person who tackles the language in earnest, is to hire a tutor. Many excellent tutors are available at reasonable rates. They will come to your home and can pace their instruction to suit your ability to absorb the new language. Another aid is the Spanish class held daily over AFRS 'Torrejon. This program is aired twice daily and has received many complimenb on its irsefulness when employed simulta neously with one of the other types of formal training. Whether you employ one of these methods, or, perhaps, all of them, it i s extremely important to practice constantly. Use what you learn. Don't h e sitate to speak Spanish because you know only a little. Your Spanish friends, business acquaintances, or your maid, if you have one, will all be understanding and hepful. If you do have a maid, ask her to speak proper Spanish to you. Some maids have developed a kind of pidgin Spanish which they use for their American employers. Learning this is no favori either to yourself or the maid. A knowledge of Spanish is the key to this ancient and beautiful country and its fascinating people. It will take you anywhere in Spain you want to go and orJen almost any door when you get thire. Royal O a k s around 1 October and running through 1 June (8 months). From 1 November until 1 April you will probably have • o n - b a s e your heatlng system running constantly. The normal heating system is a central hot water system with radia0 11 f h e e c 0 n 0 m y tors. Normally a coal burning furnace (calefaccion) is employed but many Americans and an increasing number of Spanish have converted to kerosa On the base for T H E R E are three types of quarters want within the limits of what you n e Kerosene is 50 gallons available to personnel in the Ma- want to pay. A listing of some avalla- l3 Cents a gallon and week's consump drid area: On-ease government quar- ble houses and apartments can be ob- ($6.50) is a ters, Royal Oaks family housing lease- tained from the Economy Housing tion jvr a medium size (3 bedroom) runs $27 Or $28 Per ton hold government housing, and housing section. The Economy Housing section will also assist personnel in the preps. and is usually of an inferior quality. on the Spanish economy. Normally, single personnel will live ration and accomplishment of the is than about requires on-bme in either the BOQ, PJCO Dor- lease contract after the individual has the same price* and mitory, or Airmen's Dormitory. Each located a house or apartment to his rebuildng each runs per week of these buildings are three-story brick liking. A good rule of thumb is to look requires One Or Outlet point On base your structures with individual rooms. at a few apartments and a few houses from the Other possible expenses the permanently assigned officer person- weighing the advantages of each. Once are: a gardener (about riel have a two room suite with bath. YOU make this decision YOU can get slO); Or plumbing maintenNCO personnel live two to a room started in earnest. Briefly, a house maid ($I5 to with each two rooms sharing an ad- with a yard 1s usually better for a a"Ce (S5-l0 joining bath. Airmen rooms are identi- family with a number of small child- S20 plus sereno (S50 S1). If you decide that an apartment cal to NCO quarters except that m ren, while an apartment normally promost cases there are three to a room. vides considerably more usable living Sults you better, there are also some space for less rent. About 90 percent things you should keep in mind. What arriving in Spain with of the units on the rental market are comes with the apartment? Heat, their dependents depart- apartments makung them more plen- water, electricity? Some include all, mg their previous duty whether tiful than houses. If you do decide a some none. This has a big bearing Or they Occupy government house is for you, do not think your on how much rent you will actually for go- rent will be your only recurring expen- pay. If the heat is furnished, find out quarters. quarters be authorized se. Electricity runs from $10 to $20 when ~t is turned on. Normally it is shipment pounds per month depending on how many turned off 1 April. More that, it will are heavy electrical appliances you have usually be at your own expense. A goods. government quarters prior and the time of year. The electrical. built-in exepense will be a small to their departure Irom the Z1 -5' bilL will p~obably6behigher if electris - m thl stipend ($1 to& =he lor government quarters after heatmg or electric hot water heaters do%:~&Tport6rttL Rle .in in the Madrid area. If are used. Water is relatively cheap and most apartments is furnished by the for government quar probably won't run over 33 per month landlord or a very small flat monthly goods Of the indi tersp the except if you have a swimming pool rate of less than one dollar. Hot water vidual be shipped back Z1 and and water your lawn extensively it may is normally paid for by the tenant, $10 per month. usually costing from $3 to $10 pkr stored at government expense. The on bage quarters Of 6 1 If you like to be reasonably warm, month depending upon amount used. units are assigned figure on needing some heat starting Regardless of which you choose, you ing specific jobs essential to the E W O missibn. The Royal Oaks family housing area is located approximately 20 miles from the base north of Madrid and consists of 866 units. The majority are four unit apartments although there are a limited number of single and duplex units for field grade officers. These units are completely furnished except for dishes, utensils, linens, bedding, and other personal items. Personnel who are authorized a quarters allowance are also authorized a 'station allowance which is designed to equalize the housing cost in this area. Occupants of Royal Oaks or onbase quarters forfeit this allowance as well as their regular quarters allowance. This allowance varies according to grade and is adjusted every six months based on the results of a housing survey conducted here semi-annually. The finance office can give you exact and current figures for your, grade. Finding housing in the Madrid area, except for a possible problem with the language, is not too different from finding housing near a base in the ZI ; the problem is to find something you a p i c a l Room in Airmen's Barracks. - 2p000 ,, - good condition; Many houses and apartments have neither shelving nor light fixtures. 'Drapes, drapery rods, and curtain rods, are not normally furnished, and apartments do not have shelves, closets, or light fixtures. Thus, there is normally some - expense and effort required to equip the unit to meet your needs and desires. While you are in temporary quarters looking for a place to live, you naturally will be impatient. DO -not rush into something without checking thoroughly. After your car arrives (about one month) you will be able to get around better to see what is available, will have b&ome somewhat ,< I - - Interior of Off-Base Housing. , (Royal Oaks, Governmmnt Off-Base Housing. BASE W SCALE r: lQC100 F i c j4j 0 + Q LEGEND BLDG. No TRAFFIC AND IDENTIFICATION BLDG 16th. HQS. & 65th. AIR DIVISION BASE HOSPITAL 3 SHOPPING CENTER & THEATRE CHAPEL N. C. 0. CLUB OFFICERS DORMITORY OFFICERS CLUB TORREJON *HILTON> OFFICERS SWIMMING POOL AlRMENS CLUB I PASS AND REGISTRATION SECTION AlRMENS DORMITORIES SWIMMING POOL SERVICE CLUB BOWLING ALLEYS WOOD HOBBY SHOP HIGH SCHOOL GROUP PROCESSING CENTERS RIDING STABLES BASE OPERATIONS I Torrejon ORREJON'S recreation program has been planned to provide leisure time activities for all. The major sports-football, baseball, and basketball-are played in season and the minor sports and variations of the major athletics are also offered. In the intramural squadron competition teams are field in basketball, softball, and flag football. Recreation Games are played in the Spain-Morocco Sports District competitions in softball, basketball, and baseball. I n 1959, Torrejon became the first Spain-Morocco Sports District base to field a football team. Against the top teams in European service football, the Torrejon Raiders ran up a respectable record and played in the semifinals for the USAFE Championship. Football will continue at 'rorrejon with a goal of making the Raiders one of the service football powers in Europe. One of the Air Force's more modern, well-equipped gymnasium's was recently opened for use by Torrejon personnel. In addition to the normal facilities, there are steam baths- and massage. The steam bath is free, but there is a slight charge for massages. S.oecial classes are held in weightlifting, bodybuilding and boxing. For bowlers, Torrejon has an eight lane ABC approved alley. An additional four lanes have been approved for construction and authorization is being sought for an additional four to bring the total to 16. The primary leagues conducted on the base alleys are the American Forces Bowling League and the Base League. In addition, numerous other leagues such as mixed doubles are conducted. Local bowlers also compete in Madrid in such leagues as the Embassy League and the Spanish-American League. A 17 stall riding stable was recently pened on base LO orovide cquestrians facilities to enjoy their pastime. A full complement of steeds is to be procured. The riding trails are located on the back portion of the base. Tuzreion's golfers have l a g M o y e d I Hobby Shop. a tough par 36 nine-hole golf course on base. The course is long and decep tive and has been laid out on rolling ground. It also has its fair share of water hazards and long, close stretches of out-of-bounds territory. Numerous golf tourneys are held with the major event of the season being the American Forces Golf Tournament held each Spring. An additional nine holes are programmed. For the juniors in the family, the base and allied organizations conduct Little League and Babe Ruth baseball. In 1959, over 400 youths participated in the various team categories. For square dancers, two clubs--the Madrid Squares and the Flexible Squares-have been organized. The clubs have appeared on programs before the Spanish public and in square dance festivals at other Spanish bases. For the gun nut and the fishing fiend, a Rod and Gun Club has been operating for a number of years. The Club operates a rod and gun store in r P the Generalisimo Building and con- ducts frequent shoots. POI the busted bone bunch, the American Ski Klub has been formed. During the skiing season the club holds outings each weekend in the nearby mountains. Would-be mechanics and carpenters may take advantage of a modern well equipped hobby shop on base. It is planned to enlarge the auto repair area. The Torrejon Aero Club operates two small aircraft from a strip on base. A large Sefvice Club, located on base, makes available well-rounded recreation Programs such as dances, parties, US0 talent shows and a diversified list of activities. The library provides well-stocked shelves with recreation, juvenile and technical type books in addition to magazines, pamphlets and newspapers of various types. Above: Airmen's Swimming Pool and Bath House. Below: Bowling Lanes. R '" I "$f& F1N A N C E S NE of your first needs will be to O exchange dollars for pesetas. You can"0t spend dollars in Spsin exempt at military installations. Dollars may be converted to pesetas at any finance office, at most squadron pay tables, and at authorized hotels in Madrid The rate of exchange will vary coincide with value at time of conversion. Based upon the international rate, the peseta is usually pegged at 60 to the dollar. A word of caution: you may feel that you are getting a fortune, but you will find that the one hundred dollar equivalent value of your pesetas will buy about the same amount of goods at home. Military payment certificates are not used at installations in Spain. Spanish currency is issued in bills of 1, 5, 25, 50. 100. 500. and 1,000 pesetas ptas.); a copper half-peseta cdin, and -nickel coins valued at 10 and 5 centimos. One hundred centimos equal one peseta and each peseta is worth about two American cents. Currency dated hefore 1936 is of no value. Check cashing facilities are available at the finance office to cash Stateside checks, travelers checks, and government checks. Finance will also p e r $ your doll s for pesetas.-The a r i d filiSice~f&ei s located in the AFEX area. The Torrejon finance office is in the 3970th Combat Support Group Headquarters Annex. A cashier is also located at the base theater. At the present, the only banking facilities available locally are with Spanish Banks. It is easy to establish a peseta account with them. Any central office of the numerous banks have a foreign section where English is spoken. Generally, checks written against a Spanish bank account are not as ac- =? time necessary paper work is completed, the driver will be ready to cope with the many problems of operating CATHOLIC a vehicle on' Spain's streets and highTorrejon Base Chapel ways. To understand the great stress placSunday Masses-9 :30 a. m. and 12 :30 p. m. ed on driver safety, you should realize that the greatest single source of bad Daily Masses-Noon. publicity and ill will toward American Confessions-Saturda~4:30 D. m. to forces in Spain has come as the result of auto accidents, hit and run cases, ~n~truction ~ l a s s ~ o n c7 :00 &~ p. m. and drunken driving. Just because you DRESS Novena-Wednesday 7 :00 p. m. have always had a good driving record Choir Rehearsal-Wednesday 7 :30 One local policy which will affect back home, don't underestimate the of driving in Spain. Make the p. m. you immediately is the policy on off- hazards of the safety orientation you reGeneralisimo Building base dress. In the Madrid area and most ceive-it may save your life or prevent Sunday Masses--8:30 a. m. and throughout Spain, the uniform is not the permanent loss of your driving worn off-base in public areas except 12:30 p. m. when it is required in the conduct of privilege during your tour here. Daily Masses-l2:05 p. m. Confessions-Saturday 11:00 a. m. official Air Force business. COMMISSARY It's permissible to wear your uniform to. 4 :00 p. m. to and from your quarters and the Baptisms--Sunday 1 :15 p. m. Two commissaries are operated for Catechism ClassesSunday 9 :30 a. m. base. However, stopping on the way the convenience of American personhome after leaving the base is taboo. Benediction-Wednesday 8 :00 p. m. nel and their dependents. A branch. Proper dress on the street or in other Commissary is located in the GeneraRoyal Oaks public places is a civilian coat with tie lisimo Building and the main ror men and comparable attire for store is located complex Sunday Masses 11:30 a. m. women. Slacks and shorts for women munity Center. in the Torrejon ComPROTESTANT are not appropriate. A complete line of non-perishable Torrejon Base Chapel Uniform regulations here are basi- and items are on sale at cally similar to most ZI installations both perishable Worship Service 11:00 a. m. locations. This includes fresh having a change of seasons. Normally, meats Sunday School 9:45 a. m. and vegetables. Fellowship Groups--Sunday 630 blues become optional on 1 October The ~n base commbs i s open and mandatory on 1 Nobernver. Sum-, p. m. i Monday through Fridsg%om 1000 mer uniforms become optional on 1 Evening WorshipSunday 7 :30 p. m. hours to 1800 hours. Saturday hours 1 May. Excep April and mandatory on Bible Study Class--Wednesday 7 :30 to 1300 hours. tions due to unseasonable weather are areT 0900 p. m. h e Madrid is open announced when the occasion arises. Monday through commissary Adult Choir-Thursday 7:00 p. m. Friday from 1030 to Neither 505 shorts nor fatigues are 1830 and on Saturday from 0900 to 1300 Generalirimo Building authorized wear off-base. This also hours.. applies to driving to and from the base Sunday School-9 :45 a. m. Both commissaries are closed on Morning Worshi~)-9:45 a. m. and in a private vehicle. Under certain cir- Sundays, American holidays observed cumstances, a person wearing fatigues 11:OOa. lii. Sixteenth Air Force, four Spanish and operating a truck or heavy vehicle by Adult Bible Studv-9:45 a. m. holidays, and the day designated for Fellowship ~ r 6 u p s ~ u n d a y6 :30 can leave the base in fatigues if he taking inventory. Inventory is conduchas to take the vehicle off base. Your ted on the 24th of each month, except p. m. w d 7:00 p. m. Evening WorshipSunday 8:00 p. m. supervisor can fill you in further on when the 24th falls on Sunday, in this. Adult Choir-Thursday 8 :30 p. m. The Spanish are a clothes-conscious which case the commissary is closed Royal Oaks people. Although not the richest, they on the 25th. are considered to be the best dressed Sunday School-9 :15 a. m. people in Europe. This can be attriMorning Worship10 :15 a. m. Protestant Youth--Sunday 6:00 p. m. buted to a Qeat pride in their appeaEvening WorshipSunday 7 :30 p. m. rance. Regardless of his economic situation, a Spaniard is willing to go to Adult Chior-Wednesday 8 :00 p. m. the trouble to make sure his clothes JEWISH are neat and clean when he appears Pirarro 19 in public. You will observe this yourself before you have been here very Jewish S e r v i m u n d o w n (Friday) Jewish Servic+10:00 a. m. (Sa- long. turday). AUTOMOBJLES OTHER Torrejon Base Chapel A N automobile is a cherished possession in Spain. The very fact Episcopal Holy Communion--Sunday that you possess one raises you far 8:30 a. m. Episcopal Holy Communion-Prayer . above the ordinary. As might be exBook Hojy Days during week 9 :30 a. m. pected, since possessing an automobile is more difficult, registering and ope or as announced. rating a vehicle are more complicated. Generalisimo Building At Torrejon the process of registerChristian Science-Sunday 11:00 a. ing your vehicle, getting your vehicle m. (Room 322). license and your Spanish operators Church of Christ-Sunday 3 :00 p. m. permit is integrated with a safety (Auditorium). orientation program so that by the Commissary; a Miniature Grocery Store.. RELIGIOUS SERVICES Latter Day Saints-Morning Worship Sunday 11:OO a. m. (Room 314). Evening WorshipSunday 6:30 p. m. (Room 314). Lutheran Services-Sunday 11:00 a. m. (Room 105). Royal Oaks Episcopal Service-Sunday 11:30 a. m. (Music Room). I BASE FACILITIES Pa& and Registration Office. A t this time application for Spanish registmtion permits and hunting license is initiated with the Spanish authorities. U. S . Forces Personnel in Spain are subject to Spanish Law, Arms and Xxplosoves Code, Article 7, which gives us the same priviledges received by the Spanish military pq/rsomel. A fee is required to be paid to the Spanish Issuing Department (Central Air Region) for each weapon registered or hunting license requested. There is an extra 5 ptas. charge on any duplicates required. The ccGuia de Pertenencia)) issued by the Spanish Authorities is proof of ownership of the weapon in Spain. This permit is only transferable toU. S. personnel assigned to the U. S. Misskn. This rule applies to both weapons bought in Spain and imported into the country. The Guia has to be reneved every year in month of April. The hunting license does not have an expiration ' date and is issued for an indefinite period. The Guia will. be turned for cancellation when: The weapon is trans ferred to another member of the M b sion; or the owner is leaving Spain PCS. If a weapon registered with Spanish Authorities is sent or taken out of Spain prior to the departure of its owner on PCS orders, the Guia will be held in this office and cancelled only when the owner leaves the country, The limitation on the number of firearms authorized is as follows: Officers: 3 handguns and 6 long barrel weapons; NCO's: 1 hmgun and 6 long barrel weapons; Airmet: 2 long barrel weapons. Dependent wives of authorinecl military are entitled to register one long barrel weapon and have a hunting license. Any member of the U. S. Forces entitled to the above mentioned priviledges mayborrow a registered w e pon from another member for a period of 10 days, providing the Guia issued to the weapon's owner and an authorization signed by him are in the posses don of the carrier. All personnel will insure that the Guia is signed at the botton where it reads #Firma del Interesadoa. MEDICAL CARE M ILITARY personnel, dependents, and civilians eligible for medical care have available at Torrejon one of the finest and newest Air Force base hospitals. The hospital is classed as a 1Wbed operating hospital and can be expanded to 150 beds. In the hospital there are the standard clinics such as Pediatric, WellBady, PreNatal, and OB. A complete Dental Clinic is available; however, complete dental care for dependents may or m a y not be available depending upon the suplpy and demand of personnel, supplies and facilities. The appointment sys tern is used to facilitate the handling of in-and outpatients. No appointment is necesary for sick call, military immunhtlons. By appointment only : Military Sick Call Mon-Fri, 0830-1130 hours ext 2540, 2541, 2542 Dependent Sick Call Mon-Fri, 13W1630 hours ext 2540, 2541, 2542 Surgical Clinic Mon-Tues-Thurs, 140CL1530 hours ext 2540, 2541, 2542 Ege Clinic Daily, ext 2800 BASE FACILITIES Ear Nose Throat Clinic Daily, ext 2800 OB & Gyn Clinic Tues, 0900-1045 hours ext 2540, 2541, 2542 Military Physicals Mon Fri. Mon, 1300 hours, ext 2540, 2541, 2542. Tues, 0900 hours. Wed, 1300 hours. Thur, None. Fri, 1300 hours. Dental Clinic As scheduled, ext 2802 air, steamship rail, motor coach tickets hotel reservations independent tours, cruises, conducted tours private car hire The base has established procedures with the Madrid City Hall whereby the registration of pets owned by members of the U. S. Forces in Spain is acceptable. If you are a dog owner, simply take your dog 'to the 'base 'veterinarian :or rabies innoculation. The Vet will issue you a numbered tag which must be worn by the dog at all times when not indoors. Dogs with a current innoculation certificate (Spanish or Stateside) may be registered at the Base 'Vets and receive a tag for 25 cetns. Any graduate veterinarian (Spanish or American) may observe an animal in cases involving bites. He will issue a certificate denoting the condition of the animal a t the end of a two 'week period-this service is at the expense of the owner. All persons bitten by animals should report to the hospital immediately for adequate treat,ment and the reporting of the incident. Any authorized vet may observe the in cases involving bites. He will issue a certificate denoting the condition of the animal at the end of the two weeks. This certificate must be presented to the Municipal Laboratory, Calle Bailen 41, Madrid. uniformed interpreters travelers' mail PLAZA DE LAS CORTES, 2 2 22 11 80 and HOTEL CASTELLANA Y ILTON MADRID lWO Air Force Exchanges (AFEX) are ~ p e r a t e dfor the convenience of military personnel, their dependents, and civilians authorized exchange privileges. The Madrid AFEX is located in the Generalisimo Building complex in the inner courtyard next to Carlos Maurras 7. In addition to .the usual AFEX services, a Class VI (package store) facility is operated under the auspices of AFEX. Monday 1300-1700 1000-2100 ~uesda~ 1030-1700 1000-2100 Wednesday 1030-2000 1000-2100 Thursday 1030-1700 1000-2100 Friday 1030-1700 1000-2100 Saturday 0900-1600 0900-1800 Sunday Closed 0900-1800 The base AFEX is located in the community center just to the right of the traffic circle. The store is operated as a department store and contains a full range of comfort and luxury items. A Class VI store is also in the Community Center. Operating hours are: BX and Class V I Store Monday through Friday 1000-1400 & 1500-1800 Saturday 1000-1400 Sunday Closed Military Paydays 1000-1400 & 1500-1900 BX Snack Bar Monday through Saturday 0700-1500 & 1600-2300 Sundays, Spanish holidays 1600-2300 Service Club Snack Bar Monday through Saturday 0700-1400 & 1500-2300 Sunday 0830-2300 MATS Terminal Snack Bar Open 24 hours a day, except that it is closed from 0400 to 0500 hours and from 1600 to 1700 hours daily, for cleaning purposes. Travel Tips *** ABOUT CARS * * * W H E R E T O GO + * 4 AND INSURANCE ' 'RAVEL in Spain can be richly rewarding or quite disastrous. In any case, there are a few ((musts))'to contend with. Automobile liability insurance i s compulsory. Spanish insurance companies as well as a few American companes provide coverage. Usually, a Spanish company is preferred due 'to their knowledge of the local laws and the promptness in settling any resulting claims. 'The importance of prompt action in the event of a claim cannot be over emphasized. Policies written by Spanish companies contain collision coverage which would cover the majority of accident claims. Most accidents involve property damage under $100 due co the inexpensive body repair work available in Spain. Because of the many difficulties and misunderstandings it is highly recommended that all personnel consult the Personal Affairs Office prior to purchasing insurance. Simple negligence is a crime under Spanish iaw: therefore, in almost every auto accident there is a criminal action instituted, with the resultant request for jurisdiction by the American military. While in the past the United States Forces have obtained jurisdiction in almost all cases, recently there have been a number of cases w h e r e difficulties have arisen, resulting in personnel being detained in Spain. In all of these 1 I I I 1. . / . cases prompt insurance action would have lessened the delay in obtaining jurisdiction. Recently a program has been established where companies that have demonstrated an understanding of the status of American personnel in Spain and have indicated a willingness to act promptly in claims matters, are permitted to render claims and sales service on the base in Personal Affairs Office only. Barcelona is the MSTS port for auto shipment. Privately owned autos are picked up at Barcelona by the owner, and usually arrive in Spain from four to six weeks after delivery to Caven Point, New Jersey. An agreement has been reached with the Spanish Government where by you may offer to sell your automobile to the Parque M6vil de 10s Ministerios (PMM). This may be done only after you have owned the vehicle in Spain for two years, and then only at those times designated by PbdRd and under such stipulations as they may impose. The agreement is not designed to provide sellers with a ready market for the sale of all American cars. No one should bring an expensive car to this area with the intent of selling it at a profit when he departs. There is no guarantee that your car will be scs cepted for sale. The buying of cars by PMM may be di5ooatSnwxI 3 their will. * * S P A R ~ ~ N Q COMPANY HEALTHFUL rt REFRESHING stan N&juel L o o k for the throw-away Beer ,'... . bottles at AFEX .. ; . .G:>:z;;@wm Famous in the East I Famous in the West + ,,No , +, deposits -No returns i/! Try it once ** * You'll like it best! BEST AUTOMOBILE BUY 2 NEW - CARS SECOND HAND CARS - BANK FINANCING RATES - INSURANCE - TRADE INS (EUROPEAN ACCEPTED JACK HACHUEL - General Sanjurjo, 40 - Phone 9 53 1100 From 9" to 13" and from 16" to 19" except Sat. afternoon. MAD R I D RAFAEL A G U I L A R - Lineros, 10 - Phone 26546 - S E V I L L A Phone 26462 - ZARAGOZA S A L 0 M 0 N S E R R U Y A - Costa, 11 OFICIAL CITROEN Dealer I I. I Trains and buses ofhr fairly ad& qukk trmipomti~nfar lscal travel. In SrdditSon, stm-, trrxis, and bw s&8: are avaflagle 8Lt very r-e mhs. 11 private autmobile i!s definb teb canvenient in Wdrid, but it is not an Entud n-ty. Madrid hacs rnmy tarPis and they still provide relatively cheap h a m p & ~ t i o a A fare of 15 to 28 pesetas IN to 40 ~ R Bwill ) take you to muat pl&C88 in the centes d Madrid. A m e or two pesetas tip will suiltc8 far rimst taxi W p . The Air FaW Desk in tEw =OW m&oaasopen%houPsrdw.Zfw - Welcome - ~ ~ b e g l n t O a s s t l l n e m a j O .~ P ~ to THE F 0RT UNE T H E F 0R T U N E Automobile Insurance SERVICES Europe - U. S. A. - family o f palicyholden - Canada - - SPAIN H E A D OFFICE: Genereksimo, 43 Phone: 2 33 18 0 4 - M A D R I D pmims, CBUthem at WQgPlk%3mathey AGENCY TORREJON AB: O n The Spot Service-Insurance Center Bidg. 236 Ext. 3559 ~ & a p a t m l t u ~ ~ L BONDED I Puerta E - Tel. 32646. SEVILLA OFFICE: Edificio Elcano thereisr sny srgumentoversrtwd fare, ZARAGOZA: Saneu Agency - Coso, 15 - Tel. 27440 & 31161. direct the tsd driver to take mu ta ROTA AGENCY: (Villalaguns) Av. de la Estaci6n Tol: 185 ROTA. t b Haw ~ Bmas aad thpr mstter cen B%remm&#d Isg tbeAirmw%. - - - Insure with the best!!! AUTOMOBlLE & CASUALTY IlYSLIRANCE BONDED INSURANCE AGENCY AT TORREJON AIR BASE Service Club) 1300-1500 (Dec.) 1500-1700 (Jon. Ext. 3559 Payments in pesetas Policiss in English Buying or SeIIirig a NEFV or USED car??? Take advantage of our special package Deals!!! LOWEST FINANCING Carlos Mourrar, RATES 253 01 62 3 Tels' 2 54 56 56 M A D R I D (Generolislmo Ex-Outside) N O W OPERATING, from 1000 thru 1900 Qua1it.r. - Service ~ e ~ e nbility da PIX C - r l BULLFIGHTING. M u s e o Taurino. Plaza de Toros. Ventas. Memoralia of the bullfight. Portraits, awards, regalia, souvenirs of the great 'toreros' and 'toros'. Open daily from 10:30 a. m.tolp.m.and4p.m.to6p.m. Price: 5 pesetas. CERRALBO : Ventura Rodriguez, 17. Tel : 47 36 46. Collections and furniture of the Marques de Cerralbo housed in the palatial home donated by him to the State. Open Wednesday through Monday, 10:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Closed on Tuesday. Price: 5 pesetas. NATURAL SCIENCES. Ciencias Naturales. Castellana, 84. Tel : 26 09 00. Open daily from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Price: 5 pesetas. PRADO. P. del Prado. Tel : 39 80 23. Rated one of the three finest museums in the world. Exceptional collections of Spanish, Italian, Flemish and Dutch masters. Open Monday through Saturday, 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Price: 10 pesetas. ROMANTIC. Museo Romantico. San Mateo, 13. Tel: 23 09 07. Fine collection of furniture, paintings, objets d'art, from romantic period. Open 11 a.m. to 6 p. m. Monday through Saturday and 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Sundays and holiday. Price: 5 pesetas. Monday through Saturday and 1 peseta on Sundays. TRAVEL BUREAU OFFERS YOU: One Day Excursions + Sponsored Tours Regular Motor Coach Excursions: S p a i n , Portugal, E u r o p e Air, Steamship, Rail Tickets Hotel Reservations U-DRIVE CARS * And Other Personal Services Required FOR FURTHER INFO. PHONE 2 - 3 6 - 5 4 - 0 0 OR DROP IN ! W e remind the American colony in Madrid that Salorzes COLOR LABS Paseo dc la Habana, 46 Telephone 2 5 9 9 2 21 M A D R I D still offers ladies its services for EKTACHROME-ANSCOCHROME PRINTON - DUPES h a i r s t y l i n g and beauty treat- Alucochromc Film PIX (Prccusing Includd) aucptcd Lor lrrc proccuiag ments at Ave. Gcneralisirno, 76, 1 . O C-D Phone 2 34 00 56 Salones GUIDEPOST every \\leek! I I I I I I This publication is published by GUIDE. POST PUBLICATIONS, a private firm, Edificio Espaha, Madrid, Daniel H. Lowell, Charman. Information herein has been provided by this f i r m and is not to be considered an official expression of the Department of Defense. The appearance of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense of the products or services advertised. GRAFICAS BRASIL.-T. 2560439. M A D R I D . ALERT STRIP - VOL. V - N.' 12 MARA announces the coming opening of its I I I I I ( and SAUNA MASSAGE services 0 f; 2 CHEMA Carlos Maurras, 7 offers gentlemen its hairdressing services UNSURPASSED CLAIMS SERVICE with PLUS ULTRA AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PLUS ULTRA during 1960 paid 55,199 claims, covering a total of 191,369,199 pesetas. PLUS ULTRA throughout the year, processed an accident EVERY TEN MlNUTES DURING DAY AND NIGHT; meaning that PLUS ULTRA has paid 525,000 PESETAS indemnification per day, holidays included. Insure with t h e best! Insure with P L U S U L T R A - pay the same official National Insurance Syndicate rates. in Madrid: SOLA NO AGENCY (Borrded insrirance agent) N." 5 C a r l o s M a u r r a s , I l i g h t u p 2 53 29 56. Officially authorized agency on Torrejon Air Base: SOLANO AGENCY - operating Monday through Friday: 3 to 5 p. rn. on Service Club balcony in Seville: Santa Maria de Gracia, 7 , 9 & 11 - Phone: 25 0 74 THE PLUS ULTRA BUILDING in Cadiz: Calle San Jose, 6 - Phone: 11 4 85 in Zaragoza: Paseo de l a Independencia, 28 - Phone: 24 5 28 tn Palma de Mallorca: Calle Navarra, 18 - Phone: 16 4 46 COMPARIA ANONIMA~DESEGUROSGEWERALES AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE DEPT. Head Office; Plaza do las Cartes, 8 C TWASUPERJET S P E C I A L FOR U S MILITARY A N D A C C O M P A N Y I N G DEPENDENTS 45 DAYS EXCURSION FARE M ! / D-NEW YORK/ORaosro~ ROUND T R I P ALSO FOR DEPENDENTS ONLY S P E C I A L ONE WAY F A R E MADR/D -NEW YORK /o*aosrou / fl / - I-: MADRID POCO A POCO SE LLEGA LEIOS* - OLD SPANISH PROVERB