Your Orthodontic Overview


Your Orthodontic Overview
3405 NE 78th St
Vancouver, WA 98665
Hawaiian for smile | 360-574-3061
August 2014
Your Orthodontic Overview
Inside this issue
Your Orthodontic Overview
Everybody wants straight, pearly white teeth. The
fact of the matter is, that while we may dream of that
perfect smile, few of us find that our adult teeth intend
to cooperate. Every day, I get to take care of the health
of your gums and teeth, but when it comes to changing
the orientation of your bite, there’s nothing like great
orthodontic care to make that critical difference. While
almost everyone is familiar with the idea of braces,
orthodontia can be a bit mysterious. This month, we’re
taking a crash course in orthodontics to get you on the
way to your perfect smile!
Blinded by the White
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Reese’s Corner
Bajio Chicken Salad
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Secrets to Success
The Lucky Cat Scan
The Lucky
The 13-pound, orange and white tabby cat, Noah, is an expert
at CAT scans. Literally. One day, Noah began to smell the
right side of his owner’s head, including her right eye and her
nose. Noah not only sniffed his owner constantly, but would
press his forehead against her head as if trying to get in there.
This feline’s owner thought that he might be trying to tell
her something when he sat back on his haunches and looked
at her with concern. Soon after Noah began his persistent
sniffing, his owner began having trouble with her eye, and
then suffered a ministroke and an irregular heartbeat. After
receiving a human administered CAT scan, Noah’s owner was
diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. If Noah hadn’t been so
persistent in alerting his owner to the complications in her
brain, she might not have sought treatment soon enough.
Noah received an Animal Hero Award and will forever be
revered for his advanced CAT scan skills.
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Published By The Newsletter Pro •
First up, what does orthodontics actually mean? Getting
down to the word itself, orthodontia comes from two
Greek roots “ortho,” meaning straight, and “odon,”
meaning tooth. The concept has its roots in the 18th
century, when one book, The Surgeon Dentist by Pierre
Fauchard, began the quest for the ideal smile. Fauchard
invented a space-creating brace worn on the inside of
the mouth and pioneered proper tooth alignment. Fast
forward a few hundred years, and we’ve come a long way!
Orthodontics is the prime case where slow and steady
wins the race. While our teeth are anchored in solid bone,
bone itself is living tissue. Like our skin and muscles, bone
is always changing, and new bone is added while old bone
is swept away on a regular basis. Everyday wear and tear
stimulates the process, and keeps our mouth operating
as best as it can. Orthodontia takes advantage of this
mechanism by guiding the building and deconstruction of
bone to accommodate a straight smile through braces that
apply constant low levels of pressure. When the braces
come off, you really do have a brand new grin.
Your ligaments, muscles, and jaw size all work together in
aligning or misaligning your teeth. When an orthodontist
evaluates your mouth, his plan incorporates all of these
factors. Age plays a big part in how your new smile comes
about as well. The ideal time for braces and realignment is
in childhood when the natural growth processes at work
Published By The Newsletter Pro •
are already rapidly changing the shape and orientation
of facial bone structures, but it really never is too late to
start! Because bone is always growing and the hammocklike periodontal ligament is very responsive to the force
exerted by braces or aligners.
Depending on your age and current oral state, different
orthodontic strategies will be better for you. Whether
it’s a course of traditional braces, ceramic braces, clear
aligners, or even lingual retainers, you may be months or
just a couple of years away from your dream. Once you’re
through, you’ll have the confidence and pride that comes
with a bright and beautiful grin, as well as a healthy bite
for the rest of your life. Don’t wait or convince yourself
that it’s just not for you. Consult with us, and we can help
you understand what options and treatments are available.
I work with some of the best orthodontists in the region
and know that you’ll be in good hands!
-Dr Futenma | 1
Aside from a clean and healthy smile, there’s one thing we all
want more than anything else: blindingly white teeth. Teeth
whitening is the number one most requested cosmetic dental
procedure in the US - and Americans spend over $1.4 billion
on over-the-counter whitening kits each year. But all that
bleaching can harm more than your checkbook - the harsh
bleaches found in white strips have been known to cause
tooth sensitivity and irritate your gums.
Here’s the deal, there are plenty of au naturale ways to whiten
your smile without pain or lasting discomfort. They’re not
quite as effective as applying bleach directly to your teeth, but
trust me, your enamel will thank you.
1. Embrace the Soda: We all know that dark colas and coffee
can stain your teeth, but another kind of
soda, baking soda, does just the opposite.
Mix a few spoonfuls of baking soda with
lemon juice until it forms a paste, brush
that paste onto your teeth and let it sit
for one minute. When the 60 seconds
are up, brush your teeth thoroughly
to remove the paste. The baking soda
removes surface stains while the lemon
juice acts as a bleaching agent. Just
remember to restrict this remedy to once
a week.
2. Brush with Berries: Specifically strawberries.
Strawberries are chock-full of vitamin C - which helps control
Reece’s Corner
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2 | 360-574-3061
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The Secret Formula
plaque. They also contain malic acid, a
natural astringent that helps remove
surface stains. You can crush the
berries into a paste and apply
them directly to your teeth for five
minutes or, you know, eat
more strawberries.
Of course, the only way to ensure
the pearliest of whites is to brush
and floss after every meal (or at least
twice a day) and visit your dentist on a
semiannual basis. You’ll be blinded by the
white in no time!
What You’ll Need:
• 5 chicken breasts
• 1/2 cup salsa
• 1 tbsp cumin
• 1/2 cup brown sugar (more to
Double the C, double the S, and you’ll always have
success! If only it were so easy. The truth is, success
tends to require more than decent spelling skills. And
while it seems to come easily to some people, others are
forced to cross their fingers, wish upon stars, and dream
of better days. However, what they should be doing is
following in a successor’s footsteps…because successful
people have a secret formula, and now you can have
it too!
1 PART COMMUNICATION: Successful people possess
the ability to communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly
and effectively - whether they’re talking to friends, family
members, co-workers, or potential clients.
1 PART PROBLEM SOLVING: Successful people are
notorious for thinking outside the box and coming up with
creative solutions. They don’t have “problems,” they
have “opportunities.”
1 PART RISK TAKING: Successful people understand that
failure is simply part of the process and that sometimes,
failure is the only way to learn and grow toward success.
They’re not afraid to step outside their comfort zone
and take risks.
• 1 4 oz. can diced green chilies
• 6 oz. Sprite
How to Make It:
1. Put chicken breasts in the crock pot.
2. In a large bowl combine salsa, cumin, brown sugar, diced
1 PART PROACTIVITY: Successful people are willing to act,
and they’re willing to act fast. They’re the first to take initiative
and crave the chance to put an idea into motion.
1 PART CURIOSITY: Successful people dare to ask
dangerous questions. Their eagerness to learn results
in resourcefulness, fearlessness, and their ability to take
initiative. Their creative minds are always moving and they
rarely succumb to boredom.
green chilies and Sprite.
3. Dump over chicken and cook on low for 5-6 hours.
4. Remove chicken and shred.
5. Return to crock pot for 1 more hour.
6. Thicken the juices with a little cornstarch mixed in water.
7. Serve with tortillas, black beans, Romaine lettuce,
cheese, and anything you feel like topping it with! | 3