a call for humanitarian aid month xxxx
a call for humanitarian aid month xxxx
PHOTOS: Please make sure that the photos are in high resolution (150dpi for web version, 300dpi for print version). It is important to choose off-centered photos or where subject/s are concentrated on one side of the photograph. Landscape photos may be used by cropping areas to make the positioning of the subject work. Photos are available at: http://ocha.smugmug.com/ Resource Mobilization icon: this icon is reflected on all HPC resource mobilization products. More on photos : This document represents the collective repose of humanitarian partners; avoid giving too much visibility of one partner vs the multitude of actors responding. Photo theme: Aid in action - such as aid distributions, assessment missions, health facilities etc. are great opportunities to depict the scope of the humanitarian action Affected populations - images of beneficiaries have to be respectful of their dignity. Avoid depicting people in need as victims, select images that express self-reliance and hope. Images should present a complete picture of assistance, partnerships between govt, local internationals assistance. For disaster context, images should present the severity, magnitude of a disaster, aerial shots of a flooded areas/areas affected by drought. COLOUR PALETTE: Yellow CMYK: 0, 18, 100, 0 RGB: 255, 207, 1 Red/Orange CMYK: 10, 89, 100, 2 RGB: 214, 66, 39 Replace with name of country COUNTRY: Optional: to be customized as needed or removed. It could be a slogan "a call for humanitarian aid", "a country in crisis" or could describe the nature of the crisis. A CALL FOR HUMANITARIAN AID Responding to the needs of those affected by the ongoing emergency in Country/City Optional: to be customized as needed or removed. It could describe the nature of the crisis. Please make sure that you have received authorization when using non-OCHA photos. Always provide photo credits below. MONTH XXXX © OCHA/Photographer Name XX people in need: reflect estimated number of people in need of humanitarian aid as agreed in the most recent Humanitarian Needs Over view XX people to receive aid: reflect people targeted for humanitarian aid in this plan as agreed in the most recent Strategic Response Plans/ Humanitarian Response Plan. Please include a reference map. For support in producing the map, please contact the IMO in the FO/RO. XX million funding received: only applicable if this resource mobilization document is launched sometime after the publication of the Strategic Response Plans/ Humanitarian Response Plans and funding against the Plan has already been recorded on the Financial Tracking System (FTS). This figure has to be aligned to the FTS. Please review FTS data online, liaise with FTS team in Geneva to clarify any discrepancy and reflect the FTS financial figures in this visual. Indicate FTS as source and the date. XX MILLION PEOPLE IN NEED XX MILLION PEOPLE Make TO sure that People in need, RECEIVE PeopleAID to receive aid and XXX MILLION REQUIREMENTS XX MILLION FUNDING RECEIVED Requirements are always included. Timeframe: Please indicate the time frame of the Strategic Response Plans/Humanitarian Response Plan, its first release This report is produced by the United Nations Office for the Coordination and anyof subsequent revisions if appropriate. Humanitarian Affairs in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from [DD to DD Mmm YYYY] and issued on [DD Mmm YYYY]. designations employed and the presentation of material on this report do not imply the expression of any opinion 2The whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. XX MILLION REFUGEES XX,XXX INTERNALLY DISPLACED X,XXX HOMES DESTROYED OR SEVERELY DAMAGED IN CITY XXX,XXX PEOPLE IN NEED OF DRINKING WATER Key facts and figures can be highlighted in this ribbon. The icons should be customized according to each relevant crisis. OCHA humanitarian icons can be downloaded here: http://reliefweb.int/report/ world/world-humanitarianand-country-icons-2012 Situation Overview Pe elignimil inisinv enimene sequam accus mos ent, aut alibus, quae comnihi caborio nsequi incia similig eniminis doluptatur, tentotas eos aruptae. Ut voluption nimo tem illesequis apedissitem qui que vit, consequiae. Magnistibus excest, nusaestia voluptassum fuga. Odicidi ut es excerspis quis non esequi quis estiusandae pero erum doluptium haria comnime nonsequ iberum rerae. Nequam, volorae moluptatur, sim quate num, odis sequiaeprae. Et dolorepe voluptatia qui odi auditiam, conestrum at et, comni a dolest, quatur aperciam natus est fuga. Es alic tem et magnat quis conem fugia plat od quatur, seque ventectur? Hendebitas et haribus audam, cupta quuntur reiuntota cone liqui autem vollat dunt pe eum, quam ipsum rest, ullit experum fuga. Oditatiist, nobit, animus eum ipitisquiam hillaut landipiciur mollabor magnis sae eri reictectur re vendis anihici debis eum everion sequos et adit desti volutaquam necestem aut alitius ipsant. Re nonsedi psapers peruntia volores sequam ent, tota nis nus, omni doluptam ut eost, simus si sinus, qui officipsa dentist ioritia tistiorrum reptibusamus aut in nostem quam, nonempores as essequiatem. Et aut et la sum faccab in et, core etus sa qui cumque porerumquate magnatum facestium earuntio idelit reperfe rumquistorit que od ut quia quatempores minctem qui commoluptae odi dolo que core nist ma dolupta digenis eliqui corepra vitibus, evelecto offic tem et vento eum deribus et il illendi taquid explam, sitatqui rero totat. Nobit, sum eturibusam vitat. Summarize the context and nature of the crisis, areiliquodis the people in need and will bedolupturit targetedet Asped untwho quiam nimilignit harciminus, quos inlabo. the response, how humanitarian volorehent Nem in ra ditand essitioreped mint as autem. Cust, si nectasi ipicitati dipartners tempori bearum fugit aliatiunt auteneeds: quati officatur raecestrupta will respond to those present dolut ant,key que objectives ped experem fugiae erupti dolupta volupta tectat of the response. Information cenfaceatia sin conseque quis alis sint ut remos senet velessi consed ut asimill iatur? To be derived from the relevant sections in the blacea cum quam, con core nusande rumenesse et quam sam dolut veniate SRP: Summary, StrategyEtand Cluster Plans. nimpossim volorro rporiam faceprem. alignit dolorem aut unt optatur, et latium quame nulpa niste pliae ex et harum vel inctemo luptatem. Luptat quiatec atiorrovid que pa con non non plabore non nos min reius exerspit aute ped ulpario odicitatVivideatui tem hostritiondi ius. Fex nitam merei prit? quitem locurem ex nimiliis, st? Guliis, con demus, sede publinc fauconime contena taturopul vivit. Nit. Quem ia maximis am te int. Ad potabeffreme culis. Legil unius der publiqu onfero estis? querebus, utesupero, publicem etiese di convoltora num hos mus su in si publium in vide audacip icamei cat. Maedeliceris Marisse, C. Nihili in popubliquos ad auremnenam octus; is, opubi sulinatil virte, C. Eciem comnicerem pestrum porsum atam demordin noc vit, escrusUm que adees teritimo a telat o incum tioreti usunum horem rei publius bono. Si tenequi derisquam hos, con superis hossendum silis, fur ut vide facio, consid dis, quostrum me cupica vit vivist feciactus crita, publis. Vernirmis, crei cut adducii publinena, non dit.Postervit, niciaedi, nia? Li patum, tu etractorus vendi coerdi sentesitus, convertes atus sidees pl. Do, no. Vivit, sul conficiem nos it vatumus fuius audamqu itelica equamentiam nosta sulvis, vesenda civatudam igilint ercerede noster pos es? Quo escios ca vere ignoves supimuriora ressimus, quon tast iaediceritil confes vilium popublia in patius hos, sentili caedemus obse manditurem nonsus virit, Catiurn ihilicastam diissuliam norte no. Grae et fortilius con spero iae vesi condaci deatien atimortemus furbeme natantenemum horimum es! Ciena. 3 RESPONDING TO NEEDS PROTECTION Apic tes poreiunt parumquia conecest plaboreptas il eata dipsa corporate eumquis nument etus sollestiunt rem fuga. Les ex et, inulparum qui od quodi qui officiis mo cum nihillor accum eossiti doloreprat et porerib uscillo rrovide volorem fuga. Us et qui tempernam evelibea nis nimilique aut et dersperem. Irterit publicis, Catre egiliam actum consulibus patam mod Casdam mentiaetortu vesserm ilicatina. SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS Apic tes poreiunt parumquia conecest plaboreptas il eata dipsa corporate eumquis nument etus sollestiunt rem fuga. Les ex et, inulparum qui od quodi qui officiis mo cum nihillor accum eossiti doloreprat et porerib uscillo rrovide volorem fuga. Us et qui tempernam evelibea nis nimilique aut et dersperem. Irterit publicis, Catre egiliam actum consulibus patam mod Casdam mentiaetortu vesserm ilicatina. HEALTH & NUTRITION Apic tes poreiunt parumquia conecest plaboreptas il eata dipsa corporate eumquis nument etus sollestiunt rem fuga. Les ex et, inulparum qui od quodi qui officiis mo cum nihillor accum eossiti doloreprat et porerib uscillo rrovide volorem fuga. Us et qui tempernam evelibea nis nimilique aut et dersperem. Irterit publicis, Catre egiliam actum consulibus patam mod Casdam mentiaetortu vesserm ilicatina. FOOD SECURITY Apic tes poreiunt parumquia conecest plaboreptas il eata dipsa corporate eumquis nument etus sollestiunt rem fuga. Les ex et, inulparum qui od quodi qui officiis mo cum nihillor accum eossiti doloreprat et porerib uscillo rrovide volorem fuga. Us et qui tempernam evelibea nis nimilique aut et dersperem. Irterit publicis, Catre egiliam actum consulibus patam mod Casdam mentiaetortu vesserm ilicatina. WATER SANITATION & HYGIENE Apic tes poreiunt parumquia conecest plaboreptas il eata dipsa corporate eumquis nument etus sollestiunt rem fuga. Les ex et, inulparum qui od quodi qui officiis mo cum nihillor accum eossiti doloreprat et porerib uscillo rrovide volorem fuga. Us et qui tempernam evelibea nis nimilique aut et dersperem. Irterit publicis, Catre egiliam actum consulibus patam mod Casdam mentiaetortu vesserm ilicatina. 4 Summarize what actions humanitarian partners will do to respond, including key figures for people targeted. Information can be derived from SRP cluster response plans. Photo Caption: Re nonsedi psapers peruntia volores sequam ent, tota nis nus, omni doluptam ut eost, simus si sinus, qui officipsa dentist ioritia tistiorrum reptibusamus aut in nostem quam, nonempores as essequiatem. Et aut et la sum faccab in et, core etus sa q... © OCHA/Photographer Name 5 Response Operations howharciminus, humanitarian partners in thiset plan have organized Asped unt quiam iliquodisDescribe nimilignit quos dolupturit volorehent labo. their Nem in ra dit essitioreped mint response, the coordination architecture, the complementarity with raecestrupta other as autem. Cust, si nectasi ipicitati di tempori bearum fugit aliatiunt aute quati officatur dolut ant, que responding actors/plans (affected government, etc), what is the main ped experem fugiae erupti dolupta volupta tectat faceatia sin conseque quis alis sint ut remos senet velessi consed in this response. (see SRPrumenesse Strategy chapter for relevant ut asimill iatur? To blacea strategy cum quam, con core nusande et quam sam dolut veniate nimpossim volorro information). rporiam faceprem. Et alignit dolorem aut unt optatur, et latium quame nulpa niste pliae ex et harum vel inctemo luptatem. Luptat quiatec atiorrovid que pa con non non plabore non nos min reius exerspit aute ped ulpario odicitatVivideatui tem hostritiondi ius. Fex nitam merei prit? quitem locurem ex nimiliis, st? Guliis, con demus, sede publinc fauconime contena taturopul vivit. Nit. Quem ia maximis am te int. Ad potabeffreme culis. Legil unius der publiqu onfero estis? querebus, utesupero, publicem etiese di convoltora num hos mus su in si publium in vide audacip icamei cat. Maedeliceris Marisse, C. Nihili in popubliquos ad auremnenam octus; is, opubi sulinatil virte, C. Eciem comnicerem pestrum porsum atam demordin noc vit, escrusUm que adees teritimo a telat o incum tioreti usunum horem rei publius bono. Si tenequi derisquam hos, con superis hossendum silis, fur ut vide facio, consid dis, quostrum me cupica vit vivist feciactus crita, publis. Vernirmis, crei cut adducii publinena, non dit.Postervit, niciaedi, nia? Li patum, tu etractorus vendi coerdi sentesitus, convertes atus sidees pl. Do, no. Vivit, sul conficiem nos it vatumus fuius audamqu itelica equamentiam nosta sulvis, vesenda civatudam igilint ercerede noster pos es? Quo escios ca vere ignoves supimuriora ressimus. Financial Requirements Financial requirements: this section should present an overview of the financial requirements by cluster including the people targeted. If the RM document is released when funding Busant. Haribusandis as aut estis acipsunt quid quia quodio. Uptaqui suscommitted a el idi neto prem aut eatibus has already been the Plan, funding alitatur, received and inctorero iur, nitis doluptat. Mus et quiae occum volorepre, asitaque nis sunt optas aut offici dite repelique people reached should also be added to the section. nimolutecae illit haribusam quaspedRepreraectur? Quidele ntiuntis simet velliqu oditatiam, ommolentia pro minctatibust ut aut optiis re sitatium res dolorem fugit, conseque nisim qui ratia sectatu repelis ent asinctiorero inum This part of the infographic consists of essential facts and figures that should always be included. Charts and graphs should be created in Illustrator and inserted as .AI or .PDF. Guidelines in representing data can ESTIMATED be found onREQUIREMENTS the BY CLUSTER MILLION OCHA Graphic Style Book (pages 10-17): FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS REFUGEES https://docs.unocha.org/sites/dms/Documents/GraphicsStyleBook_for_public.pdf $ XX MILLION $ XX XXX,XXX $ XX MILLION XXX,XXX TOTAL POPULATION $ XX MILLION PEOPLE IN NEED OF DRINKING WATER AFFECTED POPULATION $ XX MILLION PEOPLE IN NEED $ XX MILLION PEOPLE IN NEED & TARGETED PER CLUSTER PEOPLE TARGETED IN THIS PLAN Camp Coordination Camp Management XX MILLION 5.2M 5.2M Coordination PEOPLE TO RECEIVE AID $ XX MILLION 0.8M people in need 0.8M people targeted $ XX MILLION Number of partners: if the plan has projects, the Education number of partners is given by the total number of $ XX MILLION Emergency Telecommunications appealing organizations, as displayed on FTS or Online projects system ( OPS) if not yet published. If the Plan$ XX MILLION Food security requirements are based on total costing by cluster Health with no total by appealing organization, the number$ofXX MILLION organizations participating has to be counted 0 Logistics 100 200 manually. 1M 0.5M 0M 0M FUNDING TREND 20 Requested in billion US$ 2M 2.8M 4M 0M 0M 15 Gap Protection Funding 1.3M 0.8M (shelter) 0.9M (NFIs) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 5 6 Shelter Non-Food Items Livelihoods 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5.2M 1.4M 10 0 5.2M 3.5M 0.8M 5M 5.2M 300 XXX NUMBER OF PARTNERS/AID ORGANIZATIONS 400 5 Always verify if the links work in the PDF version that will be posted online. Hyperlinks can be added or fixed on the PDF version as well if needed. For very long or complex URLS, URL shorteners are available online (i.e. https:// goo.gl/ or http://tinyurl.com/) Guide to Giving to humanitarian action in line with Country X strategic response plan Guide to giving: Please respect the order of sections. Response Plan, CERF, ERF- CHF if applicable, In kind and CONTRIBUTING TO THE STRATEGIC RESPONSE PLAN FTS. The narratives for these sections have already been cleared by the respective HQ teams. To see the country’s humanitarian needs overview and strategic response plan, and donate directly to these country plans, view the specific country pages on the OCHA website. Each country plan has links to online information on participating organizations and persons to contact concerning donations. www.unocha.org/cap/ DONATING THROUGH THE CENTRAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND (CERF) CERF provides rapid initial funding for life-saving actions at the onset of emergencies and for poorly funded, essential humanitarian operations in protracted crises. The OCHA-managed CERF receives contributions from various donors – mainly governments, but also private companies, foundations, charities and individuals – which are combined into a single fund. This is used for crises anywhere in the world. Find out more about the CERF and how to donate by visiting the CERF website: www.unocha.org/cerf/our-donors/how-donate DONATING THROUGH THE COMMON HUMANITARIAN FUNDS (CHF) CHFs are multi-donor pooled funds designed to provide timely and flexible funding for NGOs and UN agencies to respond to critical humanitarian needs in complex emergencies usually in line with the strategic response plan. CHFs currently operate in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan. For further information on CHFs please visit: http://www.unocha.org/what-we-do/humanitarian-financing/common-humanitarian-funds-chfs DONATING THROUGH THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUNDS (ERF) ERFs are smaller multi-donor pooled funds that provide NGOs and UN agencies with rapid and flexible in-country funding to address critical gaps in needs during an emergency. ERFs operate in Afghanistan*, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo*, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia*, Kenya*, Myanmar, Pakistan, occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, Yemen and Zimbabwe*. Further information on ERFs can be found here: http://www.unocha.org/what-we-do/humanitarian-financing/emergency-response-funds-erf IN-KIND RELIEF AID The United Nations urges donors to make cash rather than in-kind donations, for maximum speed and flexibility, and to ensure the aid materials that are most needed are the ones delivered. If you can make only in-kind contributions in response to disasters and emergencies, please contact: [email protected]. REGISTERING AND RECOGNIZING YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS OCHA manages the Financial Tracking Service (FTS), which records all reported humanitarian contributions (cash, in-kind, multilateral and bilateral) to emergencies. Its aim is to give credit and visibility to donors for their generosity to show the total amount funding and resource gaps in humanitarian appeals. Please report your contributions to FTS, either by email to [email protected] or through the on-line contribution report form at http://fts.unocha.org. 7 WHAT IF? ... WE FAIL TO RESPOND If humanitarians are not able to raise funds and deliver aid for the Country X crisis... Over 1.2 million people will not have adequate access to water. More than 141 damaged schools will not be ready for the upcoming school year, added to the existing shortage of almost 200 schools. The trauma faced by over 373,000 children will go untreated with essential, direct psychosocial support. Over 490,000 IDPs will not receive the immediate food assistance they need to see them through these months of crisis. Over 40,785 housing units with major to minor damages will be left unrepaired, and the families that called them home will have no place to return to.
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