FAQ - North Carolina Seafood Festival


FAQ - North Carolina Seafood Festival
North Carolina Seafood Festival
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the Festival?
Where can I find more information?
Where can I park?
What type of seafood is offered at the
For more information on the NC Seafood Festival, visit
our website at www.ncseafoodfestival.org or find us on
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag
#NCSeafoodFestival. Download our Mobile App on
Iphone and Android devices for a complete list of festival
happenings and events.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Noon- 11:00 pm
Saturday, October 3, 2015
10:00 am- 11:00 pm
Sunday, October 4, 2015
11:00 am- 5:00 pm
FREE parking is offered at the State Port on Saturday and
Sunday with a shuttle to bring you to and from the festival.
The shuttle runs 9 am- 11:45 pm on Sunday and 11 am- 6
pm on Sunday. We urge you not to park in alleys, as cars are
towed at the owner’s expense. Handicap spaces are
available on the North side of Arendell St. between 7th and
8th street, and on the South side of Arendell St. between 8th
and 9th street. Handicap parking is also available at the
State Port with handicap shuttles running to and from the
What if I need extra cash?
There are two PNC provided ATM’s at the Products Tent on
Evans and 5th Street and 8th and Evans.
Are pets allowed at the Festival?
In order to ensure the safety of our pets and patrons, please
leave pets at home.
Where can I stay during Festival weekend?
Refer to our accommodations page on our website for
recommended properties for our guests.
Each of our food vendors offers different seafood options
to please each of our guests! We have made huge
efforts to provide the most fresh, locally caught seafood
to our guests, and have encouraged our vendors to do
the same. Dine on local seafood at each vendor that
displays a yellow NC Department of Agriculture flag
outside of their booth.
How much does it cost to attend the
Attending the Festival is completely FREE! We also have
three stages that have FREE entertainment, with the
exception of one ticketed concert that will be held
Saturday night. Each food and arts & crafts vendor will
have individually priced items.
What is there to do at the Festival?
We have something for everyone during Festival
weekend! Check out our events and entertainment
pages on our website for a complete list of everything
happening on the waterfront from October 2-4!
NC Seafood Festival
412-D Evans Street, Morehead City, NC 28557
Phone: (252) 726-6273 Fax: (252)726-0318
email: [email protected]