View - Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
View - Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte KENHTEKE KANYEN’KEHÀ:KA ISSUE 4/16 ONERAHTOKHA (April) http:// We are on the web TYENDINAGA MOHAWK COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 29, 2016 A meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Friday, January 29, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Chief R. Donald Maracle Councillors: Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, Douglas E. Maracle, Stacia L. Loft and Debra A. Vincent Staff: Dan Brant, CAO and Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations Chief Maracle opened the meeting with a Prayer. MOTION #1: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes of January 15, 2015 be accepted as corrected. Carried. Council confirmed the following scheduled meetings: January 31, 2:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Swearing In Ceremony February 3 & 4, 2016 – AIAI Education Meeting in Tyendinaga February 5, 9:00 a.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council February 8, 9:00 a.m. – Aboriginal Education Circle February 8, 7:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business February 9 & 10, 2016 - H/SAB meeting in Hiawatha February 15, 9:00 a.m. – Program Review February 19, 9:00 a.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council February 22, 7:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business MOTION #2: Moved by Douglas E. Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft that the following meetings occur outside of the Territory Chief: attending a meeting with Minister Goodal; attending a meeting with Chiefs of Ontario on Ontario First Nations Policing Agreement dates to be determined. Carried. MOTION #3: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle appoint Stacia L. Loft as the MBQ Representative on the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians Health and Social Advisory Board. Chief R. Donald Maracle is the Alternate Rep. Carried. The scheduled meeting with the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board on February 8, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. is cancelled. MOTION #4: Moved by Douglas E. Maracle, seconded by Debra A. Vincent to re-schedule the meeting with Hastings Prince Edward District School Board on March 7, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Administration Office. Carried. Concerns from Community Members regarding the Membership Card Renewal was discussed. Council acknowledged the letter that was forwarded to the Iroquois Caucus and signed by the Chiefs. CAO to request that INAC send representatives to TMT to issue SCIS Cards. Council discussed the TMC complement and terms. MOTION #5: Moved by Douglas E. Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to table the discussion of TMC complement and terms until after the 2016/17 Budget Meeting. Carried. MOTION #6: Moved by Douglas E. Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to acknowledge the Media Release regarding the Ontario Creating New Enforcement Team to Combat Contraband Tobacco. Carried. MOTION #7: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Debra Vincent acknowledge the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Notice of Budget Adjustment #4 for a decrease in the amount of $26,700.00 for Instructional Services; an increase in the amount of $13,008.00 for Student Transportation; a decrease in the amount of $1,200.00 for Enhanced Teachers Salary and a decrease in the amount of $1,300.00 for Low Cost Special Education. And Acknowledge the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Notice of Budget Adjustment #5 for an increase in the amount of $60,000.00 for Instructional Services; an increase in the amount of $5,000.00 for Student Transportation and an increase in the amount of $2,500,000.00 for the Water Treatment Plant. Carried. Council discussed the increase for Student Transportation and request that Chief Maracle and Councillor Douglas E. Maracle follow up next week with Peter Jones, INAC Director, Education and Social Programs. Councillor Douglas E. Maracle left for an appointment at 4:35 p.m. The rental of the Christ Church was discussed. Direction was given to the Christ Church Royal Chapel Stewardship Committee to review/amend the budget page of the MOU and bring back to TMC for approval. MOTION #8: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Debra A. Vincent to approve the payment of the invoice #571766 from Blaney McMurtry in the amount of $6,347.10 regarding Collection of Maracle (Miracle) Judgement. Carried. MOTION #9: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Debra A. Vincent the increase to the Budget for the Elder’s Lodge Sidewalk Improvements from $108,600.00 to $117,400.00 as per change order #1 and #2. Carried. MOTION #10: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Debra A. Vincent to defer the MicroFIT Applications for the Community Wellbeing Centre and the Elder’s Lodge for further review by Council. Carried. MOTION #11: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to partner with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to conduct research for Sea Lamprey program in the Salmon River at the Shannonville Location. Carried. MOTION #12: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft defer the Tobacco Quota Issue until February 5, 2016 for clarity and request Renee Brant attend to provide further information. Carried. CAO to provide a compilation of legal fees to date in regards to the Turton Penn, and present to TMC February 5, 2016. MOTION #13: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle acknowledge the progress report on the Turton Penn Loss of Use Claim. Carried. MOTION #14: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Debra A. Vincent that the land hereunder described and situated on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory be allotted to: AREIN JOHN FERRILL NO. 164-06375-01 In accordance with section 20, subsection 1 of the Indian Act R.S.C. 1952.C.149 LAND DESCRIPTION: The whole of Lot 33P-6, Concession A as shown on CLSR 10474. M.C.R. #2015/16-103. Carried. MOTION #15: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Debra A. Vincent the Land Transfer from James Robert Gordon McMurter and Kelly Ann McMurter to Kelly Ann McMurter, the whole of Lot 33H-8, Concession A, as shown on Plan No. 5158R RSO. Carried. MOTION #16: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Debra A. Vincent the Land Transfer from Glenn William Maracle to Troy William Maracle and Trent Glenn Maracle, the whole of Lot 2-3 in Part of Lot 34, Concession A, as shown on Plan No. CLSR 62997 Carried. Stacia L. Loft – Declared Conflict of Interest. MOTION #17: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft the Land Transfer from Danny Alan Brant to William Perry Brant, Lorrie Jean Brant and Jessica Zoe Jamie Brant-McCalder, the whole of Lot 6B-4-1 and Lot 6B-1-1, concession 1, as shown on Plan No. CLSR 86591. Carried. MOTION #18: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft accept the update from Thomas Krasnuik, Director of Community Wellbeing on the AIAI H/SAB restructuring Meeting. Carried. MOTION #19: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to schedule a meeting with Cherie Brant, Dickenson Wright, on February 2, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. regarding Ernestown Wind Power Project. Carried. TMC request Jamie Hall, Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario attend the meeting on February 5, 2016. TMC would like to discuss the Woodland Cultural Centre Board Rep at the next meeting. Chief Maracle will follow up regarding a meeting with Joe Wild on the Culbertson Tract Land Claim. TMC would like a spread sheet on the overall operating cost for MBQ. TMC would like to have a strategic Planning meeting. MOTION #20: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Debra A. Vincent to go in private. (5:35 p.m.) Recorded by: Shelley Bowden Dan Brant Chief Administrative Officer ______________________________ Chief R. Donald Maracle Carried. TYENDINAGA MOHAWK COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 2016 A meeting of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council was held on Friday, February 5, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Chief R. Donald Maracle Councillors: Stacia L. Loft, Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, Douglas E. Maracle and Debra A. Vincent Staff: Dan Brant, CAO and Angela Maracle, Senior Director of Operations Jamie Hall, Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario (IAPO) attended the TMC meeting to provide a presentation of the services of the IAPO. MOTION #1: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft that the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Minutes of January 29, 2015 be accepted as corrected. Carried. MOTION #2: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to hold a TMC Priority Session on February 26, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Kanhiote Tyendinaga Territory Public Library. Carried. MOTION #3: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to schedule the continuance of the Program Review if needed on February 22, 2016. Carried. CAO to send a letter outlining a cost estimate to Mark Pritchard requesting funding to convert the police building from propane to natural gas. TMC requested copies of all the MBQ Housing Policies and Agreements. MOTION #4: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Douglas E. Maracle to accept the CAO’s report dated, February 5, 2016, the following was presented and discussed: Strategic Plan; Ernestown Project; Personnel Stats; Housing. Carried. TMC called Sheila Silva, Peter Jones and Marco Giancarlo from INAC regarding the budget for Quinte Mohawk School. Susan Maracle, Finance Officer, attended during the INAC telephone call. Council confirmed the following scheduled meetings: February 8, 9:00 a.m. – Aboriginal Education Circle February 8, 7:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business February 9 & 10, 2016 - H/SAB meeting in Hiawatha February 15, 9:00 a.m. – Program and Budget Reviews February 19, 9:00 a.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Regular Business February 22, 7:00 p.m. – Tyendinaga Mohawk Council Local Business March 7, 10:00 a.m. – Hastings Prince Edward District School Board MOTION #5: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Douglas E. Maracle that TMC not agree to section 7.3 of the Partnership Agreement regarding Collective Use Monies the Ontario First Nations Limited Partnership. Carried. MOTION #6: Moved by Douglas E. Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft the TMC appoints Debra A. Vincent to the Woodland Cultural Centre Board of Directors as the MBQ political representative for 2016/2017. Carried. MOTION #7: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Debra A. Vincent to forward the letter of explanation in regard to the tobacco quota issue. Carried. MOTION #8: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to defer the MicroFIT agreement to the February 19, 2016 TMC agenda for further information. Carried. MOTION #9: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to defer the membership transfer of Melvin Thomas from the Upper Mohawk Six Nations to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, additional information required. Carried. MOTION #10: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to give notice to the Registrar of the acceptance of: Name: Date of Birth: Registry No.: Band: Glen William Schwager June 1, 1955 1591280201 Mohawks of Akwesasne into the membership of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band and to request that department records be amended to reflect her/his addition to our Registry group. M.C.R. #2015/16-114 Carried. MOTION #11: Moved by Debra A. Vincent, seconded by Douglas E. Maracle to defer the membership transfer of Mary Trudeau from the Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, additional information required. Carried. MOTION #12: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Stacia L. Loft to accept the bid for the sale of the house located at 1019 Ridge Road. Carried. MOTION #13: Moved by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle, seconded by Douglas E. Maracle to sign the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Section 95 Phase IV Loan Renewal in the amount of $256,192.99. Carried. MOTION #14: Moved by Stacia L. Loft, seconded by Carl E. (Ted) Maracle to go in private. (4:05 p.m.) Recorded by: Shelley Bowden Dan Brant Chief Administrative Officer ______________________________ Chief R. Donald Maracle Carried. Home Support Calendar April at Kanhiote Library A Traditional Talk Beading Group Kaienere’kowa Thursday Nights April 20th 7 to 9 p.m. Beginners welcome Wednesdays Kanhiote Library 6:30—8:30 p.m. TWo shoWing TiMes! 613-967-6264 Movie TiMe 1:00 p.M. & 6:00 p.M. BOOK CLUB LUNCH AT THE LIBRARY! Anyone interested in starting a book club please call us! 613-967-6264. We can meet at the library or move from house to house! We can read the same book or each read something different. April 27th 11:30 am—2 pm Soup and bun or Treat $5.00 Happy Birthday Pops Love Angela, Norman, and Ashley April 7th Happy Birthday Poppa Love Jordan, Dakota, Owen, Hannah, Austin, Blake, Alyssa, James & Makayla April 7th Happy Birthday Beansy!! Love Auntie Boo, Jeffy and Ledgie Happy Birthday to all my family & friends who had Birthdays in March. Happy 4th Birthday to our beautiful granddaughter Layla – March 23rd Lots of Love, Grandma & Papa Happy 4th Birthday to an awesome niece & cousin Layla – March 23rd Love Auntie Sam, Emmett, Phill & Hayden Happy Birthday Linda – April 5th Love Marilyn & Rick Happy Birthday Mary – April 6th Love Marilyn & Rick Happy 11th Birthday to our awesome grandson Wyatt – April 16th Lots of Love Grandma & Papa Happy 11th Birthday to a wonderful nephew & cousin Wyatt – April 16th Love Auntie Sam, Emmett, Phill & Hayden Happy Birthday Kassy – April 14th Love Aunt Marilyn & Uncle Rick Happy Birthday Bill – April 20th Love Rick & Marilyn Happy Anniversary Tracey & John April 29th Love Marilyn & Rick In memory of a loving mother (in-law), nanny, great nan, Jean (Winnie) Carr-Braint, September 17, 1925 – March 11, 2004 Your tenderness and loving ways Still get us through the lonely days The picture carries in our mind With love that stands the test of time You helped us find our walking shoes And taught us lessons we still use Each time we think of you we smile We know we’ll see you after a while. Love and miss you!! Carol, Harry, Betty, Billy, MJ, Marilyn, Mike, Tracey & families. Mom (Iva Brant), Three years have come and gone And this day still comes with great sadness. It feels like yesterday that we were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee. There isn't a day that goes by without us thinking about you or talking to you. We don't need to look at your picture to remember you, All we have to do is close our eyes and there you are. Mom, there are so many things that have happened in our lives That we would have loved to share with you. When we talk about you, we laugh, we cry and we share with our kids and our kid's kids the things you taught us. Our family is very grateful to the Creator for allowing us to have you as long as we did. We all miss you very much each and every day and we love you more than you will ever know. Love and miss you, forever in our hearts. In Memoriam Lauren Gray Dec. 2, 1955– Mar. 18, 2014 No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain. We have suffered since we lost you, Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear Sister, That we do not think of you. Love, Todd and Janet, Kelsey and Derek Youth/Teen Classes for Mohawk Fair Entries (see Mohawk.fair @Mohawkfair Mohawkfair WE ARE TOPS, ON#5258 T.M.T. Losers Unite, Join Us! *NEW* HOURS Thursday Evenings 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Weigh in 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. - Meeting Elders Lodge (Bayshore Road) TOPS is a weight loss meeting and support group established in 1948 as a non-profit organization. Our goal is to help each other lose weight for better health and appearance. If you are struggling with a weight issue join us and together we can achieve our goals. You may be the one person I need to help me lose these pounds. The first meeting is FREE. It’s about time to be a loser, come see for yourself. Contact: Joy Brant, 613-967-0411 Tree Good, [email protected] “AA OPEN MEETINGS” 8:00 p.m. every Monday Queen Anne Parish Centre For more information call: Dale & Lorna Vos 613-968-8586 or 613-921-8015 Multi-family Yard sale to be held in basement at 222 Bells Road, Tyendinaga (between Lower Slash & Hwy #2) APRIL 30TH & MAY 1ST, 9 am - 3 pm Something for everyone!! CLASSIFIED HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 770 York Road located at 1946 York rd. approx 3/4 of an acre. - older farm house 3 bedroom - 2 car garage - furnace 2yrs - holding tank 2 yrs - new septic system - newer roof - updated inground pool all new pump and filter system - paved driveway 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, two storey home Located on a 1 acre lot 2 car garage Propane and pellet stove heated Needs paint For sale by owner, serious inquiries only, contact Darlene 613-771-0869 HOUSE FOR SALE WATERFRONT PROPERTY 3 Bedroom House Water & Sewer, Natural gas Paved driveway, 1 car garage 3 sheds, Back deck RV hook up approx. 2 acres $125,000.00 negotiable 16 Ferry Lane Serious Inquiries Only Please contact: 613-396-9934 or 613-234-2040 HOUSE FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME - with large bachelor apartment on lower level (can be converted back to 4 bedroom home). - located on Old Hwy #2, approx. 1 acre, serviced by municipal water - New roof 2008, natural gas heat, central air - Large yard, deck has been re-painted w/patio furniture, canopy included. - 12 x 12 fenced in garden. - Large heated attached garage. - House includes, s.s. fridge, stove, stackable washer/dryer & new lighting Serious inquiries only please. Contact number: 613-813-9005 HOUSE FOR SALE - certified pellet stove -1 bdrm apt. Located separately in front of home for extra income Call to set up viewing - serious inquiries only 613-848-6777 FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE Food Truck—Roadside MUST SELL for health reasons. TMT house, 16 Church Lane South, Deseronto. Three bedrooms, one bath, public water. Good investment or starter home. Sold as is. $48,500 cash or best offer. Contact: Turn key business at location in Shannonvill, corner of hwy#2 & York Rd. Build 2 years ago, all new appliances. 2016 season lease arranged. TSSA approved, ESA approved [email protected] $40,000, interested parties call Dale at 613.920.3288 or leave a msg at 613.967.0035 HOUSE FOR SALE 294 Upper Slash Road 1700sq ft Ranch with two garages Finished Basement apartment with tenants 4 1/2 acres fully landscaped Asking $275,000.00 Call Larry Norman 647-466-5898 FOR RENT ROOM IN MY HOUSE - Looking for a clean, neat border to share my house - complete access to the house - located at 458 York Rd. - handicap accessible For more information call: 613-967-2345 FOR SALE—2 Water view Lots Water view—Bay of Quinte 2 Lots—both approx. 7500 sq. ft. ea Water, Sewer, Natural Gas on road Near 162 Bayshore Road $49,900.00 FOR SALE—2 Water view Lots Waterfront—Bay of Quinte Corner of Snookies & Tom’s Roads 3 parcels of Lots, 1 lot with waterfront, 7.23 Acres $150,000.00 KELLY MCMURTER 613-929-7355 Sales Representative [email protected] Website: kellymcmurter RE/MAX FINEST REALTY INC. BROKERAGE— K178 613-354-5435 Independently Owned and Operated KELLY MCMURTER 613-929-7355 Sales Representative [email protected] Website: kellymcmurter RE/MAX FINEST REALTY INC. BROKERAGE— K178 613-354-5435 Independently Owned and Operated Mike Bossio, MP Hastings – Lennox & Addington [email protected] 1-866-471-3800 20B Richmond Boulevard Napanee, ON K7R 4A4